Tahir Wyatt – Hereafter #05 – The Records – Aqidah Wasitiyah

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the distribution of recorded music and how it is measured, as well as the National Survey of or distribution of the record. The speakers cover the first nine pages of the record, including the National Survey of or distribution of the scrolls, and discuss the recording process and reception. They also touch on privacy concerns and the importance of avoiding privacy violations. The speakers stress the importance of writing deeds and protecting one's thoughts and intentions to avoid negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Shalom Shalom fusina siata Marina

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de la palabra de la mejor de la Chateau La la la la la la sharika lava shawanda Mohammedan Abdo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Cathedral on Isla de

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shala we'll get right into the review of last week's

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First question for the classroom she

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according to the according to a quote to me and others, what is the order of the following in the hereafter that he said reckoning the distribution of scrolls to me that scale

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storm last week,

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anybody except for you?

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What's the order of those three that he said? The distribution of scrolls that present

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scrolls first and then

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and then he said and then the music then.

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Okay, so So explain explain why. So what, what happens first?

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Allah Subhana. Allah distributes the the records that the deeds that you've actually done, they're recorded, and each person will receive those scrolls. Based on what is in them, there will be a he said,

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and what is the he said, as the reckoning that's when you're taking into account or those things are counted for you. So what's in the scrolls, these good deeds, these bad deeds, those are separated and counted and weighed it. Okay, because they're not even all the same weight, right?

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There are many good deeds that I personally do. One is, I mean, being good to your parents is one thing, saying Subhana law is also a good deed. Right? But they're not the same. They're not the same weight player. So this is this is the order here. Second question.

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Wait on the scale, provide evidence.

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All right, let's at least get the first part what is weight on the scale?

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Okay, so deeds,

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the scrolls themselves

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sapan Allah Subhana Allah Allah de the sang Subhana Allah after salah and Alhamdulillah Allah Allahu Akbar after Salah 10 times, and the Heidi 33 times is better, and saying that before you go to sleep, now all of those are all of those have been mentioned. Fight. That's, that's two things. What else?

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mentioned it.

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Good character. Right. The Privacy Some said there is nothing that is heavier on the scale. Then good character, postnatal, whoa, look.

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We mentioned something else.

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Following the genetic brain, the genetic following the genetic type. And then something that decreases the weight of your skill we mentioned I had either approximately something that kind of revolves around one central theme which is

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oppressing other people oppressing other people, by?

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All right. So today be the light out of we made it past the scale, which we covered last week and we on D distribution of records. All right notice that the order that the shape of the snam went in is not necessarily the order that is going to happen in the hereafter. So we're going to deal with distribution of records today being the law. And first before we actually get started, we got to get those juices flowing, because you guys still didn't wake up yet. Now the review wasn't enough. All right, let's move on.

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By the end of tonight's lesson, you should be able to answer the following questions. First, what is the recording? record? our intentions also record and notice? What's the first question What is the proof because Islam is a religion that is not based off of what you think or what somebody else thinks. It's based off of what Allah spent Allah revealed to us on the tongue of His Messenger, sallAllahu wasallam. So whether it's in the Koran, or whether it's in the center, it is based on revelation, especially when we're dealing with

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the faith in the unseen or the iron.

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Experienced, right alive. So especially with those things, we have to have solid evidence from Revelation time, next,

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to do a good deed, but is not actually doing what is recorded for him

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understand the question,

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it's, it's not as straightforward as it seems there's categories under that. So when a person intends to do a good deed, but does not actually do it, what is recorded for him, there's several categories under that now.

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What does not actually do it? What is recorded for him, right? And see these, these are very important. These are not again, you know, when we talk about faith in the unseen, we're not just talking about theory. A lot of this is beyond theory, there are practical implications that your faith has.

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In which we'll have Muslim who

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received his book

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understand a question.

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Who will receive his record book behind his back? What is the significance of this description?

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What will a person who receives his or her book with the right

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What is the connection between that in preparation for the here and

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now? Okay, so are we ready for today's lesson bit nilesh Allah, you'll be able to answer these questions within the next 42 minutes in Sharma. All right. smilla. So we're going to cover today is the the the National Survey of or distribution of the scrolls distribution of the record. And that's on page starts on page 212. And it goes up to page 220. Now notice that the little pamphlets that you have if you have the PDF, it's there. You just go to page 212

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If you don't,

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and I don't have a pamphlet,

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just give me a second.

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Okay, so what we're going to cover today is just those nine pages page 212, two to 20.

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Initially, I was a bit ambitious thinking that we would cover a lot more. So that's why what you have in the pamphlet goes beyond that also covers that he said,

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but I just didn't after rethinking it, it doesn't seem like it's gonna work that way inshallah. Alright, so today, we're going to cover pages 212 to 20, which is the sixth event that is covered

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by shake was saying with a me or him a whole lot. All right.

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So this is the content, or basically what's going to be covered in the nine pages. First thing we're going to deal with his definition and proofs. So what are we talking about when we talk about the record book? What is that? Okay, and what are the proofs that that this is really a thing.

