Luqman 12-15 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 12
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 21 – L213B
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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How to learn English if rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, lesson number 213 pseudo Lockman. I am number 12 to 15
what other attina lukeman and haik matter and we had certainly given look man wisdom, anish core Lila and said, Be grateful to Allah, woman Yeshua and whoever is grateful for in my Yesh, Guru, Lena FSI, then he is grateful for the benefit of himself only woman Kapha and whoever denies for in aloha Vani Yun Hamid, then Indeed Allah, He is free of need, and he is praiseworthy. What are the attina lokman and hikmah
Lockman was a very well known personality amongst the Arabs and he was very famous for his wisdom.
And this is the reason why he is also known as Luqman Hakim, meaning Lockman. The wise and this wisdom that he had, it was given to him by who? By Allah soprano. Because Allah says over here what occurred at a narrow look man and the we gave hikmah to look man, because Hickman is something that a person cannot acquire by himself, that a person cannot learn from a book, he cannot learn by himself. It is something that is gifted is something that is given to a person by Allah subhanaw taala alone, and he gives it to whomsoever He wills.
We learn in the Quran that we're may you tell haik matter, faculty udia hyaluron kathira that whoever is given hikma, then he is given abundant good.
So what do we learn that hikmah is something that allows the panel data favors His servants when it is a father of Allah. And look, man was one of those people to whom Allah subhanaw taala gave hikma Remember that? He was not a prophet of Allah. Look, man, but he was just a righteous servant.
And he had been given wisdom.
It is said that once someone asked, Look, man, that how did you gain this wisdom? Where did you learn hekla from How come you're so wise, how come you're so intelligent? How come you have knowledge and and you have right mindedness in your speech? So he answered by adopting truthfulness, and trustworthiness. What does it show to us?
that the more truthful a person is, and the more he fears Allah, because of which he is trustworthy, then what will happen?
The more wisdom he will have, because it is said that sort of Hekmati mahatama that the head the essence of wisdom is what
it is the fear of Allah. So when a person has fear of Allah, and as a result, he is truthful, as a result, he is trustworthy, he does not cheat, he does not lie, he does not betray, then what will that lead to wisdom?
And a person who does not have fear of Allah, then that person will not have any wisdom.
And He further replied, by avoiding useless stock and adopting silence. How else did he gain hikma?
By avoiding useless stock and adopting silence?
What did we learn earlier? level hobbies? What does that do to a person it makes him heedless? It does not let him have Hanwha. It does not let him have any time alone, where he can reflect, where he can ponder, where he can think about the realities of life. Think about his own mistakes. Think about analyze the situations that he is in. And as a result, take y steps. So avoiding useless stop and adopting silence. This leads to wisdom.
Because whatever energies a person has been given their limited isn't.
Your time is limited. Your ability to speak is limited, your energy is limited. And if a person uses these limited abilities in useless things, then will he have time to use them in productive things? Not at all. If a person is talking endlessly about shopping, about clothes about TV programs, then is that going to allow him to speak about the Quran? No, it's impossible. It's very, very difficult for a person to do that.
So how did look man gain hikmah? How was it that he became worthy of receiving hikma by avoiding useless stock and adopting silence?
And there are many stories that are famous that reflect that illustrate the hikma that look man possessed
For example, it is said that Look, man was a slave. And once his master said to him, that slaughter the sheep for us. So look man went and he slaughtered it. And then the Master said that bring the two best pieces of this sheet. So what did he bring? The heart and the dunk. Okay. Now, after some time, Some time passed by the mastery set to Lockman, again, that okay slaughter the sheep for So you went and slaughtered the second sheep. And he said, Bring the worst two parts. And he brought the same the heart and the tongue. So then his mastery said to him, I told you to bring out the best two pieces, and you brought these, and then I told you to bring out the worst two pieces and you
brought these. So look, man said, There is nothing better than these, if they are good. And there is nothing worse than these if they are bad. Nothing better than these if they are good, and nothing worse than these if they're bad.
If you think about it, what will you say? What will you speak? What will you use your tongue for? Whatever is in your heart,
isn't it so
whatever is in your heart will come out on your tongue.
But how do things come into your heart, by what you see, by what you hear? Isn't there, the windows to the heart. So whatever you feed your heart with, that is what is automatically going to come on your tongue.
If you feed yourself good, your heart will become good. And as a result, the tongue will become good.
And if these two things are good in a person, then he's all good.
And on the other hand, if a person is feeding himself evil things he's taking in law, well, howdy is not accidental Hades, then what's going to happen? His heart will be corrupted, and as a result is done will be corrupted. Think about it. When you want something for harsh when you want something obscene. What are you thinking about?
romance, isn't it?
