Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 028B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 204-207

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the benefits of speech, including its weight and ability to impress people. They stress the importance of being a person who is passionate about something and not just trying to be perfect. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of speech and its use in politics, including the use of "will" and "will" in speech as examples of insincerity. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting one's ego and not letting things happen to anyone. Finally, they discuss the importance of achieving the pleasure of Islam and being a good person to earn.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the previous verses, we learned about two characters. One was of those people who are dunya oriented, their focus is dunya. So even when they go to Makkah, even when they go to Mina, they're worshiping Allah, what are they asking for? Dunya. So such people, Allah says they will have nothing in the hereafter. The second type of people were those who are asset oriented.

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So yes, they ask Allah for dunya. But they also ask Allah for aid in the dunya hasna in the dunya, because they don't want to suffer because of that in the Hereafter. And at the same time, they ask Allah for husana in the Hereafter, and also to be saved from the punishment of the Hellfire. And such people are those who are successful.

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Now in these following verses, where we will see these two characters, one is a person who is focused on dunya what he does, to gain that dunya to protect that dunya how he doesn't care about other people, he argues he disputes he harms others, because he is selfish. And on the other hand, is a person whose focus is the Accra. So he benefits others he sacrifices as well. He's not selfish, rather, he is selfless.

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So these two comparisons are being made. When we know mercy, and among the people is man who you are gebouw Kokkola, who his speech amazes you, it impresses you. You're a gebouw is from the letters ing Amba. And your job is to be amazed by something to find something very amazing. From the same age as the word IG as well. What is RG? What do you say RG? strange, weird. It's not normal. Right? So ergic is basically of two types. Our job is of two types. One that is good. And the other that is bad. Good is when you impressed by something, we really like it, you're sold. And the other is that you find something very strange, you don't like it, you're not comfortable with it. You don't feel

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good about it. Okay, so over here, you're a duplicate, this is the first type of error jab, that when a person is impressed by something, he likes it, he finds it pleasing. So among the people, is the one who you are dibuka it pleases you, it impresses you but what impresses you his appearance, no kolu his speech off while learn meaning when he talks, you're very impressed by the speech, the words, the beauty of the words, the style of the speech, the eloquence of the speech, the language that is being used, the vocabulary, and so on and so forth. Every word every statement, mesmerizes you It impresses you, you're a Jubu Coco Lu, who, when he talks, you want to listen, when he talks,

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you get convinced, whatever he says, you tend to believe in it. Why? Because of the way that he says it, you're Jubu Coco Lu,

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but the fact is, that such speech impresses you, Finn hieratic duniya in the life of this world only and Hyatt life duniya of this world meaning the kinds of things that he's saying they can only make you happy in this dunya these words cannot make you happy in the

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meaning only in this worldly life. Can you be impressed by those words? And those words that speech cannot impress you in the agora, because such speech will have no value in the agora.

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It will have no relevance in the agora.

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So if you look at it from a worldly perspective, very impressive speech. But if you look at it from the whole perspective, then that speech does not carry any weight.

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Why? Because all that he's talking is fluff. You know when we say fluffy words, fluffy speech, that on the apparent when you hear you're like, Wow,

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very impressive.

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But when you analyze that speech, you're like okay, what do you get out of that speech? What do you get out of that address? Nothing really, it was all fluff.

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So, it impresses you in this world, but it cannot impress you in the hereafter because with regards to the ACA, that speech carries no value. What speech what words have value in the hereafter

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which words gay wait in the hereafter

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which words words that are

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okay beneficial.

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So, for example, you say something good to the other person, Okay, what else?

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Remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. So, such speech in which there is remembrance of Allah, in which

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If your person is careful about what he's saying, because Allah is listening to him, Allah is watching him. What are their speeches of benefits in the hereafter speech that is honest, that is sincere.

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So if a person praises another in this world says, Oh, you speak so nicely, the clothes that you're wearing are so good. And in his art, he's like cursing him. Right? Then these words that he has said, will they carry any weight in the hereafter? Not at all, because they're not honest. They're not sincere.

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Likewise, if a person says you don't work, I want to fix the state of the OMA and I'm going to become a scholar and I'm gonna work on this. And then when they're told, okay, come to class and start reading Quran tired. So those words are the carry any weight, they don't, they don't carry any weight at all.

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So what words carry weight in the Hereafter, words that are honest, that are sincere, that are truthful, that person really means that Allah likes that are good words that are beneficial words that have heard in them, but this person when he's talking, the kinds of things he says, are all faults all fluff, insincere.

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So what does he say that he says words basically just to please other people, just to make them happy? He makes promises on the outside. I'm gonna do this for you. I'm gonna do that for you. Okay, where is it? He doesn't do it.

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He brings up ideas that are very impressive, but when it comes to actually doing something, he doesn't do it.

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He will go and praise and appreciate other people you know, I really appreciate your efforts. I really thank you for all that you're doing. But at the same time, that person doesn't do any work himself. When they're asked to do their homework, they don't do it when they're asked to come to class they don't come so this is all speech. All words very impressive on the outward, but in reality, no benefit in those words.

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My your Jubu Kokonoe Phil hired to dunya

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and who are these people? Such people are mainly the hypocrites those who have hypocrisy in them

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because it's a little Munna Falcone is number four, we learn that the hypocrites were at the Smartlipo the hem wants to start speaking, and they start giving their ideas and they start praising you and they start praising your efforts and appreciating what you're doing. You actually want to listen to what they're saying.

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The smart aleck only him they captivate you with their words, thus smartly calling him

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but in reality, those words they mean nothing.

