Tariq Appleby – Book of Patience – Hadith1

Tariq Appleby
AI: Summary ©
The importance of finding the right person to ask for professional advice on medicine is emphasized, as any illness that affects one person or group is a reason for reward and satisfaction. The success of the book, "[Sick'," is highlighted as authentic and verifiable, and the importance of finding the right person to ask for is emphasized. The history of the Hadith and multiple scenarios could cause a reward for affected individuals, as well as the Prophet's teachings about "will" and the importance of achieving dreams and expectations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was so happy,

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I want you to take this opportunity to do an explanation of two books in Sahih Bukhari. The first book is GitHub and model bar the book of patience, meaning those who are sick. And the second book is the book of medicine cuttable tip.

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There are a number of reasons why

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I want to do this. The first reason is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say when he would give a hook, and make an important address, he would say, it's, we are all familiar with it. We use it often, especially in the drama of football. But part of part of that personal hygiene is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say what they already had you Mohammed in Salalah, la he was in the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, if we are going to

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get through this difficulty, this time of uncertainty that we are currently facing, then we are going to need guidance. And here we find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that the best guidance is the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's his guidance. So what is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say about sickness and illness? What is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say about medicine seeking treatment. And these are two books. Two, don't want to call them chapters because Sahih Bukhari has more than 90 books in it and every book has been further chapters, and they are Hadeeth in every chapter. So that's the first reason because we

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are in need of guidance and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that the best guidance is his guidance. And in addition to that the ayat in the Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that you have an excellent example a beautiful example in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those that tell us to follow Him and to obey Him. So, we can only do that if we are studying the Sunnah. Which brings me to my second point. The second point is that Sahih Bukhari is the most authentic book after the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of its just the level of scholarship that emammal Beaufighter Rahim Allah tala brought to bear on his compilation, the level

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of authenticity the many years that enamel, berhadiah Rahim Allah took to compile to check to double check, he took all of these precautions, he followed all of the most stringent conditions in compiling this book. So, this is why the AMA of Hadith have this, this view the specialists in the field experts have Sahil Bahati as being the most authentic book after the after the book of Allah the Quran. So, if we are going to seek guidance, we need to seek the guidance of the prophets Allah idea was send them and secondly, we need to make sure that the guidance that we are going to seek is the most authentic verified, authenticated by Imam Al Bukhari and all of his peers that investigated

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you know, let's think of it this way. In academic circles. The best article or paper that you could they know that you could publish is one that has been peer reviewed. So other people other experts in the field professors and, and doctors, etc. have looked at your research have looked at your contribution to academia and into and to the intellectual world. And they've verified you know, your contribution and they agree with what you have produced. So the fact that you mumble Bukhari Rahim, Allah, his contemporaries, the fact that even those who might have had even a disagreement with Mr. McCarty on other issues, whether they be theological or even personal, that did not affect the view

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of his book as being an amazing, a compilation of authentic hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we'll get we'll get right into the book, GitHub and marble, the book of sick of the sick or of patients. And we'll say that the moment Bacardi says kuttabul model, and the word model da is the plural of the word mareel. There was anyone who is currently ill regardless of the level and the severity of the illness. Then he says barbel my Jaffe cafardo Memorial. Ciao

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That sickness is an expiation for sins. So yeah Mercado de harmala is going to quote, six Hadith, in in which he would prove or he would provide evidence for his chapter heading. He is chapter heading is that sickness is an expiation for sins. So what is the evidence for that statement from the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But before he mentioned those six, a hadith he says, Welcome to La hidayatullah many yarraman Zoo a huge recipe, this is I am number 123 of Serato Nisa, and in this ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala says that whoever commits a sin, then he will be recompensed for it. So what we understand from this is that any calamity or illness that affects us