What do you talk about? affairs. Think about it. Many times people complain that young people, what's wrong with them, their language is so dirty, its filthy. Their thinking is so corrupt. Why? Because that's all that they're watching. And as a result, that's all that they think. And that's all that they can talk about. And if a person is busy feeding himself good things or certain hobbies, then that is what will occupy his heart that will allow him to have for sure that will allow him to do the crown law on his tongue in his heart.
So this is a very wise statement, that there is nothing better than these if they're good and nothing evil than these if they are bad. So there are many stories about laquan that illustrate the deep wisdom that he possessed. And these stories were very famous amongst the Arabs, and Allah subhanaw taala. He tells us over here himself, that he is the one who gave Look, man, this hikmah while according to a narrow local man, and hikmah
now the question is, what is hikma? What is wisdom?
No one was given hikma. But what is wisdom?
hikma as you know, linguistically, what does it mean, to play something where it belongs in a way that is appropriate. This is what is Heckman?
And, according to many scholars heckler is when a person reaches the level of excellence, how by acquiring knowledge, and then having the ability to act according to it as well.
You understand
that? How does a person reach that level of excellence by acquiring knowledge, information, and then having the ability to act according to it as well? that a person he becomes firm in his knowledge, and he becomes firm in his action as well? Because if a person is not firm in his knowledge, can he act on it? Know what will happen at the time when he has to act on it? he'll forget about it.
Many times What's the problem? We know? But when it comes to doing it, we forget we don't remember? Right? So how can i is that a person is firm in his in as well as
a Razzie he said that hekla is the ability to do Iman, according to him. It's the ability to act according to the knowledge that one possesses. Now a person cannot have knowledge of everything. It's impossible with Oh Coco, Lydia, and when Arlene a person cannot possess knowledge of everything, people are limited in their knowledge.
But whatever knowledge a person has hikmah is that a person is able to act on it as well.
Even our vessel the learner he said, that hikma is the isn't it is the noun the name that defines what are called intelligence, one firm and understanding one for us and foresight. So hekla is one
It's not just to know, but it is to understand it is to be able to have foresight, it is to be able to have the understanding of what to do, when how much in what way, this is what segments. Because sometimes we think that, you know, wisdom, intelligence is just about knowing and doing, knowing and doing that's it. It's not just about knowing and doing it's about knowing, and the knowing what to do, when to do how to do and what's the best way possible of doing it. This is what headlines.
And Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran about hikmah that will make you hate modificado to hate on kathira What is hekla it is high on kathira it is abundant good, because when a person has wisdom, then what will happen?
The doors to many many good will open up for him, you understand? And when a person does not have hikmah, that he does not see the opportunities. He does not benefit from them. He cannot gain much.
Like for example, if a person is very intelligent, very wise when it comes to business, when it comes to money. What does it mean that they're only making money? Making money and saving, saving, saving? What does it mean? They're making money, they're investing it, they're making it grow in the best possible way. And as a result, within a few years, they don't just have the money that they have made, but also the money that has grown on top of that. Now such a person, what do you call him? wise, intelligent.
Now when it comes to the dean, what is it a person has a lot of, but when it comes to Rama, he's like, okay, I don't know what to do.
You understand? He cannot come up with any ideas. He doesn't know how to implement that knowledge. Like for example, when is that a person gives her the car? All of a sudden he has his boost? Okay, let me give you $50 Okay, in the box. Very good. Mashallah.
Now, this is also hikma that he's giving sadaqa. But if he was more intelligent, what would he do? What would he do?
Like, for example, he would want that every day. So that should be written for him. So he would spread out those $50, let's say, over five days, over 10 days. So for those 10 days, every single day, he gives other co now imagine the reward at the end.
You understand?
As opposed to give us the only ones difference, right?
So when a person has a coma, then what does it mean? He is able to get the maximum benefit. He's able to implement the knowledge that he has in the best way possible. And as a result, he benefits more than other people.
Ramadan comes one is that a person says I'm going to fast I'm going to pray. I'm going to read Quran. Okay, he has set these goals. But what is hikma? What is intelligence? What is wisdom? that a person thinks, okay, what exactly am I going to do every single day? When am I going to do it? How am I going to do it?
So for example, he says, Okay, I'm going to do is the fog, but it's the fall den at the whole time. That's something that is more beloved to Allah will as Harry whom he has suffered on at that time, a loss of panel data descends to the lowest heaven and he asks, Is there anyone who wants anything so I can give him so he avails those hours and he seeks forgiveness at that time isn't going to get more, he's gonna get more. So is it just in that led him to this armor? It's not just him? It's for him. It's for us. It's understanding it's having foresight. This is what has enabled him to implement that knowledge in the best possible way to acquire the maximum benefit.