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We're going to move into talk about the recording angels, then the content of the record, that is what is actually recording. For example,

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when you came in here, you might have had some coffee.

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Right? Is that recorded

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In this book,

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okay. All right. So is that a good deed or a bad deed drinking coffee?

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So good deed or bad D drinking coffee?

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What if there was just nothing? What if it was just

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something permissible? Not a good deed or a baddie? Is it recorded?

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Okay, we'll cover that we'll cover that.

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So what is recorded? And then the distribution of those records, okay, because it's being recorded where

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in this life, the distribution happens in the hereafter. Okay, and the reception of those will How will a person received their books? Or received their book you understand? So this is what's covered. And these nine pages within time

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for the electronics start from beginning from the page to 12 you don't have it?

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We need a

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Yeah, we need that second, okay.

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the sixth event that will occur on the day of judgment

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and the delonghi will spread they are the pages containing the deeds. So one takes his book with his right hand and one takes his book with his left hand with left hand over behind his back as he glorious and exalted as he says

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and zemana who thought you know who thought all your goofy okay? We're not going to know who your will pm a Tiki tab and you'll call him and show off if we're lucky dabiq qFm enough sickle yamaneika Siva and we pass in every man's deeds bought you know who to follow, you know, who to his neck, on the Day of Resurrection, we shall bring it up for him a book, which he will find wide open, it will be sent to him read your book, you are sufficient as a reckoner against yourself this day. Right? Okay, keep going shala that is what the author mentioned in his statement, and the records will be spread, spread meaning distributed to and open for the one to read it mean it means that a person

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will have any

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problem they even if that person was illiterate, they will be able to read the book is going to be spread out wide open, and they won't have any problem looking at what they've done throughout their lives. which is which is truly amazing. That Allah subhanaw taala You know, I'm prior to

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these days and times, a person may say, How can everything that I've done, you know, being one book?

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I mean, it was it's a legitimate question. But again, the Hereafter is not like the here and now. So we're not going to make that comparison. But even if we wanted to, right now, these chips this big

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they can literally have everything that you've ever done in your life on this big

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I mean something like this four terabytes or something, right? So some Hana law. I mean, if man can do that and know that Allah Subhana Tada. You can find all of that easy, man.

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Or records is the plural of the one. Okay, I want you to pay attention here. Please just follow me and humerus, the delta V.

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Which says records is the plural of D one. Okay.

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I want us to just note something. This is not with the ISS.

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And the iOS monitor it says a kuraki tab window for the doula who Yamazaki Amati key tab and Yokohama Shura, and we will bring forth a book keytab he will find it spread open in front of them. But they've been telling me about him a whole lot and offering a Lhasa t he says where to shop at Doha, we he says that the D wines and he will be spread. Now, I'm not going to take you back to last year,

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almost 18 months ago when we started teaching Watson to you.

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But one of the points that was mentioned that you

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Sam himself said is to bring me one statement that I've made that is not in the book of Allah for the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam so here the question comes, well, why would he use the word the way? I mean, if the word in the Koran is keytab

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understand the question why are we saying why are we calling these records your scrolls? Why are we calling them the way we Yes,

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sir, yeah, but he said the way we

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come on, it's right in front of you. Yes.

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Cuz the book has different chapters. All right, let's back up. He, in his defense of his book, he said anything that's not in the Quran and Sunnah. And I just said that it's not in the Quran. Hello. Yeah.

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So the first thing we want to do yes is look where is this in the sin of the Prophet it is selected was sitting. So in the Sunnah, there's a there's a hadith even though even though many of the scholars say that this hadith is not authentic, some of them do say that it is an authentic narration and there are definitely narrations that support it, I should not be allowed to and said that the prophets of light it was sent upset at the way we falletta that that the books that a person receives or that the records are of three types now

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so so she goes on to say that the privacy some set deewan lay of funeral hola

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Alicia Kabila equalizer, Jelena Laila, you should be with the one leg it took hola Leia trucco hula girl Molly Beth Hema vino had Suba whom in bow with the one La La who be Zoe Molly bed female Bina whom obeying Allah for decades the law for that could eat a lunch I've ever went to jail was I'm alright, so this Heidi, the privacy some says that the records are three, there is one record that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not forgive.

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And that is when he records a shift that someone has associated a partner with him and worship indeed a lot does not forgive that partners be associated with him and worship. And there is another deewan that a law does not leave

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any in other words that he holds that person to account for. And that is when a slave wrongs another slave.

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Because that becomes if someone wrongs you now that becomes your right to either pardon them or, or not. And Allah Subhana, Allah leaves that to you. So a lot doesn't leave that one. And then there is one that allows parents it gives no consideration to and that is the one that's between you and him.

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At the end of the Hadith is what may make it Yanni may make some of the scholars of Hadith. Look at its mitten, or the text of the Heidi to be

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inconsistent and that's because at the end it says if a lot and he wills He forgives that person and if he wills he, he overlooks it

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but what's clear is from the other Hadith which is authentic, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said of

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the oppression is three types. There's that which Allah spent Allah does not leave there is that which he does not forgive. And there is that which Allah subhana wa tada does forgive. Okay, that's the word here for them and lateral cola was among young fit.

