Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 261A Translation Muhammad 1-19

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The group discusses a murder trial and possible solutions, including a woman named Lavina and Heidi. They also talk about people who have been killed or murdered by the police, including Lavina's name, Heidi's name, and Ginger's name. They mention the difficulty of following the conversation and the potential consequences of reforming and burninging home. The group also discusses deeds of people who have been killed or killed by the police, including a woman named Xena and her behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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no matter who went to Saudi Arabia Saudi Hill Karim America or the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish Rouhani Saudi were silly Emery working on that Emily Sani Of course, Poli, Robin as even our EMA Surah Mohammed is number one to 19

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and Levina those who are careful they disbelieved was so do and they stopped, they borrowed on from severely way Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, he rendered in vain. Our mother whom their deeds, one Lavina and those who are Manu, they believed what Emmylou and they did have slowly heard the righteous deeds were Ermanno and they believed Bhima in that which Newsela it was gradually sent down. Allah upon Muhammad in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam

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Wa, and it is Al Huckle, the truth, middle of B him from the Arab Gulf follow, he expiated on home from them, say he to him, their sins, their evils, what else la her and he reformed burner home, their state, their liquor that be under because indeed a novena, those who get follow they disbelieved it tuber they followed. Albertville. The falsehood were under, and that indeed, a Lavina those who am I know they believed it over. They followed and held the truth. Mill Rob be him from the era. Gallica likewise. yobbery Boo, he strikes Allahu Allah, leanness for the people and Salah home their examples

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for either so when lucky Tom, you all met, and Levina those who care for rue de disbelieved for barber then striking a record of the next had the until either when, as Han to move home, you all have extensively wounded you all have extensively killed many for should do, then you all firmly bind and wasa the bond or the tie for ima then either, man none favor, Bardo astir were ima and or feeder ransom had the until the bar it puts down. I'll shout the war Oza or her it's burdens there Lika that wallow and if yesha He wills Allahu Allah lent us or Surely he took revenge, men home from them while lacking but Lea bluer so that he tests barber calm, some of you be battling with others.

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Well Lavina and those who go through they were killed, fie in Seville in the way of Allah Ferland so will never you will, he will render in vain. Our Myrna home their deeds, say de him soon he will guide them while you sleep. And he will reform burner home their state while you do say to home and he will admit them al Jana the paradise I've lost her her. He made known law home to them.

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Yeah, are you hurt or Alladhina amanu those who believed in if don't sue you will help Allah, Allah, young soul calm, he will help you while you submit, and he will make firm A koderma comb your feet? Well Lavina and those who care for rue de disbelieved for tarson saw destruction, LA home for them, what Allah Allah and he rendered in vain. Our Myrna home their deeds, their Lika that the unknown because indeed they carry who they disliked ma that which unzila He sent down, Allahu Allah for Ash buffer, so he made fruitless, our murder home their deeds. a felon did they're not your zero, they travel fill out in the earth. Samburu so they look so they see gay for how Ghana It was October to

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end and Lavina of those who meant probably Him from before them. The murderer he destroyed he ruined Allah who Allah are they him upon them while caffeine and for the disbelievers I'm sorry to her it's likenesses their liquor that be because

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Indeed, Allahu Allah, molar is protector, and Levina of those who are Manu they believed were unknown, and that indeed, Al Cathrine the disbelievers lair, not molar any protector, the home for them in the Lucha indeed Allah Udall he will admit Alladhina amanu those who believed what AMILO and they did a Salah hurt the righteous deeds, Jeanette in into gardens, that Judy it flows, men from dirty her underneath it and help the rivers well Edina and those who Cafaro they disbelieved, yet amateur owner they temporarily enjoy way up coluna and they eat gamma just as that Kulu it eats Al Anon the grazing livestock one now and the fire mouthwear is an aboard LA home for them. Worker a

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yin and how many men from Korea in a city here it should do more strong. More intense for Wharton in strength. Men then adiabatic Yourtown allottee that which a legit expelled you Lucknow home we destroyed them fella so not now slit any helper LA home for them. If a man is then who Ghana he was Allah upon by a unit in a clear proof men from Rob Biggie his command like who Xena it was adorned low for him so evil Amelie he of his deed, what terbaru and they followed a Hawaii home their desires

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method description of Jana of the paradise of the garden, Allah de which were either he was promised alma de goon, those who adopted

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those who are righteous fee her in it unhealed one rivers men from murky water lady other than sin still what unhealed one and rivers men from Lebanon milk lung not yet have a year it changes gotten woohoo It's taste what unhealed wounds and rivers men from Hungary in wine lead the team delicious luxury been for those who drink what unhealed one and rivers men from arson honey will suffer one pure what a home and for them fee her in it. Men from goodly every Assam Murat the fruits are mouthfeel atone and forgiveness miracle of be him from the Arab command like who who he hardly don't want who abides eternally sin now in the fire. were so cool and they were made to drink my water ham

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Iman boiling hot for Katara so it got it got to pieces are a home their intestines. Woman home and from them man who yesterday. He listens carefully. A Laker to you had until either when Colorado they went out Minar Indic from near you. Or Lou they said Lilla Dena for those who are too they were given the knowledge mother what is that? Paula? He said nifer just now hola Erica, those Alladhina are those who Tabara he sealed? Allahu Allah, Allah upon Kulu be him their hearts. What terbaru and they followed a Hua home their desires. When Medina and those who ate the dough, they obtained guidance there the home he increased them, who then in guidance, were at our home and he gave them

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Docker where home their piety, their righteousness for her. They're not young Luna they wait Illa except a Sir the hour and that that to whom it comes to them. Both that and suddenly for God then in fact, GER it came ashore to her it signs for a nurse, then how the home for them, either when you're at home, it came to them. They call home, they reminder. farlam saw no and know who that indeed he loves not Isla her any god Illa Allah except Allah was the fifth and seek forgiveness, live on Bic for your sin. Well, Ill Momineen and for the believers, while Mortmain Earth and the believing women will Allah Who and Allah Ya Allah Moo he knows what the caliber come your place of movement. One

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month welcome and your place of rest

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Let's listen to the recitation of these verses

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this means

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saw you had

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then you can

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be him Gary kale believe

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that either to

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the body has

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to move

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daddy go on

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be about one lady now

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while you do

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boy with a bit of

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that he can

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FL and

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then long

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a lot of them a

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saw you

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on one

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here I should do

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me began as we in

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Ghana as we gain

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more money he was

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VYy here

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that Elysia reading well I

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most of

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the Narathiwat

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won't be him gammon who have already

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do you go up all

00:14:43 --> 00:14:44

you can eat

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one lady in

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the Henley Oh

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ADA moody

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log was

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