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You're a duplicate kolu Phil hieratic duniya

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when you hit Allah, and he makes Allah a witness, meaning he swears by Allah Sheena done shahada is to testify. So he makes Allah a witness over what he's saying Allah Matthew Colby, meaning he swears by allah, that by Allah I will do such and such will Allah He you're doing such an excellent thing. When Allah He I love you Allah He this and that. You should Allah. He's swearing by Allah.

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Allah upon mafia called he what is in his heart?

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What is in his heart, meaning he's trying to show

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that he's very sincere, that he really loves you. That he's very honest.

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You should Allah Allah Murphy, lb Wahoo while he is an Abdul Hassan, the most stubborn disputer.

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At the same time, this person when he argues when he disputes he's the most stubborn. He's the most worst person that you could ever argue with, well, who were allowed to Hassan.

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Meaning one day, he's so nice to you with his words. And the other day, that same person is fighting with you.

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One day he's praising you, he's making promises he's giving you great ideas and the other day, he's talking against you, he's tearing you apart. Allah Hassan, meaning such a person is not sincere at all.

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What is his word Allah do Hassan Allah is from the root letter Islam dalda.

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And lead is should the little hustle man meaning to be very intense, in argument extremely argumentative,

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is one who is most argumentative when it comes to argument. He is the most severe. He is the most stubborn, most quarrelsome, most obstinate, he's just looking for a chance to pick a fight with someone. He doesn't get along with anybody. He's fighting with everybody argue with everybody and when he argues he doesn't care about who he's arguing with.

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He will disrespect the most respectful person even he will humiliate those whom he should have respect for he will

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Inside every single individual is not spared anybody at all. And this is why we see the hypocrites at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. On the surface, they would praise the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but at moments when they were upset, they would say the most harshest words to the Prophet salallahu Salam,

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most harshest words to him, are about him behind his back. For example, there was a person his name was Abdullah bin obey. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam first came to Medina, this person, he would stand up when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would start the whole prayer, he would stand up, and he would tell the people you know, Allah's Messenger has come and you should believe in him and you should support him and you should love Him and you know, he would tell others to follow the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in front of the Prophet, and obviously if somebody is talking like that in front of you like okay, impressive, nice, good that he's supporting me. But that same individual.

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Once he said that when we go back to Medina, the most honorable one is going to expel the other meaning the one who is humiliated he was referring to the Prophet saw a lot of fun but when I go back to Medina, I'm gonna get him out of Medina.

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On the surface, you want to listen to the kind of words that he's saying, because he saw impressive he saw a parent apparently sincere, and he swears by Allah. Like for example, the Munna feel when they would come to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in from an African Iowan. We learn either jackal guna Paulo Nasha to INEC and Rasool Allah, they would say, we swear by Allah or messenger that You are the messenger of Allah. You don't need to square it, Allah already knows that he's the messenger.

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So well, you should Allah, Allah MFE. OB, Allah, Abdullah Hassan a lead, most stubborn disputer the worst, most corrupt, most false of all people who could ever dispute and Al Hasan is understood in two ways. Either it is the plural of hustle. And hustle is used for opponents, those people who argue those people who fight.

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So Alecto, Hassan, meaning the more stubborn of all those people who argue and fight, you don't want to fight with him. You don't want to ever have an argument with him. Because he's going to tear you apart. He's going to humiliate you he's going to insult you. He's going to say things that you don't want to hear. And I look at some secondly is to use for dispute argument, meaning he is the most stubborn in dispute. He doesn't give up.

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He doesn't stop anywhere who who Allah doth Assam? What can you see here that amongst people are those who come across as very sincere to you, but in reality, they're not sincere.

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amongst people are those who will try to please you with their words.

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But don't get fooled by their words.

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Don't just look at the words that they're saying, look at their actions, look at the way that they treat others look at the way that they interact with others. Because that shows the true reality of a person. In speech, any person can be impressive, but it's the actions that matter. It's the manners that matter.

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You know, like that wolf, that drank all that honey, and came to the piglets and he was talking in such a nice and soft way. Right? All of you know that story, right? So it's talking in such a nice way that they want to open the door and they open the door. And then what does he do?

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It's them all up.

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Eat them up. Likewise, amongst people are those who will come across as so nice and gentle and sincere and well meaning and well wishing.

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But the moment they get upset with something. That's it.

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That's it. They will not spare you. Why?

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Why do they behave like this? Why do they act like this? Because they want some benefit from you.

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As long as they're getting some benefit from you, whatever it is material or non material, whatever it is. They're happy with you. They won't say anything, they will please you they will make promises with you. They will praise you. But the moment something upsetting happened, something that they don't like no matter how small it is, than their true reality, it erupts out it comes out it shows

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Well, Allah Hassan and the start disputing with you, and they don't stop over there. This is hypocritical behavior, in the heart in reality, or ill feelings on the outside. Very good behavior. So eventually, Venom that's inside is going to come out.

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Why is the last panel data telling us about this? For two reasons. First of all, so that we become careful.

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You know, like if people they call you and they're like, you know, ma'am, how are you doing? Hope you're having a great day, ma'am. And I had this package by the way, would you be interested in it? When did you last have your windows replaced or your ducts cleaned out? I'm sure it's been a very long, sweet talk, right? That's what they call it. Sweet talk. And then I called

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You're talking so nicely with me. Let me just listen to what they have to say.

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And it's as though you can convinced, you know, infomercials on the television,

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you keep watching it, the kind of things that they say, you're like, This is what I need. This is the solution to all my problems in my life.

