Tahir Wyatt – Hijrah to Allah #04 – Allah’s Laws

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of "bo Oscar" in Islam, emphasizing the importance of avoiding actions that bring about displeasure and avoid activities that cause displeasure. They stress the need for mutual help and support in society to avoid overwhelming others, and emphasize the importance of fulfilling obligations towards the creation of the people in Islam. They also stress the need for individuals to be true to their actions and check themselves regularly, avoiding double-standing and not wanting to be in trouble.
AI: Transcript ©
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Only a long time and who said hassy boo? Boo seccombe cobbler en tu has a boo? Yeah yo

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mo de una Jetta who is Ma Ma pauletta nalsa

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continue moving Coco Neha Mota Mexican Bill wafi visa for if in heaven not hungry la moto want to stay in or want to start fiddle when all the learning Michaud who's in our car to Marina, Mia de la Vela mo de la la, la, la, la la la la la la la actor Buddha surely could overshadow Mohammedan Abdo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom it says neem and cathinone, Naomi Deen, Am I bad today inshallah tada we're going to move on with lesson four of the message to the people have or the message from trouble babe and okay him or him all loads, Adam.

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I will start with the following questions read the light era, the boundaries that are set by Allah or sometimes halau and other times how long do the law is sometimes halau in other times, harangue, clarify this meaning and how it relates to taqwa. And the reason why we're talking about this in relationship to tough one is because Allah has commanded us to cooperate and bear and taqwa so we need to understand the meanings of both.

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Even okay him or him or her law says that the efficiency in fulfilling the rights upon you go back to a subtle issue.

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There are rights you owe

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to Allah subhana wa tada and there are rights that you owe to the creation of Allah subhana wa tada Okay, you have rights at all times.

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When there is a deficiency and you fulfilling those rights, it goes back to a subtle issue.

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What is that issue?

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What role does the knifes which is often translated as your ego? What role does the knifes play and obstructing migration to Allah?

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Right, which ultimately, we're going to talk about today, inshallah Tada, which is our goal, we're trying to be on the path we migrate to Eliza. But there are obstacles in that path and enough's is one of those obstacles, what role does it play? Play? This inshallah we'll be able to answer. Hopefully, before sonatinas, we'll get we'll get to these questions, and then we'll pick up with the fifth lesson being the last two slides in it.

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But before we actually, you know, go into today's lesson, I want us to just briefly look at

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what we covered in the last class, because it was two weeks ago, because we missed last week due to the snow.

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We talked about the components of bitter, right, because we're right now we're trying to understand beer and tequila. So we talked about the components of beer. And we said, based on the ISO Let's baccara that the components of beer are three, like there's three main areas, three buckets, if you will, that you can put the components of Bill, what are they

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type Lisa, bill to

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Mr to another type, that can be a woman M and Li, a type e then the first one is what the first component is your beliefs, your beliefs, in Eliza in his angels, in his books in the prophets, right and the last day, and part of that belief in your in the last Pantheon is belief in other type. So therefore, that's one bucket, if you will, just from that. What else?

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Sorry, tell you

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what is then

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Southern because a lot and helping other What is that? Right overt acts of worship, like, which should automatically lead to what so we have overt acts of worship. Then we also have what are the actions of the heart, which is different from belief, right? And that's why when we talk about Amen. And we say that it's cold on wireman statement in action, we talked about statement of the heart we talking about its beliefs. We talk about actions of the heart, we're talking about loving Allah, turning to Allah relying upon Allah right. So that

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The difference between your you know statements or your beliefs of the heart and the actions of the heart. All right. So that's LBL. What is the definition of taqwa according to

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me, okay. I mentioned another definition. You missed the definition of telecom and Habib, Rahim Allah, but

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his definition is what?

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I'm looking for two major words

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that he used tight obedience to Allah to obey a law with two things with what

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to obey Allah with two things. Amen. And he said, Eman And he said it is to talk was To what? To obey Allah with a man and he said, Amen, which is usually translated as faith. It answers a question for us. What question does it answer?

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What prompted this action? What is it that pushed you in the first place to do it? Is it for Allah? Is it for something else? Do you believe that Allah legislated this this act? Do you believe the reward that Allah Subhana Allah has mentioned you will have if you do this act of obedience Okay, so that's

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it he said is one

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anticipating that reward so it answers the question what is sought by this action? What prompted the action is he meant what's what is sought through this action? Right? Is it the praise of the people his agenda? Is it what right so whatever it is, is being sought from this action then this is what is known as at Sam like, that's beer. That's tough one what happens when we couple beer into

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you got a book

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by what happens when we couple beers and telkwa What does bid refer to what the stuff are referred to?

