Wasim Kempson – The Life of the Prophet Muhammad – 02 The Arabian Peninsula

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the history and context of Islam, including its cultural significance and negative elements, such as pride, war, and bravery. They emphasize the importance of strong evidence and understanding of the context and consequences of Islam's negative elements. The transcript also touches on the loss of keys and the importance of being placed in a certain situation, as well as the importance of certain people being placed in a certain situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam, Maharashtra Colombia you will see the mousseline.

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While early he was hobby he said I want to go to law brothers sisters.

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So, continuing with the CLR of Rasulullah sallallahu, and send them. And we mentioned in the previous lesson some

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the world situation on a general scale will slightly go into some more specific specific points concerning the Arabian Peninsula. Because that's where a lot of Allah chose to reveal

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or choose the final messenger Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam revealed the Quran to him at such a setup.

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So more specifically, the

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the Arabs were predominantly that they were tribal people. And we can categorize them into two different types of people. They were the nomadic between people who would move around travel. And secondly, that they were the if you like the city dwellers, and an example of that were those people who resided in in Makkah.

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Now, the people that

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the types of people that were in the Arabian Peninsula, as we mentioned, that they were into idol worship policies,

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you will know that know how nice it

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was sent to people who they taken five righteous individuals and began worshipping them. Five.

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And the names of these people were carried through the generations, even to the time of Rasulullah sallallahu. I didn't send them. So where there were actual tribes at the time of the Prophet sallallahu I didn't send them who worshipped these

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were now idols.

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So for example, if you take

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the tribe of

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who they knew Mutharika, they worshipped SWAT

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and the tribe of kelp, that they worshipped what and mood hedge they worshipped Yarmuth and higher one that they worshipped.

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And Mr. worshipped nozzle. So these idols which are all mentioned in pseudo inverse number 23.

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These continue to the generations, and this is the danger of polytheism.

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And it's deep,

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the deep roots that it can take with with certain people, it doesn't just stay with certain people that it dies out and it continues from one generation to the next.

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So other well known idols that the Arabs they worshipped like manette

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and also alert and Hosea, these were the very famous

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idols that the, the Quraysh that they worshipped. So they were polytheistic people.

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And they had a number of different characteristics, which made them the people that they were now stating that they were a polytheist people into idol worship, not every single one was like that. There were some remnants, some individuals who refused to get involved in idol worship,

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and that these people were known as conifer

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conifer, and that they didn't, you know, involve themselves in idol worship, nor did they

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eat, you know, meat that was slaughtered for idols. They kind of ostracized themselves away, they took themselves away from the polytheism that the Quraysh that they were involved by is at Brahma Abner newfane. He refused to worship idols and eat food that was or animals that were slaughtered for other than a loss or penalty

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of operation punish themselves. Did they recognize a lot penalty? Yes, they did. They recognize a larger levada as the supreme creator, the Supreme sustainer, an owner and control of the affairs of all of the universe.

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And Allah subhanaw taala tells us in various places in Nepal and from those who are in sell to whom Allah personality will help him along. If you were to ask them who created the heavens in the earth, coronation they would require Allah, Allah is the one who created the heavens and the earth is in control of everything. However, they did not see themselves worthy.

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They did not see themselves pure enough to worship Allah subhanaw taala directly. So what they will do is that they will go through these idols, they would

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Through, who maybe one time known as righteous people that they died, and that they were graves were built over those graves. And then idols were made,

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you know, from in conjunction with these graves and then they would go through these to Allah subhanaw taala, which is shipped. This is polytheism. And this is what the flourish, how they, how they understood Allah subhanaw taala. So they recognize our laws lordship, but they refused the tohei, the oneness and the uniqueness of Allah so panel to others worship, that we worship Him alone, and we go directly to Him alone, they rejected them. They rejected that completely.

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So it's not sufficient, is not enough for a person just to see that allies are jealous the Lord, the Sustainer, the owner and the control of everything that is in the universe. That's an important aspect of tawheed. But it's not enough.

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It's not enough, because there are other other religions on earth who accepted that as well. If you ask Christians, they will agree to all of that. They agree that lies in Genesis the creator sustainer, owner and control of all of the affairs in the universe, but that's not sufficient is not enough for them to enter into an Islam for them to become worship or to worship of Allah.

