Wahaj Tarin – How We Were And How We Are Now

Wahaj Tarin
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the history and success of the Ottoman Empire, including its involvement in various conflicts, its use of femaleiteracy, and its impact on women. It also touches on the legal system and the rise of the new king's image as a hero. The transcript describes a timeframe during which the Empire met with the new ruler and gave them support, but the exact cause of the attack and the new ruling remain unclear. The transcript also describes a timeframe for the new ruler's appointment and his mission to bring peace and prosperity to the Empire.
AI: Transcript ©
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wa salatu salam wa Mustafa wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa t in a yo minga Hava

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My beloved brother and most respected elders, mothers and sisters

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in the past there was a king known as the federal

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and the crown made a drastic claim he said

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and out of both formal Allah

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I am your Lord most high

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now as humans, you can anticipate that another human tells you I am God you will have questions

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you know, cuz you talk like me, you walk like me, you go to the toilet like me, that's not very possible for you to be God. Like the human intellect can kind of cancel that out by itself to say listen, probably not.

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So the frown recognize this, that this is gonna be a difficult sale.

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So what he did, he enlisted the service or the services of magicians.

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And the magicians came about, to basically perception manage

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to make a human into a god

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so they can with their crafts and their tricks and their magic and they attribute the greatness to the Pharaoh and the human the toilet going human became God.

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So historically, eons ago, humankind recognized that perception management is important.

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Fast forward a fair few centuries into our times.

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And the magician's in the old capacity have gone they around I mean, there's still black magic and stuff around magic is around.

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the perception managers have changed. They have come in the form of screens today.

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tv and media and internet and they manage perception so they make ropes look like snakes and snakes look like ropes.

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until help comes until the truth comes because when the truth came in the time of the frown when musala his salon cam

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the truth devoured the false hood.

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And a lot of bullards essays were cool and helpful was the HIPAA law when in Alba Lacan the hookah and say the truth has come in become manifest, and false hood has perished. False hood by its nature is perishable.

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So, in our times, truth is the only thing that will set us free.

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And as the famous biblical statement, Seek ye the truth, and the truth shall set you free. So we have come here today

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at a time where really difficult images are being associated with Islam

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you know, I was thinking about it if you get a car a Suzuki you know and I think Suzuki is a cheap cars and if anyone has it Carlos is an expensive garbage you know what I mean? Yeah.

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Suzuki is a relatively cheap brands. And if you take the emblem out, you know, that look that the emblem of Suzuki outten slap on it a Merc one a Mercedes

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and call it Mercedes. That would be a real injustice to Mercedes cars that Suzuki.

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And the same thing is happening with Islam today. So you get really strange organizations who are as far away from Islamic thought and Islamic ideology in Islamic greed as east from the west, as Suzuki is from Mercedes, and yet they have labeled it Islam and Islamic State and Islamic government and the world treats it like that.

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It's Uzuki it's not the real one. So what we're doing tonight

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is to give a glimpse of what

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An actual Muslim world looked like

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so that our young and our old and the Muslim and non Muslim can kind of rest assured and number one recognize that we have a long legacy of contribution to the world in its entirety.

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And that that legacy and that contribution and that notions should not be hijacked by rogue organizations and the wall then the media should not do the injustice of associating the classics was the fake

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so our story starts

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in the 1519

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if you rewind 27 years prior to this date,

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you will come to 1492

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anyone know the significance of 1492?

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Good Masha Allah Allah bless your up everyone can I have a big Mashallah for this young man?

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That was in big, Marcia, a big martial law please.

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forth 1492

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spine fell from Muslim hands.

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What had happened for years, a Catholic monarchy was growing next to Spain.

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And it was becoming both stressed and confident. And Muslims were dwindling. Eventually,

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they took over Spain, which the Muslims had been ruling for almost 800 years.