And how does a person develop this? What a look man say? How did he develop hikmah how truthfulness and trustworthiness avoiding vain talk and adopting silence, because that lets a person think that his mind is not clouded all the time. You understand? Otherwise, what happens if a person's mind is cloudy? all the time? It's hazy. Can you think properly? No. At one point the phone is distracting him another point the television is distracting him. And whatever he knows, as we learned earlier, you learn accidental Hades what happens? law will have these washes it are you learned you forgot, you memorize you didn't know how to implement. How can you implement when you adopt silence when you
avoid useless things when you develop truthfulness and trustworthiness.
So what are called Taina, Lockman and hectolitre. If a person has hikmah, and a person does not have trachoma, is it the same? It's not the same
One who has hekla is far better than the one who does not have.
And because Allah is the one who gives hikmah What do we need to do? Ask him for it. Make the offer hikma or be heavily hoekman. Well, he can either slowly he makes her make this one of your daughters that you will make a lot in the month of Ramadan.
That these four qualities, when can a person develop them when he is close to the Quran when he has a strong bond with the Quran, that when he will be reading Quran, when you will study the Quran, he will develop the fear of a loss. And as a result, he will become truthful and trustworthy
when he will spend time with the Quran that will make him avoid useless things. Right. And it will also give him a chance to adopt silence, to have halwa in order to reflect on more important matters of life. So what are the Athena lachemann and haik meta, anish Colella that be grateful to Allah. And over here is Mufasa. It is explanatory. That what was the hikma that Allah subhanaw taala gave to him what was the first lesson? The first thing that he did as a result of having that hikmah bush coronella be grateful to Allah? So what is it shown to us? That the first sign
the most important sign of a person having wisdom is what? What is it?
That he will be grateful? Because what is hikmah? To place something where it belongs? And when a person is grateful to Allah, then what is he doing? He's putting the most important thing where it belongs should gratitude is offering it to Allah soprano.
So initially, let's be grateful to Allah. So this shows to us that the wisdom and intelligence of a person is determined by seeing how grateful he is, how optimistic he is, how hopeful he is, how much does he value what he has? And how much importance does he give to the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to him? How much does he use them? If you think about it, this discussion that we were just having of how do you make someone realize about how they're wasting their time in their will? Hadees? What does that have to do? hikma as well,
that a person values his life every moment. And as a result, he does not waste it in watching the television, spending half an hour here, 45 minutes there, one hour here, two hours there three hours there. If a person is truly grateful for the blessing of life, for the blessing of time, for the blessing of Dean, will he waste literally kill his time in front of the television? would he do that? Not at all.
So we see that sugar and hikma they're very strongly related to one another. If a person is wise, then he will definitely be grateful. If a person is intelligent, he will definitely be grateful. And when he will be grateful, then what will lead lead him to making better decisions? making better choices, not wasting his life?
Now the question is, what is sugar? anishka lilla? What is sugar?
Sugar? gratitude is the realization of a blessing.
What is it? realization of a blessing to realize that what I have is a blessing. This water that I drink is a blessing.
This cool and comfortable room that I'm sitting in. While it's extremely hot outside as well. is a blessing,
isn't it?
It's a huge blessing. Gratitude is the realization of a blessing.
What is it?
realization of a blessing to realize that what I have is a blessing.
This water that I drink is a blessing. This cool and comfortable room that I'm sitting in, while it's extremely hot outside is what is a blessing,
isn't it? It's a huge blessing
that I can sit with comfort with ease without any machinery attached to me, enabling me to breathe, cleaning up my liver cleaning up my blood is what
it's a blessing. blessing and also to acknowledge the others kindness towards you.
So basically sugar includes two things. First of all, it includes your often nirma acknowledgement of the blessing. Realizing that what I have
is a huge thing. What I have is a huge favor of Allah, acknowledging that what I have has been given to me by who by
last panel data I could never possibly ever achieved by myself.
Secondly, she could include his Haru nirma. To proclaim the nirma to proclaim the blessing to make it apparent. It doesn't mean that a person shows off the blessing. But rather, what does it mean that he uses the blessing that he mentioned the blessing? He talks about it. He verbally appreciates it. This is why we see that today man or the sinner. What did you say to these people? That Udine, I'm in Cali? Shay, we have been given everything. We're alumni, Amanda. And we have been taught the language of the words. Why did you say that to boast? No, this was the hardest. This was his horo nirma, to show the nirma, to use the blessing to talk about it to mention it. This is why Allah
subhanaw taala says we're a mavenir material, bigger forehead, this, they asked for the blessing of your Lord, mention it talk about it. Because when a person talks about the blessings, then what happens? It creates feelings of gratitude. It makes them a positive person, it makes them a hopeful person. And this is why sugar, it involves the call. It involves the lisanne. And it also involves the jawara.
