Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-002B Translation and Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 1-5

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses Surah Wednesday's book, Al Qaeda, and its meaning, with emphasis on the translation and word analysis of Al Qaeda. The speakers explain the meaning behind certain words and phrases, including "offense" in Arabic language, and stress the importance of remembering certain verbs in English. They also discuss grammar rules and the meaning of "weekend" in verb and noun sentences, with a user guide provided for practicing writing in English. The importance of memorizing the meaning of "weekend" is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now before we begin that I've seen off Surah Baqarah. Let's look at the translation and word analysis. So open up your books, if you have the PDF, you can open that up and if you don't have that you have your hard copy with you if you're fortunate you can open that up in sha Allah. So let's begin the translation. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to read the Arabic and the translation, and then inshallah we will discuss its meaning. All right, are we the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim, lf Lam Meem Elif Lam Meem Valley Kike that Al Kitab who is the book law riba no doubt at all fee he in it, who then is guidance or it is guidance Lynmouth the pain

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for those who adopt consciousness of Allah

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and Levina those who you know now they believe belay be in the unseen way up Munna and they establish a salata the Salah, wima. And from what Rosa canal whom we provided them, Yun feel Kuhn they spent while Lavina and those who you may know now they believe Bheema in what? on Zillow, it was sent down a Laker to you warmer and what on Zillow, it was sent down mencoba Lika before you will bill Hera and in the hereafter whom they up known, they are certain hola Iike those Isla are upon Hoda guidance men from Rob be him there Rob. We're hola ICA and those home they truly and mostly Hone are those who are successful. Alright, let's look at the word breakup and the root

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letters the singulars let's look at why we translate these versus the way that we have translated them Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Alif Lam Meem Alif Lam Meem Valley CA means that it is used to point towards something that is far so there Lika that have that means this alright and valley commons that elke TAGO the book. So Elkie taboo, this is Al the key taboo book that Lika elke taboo it means that is the book and it can also mean that book. So Kitab This is from the root letters CAFTA VA and inshallah I will talk about what the word means later on loud labor law labor is translated as no doubt at all this is a combination of law and labor. Law, you know, generally means no or not. But

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hear louder, I iba it means no doubt at all. Any Undoubtedly, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever. This is like when you say let Ilaha illa Allah What does that mean? That there is no God at all except Allah. That the only God is who Allah when you say La Hola, wala Quwata what does that mean? That there is absolutely no power and no mite except with Allah. So la means no and * means doubt love riba together no doubt at all. And the word rave is from the root letters Raja Yoga, Fi This is a combination of two words basically you have fi which means in and he means it he this is a pronoun, and you will see a lot of pronouns in the Quran and in English, you know, you refer to

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something as he or she or it in Arabic. Remember that there's two types of nouns there's either masculine or feminine, okay, he is masculine. So fi in it Huda guidance the word who that means guidance This is from the root letters had Alia we read a different word earlier and circle Bukhara, which is from the same roots. Can you think of a word from the same root in sort of Bukhara, E. Deena good Idina guide us. So, who does this is a noun and what does it mean by Houda over here, if you say it as fee Houda then this means in it is guidance meaning in this book is guidance. If you pause after fee, then who that this is a new sentence. So, it is guidance and this is a reason why

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you have two translations in the box. So who there is guidance, Lindell, Muhtar Keane for those who adopt consciousness of Allah Now

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A little more clean. There's a lot going on over here. But if you break it up, it's easy to understand. The first thing is we recognize Li Li means for remember Al hamdu lillahi Leela he means for Allah. So now you're familiar with this kind of lamp for AND ELMO clean. Elmo Kane, this is the plural of the word and the key. You see the noon at the end. This is an indication of a plural. Just like in Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allah al Amin floral of ilm, Mata tiene floral of mata ki P. And who is L mata ki, the person who adopts the Aqua, so l mood, the team those who adopt the Aqua. What is the Aqua Taqwa is translated here as consciousness of Allah. And inshallah we'll talk about

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its meaning and it's from the root letters while off yeah, next Jaya Alladhina those who now this is a familiar word. We read this in Surah Fatiha as well. Slate alta levena Unknown darling him and Lavina those who you may know now they believe meaning the MATA tiene those who adopt UCLA are those who believe they believe and you may know that this is from Iman Eman from the root letters M Zanmi. Noon. Eman to believe and you may know now they believe now I want you to notice this word and I will make some connections with it in the upcoming verses. So they believe in what Bill IB in the unseen now believe me this is three things we have B which means with or in like Bismillah R Rahman

