Shady Alsuleiman – The Biography, Seerah, of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH #18

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet Muhammad sallal is a time for everyone to be present and the upcoming meeting of the Prophet Muhammad sallal is a chance for everyone to be present. The Prophet's wedding, marriage, and desire to get married to a woman are important themes. The importance of women being considered under 18 and men respecting their privacy is also discussed. The history of the Prophet's actions and his impact on the world is also discussed. The importance of Islam is emphasized, and individuals are encouraged to contribute to Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Nana Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam. O Allah amavasya rahmatullah wa ala mean Muhammad Ali he was mine.

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Robbie schlafly Sabri Wessely, Emery waffle Alok. determin, Lisa and EF Kovac cola bad. Old press Gita, Allah subhana wa Taala and peace be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I testify that there's no god except Allah and our testify that Muhammad is the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, my brothers or my sisters in Islam. I think Allah subhanaw taala always for this opportunity, an opportunity that will get together for the sake of Allah. To learn more about the deen of Allah and the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah.

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And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not in our hearts is right in the core of our hearts. The love of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is mixed within our hearts, our hearts do reflect the love of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And because of our love to the provider is Salatu was Salam. We love to hear about him.

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We love to talk about his biography. We love to learn more about his life. We love to hear his ahaadeeth we love to hear more about him. We love to act like him we live, we love to behave like him. We love to do everything that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam did or said or acted upon.

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And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that none of you is a true believer until I the Messenger of Allah become more beloved to them, than their parents, their children, their friends, their worth, including themselves. And we say, or messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to us than our parents than our children than our friends, then I will then everyone else, including ourselves.

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If we're not 100% to that level, at least we're saying it

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We want to act upon it and we are trying.

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We have the intention

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and to reach to that point where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is truly and really more beloved to you than your parents, than your children, than your friends than you worth including yourself. It's not an easy thing for you to reach to. Even on the low tide I know struggled. But at the end we have the intention. And that's the reason that we come here tonight.

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With the brothers sisters, or brothers, sisters online, we get together for the sake of Allah to them why but the Prophet the Messenger of Allah in particular during a time where people are trying to insult the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or trying to dishonor the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and the reality is, you can't dishonor someone that Allah subhanaw taala had on it. You can't.

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You can't demote someone that Allah subhanho wa Taala had promoted. You can't

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despise someone that Allah subhanho wa Taala had elevated alayhis salam wa sallam, and last night we were talking about the sin of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we spoke about the great miracle of the Islamic marriage. No more journey. And the ascension is slot which is an art journey. Arabs referred to the travel during the night The color is Sora

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is through Mirage means ascension. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam travel

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Mecca to Jerusalem and then the Prophet Muhammad SAW some start to ascend from Jerusalem, to the seventh heaven. And then above the seventh heaven where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam met with Allah subhana wa Tada.

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I was back about that story and the event and we said that's one of the greatest events to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and some of the scholars consider that the miracle of Israel well Mirage is the second greatest miracle that Allah subhanho wa Taala had granted the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam after the Quran, Kareem said the greatest miracle is the Khurana Karim without a doubt. And then the second greatest miracle that Allah subhana wa Tada This the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam with was the Israelite one marriage, and now prophet. Now messenger was ever gifted a gift such as the Quran, and such as an extra one marriage upon the return of the Prophet

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the Mirage and then the Islam. We mentioned what happened the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had spoken

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and related to his people the story or related his journey, what the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had experienced and encountered and his people opposed him and some of the believers, some of the believers the way in a state where they just couldn't comprehend it. Unfortunately, some deal, or some did leave Islam, but others that Islam only became stronger in their lives, including Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah, and he's the one that said, If Mohammed had mentioned something like this, or I believe I'm not even believing more, I believe in when he says the man he's right next to me, I believe when he says that he had just received something from the heavens. And that's when he

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was nicknamed as acidic, the honest and the truthful person abubaker rhodiola with Allah

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LED on Allah subhanaw taala wanted to bless the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and want to talk

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with the owner of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam getting married to his daughter, Ayesha

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Ayesha, Ayesha, she was the third wife of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I Aisha is the daughter of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu Allah.

