Taimiyyah Zubair – The Best Deeds in the Best Days #03 of a Dhul Hijjah Series

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of faith in Islam is emphasized, including reciting Earth cards and reciting Earth cards for a morning and evening call to strengthen one's mind and prevent enemy attacks. The success of Islam is highlighted, including the importance of belief in Allah's actions and the Hadees. The speaker emphasizes the need for regular affirmations and Bearings to achieve good deeds, as well as the importance of faith in actions and actions that are not separate from them. The speaker also highlights the importance of flexibility and resilience in achieving success, citing the need for individuals to be open-minded and resilient.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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urato Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish lovely Saudi were silly Md washingon looked at me Emily Sani yufka who Koli. Allahumma had the Colby was sadly Sani was rules of Fame at the Colby mini Oracle alameen. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allah who Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, well, Allah Hill hand. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest and for Allah is do all part all praise

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in these days of the hedger, we all know that we should increase in our tech bead in daleel into Hamid in saying Allahu Akbar, insane La ilaha illa Allah and in saying, Alhamdulillah we know that these are the best days of the year, the best days of worldly life In fact, and if we do any good deed, it is more virtuous near Allah. It is more beloved to Allah azza wa jal and we need to remember this whenever we feel a little lazy, that a deed performed in these days is more beloved to Allah. If I recite this portion of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala will love that. If I perform this national prayer, voluntary prayer in the morning, Allah subhanaw taala will love that. If I give

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this sadaqa Allah subhanaw taala will love that. So let our motivation be a Hubbell. Illa Allah, that deeds performed in these days are more beloved to Allah, because we all want to be of those people whom Allah subhanaw taala loves, we love Allah, and we want to win the love of Allah in return as well. Of course, Allah subhanaw taala is merciful to all of his creation, but there are those special slaves of Allah whom Allah subhanaw taala actually loves, he loves them, and they love him. So we want to be among those special people, those special slaves of Allah. And in order to do that, we need to do something right now in these days. So let us try in doing good deeds. But one

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thing, one challenge that we face in these days is that, you know, in the month of Ramadan, we learned that the shell thing are locked up, right, but in these days, we don't learn that child teen are locked up. So yes, we have to, you know, strive against our own selves, right, there's that laziness within us. And of course, there is you know, work there are distractions, there are obligations, but at the same time, there is also the influence of shaitan. So, remember that, you know, if a deed is if a deed performed in these days is more beloved to Allah, it is more rewardable, then shaitan is not going to, you know, slow down at this time. shaitan is going to

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strive hard in order to distract us in order to make us lazy in order to put what was in our minds. So one of the things that we should make sure we do these days is to seek refuge with ALLAH against the shaitaan we need to make sure that in the morning, and in the evening, we are reciting our Earth card our morning and evening of call so that we are protected against the Shay plan, and especially what is very helpful is as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised us that we should read

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site called hula hoop I had to pull out the bureau bill Falak and coolaroo the Bureau of bananas after every summer, any This is something that we should do any anyway. But these days especially pay attention to this, that after every Salah make sure you recite call hula ahead call or or the bureau will follow up or with a bit of beingness because these sutras they are a source of protection for us against the against our enemy against the shape plan. And we learned that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was given the sutras, then he would recite the sutras for his protection as well. So imagine if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam recited the sutras, then

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how much more we are in need of reciting the sutras for our protection. And you will also feel that when you you know take that precaution you recite your car in the morning, after every Salah you are fortifying yourself, then it will be easier for you to busy yourself in good deeds, it will be easier for you to you know, recite that that could be a lot to engage into, they could have a lot to keep your tongue busy with the vicar of Allah and to keep yourself occupied with good and righteous actions in sha Allah.

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So let us begin today's session today's session is about the best of faith or rather that the best deed is to have faith in this series as you know we are learning about the best of the best or the best deeds. And when we look at the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us about many deeds which are the best. So let us begin with the deed which is really the most important the deed which is the condition for the acceptance of a person's deeds, and the deed which is the key to paradise. And this is to have faith it is to believe in Allah and His messenger. So in the series of the best of the best, we are learning about

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the best of faith today in sha Allah. And we'll be looking at five things, five main points five main themes and for each of for each theme inshallah we'll be looking at a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The first Hadees that we will be looking at is a hadith that tells us that the best deed is to have faith abou hora de la hora en who reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked that a EULA family of Baal, which deed is the best. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, It is a man on belaire he was solely he, it is to believe in Allah and His messenger. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was then asked that then what then

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what is the next good deed? Which is best? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied a Jihad defeasible Allah to strive in the cause of Allah. And then he was asked, which is the next best deed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, had Juma brewed the Hajj which is accepted the Hajj that is filled with righteous actions. The second Hadees that we will be looking at is about the fact that faith should be free of any doubt. Meaning it is not enough to just say that we believe it is essential that our belief is free of any doubt. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked that a you are merely have been which of the deeds is best

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meaning which deed is the best. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, he man on lasha coffee. It is such a man such faith that has no doubt in it whatsoever. The third concept or the third Hadith that we'll be looking at, is that the best branch of faith is to c'est la ilaha illa ba because you see a man is not just to hold a certain belief in one's heart. Eman is something that is to be expressed verbally and also through our actions. So we learned in the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he man faith has over 70 branches or over 60 branches, meaning the manifestation of a man is in many different ways. And he said the most excellent of which is the

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declaration that there is no God but Allah. Any the best expression of a man the best branch of a man is to say verbally La ilaha illa Allah