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They fill you with their sweet talk. So be careful.

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And secondly, Allah is telling us about this, that we reflect on ourselves, how are we with other people? How do we talk to them? As long as things are good, we are very nice and the woman something unpleasant happens, we blow up, we don't care whether they are our friends, or our relatives who are whoever, we just rip them apart?

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How do we interact with others? How do we deal with others.

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So the real problem is what the love of this world as long as a person is getting worldly benefits worldly advantages from the other is nice and Oh, my teeth feel threatened, then he will turn against him. Well, what Allah do Hassan, so be careful.

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There's more characteristics as well Inshallah, which we will learn in the following verses.

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I read a quote recently, in which one of the scholars he had said, that whoever comes to you with other people's complaints, right, that he's basically talking bad about other people with you.

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Then one day, he will talk bad about you with other people.

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Whoever comes to you, talking bad about others, one day, he will talk bad about you to other people. Why? Because he's not sincere to them, and he will not remain sincere to you.

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He wants some benefit.

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If he's getting that benefit from you, that you are listening to him, and you are agreeing with him, then he will talk to you but the moment you try to advise him that no, it is your fault, then he will start talking about against you.

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And the one who cuts off from others and joins you will one day cut off from you and leave you

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so be careful. Be on your guard. One was not sincere to Allah, he won't be sincere to you either. Recitation Wamena.

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Jim woke up I want to move you know, near where you need along.

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have you been

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So there are many lessons in this verse for us? First of all, we should remember that this is not teaching us that we should not be sweet in our speech, that we should become very harsh, very cut and dry. And we should have no softness in our speech because we say oh, the hypocrites talk like that. No, no, no. They're hypocrites. They talk like that out of insincerity.

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But when we talk nicely, it should be sincere. It should be sincere. When we talk nicely, we should with sincerity, that we truly mean those words. Allah subhanaw taala speech the Quran, it is essential Hadees the best speech the most beautiful speech, it is Quran and Arja amazing Quran.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam his speech was also very good.

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So this verse does not mean that we should not talk nicely. No, we should talk nicely, but we should not talk nicely with insincerity. The good words we say, we must mean them. And that means that when we're praising people, when we're appreciating their efforts, we should mean them. We should really mean it. And not to say it, you know, just at the surface, to please other people. And you know what? When a person is sincere in his praise, it shows and when a person is insincere, even that shows you know, when somebody's overpraising, you're like, you know what, stop it enough. Enough. And when they're doing it too much, you're like, I don't want to hear this kind of stuff. Please,

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stop, go away. You don't want to hear the person who is faking the good. Right? And honest, good. You feel it, you can sense it.

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So we should also be the same be honest in our hearts and also in our speech.

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Another important lesson that we learn in this verse is that this hypocritical behavior, right is being condemned, especially being argumentative, being argumentative, this is being condemned, meaning we should not be too argumentative. Sometimes it happens that people are very sweet, very nice with strangers. Oh, please. Oh, thank you. They will go to great lengths, you know, to be nice with other people.

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But the moment they step in their houses, that's it, picking a fight with every person.

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Why did you put my jacket there? Why did you put my books here? Where's this? Where's that? What's your problem?

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People are fighting continuously from the moment they step into the moment they leave the profit sort of honest and I'm said applicable regionally in hola hola Doha sim,

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the most hated off people to Allah meaning the person whom Allah hates the most is the one who is the most stubborn disputer

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The more a person argues fights with others, the more Allah dislikes him,

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the more a person fights and argues and he doesn't let go, he's not forgiving in his argument that Allah does not like him

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to this verse condemn such behavior.

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Were either the one there and when he turns away, sorrowful ugly he strives in the earth, why leave see the fee here so that he can cause corruption in it? Well usually can house our NASA and he destroys the crop and the animals will love hula, you hibel facade and Allah does not like corruption. Were either to one left to one man's from the roulette as well. Um, yeah, and there are two meanings after Well, firstly, it means to turn away.

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So obviously, if he's fighting with you, if he's arguing with you, the moment he's turned against you, you think he's gonna stick around? No, he's gonna leave. Many times it happens that a group of people are working on something together. And one, he has a fight with the rest of them. And what does he do, then he leaves he doesn't come back again. And even if at the end of the day, he does agree with them, he's too embarrassed to face them. Or he says I've had a bad experience, I don't want to go back to that crowd. I don't want to go back to that place. Again, what he that he goes, he cannot work together with the rest of the people. He doesn't work with others, there's no

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teamwork. What you got to one law, he goes away he leaves.

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Secondly, the one left over here also means to gain power to take charge, because it's from Wilaya. Right? And the one layer to Allah also means to take power to take charge. So when he takes charge, when he has some authority, some power, what does he use that authority for? To cause corruption in the earth?

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Now, earlier, it was mentioned that this person with his sweet talk, he impresses others. With his good words, apparently good words, apparently impressive speech, he is able to convince others because he's deceptive. So he deceives them. He convinces them just like politicians, when they're trying to gain votes, then what do they do? They travel across the country. And they're like, we'll do this for you. We'll do that for you. We're good in this way, you know, compare us with so and so. So, eventually, by his sweet talk, when he does gain power when either to one leader in that position of leadership, what does he do? Does he fulfill the promises that he made? No. Is he as

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sweet as he was before? No. Is he as caring as he was before? No. Is he as concerned for the people as he was before? No completely opposite?

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So awful ugly, he strove in the earth saw seeing that rain Yes, sorry is to strive to endeavor so he's driving fill ugly in the land, why? Leave see the fee her to cause corruption in it for South facing doll?