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Alright, so the point is that that which is between you and Allah subhana wa tada

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is less severe in this sense than that which is between you and the person because you're left to the mercy of the individual and the normal situation between people is that they don't forgive you. Because they want it for themselves and Yama, Kim,

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but Allah Subhana Allah encourages us in this life, to pardon and overlook into forgive woman that I felt was a slap for agita, who Allah Who ever overlooks then his reward is with a la mina is more than what you're gonna get from that person.

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Right if you hold that, if you will, that person to account it becomes has an adverse effect or goodies and baddies. Either they give you some of their good deeds, or they take some of the bad deeds that you have off of your shoulder off, you know, off your bird, but if you forgive them, you overlook a loss. Fantastic.

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When he gives you is gonna be much more than, than that.

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In any event. So the point is that he uses the word be why and because it does come into sort of the Prophet it is Salatu Salam anism. And he doubt about his authenticity and the last fantana knows best. Now, this refers to the records where the deeds are recorded. Examples of these records are

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I'm not exactly sure if this didn't translate well, but beta male is the Treasury. Right? And so the Treasury keeps very accurate records of what money that comes in, and money that goes out. So the SEC is just trying to give us an example of records and record keeping. So this is what he's talking about here.

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Are pages containing the deeds that is in which the angels taking records of most deeds recording record I guess it's just a record right now, in which the angels recording a lot exalted to see says kettle bell killable to get the Buddha with Dean we're in LA Kula have Elaine Chioma and Katie beam Yana Mona My name which you deny the recompense but very overused to watch you are your arm and Kathy beam, they know all that you can get on and katzie Vianney

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these are the angels they have described as being both noble and writing, recording. Right. And and he says here, they know all that you do. They know all that you do and this is significant. Yeah.

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He is written down and recorded and will be hung on a man's neck on the Day of Resurrection. So along with his record, he exalted as he says.

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Right. Just read the last part. The key topic, economic economic government.

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read your book. You are sufficient as a reckoner against yourself as

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who makes you a recolor of your own self has indeed been fair to you and this is this is the statement of an hassanal bursary Rahim Allah. In other words, if if someone today was to say you take yourself to account you hold yourself accountable for whatever you've done. Isn't that fair? You know what you did? You You hold yourself to i'm not i'm not gonna. So this is a last minute Alice's ecolog keytab. If you read your book, confab enough, see kallio myrica hassy. But you are enough for yourself to be to determine what you did was good. And what you did was evil. Okay, so answer the following questions. What does the way we mean? What does that mean?

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The records is plural for D one, which which means the record book a record book, what does it refer to in this context?

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The records of your deeds right the records that one will receive in the hereafter Why does the author use this word?

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Because it is found in the sooner the Prophet alayhi salatu was sent in number two who records man's deeds

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the angels time? Is it okay to say a lot of records man's deeds?

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Yes. And we'll cover that because there's there's several a hadith where it says that Allah writes down the deed now.

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Any of you own land?

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Any of you own land? Have you ever built a house on that land? Did you did you build anything on the land? Yes. What did you build?

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You built the house? How many bricks did you actually put in put up?

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You put some bricks down yourself?

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Oh, Mashallah. Okay, when he messed up my analogy, but

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the point I was gonna make because it's it works. If you say yeah, but the house on that land, it doesn't mean it doesn't necessarily mean that you were the one that physically put the, you know, dug the ground up and you know, put the foundation and and put bricks up. You pay for it. You built it. Right? So it's this. I mean, there's several instances where we we find this throughout the Quran. As soon as the Prophet I decide to swim, unless my dad is the one who, for example, you have to enforce he's the one that causes death. Right? But he is not the one directly taking the soul. That's the angel of death. So he has these angels that are appointed to do things, but it can be

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easily attributed to a loss of data because he is the one who is making the command. Okay. So who records man's deeds?

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Angels, what proof does the author cite for that?

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Were in the Quran

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it's an Jews ama.

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And that's why I want you to so to emphasize

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key Rahman ktb. He says that you have angels, and as the scholars of Tessier mentioned, there is some text to indicate this, that there is an angel on the right side that records your good deeds and an angel on the left side that records

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the evil deeds. Let's this right here What you see right here is from Alaska to Hawaii, which we don't I didn't put in the in the handout today, but sufficient for us is this right here because this will also give some clarity for them.

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I think this is page 348. I don't remember Alaska, Hawaii, not in Westie, but we believe in the honorable angels that note down our deeds allies appointed watch over allies refer to these angels in various verses for example, but barely over your appointed angels to protect you kind of honorable writing down your D they know and understand all the to do kit on katzie Vina got nimona to follow right.

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Yeah, the whole two appointed to know his doings watching no one sitting on the right. And one on the left. Not a word. I mean, you mean you

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but it is a sentinel by him ready to notice sort of cough right?

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For each

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man being a woman comfy he

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may or may not

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know at the bottom in bringing an Asian woman coffee.

