Zakir Naik – Deuteronomy 18-18 refers to Muhammad (p). If Prophet Lies he shall Die. Prophet Muhammad (p) is Dead
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The speaker discusses the prophecy of Jesus Christ being raised by the gods and the importance of the prophecy in acceptance of the Bible and Jesus Christ's peace-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-
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Okay, Deuteronomy 1818 refers to Prophet Mohamed Salah, Salah name sister. This is for non Muslim sister is a Christian No, no, I don't have the name okay? But if the prophets lie, he shall die.
Jesus and Enoch were raised by Almighty, but Prophet Moses, Elijah is not alive, throw some light on this sister has quoted Deuteronomy 1818 and said that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has died, but Jesus Christ is alive, throw some light to Deuteronomy 1818. There's no link with the question. I'll go got, yes, I can quote that, but it has no link with your question. I can answer Deuteronomy 1818 as well as the question
or request the brother among the stage or give the Quran can the brother come on the stage?
The other brother
as far as Deuteronomy 1818 is concerned and 18. And in this concern, it says that Almighty God says in the Old Testament in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter number 18, was the mating I shall raise them for profit from among their brethren like unto thee, and I shall put my words into his mouth, and he shall say all that I commanded him. This is the prophecy that is given to Moses, peace be upon him, I shall raise them for profit from among their brethren like unto thee, and I shall put my words into his mouth so that he says, follow me. Now this prophecy, Christian Fay, refers to Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, we say, Why, no, because the prophecy says, I shall raise them for profit
from among their brethren, like unto the Jesus guys peace be upon him was like Moses, peace be upon him, we see how see Jesus was a Prophet, peace be upon him. Moses was a Prophet, peace be upon him, Jesus was a Jew, peace be upon him, Moses was a Jew, peace be upon him. That's why he's like Moses. Therefore the prophecy refers to Jesus case peace be upon him. If these two are the only criteria for the acceptance of this prophecy, then all the prophets mentioned in the Bible, in the Old Testament, after Moses, peace be upon him, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Joel, john the baptist, all of them would use and all of them are prophets of God, all fulfills the prophecy. If you analyze, this
prophecy refers to no one, but the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, because it says, I shall raise them for profit from among their brethren. And we know that the Arabs are the cousins of Jews. The great great grandfather Abraham peace be upon him had two sons a smile, and a sharp from his smile there the Arab Linnaeus coming and from Isaac, we have the jewel that means a cousin, so I shall raise them for profit from among their brethren. Arabs are cousins of Jews, like unto the like under Moses, peace be upon him. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was like Prophet Moses people. Why? Because both Moses and Muhammad peace be upon them. They were born
They are a mother and father, but Jesus guys peace be upon him. He was born miraculously. He had a mother, but he had no father. So Jesus was unlike Moses, but Muhammad was like Moses, peace be upon them all. Furthermore,
Moses and Muhammad peace be upon them. They were married and their children, Jesus Christ, please remember what in the Bible he was not married, he had no children. So Moses is like Muhammad, peace be upon him. Jesus is unlike Moses, peace be upon him. Furthermore, Moses and Mama's peace be upon them. They are natural that they died naturally. But genius guess peace be upon him according to the Quran, he was raised up alive, even according to the Bible, he was raised up alive, but according to the false reading of the Christians, they say he died on the cross. He was crucified, even if you agree with the false reading, whether you agree with the false reading, that he was crucified, died
on the cross, or he was held up alive, or what the Quran says there is a pro life, we all agree, he did not have a natural death. So Jesus was unlike Moses, peace be upon them. And Muhammad was like Moses, peace be upon them. Furthermore, Moses and Muhammad peace be upon them. They bought a new law. Jesus Christ, peace be upon him did not bring a new law.
He said, My kingdom is not of this world.
Furthermore, Moses and Mama, they follow us peace be upon them as a whole, they accepted him.
But Jesus Christ peace be upon him as a whole if people didn't accept him. It's mentioned the Gospel of Mark chap number 14 that all foster came and fled.
For the memorial and Mama peace be upon them. They are the power lacking
To give that to anyone if they want, but Jesus Christ peace be upon did not have the power like a king to give death penalty. He said My kingdom is not of this world. So if you analyze this prophecy refers to no one, but Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, because Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was like Moses peace be upon him, and Prophet Jesus was unlike Moses peace be upon them.
Furthermore, the Prophet says, I shall raise them a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, and I shall put my words into his mouth, and we know the revelation that came to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it was revealed by Allah subhanho wa Taala, through Archangel Gabriel. And he repeated whatever was revealed to him as the words open his mouth. And he says, say, all that I commanded, and he repeated verbatim. So this prophecy refers to no one but Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. And the next was Deuteronomy chapter 18. Verse Psalm 19 says, and anyone who does not adhere to this, I will require of them that means Almighty God says, I will teach them a lesson I
will take remind anyone who does not believe in this prophet to come in Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, Almighty God will teach them a lesson will take revenge. This is what the Bible says, regarding a question. Now, the reference to give question and no link to the reference, but I have to answer both.
Now your question is that Jesus Christ peace be upon him is alive. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is dead. So why, whose leader? We should be, oh Jesus Christ be buried alive according
to the Bible. homosassa dead newsgator The reason Allah says in the Quran in Surah Nisa, chapter four was the 158, that Allah subhana wa Taala raised up Jesus Christ peace be upon a life unto himself. Why? Why was Jesus the only messenger peace be upon him raised up alive by Almighty God? The reason is, he was the only messenger, whose followers as the whole mistook that he claimed divinity. There was a misunderstanding amongst followers, that he claimed that he was God, all the other messengers, they follow us never misunderstood that he claimed divinity. Jesus peace be upon him is the only messenger, whose followers as a whole thought that he claimed he was God. So
Almighty God raised Him up alive so that in a second coming, he will clarify to the Christian, he never said that he was God. He never said worship me. Same thing. You mentioned the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew chapter seven. In the second copy when people say, oh, Master, oh, Master Devi not do wonders and miracles in your name, Jesus guy will say, Amen of iniquity. I don't even know you depart from here.
Even people, I don't even know you depart from here. Same thing if you read in the Quran, and Jeremiah, chapter number five, Muslim 116. When JFK speak to Allah subhanaw taala, that you bear witness, I never told them to worship me. But I said, with Allah worship Allah, Robbie, who's my Lord and your Lord, so Jesus Christ peace be upon him has been raised up alive because in his second coming, he will testify to the Christian. He never said that he was God. He never said worship me. And any second coming, he will follow the teaching of the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he'll be a follower of Amata masala salam, so that the reason he's been raised
alive, just to clarify the allegation laid on him. Hope that answers the question.