Sajid Umar – Lessons from the Life of Ibrahim AS Qatar

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history and events of the book of absorption, including the use of " booked ofield" to describe actions of the Prophet and his followers, the importance of learning to bless others, and the importance of being true to oneself in achieving success. The host emphasizes the need for practice and personal development in achieving healthy spiritual balance and to be mindful of one's behavior. They also mention a book on healthy eating and invite viewers to subscribe to their YouTube channel.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was happy or seldom at the Sleeman kathira en la de

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la malarial Milena Illa lm tena in La cantera Halima Hakim la Molina Ma and founder Bhima Alam tena Tina. Was it an Ironman watermelon? Yeah. Kareem.

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In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah,

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the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

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All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Who made

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the sacred house,

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a meeting place, and a secure sanctuary for mankind.

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And all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala, who made the standing place of Ibrahim alayhi salam, whilst he built the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala, a place of prayer.

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We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and we seek his assistance, and we seek His guidance, and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evils of our souls, and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon, the nun can misguide that person, and whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrease misguidance upon then none can guide them and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his final messenger, my dear brothers, and sisters, and mothers and fathers salam o Alaikum warahmatullahi over a cat.

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I welcome you all to our second program together in our fun our topper series. And this talk is titled lessons from the life of Ibrahim alayhis salam May Allah subhanho wa Taala make our time together, sincere worship and a means of beautifying our paradise. I mean, I mean, we've always reminded each other during previous sittings, how our coming together should not be for anything else, or anyone else besides Allah subhanho wa Taala, for sitting such as these are indeed the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And anything which is considered worship must have

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a class and sincerity for this is the greatest pillar from the pillars of worship. My dear brothers and sisters yesterday, we discussed the lessons for the resident, during the best days of the year, the first 10 days of the ledger. And we share together certain realities related to these days, and advices advices that, if followed can be a means of us, resurrecting these days, and constructing these days in an active and proactive manner, in a way that

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breeds magnanimous benefit in our lives. And we shed many types of worship that we should engage in. And one of the things we forgot to say, which is something well known, is the recitation of the Quran. The recitation of the Quran, reciting the Quran should definitely be a major feature, a major feature during these days as it should be a feature in our lives during every day of our lives. A Muslim should never go to bed except that they have a portion from the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that they complete daily, if they do not complete that portion, they should not go to sleep, right a Muslim should ensure that they have this daily relationship with the book of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala, as was the practice of the seller facade of the pious predecessors before us, right. And when I say a portion, I mean a portion that we consider a rock. In our daily timetable, a rock means that which is that which can never be changed whether we traveling, irrespective of circumstance, irrespective of circumstance. It's something that exists in our day.

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Just as we have the five daily Salawat, the five daily Salawat and we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted a great reward

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for the recitation of his book, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that a person who reads the Quran, then they benefit from the recitation by earning a Hasler for every letter recited for every letter recited, and it has an A is equal to 10 Hassan is equal to 10. So if you say Alif Lam Meem then this equals 30 rewards Allahu Allahu Akbar, such an easy way to gain magnanimous rewards from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this, again, is testimony to the amazing reward system of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And how Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is carry that we practice a little and He rewards us with a lot. And we touched on this point yesterday, Allah Allah,

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may Allah subhanho wa Taala inspire diligence amongst us during the course of our lives, I mean, and during the special 10 days that are about to visit us very soon. I mean, I don't think there's this long to go it's probably tomorrow or the day after not to show off the exact sightings here in Qatar, and when you will look for the moon for the month of the hedger, but I'm sure it's in the next three or four days, this great visitor will visit us and that is the first 10 days of the head, Jamia Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah grant us the understanding, and

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oh seven of Allah, no children of Adam, today, we aim at discussing certain points from the life of a giant that walked this earth before us, but walked this earth before us. And he was a giant in every form and meaning of the word he was a giant in terms of history, and a giant in terms of his power, and a giant in terms of his action, and the giant in terms of his character, and the giant in terms of his achievements, and the giant in terms of his submission, and the giant in terms of his wisdom. And the man who earned an amazing title, the title of Hollywood LA and amazing title, that Allah subhanho wa Taala never granted to any other Prophet, besides Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So a title in which Allah subhanho wa Taala never gave anyone besides Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and it is well known my dear brothers and sisters that Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah creates what he wants, when he wants. And Allah subhanho wa Taala He grants a special precedence to whom and what He wills because Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is the Creator, the marisha, the Sustainer, the King of kings, the Lord of the worlds, everything in creation, is answerable to Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala is not answerable to anybody. But it is that you will gel Allah, Allah.

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Allah had Alpher the summit, la de la Emilia when a new lead one of the akula who coupon so kinda who what.

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And with this, understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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As we just said, he creates what He wills when he wants and provides a certain precedence to what he wishes, just like this, he created the months of the year, he created the month of the air, and Allah subhanho wa Taala granted a special precedence to one month in the month of Ramadan. a month that is considered the head of all the months of the year for us to LA Sol Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, say he or she who shall have Ramadan, that the head of all the months of the year is the month of Ramadan. And Allah subhanho wa Taala created all the days of the year

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and he granted and gave a special precedence to the first 10 days of the ledger.

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He created the first 10 days of the ledger, and he gave a special precedence to the day of alpha.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala created the Knights of the air. And he gave a special precedence to the last 10 nights during the month of Ramadan, and he created the last 10 nights during the month of Ramadan and gave a special precedence to the night of power, Laila to

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alpha a month, which is better, better than 1000 months. And just like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the weeks of the year and created the days of the week, and he gave a special precedence to the day of Joomla. The day that we just witnessed today, the best day upon which the sun rises, and during the Juma hakuba we shed, an amazing Headey that magnifies the importance of this day, the day of Juma and how Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed, has given it a special precedence for as we discussed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith which is

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of what do you mean paler Allah He shams, Yom Alomar, that the best day upon which the sun rises is the day of jamara Fie Holika Adam. On this day, Allah created Adam alayhis salam was he he would Hillel Jana, and on this day, Allah subhanho wa Taala entered into paradise with he oferuje Amina, and on this day Allah subhanho wa Taala removed him from Paradise while at the Formosa lF yongle Juma and becoming of the final hour will not happen except on the day of Joomla on the day of Joomla. So Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah created the days of the week and he gave a special precedence to the days of Joomla and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah just as He has created time, he

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has created place and Allah subhanho wa Taala created place and gave a special precedence to some lands over the last to some countries over other countries to some places over other places. Thus, he gave a special precedence to mucca mucca to the merkabah. And he gave a special precedence to Medina, Al Madina, munawwara and he gave a special precedence to share, to share the blessing lands as Allah subhanho wa Taala describes Sham in his book, Allahu Akbar. And just as Allah subhanho wa Taala created time and gave a special precedence to certain aspects over others and created places and gave a special precedence to those places over others. Allah subhanho wa Taala created the

