Yasir Qadhi – Injustice And Transgression Of Rulers

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history of Islam, including the implementation of the Volvo operation and the implementation of the Lulu operation, as well as the implementation of the weight of the volume and culture. The speakers emphasize the importance of affirming laws and belief in gender and race, as well as the need for collaboration and cooperation in addressing the crisis. They also mention the negative consequences of the volume and the need for people to stop drinking from it. The segment ends with a call to action and a statement that "we need to get involved incorporateively" in the political system.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah

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be law human surely unforeseen a woman say Dr. Molina, Maria de la bufala mobila woman you Lin who further ha de Allah, wa shadow Allah Allah illallah wa de la sharika wa shadow Ana Mohammed Abu Humala. sudo Yeah, you hola Xena, Manu taco la Ducati wala mutanda illa. Allah to Muslim moon. Yeah Johan de su Takara como la de haut de coco minassian wahida wahala caminhar Xhosa. Weber salmon Houma de Jalan Cathy ramen Isa, what taco la la de Tessa Alona B he will or ham in the law her con la cumbre Teva. I'm a bad mother, your brothers and sisters in Islam. Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran, what? Seven no law * have you done I'm Yamamoto Vani moon in your hero, homely Yeoman

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Tasha Sophie Hill episode. Do not ever presume. Do not ever think that Allah is unaware of what the volume of what the wicked and the unrighteous and the transgressors are doing. Don't think that just because you feel justice is going unchecked, that Allah isn't aware of what is justice? Why not I seven Allah Hello feelin. I'm Yamato vardaman don't presume that Allah is not aware of what is going on. Allah sees the womb, and Allah knows the womb. But Allah says that I know when to take account of the womb, and if it's in this world, that she'll be in this world, but for sure, every limb, every injustice shall be taken account in the next word in the next world, in my little home for

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sure Allah will deal with them on that day. That on that day that their eyes will be staring in fear, touch hostile v Hill absorb more terina mukuni to see him they will be terrified rushing forwards there has raised heads raised up mukuni Russa him, la de la him perform, they will not even be blinking either to whom Hawa and their hearts will be empty, dreading with terror. They're meeting with Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah reminds us in the Quran, that volume will never go unchecked, that Allah subhana wa tada will take account of injustice and the Quran and Sunnah is full of warning against the evil of volume. In fact it can truly be said the volume is of the worst

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matters that Allah warns us against. Over 120 verses in the Quran mentioned the evils of loom and Allah subhana wa tada says in a hadith good see our Prophet system said that Allah said, Yeah anybody in the harem to Luma Allah NFC, all my servants, I have made loom how ROM for myself, I do not commit voting, I do not do unjustice which is to have a nickel Mohan Rama and I have made volume out on between you fall out of honor mu. So make sure you do not due to one another, make sure you are not unjust to one another. And injustice or loon is of many types. And this hookah is not about the types of voting but very briefly, voting can be done between two people whenever one person

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acquires what is not allowed for him to acquire because don't translate linguistically lol means to put something in a place that it does not deserve to be in when you take somebody's money. This is when you slander somebody honor this is when you shed blood and it falls down on the floor it should not be there you have placed that blood in a place that does not deserve to be this is Luna and the greatest boon of all is to worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala in the shitter Kala fullmoon alvim because you have taken servant you to Allah and placed it in another category, but today, we will talk about the volume that is done between people the boom that is done amongst mankind. And

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our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it could volume be aware of doing volume Be cautious of doing volume and one had these he said in a beautiful Hadees of Volvo Volvo Martin Yokoyama volume will become Lulu max a very, very powerful Hadees because volume of course means injustice and varoma