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breech person there are angels in succession before and behind him they got him by the command of a loss of power.

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And yes, they're going ahead and several

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what do they think they we hear not their secrets in their private councils? Indeed we do in our messengers are by them to record it. You see that? So here I mean, there's several ads where a lot of my dad is explaining that his angels are recording. And we are so born and this is scary. I mean, I said Lorna and Elena smiles Oklahoma Niger well, do they think that we don't hear their the secret talk the private counsels that they have? Annie Bella, we do? What is su lunella de him yet to go? He says, uh, we here, but the angels are the ones that are right now.

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this is on record. This our record speaks about you with truth. Before we were wanting to put on record all that you did.

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you have to

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write this record all the plots that you've made, and this is actually significant here too, because they record the plots a plot a scheme is usually starts where

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right in the mind, which which is a clear indication, that the angels are not just writing down what you are actually doing, but also which you are planning to do also, which you are planning to do. So and this is also as some of the scars of Tafseer mentioned in this first I Yalla, Muna medsafe alone, they know all that you do, what you do is not limited to your physical actions, but also the actions of your heart.

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And then I'll call it the actions of your heart. So these are, this is also recorded by by the angels.

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All right, so we're going to move to pace to 14.

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Yeah, let's start with that part. What will be written the bottom of page 213 will be written in the scrolls our deeds will be written the scrolls of these

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is either

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Yeah, either hasn't had a good marriage or

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has an art to be written on what the person did, what he intended to do and what he wanted to do. These are three things. Alright, so right now from pages 214 to 217. I want you to get in the habit of trying to read like this funny one. Go look at what's being covered. Okay. So from pages 214 to 270. Everything is dealing with the content of the record but what is being written

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And this is important, because the first thing that you get is your book. And then the second thing is what?

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The he said the reckoning. So the reckoning is based off of what? What's in the book? What is this? There's another part that I've left out, but it's primarily based off of what is in your book. And what is in your book is based off of what, what you do today. Right? So this is this is significant for us to understand what is actually being recorded. All right. So the first thing and this is what the author mentions, he said, those are three things. By the way.

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By the way, can you read that sentence again, there has to be written,

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to be written or what the person or what the person did, those are called, those are actions, right?

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What he intended to do, so those are intentions, right? And what he wants, that doesn't really make sense to be honest with you. Okay, what he wanted to do this

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talk, see this cat, this categorization is not really the best categorization, we're going to cover it a different way, just bear with us, let's read the material here. Because the material is actually shallow, it's correct. It's just the way it's been categorized, doesn't really add up. So what we have here is actions and tensions and lm, right, which you'll see on the next page, they write it out Alabama for some reason. All right. So as you can see, it's tough to custom fail, it means basically, that you are you've decided to do something, which is very,

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it's almost synonymous with intention, and there's really not much difference. And that's why there's gonna be a different way that inshallah when we get there, that we're gonna break down what is actually recorded, but just follow this for now. So we have actions, intentions, and we have decisions for them. And for when he does have good deeds, it is clear that this will be recorded. Okay. So there's really no difference of opinion about that. There's, it's clear if you did it, and it was a good deed is going to be recorded. How will it be recorded, we'll talk about that later. shala right. But as for what he intended to do, it will also be written down for him, but only the

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complete reward of the intention will be written down for him as concerning the story of a man Okay, so when someone intends to do something, a good deed, what is written down for him if he doesn't do that thing,

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a good deed.

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A complete good deed is written down for him, but not as if he did the action because he did. Alright, don't worry about just follow this right now. Then we'll get we'll get there shall not concerning the story of a man

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in the path of good in a poor man says, If I had money, I would spend it in the way such and such. So for example, there's a brother, you don't have any money, but there's a brother, Mashallah. He's a millionaire, and he builds matches everywhere, he gives away his money. And you said, Man, if I had money, I would do like him that that's your intention. Right? Now.

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This is intention. So both of them have the same reward. Right? So what what the Shaykh is saying is that here, they have the same reward in terms of intention, not the same reward in terms of deep which will be clarified in a minute, not what proves that they are not equal and having the same reward for the deed.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:47

came to meet with the

00:33:50 --> 00:33:54

Messenger of Allah, the wealthy ones have surpassed How did the wealthy ones surpass them?

00:33:56 --> 00:33:57

by spending their wealth

00:33:59 --> 00:34:19

to establish Islam, not just because they weren't saying they have larger bank accounts than us that was clear. They they weren't they didn't care anything about that, that wasn't really a concern. Their concern was, Hey, wait a minute. They've got money, and we don't so they're getting muddy. They're getting these in us. What can we do to kind of catch up? Right? He said to them,

00:34:21 --> 00:34:22

he said to them, say Subhan Allah

00:34:23 --> 00:34:24


00:34:25 --> 00:34:35

133 times after every salon. In the world he was learned of this. They also started doing the same thing. The poor went back to Logitech and

00:34:37 --> 00:34:38

he said to

00:34:40 --> 00:34:59

your team and your shot and that's the favorite was when he was told about hooking wheels, right? He did not say, indeed you with your intention. You haven't attained what they have achieved with their lead, right? So there's some that are better than others, because their wealth is a test for them. The fact that they are you because most people get wealthy

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00


00:35:02 --> 00:35:21

not just spend it on themselves most most people to get money holding it, they just love money. Right? They hoard it. So that's a test for them the fact that their hearts were open to spending for the cause of a lot and but we're trying to do is wait a minute, you guys are saying is that what you're saying?

