Tom Facchine – Why Does Allah Tell Us This Specific Story

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a culture where people avoid consequences of actions and cover up mistakes, but also take bravery to cover up mistakes. A woman named Jatt lost everything but missed a class, and her teacher, Bani Israel, talks about his actions as a teacher and how he talks about his actions as a teacher. The transcript also describes Allah's men and women, including their pride and desire to be liked, their hesitation to share news and rumors, and their lack of respect and understanding from their neighbors. The transcript ends with a mention of a book called "The Book of Revelation," but the transcript doesn't provide much context or information on its meaning.
AI: Transcript ©
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How did Benny Israel eel respond to all of these blessings that Allah azza wa jal gave them? Allah subhanaw taala tells us when Musa was gone or they he sat down when he went up to the mountain to receive the Torah, many Israelite years started worshipping an idol. An idol that was shaped into a calf that was made out of gold boy as well as an emo sir out of Arina Laila stomata Hudsonville AGM embody one of all the moon and remember when we made an appointment with Musa for 40 nights then you took for worship the calf after he was gone while you were wrongdoers.

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Then despite miracle after miracle they refuse to believe unless they literally saw ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada way the costume yeah Musa la nuit Mina like a hut Turner Allah had Jafra and remember when you said oh Moses were never gonna believe until we see Allah Himself.

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Then after they were instructed to enter into the promised land while saying certain words of thanks, they took those words and they mocked them they changed the words into something that was insulting to the bed della Latina warm and cold and a layer of Lady feel alone. But those who wronged they changed the words to a statement other than that, which had been said to them

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then they complained about the food that Allah subhanaw taala provided them well it's caused them Yeah, Musa Lannister Allah I mean, why he didn't fit earlier. Now Rebecca, you created an army metal metal out of the remember when they said, Oh Moses, we can never be patient with just one type of food. So Call upon your Lord, to bring forth for us from the earth. Then they broke the Sabbath which was part of their city on a day of rest. they disobeyed Allah has come in with a cada Alim to malaria and atta Domina uncomfy Sabbath, and you had already known about those who transgressed among you concerning the Sabbath. Then when they were asked about to sacrifice a cow, They drugged

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their feet. They asked questions not because they really wanted to know but because they didn't want to do it. What kind of cow what color could you please be more specific?

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And Allah subhanaw taala along the way, Allah was so gracious. Allah Allah, so merciful, He forgave and he pardoned and He forgave and he partnered on my phone. Now I'm coming back to that the other computer school film about not coming daddy multicam Lila contest Quran, Allah subhanaw taala didn't need their worship.

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He didn't need their gratitude. They were the ones who needed it. For the sake of their own souls, they needed it for the sake of their afterlife, which is why Allah subhanaw taala said, well now of Allah Munna wa kin can, who and for whom yield to the moon, they did not wrong us at all. Allah speaking here, rather, they were only hurting themselves.

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To patiently deal with someone who is defiant, is a good thing. It's a gracious thing, but only up until a certain point,

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at some point to keep giving mercy to people who are defiant, isn't fair.

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They don't deserve to be treated the same way as someone who has faith and is grateful. Imagine we're all in school again. Mashallah, we're all pretty young. Myself. Imagine we're all in school. Again, every single one of us is a student, the first day of class, the teacher comes in, and tells us that on December 1, there's going to be a big test and exam that will decide whether we pass or fail for the whole year. Some of us are going to start preparing and studying right now as soon as we leave this room.

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Some of us are going to start preparing and studying maybe a few weeks from now. Some of us will wait a few months to start studying. And some of us are going to come into the classroom on December 1, having never even opened the book.

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What if the teacher came in that day and said, You know what? I'm going to be merciful. I'm going to give everyone 100% A plus.

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Who's that merciful for?

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Is that merciful? For the people who study? Is that merciful for the people who put in the work?

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How would you feel if you were treated the same as somebody who didn't do anything? They turned up their nose?

