Suleiman Hani – Overcoming The Fear of Failure

Suleiman Hani
AI: Summary ©
The importance of embracing and embracing failure is emphasized, along with the need for people to redefined their success principles and reexamine their behavior. The importance of paying attention to science and guidelines is also emphasized. The speaker advises the audience to focus on actions and lessons from past failures, and offers guidance and resources for past failures. The importance of learning and avoiding fear is emphasized, along with the need for personal growth and staying true to their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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fear of failure,

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because I failed at many job interviews before. So we said, what is your standard of success for this job interview? Is it for you to get the job? So if you don't get the job, does that mean you failed.

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And in reality, in reality, he had no experience as a CEO before, he set a really high bar for himself. And it's very likely that the board might have had predetermined preferences. So his standard for what it means to succeed, and his standard or understanding of failure was based on something personal and truly emotional. But it was not based on something reasonable in terms of his track record. So when he redefined what it meant he didn't get the job. When he redefined what it meant for him to succeed. He actually overcame the fear itself and found no problem getting into the process of applying in the first place. Sometimes we don't take steps because we are our greatest

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obstacles. Sometimes our fear ends up preventing us from things that we would never otherwise accomplish. Think about the costs in your life, the cost of inaction, not knowing could I have succeeded, could I have accomplished what if I had tried again, so redefining failure, understanding that success is that which follows so anytime you fall short, try again and try better. Remember to

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reflect on Allah's decree, and seeking help from Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Because as believers when something happens to us, we are not responsible for it. We are responsible for how we respond. You cannot control the things that happened to you. You cannot control the father, the decree that befell you, but you can certainly control how you feel about it and how you process it and how you will respond to it's and this is why the very first thing that believer says when something happens, but don't a long one, I shot a fan or England in LA, we're in a in a garage around to Allah we belonged, and to Him as our return. We do not control the things that befall us, but you can certainly control and you are held accountable for how you respond to these things. Seek

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help from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Number three.

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The fear of failure, and the strong emotions that we feel at times are okay.

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Oftentimes when people think I have a strong fear of failure, so I don't try, I don't leave my comfort zone.

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They assume that because there are strong emotions that they should not try or that there's something bad about this situation. But emotions like guilt or shame or fear, can actually be extremely powerful. Because when you have these strong emotions they are in other words, a type of alert, a type of warning, a reminder, pay attention, something important is bothering you, something is affecting you. Something is requiring your attention and perhaps if you channel it in the proper way, that fear itself those emotions, they can end up being the catalyst for the action itself, the action of resolution, the action of correcting something, the action of trying again, maybe 721

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times. So don't feel that feeling bad about failures problematic.

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Number four, if it matters to you, and you feel that your fear is hindering your success in life, then give it its attention and it's time in terms of planning strategize, how do you strategize when it comes to the fear of failure number one.

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With regards to strategy, a lot of studies show that when people set approach goals rather than avoidance goals, they are more likely to be successful. What are approach goals. Approach goals are when you think of your objective in terms of what you want, and how you feel about accomplishing something. Whereas an avoidance goal is for you to want to get something done for the sake of avoiding something harmful. As believers we have an equilibrium and a balance of both. That our approach goal for the afterlife is Janna. It is to meet Allah subhanaw taala. It is to please him. At the same time, some of us might struggle with regards to fear, fear of shortcomings fear of

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consequences, having that equilibrium in terms of avoiding punishment, avoiding hardship in this life, and the next helps us to align our goals with our greater objective. So make sure that when you're setting goals, they're not always emphasizing avoiding something rather you're trying to approach or accomplish something. Another example of strategizing pay attention to the science. Pay attention to this

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Signs, pay attention to the signs. We're living in a fast paced era in which many people are not paying attention, not just to the signs, they're not paying attention to anything. They're walking on their phones, they're falling into water fountains, they're walking on their phones, and they're talking and they're chatting and they're having fun. And then bam, they hit into the wall. Why? Pay attention to the signs, if your friend is driving on the highway, and you're sitting in the passenger seat, and a warning sign comes up, and he says caution, danger ahead, caution, accident, caution, slow down, then your friend ignores the first sign. They ignore the second sign they ignore

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the third sign in the bank.