00:35:23 --> 00:35:31

No. So they wanted to get that done that that that that's the the bounty of Allah spent Allah and His grace he gives it to me will snap.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:35

The woman perform the action.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:40

He is just like him in terms of the intention.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:45

But as far as hammer, it's not hammer. Yeah, I don't know why.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:08

But as far as the concern to to do, it is divided into two categories. Alright, so here's the two categories here, you either made a decision and you took an action you made you did some action based on that decision, or you didn't do action based on that decision and be honest with you, all of that comes down to intention, but

00:36:09 --> 00:36:24

the first one that he wants to do something in Germany is able to have it then a barrier become comes between it and him preventing him to complete it. This individual will have the complete reward written down for him.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:29

Okay, okay, so so let's, let's look at this. This is actually quite important.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:35

What, what's, what's the example that he or what is the

00:36:36 --> 00:36:47

let's go over the concept, a person decides that they're going to do so they have the intention to do something that is good, okay. They, they start to do it.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:55

Something prevents them from completing that good deed. What's written for that person?

00:36:56 --> 00:37:00

The full deed the full good deed as if they did it.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:05

And it will be multiplied 10 to 700 times for them Bismillah.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:08

Okay, example.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:14

You left work at 12 o'clock. Heading to Juma

00:37:15 --> 00:37:16

what's your intention

00:37:17 --> 00:37:20

to pray Salaam Juma

00:37:21 --> 00:37:21

on time.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:34

As in, you want to hear the event. You want to be there. Okay. So you're heading there. So panela there's an accident on the highway, you're stuck in traffic, two hours.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:36

Nothing's moving.

00:37:38 --> 00:37:42

So rapidly, you started out on your journey to to make your mind

00:37:43 --> 00:37:48

you were prevented from making Juma what's written for you?

00:37:49 --> 00:37:53

is written for us if you have prayed Juma, that does not mean

00:37:54 --> 00:38:07

that you just keep driving, you go back to work afterwards and you still have to pray and you pray for okay. But the reward is, the reward is is if you pray, pray the Juma you get it. Okay. Now

00:38:17 --> 00:38:36

wherever these is home as an immigrant to a lot as messenger, and as overtakes him, his reward is then surely incumbent upon a wall to either this is glad tidings for the students of knowledge. If someone has the intention of acquiring knowledge of the hotbar in order to benefit people with it, to defend the Sunnah of the messenger

00:38:37 --> 00:38:50

and spread the religion of a law on the earth, but it is not decreed for him because he dies, for example, while he's still searching for the knowledge, definitely the reward of what he intended and work towards will be written down for him.

00:38:52 --> 00:39:14

Even if one usually performs an act of worship, and then could not perform it for some reason, so this is a separate category. Okay. But again, we'll talk about this in a minute. inshallah, this is a separate category, but this is about having consistency in action. Another words having some kind of consistent program for yourself.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:31

I mean, this is the line if you go through the son of the prophet Isaiah select with sin, you'll find all of those concepts of time management and all those things that people think are new business practices, these things are very clear and the son of the Prophet I decide to Sam so keep going. Yeah.

00:39:33 --> 00:40:00

Even if one user performs an act of worship, a man cannot perform it for a time due to some reason, the reward of it will still be recorded for him the profits a little longer. So instead of saying becomes ill or travels, the lack of what he usually does a good deeds, while resonant and healthy will be recorded for right. So again, again, what are we talking about here? A person who has a consistent program, but for some legitimate reason is not

00:40:00 --> 00:40:34

able to fulfill that program all of that is written for him think about somebody, for example, they normal program is that they pray fudger in the masjid. And they sit down after budget and they do their their ticket and the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. And they read the Quran. And then they pray select to do, for example, or they teach somebody, some karate teach somebody something. And then they travel for three, four days, for example, the whole time they travel, even though that's not their program, while they're traveling is still being written for them as if they were doing that thing. So establishing consistency is very important, right?

00:40:38 --> 00:40:43

Anything any legitimate excuse that prohibits that person is still being written for them.