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Manoj can lead some sukoon

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Okay, so so bid would be the righteous actions and Tuchel would be you avoiding the refraining from the Haram and those things that are displeasing to Allah Spencer. Yeah, that's basically that's it. No km.

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talks about the relationship between what the means and the goal. So bear is the goal. The goal is that you actually do righteous actions, right? That you do those things that are pleasing to Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And taqwa is the means right? to, to that goal. So that's the week from from a week higher, which is prevention. So you're trying to avoid right doing those things which will bring about the displeasure of Allah Subhana who what, okay.

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Okay, is the last question we asked you about what proceeded but I think we need sometimes you got to get these questions so that you can come get your head back in the game. Yeah. Type. The last thing that we that we discussed in the last class was the importance of understanding Quranic phrases Quranic expressions, right? In the middle came Rahim, Allah to add it says that had the who will never need this is the sum total of beneficial knowledge. Right? It's understanding what Allah saying in the Quran. Right. Now, he says that there are two harms,

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if you will, associated with not understanding the Quranic terms. What are those two harms?

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execute one

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type so I'm going to give you two words inclusion exclusion type help me. How do we how do we talk about it? Yeah.

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mean the same thing.

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True, but, but he's specifically saying that it's harmful if we don't understand the Quranic terms.

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Why? Because you may include in that term something that is not, that is not meant by that term. Or you may exclude from the term something that is meant from it. Right? So, for example,

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a brother asked me about, is it? Is it permissible to have friends that are non Muslim? Right? Because of all the verses in the Koran to talk about the fact that you can't have non Muslim friends? tell you? What, where's that in the Quran?

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Oh, yeah, haha, is a is a is a Willie, the same as a friend.

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Exactly. But we don't understand the terminology properly. Right? Then a friend, somebody that you work with, you give some

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wisdom, but you get the idea, you may even have a meal with them, you may work with them on a project or whatever. And you may say that, yes, my friend, you know, whatever, that's very different from a worldly, right, somebody that you take, and you can find, and that you that you look to, to help protect you at times. And so that's, that's very different, right. And so,

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understanding that understanding the terminology is important, right, because otherwise, we may include in the meanings that which like we talked about last

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summer, Reba and so forth, people may include in it that which is not from it, or exclude any meanings that actually do fall under that category. So understanding the terminology from the poor is very important. So that we do not do that, that we do not include what is not part of that terminology and that we don't exclude from it that which should be considered part of terminology.

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So today, just to go back over the broad themes very quickly, we're going to inshallah, we're going to get to the point where we talk about migration to Allah, that's going to be in the second dubs after saturation shala we're still under definition of bitter and tough one right now.

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And we want to talk about the Hadoop of Allah insha Allah and also just kind of wrap up this thought about what our new Allah ability what taqwa of Allah spent Allah commanded us in Quran to cooperate upon beer and tequila tell you

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this is from Paige, I want to say 13 But hold on,

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sorry, man, you just made me depressed. So, alright, page 11.

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So, so, here, we actually made it to this point here. Therefore, therefore, whenever people gather or interact with each other, they are required to help one another in beer and time before before we start, inshallah just just from the etiquettes of

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reading the books of the people of knowledge, right? Is that before we start at the very beginning, we want to say even Okay, am Rahim Mahalo to Anna said always want to make dua for the one who were benefiting from right. So especially at the beginning, right, so And oftentimes if you're reading to

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you know, to somebody else, if you're reading to your sheet or you read it so even just somebody doing medacta with you studying with right when you stop and start again you want to say color hemo Hola, right, just to get used to making dua for the one that you're benefiting from right.

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Law. Therefore, whenever people gather or interact with each other, they are required to help one another in beer and stop right there. This is a requirement is not optional, right? And it's very important for us when we see these things allies are jealous commanding us, okay. When we gather with people when we interact with people, which is when daily, all the time, then our command, our mandate from the Quran is to help one another embittered and taqwa now, just like explain how we begin.

