Wael Ibrahim – The Disease & The Cure #01

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the book Insha'ra Ta'ala, which focuses on finding a cure for addictive behavior and emphasizes the need to find a cure for every illness. They stress the importance of finding a cure for old age and maintaining healthy lifestyle. The speaker also discusses running away from distressed behavior and avoiding graduating from drama, emphasizing the need to find a cure that matches the intensity of diseases.
AI: Transcript ©
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Platform where Insha'Allah Ta'ala I'll be delivering

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several courses on variety of subjects Insha'Allah in

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the days to come. Please pray for me.

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May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept from 1

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and all, but

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this course in particular it's quite lengthy and

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also pertaining to the work that I've been

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doing for the past many years alhamdulillah regarding

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addictive behavior. The book that I'm gonna teach

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Insha'Allah Ta'ala is.

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May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala have mercy upon

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his soul and may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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reward him for the great work that he

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had left behind. And as I mentioned, it

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is very very special to my heart because

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I have benefited a lot from this book,

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for myself, my family, but also in the

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work of counseling and helping people to get

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rid of the addictive behaviors. This book has

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been a great source of assistance. So Insha'Allah

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as you can see the book is quite

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lengthy and it's gonna take me a while

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to deliver all its content. So pray for

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me Insha'Allah but Bismillah we will begin today

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in this very episode. Before we delve into

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the content of the book Insha'

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insha'Allah, I want you to develop this student

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mindset insha'Allah. So don't just watch the video

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you wanted to hear something inspirational or motivation.

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And I'm not negating that aspect as well.

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So I want you to be inspired. I

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want you to be motivated. But rather than

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just being motivated and just being inspired and

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do nothing, I wanted you to develop the

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student mindset. I want you to grab a

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notebook and a pen and start taking notes

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as much as you can because most likely

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when you write down the knowledge you'll be

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able to retain it in the future Insha'Allah

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Ta'ala and you'll be able to teach it

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to others as well. So Bismillah,

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let's begin asking Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to

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accept this humble effort from myself and my

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team and everyone who will participate in it.

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Insha'Allah Ta'ala. Say Ameen. Now, this book has

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been known by a different title. The common

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title that we have named the course with

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the disease or the illness and the cure.

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But the original title was

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the one who seeks or who asked about

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the sufficient or the curable remedy. Now the

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author of this amazing book is Imam Ibn

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ibn al Qayyim al Jawayyah. Now Insha'Allah Ta'ala,

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your first homework is to click the link

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in the description below to know more about

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this great man who left behind wealth of

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knowledge to the Ummah of Islam. Now in

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today's lesson Insha'Allah Ta'ala we're gonna discuss the

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first chapter of the book which he titled

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for every illness there is a cure. Allahu

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Akbar. From the beginning of the book we

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are infused with hope. My brothers and sisters

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in Islam, how many of us were drowned

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in the sins to a point that they

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have lost hope in the mercy of Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala. So from the title itself

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of this chapter, imamidmal qayeem Rahmatullah is reminding

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us not to lose hope in the mercy

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of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Reminding us that

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for every disease,

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spiritual or even physical, there is a cure.

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All we need to do is to look

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for it Insha'Allah. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told

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us in the Quran.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala reminded us in the

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Quran, tell them, oh Muhammad, those who have

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all bounds, those who have sinned day and

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night, those who have crossed the boundaries of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, despair not from the

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mercy of Allah, for Allah forgive all sins.

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So if your diseases,

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if your illnesses

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are pertaining to committing sins, if that's what

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you're suffering from, do not ever give up

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on Allah. Do not ever lose this hope

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in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's mercy and forgiveness.

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Why? Because Allah reminded us that among his

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qualities is forgiveness

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and showering us with his mercy.

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Remember, he is the one who forgives. He

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is the one who owns mercy and can

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shower us with his mercy. So don't ever

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lose hope because for every illness, no matter

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how big or small, there is a cure.

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But we have to remind ourselves my brothers,

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my sisters in Islam that sometimes Allah will

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inflict upon us certain diseases that perhaps we

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will be unable to find its cure. The

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cure is there as we will call the

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ahadith in a little while Insha'Allah. So the

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promise is there that the cure has been

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created with the disease. There is no question

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about it. But sometimes because of our limitations,

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we won't be able to find the cure

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in this dunni. We won't be able to

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witness that cure for ourselves. And as a

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result, if we demonstrated patience, perseverance, and acceptance,

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and contentment,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will multiply our rewards

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in the hereafter on the day of judgment

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Insha'Allah Ta'ala. But the cure is there, all

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we need to do is to keep looking

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for it Insha'Allah. So let's go through the

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hadith that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's Messenger Muhammad

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Sallallahu Wa Salam mentioned regarding this. So the

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first hadith for example the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam said that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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whenever he descend or send down a disease,

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he send with it its cure. Allahu Akbar.

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So number 1, my brothers and sisters in

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Islam, remember don't ever give up on Allah.

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Don't ever lose hope in the mercy of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. 2nd, keep on finding

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that cure because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala promised

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that he created that cure when he decide

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to send down that disease. So it's there,

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all what we need to do as I

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mentioned earlier is to keep looking for it.

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In another narration, the Prophet Muhammad SAW wasalam

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was sitting with his companions and one of

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them asked the prophet

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The person is asking the prophet

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do we have to look for a cure

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if we are sick, if we are infected

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or inflicted

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by any calamities, by any diseases? Do we

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go and seek for a cure? The Prophet

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Salam

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Yes, go and seek the cure, O slaves

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of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. For Allah Subhanahu

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Ta'ala indeed Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala never descend

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or never send down any disease except that

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He send with it its cure.