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r Rahim in the name of Allah. Al is your good friend now it means the and wave means unseen it's from the root letters Lyonya but so you may know wanna been alive. They believe in the unseen why you came on and they establish this is two words one means and UK Munna means they establish. What do they establish a salata the salah you can see the URL, I'll the salah salah. Now see the word you mean una and up Munna. You see something common in these two words you mean ona up Munna, they both are translated as they and then you have a verb they believe they establish. So you know that you pay more the both of these are verbs. Now, the well known at the end indicates that it's a plural,

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if it was you may know you may know means he believes up mu means he establishes. All right. So you may know now they believe you came on, they establish and you see the yet at the beginning, that's all too common in both words, you know, up to the year gives the meaning of heat, or the third person, so they believe they establish now do you notice something here? I'm gonna go back to the previous idea. I'll move the pin. Move the pain. You see here there's also yeah known but the word begins with a meme. Okay, when you have a word that begins with a meme, like mood, the pin this is the sign that it's a noun. So question for you. You know now how can you turn this into a noun? If I

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want to turn you know in a day believe into one zoo believe what do I do? Exactly? I replaced the yeah with the meme. So you may know that they believe me Nona ones who believe Excellent. What about up Munna? UK Munna they establish what if I want to say the ones who establish Mookie Munna? Excellent mocking, very good mashallah Baraka low Fico. So, when you came on a solid and they established the solid solid this was from the root letter solid lamb well, and you came on is from cloth well I mean, women models economic immune fuchal Women man and from what this is three words why means and this should also be your friend now men from an MA what so why me ma and from what

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Rosa canal whom we provided them now Rosa canal and home home means they are them. This is also a pronoun. So you remember the pronoun he he means as in a singular and home is Florida. Okay. So does the canal home we provided them and Rosa canal This is from risk Brazile cough is the root and Rosario NA NA means we so we provided them. Yun feel Kona they spent so what kind of a word is used for your cone

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What kind of a word is Yun Falcone? Is it a verb or a noun? All right. It's a verb and if I want to make it into a noun, what do I do? Replace the year with the meme good. Monfalcone konflik one who spends all right unifocal he spends UniFi Kona they spend and unicorn is from the letters noon fell off. All right. Next day uh, well Lavina and those who this is again we're and Alladhina those of you see how the words are repeated. And if you understand you know, you recognize certain patterns even if you don't know much Arabic grammar but you understand certain patterns you'll be able to understand the meaning of many words in the Quran. So when Latina and those who you may know that

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they believe again, the verb is coming Bhima in what now Bhima This is a combination of B and MA. Remember a bee Bismillah in the Name of Allah, so Bheema inward on Zillow, it was sent down on Zillow, this is from noon xylem and on Zillow is also a verb. Now, have you noticed something here that you know certain verbs we are translating in the past tense and other verbs we are translating in the present tense? So for example, you may know now they believe not they believed, right? And on Zillow, it was sent down not it is sent down. So you recognize that pattern. You noticed that in the translation. Alright, good. So this makes something very clear that there are obviously you know,

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tenses. Right? There is past tense, there's present tense, there's future tense. So one thing you should remember, and it's a very good rule to remember is that verbs in the Arabic language, verbs, not nouns verbs in the Arabic language, make reference to time. So, either the verb is the you know, showing past tense or it is showing present or future tense. Okay? So for example, you may know now yes, it's a verb, but this is showing present tense on Xena. This is also a verb, but it's showing past tense. All right, now I'm not going to tell you which verbs are show past tense, which verbs show present tense, Inshallah, we'll do these things gradually. Right now, I want you to notice the

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fact that certain verbs make reference to past tense. Other verbs make reference to present tense. All right, so they believe Bhima on Xena in what was sent down so when zeolite was sent down ileka to you, and alayka This is a combination of Eli and Eli means two and come means you so a Salam or Aleikum, your hammock Kela you so la chica to you? So when Medina you're gonna be mountains either a Laker and those who believe in what was sent down to you warmer and what this is now familiar on Zillow, it was sent down min publica before you now min publica there's three things over here min probably and QA. All right, QA you are familiar with it means you. So you have that in the

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translation, men cobbling together means before all right, sometimes you will see, you know, men on its own and you will see that we translated as from So, where men is supposed to be translated as from you will see that in the translation like in one Mima and from what but in other places like over here mental ability together means before and this is why main has not been translated separately. So when that one's either been public and what was sent down before you were Bill Filati and in the hereafter. Now this is what and be in L the AF era hereafter on Zillow known xylem cobble cough Balam and AF era is from the letters Hamza Hora after means the hereafter. So and in the

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hereafter whom they now notice home earlier what did we read home or him was now home we read home right so home they are them. And now here again a home they you can own their certain meaning and in the Hereafter they are ones who are certain. So we will accurately whom you opinion now you will pin on this is from the letters yep off known Is this a verb or a noun? A verb good and if you want to make it into a noun replace the yeah with the mean Mukhin Excellent. All right, so you will pinion they are certain a year cane. What does your cane mean? Certainty right so

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up. No, they are certain.

