Yaser Birjas – Do Not Wish For Death

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of showing patience towards death and not wanting to die in a way that is too difficult for them. They stress the need for patience and not giving too much information to one's mind, as well as staying in a good situation and not giving too much information to one's mind. The legal consequence of killing oneself in a situation where one has already died is discussed, along with the importance of being joyful in a moment of death and pray for people who are inside.
AI: Transcript ©
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Is there a lot for a person to

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wish for death?

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I don't have to say, you know what?

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I wish I'm dead

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or this life is miserable.

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That is better than this life. Are you

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allowed to say that?

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Okay. Are you allowed to say that you

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you wish to die a shahid?

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Yes. What's the difference?

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No comparison. Right? There's no comparison.

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Which is patience.

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Let not one of you wish for death

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because of a misfortune which befalls him, which

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means wishing for shahada is different.

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Alright? You're looking for virtue right now.

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But because of a misfortune that that befalls

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someone, you shouldn't be asking for that. If

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he cannot help doing so,

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like, If you had to wish for something,

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you had to wish for death,

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he should say the following.

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So instead a person should say, oh Allah,

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keep me alive as long as you know

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that life is better for me and make

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me die when death is better for me.

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Now what does it mean here? Why you're

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not allowed to wish for death anyway?

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Why is that? Being ungrateful.

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Being ungrateful.

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What else? It shows what?

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No result. There's no contentment.

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If you remember,

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we talked about how people,

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face misfortune in life, right? So the first

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category is what the saqot, whining about it,

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complaining about it, and so on. And the

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second was what? Patience. Sabar.

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And when it come to sabr, we also

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learned that sabr you are required to exercise

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sabr in 3 territories, 3 areas.

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Number 1,

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as Sabrul Allah ta'ala,

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showing patience

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when it comes to fulfill Allah's obligations, like

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coming to the Masjid, waking up,

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for the Hajjid, fasting Ramadan. You need you

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need to be patient with

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that. The second category,

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showing patience against,

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the prohibitions,

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like drinking and alcohol, for example, committing fornication,

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watching something haram. You need to strain yourself,

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so it requires a lot of patience from

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And the 3rd category,

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showing patience against what?

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Allah's qadr that you have no control over,

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such as hurricanes, tornadoes,

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misfortunes happen, illness happen to somebody. I have

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no control over that stuff.

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I need to show patience

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towards these matters. This hadith,

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let's talk about the last one particularly.

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When someone before

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when I'm most certain

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before somebody and then they lose it, They

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don't show patience. They start whining and complaining

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and saying this and saying that, and then

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eventually they wish for some for themselves

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to be dead.

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So the reason why it's prohibited because that

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shows a person is not satisfied with Allah's

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You don't show patience,

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the way you should be as a believer.

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We'll come to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's judgment,

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when he rules a matter over these matters

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of Qadr. So that's actually is now it's

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a sin, considered a sin.

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Let alone

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somebody chooses to end their own lives

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because they don't own it in the 1st

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If you're not allowed even to wish for

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it, can you imagine how prohibited it is

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to do it and end it yourself?

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This is how dangerous that matter is.

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And then,

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so you're not allowed to wish for that.

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But the prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam,

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gave us an alternative.

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He didn't just leave you like this without

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an alternative. So yeah, I understand, sometimes things

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get hard and difficult.

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The alternative is to do what?

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To delegate

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the matters of life and death to who?

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The one who knows what is best for

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you. You don't know the future. Subhanahu wa

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ta'ala is the one who is known that

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know the future.

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Only Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala

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Allah is the one who knows what's in

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the future for you. So I don't know.

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So therefore I'd rather delegate

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this matter to him, subhanahu wa ta'ala, by

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saying, you Allah.

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If you know that life is better for

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then extend my life.

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And if you know death is better for

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me you Allah, make it happen.

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam even told

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us another hadith,

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No one dies but they will be regretful.

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said, If you did well, you will regret

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for what?

