Tom Facchine – Minute with a Muslim #079 – Islam Is About Unity

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the unity of the Divine, which is a division of multiple deities within Islam. The unity is about unity, not breaking it up. The speaker also discusses the importance of unity in human life, specifically in the context of one's desire to unite their will with the will of the creator.
AI: Transcript ©
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Islam is all about unity in a couple different ways. First of all the unity of the Divine, okay, we believe that the Divine is a unity and we do not break that unity up. And that's something that we believe is unique to us. Okay? So you look at the Christians were saying you broke up the Divinity, you're trying to tell us that Jesus was divine, that the Holy Spirit is divine. We don't agree with that you guys broke up the Divine unity other sort of even like to kind of more traditions of idolatry or paganism or whatever you want to call it. You know, this is also an example of breaking up the Divine unity, you have one god powerful creator that can do everything, okay, versus sort of

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multiple deities that we split up these powers. Okay, you've got one god for destruction and one for creation and one for the rain and one for this, right? You've broken up the Divine unity. So that's one way in which Islam is all about unity. But there's another really important way it has to do with the purpose of human life and that is to unite our will with the will of the Creator. Okay, and this has to do with halal and haram and you know, the sorts of things that people say, you know, in terms of rulings, like what we should and shouldn't do what we can and can't do, or perhaps more accurately the things that if we do them, there might be divine consequences and the afterlife and

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things that if we do them that there might not be divine consequences. So this is all about we have a Will we have desires, we have proclivities and things that we like and don't like and Allah subhanaw taala has wishes for us to now there's a vast difference between those two sets of wishes are as are muddled with self interest and ego and appetite and all these sorts of things. Whereas Allah subhanaw taala is wish for us is of pure goodwill, right? He wants us to succeed in the afterlife, he wants eternal bliss for us. So his is pure, purely noble. However, they are sort of two sets of wishes or things that each one wants. And so the job of a Muslim, the ethical imperative

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of a Muslim there for their entire life is to comport right is to conform to use a dirty word these days, to conform our wishes to the wishes of the creator, the things that Allah subhanaw taala loves, we are supposed to try to work on ourselves inside and out until we get to the point where we also love the things that Allah subhanaw taala loves the things that Allah hates us. Allah hates things. God is not just love. God is more than love. We're supposed to work on ourselves inside and out until we get to the point where we hate what Allah hates. We hate injustice. We hate stinginess, we hate oppression, these sorts of things. And so that's kind of, you know, this whole idea of halal

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and haram. It's usually dealt with in a very shallow way. But when you think about it, tying it to its theological roots, it really encompasses the entire project of a Muslims life.

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