Tom Facchine – Minute with a Muslim #126 – Most Muslims Get This Wrong

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of educating Muslims in the global village to avoid confusion and mistakes. They use the examples of the way in which schools and schools use the language to explain their methods and teach. The speaker emphasizes the need for education to ensure everyone understands everything they know and recalls a legal demonstration of the importance of learning to avoid mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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So after the prayer one day, you know, with the mess sheet, somebody said, You know what, Imam you should do a little, you know, 10 minute talk on like, fic or something like that, like every day or a couple of days a week or something like that. And I told him, you know, you know, I told him, it takes time. And he's like, What do you mean, you know, it's like, isn't it easy? Isn't it just like, do this and don't do that. And this is right, and this is wrong? I said, I told him that it's not really that easy. You know, yes, there's many, many things that the scholars agreed about, or that the schools agreed about, but there's many, many things that they differed about. And even if they

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didn't always differ about what was best, right, maybe a lot of times you find them in agreement about what was best. And they differ in, you know, what was acceptable on the lower end of things like, what if this happens, what if that happens? Is it okay? Or is it not okay? And it's not an issue of one's right and one's wrong. They're all the vast majority of the time, they're using Koran as proof, they're using Hadith as proof. They're using arabic language As proof. And so I gave them an example. This is the example I always give any talk about will do, right, and how much of your head should you wipe and will, okay, the metal halves have different opinions, some say you have to

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wipe the entire head, some say you have to wipe two thirds of the head, at least others 1/3, at least. And other the other method says even just the smallest amount of your head counts, what's their evidence, they all use the Quran and Hadith. And the Arabic language is evidence. And they all disagree on the interpretation of one single letter, the letter bat, and the eye on sorts of mind. And the Quran does bat mean all the head, some of the head most of the head, the smallest amount of the head. So if you want me to do a quick lesson in only five minutes, so 10 minutes, it takes time, because I don't want to for example, you don't want to just give it's a balance to strike because

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you have to give the layperson enough to go off of. But you also have to make the layperson understand that that's not the only way you don't want the layperson to take that one thing that they know, and then go out and then scan the world and say, Well, you're not doing that thing that I was taught, that has to be wrong, right. So you know, so these sorts of things they take, they take explanation that take time. And honestly one of the major fronts, I think, when it comes to educating Muslims in our global village, now that we have the world's becoming smaller, you've got people of different methods and schools of thought sort of in much more free and open communication

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than centuries or even decades before, let alone within one particular method or area. There needs to be I think, education on the bounds of acceptability, right? Because just because there is a difference of opinion doesn't mean it's a valid one, right? There are valid and invalid differences of opinion. But people don't know what that is, right? And so people need to be educated as to where are the boundaries, right? If you're inside the circle, you see this going on, you should expect to see that going on. And it's okay. A lot of people, they they get hung up on the meth hubs without really realizing that the meth hubs that legal schools, they almost always go back to the

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Companions, or they go back to the companions in the majority of things, right. So some people have this imagination that they're going to go back to, you know, the Quran and the Sunnah, upon the understanding of the companions. Well, okay, the companion, the understanding of the companions is in the methods themselves. And so these things take time they take education, and everybody should be very, very humble on what they know and don't know. And they, if you're learning something, and if you're taught one way, then you should usually suspend judgment. I think that's a healthy sort of way for the lay man to go about it. Take one way whether it's the way of your local machine or if

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it's the way of a particular school of legal school that you're aware of, and just suspend judgment on other things that you see until you're able to ask other people have knowledge about those things don't automatically assume that they're completely incorrect and wrong. And I'll tell you an example of this EMA Massman Rahim Allah Okay, his madhhab in his legal school or his understanding, we don't say that this summer when we recite Surah Fatiha when we stand up for prayer, we start at hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Okay, but in the madhhab of Imam Shafi, who is his teacher, you say now that's Mala, you say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen when you're reciting

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out loud in the Salah, and so Elijah Muhammad is reported to when he was traveling, and he was traveling in lands that were dominantly upon a chef and his way of understanding then he would do what they do, he would recite the best mother out loud, even though that wasn't his opinion. He understood that this was the way that the people were taught. This is what they understand. They don't understand all the differences and fifth, and so this is something that we can accommodate

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