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Now, there is a theory in trading. They say success breeds success. Victory breeds victory. And they say train for success. So you set yourself tasks that you can do easily. That makes you feel confident you've got you know, for example, g Lanza here. So we've got imagine a person joins the gym.

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And then in the gym, they say, I'll come and try and seven days a week. Now, as soon as someone says that he's setting himself up for failure, because he's not finding seven days a week, it's difficult to do you need constant motivation and energy and so on. So you know, it's not gonna happen. But if he was to say, I'm training twice a week, you know, that's a achievable aim. And if he does it, then he feels nice and confidence, self efficacy, growth, self determination grows, yes, I can, grows, so then he can increase it to three days a week. Do you understand me, you train for success. So and success brings success and remember that with your kids don't set them abnormal goals, you know,

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become a happy boy tomorrow, sweetheart, it's not gonna happen. Yeah, set logical goals that they can succeed and then feel confident that they can

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success, their success and Spain made them more confident. And pretty soon

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This Catholic monarchy grew. And until they came up with the

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and they dubbed him the Holy Roman Emperor.

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And this happened in 1519. He is Charles the fifth.

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Now remember, Charles hails from a Spanish background. And

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so if you look at my

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blurry image there, Spain is down here.

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Italy is there. Both of these are Catholic nations. And you know, as you go up towards Germany and Belgium, they were Catholics to the only Protestant nation

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was the French in the middle.

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So as you can imagine, Catholics and Protestants don't get along too well. So there was a lot of friction there. And they call these the Italian walls.

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And this lasted a long time. So there was constant fights over bits of Italy, Milan, and so on and so forth. And this lasted for about six years.

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So we say war rages in Europe.

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Very dramatic little titles. You will notice I'm using tonight.

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So 60 years later,

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a decisive battle took place, and France lost.

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And there's losing and there's losing this was a very significant loss. The King got caught and was made captive. This is the king Francis the first.

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So Francis, the first, the Protestant King

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was called on battle.

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he was imprisoned by the Spaniards.

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And one of the nicknames of Francis was the owner of the great nose.

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I think it's self evident from there, why

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not it's it's a real title. I'm not making this up. This is true.

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So, Francis is in prison.

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And I'm anticipating the prison of Kings is different from the ordinary men. So he might have been put on a you know, house arrest or palace arrest or something like that, but he was in prison.

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So Francis thought What to do? You know, how do I get myself out of this mess?

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and looking around, you saw from the previous map, he is pretty much surrounded by a faith that will not support him.

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So he reached out to this man.

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Allah bless this man say I mean

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this the Suleiman the Magnificent.

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The Arabs call him Suleiman al cannone.

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Saw so a special envoy, a confidant of Francis traveled and cam to Suleiman al cannone. to the court to the assembly of Solomon. And the court of Suleiman was at special code.

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You couldn't hear a sound

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and he used to give instructions by motion of his hands like go but there wasn't any talk in his code. He didn't like noise.

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Very contemplative man, very learned man, you know, Mujahed, leader, but very somber.

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So the envoy came to him and told him that France is the first has lost to Spain.

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And His Majesty, the King of France, Francis has sent to your quote, asking for help to release him from the bondage of the Spaniards, and at the same time, re gain his throne.

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So Suleiman the Magnificent listened.

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And then

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he ordered for a letter to be written. And the letter was written. And this is the letter in the archives of the Ottomans.

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And it was sent with this envoy back to Francis.

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And when you read this letter, you get a glimpse of what

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the Islamic world was like.

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I will share little bits and pieces of it with you in Arabic and a fuller version in English.

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So he starts by glorifying a lot of Buddhism and sending salutations on the Prophet. And then he says, this is just the section of it.

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And so far, no solid clean water bottle handle our theme. I am the Sovereign of sovereigns and the throne holder of the Ottomans and also tonle Buhari Abele. I am the Sovereign of the Mediterranean. What is the Buhari s word and of the Black Sea? What is beheren Maru and of the Red Sea? What?

