Zakir Naik – Is Wearing Trousers Above the Ankles Fard or Sunnah?
![Zakir Naik](
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The speakers discuss the use of clothing on people's bodies, including the belief that only the person who keeps their clothing below the ankle is considered a woman, the belief that only certain people are considered men, and the use of the ankle as a means of pride. They also mention common mistakes made by people who do not wear clothing or tie, including the belief that wearing trousers above the ankle is a fallacy, and the use of the body as a dressing item.
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The first question that we have that come on the WhatsApp message
is by Abdul Malik from Nigeria
is wearing trouser above the ankle compulsary or Asana
a similar question asked by Abdul Rahman, Kabul Afghanistan, is it allowed to wear clothes lower than one sanctum as far as the question is concerned that is wearing your trouser above the ankle? Is it a Suna or is it complicity or is wearing the trousers below the ankle? Is it haram or is it mcrel
as far as whether wearing the trouser below the ankle is haram
or whether it is mcru. The scholars are divided.
There are some scholars who say that wearing the trousers below the ankle is makrooh
that may vary in the trousers above the ankles. So now, while the other scholars say that wearing the trousers below the ankle, it is haram and wearing above the ankle is a fourth
in all the schools of thought
in the Hanafi school of thought in the Maliki school of thought in the Shafi school of thought in the Humphrey School of thought, there are scholars many of them who have said that wearing trousers below the ankles macro or wearing above the ankle Asana as well as there are scholars who say that wearing below the angle is haram and wearing above the ankle,
the various Hadid we speak about the subject of the either or the trousers or the lower garment below the ankle. The deep inside Buhari one number seven, habit number 5787. Where Abu huraira May Allah be pleased with him says that the Prophet peace be upon him said that. That is our the law of government that hangs below the ankle is in the fire of *.
It's a no hurry. And there are various say Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim and other books of Hadith
that the further mentioned
in say al Bukhari one number 700, number 5790, the Abdullah Omar mela up with him. He says that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that once a man was walking with his are trailing on the ground, and Allah subhanaw taala made him go beneath in the earth, and he kept on going beneath is the day of research that he can say Buhari was number seven, Hadith number 5791 of the abdomen in my lobby prism says that the Prophet peace be upon him said that anyone who's a czar
trades around on the ground with pride
and arrogance. Allah will not look at him on the day of judgment
that had even in a Muslim. It mentioned a Muslim boy number one
number 293. Where Abu Dhabi malapropism says, that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that there are three categories of people who Allah will not speak to, who will not look at and will not sanctify
Saba us who are these people, the prophet said, the person who hangs his his are below the ankle. The person who reminds of the gifts he has given, and the person who sells his products with false oath. A similar Hadith is mentioned in say Muslim point number one. Number 294. We are with our men live in peace says that the Prophet peace be upon him said that Allah will not look at three types of people.
The person who doesn't give gifts and reminds people of a generosity. A person who sells his products by falls short and a person whose desire hangs below the ankle. Now there are various Hadith, the Hadith in tirmidhi in a
very sad, why are the scholars divided whether it is haram over there?
Because those scholars that say it is mcru they say that only keeping the trousers below the ankle, per se is not Haram. If you do it with pride, and arrogance, then it is haram. So if you only keep your trousers below the ankle without pride and without arrogance, it is not haram
It is Mako and they say that if there is a general Hadith and a specific Hadith, the specific audit takes prevalence should be followed rather than, so specific as the faith that trousers below the ankle with pride and arrogance. Then further they give the example of the date in which has over common library visit him, his trousers sits down
and it has to the Prophet that one part of HR keeps on going down. So my trousers were below the ankle. So the Prophet replies, we know that there is no pride in you. So based on this, those scholars who say that it is mcru they say that only for HR is below the ankle. with pride and arrogance, it is haram otherwise it's not Haram.
And they also give the example of employee Masood the dishes, that debris Massoud, his desire was low, and he said that I am thin.
That's the reason I have worn the vandal. So based on this, they say that how come the sabas that were Carmela pizza, Tim, the prophet allowed him and told him that you don't have pride and every Massoud they said that now, this group of scholars they argument is refuted by the other group of scholars who say that below the ankle is haram and they give the argument by saying that yes, the specific ad, if you see there are various ad D there are several ad which say only is are below the ankle, the trousers below the ankle will be in Hellfire and the Prophet clearly mentioned whether it be a trouser whether it be or shirt, amines, whether it be a top whether it be a turban, if it's
below the ankle, then it is haram very sadly. So what they say that this ruling here of specific engender does not apply. Because pride by itself is haram. So pride by itself is haram. So whether you wear the trousers below the ankle with pair of without pair doesn't make a difference. So wearing 1000 below the ankle itself is haram because that is a sign of being proud.
