Yasir Qadhi – Not Under My Watch

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the causes of peace and the importance of living in a peaceful and peaceful world. They emphasize the need to show the truth, to preach the truth, and to show the people around us. The speaker also emphasizes the need to address issues such as homelessness and foreign policy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh, Muslims, this isn't just about gazza.

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This isn't just about one place, one time,

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one peoples. No.

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It is as if Allah

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is using

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as a beautiful catalyst

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for the rest of us all.

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Razzah is sparking

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iman in all of our hearts.

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Ghazah is rekindling

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a love of the ummah, and a love

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and a love

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of our ideals. That's what is happening because

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you know what? Even if ghazah were to

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be solved tomorrow, we still have duties and

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We still have a higher purpose of living.

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We still have to excel in achieving our

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purpose in this life. And what is our

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purpose? Our purpose is very clear.

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So that you may bear witness unto mankind.

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You may preach the truth. You may live

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the truth. You may embody the truth. You

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may invite others to the true message of

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our faith. That's what our role is. And

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so, gazza. And let's go on. It's not

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just about gazza. What's happening in Sudan? What's

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happening amongst the Uyghurs? What's happening in Burma,

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what's happening in Kashmir,

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all of these causes and even more.

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I stand here today

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and 25 years have gone, and Guantanamo

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is still open as we speak.

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24 years have gone, and Guantanamo is still

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open. It's not a matter of one cause

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and that's it. No. What these causes do

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is they remind us, they provoke us, they

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force us out of our comfort zones.

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Allah did not create us to live like

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animals, to eat, to drink, to be merry,

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and to die. No. We have a higher

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and these causes, they remind us of that

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higher purpose. They remind us of nobility.

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They remind us that we have a mission

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to accomplish, and that mission is to be

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role models to the rest of mankind,

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to show people what it means to be

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a believer

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What happens when you believe in the Quran?

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What happens when you walk in the path

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of the prophets? Our lives

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have to embody those values, and the people

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around us, they need to see what that

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implies. They need to see the changes that

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happen. Our mission, therefore,

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will not stop

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even if one problem is solved, even if

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another problem is solved because problems will continue

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to arise. Believe you, me. Ask anybody older

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than you. Do you really think problems will

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stop after we solve one of them? No.

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Constantly issues will happen around the globe, in

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our personal lives, domestically,

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and such is this world, such is this

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dunya. This dunya is meant to be full

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of problems so that we continue to solve

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them. We continue to try to make the

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world a better place, but our ultimate destination

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is not this world. This world is not

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the ultimate abode of peace that's ahead of

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us. That's in Jannah. We try to make

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this world as peaceful as possible, but the

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actual peace will come in the next, and

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the better job we do in this world,

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the better we will achieve peace in the

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next. That's our goal. Once you understand this,

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all Muslims,

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don't be disheartened

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if you don't see an impact in your

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own efforts of what you do because that's

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not how Allah will judge you. Don't become

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Don't lose your hope or your spirit if

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you keep on trying and trying and trying,

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and you don't see any change. Maybe, just

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maybe, we might not see change for weeks

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or months or years.

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We still have to continue putting in the

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effort. We still have to continue

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persevering, pushing on, doing whatever we can do,

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and there's so much we can do. There's

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so much we can do. I've said here

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before, and I'll say it again.

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In the entire globe of 1.7

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Muslims, 1,700,000,000

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We, as American Muslims,

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us 5,000,000

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American Muslims, we are the only

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Muslim community. We're the only global Muslim community

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that can effect change from within the American

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We have to effect that change.

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We have to effect that change.

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We have to understand.

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We are worth 100, if not 1000 of

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other Muslims around the world in this one

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aspect, and that is the impact we can

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Allah has tested us. Allah has blessed us.

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Allah has chosen us that this is our

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land, and our land is involved in a

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heinous crime. Our land is involved in a

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genocide. Our president is enabling that genocide.

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Our tax dollars are being spent to kill

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innocent people.

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You cannot and you should not be silent.

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You must stand up. You must do your

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best to fight against that. You must raise

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your voice. You must protest. You must impact.

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This is what we must do. There are

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no two opinions about this. Oh, Muslims,

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make sure that you make it your priority,

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You make it your priority

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that people know that you are not gonna

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tolerate this, not under my watch. We're not

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gonna let this administration

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get away with what it has done. We're

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not gonna let our country continue

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to kowtow to another regime, another apartheid state.

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And you know what? You can even ignore

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all of the politics and all of the

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religious issues, and just tell your fellow Americans,

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our tax dollars should be spent within our

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Simple as that. Let's take care of our

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own healthcare.

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Let's take care of our own crises.

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You know, somebody calculated,

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somebody calculated

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that if we were to take just 1

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or 2 years of our foreign aid to

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Israel, and we were to solve our homelessness

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problem, we would not have a single homeless

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person in all of America.

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Even if somebody doesn't know anything about foreign

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politics, just say to them, would you rather

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solve homelessness

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or continue giving aid to a foreign country?

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It's that simple. Wallahi, it's not complicated.

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Keep on

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raising these points, and you know the irony

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is, subhanallah,

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those whom we don't like, they hand us

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talking points. They hand us what we should

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do. You know, our president and others lied

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about the 40 babies that were decapitated.

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They said there's video footage of that. There's

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not a single video footage, but you know

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what there is video footage of?

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IDF soldiers themselves

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as they manhandle Palestinians. As they make fun

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of dead Palestinian children. As they play with

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the toys of the children they just killed,

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as they as they look at the private

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garments of the women that they've expelled from

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their houses, They have video footage of that.

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They're showing it to us, and for the

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world to see. It's our job to amplify

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those voices. It's our job to keep on

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retweeting and showing

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the reality.

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