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angels and he gave the angels a special precedence within the creation of Allah subhana wa. And Allah subhanho wa Taala he gave a special precedence to some angels, over others, to some angels over others. Thus, he gave a special honor and rank to gibreel Allah, his Salah, and Mika Elijah who salah and is Ravi Allah, Allah, his Salah, and out of these three angels he chose as the head and gave a special precedence to jabril Allah in salah and justice Allah subhanho wa Taala created the angels he created mankind, he created mankind that began with Adam alayhis salam, Abu Bashar the father of mankind, and Allah subhanho wa Taala was in mankind

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gave a special precedence and rank and honor

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to some of mankind over others. Thus he chose his prophets. AlLahi wa Salatu was Salam. And he gave them rent and honor over the rest of mankind. And just as he chose his profits from them, he chose specific profits and gave them a special precedence and rank and honor over the other profits. And these profits are known as Lula Azmi Miller, who sold the profits of absolute resolution Lu and his salah and Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, and Musa alayhis salam. And the reason for this is Allah and Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the song

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Hannah who gave these profits, a special precedence and a special rank over all the other prophets. And as Allah gave a special grant, and special precedence to these rule as women are goosal these prophets of absolute resolution from them, Allah gave a special precedence and rent to a group of them over others. Thus he chose Ibrahim alayhi salam, and he chose Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and gave them a special station. The station have Helene, and he named them and gave them the title of Hollywood Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Ibrahim alayhi salam, and from them to

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gave a special rank and especial precedence and a special honor to one and he is our beloved Prophet, the one who we desire to meet in the Hereafter, the one whom we've loved for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Allah, Masha.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in his book, Allah subhanho wa Taala creates what he wants, and he chooses from them who he wants. Merck and ella homolka no one has any inclusion.

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In this process, when Allah subhanho wa Taala creates and Allah subhanho wa Taala gives honor and Rancic Allah subhanahu wa tada Allah, Allah Almighty, Allah is that he will

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gather us with those that Allah Subhana who Allah has given a special rank and honor and precedence to engender, Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon all Eva me.

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So Ibrahim Alayhi, Salah, we had to have this introduction to understand the rank of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and what will make us understand who he was, and he Salah Ibrahim alayhi salam, who Allah has given placement in the seventh heaven, in the seventh heaven also the loss Allahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was taken to the heavens, during the night of Israel Ah, and Mirage is Surah refers to the travel by life, we travel from Makkah to bait alertness, and then the Mirage which is the essential, right we are loss of Hannah, who is Allah brought his beloved to the heavens Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam traversed through the heavens, travels through the heavens, and we know that he met

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different prophets different ambia Allahi wa Salatu was Salam in different heavens. So he met Yusuf Alayhi Salam in the third heaven. And he said that Yusuf Alayhi Salam had half of

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So Allah created beauty and he gave us beauty, and he gave a special precedence and rank with regards to this beauty to who he wished. And that was useful for Allah He Salah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as he continued his journey, and he reached the seventh heaven. He saw in that heaven, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and by Allah, by Allah, Allah has given this man a special rank and a special honor and inshallah we will appreciate this today with delay to Allah. Ibrahim alayhi salam, my dear brothers and sisters was born in what we call in the Arabic language Babel, or in English, Babylon,

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a place that exists in Iraq, and he was born during the reign of a tyrant, oppressor and disbeliever the mood

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he was born during the reign of num, Ruth and a time when ignorance was strike.

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And yesterday we discussed the ignorance at the time of Jamelia right at the time before Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent as a prophet. And this is the similarity between Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Ibrahim Ali Salah. They were born at a time when ignorance was at unprecedented levels.

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And the ruler of this place was one

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Who was fooled with misguidance to such an extent that he termed himself the Lord. He termed himself the Lord. And Allah Subhana who were to Allah in the third Jews. He mentioned to us a debate, which Ibrahim Alayhi Salam conducted with this evil tyrant.

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He debated him, to make him understand that he is no Lord, but it is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who is the Lord? And in the third Jews, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us lm de la la levy.

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Jerry Baraka he Murphy or B He

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is Allah evil or Hema more blnd Yoshi why you need Paula oshi Omi Paula he mufa

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Db shamcey mina mashery

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for a TV hamina horrible for boo hater levy cafo whoa hula de la coma war the mean? Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Have you not looked at him? Who disputed with Ibrahim alayhis salam, or in the English language Abraham, about his Lord Allah, because Allah had given him the kingdom. Allah had given them rude the kingdom. So he was deceived by this gift. And this should make us more fearful Oh servants of Allah, that when Allah subhanahu wa tada Allah gives us and gives us and gives us we should be thankful of Allah subhanho wa Taala and never ever take it for granted. Whenever Allah blesses us with a gift, let that gift be a reason for us to contemplate and benchmark ourselves with

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the ideals and let us see whether we are close to those ideals or upon those ideals Let it not be a case where we engage in sin and misguidance. And Allah gives us and gives us this we feel safe from the punishment of Allah Subhana who attack for understand or servant of Allah, and oh child of Adam.

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Allah Subhana who Allah says, Aminu, Macron law. Do they feel safe from the punishment of Allah? Do they feel safe from the punishment of Allah? Allah says Fela, Makarova ilco Alpha zero that no one feels safe from the punishment of Allah subhanahu attallah except the losers, except the losers. Thus always

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take stock

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of yourself and your day and your week, because Allah has blessed us with gifts, the gifts of eyesight and hearing in life and financial standing and material well being according to our level,

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as based upon the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us all this, but don't take it for granted. Thank Allah subhanho wa Taala so these gifts do not become a means of increased punishment.

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Because Allah subhanahu wa tada speaks about certain tyrants and disbelievers and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says about them, send us the rejuven mean athelia and Mo, they will be given and given only so that the punishment can be even more severe.

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Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from this. So Allah subhanahu wa Jalla gave num root a kingdom and he just believed, and in retrospect, we have the lesson of Sulayman AlLahi Salah, and what Kingdom did Allah subhanahu Allah gives will a man

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with the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala was placed under the control of Sulayman Allah His Allah subhana wa biella it was placed under his control. And he says that this is from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon me to test me Will I be from those who are thankful? Or will I be from those who disbelieve that? Look at the understanding of this prophet, Leah blue I need to test me Will I be from the thankful and praise Allah subhanahu wa tada or will I be from amongst those who are ungrateful and being ungrateful is

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type of coupon is a type of coupon. That's what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Let in Shackleton, if you are thankful that as he then allow an increase for you,

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and we should aim increase, it shouldn't be a case whereby Allah rewards us for all our good in this dunya.