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becomes darkness, clouds of injustice. Ludo math is the punishment of Allah subhana wa Tada. Ludo math is the opposite of Nord which is the light of Allah and our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said of Volvo Volvo Martin Yokoyama in justice will be converted to darkness is, the darkness is of a loss anger. The Darkness is a punishment. The Darkness is or being deprived of Jannah of Volvo Zulu Martin Yokoyama, and of the greatest categories of loom that the Quran mentions and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam warned against is the volume of the rulers, the volume of the rulers is the worst category of boredom amongst mankind. Why? Because when rulers who are charged with taking care

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of the people who are charged and responsible for protecting society, whom Allah has given the responsibility to establish law and order, when they turn away from that responsibility, and they use the power that Allah has blessed them with, and the resources that Allah has given them, instead of spreading peace, to spread evil, instead of using it for protection for killing and facade, there is no greater volume that can be done amongst mankind than the volume of the rulers. And that is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us against the volume of the rulers, and he cautioned us to help and abet an aide any such rulers, and he predicted in many a hadith that we shall see

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evil rulers. In one Hadith our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, for the people who are hated by a lot for are the people who are despised by Allah subhana wa tada and one of those four soltanto ninja is a tyrannical ruler of the four most despised of mankind, or is the tyrannical ruler. In one Hadith our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I worry about my own, but for three things, three are the matters. I am worried for my oma and he said, number one, that they ascribe blessings to the stars. In other words, they reject believing in Allah and they believe in astrology or these types of things. So they don't have a man in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number two,

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he said, the tyranny of rulers, the job, the tyranny of the outcome of the rulers. And number three, he said, denying other rejecting other. So of the three things you said I'm the most terrified for my own man to fall into. He said, The job of the camera, the volume of the outcome, the tyranny of the rulers is going to make my alma shed tears, it will pay in my own mind, I am worried about the future because of the tyranny of the rulers. And that is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us that whatever we do, we should not be helping the volume ruler, we should never do anything to help tyrannical rules. And I had eaten Timothy, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said, it's my Listen to me, and that is my own, aren't you listening to me, there shall be after me rulers, evil rulers, whoever enters upon them, and believes their lies, and helps them in their loom shall have nothing to do with me, and I have nothing to do with them, and they shall not drink from my house on Yom Okayama. And whoever does not go to them, and does not help them and does not believe in them, then they are from me and I am from them, meaning the people who reject these evil rulers. The people who do not help the evil rulers, the prophets or some said I am theirs, they are mine. The people who reject the evil rulers do not help the evil rulers do not believe the lies of

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the evil rulers for Anna min. Min Huma Khomeini, I am from those people, the Muslims who reject the evil and they are from me, and they will be the ones who will drink from my hold on a Yama May Allah make us to be of those people. The Quran warns us against the loom, especially the loom of rulers. The Quran cautions us against any type of injustice. Allah says in the Quran. Well, Allahu Allah. Yeah. Does it mean Allah never guides the volume? The one who does? Well Allahu la Playa Del Carmen vada mean, Allah says in the Quran, what is the mean? I mean on sod, the one who does boom will never be helped the true believers will never help him and Allah will never help him. And when Allah

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decides not to help you, nobody can help you. Even if you succeed in the short term, in the long term, you will always be defeated. Allah says in the Quran, in the hula como volume on the people who do loan will

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Never be successful. Never are the volume moon successful. Allah reminds us in the Quran that the people who do volume are going to enter jahannam in the Latina cafaro, woven mo those who do Cofer and do volume. So volume and Cofer are Twin Twin pairs in the Latina cafardo Vaughn, Mo Lamia Cooney La Jolla dia whom Allah will not guide them while early on Pharaoh home Allah will not forgive them, Allah shall not forgive them or guide them in 30 jahannam except for the way of jahannam the only path that the volume will find is the path of jahannam and Allah subhana wa tada reminds us in the Quran, what are called lachenal arona macabre, Camila malvan mo we destroyed many nations before you