And when our beloved prophet masala Salaam told our Carmela reprises him that we know that you are not proud, here we fail to realize that our Bukhara de la and he tied his trousers on the waist, but because he had a punch, it kept on slipping. And he kept on again tying it on top. So you're the main Nia of aboubaker. May Allah be pleased with him was to wear the trousers above the ankle. It slipped down there again you put it on top, it slipped out again you put on top, then the Prophet says there is no sin on you. We know that we are not proud. In case of the other hadith of ebru Masood bellabeat. Within there are several 100
we know the hadith of Abdullah Abdullah mela be president that one of the Prophet tells him that when his toddler slips down below the ankle, the Prophet says put it on top. So of the revenue model, he ties this trousers above the ankle. The profit is more on top. It is more more on top again on top. And then of the lab number my lab will be the same goal and never let my trousers below this point. People asked him what was the point in which the Prophet told you to keep the trouser so he said it was midway between Mecca from the knee to the ankle, mid calf. So this is Muslim to wear the trousers on the mid calf is mazahub then another the
other family up the team we face that the Prophet caught his calf
and said this is the position we have this should be anything below that is permissible as long as it is above the ankle. Below the ankle is haram. So here we come to know that the most top level the best level of wearing the trouser is on the mid calf, below the mid calf and above the ankle, it is permissible. It is Booba and below the ankle, it is haram. So when the hadith of ebony Massoud may Allah be pleased with him. It was lower. It doesn't say lower the ankle. It doesn't say that his trousers Is he there was below the ankle. It says it was low. So what do we understand from this hadith? It was lower than the mid calf. And it may Masood melebihi themselves that because he's
thin. He preferred wearing it lower than the mid calf, but not lower than the ankle. Lower that has the FE that Masood Mal, I believe
With Tim Ward that Willow dangle, it only says it was low. So what we have to understand it was lower than the level of mid calf. And imagine Do you mean to say, when the Prophet told a worker, may Allah be pleased with him, that we know that you're not proud, at the same time tells to Abu Omar that you keep the towels on top, put the towels on top? Does it mean to say that the Prophet is trying to say that I have no more he was proud when I beat with him and the answer is no. That means that normally you have to keep the trousers above the ankle. If it slips down, because of certain level like because your tummy is big.
Then Allah will forgive you. From this we come to know. So those scholars who say it is haram, they say that if your intention is to wear the trousers above the ankle, and if it slips down, because of the structure that you have, because of the punches that you have, and then you put it on top again, if it slips down, then Allah will forgive you because the intention is to wear the top of the ankle. And
there are several scholars, as I said, the scholar the divided, some say it is makrooh. But all agree it is minimum for now.
If not haram those scholars who say it's not haram to be below the angle, they agree it is most up and a very high level Musab
that to wear the trousers above the ankle is a tsunami. If not a fun and they say it's a very high level of fun.
And the way that all those below the angle if they say it's not Haram, they say it is macro and a very high level of macro. And as I mentioned, in all the four schools of thought, there are scholars who say wearing above the ankle Sona, below the ankle is macro, yet there are scholars who say it is further to a above the ankle and haram to way below the ankle.
In the Hanafi school of thought, we have moron Asha full autonomy.
Who says that all those who say that I can wear the trousers below the ankle without pride. They are wrong that itself is pride. So he says that to wear it below the ankle with pride is a major sin and to wear it below the ankle. Without pride is also a major sin. But the wearing it with pride is a grave a major sin than wearing it without pride. But even wearing it without pride Not only is it a sin, it is a major sin
in the Maliki school of thought. You have the scholar Adobe
who said the same thing that wearing it below the ankle wearing trousers below the ankle is haram. Anyone who says it is macro hasn't understood that the use of the Prophet muscles Allah. If you read the fatawa of the Shafi, for example obligers obligers Kalani, he says that wearing below the ankle is haram and wearing above the ankle is a fourth. Even if you read the fatwa of Imam Abu Dhabi. Imam Abu Dhabi says that wearing below the ankle is not only Haram, it is a major sin and wearing above the ankle is a fourth. And in his book The Cabal that did the major sins, He lifts his Bell, wearing the trousers above the ankle of the fun wearing it below the ankle, he says is the 55th major sin
and some people who say that no wearing below the ankle with pride is a major sin. In the same book. He lifts pride and arrogance as the 17th major sin.
So if only pride and arrogance is 17 major sin and pride arrogance with 1000s bureaus and guilt How can that be number 55
it has to be higher. So this proves that the number 55 in ima Darby is only talking about wearing trousers below the ankle. And major sin number 17 is only talking about pride and arrogance. If you have pride, even an atom's weight of pride, then I'll put you in Hellfire under a very sad so pride and arrogance is major sin number 17 account remember them and his book cover and wearing trousers below the ankle is major sin number 55.
I personally agree with those group of scholars who say that wearing the trousers above the ankle and wearing a trousers below the ankle is not only Haram, it is a major sin. I agree with Mr. Madhavi.
And his argument. I agree with
Move that group of scholars, even if you read dumbly scholars, many of them say it is not haram but you have various other scholars who say it is haram. And if you go to the scholars of the recent times, or the recent past
there are many scholars who sits around for example shake buzz, then shake mama Sally or Jamie
check up the refugee Breen all these calls upon them wearing trousers below the ankle is haram and wearing trousers above the ankle is a fourth. So a fair question is concerned it is a sooner or is it compulsory to weigh above the ankle. According to me. I agree with those group of scholars and I believe their decision. Their fatwa that wearing above the ankle is a fun I agree with that. Wearing below the ankle. It is haram. And I also agree with Mr. metabo, including a shefali tanvi, maulana shavathon v. Muslim. I believe that it is a major sin. that the reason that all this stuff in Bombay that we had all the stuff we had 500 stuff out of which more than 400 were males, that it was
compulsory as the dress code in our office that all the staff had to wear the trousers above the ankle. It was compensated. I know that it may look like a joker, especially for wearing a suit and wearing a tie. You know, if you were a poor wife, you were either It may not look that bad, but if you're wearing a suit, it may look like a joke, no problem. So when people want to follow as a fashion in India in the Bollywood, we had an actor by the name of Raj Kapoor. He was above the ankle. So we find many of the Indians started wearing above the ankle
and who was asked to follow the best example of the Prophet muscle Salah, the way he dressed. If we have to imitate anyone, the best person is a prophet. So I agree with those group of scholars who say that wearing trousers above the ankle is a fallacy. And very trousers below the ankle is not only a sin, it is a major problem. That's the question