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And the humblest of which is the removal of what is injurious from the path. Meaning This is also from a man that a person finds something along the road which is harmful for people so he picks that up, and he brings ease to people. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that hyah modesty is also a branch of faith. The fourth thing that we will be looking at is that patience and generosity are the best aspect of Amen. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the best of a man of Baloo Amen. The best of Eman is patience and generosity and inshallah we will look at how patience and generosity are connected with faith. And finally, we will be looking at the Hadees

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which tells us that the best of faith has good character the Prophet sallallahu earlier Sena was asked that you will Imani of one which aspect of Eman is the best, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, that it is good character. So, all of these are Hadees they tell us something that is related to a man but what is common in all of these are these is the fact that the best deed is to is to have faith it is to believe in Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then after that, striving in the way of Allah, and then after that had mob rule, so let us begin with the first Hadees First of all, we see that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is

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asked a EULA Amelie have been which deed is the best. And in all of the Hadees that I shared with you today, you can see this common theme you know, people asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which deed is the best. And there are in fact many other Hadees in which we see that somebody is coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they're asking him, that which deed is the best, any the Sahaba the companions were eager to know what the best deeds were. Because they recognize that it is not enough to just do a lot, because there is much to do any, we could spend our entire lives performing such that and that would not be enough. It would not be enough because

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Allah subhanaw taala deserves even more. And given how much Allah subhanaw taala has blessed us and how much Allah subhanaw taala has shown favor to us. And he what befits us is that we are constantly engaged in servitude and in worship. So and we learned that even the angels when they will see the scales on the Day of Judgment, they will say that we have not worshipped you the way that you deserve to be worshipped. Yup. And these are angels that are, you know, constantly in obedience to Allah, constantly in in servitude to Allah, showing humility to Allah, they are constantly engaged in in the glorification of Allah. So the fact is that no matter how much we do, it is not enough. So

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we need to learn about those deeds which Allah subhanaw taala loves, which are more virtuous in the sight of Allah, and of these deeds, is first and foremost to believe in Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah, two headed is number 21 that sabya qu il amo filati Mira become what Jeanette in our Lusaka all this summer, he will up that all of you rush to you, you should compete to words you should go towards forgiveness of your Lord and a garden whose width is like the width of the sky and the earth. But this forgiveness, this garden, this Jenna this paradise, it is for who? Allah subhanaw taala tells us it

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has been prepared for those people who believe in Allah and His messengers. It is not for everyone. It is only for those people who believe in Allah and His messengers. So this shows us how important it is to believe in Allah. And we also learn in sort of Eunice is 62 to 64 that Allah subhanaw taala says that Allah in the Olia Allah He la Hoefler la him wala homea has a known that unquestionably the friends of Allah. No fear will be on them and they shall not grieve. Who are these friends of Allah? They are alladhina amanu they are those people who believe what can we get the cone and they have been conscious of Allah. They they have regard for Allah. They're aware

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That Allah subhanaw taala is there Allah subhanaw taala is watching, so they are conscious of Allah. So, for them is good news in worldly life and also in the hereafter level mole Bushra will hire to dunya will they have good news of forgiveness they have good news of reward. May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst them in certain natural io 97 Allah subhanaw taala tells us that ma mula solly han Min veker in our answer were who are more mean on Fela, nahi Yahoo higher tempo Heba that whoever does righteous action, whether male or female, gender doesn't matter. The point is that they do righteous action, but there is one condition. The condition is what will who will be known while

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they're a believer, meaning a person must be a believer while performing righteous action. Then such a person fell Uh, no he or no who hired him to Yuba, we shall indeed give them a good life. Allah subhanaw taala promises a good life to a person who does righteous action while being a believer. While energy and no home adura home, be sunny, my candle yarn alone, and we shall indeed reward them with the best of what they used to do. Meaning their reward in the hereafter will be according to the best of their actions. Because you know, people, they're such that all of their actions are not the best. Right there are some actions which are best and a majority of our actions are not such

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that they can be put in the category of Best or that they can be described as best. So the reward in the hereafter will be determined by what the best of their actions. So this is the benefit of believing in Allah and His messengers. A life in this in this world which is good and reward in the hereafter which is eternal and excellent. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah Nisa, verse 174 and 175 that Yeah, uh, you had no so called the jaw a combo handle mirror become what and zelner la come neuron Rubina that all mankind there has indeed come to you a conclusive proof from your Lord. And we have sent down to you a clear light, meaning the Quran has come to you the messenger sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam has come to you the evidence is clear. For a Molina amanu BelAir he, so as for those people who believe in Allah, where a person will be he and they hold on to Allah, they hold on to Allah, meaning that that belief is manifested in their life. They that that belief guides their life they hold on to Allah in every aspect of their lives. For say you the Hebrew home for your mighty men who said then Allah shall admit them into mercy from himself will follow and also huge favor Allah subhanaw taala will grant them way a de him la his slotum was the Pima and He will guide them to him on a path that is straight, meaning Allah subhanaw taala will guide those people who

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believe and Allah subhanaw taala will bestow His special mercy and favor upon such people, which people, those people who believe in Allah, in his in his messengers, in His revelation in his books, and everything else that we are supposed to believe in.