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What romilly waka Romano room Well, we'll get to the area where Dr. Rebecca Wakarusa, Stan what Azerbaijan while I was Sham, one muscle, one Mecca one Medina Walcott's watch me or the Arab world. What Bilardo Majora well

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done okra Kathy euro if that had happened

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Do Jeddah that he beside you feel lofar while in law Hill hamburgo Allahu Akbar.

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When I read it, I cried.

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He says,

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I'll just put a bit of that happening.

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I am the Sultan of Sultan's, the Sovereign of sovereigns, the dispenser of crowns to monarchs, the vice chairman of Allah on earth. I am the Sovereign of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea, and the Red Sea and Roman law and Antonio and

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karma Nia and the land of room in Zulu Kataria and Dr. Roboto, and of Kurdistan and Azerbaijan, and Persia and Damascus, and Aleppo and Cairo, and of Makkah, and Medina in Jerusalem, and all of the lands of the Arabs and the Yemen, and of many other lands, which has been conquered by my glorious hand and victorious blade, and yet All praise belongs to Allah and he indeed is the greatest.

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And then he tells this man,

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your news has been conveyed to me. And I have got full knowledge of what has happened.

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And I have come to find out the chuva that you have been imprisoned and dethroned from your kingdom.

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And you have asked my help to free you from your bondage and give you your kingdom back.

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So he says, it is no astonishing news that monarchs lose and monarchs go to prison. And understand.

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He writes just before this he says I'm so fond Solomon been so fun Salim bin Sultan bayezid illa Ferran Cece, Malik Willa, yet a foreign Sir,

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I am so tan Solomon, the son of Sultan Salim, the son of Sultan biopsied This letter is from me to you, the king of the province of France.

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Like mine is the kingdom yours is a province of France.

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So he says to him, free your mind of thoughts and worry.

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Our our nation has never held back in defeating a foe and taking over his lands. And we have conquered many difficult lands and, and many difficult cities.

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And what has been said will be done. This is it.

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I want to leave the story here. And I will come back to it at the end of my presentation tonight as to what actually happened and transpired.

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But I want you to have a look

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at the khilafah under the last of the Muslim rulers. And this is the Ottomans. And when he says I am the Sovereign of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and the Black Sea. And

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that covered most of the globe.

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And then on the other side was still the Muslim land, Isfahan and Iran towards the other side. And that is the empty quarter or the desert lands of Arabia. And on this side towards Morocco and Northern Africa. They were all still Muslim lands, just under different monarchs. But Suleiman at his time with the Ottomans at that time, was the supreme rulers of the bulk of the Muslim lands.

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The question tonight is what

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did this Muslim mold look like inside like it is easy to conquer lots of land jungus handed it and you know he massacred people and built

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you know towers from the skulls of people. But what was a Muslim civilization like and that is what we want to have a look at.

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The first it was a civilization with humanity.

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It felt and supported and helped other humans.

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There's a story that

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let me just get my papers

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that in it

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disease, felled the potato plantations.

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And their main food was potatoes and Ireland, especially amongst the poor.

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So a product of this, that there was very little food produced that year.

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And a lot of people died and the Irish dubbed it

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the great hunger.

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And they say a million people died and a million people left.

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You know, the locality.

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A million is a lot of people to die.

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It isn't that there wasn't any food in Ireland there was. But Ireland was subjugated by the English. And a lot of the property was owned by the English. So the produce that was produced was sent back to England, and the poor died in Ireland.

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So eventually, news of this reached the Ottoman hollyleaf that they are humans, non Muslims, Christians buying an island out of poverty, please help.

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And this was a time where wealth where the Ottomans were having some internal problems as well. So the halifa felt a huge sense of responsibility. And in his humanity with man, he promised that I will send 10,000 silver pounds to Ireland.

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But at the same time he was

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he was not a reckless ruler.

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And he recognized that I is under the stewardship of Britain.

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So he found out how much the British Queen Queen Victoria is doing to help out Ireland.

