Aarij Anwer – The sky did not weep for them – A miraculous verse of the Qur’an

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the history and significance of the Quran, including its precision and its use in the context of the current age. It also mentions the use of the word culture in the title of culture, which is a term used in English to describe cultural
the use of culture in English is used to describe cultural practices.
AI: Transcript ©
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The information the Quran provides was inaccessible to a person living in seventh century Arabia in Makkah. And then the Mirage has reached its pinnacle, the point reaches from improbable to impossible. What is that? I'll give you a couple of examples one historic and one linguistic.

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And literally there are dozens, if not hundreds of examples like this. This is just scratching the surface.

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The example of the precision of the Quran, historically how precise the Quran describes the testis the stories of the prophets of the past. Look at the story of a frown. Musa alayhis salam and around the Pharaoh. There is so much amazing detail here. Pharaoh, as you know, lived in Egypt and Egypt was a at that time a state where they would write whatever they were communicating using the language of hieroglyphics. Him not Arabic today it is Arabic back in the time was hieroglyphics. You will if you google this, you will see how it's a language composed of figures and letters. It's a very interesting, very unique language. It's an ancient language that died out came. It was only

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rediscovered in the 18th century when they found an artifact known as the Rosetta Stone. And that's when they really learned what hieroglyphics was. And were able to then understand what did the for the pharaohs What did they write? What was what was their communications that they left behind? This is the 18th century, about 1000 plus years after the Prophet slum has passed away after the Quran is revelation was done. Okay, now here is the most amazing thing. There are dozens of examples of things that the Quran says that are not in the Bible, but are now found in the Egyptian hieroglyphics.

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See the point here.

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The Quran says things for example, the Quran would say about for our own family bacchetta Allah hemos sama are well Arab. America, no monster in the sky, and the earth did not weep for them, and they were not given any respite. This is the only time in the Quran where this expression comes by the way for my bucket Allahu Musa or bucket a sama. This is not anywhere in the Quran. It's not like a recurring expression. There are recurring expressions like Tilikum in amber in the rain, this is the stories of the past comes all the time in the Quran, okay, but this expression does not come anywhere in the Quran except in this part of Surah Doohan about frown. Okay, now, unknown to the

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people of the time, and for 1000s of years. This was something that the ancient Egyptians would say about the pharaoh in the hieroglyphics in the in the, in the in the tombstones that were discovered from the mummies, right the from the pyramids, well, that was never recovered. And once the hieroglyphics were able to be decoded, it says in the higher hieroglyphics about a pharaoh who dies, the sky weeps for you, the earth weeps for you, when you ascend to the heavens as a star.

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This passage written on the tombstone of a dead pharaoh describing what the ancient Egyptians thought, their Pharaohs what would happen to them was only discovered after the 18th century in the 19th century. Until that time, this was completely unknown, and SubhanAllah. You notice the expression in the tombstone is exactly the expression that the IR uses from Abba, Catalina Muslimah Well, when I first memorize this surah, and I first learned it, I was very, like, I was very taken aback by this idea, because I never saw this in other parts of the Sunnah. Or in Quran, like the Prophet some saying this, you know, full and died. Bucket is somehow Alayhi it's not like a common

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thing to be said. It's not like a door that's made. It's not in the Quran in anywhere else. Only in this ayah only about Pharaoh own it says that. And subhanAllah I love him. Glory be to Allah subhanaw taala this particular aspect was unknown for 1000s of years, until later on, when it was discovered. It matches exactly how the Quran describes it. This level of precision

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is impossible, not improbable. It's impossible for someone who lived in seventh century Arabia, and then you acted that the prophets of some did not have the ability to read and write and then you add to that, that this

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is not what's in the Bible so you can't say he copied it from the Bible all of this when you put it together gives you evidence it should give you certainty that this precision is not the speech of a human being it is the speech of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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