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And when we get to Allah subhanho wa Taala, we find nothing, because Allah is just, he will reward us for our good. But a believer wants to reward in this world and a greater reward in the hereafter. Because we don't live for the temporary, rather we live for the perpetual. And remember, when Allah subhanho wa Taala said in his book,

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what are the

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Mr. Obama says that we advanced them in terms of the rewards, we gave them an advance we rewarded them in the temporary. So when they reach the perpetual they found nothing with a loss of Hannah who were to Allah, besides scattered dust. They found method they were hoping they would see mountains of rewards, but rather they found scattered dust because Allah subhanho wa Taala rewarded them for the good ones. They live the life of this world that we don't want that. We don't want that. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says that in Chicago, if you are thankful that as he then Allah will increase for you. And in retrospect, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, will I incur phone

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in there either a B or A d? If you're ungrateful, this is a type of coupon the punishment of a lie severe. And remember, Cooper or Kapha refers to covering something, something which is covered. Right, so you hide your belief with disbelief, and you hide your gratitude with being ungrateful is the type of

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encounter I'm sure when you purchase a tire a car tire? What do they call it? That we laughing right? This is this is Arabic language, right? They call it a cuff aura because it's something that covers the rim of the vehicle. Right? So something which covers and that's why even the farmers were known linguistically as Kufa

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right not meaning that they have this belief but kuffaar in that they hide the seed under soil. So it's hidden the seed that's when to grow is hidden with with soil with soil. So this is what Katara means are copper. And Allah subhanahu Wata NSA is when I interviewed him in the militia did that if you are ungrateful, and cover your gratitude with ungratefulness than the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala is severe. So Allah says,

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Because Allah had given him the kingdom, meaning

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he disbelieved because Allah gave him the kingdom. He thought he was Allah, he thought he was Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says when Ibrahim said to him, my Lord, meaning Allah is He who gives life and causes death, gives life and causes death. So numb Ruth responded in this debate, and said, I also give life and cause death. right in his own understanding, if he freed someone from prison, this was life given to them. And if he slayed somebody, he considered himself as having given them death as having given them their look at the intellect of Ibrahim alayhis salam look at the supernatural, as they call it, right, his his ability to think on his feet, as we say, in the

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English language, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam saw how shallow this person was in his understanding. So Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said,

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Verily, my lord Allah subhanho wa Taala brings the sun from the east.

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So you bring it from the west. If you are who you say you are. My Allah brings it from the east for TB, behind mineral mercury. So bring it from the west.

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For Bukit Allah telavi calm and he defeated his opposition for Allah subhanho wa Taala essays. So the disbeliever meaning number Ruth was utterly different.

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feeted and Allah guides not the people who are the oppressors, the wrongdoers the awali. Moon, this is Ibrahim Alayhi Salam Allah how in touch was he with his natural disposition? Was his natural disposition this though heat, because, again, he was similar to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam or he came before so we say Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was similar to him. But in terms of our discussion with Ibrahim, he grew up in a household

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where they worshipped idols

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and a community that worships idols, and a community that had a head who claimed to be God, and claim to be Allah Subhana Allah. And we discussed yesterday how Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a product of his core self, not a product of nature, and not a product of nature. Right? He was a product of his course out, right? He wasn't a product of his environment, as the philosophers say, nurture. No Was he a product of science nature, he was a product of his core self where he never was misguided. He never prostrated to idols. He never consumed alcohol. He never supported the burying of females alive, he never supported circumambulating The camera was naked, he never supported the

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tweaking of the hedge, he was a product of his core self. And we know today how we are a creation of imitation we we imitate we imitative, not imitation but rather we imitative by nature. We imitative by nature, we follow and copy and emulate and simulate those around us. And we know this from our little kids, right? When they get to the age of two. And we see them doing things that we do, right?

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Yes, right. We see them doing things that we do so Pamela, and we look at them and say, Pamela, that's me, that's just a mini me, is just a mini me. It's how we sit, we see them sitting like that, right? How we we dress we see them dressing like that, right? They they imitate us, right? So imagine how in touch Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was with his natural disposition, his Fedora. And how in touch with his Fedora Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was that even though they lived in environments of shock and disbelief, and complete misguidance, they remain steadfast and upright, they were the breath of fresh air, amidst confusion and destruction. La ilaha illa Allah, and we all

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bow witness of servants of Allah, and oh Children of Adam, in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Before we were born, for Allah subhanho wa Taala, as I was called, as teachers, we lived through a We will live through many worlds. There's the world of the souls, and there's the worlds of the womb of our mother. And then there's the world of this life that we are experiencing now, which means we've gone through three worlds. And then there's the world of the grave, the grave and the barossa. And then there's the world of the day of pm and the year after the year after, right the perpetual life. Right, and that's why the day of the AMA is called tm. Tm a refers to a day, which has no day

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Because the day after it never ends is perpetual. Right.

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So, in the world of the souls, Allah Subhana, who to add, as is mentioned in the summary, when he created Adam and

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Adam alayhis,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala caused all the progeny of Adam to come out of Adam

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and souls came out and took their rightful place, to the right and to the left. And Adam alayhis salam asked Allah subhanho wa Taala What is this? And Allah subhanho wa Taala said, this is your project. the progeny of the Hellfire are those that will end up in the Hellfire from your progeny, and the progeny of the people of Paradise those that will end up in paradise Allah knew, because the other is built upon the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And our knowledge is not confined to past tense and present tense and future tense, like yourself and myself. Right? Allah knows everything that will happen. And Allah knows everything that has happened. And Allah knows

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everything that is happening, and Allah knows everything, that will not happen. And Allah knows how everything will happen. And Allah knows that those things that are not meant to happen and will not happen. If they happen to happen, then how they will happen. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows this as well.

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This is

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The knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is built on this knowledge. So also panda who were to Allah knew the life that each and every one of us will live. He knew whether we will pass his tests or whether we will fail his tests and he knew which person from us will live upon Toshi, and diligence with regards to the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala and one from amongst us won't, so he explained to add them AlLahi salam, this is your project, those that will enter the Hellfire and those that will enter Paradise. And Allah subhanho wa Taala set a question amongst each and every one of us, as is found in Surah two LS to be or have become, Am I not your Lord? Paul Barra and

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every one of us said yes, and I'm also Hannah who attend I said shahina with this has taken place and Taku Yama Yama against you saying on the day of the AMA in the Quran and Hadith hopefully, that we will with regards to you being our Lord from the ignorant we didn't know

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there's no room for this now. Right? So our natural disposition naturally leans towards the

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witness that Allah Subhana who were to Allah is our

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and naturally leans towards Toshi, and the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala oneness in his lordship and oneness in his worship and oneness in his attributes and names and qualities subhanho wa Taala. So this natural disposition exists amongst all of us, but it was what is amazing is how in touch with his natural disposition, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was right. And when we look at this debate that he had with the mood and the other aspects we will discuss just now we cannot help but be amazed. And that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala honored him with the title Halima The one who is so close to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala so close. So close. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gathers with him in general, I'm sure many of us are thinking now that we wish we have a son so we can name him Ibrahim.