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And he found that she's on the giving 2000 silver pounds. And he had promised 10,000. So and recognizing that this would make her look very small. He reduced his number to 1000.

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Do you see that Muslim monarchs didn't want the disruptions of other lands and other systems.

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But he said I have made a promise of 10,000 I have to take goods to them. equivalent to that some although in money, I will give only 1000.

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So he sent 1000 silver coins, which comes to a million something and our currency pounds

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to them. And then he sent five shiploads of grains.

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And he sent it through

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a very long way. So Istanbul is there. It sailed all the way through those lands until it reached Ireland on the other side.

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There was no income to expect no business this is just helping his fellow man.

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And when it reached that

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the people were very overwhelmed. And the nobles of Ireland wrote this letter of thanks and gratitude back to the Sultan.

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And it reads a little like this.

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We the nobleman gentleman and inhabitants of Island one to express our thanks and gratitude for the Ottoman Sultans magnificent assistance.

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The Sultan's Assistance Response to this aid call displays an example to European states. numbers were relieved and safe from perishing through this timely act. We express our gratitude on their behalf and hope that the Ottoman Sultan and his dominions will be saved from the afflictions which have before us

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and recognition of

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the timely act of this gracious halifa.

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They adopted the symbol of the crescent in the staff and some of the government buildings. And today, their soccer team wears this proudly on their shirts

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and memory of what the Ottoman hollyleaf had done for them

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at a time when very few would come to the aid and not only the the Istanbul send but other Muslim dumb parts of the Islamic

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Crayola bond by and other countries, they all send goods to this land so that they could save their fellow man.

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And you contrast this approach with the senseless approach that is being associated with Muslim governments today.

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And you see a direct contrast that what is real and what is fake. What is Suzuki and what is Mercedes

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we are dubbed as a backward nation,

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holding humanity back.

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But I want you to see what

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the Muslim nation really looked like.

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I am arguing that Islam was a very progressive organization, the Muslim government.

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And when Islam cam and the amount of emphasis it put on an ailment, knowledge, it created a culture of seeking and learning.

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You know, everyone wanted to learn, everyone wanted to know a lot of Buddha in the Quran says look at the heavens, so the Muslim would look at the heavens. And I remember the words of Isaac Newton, Isaac Newton was trying to discover this gravity between planets. And you know, what is keeping the moon there? Why isn't the moon flying around? He says, I, I, you know, staring at the celestial bodies at the moon at the stars and stuff. I thought about it until my head began to ache and sleep perished.

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So the Quran required that type of reflection, think so Muslims, you know, devout Muslims, while they're thinking, contemplating studying, learning what is happening, and through this.

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And you can see pictures from those times they came about with trigonometry in geometry and astronomy and, and all the rest of the sciences. So sciences began to develop.

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And the contrast was mind boggling.

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He has a fantastic thing. This is not from those times this is this is modern, but I couldn't find an old library. So I've gone with a modern.

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In France, there was a library.

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And understand the Francis The first was considered a very literate person.

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Right, and this is in 15 in the 1530s. So in France, there was a library, how many books

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you can guess

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700 books, and the library of France 700 books. At the same time.

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In Spain, Islam and Muslim Spain, one library had half a million books.

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And there was more than 700 libraries

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or is it 70 anyway, that's a factor of 10 forgive it if I've got a wrong

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but and when the Catholic scammon took over, they wanted to take all sign of Islamic contribution of you know, to build a fake history and they have in Spain, you know, that they can and the volume and wrong and oppressed and their nonsense. So then they burned a million textbooks.

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A million you know, and books in those days were not printed they were written in HTML Josie alella header row stood on the member and his end of days and he said with this hand, I have written 2000 books.

