Tom Facchine – Who Is Allah – Understanding Allah’s Names and Attributes #06

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the names of Islam in the Koran and the restricted use of ownership, which is only allowed with permission from parents. They also touch on the natural laws and laws of biology, including the loss of the Hannah airport and the existence of everything in the universe. The segment concludes with a discussion of the spiritual system of Allah, including the importance of biology and the law of biology in understanding everything.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala shoplet MBI EVO Selena, put what's in it Mohammed? Ali he of course Salatu was good to Slean hola hola. Arlindo the million Pharaoh no one fattener the amount I didn't wasn't an element yet. But I mean,

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last class we talked about a laws to names Allah and Al isla. And today we will be moving on to our last name, our Rob, Rob.

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Rob is one of the more important names of Allah. It is mentioned in the Koran over 500 times.

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And as we know, we mentioned with the last, I believe with the last names as well, whenever something occupies more volume,

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it has more importance. Right? You look at the Koran, if you were to divided up by volume, you look at the things that take up more space,

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such as the names of Allah, and the Tao feed, and the stories of the prophets. These are things that occupy more space, and therefore they have primacy, they have priority, and they have more importance than other things that are mentioned.

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It's a misconception that a lot of non Muslims have that the Quran is primarily a book of law. There is law in it certainly, and we don't belittle or minimize the role or the importance of the city on. However, when you divide the Quranic by volume, the majority of it has to do with al Qaeda, with theology, whether it's belief in Allah subhanaw taala, or belief in the messengers and their stories and kind of

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Eman yet, right building building people's faith. Because, as we mentioned, in our Sunday night class,

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faith, without actions,

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or without compliance, might be excused.

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Depending on the situation, Allah withholds the rights to excuse that, however, the opposite is not true actions without faith

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is not excusable. And so

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just as the ology and the building faith takes priority, and takes up more volume in the Koran, so to the names of a law that are more important, are the ones that are going to be recurring more, and the foreign. So we mentioned last time a lot and alila are ones that recur very often today, Rob, next week in sha Allah, a rock man Raheen, right, all of these names that come over and over and over in the Koran, they have more importance than some of the other names Yes, there are varying levels of importance between the names of Allah. We discussed that when we talked about the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where he said that psalm that Allah has an

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Israel album, he has a Greatest Name. So some of the names are better than others. And if you reflect and you consider, which are the names that Allah repeats, the most, you will find all of them having to do with mercy and provision and being taken care of, you will not find the most common word, the most common names that Allah uses for himself, to be ones that indicate his justice and his vengeance and his

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kind of his anger, his ability to punish and things like this. So, and this is backed up by the Hadith that will either get to today or next class. When Allah subhanaw taala said in a hadith book, see that his mercy outstrips His wrath. We see that reflected in the names and the proportion by which they are mentioned. So, back to a rub rub occurs over 500 times and no core ad in the Arabic language raw that that has several roots, meanings, all of them kind of revolving around a similar concept. So one of the meanings is a leader saying

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Rob is a leader.

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Another meaning in the Arabic language is a reformer or an improver someone that takes it upon themselves to uplift and correct something.

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The third root meaning is someone who owns something else

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We this is a very common usage in the Arabic language. You can say a Robin doubt, right or rumble bait or even a rumble Gemma, right? The caretaker, but literally also the owner of that thing. It's assumed that caretaking was going on. And we'll come to that with the fourth meaning which is benefactor or caretaker. Right. So if you look at the Arabic language, you have these kinds of undertones of ownership and caretaking and provision and improvements and looking after, and so on and so forth.

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So that's precisely there is no difference in the linguistic meaning and the meaning in the context of the city on when it comes in the Quran, when Allah says that he is a loved one, that I mean, that's exactly what he means that he owns the creation, and that he is a benefactor to the creation, and that he is a caretaker of the creation, and that he

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his activity, and his action and his goodwill toward the creation,

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result in improvements, and rectification and reform within the creation. And he is also the leader in the sense that everyone else depends upon a lot to kind of understand what their role is, and what they're supposed to do. This constellation of meanings

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is achieved or as referenced in Arabic with a concept known as a rule will be a rule will be literally means a laws Lordship, or has sovereignty.

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Basically, Rubia is the aspects of a laws, names and attributes that necessitates his divinity, and his exclusive right to be worshipped. Okay. And this is something that Allah does in the Koran time and time and time again, we'll discuss it a little bit more towards the end of the class in sha Allah. But when it comes to when Allah was trying to convince you, in the Koran, he always begins with Rubia.