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And by Allah, we can talk about the other MBR Allahu wa Salatu was Salam and you will wish you have sons to name them. The names of the Prophets that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose amongst mankind their lives are amazing. And Allah when we read about them, and when we study them, our Eman cannot help but become vitalized

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Ibrahim alayhi salam, O servants of Allah and oh Children of Adam was so honorable that the nations before us fought over him.

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Thus the Jews said

00:38:00 --> 00:38:03

Ibrahim, is from us.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:45

And the Christians claimed attribution to Ibrahim alayhis salam, meaning when we say Ibrahim is from us, we know that he Brahim was before them. But they took they were claiming Ibrahim alayhi salam. They were claiming Ibrahim alayhi salam. This is the honor of this man, that even the previous nations fought over him. And the Christian stood up and said no. We have an attribution and claim to Ibrahim alayhi salam. And Allah subhanho wa Taala corrected both parties in his book and said McKenna Makka Ebo he Mu yahudi young wala na sorani Walla

00:38:46 --> 00:39:26

Walla ke Khanna hanifa muslimah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allah subhanho wa Taala says Ibrahim was not a Jew, nor was he a Christian. But he was an upright steadfast submitted to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah Muslim, remember we discussed this terminology Islam yesterday for those who are present, right? He was an upright steadfast Muslim, a person who submitted to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala in every moment that he lived in, and Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

00:39:28 --> 00:39:34

and toluna in a burrow he Ibrahima is Marina what is

00:39:36 --> 00:39:36

a boo,

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Boo says or do they say or do you say indeed Ibrahim and it's mareel and his heart and Yaqoob and the

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As well, and the scholars differ with regards to the ASVAB. Some say they were the other children of jacoba salam, do you say they were Jews and Christians? Allah says tell them, are you more knowledgeable or Allah subhanahu wa to Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was an upright steadfast Muslim. But the point is, he was so honorable that previous nations fought over him. And Allah subhanho wa Taala taught the world in its entirety, that the only ones the only ones who have a right to claim attribution to Ibrahim alayhis salam to claim him are those who in

00:40:49 --> 00:40:52

CB a boy he mela Latina

00:40:56 --> 00:40:58

be you well levena

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meanie Allah subhanho wa Taala said indeed the foreigners with regards to Ibrahim alayhis salam are those who follow the way of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and this prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and those who follow this prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yourself and myself so cannot be an Allah Alhamdulillah he led he had no idea what to do Lola and Hayden Allah. Allah has blessed us by giving us claim to Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allahu Akbar. Again May Allah subhanahu wa Jalla gave us with him in Jannah Ameen so we can sit with him and discuss with him how amazed we were at the life that he lived in Europa alameen. My dear brothers and sisters, as Ibrahim alayhis

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salam was honored with this amazing title Khalid Allah, Allah Subhana, who Allah teaches us in his book that he was also described and given us the titles besides Hollywood LA. And from these titles, is the title of Mustapha. The Chosen One, Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam was given the title of the chosen one for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says in his book in Noah has Papa oedema

00:42:38 --> 00:42:39

a Burro he

00:42:40 --> 00:42:46

was in Marana Ll elemi.

00:42:47 --> 00:43:02

Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Adam and chose Lu and chose Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim as well as the family of Iran over and over Allah.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:27

Allahu Akbar, so from his titles was that he was the chosen one, and from the titles of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was that he was the favored one one or the one who Allah subhanho wa Taala showered upon him a completed favor for Allah subhanho wa Taala. In surah Yusuf says, were you to

00:43:28 --> 00:43:34

metta who are laico arella earlier COVID Karma

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00:43:40 --> 00:43:47

boy economy Evo Hema is for

00:43:48 --> 00:43:52

Noah Becker early Imani shocky

00:43:54 --> 00:44:10

Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah mentions jacoba salam teaching Yusuf Alayhi Salam that Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is going to complete his favor upon you, just as he completed his favor upon your forefathers,

00:44:12 --> 00:44:20

the family of Yaqoob as well as the forefathers of use of Allah who seldom who Ibrahima

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Ibrahim alayhi salam, and is happy, and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, Indeed,

00:44:27 --> 00:45:00

Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is Allah mode Hakeem Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned here, the teaching of Yaqoob alayhi salam to his son, Yusuf alayhi salam. And at the end of this ayah yaku teaches him that you are Allah subhanho wa Taala is Aleem or knowledgeable and Hakeem or wives so from the titles of Ibrahim is the one who was given a completed favor by Allah subhanho wa Taala Allen and one point I want to mention here and this is the

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Turbo through Tata Boren, again I remind you to our sitting together in January when we discussed the double, and this contemplation over the ayat in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In this ayah, which I've just recited, which is in Surah Yousuf around the sixth or the seventh ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us that iacobelli salam taught Yusuf alayhi salam, that whatever difficulty you go through, it's only Allah subhanho wa Taala completing his favor upon you, just as he completed his favor upon the family of yaku and Ibrahim and his Huck Ibrahim and is hack. Now, why does Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned Ibrahim before his heart when his hack was the

00:45:46 --> 00:45:54

grandfather of use of and Ibrahim was the great grandfather of use of Right. Right. One would think that

00:45:56 --> 00:46:01

is her could be mentioned before Ibrahim. But Allah mentioned Ibrahim before.

00:46:02 --> 00:46:25

And the reason why I'm mentioning this is because it has relevance to our topic, as we discussed the life of Ibrahim alayhis salam, or some lessons from Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and his life. Right. The scholars say that this is because of the station and precedents and rank. And the honor that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave to Ibrahim alayhi salam, that no prophet will be mentioned before him.

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Allah will mention him before others thus gave him and brought him before his hack because of the love that Allah subhanho wa Taala had for the Toshi of Ibraheem alehissalaam

00:46:41 --> 00:46:45

Allahu Akbar. The Quran is amazing. Allah is amazing.

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We have lessons in the area, which we read, and there's lessons behind these areas. These areas have secrets, that if we pondered, we would extrapolate and deduce with the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. May Allah open our hearts and make us people have the double whammy

00:47:04 --> 00:47:25

from the titles of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was that Allah titled him the truthful one, thus Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah, Maryam a surah, which we love, he says, was guru Phil kita be able or he him in who cannot say the

00:47:26 --> 00:47:37

nebia Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says and mentioned in the book, Ibrahim for him and his Salah Indeed, he was an honest and truthful prophet.