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Now in another Hadees, which is similar to the Hadees that we are studying right now, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked that which deed is the best and he replied, amen on Billa he was the who to believe in Allah alone. Meaning to believe that Allah alone is the only God. Allah alone is the only Lord. Allah alone is the only one worthy of worship. In another Hadees we learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked that which deed is the most beloved to Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu earlier seldom replied, and he man who Billa to believe in Allah, so to believe in Allah, this is a deed This is an action, it is a way of life, and it is a

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deed which is more superior to any other deed. It is a deed which is more beloved to Allah than any other deed. And it is a deed which is better than any other deed because it is it is the foundation. It is the basis for all other good deeds. Now, the question is, what does it mean to believe in Allah any if you ask any Muslim, you know, what's your belief, they will say we I believe in Allah right? If you were to

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Explain what Islam is to anyone you would begin with the basic foundation which is to believe in Allah. Well, what does it mean to believe in Allah? You see, amen, linguistically is to confirm and acknowledge something, to confirm that something is true, and to acknowledge it to accept it to say that yes, I accept this fact. And when we're talking about Amen, when we're talking about faith, it is to confirm a certain belief in one's heart. So for example, we believe that Allah is the God, right, Allah alone is worthy of worship. So what does it mean to believe in that, it means that you hold that belief in your heart, you, you confirm that belief in your heart, and then that you

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acknowledge it with your tongue, you also verbally express it. And then you also confirm that belief with your actions. So Eman is not just the state of your heart, it is not just something that is, you know, that that exists somewhere in your mind, in your heart, you know, in your memory or in the information that you have, you know, gathered in your mind, no, amen. Yes, it is in the heart, it is rooted in the heart, but it is actually manifested, it is manifested through one's words, and also through one's actions through one's life choices. It is it is it is a way of understanding it is it is a mindset. It is something that guards you or that guides your thinking, your thought process. It

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is something that impacts the way that you respond to different situations in your life. And it impacts the choices that you make in your life as well, the big and the small choices. So Eman is something that becomes a part of a person's being a part of a person's existence, any it's not just something that we accept cognitively. Right, that okay, God is one I believe in that. And that's it. No, this is something that affects your behavior. It affects your choices, it affects your thinking. It affects your entire being. This is the reality of Amen. And you see in the Quran, when we look at different verses that talk about Amen. We learned for example, in Sultan Mati the ayah number 83.

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Allah subhanaw taala says that what either semi aroma on Zilla Allah Rasool Thoreau, or you know, home turf field, Lumina Dunmurry, that when they hear what has been revealed to the messenger sallallahu early, he was setting on meaning certain people, when they hear the Quran, you see their eyes overflowing with tears, you see that they begin to cry, why are they crying mimar Allah, full mineral Hulk, because of what they have recognized of the truth. So a man is to recognize it is to understand and fully grasp something, your coluna abana armineh they say, Our Lord, we have believed, so to believe, is to know something, it is to recognize something, it is to wholeheartedly

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accept something so that it becomes a part of your life. And it affects your, your responses. So what is the response over here, when he man entered the heart, then the eyes began to flow with tears. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us that Ma'am, matter were, who were your level, and now hula, ilaha illa Allah, the halogen, that whoever dies, while he knows that there is no god worthy of worship, but Allah, then that person will enter Paradise. He didn't say over here, that he believes he used the word realm, to know to have knowledge, because to believe is to know and how is it that you know that Allah is one? You you learn that through life, you learn that

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through experience, you learn that through difficulties that you face in your life, you learn that through loss, you learn that through progress, through blessings, through you know, different things that you experience in life, you learn that yes, there is no god worthy of worship but Allah how that when for example, you are you

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are experiencing situations where you where you feel a complete loss of control, that you have no control over, you know what, what you you what you can do you have no control over people's opinions, people's thoughts, what people are doing what people are saying, what people are, you know, plotting amongst themselves you have no control over the result of your effort, you have no control over, you know, over control over your life essentially. Right? And, you know, and the more challenges you face in your life, you experienced this. What do you realize what knowledge to become aware of that Allah is the one who is in control. Allah is the one who is Able to do all things I am

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not. Allah is the one who is perfect in your life when you experience heartbreak, right? And when you you know, when you experience rejection, and when you experience how, you know, no matter what you do, certain people are never satisfied. Certain people never feel gratitude. They never acknowledge your effort. Right? You, you know, you come to realize that Allah is truly the most merciful. Allah is truly the most appreciative, Allah is truly, you know, the one who knows everything. So your life teaches you that Allah alone is the only God worthy of worship. And this this faith, this a man needs to be held firm in the heart. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, Whoever dies, while he knows that there is no god worthy of worship, but Allah, then that person will enter Paradise. And you'll see especially when a person claims to believe in Allah that Allah subhanaw taala will certainly test them. Allah subhanaw taala will certainly make them go through different, you know, challenges and different ups and downs in their life. So that, that Amen.

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You know, becomes a part of one's understanding. They're, they're able to fully grasp this concept that yes, La Isla illuma. Another important thing is that Amen. Faith includes actions, any faith is not separate from actions. A person cannot say, I believe in Allah. But when it comes to the things that I do, I decide it's my choice. No, no, no. When you believe La ilaha illa Allah that Allah is the god I worship Allah, then that means I will do as Allah has commanded me to do, not what I wish to do, what I want to do what I think or what society says or what is, you know, mainstream or what is, you know, trendy, no, believing in La ilaha illa Allah means that you, you do things in your

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life, the way that Allah subhanaw taala wants you to do, the way that Allah subhanaw taala has commanded. We learn in a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked the companions once, because the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre would also, you know, question them to make them think, and then he would give them the answer. So he said, Do you know what it means to believe in Allah alone?

