Aarij Anwer – Progress in Race Relations – Examples from the Sunnah

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding diversity in one's behavior affects their chances of winning in race, and one should watch and be aware of one's behavior, especially when dealing with racist behavior. The Prophet is recommended to marry people who are black, as it is a way of protecting people from judge and judge views. The importance of race relations is discussed, including the use of racist language and the protection of people from judge and judge views.
AI: Transcript ©
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aloha in Colorado so long already you already made

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a few 100 Allah.

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Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah.

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Allah Allah Allah left. for liberty machine Illinois, the IRS that I recited at the very end of my introduction, is an ayah from Surah number 49. Pile number 13, in which a last part Allah says to addresses people, and says that people we have created you from the very bones or from a man and a woman, and have made you into tribes and nations without our food, so that if you can get to know each other, the implication here, the implied understanding of the eye is the differences of our races, the differences of brightness, ethnicities, of our families, isn't something that makes us better than the other person. It just makes us different. And these differences are a sign of a loss

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busted out for synergy como el monte COVID, on the part of the Quran, Allah says the one of the signs of a lost Papa is the differences in the colors of your skin. And in the way you speak in your languages. These are all this diversity is a sign of a lost part of them is not a means for a person to think they're better than somebody else. What makes a person better than somebody else is in a promo code, no money at the most normal person in the sight of Allah subhanaw. taala is the person who has the most control. That is a person who climbs the ladder and reaches the top, not the person who, because of the race, because of their ethnicity, because of the color of their skin because of

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where they're born. None of that matters in the sight of a lot. What matters in the sight of a loss popular is the tough ones that a person has in their heart, and the actions that come as a result of that. In the Mojave Mojave the most popular knows very well, what people do, he knows it extremely well, fully well. This ayah is a foundational idea in our Akiba in our belief system, in what we believe as Muslims. And that belief how that should translate into Actually, this is a foundational hire. That tells us that in the sight of the last part, global all the same, we're all created from we're all we all get the same start, okay. In the world, it'll things are different. Okay, if you're

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born in Canada, you live in Canada, you live in a primitive society, you have more opportunities than maybe other parts of the world. Okay, if you're born in the privileged race, you have privileges that others don't enjoy. These are things that are there that are worldly. And frankly, that's something that's very difficult to change. But what the Sheree art teaches us is irrespective of how people view things, in the Sharia, in the eyes of the was marvelous, none of that matters. That does not matter what matters. What matters is the tug of war that's in your heart, and the actions that come as a result of that war by the reversion sisters, the translation of it is often

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given as piety and God consciousness, these are good translations. It is to it's to be careful of what we do is to be careful what we say, knowing that Allah is watching us, knowing that our last half of life recording every single thing that it's that we're doing, and we're saying, that is the defining characteristic of tableau, being careful. For example, when we fast What do we do, we don't eat, we don't drink very careful about what we put in our rocks. They're very painful, even of like brushing our teeth. If you guard them too much, you might feel that something has gone wrong, because so we're very carefully watching

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What's going into our mouths? Okay? That is what Allah says La La Quinta food in the eye of fasting. Allah says fasting is made mandatory so that you can develop the quality of taqwa being careful and being watchful, not just what goes into our mouths, but also what comes out of our mouths, what we do what we say, that's the essential quality. So part of that how much that person a person has that quality, how much does it espouses, that's what makes them noble, and honorable, and high ranking in the sight of alone, not the race, not the ethnicity. This is something that it's always a good time to discuss this. There is no we don't need like a month of racism or end of like, combating racism

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to talk about these things. Because these things are tied to have unfortunately been, they become part and parcel of our communities. The way we speak about the reasons in our families, reflects that many times. But what I want to describe or what I want to share with you today, and tomorrow, very briefly is if you look at the life of the prophet SAW them, we look at how the Prophet alayhi salatu salam lived in a society that was extremely racist, and also classist, right? If you are from a particular, if you are a free person, you are way more permanent than somebody who just leave, even if that slave has gained their freedom, okay, if you are from a particular family, you are way