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when they devote them. So the primary cause of destruction is done. Allah azza wa jal says when the people before you committed loan that is when I destroyed them, and how many are the people I have destroyed because of their lowdham Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran in the hola nada de el como volley moon, my promise shall never reach the volley moon my protection shall never reach the volley moon, Allah reminds us in the origin

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to law he I love the mean a laws Lana is upon the body mean and a laws Lana is the most severe punishment and it is rarely given in the Koran and the number one category it occurs multiple times multiple versus LA to LA hip, I'll avoid the mean and Allah says in the Quran, what is the volume in Illa herself, the volume mean shall only increase in their misguidance and in their evil. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pray. In fact, all of the prophets would pray it is in the Quran. Moosa prayed and other prophets prayed that Oh Allah, Rob Billa Tajani malko Mill Valley mean, Oh my Lord, do not make me from those who are doing boom, whatever sin I do, don't make me of

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those who do a boom. Our Prophet sallallahu wasallam said when you leave the house make this special drought. So long do I one phrase in it that Oh Allah, I seek refuge in you from doing unto others or from voelen being done to me, we should avoid doing unto others because it is the greatest sin after the sin of shidduch. And Allah threatens those who do loom that Allah says in the Quran was a young lady Nevada, Mo, Mo, Albanian, Caliban, those who do evil, those who did unjustice they shall see the fate that shall await them. They're going to know that fate. Allah does not mention what that fate will be because it is a threat. Let those who do vote wait. They shall see what I have stored

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for them. Once I am Allah de novo am on Caliban, young Caliban, brothers and sisters in Islam. It is a part and parcel of human history that Allah subhana wa tada continuously tests people throughout history with evil rulers over and over again. This is the cycle of human existence. Every few generations, another ruler comes along, and this ruler demonstrates the worst of humanity and commits the greatest of atrocities. It's not the first time it shall not be the last time that we are seeing such rulers. Allah reminds us in the Koran, Adam taraki for photo book Habad Haven't you seen what your Lord did with that? What Iran that image and Iran, the people of pillars, those

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magnificent pillars? That was the Moodle, Idina job was a horrible word and the mood who would carve their houses into the mountains, and they did things that nobody else did was someone that is able to talk about the world with fear

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and fear around the one who had outside outside here means pillars that he would torture people on fit around the one you what he would do, he would have these pillars like the crucifix like the cross, he would have people he would torture them for the slightest reason with him.

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And the crown who had these pillars, what is Allah subhana wa tada se for sub ballyhoura buka Soto as your Lord poured upon them every type of punishment in Rebecca bill middle sod, verily your Lord is watching and knows exactly what they are doing odd, Iran some mood around. They were worse than any tyrant we have ever seen. They were worse than the tyrants we are seeing today, even if it appears that these tyrants are trying to imitate them, but they were worse than them. And what does Allah say in the Quran? For sub ballet him rabuka Soto, your Lord poured upon them every type of punishment imaginable in Arabic Allah bill Mossad. Verily your Lord is watching was

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They are doing Allah reminds us in the Quran of the worst of the worst and pause here who is the worst of the worst? And why is he the worst of the worst? We all know the single worst human being who ever appeared in human history is none other than Fidel and why? Why was around the worst human being? It was because of his boom. It was because of the evil and the fitna and the facade and the bloodshed and the killing that he did. So the worst of the worst is worst because of loom. And Allah says in the Quran, in the crown Allah out the crown ruled with tyranny in the world in the crown Allah fell out of the woods you're either aloha Shia, and he divided people that were supposed to be

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one he divided them into multiple groups you're still blurry photo if it's a man whom he took one of them as his servants, meaning the bunny is thrown at you that be who Urbina whom he Nisa, whom he would kill their boys and leave their girls in the who can Emil muscadine he was of those who did a lot of evil. Now what does the law say describing for around 182 a new moon Allah Latinas today for but we wanted to bless those who are being persecuted.

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We want it to bless those who are being persecuted one odd unknown Allah Latinos today for those that are suffering.