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Each person should have this companion in this with knowledge and with action. An individual cannot independently help themselves. So Hannah last look. Okay, go ahead along his supreme wisdom from his supreme wisdom has decreed

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That human survival should be through mutual help and support and this is the way that Allah subhana wa tada created us even though came by Him alone other places when he he's quoting other scholars insane who met Danny Yun tuber. Yanni naturally, we are medini any civilized we need civilization to survive, right this is not a reality show somebody drop you off in the middle of the, the the forest and you figure out how to survive. But that's not how Allah Subhana Allah created us. So there is an interdependence, okay, that exists between human beings that does not negate to walk code, right? When we talk about to walk, what are we talking about

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the hearts reliance upon Allah subhana wa tada recognizing that everything that you need is in his hands. So Hannah was recognizing that if it was best for you, then you would have it by the will of Allah subhana wa Tada, this is part of your token, and your token corresponds with your husband have been living there.

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The better your thoughts are of a loss of hematology, the better your assumptions are the more your tobacco grows and get to Walker will decrease in accordance to your lack of personal valuables what's

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the point here is what even okay am here an individual cannot independently help himself. You cannot pray select and Gemma without other people just doesn't work. You will never be any man. If there's nobody behind you. You will never be a man. If there's nobody praying in front of you. I mean, the reality is is every aspect there are very few things in terms of bad debts, that the profit is locked to a sedan prescribed to be done independently as in a big thing. Like for example at Caf

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at camp, you're supposed to be secluded. That's that's the purpose of ettiquette. But just about everything else that we do on a on a large scale in terms of the the pillars of rd, right, which you cannot do by yourself, Ramadan, and Allison hands out in those best unless you're in a very dark place, you're going to not go to be doing Ramadan, you're not gonna be fasting by yourself, the rest of the Muslims are going to be fast is one of the things that actually makes it easier to do a better is that other people are doing that activity bed pains a cat, yes, that is an individual obligation. But even the paying of the cat A lot of times, a lot of times people choose to pay the

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cat time, the first time they pays the cat in Ramadan, or first 10 days with the agent. And that's kind of how it repeats the cycle for the rest of their lives on the money. The point being is what

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that even activity bad, even activity bad are often done, not independently, right? The building of massage, usually not an independent things, usually people putting their money together establishing the massage.

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So an individual cannot independently help himself. Therefore, what's happening? What is he saying to us here, Allah has decreed that human survival, in fact, should be through mutual help and support and the Nate that the survival of the human race is through marriage.

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I'm talking with the physical survival, right? How do we procreate through marriage that has to be done by people coming together? Right? That coming together when we gather needs to be on beer, and tequila, beer and tequila? And what does better mean?

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here when we say because we're saying better antiqua together not bitter separately and talk with separately? What does it mean?

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That we are encouraging each other and not just encouraging each other with words, we're making it easy for each other to be better servants of a loss to be better worshipers through encouragement and through making it easy, right? Somebody may not get to the master they live a distance from the master is difficult for them. You pick them up, you've made it easy. That's Taiwan either.

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You call them in the morning to help wake them up this time another sample, right?

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That's Taiwan a little bit and a tough one. One, helping to make it easy for them not to disobey Allah.

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So I mean, these are just things that that you really have to think about. And the reason why I you know, this is really profound for us as a

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as a Muslim community in America.

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Because here's panela I mean, so much just causes to this. individualism, radical autonomy just like it's all about me. You don't we don't know our neighbors. I mean even Subhana Allah William noun and now right which means what I shake and what you write down so that

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no one else was telling

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to that Well yeah, that means what they're preventing even those, those small things like when your neighbor comes in said, Can I get two eggs I can't just try to finish up this cake I don't can't run all the way to the store, you know, but do people even do that? I'm not saying it doesn't happen at all. But it's not like it used to be. Because we moved away from that we become a very individualistic society, which which ultimately destroys relationships. Even when people get married, it's all about them

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all about their needs. It's not about building a family compromising Now, I'm not saying compromising your your faith,

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but compromising some things that may make you comfortable for the betterment of the largest situation.

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That's not even something we think about anymore,

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along with

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time shift from

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sending in transgression. So sin and transgression. What we're trying to figure out here is what is the difference between an athame which is usually translated as sin, and the other one, which is normally translated as transgression

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do not help one another in Islam, and

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is parallel to enjoying beer. And taqwa the difference between Islam and Iran is that it refers to deeds that are prohibited in themselves such as adultery, drinking liquor and steel okay.

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So where it says drinking liquor and the Arabic it says shorter banhammer right drinking karma

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Okay. What's the difference between liquor and karma?

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Karma Karma is broader and then look commerce a broader term covered that the last time I'm not going back over

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and stealing

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time so if then refers to what acquire

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those things that are prohibited in themselves No.