00:47:38 --> 00:48:04

From the titles which Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him was the title of forbearance, and the title of being a sub applicator, and the title of being humble, and the title of being repentant, Allahu Akbar, these titles which we need to aspire to have in our lives, and the loss of Hannah who has the essays regarding this in a Burro, Hema, la Halle

00:48:06 --> 00:48:29

Mooney, Allahu Akbar, that Verily, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was without doubt forbearing and used to invoke a VA with humility, and was repentant to Allah all the time. Again, and again, this was Ibrahim alayhi salam, this was Ibrahim alayhi salam, and this this whole quality of being humble

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is prevalent in the story in the Quran, when Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us about the angels gibreel alayhi salam and those angels that came with him that visited Ibrahim alayhis salam, they visited him on the way to loop and the people of loop, they were going to punish the people of Luth with a mass punishment, but they had an errand to run before that. And that was to go to the house of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and give him glad tidings of a child, his heart, give him glad tidings of a child is happy alayhis salam. And when they visited him, from the qualities of Ibrahim was that he was generous, Allahu Akbar, we can bring out qualities of the quality of the quality of the college.

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He was, he was an embodiment of the best of character. Right? So Ibrahim was also a generous person. Thus he presented to them a calf because they say the wealth of Ibrahim alayhis salam or his property was cows was cows. So he presented to them an entire car cooked and ready to be consumed, but they did not partake of the meal. So he pushed it towards them and said Allah Kowloon, did you not eat and then they reveal themselves as messengers from Allah who have been sent to loot look at

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

Be humble must have this man immediately when he understood

00:50:05 --> 00:50:26

that they are going to destroy the people of love. Immediately look at this humble forbearing Man, these were from his qualities, his character came out. And immediately he said, in the fee helluva, why are you going they will loop is this hanabi era, he is defending his brother.

00:50:28 --> 00:50:38

And the angels responded to Alibaba and see how we are more knowledgeable about who's there. We are more knowledgeable about who's there. And they mentioned the punishment that's going to overcome

00:50:40 --> 00:51:12

this nation besides loot and the family of loot except his wife, or she would be from the ones who would experience the punishment as well. But look at Ibrahim, that, you know, here, guests come. And it's not his business to worry about the people of love and these angels that Allah has sent to them. But he makes it his business, Allahu Akbar, because of how soft he is, and how generous he was and how forbearing he was, and how humble he was not in a in the law. Today, I asked you

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if we knew that some form of harm was coming to our competition

00:51:22 --> 00:51:28

to our competition in business, would we defend our competitor?

00:51:30 --> 00:51:32

Or would we say Superleggera be Allah Allah

00:51:34 --> 00:51:37

and start working out our profits for the next month.

00:51:39 --> 00:52:25

Even in the our servants of Allah, and oh Children of Adam, how have we become that even in our we are envious of other Islamic organizations? We are envious of our other Muslim brothers and sisters who are doing work in the Tao. Allahu Akbar was Ibrahim was a prophet. And Luke was a prophet. But was he they were doing the same that they were doing the same day. But Ibrahim Alayhi Salam had a vision. And that vision was so heated in this dunya and knew that he Salam had a vision. And that vision was so he's in this dunya and the people who lived their lives diligent to the kalama La ilaha illa Allah, so they shared the same vision. Thus they were partners and not competitors.

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Ibrahim saw this as my partner as somebody who's helping me achieve my vision. Thus, he immediately forgot about the food that wasn't being eaten, and immediately started defending his partner and his brother Ruth la sala. What, what amazing lessons we learned from this great Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam Halima, and again, we say, may Allah guide us with him in general. I mean, so this was from the titles of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and from his titles was that he was a prophet that was guided from a very young age. He was guided from a very young age, this is another title, which Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him the one who has guided from a young age for Allah subhanho wa Taala said,

00:53:15 --> 00:53:16

oil for the

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Ebo he morose there who may

00:53:22 --> 00:53:27

or may not be He, I mean,

00:53:28 --> 00:53:38

Allah says that indeed we gave Ibrahim alayhi salam, his guidance from before and we will with regards to him knowledge about knowledge about knowledgeable

00:53:40 --> 00:53:58

these are the titles are servants of Allah, and oh Children of Adam and this is this amazing man. And that is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us, as is in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim from the hadith of Ibn Abbas robiola one that the first person to be closed on the day of piano.

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On the day of piano will be Ibrahim al Hassan will be Ibrahim alayhi salam. And yes, he is deserving of this. For one law he he was a nation. We just discussed how he was a giant in many segments, and we've just discussed the many titles that Allah subhanahu Allah has given him and by Allah what I have said about him thus far is only a drop in the ocean or a tip of the iceberg. He was an entire nation and Allah subhanho wa Taala declared him to be an entire nation for Allah Subhana who Allah says in Surah, two nahan in a barahi McKenna

00:54:40 --> 00:54:59

Oh Nita Lila hanifa while me akumina, mushy ki Shakira Lee and narumi aged a bear who was who ella ciroc mustafi whatever

00:55:01 --> 00:56:05

dounia Hashanah. We're in who Phil Hiroshi lemina saw the Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanahu wa tada says Verily, indeed, Ibrahim was an entire en la la ilaha illa An entire nation he was one man but he was enough. Today we we want numbers, we gauge the size of our organization or size of our talk or size of our country, based on the population population. We are obsessed with great numbers with quantity, right even the GDP it has to be a grand GDP and with GDP it must be it must be but sometimes we make it grand based on false premise. on false premise. We absorbed with quantity, our says be a person of quality, that Ibrahim was a one man living in a nation of shirk, living in a

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nation of idolatry. His father was appointed his family was upon it, but he denied it. One man, Allah said he was an entire nation,

00:56:16 --> 00:56:42

an entire nation that's quality of servants of Allah. And that's quality, oh Children of Adam. And this is how we appreciate those 313 or so plus or minus, on better on whether that Allah used as a means for us to be Muslims today for us to sit here in this gathering and celebrate the life of Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allahu Akbar, quality over quantity.

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This is Ibrahim. He was an Omar, a leader having all the good righteous qualities.

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And the nation is that the different interpretations of explanations rather, of the scholars of the sea, he was obedient to Allah. He was upright hanifa and he wasn't from the mushy raccoon, the polytheists Allah says share clearly. He was thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for these gifts that Allah gave him and we discussed the importance of being thankful. And Allah says that Allah chose him as an intimate friend khaleel Allahu Akbar and guided him to a straight path. And Allah says, and we gave him good in this world, and in the Hereafter, he shall be of the righteous May Allah give us good in this world and make us from the righteous in the hereafter. Amin, amin, amin,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala, as we continue discussing the blessings of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam are servants of Allah, and all children of Adam. Allah teaches us that from the titles of Ibrahim was that he was the father of prophethood and revelation La ilaha illAllah. Imagine having that title of servants of Allah. Imagine imagine having that title or children of Adam to be the father of prophethood and Revelation.

