Waleed Basyouni – Eid Khutbah 2024

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary ©
The importance of protecting Islam is emphasized, with speakers emphasizing the need to show support for others' actions and setting boundaries. The importance of educating and empowering youth is also emphasized, particularly in building a community. The speakers urge parents to take care of their youth and give models and shares for young people to educate their parents and neighbors.
AI: Transcript ©
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For you Islam

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as your religion.

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And today, we celebrate that Ni'mah, that favor

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that he bestowed upon us.

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If this is the case,

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that means this religion was completed, was revealed.

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There is no space, there is no place

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for someone to change it, for someone to

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add to it, or change anything from it,

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the sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

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Anyone who will add thing to religion,

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or remove something from the religion or practice

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in the religion something not from the way

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of the Prophet

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It's what we call

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The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam called us an

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innovation in religion and every innovation in religion

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is misguided.

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And he said, salallahu alaihi wasallam, whoever invented

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anything in this matter,

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not from it, it is rejected as an

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imam Muslim reported.

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I remind myself and my brothers and sisters

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that the greatest obligation upon us all as

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Muslims is to submit ourselves to Allah, is

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to worship Allah alone,

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is to completely submit to His will and

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to obey Him

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O mankind.

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Worship your Lord, the one who created you

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and those who before you.

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Allah have prescribed upon you that you only

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worship him. That's why my brothers and sisters,

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one of the most obligated

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upon us

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after worshiping Allah

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is to honoring all these act of worship,

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even before practicing it, to honor salah

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before we pray, to honor siam before we

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fast, to honor all the religion of Muhammad

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and to have it in the highest level

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in our heart, in our respect, in our

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And this is something we should teach our

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children and family member.

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And we should know and realize

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that being careless about the Haram

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is worse than doing the Haram itself.

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The obligations in Islam,

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some are related

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solely to Allah

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and some are joint, things that we do

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it for Allah, but also we do it

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as a duty and responsibility

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toward others.

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And when it comes to the obligations between

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us and Allah

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the greatest after Tawhid,

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after worshiping Him,

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and submitting our heart and will to him

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subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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as salat. Fahiyaamududdeen.

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As salat is the main pillar in Islam.

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It is what the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam

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was ordered to establish. Perform

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the salat.

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Indeed, salat

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prevent you from doing what is evil.

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To the extent that the Prophet said,

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What distinguish

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the Muslim from the non Muslim is this

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daily 5 prayers that we pray. Whoever leave

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them have became a kafir, have became

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a disbeliever.

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My brothers and sisters, it is the first

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thing you will be asked about in the

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day of judgment.

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The first thing you will be asked about,

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by Allah, your salah. If it is good,

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you are successful.

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After that, whatever comes after that is easy.

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And if it's not,

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and if it's not, you lose. You are

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among the losers in the day of judgment

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reported by Tirmiri.

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Make sure that we put that in the

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heart, in our hearts, in our mind all

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the time, the importance of salah. And our

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children, our family, and make sure that we

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establish the salah in the masajid that Allah

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order us to have.

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As for

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the obligations

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towards other humans,

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on the top of that lust, it will

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come your obligation toward your parents.

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There is nothing more important.

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There is no one more important to you

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to honor, to respect,

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to help, to be there for them, to

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spend time with them than your parents.

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Allah order us to worship him and to

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be good to our parents. Allah

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prescribed upon mankind

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to be kind to their parents and to

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to their mothers and fathers.

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Be aware of harming them

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or through words, even through face expressions.

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It is not allowed and it is considered

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one of the major sin in Islam.

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And after that, the rights of your spouse,

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the rights of your children,

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of your family members, of your neighbors,

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of your,

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fellow citizen and community member,

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and also your responsibility

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towards your Muslim brothers around the world.

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And among

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the priority, the people who have the most

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rights upon us, those who are oppressed,

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those who are treated

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unfairly and unjustly. And on the top of

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that lust will be our brothers and sisters

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in Palestine.

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Their calamity is great. The amount of injustice

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that they're dealing and enduring

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is unbelievable.

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how people forsake them and can see

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the right basic rights that they deserve, that

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deserve from us

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to be there for them through our dua,

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through all legal means to support them financially,

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or to support them politically,

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or to

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or to make sure to propagate

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on their behalf about their rights and about

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the injustice that they are suffering

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and going through.

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That Ibn Nabi

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said the best thing that a Muslim can

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offer today, the Dhir Fiyyih,

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is to offer a sacrifice.

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It's basically

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then sacrificing

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of animals.

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And that's one of the most beloved and

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the most rewarding thing that you do today.

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An Udhiya, it is a highly recommended sunnah.

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never missed the Udhiya while he's traveling or

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He encouraged people to do it through words

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and through actions

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He make

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with camels,

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cows, and rams and sheep

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On behalf of himself, his family members and

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his Ummah, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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turn in prayer to your lord, which we

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just did.

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And to your lord,

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to pray to your lord and sacrifice

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to him only, which is the that we

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And for every nation, we have appointed religious

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sermons that they may mention the name of

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Allah over the best of cattle that he

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has given them for food. And that's

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our nation's

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sermons that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala asked to

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do. It is allowed to give someone else

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some money to do it in your behalf,

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but make sure that you tell your children

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about about

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the purpose of.

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And with this, I want to make this

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point because my kids asked me this question.

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And I asked my mom my my my

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mom, if Allah asked you to kill me,

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would you kill me? Because when you tell

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them the story of Ibrahim alaihi salam, father

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would you kill me? And the point that

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you have to make sure to understand

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and to make sure that your children understand

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as well, that Ibrahim alaihis salam knows that

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Allah will never let him kill his son.

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never intend for him to kill his son.