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One on the other hand, refers to deeds that exceed the limits set but losses

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such as marrying a fifth wife time marrying a wife is permissible or impermissible

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a wife anyway

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permissible rights might be dependent depending on the person type marrying two wives is permissible 345 hold on tight. So the hustle right that the concept of marriage in and of itself is is good, right? But going beyond is the one right when you go beyond the limit there that has been set by law so whatever, then it becomes the one so that's the difference when they mentioned together it's in refers those things that it's a sin oscillate in itself whereas the other one is those things that are permissible when you go beyond that then it becomes transgression

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such as marrying a fifth wife or

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we're demanding more than ones right invalid ransom

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blood ransom here

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the Arabic says that many it which means the one who was I don't know the proper term for that.

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The one who the victim of the crime the victim okay. So demanding more than ones right.

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When when that person has been a victim, it may not just be blood ransom, right because there's different depending on what the the crime was committed. And then the the money that will be due to that person will vary.

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Based on the crime, or the compensation, I should say, is going to vary based on crime. So it's not just the blood ransom. But anyway, the point is that if somebody requests more than the adu, then that is owed to one. And that is transgression

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of law says

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stop there for that Tarik to do. Uh huh. So don't want to go beyond them. Don't cross them. Don't transgress them. Okay, no, well,

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these are the limits ordained by law. So do not transgress them. Whoever transgresses the limits ordained by a law Such are the wrongdoers now, so let's go down to the bottom and my dad is Sadie keen, and we don't claim explains the difference between these two terms. But that is Sadie Kane, we're going to talk about that in a little bit. inshallah, just that that's one of the larger works of whom will pay him where he deals with what they call ranks, the ranks of the Divine secrets, not fun in

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public. Yeah, I explained the difference between these two terms as follows. Income setting refers to these that are prohibited in themselves such as like adultery, drinking liquor, etc.

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One transgression, on the other hand, refers to deeds that are prohibited in amount or excess with one is to exceed the permissible limits, such as demanding from others more than one's right, and money body or Allah. But for instance, from that takes without write a piece of wood belonging to another man, it would be the one if the latter, if that man demands and settlement, the first man's entire house, right? So he's saying, You took this piece of wood, and then you built your house with it. Right? So what is he requesting back not the piece of wood, he said, Give me the whole house. Right? That's how you can make this right. That's why

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it's two times but but it would be obviously is permissible for him to get in compensation his piece of wood back or or be compensated for it for its value. Know, that which relates to a loss rate. And that which relates to people's rights. If they

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are coupled, when they appear together, each of them will carry its distinctive meaning. But when either of them appear separately, it includes the meaning of the other. Right, so when Islam is mentioned by itself, it includes what those things that are harm in themselves and a person going beyond the limits of those things that are permissible. So that's all and if one is mentioned by itself, then it's also inclusive of Lytham. Okay. But when they mentioned together and that's the the, then they each carry a different meaning. Now, this is because

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this is because every form of Islam is also looked at wine constituting violating a prohibit prohibition, or neglecting an obligation. Likewise, every form of good wine is also because a person commits It

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is simple, man. All right. So

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so here we have here we have, these are the limits. Let's just go back very quickly. At the last I tilka, who do the live data to do, right? These are the limits ordained by law, so do not trans. Rest them. All right. So let's just try to picture this very quickly. All right.

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Tell you what you see here.

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Oh, man.

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Okay, offense, that's really what I wanted you to look at not the cows.

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Tell you so why do you think that fences there?

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Right. So it probably because that the land that's there on the right hand side is belongs to somebody else, right. So the the property is being cut off by this head. This is called a head

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in the plural of head is Whoa, dude. All right. So here we have this, these Whoa, dude that are laid out this boundary. Okay. Now,

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on the left side of the boundary, if you will, all of that is permissible for them to graze that belongs to their owner they can graze there.

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And where the head comes in, that part is permitted.

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But if they go beyond that, then what? Then they then they've transgressed. They've crossed that boundary. Right and they went into the part that is impermissible by we got that.

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Hold on.

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COMM ry yo whoa lol Hema, right like the prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam when he talked about the shepherd who's taking his his flock real close to those to that impermissible part the Haman which which is with the the king Kingsland Okay, so it takes him to close what's going to happen? They almost fallen into it right. So, but but he is still permissible up to this point is still permissible

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what what's not permissible is going beyond don't cross I'm just one sec one step at a time shall keep reading.

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Uh huh.

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Go ahead. These are the limits set by law. So do not approached. Alright, now, interestingly enough, when you get a chance, you can go back and you can look at the ways using them cry, that tag to do hair, learn takanobu don't what don't cross them for certain some verses don't go near them. And other verses Why? Before we read on why?