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Okay, now one thing I want you to notice here, look at the word you pin on I told you the root letters are yet off noon. Now the first Yeah, right with the dama in up noon this year, this is for the verb. So the letter which is from the root is actually well, so well off known, but I said the root is yak off noon. So how is the ye turning into a well? So remember this rule also that in Arabic, I live while Yeah. Or Hamza? Well, yeah. All right. These letters are interchangeable. Okay, they're interchangeable, because they're more like vowel sounds. E o, so they're interchangeable. So sometimes you will see the actual root letter in the word and sometimes you will see that it's been

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replaced with a substitute letter. But that substitute letter is not just going to be any letter from the Arabic language it's only going to be from a live while Yeah. Or Hamza. So we'll ask you to take home your opinion. Hola, Iike those now? Hola Erica. This is like the plural of valleca. Italica means that hula it means those okay? You're pointing towards a plural alright a group or Allah. Those are ones who are upon so Allah means upon hula Iike Allah those are the ones who are upon who that guidance this word we read earlier. Mid rugby him from there, Rob rugby him this is rugby and him. There, Rob. Rob from the root letters are all bad. But what will I ICA and those?

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Notice the world and Willa, Ecuador's home, they truly meaning those are the ones who are truly and mostly home. There are those who are successful. Now a lovely home. This is the plural off animal flesh. So L is the muffler is one who is successful, mostly home ones who are successful. And this is from the root letters file. Mmm hmm. Question for you. If I want to turn mostly who mostly into a verb, what do I do?

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Yes, very good. You flee who? Very good replaced the mean with the Yeah. Awesome. So now my sha Allah, you have recognized that when you see a word beginning with a meme, all right, and there's some other things that inshallah you will learn along the way. But if this is a good thing that you have grasped the concept that when the word begins with the mean, it's typically a noun, it's referring to a person. And when it's beginning with a Yeah, it's typically a verb, not of the past tense of the present tense. So what grammar rules have you learned so far? I have the comments box open in front of me. So what grammar basic rules have you? Okay, good. The meme and the yamim noun.

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Yeah, verb. All right. What about verbs? They make reference to time. Very good. And there are verbs of both past tense and present tense. Excellent. And that Elif? Well, yeah, these letters are interchangeable. Awesome, very good. Now, one more thing I want you to notice in the translation, have you noticed how certain words have been bolded. And other words have not been bolded. And then there's words in parenthesis. So there is in your book, you will see right at the beginning, there is a user guide. Okay, there is a user guide. And I want you to read that user guide over the week. And in sha Allah, I want to go over a few things in our future classes. I'm not going to go over

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everything right now, because I really want to get into the deceit of the verses. So the user guide is very helpful and understanding why, what the bold means what the paranthesis mean. And these are important for you to know when you are memorizing your lesson. But what I do want you to know is that the words which are bolded are the words which you are expected to memorize. So for example, on the screen you can see home is translated as our one zoo they truly, what are you going to memorize in the translation? Which part? Are you going to exactly which is they truly excellent? And insha? Allah when you have your test, what are you going to write in the translation parts? They truly Very

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good. Excellent. And typically, the apprentices are there to help you understand the connection between the words, right? So those are necessary because if you don't know how the words connect with each other, you might misunderstand just as in the English language, you have to know about punctuation. Because if the punctuation is not right, the sentence can mean something come

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pletely different. So for example, if you have the words let's eat, comma, Grandma, what does that mean? Let's eat grandma. But if you don't have the comma right after let's eat what does that mean? Let's eat grandma. Right? So we have to be careful about how the words come together. All right, inshallah. Okay, let's begin that obscene Bismillah. Before we do that, I want you to stand where you are, if you're not already standing recitation of these five verses. And as you listen to the recitation, stand up and stretch, take a sip of water freshen up so that we can begin to succeed Bismillah

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AR Haim anything

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me name

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you can kita Ebola or Eva hee hoo live turkey Elodie now you mean on eBay eBay up my

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mouth was up on

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on leadin I mean on eBay

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Xena eco

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me him hola in Kelvin.

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