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We can't really blame anyone but ourselves in that situation. Pay attention to the signs, they are all around us and within us as well. The concept of perfect God as you find it in the Quran to reflect it's about everything. It's very general encompasses every minor and major thing, every grain of sand, every drop of rain, every leaf that falls every cloud that passes by and every star in the heavens. It includes the beating of your heart, the movement of the blood, every breath you take. And then there's another type of reflection which is to deadbolt. To that border in the Quran is specifically mentioned when Allah discusses and mentions areas of the Quran, Leah did borrow it.

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So there's perfect code and there's a book for you to reflect on. The signs within the Quran will give you the tools and the resources to overcome fear of failure to overcome fear of worldly things to overcome fear of the future and uncertainties of the future. Allah subhanaw taala describes the Quran as she felt only Matthew solo. It is a healing for what is in the hearts. And if you feel in your heart, there is something preventing you from living to your potential from being a better person from acting upon that thing that you know you can act upon from overcoming any kind of obstacle. Then utilize the Quran or the signs within the Quran so that you are gaining efficiency

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and clarity and all that you do. May Allah subhanaw taala make us and our loved ones amongst the people of the Quran, Allah Allah Amin

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and point number five. So for strategize point number five, focus on the lessons, focus on the action. What are you doing moving forward, if you fall short, because of a trigger or an environment or a bad friend, and you're not learning from it, and you do it again and you're not learning from it and you do it again and you're not learning from it until when? Until when will you finally say I have to change what I'm doing. Focus on learning lessons. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Ali, his Salatu was Salam ala you will meet him in Johannine where he didn't model attain the believers should not be stung twice from the same source that also includes yourself if I fall short

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and I have a fear of failure, what will I do? What will I reflect on what lesson will I take so that next time there will not be a next time so that I can plan properly and be efficient? I have to focus on the lessons 721 times he failed and yet he succeeded.

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How many times do we try and try again and try again? And so on that notes just to kind of wake us up in the last four minutes and 55 seconds. If you fail 10 times at something you want to accomplish? What should you do? You should try again? What if you fail 20 times you gave him you eat that cheesecake you gave in? What should you do? How many people like cheesecake Alhamdulillah May Allah Allah grant you the cheesecake of Jana olam I mean, you guys will remember that dua inshallah

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that's probably all we remember right? What if you fail 20 times? What should you do?

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Try again, what if you failed 50 times? What should you do? Try again? What if you failed 100 times? What should you do? Try again this time I want to hear from everyone in sha Allah. What if you fail 1000 times what should you do? What if you failed a million times? What should you do? Try again. Allah subhana wa Tada gives us all the resources and reminders and the guidance and the clarity. No matter how many times you fell short, there is always hope for you as long as your heart is beating, there is hope for you. Try again, try again. Try again.

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May Allah subhanaw taala make us and our loved ones amongst those who are constantly conquering our fears. May Allah subhanaw taala guide us and grant us strength and stability and steadfastness May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us all for our shortcomings and give us the strength to know that we can by the will of Allah subhanaw taala accomplish what we want. And on this last note, even the prophets, even the prophets and messengers, when they saw that there was a shortcoming or they fell short in something, they turn back to Allah and that is the methodology of the believers. Prophet Adam or the Sunnah reprimanded

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Adam and Hawa, reprimanded by God what did they say about bene Valentina and fusina? We have wronged ourselves and they made up for what they did for taba are they in Surah to the bucket Allah forgave because they saw forgiveness they tried. They accepted responsibility they move forward. What did the devil himself when Allah reprimanded him? What did he do or say? He said Bhima Hawaii Tina, you have caused me to do this. He blamed Allah instead of accepting responsibility for his actions. Instead of reflecting instead of learning a lesson. Let us follow the methodology of the Prophets and Messengers. Let us follow the methodology that Allah lays out in the Quran for us. Reflect,

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accept responsibility, strategize plan, it's okay to have that guilt or that fear or that shame that I fell short but don't let that stop you from trying again. May Allah subhanaw taala guide us and accept from us or Saudi Lahoma Allah Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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