Sugar cannot be done just by the tank. It cannot be done just by saying thank you. nor can it be done by just feeling in your heart, very grateful for the favor of the other, no sugar influence all of these three things that first of all, the culture is involved. The heart is involved.
that a person in his heart, he realizes the blessings, he appreciates the blessings. And when he will appreciate the blessings when you have time for any negative thinking. I don't have this, and I don't have that. And this is the problem with this blessing. And that is a problem with that blessing. Will you have time for any negative thinking? No. Because in his heart he's appreciated, then not just being appreciative in the heart, but also at the tongue, under the sand. And when a person talks about the blessings, when a person says Alhamdulillah, when a person mentioned the blessings to her husband, to her children, then that is a means of assurance and peace for her. So
when you talk about the blessings, and what does that lead to? It brings peace to your heart, that okay, if I don't have this at home, then I have this much. So the design is also essential. And then after the lesson, the jawara the limbs, and what does that mean? That a person uses the blessing. It's not just sitting and decaying and rotting away, deteriorating over time getting wasted. What does he do with the blessing? He uses it. Because sometimes we think it's wrong to use the blessings that Allah has given. It's not wrong, it's a part of gratitude. If Allah has given you something, he likes it, to see it on you, isn't it? So part of gratitude is using the blessing, but using the
properly, not abusing it, but properly using it, not using it in a way to disobey Allah. But using it in a way that a person is still obedient to Allah.
And also, through the jawara sugar means that a person does the armor that is necessary that after he's eating and drinking and enjoying wearing nice, comfortable clothes, then it's not that he neglects his Salah. You understand that after he uses the blessings, he does some action, he does some
in obedience to Allah.
Because what is that butter sugar? Remember, I told you once a long time ago that but the sugar data is what? An animal, right? And that butter sugar is used for a very healthy animal.
Like, for example, a very healthy cow. Why is this word used for it? Because a very healthy cow. What does it show? That the master is very good to it?
That when it eats, what does it produce? Milk
it's not that it doesn't produce any milk? No, it produces milk.
That when the master when the owner it feeds the animal. And when the master tries to get some work out of the animal the animal does a good job. You understand? Whatever kind of work it is whether it's working the fields or producing milk or anything. So such animal is what that but the sugar because you can see the blessing. You can see the favor the good treatment of the master on that animal. And that animal is not just consuming consuming, but it's giving something in return doing that which pleases the master.
So with the duality of sugar means what? that a person does some armor as well that is necessary. And this is where hikma is needed. Why is needed over here that what do you do? How do you do? When do you do
now the thing is
That anything that's in your heart, anything that you feel what's going to happen, it's going to come out of you repeatedly and in different different ways.
If you're traveling, if you intend to travel somewhere, you're excited about the trip, you're going to think about it, you're going to talk about it, you're going to prepare for it isn't anything that is in your heart, anything that has truly touched you, it's going to come out of you, it's going to show so it's not possible that a person is grateful to Allah, and he doesn't say any words of gratitude.
It's not possible that a person is grateful to Allah and he doesn't do anything to earn the pleasure of them.
Now there is another word that is used for gratitude in Arabic and that is hummed as well. Right? And hamdulillah What does it mean? All thanks All Praise to Allah. But how does different from sugar how that hound is only at the tongue?
How do you say Alhamdulillah? How'd you do Al Hamdulillah by saying it.
But shekel is not just at the tongue. It's in the heart. It's under the sand and also on the jawara.
So initially, Allah be grateful to Allah. And what does it mean by Shoko towards Allah?
that a person acknowledges the blessings of Allah in His heart?
He has positive thinking about Allah, positive thinking, good thinking about Allah. He loves Allah.
He offers gratitude to Allah in his heart. And then he praises Allah at his done. And then he obeys him in what Allah subhanaw taala has commanded.
And over here, look man was given hekla anish kuruvilla be grateful to Allah, for what?
For the many blessings that Allah has given you. Especially the blessing of hikma.
If you think about it, who was the commander? He was a slave? wasn't he? As I mentioned to you, or one of the stories that he was a slave. Now, being a slave is not something easy,
isn't it?
If you have someone who is above you, in any respect, whether they're in the form of a husband, or in the form of very strict father, or in the form of a very strict teacher, in the form of a very strict supervisor, what do you feel? How do you feel suffocated? Like why do I have to answer to them? Why am I accountable to them? Why can't I just be free? Why?
So when people are enslaved, when people are under someone, generally what happens? They become extremely negative.
They become very pessimistic.
They always look at the negative side of things. But we see that because Look, man had hikmah What did he do? What did Allah subhanaw taala? Tell him anichkov Linda, be grateful to Allah
for things where they belong, okay? You don't have one thing, but you have so many other things.
You have so many other blessings. So what if you have a strict father? So what don't you have many other blessings? Many other favors that you're enjoying? Of course, you are.