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He's going about everywhere, causing corruption.

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And you know, sometimes when people get upset when they're angry, and the bigger fight with someone they argue, and they don't give up, eventually what happens they're so angry. That anger is so uncontrollable, that they don't even realize they are breaking things. They're slamming, the doors shut and things are falling off. And they're damaging other people's properties. They're damaging other people's hearts their feelings, they're ruining relationships, they don't care. Leave see the fee her sorrowful RB lib see the fee her.

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Were you nickel house, our NASA and especially what kind of facade does he do? Where you helical house, one NASA two things you like halamka destruction and health How do I say house is crop land that is prepared for agriculture and it also applies to the crop itself it applies to the land as well as the crop.

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So we're Unical helps the house the crop, the land the property, he destroys that What else does he destroy when Nestle?

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Nestle known seen lamb is used for progeny for this

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Hundreds children, their children and their children. And this Nussle isn't who is in human beings as well as in animals.

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So he destroys the future generations, whether it is of people, or it is of animals, or it is of crop, where you nickel helps our NASA, this is what he does.

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So we can look at the science in many ways. First of all, if you take the meaning of the lesson, he turned away.

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So he picked a fight with you, he was so mad, he was uncontrollably angry, he didn't care who he was hurting what he was harming, who he was causing loss to, he doesn't care. People are damaged, their children are hurt, you know, their properties are damaged, he doesn't care.

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He doesn't care. Well, you can help someone Nestle. He's so frustrated, he's so angry. Just a minute ago, he was so sincere.

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Just a day ago, he showed he was so sincere through his sweet words.

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And you know what many times it happens that a person says to another, tries to show to another that he's very sincere, he's very honest. But then Allah will put him in a situation where his true feelings will be revealed, where his true reality will be exposed.

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For example, a person goes to ask for someone for their hand in marriage for their daughter's hand in marriage, and they're like, you know, we love your family, and we have a lot of respect for you, and so on and so forth.

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And a few months later, the scene changes, the scene changes completely, where you Likkle helps our natural facade.

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Another meaning of the side, like I told you, the Wallah is we took charge, when he took charge when he has authority, then he goes on not benefiting people, but rather causing destruction, creating chaos,

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destroying property destroying people. And we see this that many amongst people are such that as soon as they have even a little bit of power, a little bit of wealth, a little bit of authority, they start wasting things, they start consuming so much more that they end up destroying,

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destroying the environment, ruining the environment.

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You know, sometimes I wonder how much garbage we produce, how much garbage we produce in just one week. And yet we complain that they're only going to take one when we complain only one box of you know, recycling. This is what we complain about.

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We use so much we consume so much we waste so much, you local health or wellness,

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we really need to check on ourselves that what are we doing?

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And we see that because of this overconsumption, what is happening to the crops to animals, and also to the health of people. What is happening, the land, the sea water, if you look at the images of lakes and seas and rivers, they're filled with garbage, many places, filled with garbage. I mean, so many places are turned into landfills. Right? Because all that garbage that people are producing, it has to be put somewhere.

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And the dig into the earth to throw that garbage in there make it a landfill for several years. And then they put a golf course on top of it so that it looks all beautiful.

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So that people don't even realize the kind of damage they're causing to the environment to this earth. What are we doing to this earth

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unikl health, our Nestle

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just the other day, I was somewhere and I was talking to this person who is a researcher, and they also have a honey farm. And you know, there are a lot into natural medicines and foods and so on and so forth. So they were recommending something that was good for allergies. And I said that Yeah, I know somebody who has allergies, you think this would be good for them. And we were just having a conversation with allergies. And they said, you know, the problem is not with the bodies. It's the kind of food that is produced. that damages the bodies, which is why our bodies are reacting.

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You know, for example, she was saying that nuts. It's the soil in which nuts are grown. That causes the body to react. And now not allergies are so common. Other kinds of allergies also are so common. They were unheard of before people had no idea. I myself when I came to this country, I was like oh really nut allergy seriously. How could somebody be allergic to nuts? I had no idea. I mean, yeah, that's something that you've heard of, but you could never have met somebody with such allergies. So you wonder what kind of food is being produced? What kind of food is being produced? What is it that has been put in this

00:30:00 --> 00:30:17

Soil, in the food in the crop in all these chemicals that we are encouraged to use to keep ourselves clean to keep our houses completely clean, germ free. Who is being damaged we're being damaged our lives, our bodies, our properties, when you look at health, our NASA

00:30:19 --> 00:30:39

to this materialistic this life of overconsumption This is a facade fill up, so sorry Phil Irby leave see the fee here, where you helical helps our Nestle. What does Allah say? Allahu Allah, your humble facade. Allah does not like corruption. Allah does not like corruption. What does Allah like?

00:30:40 --> 00:30:49

Islam? Allah likes reformation. Because facade, why does Allah not like it? Why do you think so?

00:30:50 --> 00:30:53

Why do you think Allah does not like facade?

00:30:54 --> 00:30:55

Do you like facade?

00:30:57 --> 00:31:06

Do you like facade? Do you then speak tell me either you like it or you don't like it? If you stay quiet, then I will think that you're not listening.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:09

Do you like facade? Why?

00:31:11 --> 00:31:12

What is facade?

00:31:13 --> 00:31:14

What is facade?

00:31:15 --> 00:31:25

Corruption, destruction, right? destroying things, ruining things spoiling things? The property relationships, right?

00:31:27 --> 00:31:30

So why do you not like it? Yes.

