Tom Facchine – How Does It Work-Islamic Guidance

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the four fundamental sources of Islamic law: the Koran, the Hadith, and the legal age mat. They explain that these sources are not just a matter of opinion, but rather the fundamental sources of Islamic law, including the Koran, Hadith, and the legal age mat. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the Quran and Sun parabytes for understanding the spiritual teachings of the Prophet.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the four fundamental sources of Islamic law or Islamic Guidance are first the Koran.

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Second, the Hadith.

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Third, what we call age mat, or consensus. And then fourth, the last which is analogical reasoning. So what is the Quran the Quran is the revelation that Allah, the Creator, gave to us through the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam.

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And it was meant to be recited in prayer.

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And the Hadith are the statements actions and approvals or disapprovals of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam. So they explain the Quran, they add commentary and further follow up information and application to what we find in the Quran.

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It's not or consensus. It has to do with how do we understand the Quran and Sunnah. It's not just like a standalone thing. Right? Isolated from the Quran and Sunnah. No, it's about interpretation. How do we understand the Quran? And the Hadith? How do we interpret the Quran and the Hadith, if all of the scholars because it's not just consensus of every single Muslim?

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If all of the qualified, religiously learned people of a certain time period, agree on an interpretation, or agree on a way to understand part of the Koran or the Sunnah, then that becomes binding becomes obligatory for us to follow. So right there, that's a very interesting thing, because it's a little more decentralized than sort of the,

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the centralized ecclesiastical authority of the Church like so for example, like the Catholic Christian church would issue a decree saying this is the authoritative interpretation. The Pope's word is as good as Revelation. And that's what it is. For us. It's a collaborative, decentralized process, where if even just a couple of people dissent, that are qualified, then we can't say that this is 100% and binding, you have to then tolerate the difference of opinion that exists. And the last one is BS, and that's analogical reasoning, and this is the lifeblood of Islamic law. Because basically, everything in the Quran and the Sunnah is like a data set. And that data set is finite,

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right? It's been limited. There's only a certain amount of verses in the Quran, there's only a certain amount of Hadith that are authentic that the Prophet salallahu Salam actually said.

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And then how do we so how do we take something that's finite and extrapolate it and make it apply to an infinite amount of situations that might come up? Now, okay, they didn't have crystal meth at the time of the Prophet Mohammed Salah. So, you know, they didn't have cryptocurrency, right? Bitcoin at the time of the Prophet Mohammed sigh setup. So how are we, if if there was no analogical reasoning, then Islamic law would be stuck in seventh century Arabia, it wouldn't be able to accommodate or have commentary or make sense of the things that have developed or have come around since then. So analogical reasoning allows us to use that finite data set and extract and extract the principles

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from it and extrapolate the reasoning from it, and liken it to things that come down the pipeline and affect us today.

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