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And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam got married to her when she was young, but did not move in with her until she reached the age of puberty. Yes, she was young. And in this day and age, obviously, it's hard to comprehend. And it's unacceptable, legally. And culturally, when you get married to or someone gets married to someone that's under the age of 13 or 14 what I understand that, but then put why understanding this day and age to their understanding back then, back then in their culture, in their understanding, and their mindset was acceptable to get married to someone that had reached the age of puberty. So she was a mature woman. Now when you refer to someone,

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as an adult, he got by age and he said he's adult 18 years old 16 years and above a guy he's close to adult back then, and we're talking about 1400 years ago and although some of that reached the age of puberty, and because I used to live in hot atmospheres and they used to live in hot environments, a woman a girl will become or reach the age of puberty by the age of 1011. I saw the Allah tala Anna reached the age of puberty, which means she's a woman in there.

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Understanding, not in our current understanding right now in the 21st century, you're not going to look at someone she's 11 1213 1415 years old is still gonna look at her, she's still a child understand that, and I accept that. Okay, but I'm saying according to their culture, according to their understanding 1500 years ago, if someone had reached the age of puberty, they consider them to be a man or woman, say if a boy reaches the age of puberty by the age of 12, they call them a man now. That's not according to our culture now, and that's not going to damage standing now. So the problem Muhammad Sallallahu, wasallam, did get married to a shadow young age. Okay, age to young is

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not acceptable. Again, and I'm telling you right now, and again, we live in Australia, you're not allowed to get married to someone under the age of 18. And this is like, this is the law. And this is the law that we encourage people to follow. You're not allowed to get married to someone under the age of 18. And even within the Australian National email scale, so it's something that we've agreed on. You're not allowed to marry someone under the age of 18.

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Now speaking about the problem homosassa Lim is married to Aisha? Yes, he got married to her at young age now because the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam destroyed someone that's young. And now he's also has the choices to make. Here's the problem, the Messenger of Allah, he's got all the choices to make, but the marriage of Ayesha to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was an order of Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala is the one that ordered the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to get married at that age, and Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that ordered the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to get married to each other the daughter

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of a Rebecca radi Allahu taala. And the scholars talk about this marriage. Now obviously, I don't have to defend the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in that area, he's the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, and the most dignified and honorable human being to ever trade this earth. The Marriage of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Tasha came for a number of reasons, what the scholars had concluded to, but what Allah subhanaw taala what Allah azza wa jal or the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to get married is Allah knows best. We don't have that solid concrete knowledge is just a derivation of what the scholars had derived and what the scholars had come up

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with. It's a conclusion, one of them to honor Abubakar on the allow time

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to honor Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala know that stood by the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and supported the profiler is Salatu was Salam. And it's that greater honor than being the father in law of the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, that your daughter is married to the greatest human being Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And no one had supported the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as much as Rebecca did.

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Somewhat, sir, that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam said in front of the Sahaba the Allahu taala know

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before his death, he said every single human being that had given us or granted us a gift, or has a favor on us, we managed to repay them back except one person, and we'll back it on the low tide I know lift Allah subhanaw taala to repay him back.

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We left Allah subhanaw taala Abubakar had done so much. He had done so much. We left Allah subhanaw taala to repay him back. And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam says, just before his death when he stood in front of this iPad on the low dial, I don't know. If I wanted to choose a companion and say he is the closest companion to mine is aboubaker but you're all my friends, you're all my companions. slugs of Hamelin, a very nice subtle way of including the Sahaba the lotano and no one had given no one had done I don't know what I'd sacrifice so I'm making the lowdown on on sacrifice. So Allah subhanaw taala wanted to honor these great men have a record on the low dollar and who who

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is the greatest human being after the prophets and messengers and that's what we believe as the son of a Jamaat. Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted to honor him to be the father in law of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to have that enlow tie with the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Allah Azza wa sallam and his daughter to be the wife of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The other reason that the scholars had concluded in Ibiza Allah, Allah wa sallam is the prophet in the Messenger of Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala has sent him as guidance. Allah sent Him as God has to mankind. And God has demand called not only in the masjid,

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not only on a battlefield, not only in the workforce, not only when it comes to interacting with people, at least a third of your life is at home. We want to know how the Prophet Muhammad SAW said and lived.