00:40:45 --> 00:40:49

To think Think, think about a person, for example, that normally

00:40:50 --> 00:41:02

let's take let's take our Joomla example, right, a person normally goes and they pray Juma every week, this week at work is an active shooter, you know, whatever thing going on lockdown and everything can't leave.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:10

It's written for him as if he prayed Juma, because he always praised your mind and said, No.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:24

The second type so the second type, which we're right here, we're talking about decisions, but a person hasn't taken any action. So the first one is that you you had a decision and you you took action. Now

00:41:26 --> 00:41:42

the second type, he wants to do something, but despite the fact that he has the ability to do it, he will earn the complete reward of good intention. Right? what's an example of that? You took last night you heard about the virtues of praying at night

00:41:43 --> 00:42:01

praying in the last third of the night spent a lot you went home feeling good? Say yeah, I'm gonna pray and the last third of the night you have every intention spyler you wake up and enough time to pray and the last third of the night just kind of sit in bed

00:42:04 --> 00:42:05

got lazy.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:08

Right? what's waiting

00:42:10 --> 00:42:20

you still get a good be still it's still written because of the intention, but nothing stops you and really you know, something should have pushed you

00:42:21 --> 00:42:21


00:42:23 --> 00:42:27

but that's that's the last point I was myrcene is froglets panela no

00:42:29 --> 00:42:55

evil records when he does will be written down against him when he wants to do what could not do due to an inability on his part will also be written down against him and what he intends to do and hopes for will also be recorded against him. Right okay, so we got that say you add or bad deeds we also have actions and tensions and decisions and he breaks down the decisions

00:42:56 --> 00:42:58

we'll get there good.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:10

Meaning actions if a person does an action is recorded against them. That's clear. Yes. Does anyone want to be recorded against him completely? According to the

00:43:14 --> 00:43:16

sci fi sci fi

00:43:19 --> 00:43:57

Muslims face each other with their source the slave and the slave are inhale so here when he says intentions, what he's talking about is a person who intends to do a bad deed and they try to do the bad deed Okay, even if it doesn't actually happen. So that person is written for him as if he did his if he did the bad deed and the proof for that is the statement of the prophecy sent him to Muslims come together each one of them with their swords and sheet ready to kill each other than the one who killed in the one who was killed are both in the fire

00:43:59 --> 00:44:04

this one pulled out his gun that and pulled out a gun separate he got a shot off first both of them in the Hellfire

00:44:05 --> 00:44:11

both of them it's recorded as if they were a murderer both of them

00:44:12 --> 00:44:13


00:44:15 --> 00:44:18

Because they intended right he intended to kill

00:44:25 --> 00:44:28

somebody with a black Highlander Pennsylvania plate so Russia

00:44:32 --> 00:44:34


00:44:35 --> 00:44:37

black Toyota Highlander

00:44:38 --> 00:44:40

we might want to sisters a lot

00:44:43 --> 00:44:51

No Okay, so that so that's that so what's gonna happen and we're not talking about you saw somebody

00:44:52 --> 00:44:59

you know trying to kill you and you were defending yourself? No, we're talking about two they came together they both have the intention of of killing each other.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

Right, well consider one more to look.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:08

For now, the murderer and the one who was murdered, are in the hellfire. Now

00:45:12 --> 00:45:13

we understand the case.

00:45:14 --> 00:45:16

What about the one who was saying,

00:45:19 --> 00:46:04

because he was determined to slay his opponent, or his brother. It's exactly it's example of someone who wants to drink wine. But something disrupts his plan, he will have a complete sin recorded against him because he strove to do it. Right. So for example, he had a cup right here on the table, he said, Man, and he says, spilt it. So only thing that stopped him, was that a spill? Right? So it's written for him as if he actually drank at 930 to one when tears and homes to do it will have the sin recorded against him, only for his intention, explaining this. This year, he's talking about him. And again, I'm not sure what you know, the categorization. But when he mentioned him as well,

00:46:04 --> 00:46:10

but he is stingy with it, then a poor person said, If I had Well, I would have done so and so.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:15

So he has his same intention. So they've seen as the same

00:46:16 --> 00:46:47

if he wants to perform an act of evil, but later for 60, then this is divided into three categories. If he takes it out of incapability, he can't do it. His cases like the one who has done it, right, and that's the same thing as he mentioned under intentions, okay, so a person makes a decision to do an evil deed. they wind up forsaking the evil demon if they don't do the evil deed, but it's only because they didn't have the ability, that person is written for him as if he actually did the evil deed, not

00:46:48 --> 00:47:25

for the sake of Allah, He will be rewarded for that. Right? So for example, he has this, this cup in front of him ready to drink. Then he says, What am I doing? This is I wasn't created for that. And I always want to do is alter my mind make me make me crazy, make me not be able to worship the last fantastic, he knocks it over. I mean, the same way some panela I mean, when when the companions were told, when that when the I it was revealed, and the companions were told that that drinking is now strictly forbidden. And they just poured it up. That was it, it was over.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:29

They left it for the sake of Allah fantana. Now,

00:47:30 --> 00:47:46

because it's so turns away from it, or because it does not cross his mind. He will neither incur any sin, nor are any reward. Right. Okay, so let's give it let's give an example here so that we can understand a person intends to rob somebody's house.

00:47:48 --> 00:47:48


00:47:49 --> 00:47:53

They actually robbed the person's house, what's written

00:47:55 --> 00:47:57

that sin of robbing the house, okay.