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Always he talks about his ownership of the creation, he talks about his caretaking of the creation and his provision, and all of these sorts of things, bringing you along to the conclusion, which is what we talked about last class, which is the concept of Udo here, which is basically that therefore he is divine. And therefore you should not worship anything or anyone besides, instead of or alongside Allah.

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So if we go into this concept of Rubia into its discrete parts that we mentioned a little bit earlier, we will uncover some

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kind of reflections and understanding about a law in more detail.

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So we said that part of Allah's being a robber is that he is the owner of the creation.

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Right? Allah says this right and so it's and Fatiha. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Rahman Rahim, Maliki Yom indeed, I was using all of these kinds of descriptions for him. So he first says that he is, though Rob, the owner, a caretaker of all of creation, all of the universe, an island I mean, and then he says Maliki Yama Dean, which is a related term Manik as Owner of the Day of Judgment.

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From every tiny out of that makes us up right now the desk, the books, the computer, everything around us,

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to the scale of the galaxies, the planets, the stars,

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every single thing that we're aware of, and not aware of, it is all under the ownership and control of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.

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So the first concept within Google via is ownership. The second is unrestricted activity. No Limits to Allah's activity.

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In this creation, which he owns, no permission needed. He is completely unbound. Right? Imagine one of your children borrows your phone,

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or borrows your car, if they're old enough to do that, right? And they might, you know, take it out in front of their friends and kind of show off and act like it's theirs.

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But if they want to do something with it that you know, requires a password or something, or requires the ignition key,

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then they're going to have to run to mommy and daddy and kind of say, Oh, can you put in the password? Or can you turn it on or so on and so forth, right?

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Their use of that thing is conditional.

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It's not absolutes, it's restricted,

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you will let them use it in a particular way. You don't give them complete ownership, you're not gifting them this thing.

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They're going to use it for a little bit, and then you're going to take it back.

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This is exactly the relationship between a lot of us.

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All the things that we think we own these calls as glasses, whatever, your books, your house, your car, even, even your children, which we don't really think of owning but there is some sort of rule be in there. We can't we are caretakers.

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These are all things that are given to us on loan.

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They're all things that are given to us on loan.

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And they will be taken away from us,

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either before we die, are at the moment of our day.

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And so our sphere of activity,

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our actions.

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Within this sphere, these things that we borrowed from Allah, it's very limited, and it's very bounded. We can't do whatever we want. Have you ever tried to get your child, let alone your spouse to do something that they don't want to do?

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It's very difficult, right? They're going to drag their feet and they're going to pout and moan and whatever it is, right? You don't have that power. You can't change their hearts. You can't like inspire them to obedience in a second if you want it to.

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And isn't it amazing and a testament of Allah's mercy, that he's able to do that, and yet he doesn't sometimes.

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So our kind of relationship to the things that we think we own is actually quite restricted, whereas

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a laws rule via

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indicates, and both necessitates that he has none of these restrictions. He doesn't need to ask permission from anyone. He has no limits. He has no need. He's completely unbound. Allah says, couldn't say I call and he says be. And that is,

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he doesn't have to consult another god, he doesn't have to

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confer or can't take counsel with his son, or daughter or any other sort of

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being in the heavens or in the earth.

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Before he does whatever it is, He wills.

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We see this especially

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in qualities of a law that we will discuss in more detail further on such as allows hearing.

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Allah's hearing has no bounds.

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He can hear the thing that you whisper

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just as well as he can hear the thing that you say out loud and declare,

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there's no difference. There's a famous hadith of Aisha, it's actually the beginning of sort of an agenda

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where there's a woman who's coming into the house of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And she's complaining her story to the Prophet Mohammed Salah setup, and I should in the next part, like the next room over, straining the kind of here.

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And she said, I was in the next room, after she said, after the surah was revealed, I was in the next room, and I heard part of it, and I couldn't hear part of it. And the loss of Hannah Hautala heard it from beyond the seven heavens

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heard everything.

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So allows hearing, right, it's completely unrestricted, unbounded.

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It needs no permission. It has no limiting factor,

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nothing controlling it, which is a proof of Allah's Rubia His sovereignty and his law.

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shipped over this creation. Similarly, Allah's seeing,

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and Allah is Knowing,

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and allows being informed about things.

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Absolutely no limit whatsoever

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to these qualities of Allah, which Inshallah, when we get to those names, we will talk more in depth about them.

