Yasir Qadhi – Advice for EPIC’s Newest Hufath – Commencement Speech

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the traumatic incident of Sirah's death and the importance of honoring the Prophet's teachings and implementation of their huffal. The interviewer emphasizes the importance of honoring the Prophet's position and being a member of the premier program, which is recognized as the most blessed program in the world. The speaker gives advice to graduates to honor their learning and work with the Quran, stressing the importance of learning and implementing the Quran to achieve their goals. They also give a positive statement about protecting their Islam with the gathering of their huffal.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the battle of Uhud,

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one of the most traumatic incidents of the

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Sirah, the Muslims weren't expecting what happened.

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70 plus shuhada,

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Hamza, the uncle of the Prophet salallahu alaihi

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wa sallam,

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severely mutilated.

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was in shock.

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They couldn't understand and comprehend at that stage

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what had happened.

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And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam surveyed

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the shuhada.

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because there were so many bodies,

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they could not give

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every single person a unique grave. There were

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too many to dig.

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And so they had to combine 2 or

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3 people in every single kabr.

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Can you imagine at that time,

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despite the shock the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam was in, despite

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the heartbreak and tragedy,

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When it came time to bury the people,

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he paused at every single qadr,

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at every single group.

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And he

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said, which one of these people had memorized

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more Quran?

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And he was told this one, because began

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with him. And then he moved on to

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the next batch, same question. Next batch, same

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question. Until all of the shuhada of Badr

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were buried. They're

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already shuhada.

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They're already the cream of the crop. They

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have made it.

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But even in the death of a shahid,

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our prophet salallahu

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alaihi wasallam

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wanted to send the message

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that not everybody

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is the same.

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And one of the greatest

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criterion that separates

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in life

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and in death

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the Quran.

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And therefore, don't be surprised the concept of

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hivd of the Quran.

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The concept of memorizing the Quran.

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It is one of the most

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aspects of our faith. Allah mentions it

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explicitly in the Quran.

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Allah praises the Quran

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as something that is memorized in the chest

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of the people who have ilm. Allah literally

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mentions the Quran as that which is memorized

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in the chest. And our scholars mention, ibn

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al Josi and others they mention,

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Allah blessed the ummah of the Prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam to be the only

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ummah that memorizes its book. No other ummah

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memorizes its book from the time of Adam

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alayhis salam until the coming of our Prophet

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salallahu alaihi wasallam.

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No ummah. And look around you, which ummah

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memorizes this book? Which ummah memorizes

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6 100 pages

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in a language that is foreign to most

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of our huffal over here? They don't speak

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a word of Arabic. They don't understand

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a word of Arabic. And yet miraculously

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they have memorized

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600 plus pages. More than 6 1,000 ayaats.

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And I keep on saying, if this is

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not a manifestation

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of the miracle that is the Quran, then

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what other manifestation is there? This is a

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manifestation of the ijal Quran that Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala blesses our youth. Some of them

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are 8, 9 years old. And they have

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memorized the entire book of Allah

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And by memorizing it,

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they have a Haqq over us. What is

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that Haqq? Our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,

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Hadith is in Abu Dawood, and Muslim Imam

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Muhammadun Taialisi, and others. Our prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam said,

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A part

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of showing

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honor to Allah,

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A part of glorifying

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You know Dhuljalali, Ijalal.

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To show Ijalal

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to Allah

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is to show

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to 3 categories.

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And one of them hamilal Quran, the one

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who carries the Quran.

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Our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam literally said,

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if you want to honor Allah

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then show iqram to the hafid of the

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So today we are doing the beginning of

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our wajib.

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This is the least we do to those

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that have memorized the Quran. We honor them.

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We respect them. And this is something that

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the sahaba constantly did. They showed honor and

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izzah to those who memorized the Quran. And

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1 Umar ibn Khattab radiAllahu an

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asked about a certain governor who had appointed

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another person who was not known to the

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Umar. He said, How could you appoint a

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stranger? I don't know him. How could you

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do this? The governor said that, Oh, Umar

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ibn Khattab, he is a Hafid of the

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Quran. He is a Hamid of the Quran.

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So, Umr ibn al Khattab said, okay, if

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that is the case, then Allah has honored

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him. So I will also honor him. Simply

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by knowing he's Hafid of the Quran. Armar

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ibn Khattab said, You know what? Whatever position

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you put him in, I don't mind. Even

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if I don't know him, Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala has honored him. And And Alhamdulillah Thum

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Alhamdulillah, I have said this since I have

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moved to this blessed community of epic that

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our hivth program is our flagship program. It

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is our premier program. It is what makes

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epic, epic. It is truly the most blessed

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program, and every one of us here, myself

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included, we are servants to this program, and

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we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for this

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program. This program is our flagship bearer program.