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Because their commission can worship their associated partners with a Lost Planet Allah in the worship by saying that Allah Subhana, WA tada

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has a some sort of Hana.

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So there were some people at the time of the curation era that we're talking about close to the birth of Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam, there were individuals who refused to worship idols.

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There were other Arabs, who would also become Christians and become Jews, but they will not in any great number. They will not in any great number in the Arabian Peninsula, the majority of Christians were, of course, following and part of the Byzantine Empire. And there were some Jews tribes that resided in what was known at that time as yesterday, which, as we know now.

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So there were three tribes. And as we come later into the Seattle, we'll make it known as to the significance of these particular Jewish tribes.

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So by and large, the Arabian Peninsula was full of a ship, full of, of disobedience to Allah, subhanaw, taala.

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And lots of volume, lots of oppression,

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and some of the

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kinds of things that the

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items at that particular time the things that they've been involved in

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strange practices concerning women, marriage in ownership, and how they would treat children, especially daughters, as you know, that they would at times, you know, they weren't from the actual off, you know, honored people, having daughters was seen as something

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wrong, took off the daughters, this is not something that you can carry your lineage with. So they themselves would, you know, at times vary the addresses that maybe don't as they would bury them a library or something. Yeah.

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And other things like women, they were treated like merchandise, women were bought and sold. So they were equal on par with camels as you buy and sell.

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Okay, so they had very little value. At that time.

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Islam, of course, came to

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correct and change this, and that there are many verses in the Quran that address these issues. So it's very important that when you look at the Mk converters, my converses those verses that were revealed in the marking period before Hitler,

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for example, in sort of finance, okay, it's chapter 16, verses 58 and 59.

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That also counts it specifically talks about the people that they're with, they were giving glad tidings, and the glad tidings alive. So Jen tells us *, if they're given glad tidings of a female child to any one of them. Wonder what your home was, what their that their faces would like turn full of darkness, will who will convene, and that they would become full of inward grief. If they had a daughter

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that they would look at themselves in hides themselves from these people, because of the evil what he perceives to be evil that has he has been informed of shall that person keep the daughter

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Be dishonored or should he bury her in the earth?

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Certainly whatever this is a decision that they come to is an evil decision, I keeping your daughter's a dishonor or to bury them, which one is it,

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both of them are evil decisions that they would come to. So Allah subhanaw taala addresses these people

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concerning the women folk, in my Converse, my converses

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and other verses in

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order to be quoted, and when the female infant is buried alive, for what sin was she killed. So there is no plan which addressed the mindset of these of the crush, the polytheistic, the polytheist. koresh at that time.

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And this is very important

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that when we read the Quran, we understand the context of some of these verses and who they were addressing and how their allies agenda was was addressing

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at times as well, that they would,

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you know, just if they didn't believe that they had enough wealth, money, that they would kill their children.

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And also cannot tell a lie quite likewise addresses that, for example, in Surah, surah, while attempting to do, looking for shelter, and luck, but do not kill your children out of fear of poverty. Now notice,

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that the we will provide for them and for you,

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that you indeed killing them is a great sin.

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So this was the kind of behavior these are the kind of things that the policies that they used to do. Likewise, if they were married to a woman, and then he divorced her, it will take her back. That's something Islam that we have as well. However, Islam came to control that, that a man who divorces his wife, on the third occasion that they can no longer be together anymore. Whereas in previous times in terms of Ajay, Leah, that the husband would divorce her leave her in her waiting period, just before the end of it, he takes her back. And he would keep doing this, just to punish.

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women that they did not have a good standing

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in that society, you know, 14 150 years ago, 1500 years ago, was a very bad situation for women at that time. And this is not something specific to this part of the world. In fact, women in many, many places had very little value. And if you look at

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developed countries,

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women only secured you know, the, by their own

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by their own yardstick, if you like, in terms of rights and voting and permission to own property. This only came into existence within the past 100 120 130 140 years, in many Western countries. Before that, the woman really had no right to inherit to, to to own anything. Whereas Islam a lot what gave the woman all of these rights, gave the woman what she was deserving as, as a human being many, many centuries, more than 1000 years, more than 1000 years, than many,

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many Western countries.