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Because if you go near to my cross

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my cross you will cross fight. Let's see what he says. Let's see what it says you'll have a different appreciation for it in a minute. inshallah. First is Allah Subhana Allah Allah for bids transgressing his limits, whereas in the second is equal bids approaching them Hmm. A laws limit separate between allowed and

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in some cases, they are part of the prohibition. Okay. So

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go ahead, you can read it as it is, but I want you to see a BC that Exxon prohibition, put it at this is okay, for the sake of just clarifying. As I mentioned before, the translator was using a previous Arabic edition when he when he translated and there was some confusion in the Arabic. Alright, just make it clear.

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So what you see down here, okay, that's what it should say.

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This is what it should say you can go ahead and read what it says and then we'll read what it should say. Okay. A lot of them. It's separate between Heller and the haraam. In some cases, they are part of the prohibition and thus may not be transgressed. In other cases, they are not included in the prohibition, and one is instructed to stay away from them as a safety measure, okay, now, let's read what it should say what it should say is, we see what it says in some cases. Okay, you can write this in your book if you need to, in some cases, the boundary is included in the halab.

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In the should not be crossed. It's the boundary itself is a part of the halau. Like, if we go back to our picture here, right, that boundary, you get to that bound, it's hella the boundary itself is part of the Halla which you can't cross it. So it should not be crossed. In other cases, the boundary is part of the Heron and therefore prohibited to approach. Okay, what does that look like? Let's look like let's look at this and then we're going to go back to, okay, on this time, the right side is where you get the pasture. Okay? Now, this part of the, the gate, okay? That's somebody else's property, that gate,

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that boundary there, that's somebody else's property, your property stops at the first gate on the right hand side. So everything over there is,

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is what is permissible, everything over there is permissible.

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So you shouldn't do what

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cross hold on Nana.

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So for that, that one on the right hand side is still permissible. So you shouldn't do what crossing this one. That boundary is not permissible. So you shouldn't do what? go near it.

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Got it. Let's go back and read this again. So the first I lost friends Allah forbids transgressing his limits, whereas in the second eye, he forbids what approaching them. And that's because a laws limits separate between halaal and Han, in some cases, those

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limits, those boundaries are included in the halab.

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So when it's halau, you can get close to it, but you can't, you can't cross it. You shouldn't cross it, in other cases is part of the Haram. And when it's like that you shouldn't even get close to it. Right? So Allah Subhana Allah hamama Zina, what led takanobu Xena don't even go close to it because it's hot on. But when a lot of talks about marriage tilka who do the life or that type to do? Because marriage is hella.

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And so these are the limits that have been set by law. So don't go beyond them Don't cross them. And that's every case in the Quran. When you read the difference between takanobu hair what I tend to her don't go close, don't transgress. So those things that you don't transgress, they are as a rule, they are permissible. And those things that you don't know close to from the holdover law, they are as a rule what hora and themselves clear

00:36:12 --> 00:36:37

in the first, Nam, so you play you play, the two obligations, keep reading obligations, we have, we're on page 13. The two obligations now we have shown we have shown that in dealing with other people, one has the obligation of helping them to act according to beer and taqwa with both knowledge and action, what's what's both knowledge and action mean? When you help people with beer and tequila, come on.

00:36:46 --> 00:36:46


00:36:48 --> 00:36:50

All right. So, I gave some examples of that

00:36:51 --> 00:36:52

bring it back.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:01

So knowledge is like like, like you mentioned encouraging them to, to do acts of a bed and action would be what?

00:37:03 --> 00:37:08

Making making the worship easier for them. Right?

00:37:09 --> 00:37:29

picking them up and taking them to the master as to our inaction, right? Knowledge would be you actually Mashallah you live very close to the masjid. It's, you know, you should pray and the congregation all the time, right? That's helping with knowledge. I mean, I mean, the examples are endless. No.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:40

One's application to it is Lord. Okay. So even Okay, him now is shifting. Because before he was talking about what

00:37:42 --> 00:38:03

he was talking about your obligation to the people, this whole introduction, is built on to obligations, your obligation to the people which is what he started with. Because the law started with that, what I want, who I love very what's up we'll work together, cooperate on better taqwa. That's your obligation, to the creation,

00:38:04 --> 00:38:14

to build with Tacoma, that's our window and it's more than one what tuffle law and have Taqwa of Allah, that's your obligation to, to Allah

00:38:17 --> 00:38:17


00:38:19 --> 00:38:33

as for one's obligation towards his Lord suppiler, who went to Allah is to favor obeying Him and avoid this obedience. This is indicated in the next part that earlier I went to home,