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that Allah subhana wa dialler will make a reason for the expiation and the wiping away of our sins. So you remember bajada harmala quotes this ayah and he does this in many, many places inside one party. So we'll have the book then you'll have a chapter heading, he'll quote is from the Quran or other Hadith that perhaps did not meet his particular criteria for including it in the you know, the actual call, you know, Sahih Hadith that he intended to, to narrate, but he mentioned the Hadith or he'll mention a statement of a Sahabi or a Tabby or someone other than them. So, his first Hadith is the hadith of Ayesha, or the lava and her. She says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said, No calamity befalls a Muslim, but that Allah subhanho wa Taala expiate some of his sins because of it, even though it was a prick he received. So we find that in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was telling us that any calamity and a calamity is anything that causes causes you harm anything that is difficult for you to bear. It could be an illness, it could be a financial difficulty, it could be an emotional difficulty, whatever it might be. This is a reason for loss of behind the hamata eila to expiate your sins. So the question that we should ask ourselves is that does this mean that the reward or the expiation of the sins,

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because of the calamity, because of the illness because of the sickness has to be combined with satisfaction or contentment with what Allah subhanho wa Taala has decreed, and that a person should

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show sober and have sober all is the mere fact that the calamity has happened to you, you have fallen ill you have not yet reached that stage where you have sober you are patient, you are full bearing, and even * Rahim Allah. In his commentary on this hadith he says that no, the Hadith is clear and explicit that the mere fact that you get sick, the mere fact that you have been affected by a calamity is a sufficient reason for the expiation of your sins. If in addition to that, you have sabol and you are content with what Allah Subhana Allah has decreed for you, then your reward might be even greater than that. And this is why in other nations in Eben Hepburn and other other

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books of Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned a similar Hadith but in addition to what amendment Boko Haram Allah has mentioned here, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that you will be rewarded or Allah subhanaw taala will record a good deed for you. Allah subhanho wa Taala will expiate your sins or a sin because of it, and Allah subhanaw taala will raise your dadaji your rank, you know, by one degree. So in addition to the fact that our sins are being exploited, that they are being wiped away, lots of behind the eyelid because of this difficulty because of this illness. Allah subhanho wa Taala includes those extra those additional those bonus

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rewards for us as well and this is the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. This is his father. This is his blessing. These are his bounties he gives them to whomever he wishes, so behind the horror to Island, so we are currently facing something that none of us have ever faced, regardless of our age, I don't think that anyone has ever seen the kinds of measures that we are currently living and these are difficult. Firstly, for those who are infected and who get sick for those people that

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Dealing with the financial difficulty and the fall out of all of these restrictions that we are currently under whether it be travel or work, etc. But know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there's no calamity that happens to a Muslim that befalls him except that Allah subhanho wa Taala wipes away some of his sins because of it. And as we discussed in those other narrations, that Allah subhanho wa Taala records a good deed for you, then Allah subhanho wa Taala raises your rank by one degree. And the last thing that we want to mention before we before we end, this explanation of this hadith is that you hear many people saying, may Allah subhanho wa Taala

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make this a kafala for you. And there is a debate amongst our NMR as to whether or not you should say that because if we look at the, the literal meaning of this Hadith, you're basically asking for something that is already going to be accomplished and achieved. So it's sort of redundant, but it's still a reminder for people to understand that this is a cavada it is a reminder to you the person making the dua it is a reminder to the person that is currently ill or sick, that Allah subhanaw taala is making that illness or that sickness and that pain that they are going through as a cafardo for them, and for any other calamity that might be similar to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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that ends the Hadees by saying even though it was a prick he receives from a phone. So behind Allah, even that slight pain and discomfort that you feel, when you're picked by a phone, or you you know you you use you knock your toe against, you know against the table or cheer, whatever it might be, even if it's that small, that almost insignificant. It is a reason and it is a cause for Allah subhanho wa Taala to do cafaro of some of our sins and to reward us and to raise our donnager our rank. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to expiate our sins because of this calamity and this difficulty that we are in my Allah so behind know what to Allah grant the six Shiva May Allah

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subhanho wa Taala granted this grant the deceased Jenna, may Allah subhana wa dialler guide, those who have not believed in him, may Allah subhanho wa Taala make this calamity a reason for them to turn back to Allah subhanaw taala to believe in Him worship Him alone to believe in Islam, may Allah subhanho wa Taala cause them to die upon the deen of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Baraka lo fi con Selma alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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