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And the companion said, Allah and His Messenger know best. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it means to testify, that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah, and to establish Salah, and to give Zakat and to fast in Ramadan, and he mentioned a few more actions. Now if you think about it, he didn't stop at justifying that there is no god worthy of worship of Allah. Because he man is also actions. A man includes actions so he listed Salah, the cat fasting in Ramadan. So this shows us that he man is not just you know, a way of thinking. It also influences your lifestyle, your life choices, your

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actions. And we also learn in a narration that are Mohammed Abdullah Aziz, he wrote to our demon or the that faith includes obligations meaning part of Eman, our actions, which are obligatory faith includes doctrines meaning there are certain beliefs that you hold. It includes boundaries meaning there are certain actions that are forbidden that you're not allowed to do when you believe and it includes those that

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Which are preferred, all right, meaning that that Allah subhanaw taala likes them. And he said that whoever fulfills all of them has perfected his belief and whoever does not fulfill them has not perfected his belief. So remember that a man is not disconnected from your life choices or your actions, it is deeply connected with that. And when it comes to a man,

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the Prophet sallallahu early sentiment, the first Hadees we see that it is the best deed right this is how he explained it that it is the best deed. And we all know that Eman is the condition for the acceptance of good deeds as well. Meaning if a person comes on the Day of Judgment with a man than all of their other actions, their good deeds will also be accepted. But if a person comes on the Day of Judgment without a man, then even if they gave in their life, a lot of charity, they were you know, excellent in their character. They were very, you know, kind and forgiving. All of that will not benefit a person on the Day of Judgment. If they do not have Amen. We learn instead of the

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Zoomer Allah subhanaw taala says willapa to Oh, Hiya, a Laker What? ILA Levine I'm in publica let instructor layer bapa nirma. Look, while at akuna, nominal ha serene, that certainly it has been revealed to you a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it was also revealed to the people before you and especially to the messengers before you that if you associate partners with Allah, meaning if there's a problem with a man, then what's going to happen, all of your work will be wasted, and you will be of the losers. So Amen. Faith is is the condition. It is it is the source of salvation. There is no success. There is no salvation without a man. And we learned that the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam he told remoto Cotabato de la hora and who to make the announcement that lay your the hollow janitor Ill move me noon, that none but those who believe will enter Paradise, and he met meaning Paradise is reserved for who? For those people who actually believe in Allah, who know Allah, Who acknowledge the greatness of Allah who show you servitude to Allah in their lives. So those who recognize that those who live like that, then Paradise is for them.

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Allah imager unlimited meaning Now, the thing about Amen, you see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained it as the best deed. Now person might wonder but how exactly is it the best deed? Because you know there are people who are born in a Muslim family, Islam is all they know the Hadees all they know and you know that yes they believe in Allah. Okay. But then you know people are not perfect, they also do the things which are, you know, not not the greatest. So, how exactly is amen? The best the the thing is that Amen, actually has an impact on a person's life.

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When a person believes correctly when a person believes honestly with sincerity, a belief that is certain, a belief that is with knowledge, then this is something that has an impact on a person's entire life. How that first of all, we learn that such a person is guided by Allah. We learn that what in the Lucha Lucha de la Vina Manu illa serapion was talking that need Allah is surely the guide of those people who believe to the straight path meaning those people who believe Allah will surely guide them to the straight path. It doesn't mean that they're perfect in all of their actions. No, they make mistakes. But what happens is that Allah subhanaw taala continues to guide

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them. As soon as they begin to swerve as soon as they begin to deflect Allah subhanaw taala guides them back to the straight path. And this is in in a big matters and also in small matters. So for instance, in sort of at the hub when we learn when my yoke Minh biLlahi here the caliber whoever believes in Allah, Allah guides his heart. You see there are situations in your life where you are overwhelmed with with worry, okay, you are so anxious. You become so worried at the realization that you have no control over the situation. And you feel helpless. You don't even know how to fix your situation, how to help yourself. You can't figure

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out any how to bring yourself out of that difficulty

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and if you begin to think negatively then you need the the path of despair is very dangerous. But when a person believes in Allah in that time, like masala has surrounded that color in the Maria Robbie saya Dini mozzarella is Salaam was was in front of the water with bunny Islam he and fit our own and his armies were catching up with them. And the buddy is tra il. All of them were saying that's it. We are doomed in nella mudra Kuhn. We are we have been overtaken, we are defeated. This is this is all over. And musar listened and said No way. It's not over color. Because in the Mario lobby with me is my Lord, He will guide me, Allah will guide me Look at his faith in Allah, that

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Allah is not going to abandon us over here Allah subhanaw taala will create a way. So what happened? Allah subhanaw taala told him throw your stick in the water and the water parted. Any it could have happened that you know by the time that Musashi Sonam arrives at the water, the path is already made. But But that was not the case. Allah subhanaw taala let musar Listen, I've experienced that, that, that faith in Allah, that that feeling of putting your trust in Allah. So we learned that whoever believes in Allah, Allah guides his heart, Allah subhanaw taala guides their heart to be calm in a situation of fear, to have hope in a situation where you know all options seem useless. Or

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or a person cannot find a way a person does not know what next step they should take. So believing in Allah is is a source of strength for you. It is a source of hope for you. It is a source of courage for you. Well, my young men biLlahi Yes, the kalba we learn that Allah who will lead you lead in amanu. Allah is the friend, Allah is the ally. Allah is the Protector of those people who believe Allah does not leave them. He does not abandon them. Allah subhanaw taala protect them. He guides them. You read your home in a guru Mati Illa. Note, he brings them out of darkness into light, when they're sad when they're worried when they're afraid. Allah subhanaw taala brings them

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to a state where they feel hopeful. Yes, they cry. Yes, they feel afraid, but they know that Allah is there. So when they turn to Allah, and they pour their heart out before Allah, they affirm their belief in Allah, Allah subhana wa tada guides them. Allah subhanaw taala shows them the way Allah subhanaw taala grants them contentment Allah subhanaw taala gives them hope you read you one minute Wilmette Illinois.