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Those who are wondering where is the help going to come? Allah is saying I have something great planned for you. I want you to rise up when the moon Allah larina Sudoku, Wanda gyla, whom ima we wanted to make them the rulers when a woman was 18 and we wanted them to inherit this land and the Holy Land. So Allah azza wa jal sent fear around against righteous people, so that these righteous people could rise up and take over the land that Allah wanted them to take. And Allah says when udia Pharaoh Noah hamana would you know de Houma Minh home, makan will have their own of the reasons why Sharon was allowed to undergo what he went. Allah says we wanted to show fit around and have a man

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and all of his armies through the believers Minh home, we wanted to show them every single

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terror that they were worried about. Every prediction that they were scared of would come true through the Bani Israel in now, this ayah is very profound here. Because this ayah is telling us that Allah azzawajal tested the children of Israel in through the worst of the worst, in order that the children of Israel rise up. And then in return, torture and test fit down in a manner that fit down was always worried about that I was always terrified that his people would revolt against him for I was terrified that Mussa might actually be true that I was terrified that the believers would win in the end. And Allah says we wanted for our own terror to be justified. And we wanted to show

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fit down through the very people that he tortured, every single fear that he had would come true. When udia around what hamana what do you do the Houma Minh home, McConnell has our own brothers and sisters. Our hope is that insha Allah wa Tada. What we are seeing in the lens of bladder Sham is the same promise that Allah gave the believers at the time of Moosa, it is the same promise that he told the bunnies thrown in at the time of Moosa, because this person is clearly walking on the footsteps of Freetown, and the believers in Sham are insha Allah who tada are walking on the footsteps of the believers in the time of the Prophet system in the time of Musa but they suffered even worse at

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times. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting under the shade of the Kaaba, and some of the Sahaba came to him in Mecca. And they said Yasuda law, why don't you ask Allah to lift this punishment? Why don't you ask Allah to allow his aid to come? Why don't you ask Allah to stop this torture? And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting and he stood up or he came up, and he said, Don't you believe? Don't you believe in the truth? Verily, the people before you were tortured worse than this. And that did not cause them to leave their faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala. But Verily, the promise of Allah will come true. And Allah will help his religion and Allah

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will aid his believers, it will happen. Well, I can come home on June, but you are people who are hasty you cannot wait for the results. You want them right

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here and right now, brothers and sisters, these are times when we have to believe in what Allah and His Messenger have told us. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explicitly explicitly said that in the law either human Hello volume, Allah allows the volume, some leeway. Allah allows the volume to do what he wants to do, but when he holds on to him, and when he calls him to task, he does not let him escape after that. Allah allows the volume, a period of time, why we don't understand but there is a wisdom, there is a wisdom and history always teaches us have that wisdom. And we see the benefits of that wisdom and realize brothers and sisters that have the worst type of voting is the

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torture and killing that is taking place. Now. It is narrated in a hadith and Sunnah Timothy that one of the Sahaba I gave him an exam when they conquered the law, the Sham and there was still some of the Roman governors and the provinces being ruled according to their laws. So he passed by people being tortured by their governor, and they were being tortured by oil being poured on them and they had standing in the sun, and the governors were torturing these people for not paying taxes. And he gave him in his arm said, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that Allah will torture on the Day of Judgment, those who tortured others in this world, Allah will torture on

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judgment day, those who tortured in this world, even al Qaeda mentions that on judgment day, there are three types of boom, we have to be thinking about the first type of loan, a loan will never forgive and that is the volume of shift in the circle of movement. The second type of volume, Allah will always call to task and that is the volume that people do to one another. Allah will never ignored that volume. Any time somebody does boom to another, a law in his infinite justice will always call it to task and of the perfection of a laws justice. And listen to this carefully. Brothers and Sisters of the perfection of a laws justice, the one who has been wronged shall have