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With this, I have written 2000 books, one of the Muslim scholars

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one of his works, one of his works is 800 volumes, one of his works and he was such a scholar, so dedicated to knowledge that he used to say,

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between CAC and bread. I opt for CAC units that dry

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in a way the Arabs know what I'm talking about. Yeah, between that and the bread I opt for that dry one. Because I just have to break it, put it in my mouth, swallow it with water I don't need to waste time chewing.

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If I have bread and chewing

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wastes too much time. And that's why his work, you know, 800 books one person right in your hand will go numb. But just one of his works 800 volume 800 volumes,

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three of which has been printed.

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So point is the scholarship and knowledge started to to take root, and people competed and knowledge. And because of the safety and security and welfare that Islam had in place innovation started, and I don't say innovations indeed but innovations and technology. So you have like this

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this wonderful individual.

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Such a such an amazing, amazing story. You know, he had the longing to fly.

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Do you know when you want to fly?

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When there's nothing else to do on an on land anymore? You know, if people are surviving, they're too busy surviving. Once Life is good, then you start looking for other things to do. So Islam provided such a good life that this gentleman decided, why can I fly like birds.

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So he went to the Grand Mosque. And he made what is probably the first parachute

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and stood on the menorah and jumped down, you know, hoping to fly.

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And he had a rough landing the pocket before guy at this stage. He was relatively young. He had a rough landings, you know, you know,

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aches and bruises. But he's he survived

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his next attempt. He was 75 years old.

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I need you to focus on this and imagine a 75 year old trying to fly.

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Can you imagine there's a few distinct things about personalities of early Muslims. They had resilience, they didn't give up quick

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enough, he set his mind to something Carlos he was gonna do it.

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So this time around, he made that other little thing of is that one. And he put eagle feathers on silk and bamboos and then went to the local mountain. And all lights are risky game and I don't encourage kids to do it. It's already done. Like you got aeroplanes now it's finished follow us.

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So he stood there, and he jumped.

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And he flew for about 10 minutes. But his landing was a bit rough. So he goes on, it didn't have a tail like if I had put a tail, it would have been better.

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And it took the Wright brothers

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years before they can back to where this individual was in Muslim land.

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And the field of medicine.

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Islam was centuries ahead of everyone else. One of the the physicians and for Toba in Spain

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went to the non Muslim side to medicate and see what's going on in their medical world.

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So he says I saw a man with the cyst on his leg.

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So I suggested you know, an incision, a cut, clear the filth solid backup find it, it will be fine.

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And I saw a lady who had breathing problems. So he prescribed you know,

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boil these vapors so it you know, soothes the inside and the lungs and so on and so forth. So he goes then they own Dr. Cam, a doctor from those from from the non Muslim lands. Because this guy is just giving advice. People don't really trust you know, you've got a long beard, you're not really a scientist.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:19

So he came to there on Dr. Kammen. He goes Nah, nonsense, bring the sword.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:39

So he took the sword and he goes to the smack the guy's leg, the meat cut open the ball, it reached the bone. It went through the bone, the mirror came out. The man fell down dead after a few minutes. So because he went to the lady with the breathing problem, and it goes, this is

00:34:40 --> 00:34:41

she's possessed.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:46

No serious, it's documented in his diary.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:52

So what he did, he said, Bring the knife. He cut ahead

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

until it reached the bone of the skull, and you draw a big nice solid cross on it.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

It was bring me salt, and then held salt on her to help her breathe.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:15

And because obviously if you have breathing problems, you know, anxiety and panic will probably not help. So she died too.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:19

And I don't see why you laughing It's a very sad thing.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:23

All right. So

00:35:26 --> 00:35:27

progressive nation.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:30

He has another thing.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:36

The Streets of Spain were paved

00:35:37 --> 00:35:43

five, not 400 years before it would even reach Britain.

00:35:45 --> 00:35:52

Like 400 years before the Brits could even think and contemplate paving the roads, Muslim lands were already paved.