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So this is something that

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Islam, we should be, of course, you say proud, but of course, we should be honored with the loss of panel data, which, you know, gave us revelation gave us guidance on these matters, and claims that Islam is backwards and so many things. Well, if one wants to judge Muslims, then they can judge the Muslims. And we have many mistakes, and we have many shortfalls, but looking at Islam, then you have to look at Islam, and that you don't necessarily judge the deen or the religion itself by the behavior of certain individuals. So So you look at Islam in its pristine and perfect

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image was revealed to us you will find the super analog, Islam gave mankind so many things.

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Another one known characteristic that the the Arabs that they had, is that, that they would have no issues with engaging in war.

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Okay. And they really didn't need an important reason at that particular time to have, you know, battles with one another, where, you know, battles and wars may go on for, you know, more than a generation at a time, you know, 30 or 40 years of war would continue.

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Now, we say war How can a walk exist for 40 years

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Want to talk about people, you know, literally on the battlefield for 40 years, and people bringing supplies for 40 years? No, no, no like that. But the people are a conflict. There's conflict between two different people. for 40 years, for example, I'm going to be a common example, you've heard before, that a camel that belong to a tribe, that he walked onto the land of different people. And that person saw that and he killed the camel. And then these two particular tribes began to warring for 40 years over this. So

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war was a constant reality was a constant reality between the auto in everything at that particular time.

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That being the case,

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but there were many negative characteristics and negative things that they carried.

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Also, they had many honorable and many positive attributes.

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And this is something that needs to be mentioned as well.

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Things like it has said, you know, they had a natural intelligence and natural intelligence. I mean, the language of the Arabic language itself is

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the best language on earth, and its expression, and how you can describe things. For example, you will find that the word honey,

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that is more than 80 words for the word honey.

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Or, for example, there's more than 90 for the word Fox. And there's more than you have 500 different words that can describe a lion

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and maybe 1000 words that can describe a camel, maybe question and how can you have 1000 words for one animal? Okay, of course, you have the word Jamel and you have the word evil. Okay, these are common words. Now, these are three words because this all you know, a camel, male, camel, female camel. But then the dogs would have words that describe the position, or the state of a camel. Whether it was sitting down whether it was lying down the time of year, its age, have so many different words for

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the camel, for example, in the amount of years that it lives, if it's one year old, two years old, three years old, four years old, they have different names for camel. So it's a very rich, extremely rich language. And the way that they would speak with one another and converse with one another, no doubt chose intelligence, because they valued poetry. They valued poetry a great deal, that they would speak with one another converse with one another in, in poetry.

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This was all done by memory, this is all done from what they can remember. And just today, because there are many who claim that well, by memory, maybe you can forget,

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you know, especially when talking about the relaying of the brand. from one person to the next, maybe that person forgot, maybe they missed a letter, maybe they missed this, maybe they missed that. I was just listening to the radio today. And there was talking about particular professor, and he was looking over documents that were

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documenting a particular event in history. And he said that the person who had actually written down

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the events that occurred around that particular time, had so many doubts about what he had written when he was actually correct or not, whether it was true.

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I'm gonna just call it the end of

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the program that was on the radio, but point being

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that even by certain standards that you know, to substantiate information reaches us only if it's written, then we can accept it on if it's written, then we can validate it.

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In fact, that

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information that's passed on, memorized

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by by memory and people witnessing that is far more

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yes, no, that's not what I'm looking for. It is overly estimated as far as as an evidence for more powerful, the fact that you have so many people

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cooperating that information to say yes, this is how it was, as opposed to one person writing a document one person could write as he likes. But if you've got, you know, 10s and 50, you know, 50 or 100 people, all having memorized and known, stating the same thing that's far more powerful as an evidence as opposed to a person writing a document.

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So this is one of the great qualities that that the out of that they had at that time. Also other things like generosity and bravery. They held these things in

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Great esteem, these are important for them. And things like truthfulness, keeping promises and being honest. These were traits they had. And these are traits, of course that we is important for for Muslims in general as well. And an example of that is when abou Sofia knew that time was a polytheist emotion. And he went to the Byzantine Empire because they used to trade caravans and Huracan, who was the emperor of the Roman Empire at that time, had heard about the Prophet Mohammed Salah law.

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And he was asking within the budget, and we'll come to a little bit later in this era, he asked Is there anyone that knows or was related was from this from the home of this particular individual? Who is claiming the Buddha was claiming Prophethood.