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Not doing more,

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not doing better.

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When Karam Musi'an,

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Nadima An Nahu lamiastatib,

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did not repent before they die.

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Everybody is gonna be remorseful because they wish

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they would have more

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of the good deed that they haven't done

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or they could have done more.

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So if this is the case,

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then a dua to make your life short

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like this

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is not not believing Allah's Qadr,

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and you would probably lose an opportunity that

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would be way better for you if you

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stayed a little bit longer.

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And we know that Allah subhanahu wa'ala says

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in the Ayah,

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Since it's hard on you today,

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you have opportunity for twice the fortune insha'a

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that comes later. So you need to be

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a little bit patient,

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that and go forward with your life. The

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day of judgment the prophet Allah Subhanahu wa

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This is the day of deceit.

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Why is that? Because everybody will feel this

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they were they were deceived. They feel you

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feel were deceived. How so? Because now that

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you see what Jannah is, you realize, oh

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my god, how much time I wasted. I

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deceived myself

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not paying enough for this.

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I haven't done done enough for this. And

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those who didn't well at all, they realized

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that, oh my God, I fooled myself.

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I missed this opportunity

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in the dunya.

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So no one should be wishing for themselves

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to die.

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But then

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an issue that might be controversial for many

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times. Wait a minute.

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How about Maryam alaihi salaam?

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When Maryam was giving birth to her isa

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alaihis salam, what did she say?

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I wish I was dead before this

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and I was completely forgotten from this world.

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So wait a minute, who is Mary Magimah?

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You know who Mary Magimah is?

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Who was she?

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Who is she even?

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She's the best of the best.

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Like multiple purification, multiple

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status after status, elevate your status to the

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She's the best vulnerable Jannah, right?

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She's wishing for death. So the ulama, they

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say, look, first of all, even if it

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was a wish for death,

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our has

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negated that already.

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Like if it was allowed in their time,

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in their sharia, it's no longer allowed in

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our sharia. And our sharia surpasses that, so

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it cancels whatever was before. Just like we

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we did in the Quran, that for for

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Suleiman alaihis salam, the jinn did what to

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They built a Matin, statues and so on,

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which is for us in our din is

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concerned what now? Forever.

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Completely. So that's your Ramadan Qablana, it's over.

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The second interpretation they say,

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Maryam when she asked, for this, she didn't

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she wasn't wishing for death because of giving

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the birth for the child.

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No. So so was wishing for death for

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what? Like I wish I died

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in the state when I had no fitna,

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no trials.

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Like she's in retrospect,

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like is it permissible for someone to die

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on a state of Iman that once they

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had before? Like I was more spiritual so

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he started to say I wish I could

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die in that state of Iman,

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you know, that I had before.

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Which is what which is what she said

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over here, kabbalahada.

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I wish I died in the time before

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when I was actually had no,

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misfortune or nothing to worry about. She wasn't

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saying I wish I die,

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When she said, I wish I was dead

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before this happened to me.

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So for us to wish to, you know,

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we've been dead in a better time, in

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a better situation in our lives, part of

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this is jazz.

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But you cannot wish to die

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because of what's happened to you right now.

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That would be the the the prohibited. So

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Maryam didn't ask Allah to die because of

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she was giving birth to this child. No.

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She was hoping that she was already dead

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before this test came to her because she

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didn't know what the test was about.

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She knew that she's gonna be given a

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special gift

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and that child is gonna be someone special.

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And even when she gave birth to her,

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she didn't know to what extent that was.

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But when the child spoke in her arms

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as a baby, that was it, it was

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very clear.

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His mission was very clear from the very

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beginning. So, yeah, no one can use the

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example of Maryam to say look Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala said in the Quran, it's okay

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because Maryam did that. No, she didn't, she

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didn't ask for that. She wished that she

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would she was dead before

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in a good state without any trials, any

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fitter and son. So may Allah subhanahu wa'ala

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protect us.