00:31:33 --> 00:31:34


00:31:38 --> 00:31:41

Exactly. That it is harmful for people.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:53

It's harmful for people? Would you like it that somebody breaks your house breaks or window, bumps into your car, damages your car and runs away? Would you like that? Not at all?

00:31:54 --> 00:32:03

Would you like it that somebody sells you food that has a lot of bacteria in it and you eat it, and you end up getting sick? No, you would not like that.

00:32:04 --> 00:32:44

Because it harms you. It harms your family. It harms your life. It harms your productivity. It doesn't have a good effect on you. It doesn't have a good effect on society. So for sad, we see damages mankind at large. And at the same time, facade is in gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala. Allah gave us this earth. Allah gave us all that is in the earth. That is so good for us. But what are we doing ruining it? This is just like you give somebody a very good gift. Suppose you buy an iPhone for somebody and you give it to them. And you see them after two weeks and you see a big crack on the screen. What did you do to it?

00:32:46 --> 00:32:47

What did you do to it?

00:32:49 --> 00:32:59

So the earth that Allah has given to us if we are destroying it, you think Allah likes that? No, well, Allahu Allah, your hibel facade, Allah does not like facade at all.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:20

What either and when Tila it was said, level to him, when it is said to this person who is going around creating facade amongst people destroying property destroying crop, when it is said to him it took Allah have fear of Allah, fear God, what are you doing stop there on that you're doing fear God

00:33:21 --> 00:33:25

when he's told to fear Allah than what happens to him

00:33:26 --> 00:33:44

or her that hula is that to bill is a harder to Hamza ha. Then it seizes him. What seizes him is what is other is honor. And over there is is of two types. It has praiseworthy results or negative. It could be good it could be bad.

00:33:45 --> 00:33:55

For example, Allah subhanaw taala. He has is he is truly honorable. He deserves honor. He deserves glory. Why? Because he is the greatest.

00:33:56 --> 00:33:57

There is no one greater than him.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:02

Likewise, we see a person who is elderly.

00:34:03 --> 00:34:33

Should they be given a visa? Should they be honored? Should they be treated with respect? Yes, because of their age because of their condition. They deserve that respect. Right? But there is a negative kind of result as well, which is you can say ego and pride that a person thinks that he's very great. Okay. So he thinks very highly of himself. He doesn't humble himself. He doesn't give up. He doesn't give him he doesn't listen to the other. He becomes stubborn.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:49

So over here, a hada Tuileries to his there is it seizes him what kind of result is this positive or negative and negative his ego prevents him his ego ceases him bill isn't what the sin

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

what does it mean by this? And isn't is Hamza mean when you know that it means sin? Oh, that will or is it a bill isn't what it means is that this

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

I pride this ego.

00:35:03 --> 00:35:37

It seizes him to do sin, it overpowers him, and he continues in his wrongdoing. He will stall, fear Allah and stop what you're doing. But now what happens is pride overtakes him, his ego comes in, and it prevents him. It stops him from accepting the advice. From listening to the truth, even though he may know the effects the harmful effects of his wrong actions. He may know it may be very clear to him, but yet

00:35:38 --> 00:35:48

his ego comes in and he doesn't want to confess he doesn't want to accept his mistake, he doesn't want to say, I'm sorry, I'll change my ways I'll do something different. No

00:35:49 --> 00:36:05

100 will resort to Bill ism. Many times it happens, that we're doing something and we believe what we're doing is right. But then somebody else points out, you know what, you're doing this the wrong way, or what you're doing is wrong, maybe you should do something else instead.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:25

It could be the correction of one word. It could be the correction of one thing, one small thing, you know, sometimes you're cooking and other person comes in and says, Why are you putting so much chili powder put a little bit less? Like no, who are you to tell me go away, it's my food, my recipe my way of cooking, you know, eat it or don't eat it don't interfere.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:29

When we realize our mistake,

00:36:30 --> 00:36:44

when we realize that we're doing something wrong, and somebody has helped us realize that mistake, what should happen at that time, we should be grateful to them. Thank you for pointing out my mistake, so that I could correct myself I could better myself.

00:36:45 --> 00:36:52

At this point, a person could react in two ways a that he changes he accepts the advice and the other that he becomes stubborn.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:02

What is being mentioned over here, the person becomes stubborn, he doesn't take the advice. He says Go mind your own business a holla Tiller is a trouble isn't.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:05

His ego prevents him it comes in the way.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:33

Another meaning of this is that a further tutor is suitable isn't that there is in essence that he has it harder to meaning the pride that he has in committing that wrong. He's so proud of the wrong thing that he does that he doesn't want to let go. He's so proud of the wrong he does that. it overpowers him that he believes that what he's doing is right and no matter what somebody says, he says no.

00:37:34 --> 00:37:37

He will go to any length to defend himself to defend his way

00:37:38 --> 00:37:43

or her Twitter is notable isn't he's proud of the wrong that he does.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:54

This person Allah says for has Bucha had none than Hellfire is sufficient for him has seen but it is enough for him such a person deserves to go to *.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:17

What a bit suddenly had and surely how bad is the resting place we had me MHADA a place that is prepared, fully prepared. It's also used for a creative month, a cradle a bed that is prepared for a baby for a child. So when a bit send me had what a terrible resting place it is such a person deserves to go to *.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:27

If you see in this verse, what is being mentioned that this person when he's doing something wrong, he is advised it tequila fear Allah

00:38:28 --> 00:38:53

fear Allah. Now this advice it tequila, this is very beneficial advice. It's a very beneficial advice because what is the other telling you fear Allah. Be conscious. Be alert, think about what you're doing. Hear what you say. See what you're doing. Do you realize what you're doing? have fear of Allah stop the wrong and do good instead.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:03

So this is a very, very good advice. But many people they get offended when they're told exactly.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:15

When they're told fear God, they don't like it. They get upset. They say you think I'm doing something wrong? You think you're very righteous that you can go on telling me fear Allah? Who do you think you are?