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At that time, Abu Sufyan

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not a Muslim attire he stood for all day long. And he said, I am from the home, or the people of this individuals claiming the board and a number of questions was posed is does he have this? And does he do that?

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And he said the truth,

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even though at that time, it wasn't a Muslim, but he said the truth.

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So they had qualities at that time, which were,

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which were very important for us, you know, for us to mention, even though that they had

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lots of joy healing practices in the a virgin, which, of course, is the biggest

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The biggest problem that they had, and people can have great qualities in the alpha in looking after people in you know,

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inviting people into their generosity and bravery. I mean, he's all good, great qualities, to the people are misguided in the a burden and their worship, then all of this really doesn't will not benefit them in the long run, will not benefit in the long run. Because we were placed here to worship philosophy that we were placed here to serve Him. And if the people are not doing that, for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, then you'll find that the people will do eventually own for their own

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for their own wants and desires.

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So this was

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the situation around the time of Rasulullah sallallahu. I'd invite him send them that should was prevalent. The people who were in charge of MCE were very high ranking tribe called the Quraysh. And they

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were in charge of MCE the cabin, and all the surrounding areas. And market itself was on the trade route, a very important place. And so therefore, people from people from the north in Syria, that they will come down from Mecca, and that they will travel also Eastwood's to Persia as well. So they were very rich as well and very, very well off.

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Amongst them flourish. There were a number of sub tribes as well, many tribes. And from these tribes, they had different rights. They were higher tribes, like the tribe or Macedonia was a very high ranking tribe,

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where you find other tribes were not as high ranking as that.

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For example.

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benu chumps, okay, they weren't as high ranking as vanilla sumiya. So they within themselves would have different rankings.

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Now we're going to mention maybe just this because there's

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a couple of important incidents that happened just before

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the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

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in our next lesson, we'll start talking about the birth of loss or the loss of limbs and then how it

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occurred, what happened around around that particular time. But there are two things important to mention. The first one is Abdullah Pollack,

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who was the grandfather of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, and at one point in time, would actually be the legal guardian one, one who looked after the Prophet sallallahu. Isn't that occurred for about two years or so.

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was known to have a highest rank amongst a Polish well known person, but his faces his status grew even further, when he was the one who we discovered. The Well of Zamzam.

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As you know, the story that Ibrahim nslm he left his wife left her job and his money at epsilon. And he went away and while he at least that I went away, that they came out it came across water.

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spring of water, which was to be the well,

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over a period of time that became lost over a period of time that became lost. And he had a dream up the bottle of water had a dream, when he was told to dig, dig up labor to dig.

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It was given different names to dig and bar.

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Play by meaning something was good, something Barbara which has something to do with goodness and righteousness, and he was confused as to what is I'm supposed to dig on what does all this mean? Eventually, in the dream, he was told that it is a well, and he went with one of his sons to find the one of the world's found. And when the word was found, he claimed it claimed kind of

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control over it. So this gave him a higher rank or high status within within the community. This is an important

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incident that occurred before

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the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu.

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Secondly, a very important incident and the fact that there was a revelation from Allah subhanaw taala is a real concerning this. And this is the story of field, the elephant on abraha, from a Yemen, who

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wanted to essentially change

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the dynamics of, of what was occurring in Mecca, the P instead of the people going to Makkah as a trade would have the place that people would congregate on that he wanted them to come to, and Yemen from that direction. So as you know that he

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gathered an army and he wanted to go to Makkah and to destroy the Kaaba. And Allah subhanaw taala mentioned, this is sort of field, which is chapter 105 of the Quran.

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So this is another important incident and at that time, the years they were

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not counted as we are counted in 2015 1436. They didn't have that they used to name the years by a particular event that occurred in that particular year. That's how that they would know and follow time. So something occurred in that year or that was the year of the elephant when so and so came and then they will they will destroy. So this is the second

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important incident that occurred in the year of the birth of civil law, civil law.

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He will stop in Charlottesville because the next topic we will go on is to talk about the lineage of beloved Nabi sallallahu sallam, and how Allah subhanaw taala chose him from amongst the polish. So until our next lesson, Monica multicom was on the level seven robotic and under Vienna, Mohammed

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