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So if the first aspect of Google via was ownership

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and the second aspect of Google via was

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unlimited activity,

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boundless action, no permission needed.

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Then the third aspect of the will be is complete control,

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and the ability to orchestrate everything.

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Nothing happens within this sphere of creation,

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except that it is the will of Allah.

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Nothing's going on, despite his will.

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Nothing's happening. That is a surprise that he needs to now kind of control or mitigate or respond to.

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Since it's all known, since his knowing has no bounds and no limits.

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Everything is in his control.

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We see this most within the natural laws,

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or laws of science such as those that govern the planets and the stars.

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They each have a lifecycle, they each have a time in which they weren't in existence. And then they're kind of coming into being as orchestrated whether it's through Nebula or clouds of space dust, or exactly what are some other way along? orchestrates they're coming into existence,

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how their existence will play out.

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And then even their death.

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For stars and planets and everything has an end to them. Everything in this creation has a beginning and an end.

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The orbits,

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the path that they take

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the eclipses and the comments and everything that's kind of in this

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infinitely complex

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sphere of like continuous motion, and balance.

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It's all being orchestrated by Allah, without any

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difficulty upon him whatsoever.

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This is a proof of a laws will be it. Many people have pointed out, for example, that the Earth has such unique conditions,

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which make it possible to live on Earth. Decades ago, scientists used to think that it was a simple matter of oxygen, and water and things like this.

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But the further and further the science goes, they're realizing that there's some 1520 25

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prerequisites that some scientists have identified as being necessary for life to exist and thrive.

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So Allah has placed the earth

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and orchestrated the Earth's existence in such a precise and exacting way

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to create a habitat that's hospitable for life.

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If the Earth were just a little bit further from the sun,

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everything would be too cold.

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If it were just a little bit closer to the sun,

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everything would be too hot.

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If the moon weren't exactly where it was, the Earth's rotation would be irregular.

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But a law has kind of all of these spheres spinning on axes, and rotating while they're spinning all of them at the same time.

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And in that,

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we can't call it chaotic, but in that complex motion is this perfect balance

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that creates the perfect conditions for life to exist.

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Such that us with our extremely limited knowledge

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have not found or identified life anywhere else in the solar system or beyond. Up until this point.

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All proof of laws rule will be at his sovereignty.

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His Lordship,

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we don't even need to go to outer space though, to witness proof o laws Rubia.

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The natural world here on earth is filled with similar cycles and orchestration.

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complexity within the bounds of rules.

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We have things like the rock cycle

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cycles that exist on this on a scale of 1000s, and hundreds of 1000s and millions of years,

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starting as one type of rock and then forming another type of rock and another type of rock. And this is what if it's eroded in a particular way forms this type of soil and this type of soil is good for this type of plants. This type of plant creates this kind of habitat for these kinds of animals. Everything is so minut ly fine tune

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we have a process by which minerals can come through the soil and get to the plants and then thus be taken up by the plants and then get into the animals and thus be taken up by the animals and eaten by us.

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And then out, they come and then they make the cycle back again, these things like magnesium, trace, minerals,

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nitrogen, all these other things that plants and animals and humans need.

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It's not chaos, it's all organization.

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We have the water cycle, how the the path or the journey of a of a single rain droplet

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starting on a mountain somewhere in snow, and then when the seasons change, the river runs

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with abundance, and then it makes its way here and then it's evaporated up into the sky, it becomes a cloud it brings rain, all these this whole process continuous, cyclical, cyclical. And still, it benefits other beings, enough for the animals to use enough for the plants to use enough for people to use.

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Even so much so that the power of the river itself can be harnessed for energy things that people have done. It's all part of a laws, fine tuning of the created universe, and proof of his sovereignty. And we will be

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we don't even need to look outside of ourselves. You can just look

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right within your own very body. For all the proof you need of Allah's Will will be as complete ownership, as singular will, his complete and unfettered action and activity and his unique control and orchestration.

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We have systems within us the respiratory system.

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How does our body take this mixture of air,

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which by the way along mixed perfectly so that we can our bodies can tolerate it because if it were pure oxygen in our bodies couldn't tolerate it.

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But we only need a certain amount of it.

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And our bodies in take it

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and take what they need and dispose of what they don't need. And the cycle continues and continues. And a lot of places other organisms on Earth that do the opposite, so that we're all in this balance.

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The way that cells reproduce

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the way that growth happens, and even the k happens.