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knows that he will Ibrahim knows that Allah

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will not ask for such thing. He knows

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it was a test. It's to show how

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much submission,

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how much Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala have rights

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over Ibrahim's heart. Otherwise, Ibrahim knows that Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will not ask such things.

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Anybody knows Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. An average

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person of us will know that Allah will

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not ask you of such thing. But what

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do you think of Ibrahim He

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knows that this was a test not to

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show anyone but yourself and the world how

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much you're willing to submit.

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Otherwise, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala have prepared this

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to be a lessons that He would never

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ask you to do such things. He will

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ask you something way much less than that,

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and you should be willing to submit to

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His will and to answer His call

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My brothers and sisters, whoever buying the old

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here, make sure that you buy the most,

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healthy one, the one with a lot of

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And the cows has to be 2 years

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and older, or the

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sheep has to be 6 months or older.

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And for the goat has to be 1

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year or older,

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and for the camels 5 years or older.

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There are 4 that are unacceptable for sacrifice.

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A one eyed animal

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who defect is obvious, a sick animal

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though whose sickness is obvious,

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a a limbing animal whose limbing is so

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animal that it has no marrow in its

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salallahu alaihiwasallam.

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dabb and sacrifice should be in the day

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of Eid or the next 3 days InshaAllah

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Ta'ala until

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the Maghrib of the next 3 days, the

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last the 3rd day after the 4th day

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after the 3rd day after Eid by the

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end of Asr, the end of the time

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for offering the. It is recommended to give

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from it to the poor, to feed your

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family, and to gift your neighbors and your

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friends, and to invite people over. As if

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miss Uddhul ibn Umar radiAllahu an said,

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my brother and sisters,

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day of Arafah, the day of sacrifice and

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the days of itashree

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are our festival.

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As Muslims

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and there are days of eating, drinking and

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mentioning Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So make sure

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that you increase your takbir

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especially after the salawat, but you occupied your

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day with

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My brothers and sisters,

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it is interesting to know that

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Muslim globally,

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including those who live in the United States,

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have the youngest

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age of all faith based communities.

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And if this fact

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means anything to us, it's to encourage us

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to take care of our youth and to

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make sure to educate them, to connect them

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with Allah

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to make sure that we take care of

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them, raise them upon good principles

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in life, and make sure that they honor

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Allah, they honor their deen, they are proud

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of their Islam.

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Young people

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need models, not critiques.

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So let's be a good model for our

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brothers and for our young brothers and sisters

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who tomorrow will be the future

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of our community.

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Children might be 1 third of our community

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today, but they are 100% of our community

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Good habits

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at youth

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make all the difference when they grow up.

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And finally I would like to send this

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message to my sisters

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as the Prophet

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used to give us an end of his

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khutba An Nasih had to assist to the

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My sisters,

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I find you the driving force behind most

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of any successful work I have meant I've

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seen in this in this community

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and communities around the United States, around the

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Thank you for being the mother

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that's raising the upcoming generation.

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Thank you for being the wife who support

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her husband and comfort him. Thank you for

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being the shining star of our community.

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My dear sisters,

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a good mother is worth a 100 of

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A good sister

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is a role model

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that can have great influence in society at

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large. So make sure you understand this responsibility

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and adhere to what Allah have ordered you

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to be and what is expected from you.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless our family.

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Bless our sisters and brothers.

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Our Lord, you are a salam, the peace,

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and the ultimate peace comes from you alone.

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We ask you to bless us all with

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peace and safety. We ask you, our lord,

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to the grantor of security,

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to bless us and our families,

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our neighborhoods, our community, our nations,

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and the world, and especially our brothers and

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sisters in Palestine

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with everlasting peace and security.

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You are the creator of the heavens and

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earth. You have created mankind in different colors,

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language, nations, and tribes

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so that we may got to know one

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another and live in harmony. We ask you,

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our Lord, the guide to open the hearts

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and the minds of mankind

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to value each other and to value human

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life. And so that bloodshed

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and destruction

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stop all over the world

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immediately. And we ask you, our patient Lord,

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to grant patience to those who are suffer

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from destructions,

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committed by others.

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We ask you the compassionate

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Lord to bestow your mercy upon those who

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are suffering

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from desires,

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from disasters,

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and oppression,

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We ask you, the god, our protected,

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oh Allah,

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to protect and to

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to protect and oppress and help them

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to protect and,

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to protect and help those who are in

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disaster to rebuild their lives, and fill the

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hearts of the oppressor

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with mercy,

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and to stop their aggression

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and to make things turn against them.

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Oh lord, you are the loving one. Replace

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any hatred in our hearts with love,

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mercy, and compassion

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for even our worst of enemies.

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Take away our arrogance and replace it with

00:17:21 --> 00:17:22


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so that we may forgive

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and tolerate one another. Oh, Allah,

00:17:27 --> 00:17:28

give us patience

00:17:28 --> 00:17:30

during time of anger

00:17:30 --> 00:17:32

so that we may forgive

00:17:32 --> 00:17:35

those who treat us unfairly and unjustly.

00:17:35 --> 00:17:36

And give us strength

00:17:37 --> 00:17:37

to stop

00:17:38 --> 00:17:39

injustice as well.

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Oh, Lord,

00:17:41 --> 00:17:42

make us among those

00:17:42 --> 00:17:44

faithful believers

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who respond to evil

00:17:46 --> 00:17:49

with something better. Oh, Allah, bless and guide

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00:17:52 --> 00:17:53

our nations, our leaders,

00:17:54 --> 00:17:55

and our ummah,

00:17:55 --> 00:17:58

and their leaders to what is best for

00:17:58 --> 00:17:59

their citizen.

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and gather the Muslims around the truth.

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