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We want another lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And there was no one better than a young woman who has never been married before fresh with a good memory to be the wife of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to convey the lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to the rest of the followers of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam. That's why Isha is considered to be the most I had no writer that had the authority

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Amazon selling in particular, a hadith

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involve the the why of love The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in his household. How are you going to another?

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You're talking about something that's in the household of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam you get something I hadn't been narrated by Simon is an Abba, Robbie. Hello Todd I'm narrating what the process of did in the mosque on the battlefield outside he and then travel when he performed Hajj because it's an iPad but inside his home, how are you going to know what the prophet Muhammad SAW said, I would like to know what the prophet Muhammad SAW said Mr. Deer the ways to deal with his wives his children, the way the prompts are sent Mr. slaved over the postal service to aid the way the problem homosassa let Mr do things on a personal level, I would like to know that we're going to

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get that from I said on the lower thigh Lana was the one that had passed on. And she is the one that had conveyed and narrated to us. The private life of the Prophet Mohammed says on the private personal life of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Now the difference between the eyes and the rest of the words of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah is a lot awesome. She's the early wife actually is the early wife out of all wives and the problem hamazon got married to he got married 12 times. And he had nine maximum number one given time and we've spoken about that before. I say is the early ones the problem homosassa got married to young virgin, never been married before no children choose

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the early one. Which means what compare her to other women otherwise the problem I was asking about married to older previously married had children which means what? Here the mindset is not as clear as I actually want is clear On other words on the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam were preoccupied with children previous marriage, having issues he there are a lot of them if they did, but it's not gonna be like someone who's never been married before young, fresh memory, no children. So she absorbed she absorbed the lore of the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed Salam. And that's why, why she had no right and on her own is 10 fold more than what all the words on the program Amazon's element the

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writer put together

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because she was in that position, his circumstances, his situation up to be the one that passed on half of the knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad SAW said unto us, so that's another reason that the scholars had concluded why Allah subhanaw taala commanded the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to get married to it and the problem is that the most out of all these wives obviously hadiza was number one, but does the will living and alive during his time. And then we saw some said

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I'm gonna be the last comes to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and I asked him a question, assist him on messenger of Allah. Who do you love most? Who do you love most? in every sense of the diamond hogback insane. Ayesha. He said, O Messenger of Allah. I'm not talking about this side. I'm talking about men, from the people. Who do you love most? Is her father aboubaker

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then I'm the saying then who? Then the prophets awesome said.

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And then he asked him then he mentioned all names this I was hoping I knew. So he said this habit. He said to himself, you know what, I'm not gonna ask him anymore when I embarrass myself. So he stopped after the Prophet Mohammed Salim said abubaker Omar Osman Ali, and the rest of the great companies including himself I'm living the laws but the truth is, I'm living the last did not offer to the Prophet Muhammad SAW some of the rest of this habit on the last item in particular back about the a lot I know has offered the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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So after the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam lost, his wife had these are the alota Anna and she was the backbone of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in which the program hamazon got married when he was 25 years old. And they got married to her because not all I got married to her because he was stuck with the only person that he wants to get married to. There's no one else that getting you know, I'm just gonna go for it because there's no one else in the market. No, no, no, you're wrong. No in the business opportunity just for him to point that at one side. I want to get married to this one and get married to this one people will jump on board. People would have loved

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to have the problem. Amazon's alum as this son in law sent me some got married to her these are the a lot I know when I was 25 years old during his Pinnacle days and time of a young men the APR except she was 20. She was 15 years older than him 15 years older than him previously married twice before him had children from previous marriages. And the problem homosassa them stayed with her for 25 years until she was 65 and passed away when she was 65. The problem homicides are 50 years old and Uppsala did not even marry any other woman during her time. Does that indicate to someone who is a womanizer for example is looking after a woman who wants to get married to young woman. This

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Under does it does it indicate that if he had, if the problem homosassa? No, sir anyone in his position, if it was a womanizer would have done that when he was 25 years old when he had the opportunity during his sexual urge and authorities that would during his young age during those moments here, but after him 15 years old, that's when he decided to get married to more than one word, it doesn't make sense.

