Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 117E Activity Hud 12-24

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
A group of individuals discuss the importance of hearing loss and healing in hearing loss. They emphasize the need for attention to different parts of the brain to manage hearing loss and recite speech to improve hearing. The speakers also discuss the use of hearing aids and the potential for mistakes, but emphasize the importance of accepting and embracing them.
AI: Transcript ©
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AsSalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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just to request I think I have three more volunteers who are here to help me out if they could come for at the front and I have tags for them they can grab their tag and put it to their buyer the shirt.

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rubbish. Surely slavery? Well, you're silly Emery well, that the Melissa Annie, only.

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So the reason I'm starting with this door is it's a common dua we all use it on a daily basis, whether we're starting a talk presentation, we're just sitting down and talking to somebody. But the beauty about this door is this is the daughter of Musa alayhis salam. And he was going to verify it, I wouldn't he made the store. And as part of this though, I talks about, or Allah, untie the knot of my tongue, which in one of the interpretations is he's talking about the stutter that he had. So you wanted Allah to make his speech smoother, so you can talk to fit arm. So keep that in mind once we go through the talk.

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So let me introduce myself. My name is Vanessa. I'm from group Xena and I have the whole group sign up here and a couple of other people as well.

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I am being trained to be a communicative disorder assistant. So which means we do therapy for people who have communication disorders or hearing loss. So we try to give them hearing aid we try to fit hearing aids and the whole goal is we try to make the residual hearing that it is available to them from Allah subhanaw taala so that they can listen. And also once they have the ability to listen, they can use it in speech.

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So while I was doing my research, I came on a very beautiful IR that I want to share with everybody so I'll do it. Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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wala who a Harajuku.

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decom lead there I live Moonachie.

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Lead there are no more Nasha Wajir Isla como samurai WELL, WELL elbow Solloway F either.

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Well, f e that come to school rune.

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And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mother's not knowing a thing. And he made for you hearing and vision and intellect so that perhaps you would be grateful.

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Desirable is a very beautiful thing and perspective that Allah gave us these three blessings, that is hearing, vision, intellect. And he's told us that I'm giving you these three so that perhaps you could be grateful. So he gave us a source. But he also told us the goal. So my today my focus is so let's focus on hearing.

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In the whole North America right now we're having Speech and Hearing man, which means everybody's complaining about awareness of the blessing of Speech and Hearing, and also about the disorders that come with it, and how people acquire these disorders. And what can you do to come out of it and what clinicians you could seek. So as a Muslim, I started reflecting on what can we do and what can we how can we relate this to us as Muslims. And I made a huge realization that spiritual healing is not related to one month, it's a part of believers everyday conscious, it's probably the part of every second, because every second we're seeing something or hearing something, there is no other way out

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of it.

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So at first, I wanted to share you a demo of how sound passes through the year. For the size students, I already apologize. It's definitely not the exactly how sound goes through it. But it's like a layman's person version of keeping all the jargon out of how sound will travel to the ear, and then we'll have a little reflection on it. So I can have all the people here. Oh, they're already arranged. Come on. Just be in a straight line.

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I can have the brain here. Brain could be the last.

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Come, come come.

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So since the parts of the year don't know, where do they go, I'm gonna help them arrange. It's after the outro Yeah, I'll need the middle ear, which is the middle ear my middle ear bones.

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And I'm doing it with people who probably don't know about it so that you all remember it as well. So we have the outer ear, the middle ear, the middle ear muscles stayed behind the middle ear because they didn't help us control the bones.

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Oh, when the seer drum.

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Sorry, yes, right behind the eardrum. Now the middle ear, the cochlea,

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the auditory nerve, the nerve that's going to take the message to the brain.

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And they're going to do a little bit of wiggles.

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Okay, so out of here, the function of the outer is that is just funneling the sound to the middle layer. So here's our funnel.

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So you're there, your drum, you're doing the vagal. And you're the bones, you have a different motion, what's your emotion

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you're passing on to cochlea, you're passing your message to the cochlea. Here's the BEAUTIFUL PRISTINE cochlea, they both have

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hair, the hair cells for the cochlea, they're passing on to the auditory nerve. Keep doing your vagal do, the sound is still going. It's not stopping. So the nerve is producing electricity.

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It's going to the brain is going to the rain.

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Electric tutor. Okay. And the brain is the nice, nice person who's taking all the messages in and trying to think what is happening to me. Okay, so you keep doing your motions, nobody started stopping, you're funneling in the sound. And here are the middle ear muscles. They're standing right behind the middle ear bones. And they're trying to control so that the sound is not too loud. So they're poorly on them.

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Okay, that looks nice. Okay, so the whole point of this demo is I want to show that I want to bring attention to different parts of the brain and talk about how important it is. If there's a problem in one part, how do the other parts get affected, and sister Samia was talking about hearing, but on a higher level than when you hear something, but you don't pay attention to or you refuse to accept it. But I want to start from the very basics. What if you can hear what you have? What if you have a conductive loss at this point? They're your ears block, it's full of facts. Here's how that problem they have infection. There's a chalk in there, you had a brain injury, or you had like an accident

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and this part got messed up. The next one is it was so loud because they were listening to rock concerts every single day that the muscles stopped gave up on it. And there's no muscle behind it. The sound is going through, the eardrum is getting damaged, their eardrum got damaged, the bones are damaged. And here's the cochlea, the cells do the video.