So who is a grateful person, the wise person who is not looking at what he does not have? But rather, what does he look at all that he has.
And when a person is focused on all that he has, then it will make him a very contented person.
Because no matter what difficulty is going through, no matter what hardship he's going through, no matter what he's suffering in his life, what do you think Alhamdulillah, I have this Alhamdulillah I have that. And remember that Allah subhanaw taala is very, very, just very just,
if Allah has deprived you of one blessing, he has definitely compensated that with another blessing.
And each and every one of us must reflect on our lives. And think about it.
That it's quite possible that let's say, we feel that we don't have many friends. Or we feel that we're not that successful when it comes to school. The look of my friends, they're working now. And look at me. I'm still struggling. I'm at alhuda. You might think like that, that you don't have that one blessing. But it's quite possible to have a loving family,
a loving family that you would exchange for nothing else.
mother who loves you, a father who loves you, a brother who cares for you. Isn't that a huge blessing? It's a huge blessing. People die for such relationships. People die to see their mothers, people die that their mother would say some positive things to them.
So Allah subhanaw taala is extremely just, if he has deprived you of one blessing, he has definitely compensated you with another blessing.
A person might say I don't have a job. I don't
have work to do. I've been unemployed for so long. But on the other hand, does he not have a lot of free time, he has a lot of free time. And he can use that free time to do many other good things, which he would not be able to do otherwise.
So the Grateful person is the intelligent person, and what is the sign of intelligence, that he's not looking at what he does not have. He looks at what he has. And as a result, he's able to make best use of it. You understand? He's able to make best use of it. Why? Because he's looking at that he's appreciative of it.
Every person keeps thinking, I don't have this, I don't have this, I don't have this, than what will that lead to? What he has, he cannot see it, he cannot benefit from it. He cannot use it. anishka lilla be grateful to Allah.
And we see that all the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala are the righteous servants of Allah. Besides the many other characteristics that they possess, what else do they possess this characteristic of gratitude?
Ibrahim Edison and what do we learn about him? shakeela early on early, he was grateful for the blessings of Allah. New Harley's in Canada, are within Shakira, indeed he was a grateful servant are within shokudo did he live a very easy life that you say, Oh, he had a reason to be grateful. 950 years of persecution.
We faced nine days of difficulty, nine hours of difficulty, nine minutes of difficulty, and look at the list of our complaints. Look at the amount of our negative speech
in the hook and then sugar,
the profits on a lot of seller, all of the sins were forgiven, fast and future, isn't it? This is what Allah subhanaw taala revealed to him, the outfit along with like a metal atom in them become a matter of horror. But what did he do? He stood up in prayer, and when his feet would swell, what would he say? I found out a coonara within shockula should I not be a grateful servant.
So we see that gratitude is not necessarily linked to an abundance of blessings
is not necessarily linked to a very easy and convenient and luxurious life. No.
Gratitude has to do with what intelligence, wisdom.
When a person is wise, when a person is intelligent, he will appreciate the little even that he has.
And unfortunately, we have become so ungrateful, so ungrateful. That if we are deprived of one blessing, for even some time, we complain and complain and complain endlessly
to strangers, to people who we know, two people we don't know, two children, two adults, two people who can help us and two people who cannot help us.
And who are we complaining about? Allah? subhanaw taala?
Yes, yesterday, I stepped out with a friend of mine who had gone out somewhere. And it was obviously quite hot, very humid. And I was amazed at how much people were complaining about the heat. We were in the parking lot a woman was passing by she was on the telephone and she said, My skin is gonna burn off.
We're inside. And this woman passes by looks at us continues. Oh, god, it's so hot. And people who are working over there, even they're complaining to one another. It's so hot. It's so hot. And I'm like, this is how much we complain. Where we have access to cold water. We have access to rooms that are air conditioned. We have access to icecaps and ice creams, and so on and so forth. We can cool down immediately. And this is how much we complain.
Remember how the profits are a lot of them traveled all the way to the week, and how much the Sahaba the difficulty that they experienced, that they had to slaughter their camels and take the water out of their stomachs and drink that in order to survive. Otherwise they would die out of thirst out of exhaustion.
We experienced one day of heat a few days of heat. The moment we step outside, we begin to complain so much. Why? Because it's all that we're looking at. And we don't look at the many other blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us
and if we try to remember the people who are suffering now, because of famine, because of heat because of drought that their children are dying. They are dying and they have no relief.