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And then we see that a man doesn't just impact you know your relationship with Allah and your relationship. You know how in general you you respond to different situations in life, but it also has an impact on how you deal with people.

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A man makes a person more humble and cooperative. A man makes a person not a pushover. No. Not weak. But rather, someone who is easy to work with, easy to live with is a joy to be around someone who is not difficult for others. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained that a mineral called Jamal and if Hey, someone pee then cada a believer is like a tethered camel. Wherever it is led it yields and this is especially in relationship with Allah subhanaw taala that it is time for Salah Okay, get up and pray. It is time for Salah okay stop you're driving. Alright, take a break and perform your Salah. Alright, you have to make will do. Okay, roll up the sleeves and wash the arms

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properly. Right It is it is time to give the cat Okay, let's sit and calculate and give that money in the way of Allah. So the believer is not stubborn before Allah the believer is is humble before Allah.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that believers are humble and gentle, like the friendly camel, which if led it yields if it is driven, it complies. If it is made to kneel and sit on rocky ground it will kneel down and he's a believer is not causing problems or complaining and fussing everywhere because the believer recognizes that Allah

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About that everything is not in control of people. So, the believer, any because of his Amen, he he or they know how to connect everything with Allah subhanaw taala and they're able to accept different situations and they're able to respond in the best way. The Prophet sallallahu Urdu cinema also said that the believer loves and is loved. Any the believer loves other people. And they're also loved in return, Allahu Akbar, and he man doesn't make you such that you begin to hate people, you begin to disdain them, and you begin to look down at them and you only find fault in them. No.

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Man makes you love people, it makes you want the best for others. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that a believer has been created such that he will be put in many trials.

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A believer will be put in many trials. And the believer is oft repenting. And very forgetful. What does it mean that the believer makes mistakes, many, many mistakes over and over again? Because he's human, she's human. But whenever they realize they've made a mistake, the turn back to Allah. Oh ALLAH forgive me. And yes, the believers forgetful as well because he's, he's human. But when he is reminded he accepts admonition. When he's reminded when he's made aware that oh, this was a mistake, this wasn't really the best thing to do. He accepts that admonition. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wasallam also said that the believer is not a slander, nor does he curse others nor is it immoral or

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shameless. Any. Eman impacts your language as well, the kind of words that you use with other people. And so from all of this discussion, when we recognize that the best deed is to have faith, what should we do? We should work on strengthening our Amen. How can we strengthen our email by learning about who Allah is, what his names, what his attributes are? By learning? What is it that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed by learning the Quran reflecting on the Quran, by studying the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he really showed us what it means to believe in Allah. Then he man has also strengthened when you spend time looking at reflecting over the

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creation of Allah. And of course, remembrance of Allah calling upon Allah and recognize and learning about how to practice the religion that Allah has revealed. All of these things strengthen our Amen. And we should also ask Allah subhanaw taala that Allah Houma Habib, Elena, he man was the Yin, who feel Kubina will carry Elaine and kufra well for so cavalleri cn. I mean, that Oh Allah make us love, amen. And adorn our hearts with it, and make us dislike disbelief and, and sin and disobedience. A loving mother You know, buzina till he man what you're on now who that are martyred in, or Allah, dress us, beautify us with the beauty of Amen, and make us guides who are upon correct

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guidance makers, guides of righteous people.

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Now, the second Hadees that we're looking at today is about the fact that faith, amen, it should be free of any doubt. The Prophet sallallahu Urdu Selim was asked that you are merely have been, which deed is the best and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he man on lasha Kofi he is a man in which there is no doubt so Alhamdulillah we believe in Allah Alhamdulillah but we need to strengthen this faith, we need to strengthen this Amen. Our amen should be such that it is with conviction. It is with certainty. Any You see, there are things that you are somewhat aware of, when you recognize that okay, they're they're important, but you're not too confident. And when you're

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not too confident about something then it shows in your choices. So for example, you know that you should not be eating too much sugar, right? Because

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any Yes, sweet things are great sugar. natural sugar is great, but you know, when you're having sugary drinks and sugary treats and things like that all the time, you know that that's not healthy for you, you know that you should not be having a whole tub of ice cream in one in one or two sittings. You know that you should not

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the eating of chocolate bar every time you feel bored, right? These are things we know. But if you're not confident, right, that this is this is destructive for my health, then what's going to happen, there are going to be those times when you know you are going to indulge, and you're going to go a little too far. So when we lack conviction, that that doubt is actually reflected in our choices, it is reflected in our in our life. So a man is supposed to be such that it should have no doubt whatsoever, it should be an Amen with conviction with certainty. And you see, if you believe that sugar is not good for you, then you're going to adhere to that principle, whether you are

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cooking something yourself or you are purchasing groceries or you are at a party, or you are, you know, at a friend's house or wherever, you know, when people especially when it comes to diet, when people you know make certain decisions, then they they have the you know, the follow up very strongly, very consistently no matter where they are, right? People who go vegan, right, who avoid meat, any they will not indulge in eating meat anywhere, anywhere. So it's basically manifested in a person's entire life. It is constant, it's everywhere. So when we believe in Allah without any doubt, then what does that mean? It means that this Eman needs to be manifested at home. This man

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needs to be manifested at work online. When we are dealing with people directly or we are sending emails and things like that. Any it's it's supposed to influence your entire life. And if there are gaps, if there's inconsistency, then that shows that there's some problem because doubt is contrary to faith. Real believers Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sort of Greco gelato that enamel manana larina, Manu Billa, he was slowly some millennia taboo, that indeed the believers are only those people who believe in a line is messenger and then they do not have any doubt. They don't have any doubt whatsoever.