00:39:16 --> 00:39:20

Allah soprano data set to His messenger. Yeah, are you a newbie

00:39:22 --> 00:39:25

or prophet? You fear Allah? He didn't get offended.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:33

The prophets of Allah said I'm set it up Allah Hazlemere canta fear Allah whosoever you are.

00:39:34 --> 00:39:50

This is a very good advice, a very beneficial one. But people get offended. They don't like it. A lot of the law on who the Khalifa when he was told it the killer. He put his cheek on the ground. Can you imagine putting your cheek on the ground?

00:39:51 --> 00:39:53

Putting your cheek on the ground?

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

Would we ever do that? We said no. No, but my situation is different. You know, I'm older here.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

And I'm right here, it's not my fault here, we'll come up with a list of reasons, a list of excuses.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:21

Who does that? The person for whom Hellfire is enough? A harder tutor is to be isn't. Allah says for husband who Jahannam, when a bit suddenly had humble people go to Jannah

00:40:22 --> 00:40:27

humble people, those who accept those who realize their mistake, and they change.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:52

We are human beings, we're not perfect in the opinions that we form, in the decisions that we make in the actions that we do. We are human beings, and we are very, very prone to making mistakes to making errors. And if we ever realize that what we suggested or what we did, or what we decided, was not that great, there is a better option than what should we do?

00:40:53 --> 00:40:54

Who should take the better option?

00:40:55 --> 00:41:18

The prophets that allowed us to them once he swore an oath, I will never have honey again. Allah subhanaw taala told him you have to break your oath. And he did it. He broke his oath. What would we do? We would say, oh, no, but you know, I have sworn the oath and it's okay. It's become so public. How can I change my decision? Now? I can't do that can't go back on my words, people won't take me seriously then.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:28

But when you find out a better option, than what should we do, we should take that our ego should not prevent us.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:31

Also, another important thing that we learn

00:41:33 --> 00:41:46

in this verse is that if someone is speaking the truth, no matter how bitter it is, what should we do? Accept it. If somebody is telling us something, and they're right, then listen. And once we realize our mistake, then what should we do?

00:41:47 --> 00:41:57

change our ways. Apologize, seek forgiveness. Because if somebody is advising us, then obviously they're doing it because they care for us. Right? Otherwise, they wouldn't tell us.

00:41:58 --> 00:42:02

Who do you not advise someone whom you don't care about?

00:42:04 --> 00:42:13

Many times, it happens in a public place. There is a child who is alone, there is no parent or guardian, anybody with him and he's running, running, running. Many people, what will they do? They will just stand and watch.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:16

They will just stand and watch.

00:42:18 --> 00:42:29

But others, what will they do? They will run after that child. And they will take that child and say where are you going? Where's your mom? Where's your dad? Why would they do that? Because they care for that child.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:40

So when you see somebody doing something wrong, you will only stop them when you care for them. So if somebody's stopping us, then what does it mean? They are sincere to us.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:42

So we should listen.

00:42:43 --> 00:42:59

On the other hand, woman and mercy and among the people is Monroe yesterday enough so he sells himself yesterday sheen raw? Yeah. Ish Tara is to buy and Shala yesterday is to sell.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:12

So amongst the people is the one who sells himself? Why if the law Amaravati law to seek the pleasure of Allah if the law Belene, yeah, and mobile ads.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:16

But yeah, from Ridwan,

00:43:17 --> 00:43:36

he sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah, a completely opposite character, a completely different personality. This is a very common style of the Quran, that Allah subhanaw taala mentions opposites together, one after the other.

00:43:37 --> 00:43:44

For example, where Jana is mentioned, immediately after Hellfire has mentioned good deeds are mentioned sins are mentioned. Right.

00:43:45 --> 00:43:51

Likewise, the evil character the bad character is mentioned and the good character is mentioned.

00:43:52 --> 00:44:04

Gratitude is mentioned in gratitude as mentioned, the result of good efforts as mentioned the result of bad endeavors is mentioned. Why so that a person can use his own mind and see

00:44:05 --> 00:44:07

what leads to what

00:44:08 --> 00:44:13

he can use his own mind and decide for himself what he wants to do.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:40

In a one is that we are told everything in the Quran, you should tell yourself for the sake of Allah, you should dedicate yourself for the sake of Allah, you should not be a stubborn disputer. But when Allah subhanaw taala mentions it in this way, a contrast characters, then it's as though you can see it before your eyes. You can picture the whole image and when you can see it, you know what you want and what you don't want

00:44:41 --> 00:44:53

it like if you're ever watching something on the television, when you see a person who's very bad and a person who's very good immediately or hard goes to the person who is very good, right? If you're watching two teams playing,

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

right, and you see that one team players, they're being very rowdy and very aggressive than you

00:45:00 --> 00:45:15

immediately like I don't like them, I like the other team. Unless you're very like very firm in those that you support. Anyway. So Allah subhanaw taala represents opposite characters in the Quran so that we can decide for ourselves what we want.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:28

So on the other hand among the people, is the one who sells himself in order to attain the pleasure of Allah, what does it mean by this he sells himself?