For Duma, Sacco Abdullah, he and her five children tried to escape starvation in Somalia by journeying to a Kenyan refugee camp. Only one day before they reach their destination. Her four year old daughter and her five year old son died.
exhaustion and hunger. First, the 29 year old widow thought the two were merely sleeping. When they wouldn't get up after a brief rest. She had to leave their bodies under a tree and buried so she could push on with her two year old and three year old children. She saw more than 20 other children dead or unconscious, abandoned on the roadside. Eventually, a passing car rescued the rest of her family from what could have been death. I never thought I would live to see this horror she said, tears rolling down her cheeks, as she described that 37 day trek to the Bab, the world's largest refugee camp 10s of 1000s of Somalis have watched their land dry up after years without rain than
the livestock died. Finally all the food ran out. Now they're making the perilous journey over parched earth to refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia regions that also have been hit hard by drought. The UN expects at least 10 million people will need food aid and a US aid official said Monday he believes a situation Ethiopia is even worse than the government acknowledges of the law he has two children did not survive the journey said her family's problems took a turn for the worse after her husband died in May. Still with 20 cows and a small parcel of land her family had enough to live on but when the rains failed, the cows died and the supply of maize was depleted. We started
to dig up roots of trees to survive of the life said while her three year old daughter who survived the arduous journey played near her of the law. He lost her four year old and a five year old but in many cases parents are dying first. Andrew wander A spokesman for Save the Children said his agency provides care to more than 300 unaccompanied children who were found on roadsides after their parents died or abandon them. more children have died of malnutrition in the first four months of this year than in the whole of last year. He said of the add in. A former farmer who lived in Sacco town before the drought forced him to flee, said he lost an eight year old son after eight days of
tracking. He tried to cry before he died. But he could not he was so weak. He died peacefully from hunger. He said, I buried him by myself in a shallow ditch. So hyenas could not eat him. On our way to the back of the law. He said he walked with friends for three days before she and her children lagged behind. She saw around 20 children dead or unconscious abandoned on the roadside.
Can you imagine
a woman with her children do or children die, she has to leave them on the road and continue walking.
If our child falls, what a fuss we make.
Just imagine
two of her children are dead. She has to leave them and go to save her life and to save the life of her other three children.
What did she have with her a lot of money, any food, any water.
And we complain for the smallest of things even.
We step outside, it's hard. We complain and complain and we forget that we can come inside, in the cool room, sit in a cool car, drink cold drinks, and go down immediately and forget about the heat that's outside.
But there are millions and millions of people 1000s of people right now who are suffering
to a person who is grateful. What does he do?
He appreciates the many blessings that he has. He doesn't look at what he does not have he looks at what he has.
And he remembers those who do not have and that gives him the confidence to continue and that makes him an even more grateful person.
Then he doesn't complain.
He does not complain at all.
We complain we don't have food to eat, good food to eat. We don't have a car to write on. Our AC is broken.
So what are called the Athena lokman and HEC Mata, anish Colella that be grateful to Allah.
Because this is a sign of intelligence,
where my score and whoever is grateful for in my Yash guru enough See, then indeed, he is grateful for himself.
Because he is the one who benefits when he is grateful when a person is grateful, who will benefit he himself.
Others will not benefit because of his gratitude. He is the first person to benefit because of his gratitude.
So what does it show to us
that gratitude is a means of great benefit.
And there are many, many benefits of gratitude. What are they?
That first of all, a person is rewarded for his sugar
When a person says Alhamdulillah, what does that do?
and handed Allah template will means and it fills the scale.
So first of all, he is rewarded for his gratitude.
Secondly, the blessing that a person has that has secured,
the blessing remains, it does not go away, but rather it remains with him.
Many times it happens that we experience blessings, but then we lose them.
And sometimes we need to reflect that perhaps we have lost them because we were not grateful enough.
We were not grateful enough for those blessings.
So when a person is grateful, the blessing is secured.
Think about it. When it was wintertime, when it was cold, how much we complained how much it's still cold, the snow is not going away, suffer the consequences now.
Right? When we're ungrateful for a blessing, then what happens, that blessing is taken away from us. And when a person is grateful, then that blessing remains with him.
Another great benefit of sugar is that the blessing is increased. It increases the blessing because Allah subhanaw taala says, Let in Shackleton, let us see the nickel, if you are grateful, then I will definitely increase the blessing for you.
I will increase it for you.
Many times when we have something that we really like, we appreciate a lot we value it, what do we want? We never want to lose it, isn't it.
And we want that it should only increase it should not decrease, but rather it should increase. So what is the key to that? What is the way to achieve that? Being grateful.
Because when my yashka for enamine Yash, Guru, Lena FSI, he is one who benefits out of his gratitude.
And one of the ways by which we can guard our blessing or value it is by thinking about those who have less than us, just as we did right now, perhaps we never appreciated water. We never appreciated air conditioning, we never appreciated cars, we never appreciated the value of our houses that are full of food supermarkets that are full of food, so much food that we cannot eat it. And as a result it goes waste.
Just imagine so many blessings we have, what do we need to do in order to be grateful? Think about those people who don't have.