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more privileged than from other families, even if you see race, this is the kind of society we live in. And what I want to highlight today is how the poor and the sooner change that society, and how also the prophets, or some dealt with people who are racist, how have you dealt with that, right, there's a way to deal with people, right? If you do succeed, someone is doing something wrong, you can insult them, you can slap them in the face, metaphorically, of course, or you can,

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you know, reason with them, and be gentle with them, while also be firm in pointing out their error. And you see the offices are doing the latter. He was gentle, and kind of very firm. When people will do to do something that was racist, he will just like, you know, sweep it under the carpet and let it go, he will address the matter. But he will do a lot of wisdom in a way that inspired people to change. And that's for us the lesson. That's what is the lesson? How can we to our own goodness, first be good enough to inspire change in others. And then when we are talking to people, the way we see things should inspire goodness in people, not the opposite. It shouldn't be the opposite. So I

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wanted to share a few incidents in light of this idea that I recited, in which the prophets have encountered people who are racist. And he added circles around address that corrected that and change the society that he was born in, change the transformer completely. And I'll give you examples of how those attitudes changed. And how dramatically changed. Still today, we have a race relation problems. Still today. We are however, grappling with this. But this is no exaggeration, the purposes of this in a few short years that other civilizations have failed to do in centuries. I'll give you examples back this up. This there is a person that also hobby by the name of hint, who

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was an ex slave, he was an underprivileged person. So the profits was alone. This is in particular,

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he mentioned this rewire that

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I knew about him in Morocco. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam told this noble family that they were called, by the way Allah to marry one of their daughters to abort him, I will end this completely underprivileged. Nothing, no one really considers it something important. But the prophet considers it important because he's a man of taqwa. So, the prophet is recommended that he gets married to this into this family. So they said the following elements of Salah these people look at the other audacity, they say to the Messenger of Allah. So Santa Rosa Buju by Latina Malina, should we marry our daughters to our free slaves?

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This is the kind of mindset these people have given Subhan Allah so Allah Allahu Allah had enough

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data. So he points out that the word leader so he can get to know each other is actually referring to the idea of interracial marriages.

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It's not just I am your neighbor, you're from a different race. Hey, what's up here So Moses, you give me some pasta? No, no Vitara who is actually so you get to know each other will be integrated

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Irrespective of the race, because the I was reading about somebody who was trying to marry into a different race.

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So here is a very beautiful example of how the Quran

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and the prophets some sooner encourage people to read that mindset to make real progress in race relations. And these people were suffering. They weren't like, you know, gladly doing this. They said to the office, from this statement, should we marry this person who was our freed slave to our daughters? This is a very, you know, it's a very strong statement. It's a very inappropriate statement. In fact, the process, I'm still insistent upon that, and the IR was revealed, and then they acted on the item, they acted upon the idea that attitudes were corrupted. Another example of this is a person by the name of Savage, who was a, who was a leader of his tribe, a very proud

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person always has enjoyed the upper hand always is seen as somebody that people look up to, he used a racial slur, he accepted Islam. And then the baggage that he brought into Islam was his racism. His attitude is ego. So you used a racial slur against a hobby, who was who was of African descent, or who also had a lower class. So he said to him, You have not flatter him. That's a racial slur today, he would say this is like the equivalent of saying, Edward, okay, so the prophets has only heard this, and he said, money banking, who is the one who sent this? So that was an analysis, it was made, or messenger of Allah, the prophet, some said, only Goofy, would you look at the faces of

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the people for another? So he looked, the prophet Aston Martin's polish, what did you see? Whether it be Allah Azza wa, Iman, he said, I see. white, and black, and red, meaning people of all races, all skin colors are present here in your congregation, the prophet said for a lot of poo,

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that you want to be better than any of your family, your race, your color of the skin does not make you better than any of them. In other words, the only thing that will make you better and honorable is the topology, the piety, the consciousness, the good actions, that is what makes you better, not anything else.