00:38:34 --> 00:39:05

Amanda and revere and fear alone. Therefore, this ayah indicates that there are two obligations upon every human being one to the creation and the other toward the Creator. A person cannot fulfill the obligation unless the first obligation you're not fulfilled the first obligation unless the associates with the people sincerely offering them advice, kindness and care okay.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:55

This is actually the what it says so can you can you read a person cannot person cannot fulfill the first obligation that is toward the creation right? Because the first obligation is toward the creation right as it as it comes in the I have sold. It's amazing. Yeah. Until he removes his ego from the equation that was not mentioned in here. That's why that's why it's there. It's this part is super important, by the way, was the only reason if it was trivial. I would I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it. But this is important is going to come again. So in the Arabic This is what it says right? So and I put it up there it says well I etymological oh one in Latvia. azulene fc he

00:39:55 --> 00:39:57

Minal was okay.

00:39:58 --> 00:40:00

He cannot fulfill

00:40:00 --> 00:40:11

First obligation until he removes his knifes from the equation before until he removes his knifes from between him and the people

00:40:13 --> 00:40:18

he's got to get his ego out the way he's got to be selfless no

00:40:22 --> 00:40:22


00:40:24 --> 00:40:25

no not here

00:40:27 --> 00:40:28

not here

00:40:29 --> 00:40:30


00:40:31 --> 00:41:12

sure doing so with sincerity sand and carrot not the Mac then you'll see how it works anyway I know likewise a person cannot fulfill the second obligation unless he prevents all the things from intruding between him and a law that that's very well stated there. Okay, a person cannot fulfill the second obligation so he prevents all created things in lab as little Hulk emotional bank. Right prevents all creative things from intruding between him and Allah. I think that's very well put all right, Jay. He should do this for a loss sake with sincerity, love and adoration.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:31

These several rules must be well understood otherwise false will arise in fulfilling the obligation in terms of either knowledge or practice. Yeah, okay, stop there. So I retranslated that part where it says these subtle rules, okay.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:40

Must be well understood. Otherwise faults will arise and fulfilling the two obligations. So he says for young buggy

00:41:41 --> 00:42:06

at fault truly heavy Hidaka allottee kulu Halloran yet colada lab dv. He has been in YG Bay in the middle woman it marotti here maratea Aleman woman, and hence, he says it is important to be aware of this subtle point, this subtle point for every deficiency that occurs and fulfilling these two obligations, what two obligations,

00:42:08 --> 00:42:31

obligations to the people and the creation as a whole, because our obligation doesn't stop when, usually, yeah, we translate as people, but we have an obligation to the environment, we have an obligation to animals, I mean, this, this is real in Islam. Now most of our obligations are going to be to people, you know, other people, but we have obligations that go beyond that, when it comes to creation.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:57

So the, for every deficiency that occurs in fulfilling these two obligations, the first obligation is towards the creation, second obligation towards the Create toward Allah Subhana. Allah, every deficiency that occurs in fulfilling these two obligations is ultimately due to a failure of recognizing it, or implementing it.

00:42:59 --> 00:43:04

Like, this subtle point, what is this subtle point?

00:43:09 --> 00:43:10

j, keep on.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:13


00:43:14 --> 00:43:18

It's gonna get deeper, by the way, just if you if you wait, you might find your answer.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:23

I mean, it's, it's a time.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:57

Just let's just take it step by step, step by step. The first thing is, it's only easy to say if you know it. So the first part is to know it, and then you work on it. Right? And then there are things that inshallah as we go through, this is the whole point that we are going through this free salad together, it's this is not for y'all, but it is for me. All right, that, that we go through this together, and we really try to understand it a little claim is not going to leave us without a formula. All right?

00:43:58 --> 00:44:26

Meaning he's not just going to throw it out there, and not tell you how you can get to this point in the lab. So there are certain things and I'm saying but in the next 10 minutes before we start, select Chola we'll get to some of those things, like my point here is that this subtle point actually is inclusive of two things. Right? The one is removing your ego that says it relates to the creation, and the other is a class as it relates to Allah.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:41

Okay, that is the subtle point. So both what selflessness and sincerity. That is the subtle point, even though there's two things right, which, which is why I think that the translator

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

acted to say these subtle rules, right? But don't call him cause it had he a ducky. And this really subtle point here. selflessness, and sincerity is gonna come. I mean, you're gonna see this theme throughout the evening later. All right. Time.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:10