00:35:54 --> 00:35:55

I'm trying to show

00:35:56 --> 00:35:58

the difference, cause

00:36:00 --> 00:36:04

the aim is to make the world lose confidence in Islam.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:39

So to say barbaric savages without any vision in the contribution, and then they give us these fake organizations and we've got a young amidst us dumb enough to believe that that is the real thing. And contrast to everything that aligned His Prophet has preached and said, and then, you know, because because of their lack of understanding and lack of element hilman a desire to matter helaas Let's do something that looks relatively strong and dead stupid.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:43

But classic, Islam wasn't like that.

00:36:46 --> 00:36:52

Then there is this notion that you know, we keep women back, and

00:36:53 --> 00:36:55

we are oppressive that way.

00:36:56 --> 00:36:59

So let's look at female scholars in Islam.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:05

My teacher and Jeff, Dr. Akram nadwi. Allah tada

00:37:06 --> 00:37:15

has done a research 15 years in just the female scholars of Hadith.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:22

Just the female scholars of Hadith, not in the other sciences, just one science Hadith.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:33

And he says, in my humble research, I have found 9000 scholars who are female in this in the in the science of Heidi,

00:37:35 --> 00:37:38

not small giant of scholars.

00:37:39 --> 00:37:43

At the same time, if you look at the rest of the world,

00:37:45 --> 00:37:53

and the dark mountains of Europe, the catholic church there used to recognize women as human.

00:37:54 --> 00:37:58

And then light around the church said okay, they're human, but they are

00:38:00 --> 00:38:04

a subclass human and they have a filthy soul.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:07

And if you left

00:38:08 --> 00:38:22

Europe and went there to the subcontinent there if a husband died there used to burn the wife alive with him.

00:38:24 --> 00:38:26

The practice was called Sati

00:38:27 --> 00:38:33

it was there even when the British colonized India this footage is often

00:38:34 --> 00:38:48

Now traditionally in Indian society forget about bollywood, I'm talking about the original India right if you will get all the guys marrying younger girls. So by default, he was gonna go first.

00:38:50 --> 00:38:51

You know, he's old.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:02

So, the problem was that when is dead, this young lady is left

00:39:03 --> 00:39:09

and the rule was they used to beautify her and then the Hindus banned they did they you know.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:20

So they used to make the fire which needs to sit her on top of the wood and then burn her and him together like

00:39:22 --> 00:39:47

and obviously you the the flames catching you start to scream and nature takes over and you want to run. Then they had these long sticks and they used to keep the gill down on the fire. So that was India and women kind and that was Europe and women kind and if you look at Arabia before Islam came they used to bury their their daughters alive.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

Allah Subhana be a them being kottelat What is an mo ooda to surrender to be a zombie? When the infant female infant will be asked for what sin were you killed?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

The child.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:19

So this was the world before Islam and in Islam and when Islam can, it encouraged scholarship and contribution from all genders, so that you had people

00:40:23 --> 00:40:31

like Amara bin Abdul Rahman. She was a giant of the scholars of Hadith.

00:40:32 --> 00:40:34

And she used to give fatwa

00:40:35 --> 00:40:44

like verdicts, not when she was alone. At the time when scholars like all webinars go by it was still alive.

00:40:45 --> 00:41:00

And the same locality, once listen to the story, the local judge, and judges in Islam or learn at people you don't get any Tom Dick and Harry hollows come, you know, I want you to make judgments. They are learned people. So the judge

00:41:02 --> 00:41:08

case was presented to him a Syrian Christian was caught for stealing.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:17

And he was brought to the Islamic court for justice and Islamic law with regards to

00:41:18 --> 00:41:29

stealing is the cutting of the hand. So the judge decided the law is cut his hand cut off his hand. So news reached amaura.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:35

And she sent her messenger to the judge,

00:41:36 --> 00:41:40

tell the judge to stop so the judge stopped

00:41:41 --> 00:41:55

you cannot cut his hand release him because I have a heavy from our issue of the Allahu and her who said the Prophet said if the theft is less than a quarter dinar you do not cut the hand