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It doesn't make sense. If you want to stigmatize the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a womanizer, he would have done that when he was 2530 3540. When he hit 50, that's when he decided to get married to more than one What? What didn't you do that when you had the opportunity when you young?

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So the claim that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said it was a woman was rejected doesn't make sense. You would have understood that when he did that when he was 3035 40 nominees. 50.

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And that's why we said all the words of the Prophet Muhammad got married to including is about the yellow tile I know, we're all about Allah subhanaw taala commands that Allah subhanaw taala give men the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and Yes, I understand. It's hard to comprehend. Amen. In the age of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the status of the profiler is Salatu was Salam. He got married to a young woman, and she's a woman in their eyes, not in our culture. Yes, I understand. You'll turn around say, no, that's not a woman understand. I agree with you in our culture, but back then that's their understanding. That's their culture. That's their

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understanding. That's their culture. I understand that. Okay, but you need to look, it's 1400 years ago, according to a specific mindset and culture. But above all, at the end of the last panel, downloaded the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salah, for a reason that Allah Subhana Allah knows better. As I mentioned, these are some of the reasons that the scholars had mentioned on I do reiterate, this is something here in a country like Australia, for example, you don't get married to anyone under the age of 18. Okay, you can propose to someone a few months before she becomes 18. Okay, so 17 and 10 months for example, but married 18 years and above.

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And that's something that we make very clean. Now, moving forward. The problem how much Allah Allah do sell them after the death of her these are the alota Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah wa salam got married to soda

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Zm I've been told Zama

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radi Allahu taala. So they've been somato de la Dada, and she was the second one of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam got married to

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and then after that the problem hamazon salam got married to I saw the alota Alana in Makkah, but the Prophet Muhammad SAW Sam did not move in with Aisha until she became a woman according to the culture, and after she reached the age of puberty in Medina. So the Prophet Muhammad Allah sort of did not move in with Artesia or the alota on her until the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam migrated to Medina.

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In addition to that, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we mentioned last in the semi, his uncle obatala was spoken about the and we said that was the appsero so Allah subhanaw taala bless the Prophet Mohammed Salah, muda extra El Mirage and then after that the Prophet Mohammed Hassan got married to Ayesha and she was considered to be his third wife but did not move in until he Salalah Laos and emigrated to Medina.

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Now we are moving towards the migration. Now Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is coming to his final Yes' final time in Mecca, before he migrates from Mecca to Medina.

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And we're talking about the 10 fee. After the Prophet Muhammad SAW Sam received the revelation and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam migrated from Mecca to Medina in the 13 fee, which reason that we saw son was in Mecca for 13 years. They migrated to Medina and it was a Medina for less than 10 years, just under 10 years, and that's when the problem hamazon passed away. So now we'll be talking about paving the way for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to prepare himself to migrate from Mecca to Medina and Allah subhanho wa Taala paved the way for him sallallahu wasallam in the last three years with the problem almost all Salaam will start in Nova Salaam starts

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pray, promote and invite people to Islam from outside Mecca.

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In a bizarre Salaam, tried that before the Islamic Mirage in which we spoke about that before when the prophet SAW someone personally to apart if and were heard what happened to the problem. Amazon went live in Mecca, and we said that the problem with Amazon seller continued to face a lot of obstacles and resistance from the people of Christ. And then the problem Amazon start to look at people from outside the circle of the people of Christ, especially those who come from outside Mecca into Makkah. In particular during the times of has, we all know that Mecca.

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The city of Mecca had the Kaaba and the people of Christ were the custodians of the Kaaba. So you had a lot of Arabs.

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He used to honor the Kaaba he used to come to Mecca and perform has Amara has existed, has existed during the time of the Arabs before Islam. And they used to have the Hajj season where a lot of Arabs from outside Mecca will come into Mecca and perform as in a very close style and program that we do these days. But they had their pagan tweak to it that had the pagan tweak to although tweak to the head in other unacceptable

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practices that they used to do. But in general, they used to have houses they used to have to love these diopside they used to get out of these to get Amina they used to get almost Delica according to their pagan belief.

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And a lot of Arabs from outside Mecca will come to Mecca during the Hajj season in Ibiza lamb took that as an opportunity for him to start engaging with non crises, non Meccans with a problem homosassa and reach out to him and speak to him about Islam.