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And to have doubt is a is a characteristic of the hypocrites it is the it is the characteristic of those who don't believe so a true believer is someone who does not have any doubt. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said regarding the person who says a shadow Allah ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, that if a person says this, without any doubt about these two, these two statements, then when this person will meet Allah, they will enter Jenna. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam clarified Laila shatkin Fie, Hema, and he believes in these two principles without any doubt whatsoever. We learned that when a person dies, and they're placed in their grave, then two

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angels come and and question that person. Right. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam explained the state of the believer that when the believer is made to sit up in his grave, he sets up without any fear or panic. And then he is asked what, what was your religion? He says Islam, he said that and the angels asked him, who was this man, that that, you know, you're supposed to believe in in follow? He said, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he brought us clear signs from Allah and we believed him. The angels asked him, Have you seen Allah, He says, no one is able to see Allah. And then a window to * is open for him. And he sees * parts of it,

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destroying others. And then it has said to him, look at what Allah has saved you from. And then a window to Paradise is open to him. And he looks at its beauty and what is in it. And it is said to him, this is your place. And it is said to him, that earlier painted quanta, where I lay him where I lay it to birth, that you had certain faith and you died in that state. And in that state, you will be resurrected. In contrast, when a hypocrite is made to sit up in his grave, he sits up with fear and panic. And when he's asked, what religion Did you follow? He says, I don't know. I don't know. When he's asked Who is this man? He says, I heard the people saying something and I also said it.

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And then a window to Paradise is open to him. And he looks at its beauty and what is in it and it has said to him look at what Allah has diverted away from you. This is what you're missing out on and then a window to * is open for him and he

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He sees it parts of it destroying others and it is set to him. This is your place. And the angel said to him, are the sheki contar. You were doubtful, while I lay him in this state you died, what are they he tuberous and in the state you will be resurrected. So when a person lives with you pain and dies with that your pain, then on the Day of Judgment, they will come to Allah with your pain, with conviction with certainty. And if a person has doubt, and lives with that doubt and dies with that doubt, then that is the state that they will come to Allah with me Allah subhanaw taala protect us now, to believe without any doubt means that you have full faith in Allah. You have full

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confidence in Allah. Like masala is Salah in memory or ob say it in any difficulty you face in your life in the Mario Pisa Dean any the biggest loss even? What is it that we are supposed to say in LA we're in a urology room we belong to a loan to Allah is our return. What does that mean? What Why are we supposed to say that at a time of loss at a time of difficulty? When we're saying that we came from Allah, we have to go back to Allah we weren't meant to be here permanently anyway. We weren't meant to have all of these things permanently anyway. Allah is the one who is permanent, we are not. Allah is the one who is an absolute control. We are not so by saying in Allah who were in a

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Li Roger when we are affirming our faith in Allah.

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You see Ibrahim are a sinner when he was thrown in the fire by his own people. What did he say? haspin Allahu nirman wikid Allah is enough for us. The Sahaba when people were gathering, and they were coming to attack the Muslims again, the Sahaba said Hassan Allah when arrowmen wiki when the Prophet salallahu earlier center was in the cave, with Abu Bakar What happened? The enemy was right outside. And Abu Bakar dilla. Horner was really worried. He began to cry out of worry for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let the husband Don't be sad in the law. hamana Allah is with us. We're not alone. This is what it means to

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believe in Allah without any doubt. That no matter what situation you're in, you remind yourself Allah is there. I am not alone. My lord is enough for me.

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And remember when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was resting under the tree, and that man came and grabbed the sword of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said who's going to save you from Allah? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam replied Allah. Sorry, the man said who is going to save you from me? Right, who is going to protect you and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah will. And this is what it means that in the most sudden, situation, even any, you know, there are situations where you expect some kind of loss, some kind of difficulty. And then there are situations where any things come just completely unexpectedly. At that time also, to

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believe in Allah without doubt means to affirm your faith in Allah, to say, Allah is there, he will save me, He will guide me He will take care of the situation for me.

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also part of believing in Allah without any doubt, it's to, but it's to call upon Allah with conviction, to know that Allah subhanaw taala hears or us that Allah subhanaw taala decrees what is best. So we should ask Allah subhanaw taala for your pain, that he or Allah, grant us conviction. The third Hadees that we're looking at is that the best branch of faith is to say la ilaha illa Ma. To say, there is no god worthy of worship but Allah in this Hadees we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first mentioned that the man has over 70 or 60 branches, but he didn't mention what each branch is, what each aspect of amen is because we need to, you know, use our mind

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as well. We need to think as well, that when Allah subhana wa tada has taught us that certain things are part of a man from a man, then then then let us pay attention to all of those good deeds. But the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I mentioned here that of Lu como la ilaha illAllah to say la ilaha illa. Allah is the best branch of faith, right? It is the best aspect of faith. Why? Because when you say la ilaha IL Allah you are verbalizing, you are verbally expressing the most

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truthful statement the most factual statement and when you believe that this is this is the center of this is the core of your belief. It is what guides everything, it is the foundation it is the principle it is the guide of, of of everything related to EMA. So this shows us that we should say la ilaha illa Allah as well. Any of course we believe in that. But we should also say it La ilaha IL Allah, when you're in difficulty, La ilaha illa Allah right the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm taught a smart radula horn how to say this in time of difficulty Allahu Allah, who would not be less sure he could be he Shay, that Allah Allah My Lord, I do not associate anything with my Lord. And he

