Zakir Naik – Is it Permissible to Migrate to a Non Muslim Country for a Better Life

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the pros and cons of different Muslims living in non-immigrant countries, including the importance of living in a non-immigrant country for education purposes and the pros and cons of different Muslims living in different countries. They also touch on the benefits and negative consequences of not following Sharia laws in Pakistan and Bangladesh, as well as the success of Islam in other countries. The speakers suggest that it is difficult to promote someone who is not a Muslim or non-immigrant.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question from Novi Hamad, an Afghan immigrant living in Canada. I have a question about living in a non Muslim country. I live in Brampton, Canada, where I can practice Islam in the best way. We have mosque nearby. And I have all the freedom in terms of learning and practicing Islam. Do I still have to make his route to Muslim country? My father, being a good follower of Islam recommends me to take a decision to make his route to a Muslim country.

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I would appreciate to get a reply from you.

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A similar question is posed by sad con Mississauga, Canada. In your talks you have emphasized not to migrate to non Muslim countries like North America. As I was residing in the Middle East, I couldn't continue because no one is allowed to stay there because of citizenship.

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In Pakistan, there is no Sharia law. So is it permissible for us to migrate in such a situation to a non Muslim country where our life is safe and we can practice our religion? a similar question is posed by Muhammad Sharif al Islam from Bangladesh. Is it permissible to move from one Muslim country to another non Muslim country for a better life? One more similar question by Abdul Rahman Nan residing in Ireland. It's come on the Facebook just now. Dr. Zakir Naik, we love you for the sake of Allah. My question is what is the legal point of view of Muslims staying in non Muslim country? question asked by the four brothers. And many similar question have come regarding Muslims staying

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in a non Muslim country. This can be divided into two types.

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A Muslim which is born in a non Muslim country, what he has to do

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and a Muslim who migrates from Muslim country to non Muslim country. a last minute Allah clearly mentioned that and gives us guidance regarding this topic. Allah says in Surah chapter number four was the Manage seven, when the angels of death come to take the soul of the person who has died in sin against the soul

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and asks him, What is your state

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and he replies that we have lived

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in oppression

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on this earth,

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our state was very bad oppressed.

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Then the angel replies that the earth of Allah subhanho wa Taala was gracious enough for you to migrate from the evil.

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And for such prebuild Allah continues, the Abode is held a refuge

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of evil and this was was revealed in context in Muslims living in non Muslim countries. This was if you read the Newsela Quran

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and people write in Duckett mentioning for the Muslim living in non Muslim country.

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It says that when the Angel of Death comes to take the soul of the person who has died in sin

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against the soul, and ask them, What is your state, the reply, we lived in

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on this earth,

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and the replies that the earth of Allah subhanaw taala was gracious for you to move away from me well, that means the world of alas mother so big, that if you're living in a space where there is oppression where there is sherek, where there is

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activity which are Islamic, you have to migrate.

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And if you do not, Allah says your abode is Hellfire

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refuge, which is even.

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The next verse is

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inserted inside chapter four verse number 19. As to those who are in operation,

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and men and women and children, who don't have the power, or do not have the facility to migrate, was number 19 says Allah will forgive them

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was the 100 faith that asked to those

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who sacrifice the home

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and leave the land.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gives them many refuge in the world.

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And if the person died as a refugee away from his home, Allah subhanaw taala will reward him.

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You are less talking about those who do hegira for the sake of Allah and console with those who leave their home for the sake of Allah and his or her soul.

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And take refuge. The land is very big. He'll find many refuge

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If he died away from his home as a refugee, for the sake of Allah and His Rasool Allah was fully warning for from this verse

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all the scholars,

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they agree that if a person is living in a non Muslim land, they can be three options. Number One option is that he cannot practice his deal freely practicing in Headingley not accepted, if you cannot practice your deen freely and you cannot call yourself freely Muslims, then it becomes compulsory

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for you to migrate compulsory for

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if you are living in a country where you cannot practice or the in freely cannot call yourself Muslims cannot do your fries cannot take from the Haram in a non Muslim country it becomes difficult for you to migrate. Number two, if you can practice your deen very freely and there is no compulsion on you. You can do all the fries, you can stay away from all the harm

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then migrating become must have been not a fun

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but they will they will stop based on the walls of the forum. So the scholars say if you are living in a non Muslim land, where you can call yourself Muslim freely practice your deen there is no harassment at all.

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Then migration becomes Muslim but not a foreigner.