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What we'll talk about tonight is a number of non crises non people from kurush Okay. People from outside Mecca embraced Islam at this point in a bizarre Sam had less than 100 followers in Makkah, who were followers of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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And the problem Hamlet's Allah Allah Allah said I was taught to speak to people from outside price from outside the circle of courage amongst those people who embraced Islam from outside Quraysh is a man by the name of suicide ignore summit.

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So why it is not from kurush so all the people that we'll be talking about tonight, who embraced Islam that are not from the circle of people have cried from outside that soup Well the problem homosassa lemon spoken to.

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So why he was from yathrib and yet herb is the former name of Medina. Before the problem amateur La Silla migrated from Mecca to Medina. He used to be called the trip is to be called the city of your trip. So why them assignment was from yesterday, and he came to Mecca to perform Umrah. He's from the Arabs, a pagan, believed in the worship of idols but also sanctified and held the karma in high esteem. He looked at the Kaaba as the house of Allah soldier. And the Arabs used to believe in one Lord but they used to ascribe partners. They used to say go believer, one Lord by an all in order for us to connect ourselves to this one Lord, we need to worship idols. So that's the,

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the worship or that's the mindset that the Arabs used to have. Well, that's the doctrine that the Arabs they have. So why there was one of those pagans that used to perform Umrah he came one year to Mecca to perform Umrah

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and cross paths with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. So he was known to be a respectful man, I powered and he was known for his bravery.

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in Ibiza law Salam sat down with him.

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And he asked the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, what do you have?

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What do you have all heard that you're a prophet messenger. And he say things, which is not the norm. What do you have in Nabi? sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam told him and what do you have? He said of God, good words. The wisdom of lachemann

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in ob sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them then told me narrator speak it to me. Talk it to me.

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So I start to mention wisdoms

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of Look man, nice beautiful, wise words, Proverbs.

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Nice examples. In every Salah Salah replied back to him as a panel, look at the wisdom of the Prophet Solomon is this a learned hour in every sense and replied back to him and he said, these very nice words. Or these are nice words.

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Why he just mentioned right now is nice, but what I have is better.

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Look at the wisdom of the Prophet Jose didn't shut him down and say Tim, No, you know what, this is wrong. The Martin and falsehood. Jana Mbits and Macedo What are you talking about?

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In Episode Seven, listen to him he commented he entertained the conversation and it spoke Allah Allah if look man said or not my enemies so with that said, these are nice words. Baba I have is better.

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So listen to me.

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And the Prophet Muhammad Allah some start to recite the Quranic Karim. So wide, turned around and said, Yes, beautiful words. What do I need to do to be a follower? So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam told him so I shadow Allah and Allah will only Rasulullah say there is no god except Allah and I am the Prophet the Messenger of Allah say Lita,

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They became a Muslim, they went back to your throat, and he passed away one of the battles that took place in your throat.

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Another man, he embraced Islam, who's from outside price is above them.

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Now we all know

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about a fatty. And he's from a tribe called afar.

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And they were bad ones in between Makkah and Syria. So they were located in a Bedouin, in the desert somewhere in the desert between Mecca and Syria. And the Arab is used to especially the people of Christ, whenever they used to travel between Mecca and Syria, they used to go past the far

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so there's a vested interest there to keep the peace between them elevar

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heard of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam when the word was spreading around that there's a man in Mecca. But then I'm hammered is calling something new. So well without a deed, which is a wise action like, you know, when he's something about someone that straightaway shut him down, verify, investigate, do your due diligence, then just say that's it not not, I'm not gonna talk to him just because his wife or his black, or because an Arab or non Arab, because it's almost none I give, give the opportunity. So I was reached out to his brother and told them, I want you to get a mecca. And I want you to hear from this man that people are claiming or saying that he's a prophet

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and a messenger. So his brother went down on a mission to Mecca and we're talking about traveling days, it's not like when are you going to be going on a 380 from one place to another place, you'll be there within 14 hours. This is 14 days in the middle of the desert. So opposer told his brother to get to Mecca and he from the Prophet Muhammad SAW said I'm sorry his brother went down to Mackay said though the profile is a lot wassalam asked around and he came back to his brother. He came back to his brother, a brother, a Buddha asked him, What did you find out about this man? He said, I sat down with him. I monitored him. I observed him or heard from him. I only seen good, heard good and

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experienced good for me.