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my lord is one, I believe that he is one. So, which in other words is to say la ilaha illa Allah there is no god worthy of worship of Allah. So we need to say this kalama as well. And especially in these days, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that we should increase in saying La ilaha illa Allah in a Hadees, we learned that the best form of liquid is to say la ilaha illa Allah. And we also learned that when a person says la isla in the law, with their heart, any with sincerity, the gates of the sky are opened. And really when you face some difficulty, any Take a moment, connect with yourself, you know, silence all those voices around you, or even those which

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are in your head, and take a moment to say, La ilaha illa Allah, there is no God but Allah. There is no god worthy of worship, but Allah, Allah is the one who is an absolute control. He created everything he created me, he created the thing that I fear. He has control over, over everything because nothing happens without the permission of Allah. And to Allah, all matters will return. And whatever Allah decrees for the believer is best for the believer. Any start reflecting on the statement, La ilaha illa Allah say that honestly, with your heart, we learned the gates of the sky are opened, he made Donna beg Allah ask him to show you the way ask him to create ease for you.

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So laying in the law is a very heavy statement. And remember that on the Day of Judgment, when deeds will be weighed, a person will be brought and the records will be placed in the scale and their records will be filled with sins and those records will be so massive and a person will think that's what I'm doing. But then on the other side of the scale a card will be placed with aka a card will be placed and the scales will tip and what is on that card. Let Illa Illa Allah any This is a statement that will save you in this life. It will save you on the Day of Judgment. So say it a lot, a lot. And the Prophet sallallahu Urdu cinema also mentioned this Heidi's that modesty hyah is a

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part of a man and also removing the things from the from the road which are a source of difficulty for people that is also a part of EMA. So Eman is not that you just, you know, sit in your worries and you're just constantly thinking about Allah of course that is part of a man that you think about Allah in your difficulty. But the man is also action that you do something to help others. You You are a caring person. You're not selfishly, you know, just just preoccupied with your own worries. You're also thinking about the people around you. And modesty, modesty in how you talk modesty and how you dress, modesty and how you deal with people modesty with Allah also, this is also part of

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EMA. The fourth her these we're looking at is about patience and generosity, that they are the best aspect of faith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that Apollo Imani or sobro was somehow her patience and generosity are the best, the most superior part of even how you see suberb patients What is it? Somebody has to to hold oneself back? Right? It is to control oneself, to not allow oneself to give up or to not allow oneself to quit that when things get tough. You don't just quit you you hold on. Right? And when when you just want to you know express that anger or you want to just let go and

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you know you you just want to respond uncontrollably. Somebody is that no you you hold yourself back you restrain yourself. You make your

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follow certain principles, certain rules that are guided by what Allah subhanaw taala has legislated. So somebody is, you know, not just in the heart, somebody is that you control your tongue, that you control your limbs, you you restrain your tongue from complaining you restrain your limbs from disobeying Allah and of course it is needed in times of difficulty but it is also needed in in Salah where you know for example you're praying and you're constantly tempted to fix your

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you know shirt or fix your some people some men have a habit of constantly, you know styling their beard Subhanallah insula, you need somebody to control yourself, you don't need to style your beard right now. You can wait until after Salah It's okay, nobody's going to take a picture. Nobody's gonna say your beard looks imperfect, just submit submit is to wait. Okay, hold on, keep your hand where it needs to be. Somewhere in Salah is that you keep your eyes where they need to be. Somebody is that you keep your attention where it needs to be. So sober beautifies all of our good deeds, enables us to perform good deeds in the best way in the correct way.

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And somebody is deeply connected with even our little Dilawar on who he wants said that summer, in relation to a man is like the head is to the body. Any Can you imagine a body without a head? No, it's not possible. Any if the head is gone, the entire any there's no life. So, and then he said out loud, that in the whole lair he manner lemon law sobre la who that the person who does not have patience has no faith. Any patience is deeply connected with faith. Allah subhanaw taala praises those people who are patient Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he loves those people who are patient that he is with those people who are patient. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the men who are

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patient and the women who are patient, Allah. And then somehow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that somehow a Sabra was somehow these two things are the best of Amen. What is some Aha, some aha in the rough translation is generosity. But anyone we think about generosity in English, we think that a person is just giving a lot of money. But summer has more than that summer has to be liberal to be bountiful. And summer How rude is when wood is soft, okay, it's not dry and hard and brittle. It's it's or not not brittle and sharp and pokey. samahan rude is when wood is smooth, it is soft. And especially, you know, branches that are still on the tree, they're so easy

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to bend, right? And when this word is used for a camel, then it means that the camel is submissive, it's easy to maneuver. Right? And when a person is described as someone who has some Aha, it means that the act and is in an easy, gentle manner. They're easygoing, they're generous, any they give to people what people want from them. Right? They're not stubborn, they're not rejecting they're not harsh. And so sometimes some aha means you know, forgiving people sometimes somehow mean smiling sometimes somehow means giving money sometimes somehow means you know, making space for people right. So, some aha is isn't is in different forums right. And hustle and bustle he said that some

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ah ha is to is to be generous when performing the obligations any For example, when you are performing Salah, okay, one is that you just quickly recite the thinner sort of fatty hair color and then going to record and then just do the bare minimum and you're done with okay. The other is sama that you're generous any, you take your time reciting the finat one Dora another though, your sights are the Fatiha with her Sure. You recite you know a longer surah after Salah you you make a car, you perform the Sunnah. So this is somehow and you want us to be small hearted, okay, that Oh, I'm too tired, I'm too busy. It's going to take too long.

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And it's going to be too tiring. It's going to be too exhausting. And the other is that no, you're generous. You you allow yourself the time to to perform everybody in a beautiful way.