This is the meaning of what shear and do all the lgn we have so said before we before we read what he said read the footnote please he is

00:45:12 --> 00:45:13

he is

00:45:15 --> 00:45:28

Gianni he was born in jail in addition district in Central Asia, right. So that's why they call him four different things. They call him an LG nanny. They call him a Killarney. They call him LGD. And they call him al Keeley

00:45:29 --> 00:45:42

Mahima, who lived and died in Baghdad. He was a well known scholar and teacher. He led the way a Sufi way is falsely attributed to him as well. Excessive Sufi statements

00:45:45 --> 00:45:47

and novella yeah see Rama novella. So

00:45:49 --> 00:45:51

he was the shape of it been Kodama

00:45:53 --> 00:45:55

and the it will Kodama.

00:45:56 --> 00:46:01

Just one McDuffie, the famous hambly fucky.

00:46:02 --> 00:46:05

Who actually gonna read something from him later on in shaba there

00:46:06 --> 00:46:15

so the cardinal Gilani I mean without going too far, but shapeless name quotes him often we talked about him also when we study the law with the

00:46:17 --> 00:46:20

client calls him often as well. And the reason why

00:46:22 --> 00:46:43

they quote him often will low tide item is to explain the statements that he makes like this, that have been mis explained if you will misinterpret it by by those who follow a you know, his Sufi order and it's really not his but I'm saying that they attribute their order to him, no matter

00:46:45 --> 00:46:45


00:46:46 --> 00:47:02

That's when you couldn't get Alec lm yes and the Be willing, yes. Oh, amaroo 404. In your relationship with Allah Ha. Let it be None. None of the creation. Have you ever met anybody named Abdul haq?

00:47:04 --> 00:47:09

tight, I'll have here. Yanni Allah azza wa jal from the names of Allah.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:55

What will happen will be tight in your relationship with el Hackel with the law, let there be none of the creation, change it in your relationship with the people, let there be no part for yourself. A person who does not do this will be in continuous confusion. And his affairs will always be at a loss a loss, right? So, so here he says, in your relationship with Allah, let there be none of the creation that is, do not let your attachment to the people come between you and Allah, one of the greatest destroyers of your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is react.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:01

Okay, it's you want other people to see your worship of Allah.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:45

Don't let the people come between you. And Allah, period. And this is this is what he's saying, because one of the greatest destroyers of that relationship is his earlier that is seeking to be praised by people, this is the basis of react, right? That you want to be noticed by people and you want to be praised by people. I mean, ultimately, you want to be noticed, so that you can be praised. And that is a form of reward. If you want your reward from the people, perhaps a loss parents either will allow you to have that reward from the people, but it won't be anything. You You won't get that from him, he will not get that reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Likewise, he goes

00:48:45 --> 00:49:03

on to say, let me finish please, on this particular point, a person he then says and in your relationship with the people, let there be no part for yourself. So if you look at the bottom, he says that is do not allow selfishness to come between you and the people. Your relationship

00:49:05 --> 00:49:14

with the people should be based on you giving them their rights, and not necessarily you getting your full due from them.

00:49:16 --> 00:49:29

If If you start to feel unappreciated, when you start to feel marginalized, and so forth, that can cause you not to give the people their rights.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:48

And maybe you're even wrong in the way you feel. Maybe you just don't feel appreciated enough. You don't feel like you've been thanked enough. Right? But if you take yourself out of the equation, and you do what you do for Allah subhanho wa Taala then your reward will be with allies.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:56

And you'll be you'll be able to continue with cooperating on bitter and tough.

00:49:58 --> 00:50:00

Yes, and you will be continued

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

With that, alright, so if you ask yourself and we're gonna we're gonna read some of what Immanuel Kant and Rahim Allah tala says about this.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:37

How can you get to this level? Yes. How you get there is through a class and said, Look, we talked about these two terms, we don't even know claims letter to one of his brothers. When his campaigns there's a difference between a class and set, though they are related a class when we say sincerity, and said that when we say truthfulness, who remembers the difference between those two?

00:50:39 --> 00:50:39


00:50:44 --> 00:50:54

Exactly. So a class is what? Again, what motivates you to do it's that a man part what motivates you is your sincerity in doing that action?

00:50:55 --> 00:50:57

So he the moron.