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opposer wasn't satisfied with the answer you wanted to know more. You know, sometimes people don't know how to explain themselves. hackworth, is that just good. Okay, give me more details. You like someone you know, you want someone that knows how to market things? Well, it's good. And he's got these specifications and he goes this way. And that, is this a good car is a good car. Okay. I want to know, is it some not so good? Come on it more information. Some people are not satisfied with the answer, but I wasn't satisfied with the answer from his brother or his brother, is that he replied back and he said, he speaks good, he acts good. And I only found good, more, maybe that his brother

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couldn't explain, express himself explain servitor that made up other more anxious, more interested to know more about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. So he decided himself personally to get down to Makkah. And he sat down with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam after few days, monitoring the problem hamazon from far, so it wasn't straightaway he want to sit down with him hammer talk to me. No, no, no, he stayed there for a number of days. Before I even approach the profile as

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he asked around, monitor the problem homosassa from far

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looked at the problem hamazon profile asked about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam then he sat down with the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and he told them told me convinced me. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam convinced him and then after the Prophet Mohammed was also convinced he said that shadow Allah Allah Allah wa shadow Anika Rasulullah. So the problem homosassa tells him that you're an outsider, you're a stranger, then expose yourself that guy until people are Muslim just keep it This greatly. There's no need for you to go and open to people they are Muslim. Otherwise, these people will get the most out of you. They'll attack you.

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Observe, is a great companion but he was known to be stubborn.

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He didn't listen to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam say when I pray for the people of God I just said I shadow Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Muhammad Ali Abdullah solo, so the people of Quran start to hit him and attack him. Salah bus. He's the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he never disclosed his Islam until the Prophet Muhammad Hassan conquered Mecca. He came to the people of what I said, Are you for real? Yeah, bashing someone from afar. They constantly travel and get passed to his tribe. Every time we get to Syria and back then he this man if if he if you're attacking this man, then tomorrow you'll be deprived or the people or

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whatever will attack you and return every time your caravan travels. Southern lift him. The next day Abu Dhabi, Arab spitefulness he went against stood in front of the people of Brazil. He said, I shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah, Muhammad Abdul Rasul Allah wa t hit him. That's not to bash him. So once again, I said leave him alone. You have an interest in not hitting this person. Otherwise, he'll try his tribal retaliate and

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will allow you to travel Nii the city only their homes.

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And then I will double the load I'm home, returned back home, as I believe. And then later on, he migrated to Medina to be with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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He comes from a rough background, he comes from the bad ones. And the bad ones are not like the city people. The bad ones are harsher, rougher, tougher, not only physically even mindset, that's their lifestyle. You know, some have a lot that's a lifestyle.

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And some Panama Buddha had that character to the extent that after he migrated to the Prophet Muhammad's Allah, Allah sent him to Medina and then I will start to pick up on the Prophet Muhammad SAW appointing this man and this man and that man and this companion, and people who embraced Islam, he is after him, appointing him to be a leader and a general and a leader and a general and responsible he got to the problem Amazon said to him on messenger of Allah, I'll see they always appoint people to become leaders but you've never appointed me once. Well, he embraced Islam us after many put him as a leader, he embraced Islam he is after he was a judge he embraced Islam he is

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after me put them as a general may not even once in the base awesome said or absorbed by Allah, I will never put a lid on two people on to

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know because I don't trust you, you don't have that character. You don't have a it's not in you to refer to us one way a leader needs to be resilient, accepting this other but then the Prophet Muhammad SAW some comforted him like you know, you put yourself in that position or never put a lid on to you got upset. So never saw some told him I will never put a lid on too. But you know what, you are one man, one nation on your own. You're a nation on your own. Above that or had a big smile on his face. Lahu Aquafina even though the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam told them I would never put a lid on too. And you know what, from what we analyze from the character that he is, he's

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not fit to be a lead on to people, not because he's bad, he doesn't have any. He just doesn't have any. A leader is someone that brings people together, listens, resilient, gives takes, you know, sometimes the cops that's a leader, not the one that says do this, do that whether you like it or not the hallway on my way. Not. So I wouldn't had that character. But the problem homosassa also comforted him when he said to him, you're a nation on your own. You're an oma on your own Subhana Allah the wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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Amongst those that also embraced Islam, from outside Mecca from outside the tribe of crush is a wonderful companion by the name of to file to file even though See,

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to find has an amazing story.