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This is some Aha, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that these two things, patients and summerhall are the best. Amen? How are they related to a man? Because sobre enables you to do what you're supposed to do in the right way, and somehow has enabled you to do what you should do in a beautiful way.

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subber makes you right and proper somehow makes you more beautiful. So Southern sama is needed in Nevada, in worship, and sober and sama who are needed in dealing with people as well. And the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and described the people of Paradise as people who are Rahim, you know, a person who is merciful, who is roughly equal caliber, who is very soft in their heart, right meaning very gentle in another Hadees return Hagen and sadolin any easy to deal with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yes, Cyril will add to our siru make ease for people do not create difficulty for people. And people with soft hearts are people who are beloved to Allah.

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And we also learn that you know, this gentleness this ease this generosity should be shown, when we are dealing with people even when we are, you know, buying and selling, or when we are giving alone or or returning alone, you know, accepting the return of alone, in, in everyday matters. We need to show that generosity. But how can a person show that generosity when they believe in La ilaha illa Allah because then they want to make every action of theirs beautiful. And they they remember that my lord is watching me. If I'm generous over here, Allah will reward me. Allah does not waste the effort of those who forgive those who are patient, those who are generous. Allah subhanaw taala

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tells us that for a moment artha with Taka or sadaqa bill Hausner for saluja. sera Julio surah. So as for the person who gives and has taqwa of Allah and confirms that which is best feeding has the best believes in in that which is best, then Allah subhanaw taala says we shall make we shall make the easy path easy for him, meaning Allah subhanaw taala will facilitate that person in doing good as well. Oh, Allah subhanaw taala will enable that person to do more good. So patience, generosity, these are keys to increasing in good deeds as well. So this is how they are the best aspect of faith the last Hardee's we learned the best of faith is good character when the Prophet sallallahu his son

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was asked a young Imani of love which part of a man is the best. He said, Hola,

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hola, como Hassan, that, that character which is best, which is beautiful. And hollow is you know, your, your internal being your Hulk is your, your external appearance, right? what people see physically, but your whole look is your person. You're being your, your inner self or your personality, that people experience, okay, in the way that they hear you in the way that they look at your, you know, the the facial expressions that they see the the the words that you use. So,

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you know, what, everyone does not have good hair look. Good, whoa, look, it's not it's something that good character is something that needs to be worked on. Right, some people are naturally, you know, very affectionate, others are not. Some people, you know, their facial expressions are generally very calm, and other people have to work on that, you know, you have to consciously make sure that you're not frowning, right? That you have to consciously make sure that you're not staring at someone rudely, right? That you have to consciously make that effort that your face appears to be calm and you smile, you look approachable. So a clock your character is something that you have to

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work on. Your physical being right your physical appearance. Allah subhanaw taala has given that to you. Right and you're not supposed to be changing it all the time. Of course you have to maintain it. You know, hair you have to trim etc. face you have to clean etc. But see how obsessed we are with perfecting our physical appearance. We use filters and we use you know, we spent so much money and effort on our nightly night routine and morning routine and summer, you know routine and what products we have to use

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And okay, it's good that you're taking care of your physical body, but this physical body is going to end up in the grave. What is going to last? What is permanent is your character that is going to determine your afterlife which is eternal. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, you stop him, that be steadfast and your homework should be excellent. Your character with people should be excellent. We also learn that Allah subhanaw taala loves generosity and Allah subhanaw taala loves good character and mean character based character, Allah subhanaw taala dislikes that.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that the believer reaches with his good character, the level of the person was constantly fasting and constantly praying. And he it is it is a very rewardable good deed. We learned that it is one of the heaviest deeds in the scale on the Day of Judgment, any, it is a deed that is very, very heavy in the scales. And we also learn

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the most beloved of you, to me and the closest of you to me, in in modulus in in gathering on the day of judgment will be those who are best of you in character. So, the more beautiful a person's character is, the closer they will be to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the Day of Judgment. And the more Beloved, they will be to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the afterlife. And he also said that indeed the most hated of you to me, and the farthest of you, to me, in gathering on the Day of Judgment, will be those who talk a lot.

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And those who are, you know, those who exaggerate when they're talking those who are, you know, basically, very vile, and, and rude and harsh in the way that they speak. So, we have to be careful about how we speak how we interact with one another. And we should ask Allah subhanaw taala Allah whom are sent the healthy for us in Hollywood, that Oh Allah, you have made my physical appearance beautiful, make my character beautiful as well. We should ask Allah Allah Houma, Dinelli Arsenal, Allah, La Jolla daily Sonny her Illa, anta was referring ME SAY HE or her layer three find me say he or her illa Anta that Allah guide me to the best character, because no one can guide me to the best

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character except you and turn away bad conduct from me for no one can turn it away from me except you. We should ask Allah Allah in the arrow to become a non karate floppy, while our family will allow that Oh Allah seek refuge with you from evil character, evil actions and evil desires. Yeah, Allah you protect us. So the best of faith, the best deed is to believe and the best of faith is to is to, is to have faith or rather the best deed is to have faith which is free of any doubt. And the best branch of faith is to say la ilaha illa Allah, and patience and generosity are the best aspect of faith and the best of faith is also good character. May Allah subhanaw taala make us of those who

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believe make us of those who believe with with conviction without any doubt. And we'll also panel to beautify us with patients with generosity and with good character. And may we never hesitate in saying La Ilaha Illa la made the words La ilaha illa Allah be fluent on our tongues, so that we are able to say these words at the time that we leave this world as well and it becomes heavy in our scales, and it becomes a means of salvation for us on the Day of Judgment. I mean, inshallah we will conclude over here, political lo fi comm soprano Kala Houma will be handing a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta a star Furukawa to buoy lake was Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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