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Except old age. So my brothers and sisters

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Islam out there are trying to plan for

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plastic surgeries and beautify themselves and stretch their

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skins to look younger. Hey, hey, hey. No

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matter what you're trying to do or to

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achieve, you are growing old whether you like

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it or not. There is no cure for

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that one disease. Allah did not send a

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cure or Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala did not

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send a fix for old age. You're gonna

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grow old whether you like it or not.

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And the more you try to create something

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else or to do something else to defeat

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that inevitable

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faith growing old, you will create out of

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yourself a mess. So don't ever come to

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this area. Look after your health. Yes, Try

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to eat healthy, exercise, whatever the case may

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be just to maintain a good healthy lifestyle.

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But to try to look younger and to

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do whatever you could and to spend 1,000

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of dollars just to be younger, this is

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not gonna happen because you're growing old whether

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you like it or not. So the prophet

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SAW Hassan told us for every disease that

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala decided

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for us to discover or to experience, there

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is a cure for it that was created

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except old age. So accept that and move

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on Insha'Allah. But the one hadith that I

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wanted to highlight in this episode in particular,

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in that lesson in particular, is the beautiful

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hadith where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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To every disease there is a cure. As

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we said earlier,

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So when the cure matches the disease, when

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you use the appropriate remedy for that particular

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such a person will be cured by Allah's

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permission. So the cure or the remedy has

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to match the disease in its intensity. And

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this is where I wanted to post for

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a while because this is something pertaining to

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what I do, addictive behavior. I was discussing

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with many of my clients who are afflicted

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by their addiction to gaming, social media, *

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and the like. The strategy of Prophet Yusuf

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that he applied when the wife of Al

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Aziz, the wife of the Egyptian minister back

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then seduced him to commit zina. And I

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want you to visualize this scene with me

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my brothers and sisters in Islam. And then

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we'll come back to this idea of how

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can we find the necessary cure that will

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match the intensity of the sin or the

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intensity of that particular disease. Yusuf alaihis salam

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was dragged into a room where Imra'atul

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Aziz, the wife of the minister

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locked it and she put guards outside, no

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one enters, no one exits, and she invited

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him plainly, hayi talak, I'm all yours. And

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SubhanAllah Al Azim, if we think about that

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scene, Prophet Yusuf alaihis salam was cornered. But

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not only that, all doors of this room

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was locked.

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And she locked all the doors. Can you

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imagine the intensity of the situation? She invited

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him plainly to commit zina. But how did

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Yusuf alaihis salam, a man who was given

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half of the beauty of the universe, so

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he could have actually taken that into his

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advantage and enjoy life. May Allah protect us

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all. But rather he did the following

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3 steps which I want you to focus

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on so that we can connect the dots

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Insha'Allah to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam regarding when the cure

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matches the intensity of the disease, such a

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person will be cured by Allah's permission. Yusuf

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alaihis salam when he realized that he had

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entered into that danger zone, he said,

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he ran to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to

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seek his protection.

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You Allah protect me from such sinful activity.

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So the first thing that can assist you

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and help you out exit from that miserable

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intense perhaps addictive

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behavior is to number 1, run to Allah

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Subh'anaHu Wa Ta'la, prostrate, make dua, ask Allah

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to save you from such a faith. 2nd,

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Prophet Yusuf Alaihi Salam run away from the

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lady to the opposite direction and ask yourself

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my brothers and sisters in Islam, where was

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he running to? Think about it. As we

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mentioned earlier,

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she locked the doors, she secured all the

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entries and all the exits. There was no

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way for him to find a better place.

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He was still in that room with the

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lady. But what he did, the lady was

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here, he ran to the opposite

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direction. Whenever the sin is being committed or

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about to be committed and you sense that

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you are in danger zone,

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do not even think for a blinking of

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an eye. Run away. That's the strategy. Run

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away. She ran after him, he ran to

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the opposite direction. And the third point that

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Yusuf alaihis salam applied was the intensity part.

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When the lady invited the other ladies who

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started making rumor about her, she invited them

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to let them see the beauty and the

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alaihis salam entered, they were in shock of

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this man's

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glowing beauty to a point that they started

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cutting their hands without even realizing. And then

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the lady confessed, I am the one who

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seduced him.

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So he resisted with all his might, intense

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rejection of the sin. Intense resistance

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to the temptations that you're going through. This

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is how you can exit from your drama.

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But if you give it a minute to

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think about it, if you give it a

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little bit watching this, a little bit just

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you know soft kind of imagery,

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it will not really lead to a massive

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relapse like every time before you know it,

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you will drown down deep into that dark

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phase of sin. You would want to come

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out, you would want to exit, but you

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will not be able to. Why? Because you

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waited a little while. But Yusuf alaihis salam,

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Qalam A'adhallah, he saw the protection of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Number 2, he ran and

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when he ran she hold she held his

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then he ran even with might with all

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his power with every particle of his body

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to a point that the shirt was ripped

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off. This is how

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strong he was resisting temptation. These three steps

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my brothers and sisters in Islam which I

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call Yusuf alaihis salam strategy to exit from

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sinful activity of that intensity is what the

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was referring to.

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That when the remedy matches the intensity of

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the sin, such a person will be cured

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by the permission of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Try to reflect and apply these ahadith to

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your own context, to whatever you're going through.

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And once you found that cure, don't let

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go of it. Take it with all your

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might. Just as how Yusuf alaihi wasalam was

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able to exit the intensity,

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the sinful activity of Zina. May Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala grant us the right understanding

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and may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala save us

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from every illnesses physical or spiritual Ameen, Ameen,

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Ameen until next episode and next lesson Insha'Allah.

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JazakAllahu Khayram If you benefited and you feel

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like you want to share it with other

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people to benefit like yourself, please do so.

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