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And I left him to last

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to file he comes from outside Mecca. And he was the leader of his tribe, which was known as dos few miles away from Mecca to find was a leader, respectful leader

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very insightful, respectful, dignified, loved, well spoken, powered, wise, smart to find when you speak about to find and you read about the characteristics and the qualities of to find amazing men. But he was a non Muslim was an unbeliever was a pagan.

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So he decided to go and travel to Mecca to perform and one day the people of Christ at that time though were alarmed.

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The picked up that a lot of people from outside Makkah coming into Mecca listening to Muhammad becoming Muslims and we just spoke about a number of them what happened who happened to this man who happened to that man?

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So they've taken upon themselves that you know what that comes from Mecca to warn him about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu so I'm just say, if you are coming to Mecca, make sure you don't listen to this magician that listen to this power don't listen to this fortune teller, then listen to this device in person then listen to this lying person straightaway manipulate brainwash someone before they even listen to someone else. And to find those amongst us that arrived to Makkah it was welcomed by the people

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and the leaders of Mecca because it was a respected leader that welcomed him but they weren't him and Brian was team are trying to attempted to brainwash him and want him against the problem of homosassa. To fail, he himself says, They drilled in my head, to the extent that I became so scared from listening to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, this man has a powerful spell, the whole brainwash you he'll turn your life around, he'll turn against your family, he'll turn against you brothers. So they they drilled in his head to the extent that he said that while I was performing tawaf, I shoved my ears with cotton

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I was scared. They told me 70 things about my

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skepticism theme. And yes, he shoved This is with Koran.

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And while he was performing tawaf, he saw the problem homosassa

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and he sees the Prophet alayhi salatu salam avoids he was just scared. They've drilled in his head this man is a magician, he casts a powerful spell that was it comes on he can't take out these and that and you know people get scared you know that Smith, that fear mongering that you hear when you say sometimes about Islam and Muslims, which is unfortunate to say

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so, to find says, I was doing and performing took off and I'll say the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam from afar, reciting something praying, and every time I go past I just turn my head around and I don't want anything I'm just focus on my ritual and focus on my Anto off.

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But then I came back to my sense.

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When I said to myself, I pride myself on being a power wall spoken leader, understanding, I have wisdom. People respect me, people listen to me, I change people's mindset. I can manipulate this way, brainwash, now I'm scared from someone like Mohammed to brainwash me. I'm scared from someone like Muhammad to manipulate moms get from someone like my mother, because for me, you know what, I need to come back to my senses and just say before him, and listen to what he's got to say. If he's got something good, I'll take it. He's got something bad or rejected.

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Common Sense Subhanallah

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sometimes common sense is not common.

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Let's see one way. And it's unfortunate that a lot of people have the wrong perception of Islam without even looking into Islam, no better from someone else from another Qureshi

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from someone that just said something that this person is completely disconnected.

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So how to find the solder to sit down before the problem Hamas as I said, I'll bring it on.

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Tommy, what do you have? So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam start to recite the Quranic killing team.

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After listening to the wise words of Allah subhanaw taala and listening to what the prophet Muhammad wa sallam had to file as the problem homosassa few questions and then he said, What do I need to do to become a follow of this Diem? What do I need to do to become a Muslim? So the problem homosassa Lim said simple and easy as shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah, wa Muhammad Rasulullah saw to face it eyeshadow Allah, Allah Illallah Muhammad Abdul Rasul Allah.

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And then

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he asked the Prophet Mohammed Salim the question and Subhana Allah amazes me, he said, the Messenger of Allah, what's my responsibility now? This man just became a Muslim.

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Not even five minutes ago,

00:52:46 --> 00:52:58

straightaway or missing job Allah, what does Allah want from me? Okay, became a Muslim. What else? Isn't that a leader isn't that way quite late? I've taken on a responsibility being part of the solution, not the problem.