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So panorama. And then the last part, revealed the eye of the public side of the eye. The one that I started the full public.

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Notice notices is two things. One is the people, the professor was living around the Sahaba, not all of them. But a number of them came with baggage. That's what happens when people accept Islam, they come with their baggage. That's what happens when people re enter Islam hadn't practiced Islam for many years, maybe even for a generation, and then we start practicing Islam, they will come with baggage. This is how people are. This is how the Sahaba were, most definitely everybody else is the same way as well. But the job of people who understand the religion is to bring the correct understanding of the religion closer to the hearts and the minds. You see, the promises were made

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using both. First he says look at the people is asking him to engage his his brain here, okay. And then he engages his heart. It says these people that you see, you know, better than you might think so but you're not. What makes you better is your doctor. Well, this is, you know, he didn't insult this man. He didn't yell at this man. Even though the professor could have could have done so. And this is brand probably deserved it because he used a racial slur. But the way to go about inspiring good behavior and change is with gentleness, but firmness. First, he didn't let him go.

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Alone, he made sure he pointed out his mistake, but it was done in a good way. and inspire change. This for us is the example. This is the example of officer This is the son of the Prophet says that we should inspire change through our good actions, and through a kind but firm words. And the other thing to notice brothers and sisters here is the promise of again, pointing out it is the tough one, it makes the person better. That's what makes it important. That's what makes the person superior. And the beautiful thing is, nobody is a judge of that. Nobody's agenda. You don't know how much stuff what I have. I have no idea how much the four you have. Because the Prophet said, A Taekwondo

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California to the heart. It's in the heart among those. So as we're living our lives, nobody has a reason to say you know what, I am better than you because I have voted for you can see that.

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A lot Papa knows. And the only thing that matters is the actions that a person does the good deeds.

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The person does, and that will be found on the Day of Judgment. So it is only a very just way of judging. Not only just me because I control this, it's in my heart, it's in my control. But also it's a very, it's something that protects people from the anxiety of being judged by others. When understood and implemented correctly, this beautiful, another incident from the CEO of the profit center, where as the conquest of markets a third example I'll give you

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the Prophet alayhi salatu, Salam with the Congress or mantra is complete. The Prophet has battled with these people for 20 years. And now finally, in the city of Makkah, has accepted Islam, the prophet alayhi salatu salam Amara never use also never been hotter and

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hotter Allah Allah in Canada than the Prophet tools below to give me a

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give me an image. So we learn about the Lamont who climbs the top of the cabin to give the alarm. This is something not obviously not a disrespect to the camera, but because you need to get a higher elevation to be able to project your voice. So we learned early on the so he climbs the top of the garba. And he gives

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for all our

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sakes, in Nebula ice Alhamdulillah Allah the Kabbalah we had

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a person by the name of new Muslim,

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his father battled the profits on them. He himself participated in battles against the promises of him. But now he's a Muslim, comes with baggage, comes with baggage he says Alhamdulillah all praises for a love that my father died before he could see this day.

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That's a preposterous statement. It's a blast to misstatement because he is saying this person is not fitting the law nor the other one who is not fitting together. This is what this man is claiming. Greg Miller was the one who by the way was called Omar would say that you do not say either, he would say that our leader has freed our leader, referring to a worker so deep as the one in the first leader and the second leader being below our leader, a worker is the is the one who freed our leader, beloved, this is what promoter used to say about the nine of the 11. That's how highly the Sahaba thought of Dylan was the one who, that's how they viewed him. Okay. And when

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without, after the prophet SAW passed away, they said, I'm not gonna give them any more, I'm leaving Medina, a worker begged him to stay

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there or if you want me to stay for you, I'll stay. But if you want me to stay for giving a man a master, let me go and do a last word. So

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the point being, they held him in the highest regard. And here is this new man who fought the Prophet did all these things, criticizing below the unacceptable, another set by a

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robber as well as been extremely racist, that didn't, didn't Mohammed find anybody besides this black crow to give a

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completely last service. The Prophet was told by gibreel salam, that these people are saying this, because they're saying this by their own they're by themselves. The Prophet submitted and asked him Did you see this? They said, Yes, we said that. Then the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, this ayah we recite it to them in

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pajama boo been wakaba

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this I was decided to pocket recite design, and I'll go to recess for a while.