00:41:56 --> 00:42:05

and he has stolen in less than a quarter let him be. So he was released immediately on the command of a lady

00:42:07 --> 00:42:11

at a time where the rest of the world didn't consider them human.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:16

And then we are the oppressors of women.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:25

Under that was another scholar of heavy

00:42:27 --> 00:42:43

and just so that you see contribution she used to teach and the actual messages and the Grand Mosque of the mosque and you know, in Syria for six months and then go for six months in teaching her

00:42:46 --> 00:42:53

and her students included the holly four of the time. Abdulmalik number one

00:42:54 --> 00:43:01

in Abdulmalik, Ivanova. Marwan don't think he's like the current rulers, you know, he doesn't know his right hand from his left hand. It wasn't like that.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:10

The son of Omar epinal, hopper of the Allahu anhu reached an old age and he was on his deathbed.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:13

The son of oma ribnica pub.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:31

So at his deathbed, the people began to panic. And they said, or elders of the kurush It looks like you're all about to perish. You're all dying, one after the other. Who will we ask after you?

00:43:33 --> 00:43:34

So he said,

00:43:37 --> 00:43:38

Marwan has a son

00:43:40 --> 00:44:00

asked him after us. This is Abdulmalik. He was so done at a 40 Hainan Island that the son of Omar Abdul kebab said ask him after us and this Khalifa used to sit as a as a student at the feet of Ananda to learn from her

00:44:02 --> 00:44:08

and when her dad used to finish, he used to help her to go to the female lines for the Salah.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:25

And stories like this are many innumerous you can look at the work of Dr. Akram nadwi for further reference on that inshallah.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:30

Now, back to our story.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

Do you remember the story?

00:44:36 --> 00:44:36

All right.

00:44:37 --> 00:44:38


00:44:40 --> 00:44:44

Suleiman albinoni wrote a letter

00:44:45 --> 00:44:46


00:44:48 --> 00:44:51

the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles the fifth

00:44:53 --> 00:44:56

and the letter was very blunt.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

And he said, you will find

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

This much money to me annually and you will release Francis

00:45:07 --> 00:45:18

you know Francis of France, the one that was captured by Yeah, he goes, you will release that monarch. And you will send this much money as tax to me annually.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:21


00:45:23 --> 00:45:35

the Emperor, the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles the fifth, you know, remember how I said, success breeds success, he was on a high, you know, no way this is not going to happen.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:40

So, Suleiman al cannula sent him this man

00:45:44 --> 00:45:46

is highroad in Barbarossa.

00:45:48 --> 00:45:57

You will see him in movies as the pirates, you know what the red beard and one eye that's because they want to make your heroes look bad.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:07

So that you don't have anything to aspire towards. But this was a a general of the Ottoman Empire.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:10

And he went

00:46:12 --> 00:46:14

to Hungary

00:46:15 --> 00:46:22

and laid siege to it. And within a few months, conquered the whole country.

00:46:24 --> 00:46:37

So Charles released Francis, and agreed to pay 30,000 gold coin Zia to the author and Kayla for the stacks.

00:46:38 --> 00:46:44

And the halifa told him that cannot be two Emperor's on Earth at the same time.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:51

From now on, you are the king of Spain. So he became just the king of Spain.

00:46:53 --> 00:46:54


00:46:55 --> 00:47:08

so I met all our new new when he took over this new country. He didn't rain in there, he didn't bring it part of the Ottoman Empire. Instead, he let it be and he withdrew back.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:35

And then one of the saw the actual king that had fought him ran away and died later on a new king cam and he came to Suleiman cannone. And he swore allegiance to him. And he said, we will be under your protection, but we will be an independent state. And Suleiman only accepted this. And they lived in harmony for the years to come.