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How many times have you ever think and I have any Muslims around the world that look around and say, you know, what can I contribute to Islam besides complaining and winning and becoming the problem itself?

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The other thing about what's more responsibility or you have to be doing this and you have to be doing that, okay, I have to do it. But what about you? You sit at home and you just consume.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:33

He became a Muslim. And straightaway on messenger of Allah, what does Allah want me to do? straightaway? narisawa does it go back to your tribe, and call them to Islam, invite him to Islam?

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Subhana Allah. He didn't have to go through a shediac course.

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An Introduction to Islam. Hang out with your brothers and sisters for about a year before you start understanding Islam. Understand this understand they're gonna learn that particular number of some of the Parana Kareem do this do that proof use of this and that straightaway, a few minutes. This man was a pagan worship. I was just worshiping God, a few minutes ago. Now it doesn't doesn't go back to your family. Get back to your tribe and quality Islam. SubhanAllah amazing.

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So he went back.

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He gets interesting.

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Very interesting. We're talking about who we're talking about an idol worshipper. We're talking about someone who was doubting the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and then just became a Muslim just moments like we're just talking about a very short duration when this man just became a Muslim.

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On his way back home before arriving to his tribe before arriving to his town, he turns to Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, Allah, or embraced Islam, or accepted the color Muhammad in my life, and now I'm coming to my people. He's talking to Allah azzawajal I'm coming I'm arriving to my home. I'm arriving to my people. And my people respect me. They listen to me, but now I'm coming with something new to them.

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Yeah, Allah give me something here.

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The lives of Allah grant me something that I can show them as proof and evidence that the dino Muhammad is the true religion.

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We're talking about who someone just recently became a Muslim. So Allah subhanho wa Taala emerged and appeared a miracle that his forehead starts to glow.

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His forehead start to glow.

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miracle. What's on a lasagna to make America longest?

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He said, Yeah, Rob, not in my forehead. Make it on my stick. So Allah subhanaw taala made his tea glow.

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a torch?

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I know you look at and say, How is that possible? The one that created the heavens and earth is possible can do anything. So Allah subhanaw taala made a miracle appear on his stick. And this is a man that just recently embraced Islam. sincerity. genuineness, connection to Allah subhanaw taala. You don't have to be long in Islam, for it to be connected to Allah, you can be connected to Allah Zoda right now, you don't have to get through Sharia courts. And you don't have to do this. And you don't have to do that to be connected to Allah. I'm not saying that's not important. That's important. But that make that to be the only thing in your life. Don't put as an obstacle, because

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Allah never puts an obstacle between you and him. Don't put anything as an obstacle, say enter disarm entities in his town. And the moment they enter this town, the vast majority of people embrace Islam. Subhana Allah dari, the coast of Allah, Allah made America pee on his head, and his entrar became Muslims within days after he had embraced Islam

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after he had entered Islam, look at us, most of us are born Muslims. grew up as Muslims been done for decades. How much do you really contribute to Islam? How much you really give to Islam? How far do we really got Islam? What do we give back to Islam? Or only take from Islam and the Muslims and everyone else we need to contribute we need to give we need to put time and effort into Islam.

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In particular us, hey Subhana Allah, and the best gift that we can give people the best gift that we can give mankind is Islam. Allah the best gift.

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This is a two file ignore, though see from A to file when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam migrated to Medina to file when and visited the Prophet Mohammed sasana with a delegation from from those including Abu hurayrah. Abu hurayrah is from the tribe of DOS and he is from the product and the fruits of a profile.

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And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will encounter people from yesterday for the first time the prophet SAW Selim sits down with a group and a delegation from yathrib where Allah subhanaw taala starts to pave the way for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to migrate from Mecca to Medina after the Prophet Muhammad Salah meets with the first delegation from yathrib that we'll talk about next week, but in the late Allah, my Allah subhanaw taala make this to be from amongst those who listen they act upon or they listen he's a chronicle of Hamlet, Masha, Allah, Allah and Mr. Furukawa to see you next week. Salaam Alaikum wa rahmatullah. If you enjoy our

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