00:50:58 --> 00:51:12

And acidic is tauheed and iraida. That is, that is that you have totally dedicated yourself to that thing. Right? How did you just say,

00:51:16 --> 00:51:27

as simple as being truthful in the action itself, so you got up, right? To pray for a loss of habitat and you went to the masjid for the sake of a loss of habitat

00:51:28 --> 00:51:29

for Salah.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:42

And when you start praying the salaat your signal is that you were true to the salon. And when you say Allahu Akbar, it comes out your mouth, truthfully, your heart realizes that nothing else matters to you, because Allah,

00:51:44 --> 00:52:26

Allah truly is greater than any of you are, you are in it. Right? So, so actually doing that thing to the fullest extent of your power to sit look, in a class, this is how you will get to that level, where you do what you do for Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And there's nothing there's none of the creation in between. and it's it, it's a struggle. It's a struggle. Well, Edina, jahad do, Vina the not the gnome sabudana those who strive in our calls that will guide them to our our weeks, so lots of hair data, as letting us know that this is from his tofik it's not just because you want it

00:52:27 --> 00:52:39

is from his tofik. And it is through your striving be in the lines and that you will get that trophy from a loss of habitat. But there's another part because how do we get too acidic? And how do we get to a class?

00:52:40 --> 00:52:40


00:52:42 --> 00:52:44

see that it really boils down to this.

00:52:46 --> 00:52:47

Real What did you

00:52:53 --> 00:52:59

see in your heart? Seeing your heart Okay, keep moving. Keep going. What else? What else? Hmm?

00:53:00 --> 00:53:17

holding yourself accountable. Okay. So Mohammed is an accountant, right? And will have supposed to hold yourself accountable. Okay, let's look at it from that angle from that lens. I want to talk about this and then we'll break for slideshow. We'll come back and we'll go a little deeper on this point.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:19


00:53:20 --> 00:53:21

what does that actually mean?

00:53:24 --> 00:53:28

To take account yourself, because people always translate like that. But what does that really mean?

00:53:30 --> 00:53:32

Anybody? Anybody here on a business?

00:53:34 --> 00:53:40

Yeah. hamdulillah All right. I'm just gonna talk to those guys that have businesses. I want everybody else to listen. Do you have an accountant?

00:53:44 --> 00:53:45

You need one brother.

00:53:46 --> 00:53:47

You have an accountant.

00:53:49 --> 00:53:50

You have an accountant.

00:53:52 --> 00:53:53

Okay, what does the accountant do?

00:53:58 --> 00:54:15

checks and balances checks was coming in and was going out. Okay. Now, if the accountant messes up badly and there's a flag that's raised then what happens? You get anybody audited?

00:54:17 --> 00:54:25

Okay, so I'm not only alone Tana and who said hassy boo, boo circum. cobbler en tu has a boo.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:36

You take account of yourselves get your books in order straight before the day comes when you will be taken account of before they come in and audit you.

00:54:38 --> 00:54:50

audit yourself do a self audit before you get audited. That's why I want you to understand the concept has we also take account taking what does that actually mean? That you take account of yourself.

00:54:51 --> 00:54:56

It's like if you had a business partner that you knew was not straight.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

You know he stuff in from somewhere.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:04

crooked, you're gonna watch him very closely enough says worse.

00:55:05 --> 00:55:22

Your knifes is worse than that business partner, you got to check it all the time to make sure it's not out of order. All right? And so if you think well, how often should I do that? How often would you check a crooked business partner? You definitely at least once a day, you're gonna make sure that

00:55:23 --> 00:55:56

everything line lines up, right? Like, wait a minute, the books look a little short today. I know I saw a whole lot of people in the store. There's a whole lot of orders. Why don't we write so you check. So the path towards setup and class sincerity and truthfulness is constant, more hassle. You have to audit yourself frequently. really ask yourself, why am I doing? And why am I doing it?

00:55:57 --> 00:56:03

And that has to become like, a pattern for yourself? What is it that I'm really doing here?

00:56:05 --> 00:56:35

And why am I doing it? You keep asking yourself that question and you don't want it to lead to what's wasa? Right, which is where you just stop doing anything because you're scared you're not doing it for a lot. That's another trick from shaytaan. Right? But you do want to ask yourself enough, that you start feeling a little bit uncomfortable about some of the things that you might have done or might be intending to do, and you're checking yourself. Right. So this is very important that we get to that point, inshallah and then we'll talk a little bit more about

00:56:36 --> 00:56:54

this, this particular narration on shake up the cardinal gene and you know him Allah, where he says in your relationship with Al haq, let there be none of the creation, any relationship with the people, let there be no part for yourself. We'll talk a little bit more about that epsilon a Shabbat

00:56:55 --> 00:56:58

shalom hunting shadowline and to sakurako to really

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