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the right to judge on judgment day. on judgment day, Allah Himself will allow the mob loom to decide should the vote and be punished or not. And that's why we don't play him said this room is the most scary type of loan. Because the third category of volume is the volume that you have between you and Allah as your personal private sins. That volume he said, is the easiest because Allah is a fool. And Allah is Rahim. And Allah forgives the repentant and Allah forgives The one who does good, but the second category of volume that is the one you have to be careful of. Because even if Allah decides to forgive his house,

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you still have to worry about the health of the one you have done Volume Two. And on that day, every person whose blood has been spilt every person whose money has been taken, whose honor has been ripped away, every woman who has lost her dignity, every child that has been murdered, Justice will be in their hands, and they will be able to decide and Allah will give them full rights to do as they please. And that is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us beware of doing volume, because it will be converted to Lulu match on Judgement Day. Brothers and Sisters of the effects of volume of the effects of volume. First and foremost, gluten brings about a loss, anger

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and punishment. Number two, volume raises the status of the mother room, the mother room becomes the most powerful human being because of the volume, the one who has been wronged becomes the most powerful because of the volume. And the strongest draw ever is the draw of the one who has been done the number three volume brings about a corruption and a destruction in this world before the accurate nothing destroys like volume. And the number one cause of a loss either in this world is number four. Volume is despised by Allah, despised by the angels, despised by the prophets and despised by all of mankind. Number five, Vaughn brings about guaranteed punishments on piano and in

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the fire of *. And number six, learn Allah Himself gives the right to prosecute to the one whom boom was done to a foreigner Rahim takes a step back and gives that right to the one whom volume was done to so who amongst us will ever forgive the volume, who amongst us will have that molfetta that will forgive the volume, no other sin is there that allows the origin hands over the right to the person to deal with

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set for volume, everything that we do between us and Allah and inshallah Allah is afford and Allah is Rahim that's why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Now he is now in mortal force Hatem mendini, he man remains at comfort in his religion, no matter what sin he does, as long as he does not spill somebody's blood. When you spill somebody's blood, that is when you are in serious trouble. This is what our prophets are warned us about. There's always some leeway in your personal sins, your personal sins in sha Allah, turn to Allah will forgive you. But when you turn to learn, Allah himself has said, it is not my right to forgive. It is the right of them of loom to forgive,

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who wants to be put in that position? Brothers and Sisters room is indeed a little mat on the Day of Judgment. We ask Allah azza wa jal to always protect us from ever doing volume by Article One way or another one of our new warrior female female ethical hacking, or otomatis marone was stofer over at the muddy water comm what is the Muslim recruitment festival in the home? We'll have a photo Rahim.

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hamdu lillahi wa Haddad I had a summit Allah delimited what am youlet What am I going ahead? What do I do? Can we move forward so that we have space in the back? brothers and sisters that have given previous hold the buzz about what we should do in light of this room. And I shall just summarize some of the points as well, to remind myself and all of us of the most important matters brothers and sisters when we see this tyranny in front of our eyes, and when we see these gruesome images, and when we see the blood being shed, and the children being killed, of the first matters that we need to be cautious of, is our own faith being shaken in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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a lot remains reminds us in the Quran, that at times of bloodshed and a times of fitna it's very easy to doubt a loss promise. Allah says in the Quran people before you were shaken to the core was Zuzu they were shaken to the core by fitna and bloodshed had di akula rasuna Valentina, Ahmed Omar who Mata nos Roma, until even the prophets and the believers were questioning where is the help of a law? Where is the help of a law in nostre, la khadim Verily, the help of Allah is close. So as we see these images, and as we hear of these stories, we have to reaffirm our faith in a law. I don't understand you don't understand, but my understanding should not challenge my man. My lack of wisdom