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And for those people who are weak and do not have the means to migrate, or oppressed, women, children don't have the power don't have the means for them, if they continue to stay, Allah will forgive them it is permissible. So, these are the three things. Now, coming to the question of can a Muslim migrate from a Muslim country to non Muslim? That is another question. All the scholars fully agree those who are in the Quran and Sunnah and are some scholars say aloud, especially if you go to Western scholars, they say no problem

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to migrate from Muslim country to a non Muslim country, it is haram unless it be for education or for the purpose of education purpose you go to acquire education come back No problem. Or if you go there and not as a part time they as a full time day to deliver the message then the scholarships permission, but if we just shift from Muslim or non Muslim land for a better living as the question opposed, it is not permitted at all.

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And I know there are millions of Muslims who are migrated from Muslim countries from Pakistan, from Bangladesh to Western countries, USA, Canada, European country only basically for a better living. They talk about education, they educate us to come back. Their main purpose is for a better living because they can earn more money. This is totally prohibited migrating from a Muslim country to a non Muslim country for a better living is prohibited.

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If you are born in a non Muslim country, then the options are three. If you can not practice your deen freely it becomes compulsory to migrate. If you can practice the deen freely, it is most up to migrate not a fourth. I know there are many Muslims born in non Muslim countries, a large percentage of the Muslim Ummah are living in non Muslim countries, if they are born there, and if they can practice their Deen freely. According to me, nowadays, there are very few countries in the world,

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non Muslim countries in the world where you can actually practice very freely.

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And that also in those countries that will not be totally freely but to a great extent. And I would agree that amongst the Western countries that are available, Canada would be better than the other Western countries Canada is much better than USA is much better than other Western countries in terms for a Muslim to live because at present, you have a prime minister that is Trudeau who has more care for humanity. And we really care for giving equal right to human beings, unlike the other Prime Minister of other Western countries like France for us, etc. So amongst the Western countries, the best of the worst countries would be Canada. But coming to the question, what is the reason that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has requested you to migrate? What is the reason and a beloved Prophet said it's mentioned in the say, hadith of Abu Dhabi world number three, number 2645. And this hadith is mentioned cyber money. The Prophet said, I default those Muslims who live amongst the machete and disowned those Muslims who lived amongst the idolaters it's

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the Prophet is disowning all the Muslims who live among the machine. The reason is true number one

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is a Muslim may not be able to practice Islam in totality.

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They may be he can follow some aspects of them.

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He cannot freely say the Muslim you cannot feel you have a Salah etc and the second is

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The Associated factors of the environment is such that it prevents you from doing the Sunnah and the fries and takes you closer to the Haram activities. Let me give a better explanation.

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There are very few non Muslim countries that do you can be proud to be Muslims and in those countries also certain areas not throughout the country. Secondly, one thing you have to understand that almost all the Western countries that most fear is not very convenient for the Islamic lifestyle. Number one, in almost all the Western countries, there is obscenity.

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obscenity is coming on your face.

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There is alcoholism, that is drug addiction. There is prostitution.

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And the big associated factor is rebar.

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Most of the country's most of the places you get involved in Japan, it's difficult for you to stay away from

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what after you realize some people may argue that okay, this alternative in Muslim countries, I agree with you there are but the levels differ.

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You go to a Muslim country, I don't know of any Muslim country in the world, which is as close as American obscenity as close as standardized option is not at all Yes, there may be it may be Haram, but the level is less and in certain non Muslim country which are not the Western countries, the facility is less depending upon the culture, what you have to realize that in the western country, it is coming at your face clearly. The moment you walk out you see billboards of ladies, which

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scantily dressed which are dressed with obscene clothes difficult in a Muslim country you may find but not as much as what you find in the Western countries. So there is no comparison at all. So imagine when you walk up to low yoga, how can you live?

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I know there are many Muslim living in western countries and I've been to Western countries a lot. I've traveled a lot to America. I've traveled a lot to USA to Canada to Western countries like with my talk. And there are situations where some of the Muslims come and tell me Okay, when I came to the Western country Abuja mo Islamic possible. That is yes, I agree with possible but that small possibility, the chances of a person a Muslim, going away from his Deen is more in the Western countries than in the other parts of the world, more in a western country than a Muslim country.

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What they have to understand that there are possibilities that a person would go from Pakistan to America and become more practicing may start reading. Quran may start offering Salah, but the percentage is very small. For example, because Salman Rushdie wrote the book, The Satanic Verses, there are 1000s of non Muslims accepted Islam. That does not mean what salamander did is right. Or Saul Mandela did it is to be condemned. That's a different question that even though it is wrong in that wrong thing, it has its own benefits. The majority people that go to the Western countries, they go away from the DEA. According to the P w report, and the pw report, the Pew report is

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supposed to be authentic, done by non Muslims. It says that in USA, in USA 25% of the Muslims born in Muslim family, they leave the religion every year.