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It's not very merciful for you. Now imagine Bani Israel. It's not a situation where they simply refuse to study. They failed the test. But then they're given a second chance they're given a makeup test. Well, then they fail that too. They refuse to study a second time. Then they're given a third chance and a fourth chance and a fifth chance. This is a very merciful teacher we're talking about here. But every say

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single time, they simply don't even fail to study they refuse to study.

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At some point, the teacher has to fail the student out of fairness, out of justice, and out of mercy to those who actually tried. And that's exactly what Allah subhanaw taala did in response to their arrogance, and they're making a mockery of everything Allah smart Allah says a lot about salah hemos Villa to well, masculinity will be as other the men Allah, that he could be in the home can we have full autonomy at law we have to learn in the beginning of his idol, that he can be mad. So what can you say? And they were covered with humiliation and poverty and met with anger from Allah. That's the explanation from Surah Al Fatiha. That was because what did they do to deserve it? They

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repeatedly rejected the signs of Allah they killed the prophets without rights. That was because they disobeyed and they were habitually transgressors.

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Now here's the thing.

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Who is Allah talking to here?

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Is he talking to Bani Israel? Did he send the Koran of any Israel?

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Did he send it to the followers of Musa or did he send it to us?

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Allah subhanaw taala is talking to us. Why is he telling us the story? What's he trying to stay? Is it just the story to pass the time?

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Are we supposed to feel better than them? Or that's the Jews? Allah hates them? At least we're saved?

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No know. The message is for us. Allah azza wa jal is warning us. What did they do that earned Allah's anger and wrath. They did not fulfill their and of the covenants, that deal that they had with Allah subhanaw taala they were given a prophet. They weren't given a book of Revelation. They knew the truth. But did knowing the truth do anything for them? No. They ignored it. They rejected it. They made a mockery of it

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can't the same thing happened to us?

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Hasn't in some ways it already happened. We're told to establish the prayer of chemo salah but we say

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I'll make it up later. We're told to give this a chi Wah to Zika but we say I work hard for my money. We are told to follow the Sunnah will tell como Rasul Allah who's Oh, Amanda. Hi, come on who founds oh, what's up Allah.

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But we say it's just sunnah.

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We treat sunnah, like it means that we don't have to do it.

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We're told not to be suspicious of others not to spy on others not to speak bad about others behind their backs. Yeah, you I love the steady vocals here. I'm in a van. In Nevada, Ronnie. It's um, Walter just says Oh, Allah Jakob data Candela. But we're always spinning conspiracy theories about other people, and living life as if we're in a soap opera soap opera. We're told to fulfill our covenants in our contracts. Yeah, you and Olivia will be literal code. But we cut corners. And we under deliver. We are told to practice what we preach. Yeah, you Halina Ave limita coluna mallards of unknown capital markets and Hamdallah he owns a kolomela falloon. But we live our lives addicted

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to the dunya. And we think that dropping off our kids to the masjid for a few hours on a Sunday is going to save them. And to top it all off. When we don't do these things when we fall short instead of owning up to it and repenting to Allah. We say in the Drina Yusuf

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we say the religions easy

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Yeah. So is disobeying Allah, that's easy too. So as following the path of Bani Israel eel, that's easy too. So as making Allah azza wa jal angry at us for making a mockery of his faith that's easy to

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not everything that's easy is good.

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People have faith. The Quran is not just ink on pages. It's not just a book to collect dust on the shelf Allah azza wa jal is talking to every single one of us. He's telling us what to do and what not to do. He's telling us to who to follow and whom to stay away from and not follow their port example. We take a lot of pride in having the last Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But we don't follow him. We take a lot of pride in having a preserved Book of Revelation, but we don't read it and we don't benefit from it. Oh, people of faith. Heed Allah's words. Allah Amina livina Ave and Sasha Kulu hermeneutically La Romana salami Nell, Huck. Well, they're your co Luca Lavina O'Toole

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keytab Mian political football Arlie Himmel mo sakasa Kaluga Ocasio minhang says she

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has the time that calmness and source of hottie

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Allah says has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should turn to humbly and submissively at the remembrance of Allah, and what has come down from the truth. And don't be like those who are given the Scripture before.

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And a long time passed after they were given their scripture, and so their hearts hardened and many of them were defiantly disobedience.

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