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should not challenge my belief in a laws wisdom. Allah is Hakeem. And Allah is Habib and allies either coalition Kadir I don't understand, but I believe in a law. I don't know. But I recognize that I don't know. And the fault is mine. And I believe that Allah has a plan, and that Allah is indeed at a coalition in Kaduna. So we have to affirm a lot of attributes of power, and of wisdom and of mercy. Even as we see all of these images in front of us. We have to realize that Allah has told us in the Quran, Radhika wala Yasha la hulan tasar amin home Wanaka Leah

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Radek, let it be known, let it be known, if Allah had wanted to, he could have helped you out right here and now. This was at the time of her baby. Alyssa, if I wanted to, I could have done it. lanta sermon home while I can but I had a wisdom. And I wanted this to be a test for you or been out for you. It was a test for you. So Allah mentions, if Allah wanted to, he could have helped you right here and now. But I had a wisdom in mind. So we have to understand that this is a test. And the only way to pass the test is to affirm a laws power and allows wisdom even if we do not understand it. And of the ways that will help us is our belief in your milk piano and our belief in gender and

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jahannam and our belief in color. You see it's at times like these, where the fundamentals of our Eman makes so much sense to us. We're lucky I don't understand how anybody could get by if they didn't believe in gender and Jana Jana needs to exist for these types of tyrants. What law he the only pleasure that we can possibly get is to realize that this is why jahannam exists. JOHN M is therefore a wizard

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Because the person that is responsible for this boom, there is nothing we can do. nothing that we can do that can give him even a fraction of what he deserves. qiyamah is there for this wisdom.

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Judgment is there because of judgment, Yeoman qiyamah. This is where these fundamentals begin to make sense. I believe in your milk piano, and I believe in gender, and I believe in jahannam, because I could never reward those families, I couldn't ever help. That's that orphan. I could never give solace to that mother. But that's why there's Jenna. And that's why there's Donna Jatin, gender, and Johanna is there, because even if miraculously, the superpowers got involved, and miraculously, this tyrant and descendant of around was taken to the Hague and given a court a criminal court in the International Court of human affairs, and he was given a sentence, even a

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death sentence will law heat death is a mercy for him, compared to what he is going to face in the UK. So belief in jahannam. And in Qatar, because this is now other, it's testing my belief in other I don't understand why, but I know that a lot of other is always effective. So and Hamdulillah, our Iman comes in handy at times like this, as well, brothers and sisters.

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This does not mean that we simply sit back and do nothing. There's no question that no matter how incapacitated we are, whatever little we do, whatever little we do, it will come in handy. I am always reminded brothers and sisters at times like this, I'm always reminded

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of the pain that our Prophet sallallahu Sallam would have felt when he saw his own Sahaba tortured to death. You see, I complain about myself and you complain about yourselves, we all complain about the law. It's true. Our hearts are bleeding. Where are the Dhamma? Where are the rulers? Where are the hokum of the Arab and the Muslims? Where is this? Where is that? And these are legitimate questions, and our hearts are bleeding. But can you imagine how our professors that have felt when he saw belaz being tortured, and he could do nothing? Can you imagine how a profit system felt when he saw a model? And yes, sir, and sumaiya killed? Well, yesterday and sumaiya kill one after the

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other and then amount of the child being tortured. Can you imagine how our Profit System felt? And what could he do except verbally? Give them comfort? sobre la Asad for Inamori, the Capuchin Be patient, that's all he could do. That's all he could do at that stage. I am not saying that's all we can do at this stage. But I'm saying at times, at times, there's nothing you can do. Is this such time right now, inshallah we can do a little bit more a little bit more than that. And that will be the subject of other talks and lectures. We don't have time now. But nonetheless, two simple points, brothers and sisters, two simple points, physical and spiritual. Physically, what can you do? Every

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one of us without exception, every one of us can raise awareness. There is no excuse whatsoever. To be silent at this massacre, raise awareness. You have family, you have friends, you have colleagues, you have a social presence. You have Facebook, your online, your Twitter, everything. Keep on raising up these news stories. Let the world know what is going on.