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, for Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in Surah, two Hadid

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or J.

00:58:14 --> 00:58:23

Three ru ri at Hema boo boo kita. Allah says that

00:58:24 --> 00:58:26

we placed

00:58:27 --> 00:58:28

in his progeny

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Prophethood and revelation and we discussed this yesterday that from the blessings of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and how Allah loves him, and how pleased he made Allahu Akbar, Allah declared that every prophet that will enter this world after him will be from his family will be from his family, for Ibrahim had two sons named his heart and his marine or his marine and his heart. And the scholars have to say or some say that is married was given to Brahim when he was 19 years old and some say 95 and some have given other fingers and his half was given to him at the age of 100.

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And every prophet after these two sons

00:59:18 --> 00:59:21

were from the progeny of Ibrahim Elissa

00:59:22 --> 00:59:32

for his have had a son called Jaco and the article was titled Israel in Israel and that's where we have the story of Israel

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and his have had children and every prophet after his heart goes to Ibrahim Alayhi Salam through his heart Elisa,

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except one Prophet, and that was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who goes to Ibrahim via is Maria Elisa la vie is married and inshallah Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah gave Ibrahim is married through hajra alayhis salam

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

And gave Ibrahim his heart through sobre

01:00:06 --> 01:00:07

la sala

01:00:09 --> 01:00:34

and Ibrahim was commanded to take her job and his mareel to the barren land. And thus we celebrate the life of Ibrahim in our oma and hedge. De Zamzam. De Palma Ibrahim the Safa and Marwa the pelting of the shale clean. Right Subhana Allah, Allah Allah, aka birkoff, this man, that an entire pillar in Islam has been revealed

01:00:36 --> 01:00:42

in recognition of Ibrahim Ali salam, O Allah, what will make us understand who is the primary Salah that Allah makes us

01:00:44 --> 01:01:33

after going out, and on the days of missionary go and pelt Subhana Allah, not once, but the second day, and the third day, and the fourth day we have the three days of the shred. And then we have the pouting of the greater jamara on video of imagine simple pelting why because a great man who walked this earth before you and I, he did this, and it was beloved to Allah, there were devils that were trying to throw him off, carrying out the command of Allah and this is what he did. And Allah loved it. Thus emulated, thus emulated, Allah loves to see that act happen time and time again. Thus he made it a pillar are part of the pillar of the pillars of Islam Hajj, lavaca, Allahu Akbar, Allah

01:01:33 --> 01:01:57

He, our my hairs are standing, just talking about Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and just thinking about imagine, imagine us in this world, and the most amazing person, your hero, the most powerful person you would love to meet. He praises you by name. And he introduces an act that is dedicated to you how honored and how special would you feel?

01:01:59 --> 01:02:02

Imagine that. And the Lord of the worlds

01:02:04 --> 01:02:53

has recognized the man and set as a practice and action that celebrates the action of this man and recognizes him. So how special must he be? Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Again, we say May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us with him in general. I mean, I mean, I mean, so this is it oh servants of Allah, Allah placed in his progeny. Prophethood Lupo, WA, and revelation for all these prophets came from his progeny and books were revealed to them. Thus, these books and these prophets were in the progeny of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam What an amazing person indeed, what an amazing person indeed and that is why when someone told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Oh best of mankind. Yeah, very

01:02:53 --> 01:03:06

Yeah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, the best of mankind is Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. He that's why he's been given these titles. He's been given these titles,

01:03:07 --> 01:03:29

and for your information for those who want to follow up. This particular Hadith is the hadith of NSE. But Malik is the hadith of Iris even Malik and is found in Sahih Muslim. So hey, Muslim, and we just shared earlier the headings of even our best how Ibrahim Alayhi Salam will be the first to be closed on the day of piano. So his blessings continue from this world into the hereafter.

01:03:31 --> 01:04:10

My dear brothers and sisters will llahi I mean, we rightfully the talk should end now we've completed over an hour. And, honestly, to sit and discuss the history of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and the many events that happened in his life. And the many lessons that can be deduced from these events. We would require I would say two days, two days together, maybe 10 hours on one day and 10 hours on the next day. In fact, maybe we should make this a course special. I see the brothers here. They have their folders for the alcocer course that they attending here to find out Mashallah May Allah bless them for the striving, they've set the whole day to day for almost 10 hours. And they

01:04:10 --> 01:04:16

sitting for this program where they learn how to bless you, and increase your knowledge and make you laugh

01:04:17 --> 01:04:36

and make from your children or llama as well. I mean, I mean, and perhaps this can be a course for life, just to sit down and better our lives from studying the life of Ibrahim alayhis salam, but with with your permission, with your permission, if you permit, if you permit, I would like to read some is

01:04:37 --> 01:04:59

from the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That describes one event, or the earliest event in the life of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and that is him in the house of his father, in the house of idolatry, and the conversation that takes place between them, and three or four lessons that we can deduce with your permission. We

01:05:00 --> 01:05:22

With your permission, because we wouldn't complete this talk if we didn't at least take an incident from his life and learn from it. Allah subhanho wa Taala in his book says, was guru Phil kita ba ba he, in ahuka de Pon B

01:05:23 --> 01:05:26

is Pawlenty Abbe

01:05:27 --> 01:05:34

De Lima buma yes ma Walla Walla yovani

01:05:35 --> 01:05:36


01:05:37 --> 01:05:38

Yes. Yeah.

01:05:43 --> 01:05:49

Mina Mima Mia tick, but therby ni de casa

01:05:52 --> 01:05:52


01:05:55 --> 01:06:02

la Tina Budi Shea on in shame on

01:06:04 --> 01:06:06

Manny ice

01:06:07 --> 01:06:20

yeah Betty in me ahafo a sucker either misaka in me aha for a second

01:06:22 --> 01:06:25

man effetto coo

01:06:26 --> 01:06:29

coo Nelly shape or nemani

01:06:31 --> 01:06:33

Allah oh he Boone

01:06:34 --> 01:06:36

le Hattie

01:06:38 --> 01:06:39


01:06:43 --> 01:06:47

juman Nika jumi Molly

01:06:48 --> 01:06:52

por la sala Molnar la casa as stone

01:06:53 --> 01:06:57

be in Abu Dhabi heavy.

01:06:58 --> 01:07:00

What does he do como

01:07:02 --> 01:07:10

una me to Neela he wore a B there or be

01:07:12 --> 01:07:13

a coup

01:07:16 --> 01:07:17

de Shafi

01:07:18 --> 01:07:19


01:07:22 --> 01:07:22

or boo,

01:07:24 --> 01:07:32

boo Nila he was Allah wa herbin Allah who is half hour yaku Bella.