And part of gratitude is that whatever you do, have you shared with them, because remember, sugar also has to do with I'm on with Joe weider.
Now think about it. When it's hot over here we go, we get a water bottle, we get an ice cap, we call ourselves don't immediately relax immediately.
But we need to do something to help these people as well.
We need to do something to help these people as well, whose families are dying, whose children are dying. Children are malnutrition. So we need to think what are we doing to help them because only if we help them, then our blessings will grow, then our blessings will remain with us.
Just imagine a 37 day journey out in the heat mainly on foot with children, little children, little children 37 days.
If they can do it, then you can also fast in the month of Ramadan. You can also try you can also put an effort.
So the point that I'm making over here is that when we have this blessing, then we need to be grateful for it and how are we grateful for that, first of all, we don't complain. And then we do something to help other people in need as well.
When disaster strikes nearby, we become very careful we immediately start raising funds, we immediately start doing something to help one another. But if these people are living far away from us, because we don't see them all the time we forget about them. But this is a reality that we cannot forget and we will be held accountable for it.
Sonic, I was just thinking that we learn instruments out of that shit on prompts that are related. You do exome Shakira. So whenever we're not grateful for what we have, that means we are helping a shitload. We're helping his mission. So we should be really careful when we're saying what we're doing exactly.
Instead that a Shaku idle mode duty that gratitude imprisons what is present,
it is a hide.
It is an imprisonment for what for module meaning for the blessings that you have with you.
When a person is grateful, that is a means of securing the blessing was laid on lilmar foodie and it hunts that witch
missing. So that which is lost that which you don't have that which is absent from your life. If you are grateful what will that gratitude do it will go and hunt it for you to go bring it to you it will go find it for you.
Will Mooji butakov Ll mirboo D and it is one that definitely brings one closer to Allah Mahmoud meaning Allah soprano.
So gratitude, it draws a person closer to Allah was a werewolf he died in Hulu, the and it is a means of attaining reward in the home of eternity.
So there are many, many benefits of gratitude. monusco for innama Yash guru Lin FC Intuit facilite I have 46 we learn when Urmila sila and funny enough See, whoever it is righteousness, it's for himself. Woman sfla her and whoever does evil it's against him.
into the room I have 44 winner man cafaro ferula ecoflo woman Amina Sila handfree emphysema am I doing?
So when my escort for in Namibia Charlene FC woman Kapha and whoever is ungrateful, whoever is not grateful for the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to him, whoever denies and does not acknowledge the blessing that Allah has given to him, for in the law, the Nietzschean hermy then Indeed Allah, He is rich and he is praiseworthy.
He is rich, meaning he does not need people to offer him gratitude. And Hamid, he is praiseworthy, whether or not people praise him whether or not people thank him.
So, Lenny Lina richness, what does that mean over here the context that he does not need the gratitude of people. And Hamid Hamid is one who is praiseworthy, who deserves praise whether anyone praises him or not.
So, allies Hamid, whether or not we offer gratitude for in the law linnaean Hamid.
So the question is that if allies linnaean harmony, then why has he commanded us to be grateful? Why is he said inequivalent law? And why does he like this quality in people? If he is living in Hamid,
Allah Himself is a sugar. He is appreciative, and he likes his quality and people as well that they should be appreciative, they should be thankful for the gifts that they have been given. Why else? Why else does Allah want us to be grateful when he does not need us to be grateful
that when a person is grateful, then it benefits him. It does not benefit a lot, but who does it benefit himself, he gets reward, his blessing is secured, his blessing is increased it is multiplied. So who benefits the person himself? So Allah wants good for us? This is why he tells us to be grateful.
And also, sugar, what does it do? It distinguishes between those people who are faithful, and those people who are traitors,
those people who are faithful to Allah, that when they use the blessings, they are grateful to him, they offer gratitude. And those people who only consume consume, and they don't show any gratitude.
So Allah wants to make known those people who are grateful, and those people who are ungrateful, those who are positive in every situation, and those people who complain in every situation.
So now after learning about this, we need to think that how can we be grateful for the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us and keep this in mind, sugar through listen through? and also through jawara?
and focusing on what you have and what you don't have, thinking about those who don't have what you have? How can we be grateful for the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us? For example, the blessing of Quran, what is a way of being grateful? Think about it, tell me? How should we be grateful for this blessing of Quran?
First of all, is it a blessing? Because gratitude comes with what realization? acknowledgement? So is it a blessing? Do we acknowledge it to be a blessing? Do we realize it to be a blessing? How? How is it a blessing? How do you feel the Quran is a blessing for you?
at a personal level, it has changed your personality. It makes you happier. It gives you the answers to all those questions that you have.
It gives you a higher goal in life, a higher purpose in life, that Allah chose you for his book. It shows you how to reach your goal. It helps you become a more sin. It helps you come closer to Allah, you find comfort in it.