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It is our role model program. It is

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what insha'Allah wa ta'ala will bring barakah to

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this masjid and this community. So we must

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support it in every single way possible. And

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I can go on and on, but time

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is limited. I would just conclude with 1

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or 2 points. First and foremost,

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an honest advice to our hafav, our new

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batch of hiv graduates. And I speak to

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you as an older brother and somebody who

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wants and wishes the best for you.

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oh her father of the Quran.

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that people might honor you and they should

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honor you. But your honor will not come

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by the people's honoring you.

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Your honor will come with your relationship with

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And that relationship

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will be based upon your relationship with the

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Never be deceived by other people's honoring of

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You know, and I know, and every half

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of the knows. Just because we memorize the

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Quran doesn't make us angels. We know this.

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Everyone of us and you know this. Just

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because we have the Quran, it is a

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blessing from Allah but it is a test

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and a trial.

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A Hafid is

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also mortal, also flesh and blood. And so

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my advice and nasiha to you is do

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not be deceived

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by the honor of the peoples.

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And strive to achieve honor from Allah

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by honoring the book of Allah.

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Allah will honor you if you honor His

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book. And honoring His book means

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that you never forget what you've memorized. You

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constantly recite what you have memorized. You understand

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what you have memorized. And that is the

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journey you are just beginning. Maybe your parents

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and your friends are saying, Masha Allah, you

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finished. Let me say to you bluntly, No

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Wallahi, you have just begun.

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You have just begun because the real journey

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is in understanding the Quran and in implementing

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it. So honor the book of Allah not

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just by reciting it, but also by understanding

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it, and then most importantly

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by implementing it. So this is my sincere

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advice to all of you. And then I

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conclude with a hopeful and optimistic

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dua. Hopeful and optimistic hadith of our prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam reported in Bukhari and Muslim,

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well known hadith in which the Prophet Sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam

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said to the angels

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that go and find those that are doing

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dhikr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And the

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angels will go to the majalis of dhikr,

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and reciting the Quran

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is the highest form of majalis of dhikr.

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The Quran is dhikr. And so our children

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are in majalisuth dhikr every single day. An

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epic masjid is one of the bastions of

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majalisuth dhikr every single day. So the angels

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will come back and they will say to

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Allah, we found this gathering that is doing

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your dhikr. We found this gathering that is

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memorized in the book of Allah. We found

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this gathering constantly doing dhikr. And so Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala will say, what do they

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want? And the angels will say, they want

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your rida and forgiveness. They want your pleasure.

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And so the Allah will say to the

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angels, I'm asking you to bear witness and

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I love all of them, and I have

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all of them. The angels will say, oh

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there's one person in that gathering.

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He wasn't supposed to be there.

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He was not supposed to be there. He

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was just passing by and he happened to

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sit down.

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Allah will say,

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the people who gather for my dhikr

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They are so blessed

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that somebody in their gathering

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will never be harmed, will be benefited.

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So my dua

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and my request

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and my humble

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tamani and umniya

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is that maybe we are not worthy of

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that type of barakah and respect. Maybe we

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are too sinful.

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But because we're in the gathering

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of huffal,

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because we are

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our huffal,

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because we are doing whatever we can to

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bring about this hil. Maybe perhaps

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we are of those people

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Even if we are not worthy, oh Allah.

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Even if we have fallen short, oh Allah.

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Then we ask and pray and beg of

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you that make us of those people because

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of the barakah of this gathering, you can

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forgive us as well despite our shortcomings. May

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bless our huffal. May

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect them. May Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bless the parents of all

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they have done. And I completely agree with

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our amir sahab. It is really the mothers.

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I know because my mother was exactly They

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say my father only paid them all this,

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but my mother was the one.

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It's always the mothers that do it. And

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I know this personally. So may Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala reward all of you mothers for

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doing all that you have done. May Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala bless our community

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and continue to remain our flagship program under

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Hafiz Sajjad and continue to bring more and

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more rafal. And Insha'Allahu Ta'ala, Eptiq is going

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to remain a bastion of preserving Islam in

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this land.

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Masha'Allah. Takbeer.

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Allahu Akbar. Masha'Allah. Most beautiful,

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a very measured recitation. May Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala reward you sister Azra. May Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala bless the family, a very joyous

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occasion. Masha'Allah. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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make it a source of blessings in their

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