01:07:40 --> 01:07:46

Matina La Habana mirror washing mattina

01:07:48 --> 01:07:52

whom Lisa knows we do pay nanny.

01:07:56 --> 01:08:44

The Quran is beautiful or light, soothing, it's soothing, it's therapeutic, as we say, we take peace from it and contentment from it. And especially when you understand it, especially when you understand that let us go through this if it does go through this is in the 19th chapter, or more appropriately surah in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, Allah Subhana Allah says, what could fill Kitab Ibrahim and mentioned in the book The story of Abraham, I'm going to run through this quickly. Indeed, he was a man of truth, and the prophet and mentioned when he said to his father, oh, my dear father, why do you worship that which does not hear, and does not see and will

01:08:44 --> 01:09:11

not benefit you at all? Oh, my dear father, indeed, there has come to me of knowledge that which has not come to you. So follow me, and I will guide you to uneven path. Oh, my dear father, do not worship shavon indeed, shavon has ever been to the Most Merciful, disobedient, Allahu Akbar, to get the advice of a young to the one who is old.

01:09:12 --> 01:09:30

Oh, my dear father, indeed, I fear that they will touch you a punishment from the Most Merciful. So you would be to shame upon a companion in the Hellfire wahaca Allahu Akbar. So his father heard him and said to him,

01:09:32 --> 01:09:46

Have you no desire for my gods? Oh, Ibrahim. If you do not desist meaning from saying what you say, I will surely stone you. So avoid me and get away from me for a prolonged time.

01:09:48 --> 01:09:58

So he was scolded, and he was caught. And Ibrahim turns to his father and says all SLM, una la

01:10:00 --> 01:10:43

Peace be upon you. So as stone Pharaoh laka be, I will ask forgiveness for you from my lord lo Akbar. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, in Abu Dhabi heavy. Indeed he is ever gracious. Barack Obama. How many of us value our Islam and are a man of law? Have we ever thanked Allah for waking up with his greatest gift Islam and his greatest gift? Imagine Have we ever sent Allah by Allah asked you. Have you ever sent Allah literally cried to Alliance it? Yeah, Allah, Allah, He gave me the greatest gift without me ever asking you for it. Have we ever? Look at Ibrahim alayhis salam.

01:10:46 --> 01:10:59

And Ibrahim Alayhi Salam says, and I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allah, and I will invoke my align my Lord, I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord. And

01:11:01 --> 01:11:47

so when he had left them, and those they worshipped other than Allah, we gave him his hand, and we gave him yaku from the progeny of his half, and each of them we made a profit. And we gave them our mercy Allahu Akbar, and we made for them a reputation of high honor. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in Surah Maria in the ayat that I chose to recite for you, brothers and sisters, before we leave, let us traverse through this ayah. Together, let us traverse very quickly through these ayat together, and at least through the double, extrapolate some lessons for Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and his life is deserving of us doing this. Allah Subhana, who Allah teaches us from this ayah

01:11:47 --> 01:12:08

brothers and sisters, that charity begins at home. Because Allah tells us in this portion of the Quran, how Ibrahim Alayhi Salam is giving that hour to his father first, not to anyone else in the community, to his father, first, charity begins at home.

01:12:09 --> 01:12:21

Today, brothers and sisters, we are quick to look at the faults of others. And we don't see the problems that need fixing right in front of us.

01:12:23 --> 01:12:40

I'm not saying that that hour should not be comprehensive, it shouldn't be. But the hour should also be prioritized. And Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to begin this hour, by inviting the close ones, one zero, or she can

01:12:42 --> 01:12:46

start with your close ones, your relatives and those

01:12:47 --> 01:13:15

in close proximity. Charity begins at home. This is what we learn, first and foremost from the outset of this conversation between Ibrahim alayhis salam and his father, what an amazing that Abraham Lincoln was, we just said at the beginning that he was a giant in the hour. Right? He was a giant in that hour. those closest to us brothers and sisters, they have a greater right to our goodness than those who are further from us.

01:13:16 --> 01:14:03

And when Islam teaches us to maintain family relations, it's not just about visiting people. It's not just about visiting people, it's about being proactive with them. This is how you maintain family relations. This is how it is that you are proactive with them, that you are forced to correct their mistakes for the sake of Allah Subhana. Allah, if there's a mistake, you don't go about speaking behind their back about the mistake. This is how that was done to those in close proximity to us. And this is the Tao of Ibrahim is not speaking to anyone else about his father. He's immediately visiting his father and teaching his father and inviting his father and his salad and a

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Today, sadly, our relationship with our families and close ones is in a total opposite direction, to Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and what Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about him here.

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And it's totally opposite to the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam we have a petty attitude in maintaining relationships with our families. We have the attitude. If they visit me, I will visit them. That's our attitude. Right? They daughter got married. They didn't invite me to their walima Wait, I'm going to fix him. I have three daughters.

01:14:46 --> 01:14:47

I have three.

01:14:48 --> 01:14:59

Right. Apollo fiction. This is our attitude. This is our attitude. This is not the way of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and the ambia Salatu was Salam and the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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This is not the way of a Muslim who has submitted to the will of Allah and declared Allah as one and accepted the prophecy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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a Muslim lives his or her life upon the character of Islam, and not the character of another person.

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If your values is to greet people, you will greet them every day, even if they don't greet you back. Because you will continue being who you are.

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This is you look at this, these are the values that Islam has instilled in us, and the values that we need to strive to upkeep. And by Allah, the moment we lose these values, we will lose ourselves. Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam is teaching us the importance of value, the importance of value, we grant us the understanding.

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Many of us are slaves, slaves of our own emotions, our own emotions, we just discussed how Ibrahim was supportive of loop. Today, somebody else has something we are envious. We become slaves of our own emotions.

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Right? We don't work with them with the character of Islam, we work with them with other people's character. And thus we become sad people and depressed people

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and people who shorten their lives. Why? Because the stress, and we know that stress has spiritual and physical harm. It has it increases our blood pressure from the physical harms, right? whereby if we took a page from the MBR, Allahu salatu salam, we would celebrate the success of somebody else, using the character and the values of Islam. And we would free ourselves from being a slave to the emotion of hazard and envy and jealousy and so on and so forth. These qualities of shaper that may change upon become wretched and doomed forever. Try it one day, somebody has something that you would love, celebrated as if you were given that thing and see how well you sleep at night. Try it

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one day. Try it one day, celebrate it as if you received it, because he's your Muslim brother.

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And the character of Islam dictates that we behave this way. And this is better for our dunya and after we are migrants, they understand that so point number one, charity begins at home. Look after your family members comprehensively in visiting them. Yes. And in our our, and activeness and proactiveness with them, may Allah grant us the understanding. And the second point we learn from

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the that will be Brahim Ali. Salaam is politeness in speech. How many times did you hear? Oh my dear father, yeah, Betty. Oh my dear father. Yeah. Pretty. Oh, my dear father, yeah. Betty. Oh, my dear father, yeah, Betty.