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Number two, no matter how ineffective do we feel it is still doing street protests and writing to people in charge? And yes, well law there's an element of exasperation, but it's still better than nothing. If the least that can be done is again to raise public awareness and to say, this is what I could do. Number three, finances and money. The people that are being bombed and massacred today, their families, their children, tomorrow will require comfort. They will require clothes, they will require food. The money you give today, we'll help insha Allah hota Allah people tomorrow, so give what you can have your money. These are the three main physical and of course spiritual, spiritual,

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there's no question collectively, we need to get involved spiritually. Collectively, our sins are affecting the oma collectively, our laziness is problematic. Collectively, our hardness of the heart is a problem. So collectively, we know on a spiritual level need to come closer to Allah, our prayers, our Salah, ours aka our consciousness of Allah azza wa jal, our taqwa minimize our sins, this is the least that we can do, the least that we can do, how can we go overboard in the pleasures of this world? When what is going on is going on? Be reasonable, understand, yes, still life goes on for us, but there has to be

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An impact on our lives or else that shows that our hearts have indeed died. And finally, last but not least, brothers and sisters, always remember that in the end, the victory shall be for the believers. A lot reminds us in the Koran, what can I How can I lay in a nice little mini, it is our duty, what kind of how

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it is our duty that we help the believers and Allah keeps on telling us in the haoran in nassarawa law he studied in Nasir Allah Karim, Allah in nazzaro law his buddy, verily the victory of a law is indeed very, very close insha Allah today in our setup, we will be doing a special note in the second regard. When we get up from the record, our profit system would make special to us at times of calamity at times of grief at times of distress, this the least that we can do so today when we get up from the second record, before we go down into such the we will have a brief draw for our brothers and sisters in Syria. In the dying for a mineral Aloha. mulata Rafi has been a lover for

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the water Manila for Raja whether deignan illa kobita water mariemont Elijah feta when I see it on Elijah sorta allama Filipina What do you want in a Latina sakuni man wallet HIV Lumina hillbilly Latina Armando robina in Nicaragua Rahim. Allah is in Islam and Muslim in Alomar is an Islamic and Muslim in a long marriage that Islam and Muslim in Allahu aracena our other Islam old Muslim, a navy suit and fresh real Houben FC which altijd mirabito bt Yakubu Aziz rebadow law in the law tada Amara can be embraced by the bbfc within Morocco to see what else have become a u haul moving into mingenew he went insane for called as an EMA in no law homiletical to use aluna nebby Yeah, you

00:36:54 --> 00:36:59

already know amanu sallu Allah He was sending him with a steamer Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik

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Kuru suka Mohammed Ali was a big marine a by the law in the law have to

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deal with corba when it

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comes to the Kuru Kuru Kuru Kuru one of the crew la Kabbalah Okay, Miss Lola Allahumma in an orca when Otto was in a cabbie asthma he can.

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A lot.

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I mean

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want us

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to call Java tobyhanna Jamie

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Allahumma in

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magic Allah

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Allah aka

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yo yo ma z is

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Last week I worked out on

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the cover, Nick nuts.

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Amy in

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Washington suddenly Humala saying Idina Mohammed while he was being he was

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi delves into the most pertinent topic affecting us in recent times which is the injustice and transgression meted out to the innocent people by the leaders or rulers and what should be our modus operandi to dissolve the sufferings of the oppressed.

Injustice or Dhulm will never go unchecked and Allah will take into account the injustice that was meted out in this world and justice will be served.  The Sunnah is full of warning against Dhulm and almost 120 verses mention Dhulm in the Qur’an simultaneously citing the punishment for the oppressors and transgressors.

The greatest Dhulm done by mankind is associating partners with Allah or indulging in Shirk.

Indulging in transgression will be met with the darknesses of anger, punishment and being deprived of Jannah.

May Allah have mercy on the Ummah and may all the sufferings in this world cease to exist.

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