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But the castle even when no one was there before Cora Ferdinand Madonna, and in the province Sonam chastise them for seeing these words and for thinking they're better because they have more money or they belong to a certain family. Okay, let me explain to them that what matters is the top one is in the heart. That's what matters. Again, we notice references for the purposes of the non medical, he stopped these people corrected them and change attitudes.

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Remember, from this, what I was saying these few minutes, we've been talking about this, we see that the Quran changed people

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brought true progress in race relations, the Prophet and his uncle sam from his Summa Bronk true progress to race religions, they didn't let people go get away with slurs, they're ready to go go away. Again, we will insulting people because of their race, because of the families the process of not allowed, but he will do so in a very beautiful manner. He will do so in a manner that inspire change.

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He himself inspired change his actions more than anything else spoke louder than any words that he said. And then the way he would speak and the way he would correct, inspire people to change, and that brought true progress. You see below the other one, I already told you about how the Sahaba viewed him without God alone. African descent, an ex slave, tortured and considered to be useless by the chiefs of Makkah. Married had a bit of Halloween Thrones is the sister of the man renowned for

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the one of the top tenants hospital University in Abuja, where the nobles families will flourish, one of the richest people in Makkah, this is how quickly the attitude of the Sahaba changed when they understood this now that the buried somebody who was considered to be completely worthless to one of the most noble families had the sister of operationality house, when the owner of the salon who was the healers, it he met his his, his going remote guy outside of Morocco, and he asked him, his name was never he asked nothing, nothing. Who did you leave behind as the governor of Morocco in your absence, nephew said this that love to

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observe Mona Linda, I have left behind him and observed who was an excellent, he is the governor of Makkah in my absence, they're even upset by the way he was from modern day Somalia. He was a he was African, and he was a slave. And then he earned his freedom, and because of his goodness, and marriage rose all the way to the top to become the governor, in the absence of nothing. So Armand asks, Are you sure you left behind someone like this? He said, Yes. The reason I did so because in the mukarram, Nikita, he

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arrived, this is a man who knows the book of Allah, he can recite it, and he understands it. He can apply it. The rulings he can extrapolate the rule is applied. Then the woman said, Yes, Amma in Namibia come but Allah in the law, we had an Italian woman. Why are we hear that? Yes, your messenger had second thoughts on that a mother raise people through this book and debase others with this book, showing that how quickly within a few years attitudes change. When a person who was African who used to be a slave became the governor of Makkah, became the governor of Makkah, people will come and ask him permission to do things in the holy city of

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this how rapidly progress was brought when Islam was understood when Islam was practice? To my question two brothers and sisters here today it is how much do we understand Islam? And how much of these practices of the prophets and the Sahaba do we have in our families in our communities? And how can we use this food for thought for you? How can we then inspire ourselves and others to bring real progress in these matters in race relations, I suppose on this topic, to understand the personality and to implement it in our lives in all ways.

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I think

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most powerful people that send your prayers your blessings will accomplish and allow us to live or die like him and resurrect us in his company in the do gentlemen, give us thankfulness on on the on the Day of Judgment along mountain Macedonia has been filled with the highest honor, walk in our love and our mastery with the best of the best in the next stage.

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The early Muslims made unprecedented progress in race relations inspired by the Qur’an and the actions of the Prophet (S). In this khutbah, 3 examples of how the Prophet corrected racial discourse are presented, along with 2 examples from after the time of the Prophet (S).

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