00:47:59 --> 00:48:00

They intend to rob the house.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:03

They go by,

00:48:04 --> 00:48:06

they can't get the door open.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:11

Please start coming around. And here's here please consider gotta go.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:13

It's what's written.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:23

It's written as if they arrived the house, they made every effort to do so only thing that stopped them was that they were not able to do so that's the only thing is that, okay.

00:48:24 --> 00:48:28

They get there. They're about to open up the door. And they have a light bulb moment.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:29


00:48:31 --> 00:49:00

I see this panel, oh, what am I thinking, I can't take this person's property that doesn't belong to me. And when we held accountable for this, and they leave it for the sake of a loss, fantastic was written for them. A good deed, a good deed is written for them. Okay? So forgetfulness, or they just did they just don't feel like it anymore. So that morning, they had every intention, they mapped it out and arrived this person that night. Night came around, he's just tired today. I do. I do it tomorrow.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:04

What's written? Nothing.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:05


00:49:15 --> 00:49:27

If that's allows us allows further that's allows for the This is him talking to himself, okay? And he didn't act on it. He didn't do anything about it. So last month, Allah forgives them for

00:49:35 --> 00:49:38

there's no not even the thought Allah Subhana Allah forgives that.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:43

Right and you'll see what you'll see in a second inshallah.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:52

Yeah, keep reading

00:49:53 --> 00:49:54

a lot.

00:49:55 --> 00:49:57

What's this question say?

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

The same way to half an accuracy

00:50:00 --> 00:50:15

Okay, so let's look at this because we need to understand these things go along. Somehow without a word more than that, then the deeds perform. But he will only recommend some he will deal with it's like the law says, maybe a bit, hasn't it?

00:50:19 --> 00:50:21

In that Mr. Ha,

00:50:22 --> 00:50:43

whoever brings a good deed he should have 10 times like they're up to his credit and whoever brings an evil he shall only have recompense for the life they're up and they will not be wrong. This is out of his generosity supanova to Allah and because mostly superseded, okay, so So how many times is a good D rewarding?

00:50:44 --> 00:51:04

At least 10 times it will get to the Heidi according to the I 10 times, and how much is a an evil deed recorded? Once and this is why some of the early scholar it's attributed to Uber many of the scholars used to say for weighing Lehman halibut ahead who ashtaroth II

00:51:05 --> 00:51:12

Wayland nanny Walter the one who's in the his ones outweigh His 10s

00:51:14 --> 00:51:22

His ones are always tense, meaning that Allah subhanaw taala has is multiplying your good deeds for you 10 times over

00:51:24 --> 00:51:29

and still, and still the ones the baddies outweigh the good deeds.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:42

So the only one who is destroyed in front of Allah Subhana Allah is Al halleck himself the one who has destroyed himself because the last fantatic gives us ample opportunity and we asked a loss pensado for his father

00:51:45 --> 00:51:46


00:51:48 --> 00:51:50

we praying at eight or a 15 today

00:51:52 --> 00:51:57

Okay, I do want to take it out I want to take a minute

00:52:00 --> 00:52:04

okay, we'll read this Hadeeth and then and then and then can we see this here?

00:52:07 --> 00:52:11

You can see this fella and then went down and then I'll make this point shall but

00:52:13 --> 00:52:17

yeah, just an English fine on the authority of even our Basanti Allahu anhu The problems

00:52:18 --> 00:52:47

are related what he related from his Lord very Allah has written down the good deeds and the evil deeds and then it says a law a law has written down right not the angels here right whoever whosoever intends to perform a good deed but did not do it in a law writes it down with himself as a complete good deed and if he intended to perform it and then did perform then allow writes it down and things self

00:52:48 --> 00:53:01

from 10 deeds up to 700 Times up to many times multiply and if he intended to perform an evil deed, but did not do doing then a lot of writes it down with himself as a complete goodbye

00:53:04 --> 00:53:10

and then perform entity will be performed it in a law writes it down as one evil deed.

00:53:12 --> 00:53:30

Notice he says four men hammer the hazard so there's really synonymous Yeah, I need the intention in the in the home. Okay, so here we actually have his his four categories, okay. And I'm just going to go through them one by one. So both for good deeds and for

00:53:31 --> 00:53:38

and for bad deeds. Okay, so for good deeds. If a person does a good deed,

00:53:39 --> 00:53:41

then what is written for them?

00:53:43 --> 00:53:47

It's written for them that beat 10 to 700 times

00:53:48 --> 00:53:52

we got it. So that's number one. Number two,

00:53:53 --> 00:54:02

a person intends to do a good deed but does not do that good deed even though they have the ability to do so.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:11

What's written for them one good deed per ton the law, okay. Number three,

00:54:12 --> 00:54:27

they what they intend to do a good deed. And they begin to do that good deed but they're not able to actually complete the deed. They're not able to complete the deed. What is written for them.

00:54:29 --> 00:54:36

It's written for them as if they actually did that deed multiplied 10 to 700 times. Okay.