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You have a leaf, which is on a tree which is turning energy from the sun into food for the plants.

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And then once it's fallen, it falls to the ground.

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It's taken up by the Earth and turns into soil

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and eventually enables the growth of more plants.

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Nothing is wasted. Everything has a purpose and even multiple purposes as it progresses through its different stages of life.

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These are all things that are well known. These are all things that only take slowing down enough

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and putting ourselves in a meditative state of mind to notice and appreciate.

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Well, just as there are physical

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and natural

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systems of rules and laws and things like that. Allah also has created the world with a spiritual system

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or systems portal.

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Spiritual Laws

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and he told us what

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Have these laws were in the city are

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part of them are just facts such as the existence of angels, and how the angels help us and how they record our deeds and how they ascend and descend to Allah, every Fajr. And also time. This has its own cycle, its own spiritual cycle, the recording of your deeds going up the coming down

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how the angels are so plentiful within the earth and the created world,

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that there's the prophesy, Saddam said that there's barely a hand span,

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except that there are angels there.

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Sometimes they're turning you away from disaster by the will of Allah. Sometimes they're inspiring you with a good thoughts by the will of Allah.

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Helping you remember something that you forgot by the will of Allah.

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This is all part of Allah's spiritual system that he created the earth with the way that our deeds operate,

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a deed that we operated, that had a good intention.

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And we were able to complete it. And Allah multiplies the reward of that deed,

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or a good deed that we wanted to do, and we intended sincerely to do, but somehow we were prevented from doing it. And so we're still rewarded a good deed for that thing. It still does, you know, maybe sometimes in the talk of rewards, we don't realize what's going on, we think that it's just like a game show or prizes. Know, your soul is being purified

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of the Alpha hormones that can occur the column and the PSA.

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Every time you intend something good. Allah has structured the Spiritual World, which is a creation of Allah,

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to have your heart purified, and to have your soul purified a little bit,

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and every single time

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that you intend to do something bad.

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And you follow through on it,

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that your soul, the spiritual laws that Allah created, the cycle that Allah created, it gets a little bit stain, it gets a little bit weaker, your faith goes down a little bit.

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And so it's harder to resist next time.

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Unless you put in some sort of activation energy to overcome that inertia to overcome that momentum.

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These are the spiritual laws of just as real, just as observable,

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as the natural physical laws that we're very familiar with.

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We also see a laws control

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and his orchestration of the created world when it comes to otter is our provision

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and Allah's generosity.

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Allah's Bounty,

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we can look, Allah's Bounty and generosity is a proof of his will, will be there's a proof of his Lordship and his sovereignty.

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And this is very significant today. Because today

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most people who have a an

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anti religious outlook, they have the opposite attitude and the opposite worldview, they have a worldview that's based off of the idea of scarcity.

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Right, that there's not enough to go around. There's a limited finite amount of resources, and we're all kind of in this deathmatch, struggle, competition in order to secure

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the basic amount that we need to survive. And if we don't get hours,

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then we're going to die some horrible, meaningless, humiliating death.

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And the only ones that succeed are the ones that either trick or outmuscle the other guy.

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With this perspective, this perspective of scarcity, what's the results? What's the resulting morality that comes from this perspective?

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It's a morality that's based off of calculation.

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That's based off of stinginess and stress, anxiety, paranoia.

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You have no peace. This is what Allah describes. And sort of thought when he said that whoever turns away from his remembrance, the remembrance of Allah that his Herat, his life will be Vonk. As the word of that Allah uses, it will be constricted, it will be he won't find a moment's peace. It's the opposite of tranquility

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Living in this desperation

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and what a humiliating existence that is to live in.

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We have the opposite mentality. And if you look at the natural world, you spend time with the natural world, you see that it's not about scarcity. It's not that a law created the world with bouncy and with blessing.

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All you have to do is look at a plants.

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Look at an era corn or a dandelion.

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That dandelion, it turns into seeds, how many seeds are there on the head of that dandelion?

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Maybe 100. And a single year of corn, how many kernels are on that year of corn, probably three to 500 years, three to 500 kernels. How many ears are on one corn plants, three or four, depending? That's 1000s of kernels, each one of those kernels can become another corn plant.

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Each one of those dandelion seeds can become another dandelion that produces 100 more seeds every single time.

