Sulaimaan Ravat – 2nd Era of Ignorance

Sulaimaan Ravat
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The speaker discusses the transformation of society, including the shift from strict rules to more mercy and privacy. They highlight the need for a society where everyone is close together, where everyone has a chance to say their own words, and where everyone has a chance to share their experiences. They encourage individuals to use their unique experiences to empower others.
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What we are witnessing today is a second Janelia a more sophisticated Janelia we're in a technological age, we are not riding camels, we are flying on planes. We are not living in the deserts we are living in concrete jungles, but our behavior, our values, our attitudes, our actions, they have very little difference to what was prevalent in the time of the first eylea. One scholar is so beautiful. He says, half the world is in oppression. The other half is in depression. That's why we say it's a second ganglia. There are different storms that have engulfed us emotional storms. How many humans you find what sad and depressed psychological storms? How many more people these

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days are suffering from anxiety, suffering from fear, physical storms, how much of violence and oppression when you hear those stories about the plight of the Rohingya, you say yeah, Allah, how can one man do this to another forget Muslim or non Muslim? How can you expect a man to live everything that he owns, and to walk with his children and his parents on his back pass and through a river and live in what we cannot even call a tent and exist in a place where feces are flowing? Where diseases the name of the day where they don't know where the next meal or the next medication is going to come from? How can one human to the to another. I think that in this this chart any year

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in many ways is worse than that diarrhea. I think the Arabs of the Arabian peninsula had more mercy than some humans have today. But when Rama Tala al Amin came in only 23 years it transformed the situation.

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Although the NABI of Allah has left us never to return, he's left behind his legacy of being a mercy unto humanity, if we tap into that mercy, and if we then take that mercy and make it part of our lives and our conduct, and then go on to spread it through humanity, we can see another transformation, like the Arabian Peninsula, so a transformation but start first at home. Today our homes have become like hotels, you share the same roof, you eat the same food, but emotionally you're totally distant and disconnected from each other. You know, when you stay in a hotel, the person in the next room is under the same roof eating the same food in the dining room, but you

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don't even know each other. Today if husband and wife are sitting on the bed if the husband wants to make his wife love him or send WhatsApp

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they sitting on the same bed 30 seconds next to each other but they so technologically immersed in this device that if they want to make each other laugh, because if he's to say the jokes is what you said, so in other sent her the WhatsApp and she read it then she loves some 35 seconds later. So we need to tap into the mercy of Rahmatullah mean, bring it back into our homes, bring it back into our lives, then take it to humanity, spread it far and wide. When you look at that captioners Mercy unto humanity, don't only think of the debris of Allah in those times, think of the teachings that he left us, which we need to then put into our own lives and spread throughout the four corners of the

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globe. Hey,

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