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But subhanAllah, finally,

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if we think about this hadith,

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I mean

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who probably in our time today

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would, if you give justification to anybody, to

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wish to be dead, who could that be

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today in our time?

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Our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

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But what do you hear from them?

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They come out from from under the rubble

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doing what? Resilience.

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Wallahi, we're staying.

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We are staying.

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We're gonna continue to resist. We're gonna do

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this. We're gonna continue that like they would

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never wish death because they know wishing death

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would give their enemy what?

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So, no, we're not gonna give them pleasure.

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We're gonna live, and we're gonna stay in

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our land because it's our home, it's our

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place, and we are the indigenous people of

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that land.

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And subhanallah their iman is making them strong

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enough not to wish death in the most

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But we're fragile in this society.

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You lost your job? A lot of times

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people that take a machine gun, shoot everybody

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there and they shoot themselves.

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Because they lost their job.

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Their bitcoins are gone.

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All my savings are gone. Oh my god.

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I wish I'm dead now. Right? Why Ajima?

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Easy. Life is better than this. There is

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so much higher you can

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if you put your trust in Allah Subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. So you make dua, make sure

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to make to dua to Allah Subhanahu wa

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to make your life long with khair and

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with barakah. Which is why when you make

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dua for somebody for a long life, what

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do you say?

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Don't say may Allah

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give you life. No. May Allah give you

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life with good deeds.

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Otherwise, good life just like that, God knows

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what happens to it. So may Allah Subhanahu

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wa ta'ala give you all good healthy life

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with good deeds

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Any questions in your mind?

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Another question for example, somebody in a situation

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where they know if they stay alive,

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they'll be captured, tortured, maybe raped, this and

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that. Is it okay to kill themselves in

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a situation like this? Honestly,

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I can't give FEDO on this

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because we're just speaking from theory.

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People on the ground, they know their circumstance

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better than anybody else. So they better ask

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their over

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there really because they know the circumstance. But

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generally speaking, killing yourselves is not

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allowed. And may Allah make it easier for

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But definitely enduring the the hardship of going

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through a trial,

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or at least defend yourself.

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Maybe during that time, you know, you get

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the shahada.

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But to,

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to kill themselves just fear of of being

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captured because of that, it

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doesn't look like it says permissible.

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So So is it is it is it

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okay to be happy when you're dying? Allah,

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I hope you're dying in goodness inshallah to

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a'la. You you should be happy.

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Yeah. Like the Sahaba used to say, you

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know, I'm going to the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam. I'm gonna be with my friend in

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Jen now. This and that being very hopeful

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in that moment. Absolutely. Of course. You're not

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gonna be dying and just keep regretting, you

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know, my car. Don't forget to wash it

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before, you know, you sell it.

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I mean, who's gonna think about these things

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in a moment of death, Ajamal? That's miserable.

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So, yeah, being joyful in a moment of

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death because, alhamdulillah,

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I I think I did well,

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But at the same time feeling guilty for

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the mistakes I've done in my life. Those

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are 2 beautiful things to have in your

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heart in a moment like that. But being

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hopeful is more important.

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Yes? Let's say like, can you pray for

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somebody who is inside?

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Can you help? Like can you pray for

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somebody like Oh, can you pray for somebody

00:13:52 --> 00:13:52


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you know, they kill themselves?

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Well, I mean, depends on the circumstances. If

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they are Muslims, meaning they believed in Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, but unfortunately went through some

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miserable circumstance that caused them to do that,

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we still make du'a for them. We pray

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janazah for them. But if people did that

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to be glorified for that action,

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and they did that as a statement so

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people, you know, they remember them because of

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what they have done. Some of the Aleman,

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they say, you know, the leader of the

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community shouldn't be actually doing janaza for them,

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that somebody else will do janaza for them.

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Because now they didn't just end their lives

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because of their circumstances.

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Now they're making some sort of statement for

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it, and they're not supposed to be glorified

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for that.

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