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And so, you might look at the crow that comes down, the farmer has a field of corn and the crow comes down and the squirrels and different sort of creatures, they want to get their little bit of corn and you might look and if you have this scarcity mindset, you think, oh my god, everyone's competing with each other and struggling and this is competition. And there's there's not enough? No, that's actually a result of Allah's Bounty. Allah has created enough corn for everybody, enough for the farmer, and not for the animals or not for the birds.

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There's plenty to go around and more leftover for seed for more corn plants. There's more than enough dandelion seeds to go around. As anybody who's tried to have a green, pristine lawn knows

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there's no scarcity. It's all bounty. And so look at the the resulting ethos, what's the results on our morality, when we realize this bounty of Allah.

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It takes us from the scarcity mindset of desperation and calculation, and it enables us It frees us and liberates us to live with

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to live with sacrifice.

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We can experience tranquility and equanimity and peace and therefore live in honor. We know deep in our hearts that there is enough to go around and that Allah will take care of everything.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:02

Six minutes left.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:12

Is Allah subhanaw taala the rub a caretaker of everyone those who deny him even.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:26

We only have under six minutes. So I'll just give you the answer. The answer is yes. A lot is the rub of everyone though there are different types of his caretaking.

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Some of which are general to encompass everybody and some of which are specific only to apply to the people who believe in Him.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:40

Or the people who are sincere. Let's say

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the general one that applies to everybody, Allah is the caretaker of everything. When it comes to their food and their wealth and their children. Their life, their death, good times and bad. This is something that a lot gives to everybody. And there is no connection between

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your success in this life, or lack thereof.

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And your status, your favor with Allah.

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That's something that a lot of tries to drill into our heads multiple times in the Quran, you could be successful.

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And it doesn't mean that you have favorite with a lot. But it also doesn't mean that you don't have favor with Allah.

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And similarly, you might be poor and destitute. And you might have favor with Allah, you might be doing exactly what he wants you to do.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:45

Then again, you might not

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that's the general bounty of a law the bounty that a law gives to everybody the caretaking that alone gives to everyone but some of his caretaking is only special

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Get back to the people who are sincere, such as Allah's guidance, his tranquility that he gives the equanimity that we're talking about. People have to be sincere in wanting to know the truth.

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And then take the steps which is a marker of proof of sincerity. And then Allah will give them a belief

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that is something that is only specifically for some of the laws creation.

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The last point we'll mention oh very quickly is that we've mentioned how Rubia leads to Ohia. knowing Allah sovereignty, registering on a visceral level, Allah sovereignty naturally leads us to the conclusion of Ohia that only Allah deserves to be worshipped.

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So the corollary of that rule is that every deficiency or every deviance in Udo here, meaning your worship, comes from a misunderstanding of Ruby, it comes from a misunderstanding of a lot of sovereignty, and lordship.

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Like we were mentioning in the hippo the other day, not understanding that multiple divine beings would necessitate multiple wills, which would necessitate conflict, which would necessitate chaos in the creative world.

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And the one we just talked about a second ago, the scarcity mindset.

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This is not registering the Rubia of Allah

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not registering His sovereignty and so it leads you into problems because the devil as Allah told us in the Quran is going to leverage that against you.

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Shake on to EI to Camilla fakra Yah, Docomo chakra, he promises you, he threatens you with poverty.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:23

And so he leads you to transgression just like the Arabs, before Islam were burying their daughters alive. How did the devil get people to do that? They didn't have the proper understanding of Rubia of Allah sovereignty, and the devil leverage that misunderstanding against them, threatened them with poverty,

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and then got them to transgress.

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Just like the devil leverages people's misunderstanding of who will be apt to get them to go to magician, or get them to go to fortune tellers, or get them to worship other beings.

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He sees that these people aren't understanding Rubia he takes advantage of their misunderstanding and he leverages it against them.

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Just like that, that was the last point we have less than a minute left leverages against you, your yearning, your yearning, that is discontent with what Allah has decreed for you. And what Allah has willed for you. He wants something so bad that you would do anything to get it that you don't even question whether it's right or wrong, or whether it's within Allah's wisdom to not give it to you.

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You just believe that you must have this thing it's right. It's meant to be it has to be the devil will leverage that against you to he will use that yearning against you and gets you to transgress in order to satisfy that yearning, which is at its base and misunderstanding of the laws will be so any final questions we're under we're under a minute we probably have 30 seconds before the class is shut off automatically. Anybody have any questions?

00:39:03 --> 00:39:07

I mean, we got a coffee. Okay, then I'll see you next week. Inshallah or tomorrow.

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May Allah better

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