It guides you in every aspect of your life. You're able to see your own faults and as a result you can improve. So first of all, is the acknowledgement of blessing. The Quran is a blessing. And we should think about it. That How is the Quran a blessing for me
and after
This acknowledgement after this realization comes, what is Haru? nirma? And how will that be? Through lesson and jawara? Now through How will you do that? For the blessing of Quran? How can you be grateful in your heart?
through your heart? Don't feel that the Quran is a burden. rather take it positively, have positive thoughts. Enjoy it, don't think negatively, think positively about it. What else?
Okay, knowing your heart and every hardship Quran will bring you peace.
As soon as you step here, you come here, you know, feel that, you know, I'm home, you know, I'm fine. inshallah I'm going to be okay. have full conviction in the Quran and remove any doubts. So being appreciative in the heart, right? So in the heart, what does it mean? that a person appreciates his blessing in his heart, he is positive, he is thankful he is grateful. And how can you use the heart to better understand the Quran? Remember it, keep it in your heart, remember, but who is john v net useful do realtyna
memorizing it, memorizing its meaning, retaining it in the heart, reflecting on it, thinking about it. Now after the column comes What
lesson How can you be grateful using your lesson?
During the Quran in particular, sharing it with other people?
Many times what happens when you go home, you meet your family members, what do you talk about? What you did during the day, I met so and so so and so called, they said this, I went here, I felt gas. I went there and I bought that, isn't it? That's what we talk about. I cook this and while I was cooking this happened, right? But while we're talking to other people, especially our family members about our day, should we not be talking about this blessing of Quran, sharing it with other people? Before sharing comes What?
karate, karate Allah reciting the Quran? If you really appreciate it for the blessing of the Quran, what will you do with your tongue, you will read it during your lesson seven times will not seem a burden. Because this is what a part of gratitude, a part of being grateful to Allah. When you're talking to your family members, even if it's about you know the daily things that happen, you will always find an opportunity to relate it with the Quran in some already. So doing that.
Now, after the lesson comes, what do I know? How will you do that?
obeying the laws of panel data acting upon the Quran. That something that we have learned, it's not just written in the juice. It's actually in our Amal, acting on the Quran.
If the Quran tells us to pray, we pray the Quran tells us to cover our Regina, we cover our Xena, right? The Quran tells us many, many things. So what do we do we act on it.
And then with our lives doing something to pass this on to others. If you have received this blessing, we just talked about how the Quran is a blessing for all of us. That it has changed you it has made you a better person, it has made you a productive person. If you're really grateful for this, would you not want others all to benefit the same way? Of course you would want that. So if you want that others should also benefit the same way then what will you do?
What will you do?
You will just study the Quran and move on to something else and forget about what you did know, if you really grateful for the blessing of the Quran. After this course and for the rest of your life. What will you do? What will you do? Do something or the other in order to pass on the Quran to other people as well, in order to let them know about the Quran as well.
That this course does not become history. It does not become something that you did once upon a time in your life. No. If you're really grateful for the Quran, what will you do, you will do something for the rest of your life rest of your life, to pass it on to others.
Now, there are many other blessings besides the Quran as well such as your time, the healthy body that you have, money that you have the clothes that you have, the food that you eat,
isn't it all of these are blessings. Now first of all we need to do here often nirma acknowledge the blessings.
Look around us, look within us look in our houses in our families and recognize the many blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us
and after recognizing them, how will you do airdrop for nirma think about the sun pulp and also jawara think about how you will be grateful and this is your homework. Because initially led this is a hokum that a loss of primal data is given. Be grateful to Allah
Because only when we can be grateful, then only are we obeying this command of a loss of penalty, this is a part of your bed, then only are we intelligent people, people who have some sense. So think about five blessings. And think about five unique blessings that you have unique blessings that you see. They're special in you with you in your life. And you see that other people around you, they don't have that blessing. You understand? Don't mention food. Okay, Alhamdulillah. Everybody. You know, that's definitely a big blessing. I'm not saying that's not a blessing. Definitely it is. But sometimes, we mentioned food, family, so on and so forth. And we don't
appreciate the other blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us. And because we don't appreciate them, this is why we think negatively. This is why we speak negatively.
You could mention for example, a very supportive husband, a very loving mother, a very good house to live in a peaceful country to live in.
Could be different blessings.
A very good job, a very accommodative boss. All of these are what different lessons that we have. skills that we have that others don't, that you have a computer and you can use it. And other people, they don't have one. Even if they have they don't know how to use it.
So think about unique blessings that are in your life that you feel are a major part of your life. And if these blessings were taken away, you will know what you would do.
Because only when we are grateful for these blessings then these blessings will remain and they will increase.
We listen to the recitation of desire everybody stand up.
For the
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