00:54:38 --> 00:54:43

The last category we have here is one who doesn't act consistently,

00:54:45 --> 00:54:57

but then leaves it off for with a legitimate excuse. They leave that action with the legitimate excuse such as travel or sickness, what is written for them

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

as if they did

00:55:00 --> 00:55:18

The deed in totality completely turned to 700. You see, to see a las pantallas mercy, you see his grace SubhanAllah. Okay, so we we got that. Now, let's look at bad deeds, because if we understand those categories, it just makes life easier.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:34

A person actually does a bad deed, what is written down? What is recorded, badly multiplied tend to 700 times, no. Okay? Second,

00:55:35 --> 00:55:41

they intend to do a bad deed. But then they leave it off for a loss of hand, which

00:55:43 --> 00:55:49

is written for them one good deed, okay, they intend to do a bad deed.

00:55:50 --> 00:56:09

But they're not able to do it, they try to, but they're not able to complete that bad deed what is written for them? one bad deed as if they actually did it, the guy wants to go to the bar, he wants to go to the nightclub. And he's headed there and it gets a flat tire

00:56:12 --> 00:56:17

is closed. It's written for him. Now. There's no judicial

00:56:21 --> 00:56:36

consequences to this meaning that say a person wanted to commit adultery, and they really tried to just, you know, whatever, the system, the Lady traveled in class he never saw again, but he really wanted to prepare.

00:56:37 --> 00:56:46

Now, if if actually something happened, there's consequences to to fornication and adultery, judicial consequences, and under the law.

00:56:47 --> 00:56:56

If a person in this scenario even though it's written for him as a, as a bad deed, there's no judicial consequences for that, in this life type.

00:56:57 --> 00:56:58

The last category

00:57:00 --> 00:57:02

is a person who

00:57:04 --> 00:57:08

intends to do a bad deal and then they leave it for other than Allah.

00:57:10 --> 00:57:18

Nothing is nothing is. Okay. So they intended at night, you know, they wanted to smoke a blunt or something.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:22

It was Philly.

00:57:24 --> 00:57:27

So, so but then the night companies like,

00:57:28 --> 00:57:29

I'll feel like

00:57:31 --> 00:57:33

what's written? Nothing.

00:57:36 --> 00:57:36


00:57:38 --> 00:57:58

due to the time we'll cover distribution and reception next week, there's something very, very, very important. What out of all of this here because we're talking about what we're talking about receiving the book of one's deeds, we see that deeds are based on what

00:57:59 --> 00:58:07

intentions in the ml ml net, right, the deeds are based on intention.

00:58:09 --> 00:58:27

This, this by itself, should be enough should be a wake up call for each and every Muslim to really give a lot more consideration about what we intend to do. intentions start with Hawaiian

00:58:29 --> 00:58:32

intention, start with fleeting thoughts.

00:58:34 --> 00:58:51

You thought about something this is before you actually intended to do it. It started off as a what? As a thought. And this is why the 32 is the karma. How can a person be upright in a deed?

00:58:52 --> 00:59:09

It starts with his where he Rasul helot that a person protects his thoughts. We're not even talking about intentions yet. We're talking about thoughts. You don't control your thoughts.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:30

But you can control how much attention you give to them. You can control yourself from allowing your thoughts to run wild, you can control yourself from allowing thoughts to turn into decisions and intentions. So you might have saw something while you were walking down the street. caught your eye

00:59:31 --> 00:59:34

thought came to your mind, okay, you might not be able to control that.

00:59:36 --> 00:59:37

But can you control

00:59:39 --> 00:59:46

allowing that thought to linger in your mind and now become an intention to do something? Absolutely.

00:59:48 --> 01:00:00

And so even though Chi Rahim, Allah tada he mentioned that there are two things that a person has to do, to be upright and to meet Allah Subhana Allah upon is the karma, like the promise of life is celebration.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:41

When a man came and asked for by somebody come ask us for advice we give 10 minutes 20 minute conversation, man case approximately Some say give me some advice, something that I won't have to ask anybody about after you. In other words, it's so clear so clear that I don't need anybody else to explain it to me. Just give me some advice I'm sorry some pull me to Villa master can say I believe in a London be upright that's a class Yella go home. If somebody did that on Juma everybody throwing tomatoes at him, right, the problem is I some sick Queen I mentioned Villa, the master can say I believe in Allah and then be upright, being upright. You have to be able to control your

01:00:41 --> 01:01:18

thoughts. The second thing is true preparation for the Hereafter, which we're going to talk about next week inshallah. But I wanted to make this point because thoughts become intentions, if you think good things. If Allah Subhana Allah blesses you with that and you practice thinking good things, I want to do these good things out of blesses you to have the intentions to do those good things than being the lead that alternative action. But if you also think about evil things, things pop into your mind. And you allow a plan to develop, of how you're going to pull that thing off whatever it might be,

01:01:19 --> 01:01:42

then that is going to lead you down a road to doing evil things. So the way that you protect yourself from doing evil things is to cut it off at the root, which is your thoughts. We ask Allah Subhana Allah blesses and you are We ask Allah Subhana Allah Hafiz. tofi urbinati never dunya has no philanthropy Hasina Kakinada not Spanish colonial 100 Chateau La Nina and to stop croco into willick

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