00:45:29 --> 00:45:38

In the past, yes, people would be sold. Right? As slaves, but a person would never go and sell himself.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:53

What does it mean by this, that a person sells himself to earn the pleasure of Allah? What it means is that a person dedicates himself entirely, wholeheartedly to earn the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:45:54 --> 00:46:10

Because what is included enough sweat is enough Smead yourself, your identity, your body, your soul, your spirit, your mind, your intellect, your art, your feelings, everything about you, you.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:21

So a person dedicates himself, his body, his feelings, his efforts, everything to attain the pleasure of Allah.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:35

Who is this person? Is that one particular individual? Not necessarily. Some have said that these verses were revealed concerning what's a hobby? Do you know Sahiba Rumi.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:58

That companion of Rumi, as you can tell, he was not an Arab, he was a Roman, he was brought into Makkah as a slave, because in the past, people would go, you know, attack a tribe or attack people and wherever they would get, they would be taken as captives and sold as slaves are kept as slaves. So he was brought in as a slave to Makkah.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:05

Eventually, he got his freedom. And he got into business and he made a lot of money.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:27

And he embraced Islam as well. But you know what happened to Muslims in Makkah, they were persecuted. This is why the Prophet sallallahu Sena, and the Muslims had migrated to Medina. So So hey, Rumi, he also wanted to migrate to Medina. So when he was migrating, he left Makkah. He was right outside the Quraysh. The Mackenzie came, they stopped him, they said, you can't go.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:34

You came here empty handed. Now you leave with all your money. If you want to go, then you better leave everything of yours behind

00:47:36 --> 00:47:39

the imagine, somebody puts that condition.

00:47:40 --> 00:48:17

If you want to go you cannot take anything of yours. So you know what he did? He left everything. He left everything. He said keep it, keep it and he went to Medina empty handed. And when he got there, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he told him that your Tiara has been very profitable, that you made a trade with Allah subhanaw taala over here, when you left everything, for the sake of Allah to earn the pleasure of Allah, you want to get the reward of hijra, you want it to migrate, you made a very good trade, you had a very good business.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:55

So these verses were revealed concerning him, however, they are not limited to him. These verses can apply to any person, any individual who dedicates himself in whatever capacity that he can to earn the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala because Allah says in the Quran, in the luxstone Amina me Nina and Musa home, or I'm wala hum be Anila humble Jana, indeed Allah has purchased from the believers, their lives and their properties, so that they can have Jana in return. This trade this exchange has already taken place.

00:48:56 --> 00:49:13

So amongst the people is the one who yesterday enough so who he sells himself to earn the pleasure of Allah, the purpose, the goal of his entire life of his trading, is that somehow Allah will be happy with me, somehow I can earn the pleasure of Allah.

00:49:14 --> 00:49:21

And if a person is striving to earn the pleasure of Allah, where do you think they will stop? When do you think they will stop?

00:49:22 --> 00:49:23


00:49:24 --> 00:49:28

When? after Ramadan? No, they can't stop

00:49:30 --> 00:49:31

until they die.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:41

What a Buddha Rebecca had yet to curl up in worship your Lord until death, the certainty of death comes to you. Don't stop that.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:44

Until your last breath.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:53

The person who is truly striving to earn the pleasure of Allah, He will not strive only in the month of Ramadan.

00:49:54 --> 00:49:58

He will strive afterwards as well. He will continue later on as well.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:21

So it means that if you prayed for Jin, in Ramadan, he will also prefer one after another. If you recite the Quran in Ramadan, he will also recite it afterwards, I'm not saying that that person will continue to pray That away for the rest of the year and continue to fast every single day. No. But the striving is still there, but it becomes different.

00:50:23 --> 00:50:29

The effort is still there, yes, it may be different, but a person is still striving to earn the pleasure of Allah.

00:50:30 --> 00:51:09

And you know, sometimes to do certain things, you really have to sacrifice you really feel as though you have no say over there. As if you've literally become a slave. You can't make your own choice. You can't make your own decision, you don't have that choice anymore. You know, for example, to earn the pleasure of Allah, let's say you decided I'm going to study the Quran. And you said, Okay, this week, of course, I'm going to sign up for that. But then what happens when you're tired, when you're waiting for the weekend, all week, and then come Saturday morning, and you like, it doesn't feel like a weekend at all. My week never ends. I never have a weekend.

00:51:11 --> 00:51:33

You're selling yourself to earn the pleasure of Allah, you've literally enslaved yourself. You don't have that freedom that other people have. Other people can sleep in, they can take it easy. They can go to the mall, they can shop, they can, you know, stay up very late in the night that they can sleep in in the morning. But you can't do that. They can take their weekends easy, but you can't do that.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:45

So you literally have to sell yourself to earn the pleasure of Allah, my yesterday enough so who if the law or mobility law

00:51:47 --> 00:51:59

and when a person wants to earn the pleasure of Allah, then it becomes easy to dedicate himself. It becomes easy to sell himself, it becomes easy to do the hardest of things even.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:14

Because once a person strives to earn the pleasure of Allah, he does something good. That was very challenging, very hard. And then when he is able to achieve something, then he feels good about it. He wants to continue. He wants to keep going.

00:52:15 --> 00:52:22

That brings him happiness than going to the mall doesn't bring him happiness than sleeping in on Saturday morning. Sunday morning does not bring them happiness.

00:52:23 --> 00:52:42

It's the fact that you know, we are done with how many verses 200 Plus verses. That is what makes them excited. Not spending $200 in the mall, spending $200 in the mall. Oh my god 200 I spent. But when you've gained 200 verses that makes you more excited.