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Imagine 25% of the Muslims born in a Muslim family every year,

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leave the team. But the good part of it is equal number of people even come close, even accept Islam. So the number of Muslims in USA remains approximately same. The number leaving and number coming is same, that there isn't the number of Muslims approximately different types, let's say in a population of about 350 million people in USA, the Muslim Some say 4 million Some say 5 million. Some say 3 million Some say it is approximately 1%. But surely not more than 2%.

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It is close to 1% 3 million.

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Imagine 25%. Every year leave.

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That was a play with fire.

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I know so many of the dorks who lived in USA, got their citizenship, got the green card, but they came back because they couldn't is the family.

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I know many people don't know because when we go to USA when we go to Canada, you know that is the Muslim community center. The moment a person goes away from his country or goes away from the people of like minded and he stays in a minority. There are possibility that you make your own community. But that's a very small possibility. After I will do so many times. I have gone to many conferences. What you have to realize that what you see is just the outside world.

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I know many of the good dive whose children have got into drug addiction, whose children have got it

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To adultery and to alcoholism, you can't stop it. It is coming on you. Yes, I know even in Muslim countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, people are involved in all these evils. But the percentage is less for the questioner to say that there's no Sharia followed in Pakistan. So Sharia fall in Canada, totally wrong. Between Ghana and buggy, sir Bhagavan will be 1000 times better than Canada. I know there are evil practices in Pakistan, in Bangladesh, but yet it is 1000 times better than a non Muslim country.

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With all the problem, yes, only way the non Muslim country can be better is you may get more money, you may get more luxury, you may be able to drive a Mercedes car. But you're a very bad businessman. This is only for few years, they live in this world For how long? On average for about 7075 years, you made at the age of 1020 as usual, 90, average 70 years. But what will happen in that era, in that era, you're sacrificing your luxury. If you take pain here and sacrifice a luxury year in Acura. We'll go in Jenna.

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So, I have an hamdulillah prevented 1000s of Muslims from Pakistan, from Bangladesh to migrate to America

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and to Canada and USA

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1000s of them. So migrating is out of the question. If you are born,

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then is a question migrating if others are not, but you migrating from a Muslim country to a non Muslim country, for a better living is totally prohibited.

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Even though it may be a country like Canada, it may be better than the other countries. I know there are many refugees going there. But yet what you have to understand that Allah has made it very clear that if you are born

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in that country, then you have option migrate or not. migration is the best number one, if you cannot follow then it becomes the fun. If you can follow then it becomes the hub unless you're oppressed or weak or have no means that it's permitted.

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I know many guys today from USA who want to come to Malaysia, I don't take the name because they may not have told to others. They spoke to me on one to one level and they want to migrate to Muslim country. And as I said in my earlier answer one of the best Muslim countries to live today, amongst all the Muslim countries, Malaysia, there are negative points, but Alhamdulillah as a whole, it is the best available.

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Most of the guys that I know of they know when I also go to give lectures. The person may be President of economic organization, but we know that his parents come and tell us Oh the person is involved in the wrong activities. These are my activities. There are so many girlfriends he doesn't. That's not known to the world, seen as very common. So the percentage of Muslims living in western country doing Zina is multiple time more than living in a Muslim country. You cannot compare there are sin within the Muslim countries, but the level in the non Muslim country is much higher. I know many days want to leave. There are few days who promote and zero I'm very happy and because of

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America I become a good Muslim. All this is nonsense. They don't know the Quran. Well, they talk about the Quran, but according to me to know the most of this Quran and the context was Muslims living in non Muslim land of students Nyssa chapter four verse number seven well law says if you live among the mushrikeen you will go to *. It is very clear cut. How can they say? How can they misguide the people by saying or America is very good. It has changed my life what it should do. I'm thankful to Allah subhanaw taala even staying in America, Alaska with this should be a die not promoting America for what? The person which is against the Muslim the country, which is I mean to

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the Muslim as a whole. How can you promote such a country? So these days have actually I don't agree with them at all, but they're very few in percentage wise, a very small number, but the majority of the dies even today. I mean, I meet them on a personal level, they would love to migrate, and some of them are staying because Okay, they want to convey the message, no problem that's accepted in Islam, but for a Muslim to migrate from a Muslim country to non Muslim country. This, according to the scholars is not permanent except for education for the particular time or for being a full time. I

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hope that answers the question.

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