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Okay, so if I may, I want to make sure everybody remembers it. We have only two cochlea, and the hair cells never grow back. So that means if you listen to loud music once those cells are gone, and you will realize by your age 30 and 40 cells are not coming back. So it's very important to take care of what Allah subhanaw taala has given us. Here's the nerve, she's electrocuting the brain. If there's a blockage here, or there's a cut here, the hybrid cannot understand if you're listening. And there are different levels of listening. So first you hear the sound, then you identify, discriminated and eventually comprehend the message. So all these problems could happen. I'll give

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you a very small example. If you have a 2030 years ago, we didn't have that. But now we do. Cochlear implants are in doctors can do it now they can install it on your head, it could cause from $45,000 to more than $100,000. That's much amount of people like that's how much a creation charges to get one cochlea. And Allah Serrana dalla gave us for free.

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So today, my whole intention to come here and talk to you guys was to remind myself and everybody else here was to thank Allah subhanaw taala for these blessings, Daya that I already hold it was to Allah gave these blessings so that we can we can be thankful. So as a group, I want to give everybody a couple of minutes to brainstorm ideas of how can we use speech and hearing and the reason I didn't mention a lot of speech was because I'm expecting the only reason you can talk is you learn to listen and then you learn to talk. So just bring some couple of ideas I can come around and shared with the mics how can you use these lessons to be grateful to LS rather than

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any takers?

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So hello como rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Oh, we can use Oh, he is just to listen what is what is appropriate, what pleases Allah only

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anybody else?

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You can listen to her citations of the Quran and then using that you can learn how to recite properly using your speech.

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Can I please add something here? That was a very neat point because speech comes after hearing. All right, so only when you listen, will you be able to recite? Well, that's a very good way of using these beautiful things that Allah has created within our ears so that we can recite better

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anyone else? So you see, there are only two ways to take Allah there's a third one

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you shouldn't put yourself in positions where your hearing can be damaged because at the end of the day, our bodies are in a manner from Allah subhanaw taala

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there's a way nine school that I heard a couple of days ago that if your cochlea is good talk they would say protect me. You won't get a spare by trust me. Don't listen to even if you listen to what an if you're even if you're listening to headphones, anything of any lectures, please don't take your while you're more than 60% So 100% is like the max volume. Don't go beyond 60%

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I want to end the conversation just as a reminder to myself and everybody else as well. We covered why in the Start rubbish it Saudi, which talks about the start right off the speech. And there's another daughter will learn in the morning UScar later that was a la mera Fini fee, buddy, Allah humara Fini fee summary, Allah humara Fini fee, but sorry, La ilaha illa. And so you want to ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us wellbeing of our bodies of our vision and our hearing. And if we're being our intention is to be grateful to Allah, we're doing the right things. And we're asking Allah for help. Inshallah he will is does that. Please may go off. Thank you.

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Can you girls, please stay here? Okay. I was thinking, this is just physical hearing, right? So the sound comes from here. It goes through through through all the way to the brain and the brain, you know, it processes it.

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What about the truth that we hear sometimes what happens? We hear it. But then pride comes in or arrogance comes in or you know, jealousy comes in a bias. And because of which we do selective hearing.

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Someone told us something, they said something nice. And they also said a word or two, which could have annoyed us we forget about everything good that they've mentioned. But we just focus on what

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are those two or three things that annoyed us?

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Why? Because there are barriers, right? And those barriers are self made? What are the the diseases of the heart that corrupts our soul that corrupt our thinking?

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And because of which, because of which we are prevented from guidance even though the truth may be right before us, which is our co located

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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I'm hiding myself, because it's very emotional for me to talk in front of the glass right now. I want to share about hearing, because when you have you don't know what you have, until you lose it. As a child, I did not hear. I just lip read, I had to look at people's face, to be able to hear. And for many years, I went to doctors and everything, but they couldn't do anything. So when I came to Canada, I got hearing aid, and I got something through my chest here in the front, where voice vibrates, I could hear the voice vibrate to my chest. And then after years, I went to see a doctor. He said, If I do a surgery for you, you won't be able to smile again. And I used to like to laugh a

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lot. And I said, No, I'm still young. I will wait Alhamdulillah one day I got a doctor who said we can try and I said what is the percentage for me to hear? He said maybe 30% out of 100 I said then I'll do it. Because he didn't tell me it is 90 or 100 I can go ahead and do the surgery. So there was two options for the surgery. And that one was supposed to be done on my head or one behind my ear. So I chose the one behind my ear because I thought that if he does the surgery where my head is, and my mom here is she thinks that I had brain damage or something. So I went ahead and did the

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surgery behind my ears.

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And you cannot believe it's so difficult because for two months, your body is not straight. You're imbalanced completely.

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I had my hearing aid. My here I had my drums replaced. I had no ear drums at all. When I drink water sometimes it will come when something goes to my ear. It will come through my mouth. It was cool.

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completely opened. So alhamdulillah it was fixed. I remember the first day after the long surgery almost four and a half hours. And when I came to my sense, the first thing that I had was the pen, the movement of a pen, the sound of a pen. And I told the doctor,

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it has the pen have a sound, he said, What can you hear? I said, I can hear the pen writing. I hear the sound of the pen. He said, I don't hear that sound that you hear.

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And then it was too loud. When I came home, I couldn't take it I was living on 16th floor, I could hear the person who was on the ground floor to so loud that I had to go back after some few weeks to fix something else. I am telling you this because a human being cannot do the perfect work of Allah. He cannot

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make the ear that way Allah had made it. And sometimes in classroom when people are talking around, I hear double voices.

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I cannot do multitask sometimes, I to hear and to write. Sometimes I have to pause. I just want you to know what you have and make use of it. That's all

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lit in Shackleton there as even if you are grateful, I will increase the blessing for you. And if a person is ungrateful, than the blessings may even be taken away from him.

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So while we have the time

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while we have these blessings, while Allah subhana data shows us guidance offers us guidance.

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It's necessary that we become receptive to it. It's necessary that we take it we accept it happily open heartedly, because you don't know how long we have.

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Subhanak alone will be handed Nisha to Allah ilaha illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to relay Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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