00:52:43 --> 00:52:45

Come completely opposite person.

00:52:46 --> 00:52:57

What does Allah say? Well, la hora often very bad. Allah is Most Compassionate, very kind with the servants. Whoa, la Hamza

00:52:58 --> 00:53:15

is mercy, compassion. But it's slightly different from Rama or affair is to have pity for someone and seeing them in difficulty. That you see someone struggling striving, and your heart is filled with compassion for them.

00:53:16 --> 00:53:18

Your heart is filled with love for them.

00:53:19 --> 00:53:28

You know, for example, if you ask someone to do something for you, and you know that it's difficult, let's say you're sick, you're in bed, you can't move. And you want food.

00:53:29 --> 00:53:41

So your mother, or your daughter or your sister, whoever, they bring food for you. And you're like, I need a spoon too. And you feel shy of asking them, you know, they cook the food, they forgot the spoon. How can I ask them? I feel shy.

00:53:43 --> 00:53:47

So you ask them, you can see the fatigue on their face, they're tired.

00:53:48 --> 00:54:00

But you don't even make a request and they go and fulfill it for you. How do you feel? Your heart is full of love for them. You're so grateful. You're so happy.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:02

You're so happy.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:28

So Allah he is off billary bird he is very compassionate towards the servants, with servants, those who are just chilling and doing nothing, wasting their lives wasting their time. No. Those servants who are striving to earn the pleasure of Allah, those servants who are standing in prayer, and their feet are hurting, but they don't stop

00:54:29 --> 00:54:57

those servants who are hungry and thirsty because they've been fasting. Those servants who may be hurting in their bodies, but still, they made a commitment so they're gone to fulfill that commitment. You know, when a person is reading the Quran reading the lesson, and you're so tired, you're falling asleep like no no seven times I have do it seven times. And you feel like putting the juice over ignore I have to do it seven times. And you stay awake. You force yourself to stay away and you do it seven times you think you're striving is useless.

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59


00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

Hola Hola. Often very bad.

00:55:03 --> 00:55:11

Whenever you're getting tired, think about it. Hola Hola. Ooh formulary bad Allah loves me at this time. Allah loves me at this time

00:55:12 --> 00:55:21

you reciting the Quran in your throat is drying out, and you're out of breath. And the teachers like louder again and you stop.

00:55:22 --> 00:55:37

And you still keep going at that and remember, hola hola. Ooh, from Villa reverb. I am striving, but the more I strive Allah, who will be more merciful towards me. But this can only be done by the one who really wants the pleasure of Allah?

00:55:38 --> 00:55:46

Because a person doesn't want the pleasure of Allah, what will he say? You know, forget it. I've done it five times enough, man. I know the lesson. Why do you have to do it seven times.

00:55:48 --> 00:55:53

Because a person will say I know how to reset. I'll read later. I can't bother right now.

00:55:54 --> 00:56:02

Who can strive the one who wants the pleasure of Allah. And the more he strives the more Allah loves him Allah who often billary bird in a hadith we learn

00:56:04 --> 00:56:11

that the prophets of Allah Saddam said that Allah says Mirada, Lee mulligan for them to who will help

00:56:12 --> 00:56:15

that anyone who opposes my Wali, my friend,

00:56:16 --> 00:56:18

that I declare war against him.

00:56:19 --> 00:56:41

Who has the front of Allah, the One who is an obedient servant to Allah, any person who opposes the friend of Allah, Allah declares war against him. What does it mean? That if you harm Allah's friend, Allah will harm you. And if you are Allah's friend, somebody dares to harm you, Allah Who will protect you. Allah will keep you safe, you suffer, Allah will protect you.

00:56:42 --> 00:57:20

You suffer hardship, Allah will reward you, for every bit of pain that you suffer you experience Allah will be rewarding you at the same time. And the Hadith continues, that the servant comes closer to Allah by performing the obligations that Allah has imposed on him. And then when a person performs the voluntary deeds, he comes even closer to Allah subhanaw taala and the Hadees ends with this, that we're in certain money. And if the servant asks me, the Oracle you know who shorty I will definitely give to him well in is the other any law or either know that if he seeks refuge with me, then definitely I will give protection to him.

00:57:22 --> 00:57:27

That if the servant is ever in trouble than who will take care of him, Allah will

00:57:28 --> 00:57:39

because hola hola, hola, familia rebored when you are striving for the sake of Allah to earn his pleasure, and you suffer in that cause, whatever that suffering may be.

00:57:40 --> 00:57:42

Remember, Allah loves you at that time.

00:57:43 --> 00:57:49

And when Allah loves you that everything is fine that all your problems he will take care of them.

00:57:51 --> 00:57:53

Well hola hola orphan bitter Ebert.

00:57:55 --> 00:57:56

Let's listen to the recitation

00:57:57 --> 00:57:58

warm Yunnan

00:58:00 --> 00:58:02

Do you woke up on woohoo move you

00:58:05 --> 00:58:06

along on

00:58:08 --> 00:58:09

why you should no longer

00:58:11 --> 00:58:11


00:58:14 --> 00:58:16

on we're either

00:58:19 --> 00:58:26

see that you can help someone with a long moolah you

00:58:29 --> 00:58:30

were either

00:58:33 --> 00:58:36

too nice to be the husband

00:58:39 --> 00:58:40

will be selling me

00:58:42 --> 00:58:45

or Mina see me

00:58:47 --> 00:58:50

all bought in

00:58:52 --> 00:58:53

Walla Walla

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