00:47:36 --> 00:47:41

And the friendship with France developed here.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:43


00:47:45 --> 00:48:04

they said remained in good terms and as friends for, you know, a few centuries until Napoleon attacked Egypt, which was part of the Ottoman Empire later on. And you will understand whenever there is a treaty, you won't find the Muslim in history break the treaty first.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:14

So France broke that treaty, and attacked the Muslim lands in an Egypt under Napoleon.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:16


00:48:19 --> 00:48:25

so King Charles became Charles the fifth just became the king of Spain, and

00:48:27 --> 00:48:49

highroad in Barbarossa, was faced with one of the biggest and final challenges of the times, and that was the Armada of the Spanish of the Spanish ships. So the pope himself came and made a declaration that you have to help against the Ottoman khilafah.

00:48:50 --> 00:48:58

So the Catholics poured wealth and money and support until they amassed 6000 ships,

00:48:59 --> 00:49:02

and 60,000 soldiers and

00:49:03 --> 00:49:08

sailors. And they came to attack the Muslim lands.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:12

So herodion Barbarossa

00:49:13 --> 00:49:15

went out to meet him.

00:49:16 --> 00:49:17

And he had with him

00:49:19 --> 00:49:21

122 ships

00:49:23 --> 00:49:28

and some 22,000 men as opposed to the 60,000 that they had

00:49:30 --> 00:49:46

and out, you know of acute acute experience in years, you know, on the field. A lot of Blizzard made him come up with a strategy. And in five hours he destroyed the whole of the ships.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:49

So he came back.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

And then remember cost spine has just been taken from the Muslims, and you've heard Spanish Inquisition. That was my to go into

00:50:00 --> 00:50:23

Without remnants of Islam and Muslims and Jews that might have still existed and those lands, and you look at church history and church documentation, some of the ugliest punishments in the annals of human history was invented by the church there to punish Muslims and Jews who are considered to hide their faiths and Christian lands.

00:50:24 --> 00:50:59

So then Barbarossa hierro Deen Barbarossa left here and went to Spain and freed the Muslims from the Inquisition there. And by the time he came back to the Ottoman lands, the halifa himself came down to meet him at the shows of the halo effect. And they say when the new scam that he has defeated the Armada of the of the spine, tech billionaires went out in Makkah and Medina and then bombed by in in Istanbul, celebrating the achievement of this awesome individual.

00:51:00 --> 00:51:04

I will conclude the question is, so what happened?

00:51:06 --> 00:51:08

Because today we are very different from what we used today.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:11

What happened?

00:51:12 --> 00:51:18

My beliefs, my analysis and my input in it is we changed.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:21

We changed.

00:51:22 --> 00:51:26

The rule is, listen carefully.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:30

Allah will give you what you deserve.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:41

If you deserve and have the competencies, the skills, the abilities that you know, to be able to handle the responsibility Allah will give you that

00:51:44 --> 00:51:54

when you don't deserve it anymore and no longer have the competencies, abilities, requirements to handle that offers a lot excerpts from you. The verse says the same.

00:51:55 --> 00:52:25

Then it can be unknown luchador Miyako mocha urinary method and ama hair comb in Hatha Yoga you may be unfussy him, Allah will not take a favor that he has favored us except when you change so much that you no longer deserve the favor so Allah snatches up from you good and clean and he won't give it back to you in nama Hello euro euro Nadia comin Hatha Yoga you may be unfussy him, Allah will

00:52:26 --> 00:52:30

change your condition until you change what is within yourself.

00:52:32 --> 00:52:46

So when you change yourself and you become like your predecessors that passed before you allow will return the favors back to you. So the secret of it all in a short sentence is internal.

00:52:47 --> 00:53:00

Become people and have the stamina, the courage, the resilience, the the competencies of the old and Allah will give you the honors of the old

00:53:03 --> 00:53:21

have the weaknesses and the pathetic, lethargic pneus that seems to be grappling the Muslim world and you will get what you have today. For Colton Appleton taco Hassan uttam Femina La Hoya intercoast A atom from enough Siva shaytaan salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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