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How many times did you hear that just now in this is that we recited his father was upon misguidance. But look at the patience to get the respect. Look at Ibrahim alayhi salam, we were just discussing how forbearing and humble he had this was part This was Ibrahim. Because this story is telling us about Ibrahim as a young boy,

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he was much younger than when the angels visited him before they went to look. And even here, his qualities are the same. His qualities are the same. The character of Islam existed. He wasn't a person who in one portion of his life had a certain character, and in another portion of his life had a different character, a person who lost his identity No, no, they always say to the identity crisis. Our youth are going through an identity crisis. It will never went through identity crises. They knew who they were. They knew where they came from. They knew where they were going. And they knew how to get their success. They had their values. They were people of perspective.

01:19:09 --> 01:19:19

People have perspective. So he's speaking to his father in the mildest of ways today by Allah, how do we address our children when they make mistakes? What words come out of our mouth

01:19:20 --> 01:19:54

that our child might remember that word in old age and it will give them a low self esteem because of our crime and no fault of this? today even in our day, our sometimes how do we see people addressing the other people that they want to correct? Oh, innovator, or misguided 101 today, and so on and so forth. Hola. Hola, Stan, you could you brought him in? He said, I'm talking to an idolater. He's saying My dear father, the softest of speech, the softest of speech. And the scholars of the Arabic language say that

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there are 10 ways to call your mother and father in the Arabic language, the softer

01:20:00 --> 01:20:02

Have these 10 is Yeah. A Baqi

01:20:03 --> 01:20:04

with DITA

01:20:06 --> 01:20:54

and this was the son of all the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For we see this in the story of use of Allah, his Salah when he went to his father and also said yeah, about it. And so panela we see that these children, these young, they address their parents, with the respect gained from the way the parents addressed them. Because the parents would address their children, or the ambia salatu wa sallam, they would address their children in the most sweetest of ways as well. Have we not seen in the Quran? Yeah. boonie Oh, my dear son, yeah. boulais Oh, my dear son, even in the life of Ibrahim alayhi salam, look how he was, look how he was when he was older. And Allah tested him

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with his married because Allah loves to heat and Ibrahim was making you do and for years and years and years, yeah, Allah grant me a child, grant me a child, grant me a child. So when Allah gave him his Marielle, Allah tested him that who is more beloved to you, Allah and His command or your son is marine? does Allah commanded him to put a knife to his neck? Right? When Allah commanded him to this act, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam turned to his son. And Allah tells us this in the Quran, Allah says

01:21:26 --> 01:21:34

Bella Omar who's Surya, Paula yah buena de la in ne

01:21:36 --> 01:21:38

ne ne as

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Allah says, that once it was understood what was required of him, he turned to his son, and he said, Oh, my dear son, indeed, I see in a dream myself slaughtering you. So what do you say about this? Oh, my dear son, what do you say about this and is married and is it Salaam turns to his father and says, Oh Allah, yeah, Betty, oh, my dear father, if to carry out that which Allah has commanded you to do. So taggi dooney, you will find me in sha Allah with the permission of Allah and the will of Allah. Mina saw berrien from the patient.

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We are lawmakers, diligent parents,

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and make us diligent children.

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And may Allah grant us diligence in our speech and that

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I mean, so that's the second point to be sweet in our that our, to be sweet in our our speak to people with kindness, speak to them with respect, speak to them with respect, repel, even with good, Allahu Akbar, even if they speak against you repel that with goodness. And this is the third point that I want to share with you from the Tao of Ibrahim, because when his father spoke to him harshly and said, if you don't stop, I will stone you and get away from me. Right? Right. This is what his father in effect said, What did Ibrahim Alayhi Salam say? What did he say? He said,

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he repelled that evil with goodness. With that, which is awesome and better.

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If somebody calls you names, address them with sweetness repel that evil with goodness. And this is the third lesson from the IRS which we read.

01:23:32 --> 01:23:58

Ibraheem alehissalaam teaches us how to maintain our values and maintain our love and maintain our character. My father just scolded me. He told me to get away, he's threatened to stone me how scared must I feel? But immediately I will still never lose my values with regards to me and my father, does he say Salama Holic Peace be upon you? And not only that, I will be good to my father. So

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I will ask Allah to forgive you.

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Allahu Akbar. He wants to be dutiful to his father. And yes, Ibrahim did seek forgiveness until Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him that his father is destined for the hellfire. Thus, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam had to stop and he stopped seeking forgiveness from that point onwards from that point onwards. This is the third lesson brothers and sisters, no pettiness repel evil with goodness, and this is from the highest stages of a person's character and belief. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us this in the Quran, the ability to make your enemy your greatest friend and supporter. He says indefatigability here for either the bay Nicole Urbina, who is our kana who really would have a

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar that repel that evil with that which is better, so that perhaps you will convert your enemy and make

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Your greatest supporter? Allahu Akbar, right. This is from the lessons of Ibrahim alayhi salam. We have also Hannah who Allah gave us with him in Jana, there are many, many lessons I would like to share. But in sha Allah This is a good reason, a good reason for us to agree to inshallah make dua that Allah gathers us again together to learn from the life of Ibrahim alayhi salam, from the life of Ibrahim alayhi salam, we can do everything we can do everything but we've done something and inshallah we've done a lot with the lie to Allah. inshallah, we've learned about this great prophet, and as we learn about him,

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make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us like him, ask Allah to inspire us to be like him. So Allah loves us

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in a greater way, in a greater way that we do those deeds that I means of earning Allah Subhana who were to Allah is greater love, greater love army. May Allah subhanho wa Taala gather us with Ibrahim Alayhi Salam in Geneva. And may Allah inspire us to have sittings dedicated to the lessons from the events in the life of this prophet and the other MBR mo Salatu was Salam. May Allah subhanho wa Taala inspire us to emulate his way and the ways of the Gambia eligible salatu salam in our lives. I mean, may Allah subhanho wa Taala gather us with him agenda. I mean, I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala we have a farewell topic tomorrow, because I leave Qatar and you all after

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that topic and that topic is also titled, lessons from the hotbed of the farewell hatch. Right so we have a farewell topic related to the farewell hedge we have lost Hannah who Allah preserve us in his obedience and grant us life to

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avail ourselves tomorrow be the law hit Allah. And as we agreed yesterday, when you come bring two people with you because you have two hands and make sure they bring two people as well because they have to have vertical fukuhara Allahu Island, or sal Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi in Subhana Allah he will be able to use Anaconda humble Ambika Shadwell Illa Haleigh and the stock photo corner to be like Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

This Lecture is part of of the Lecture series entitled ‘The Hajj – A Message for Mankind’ at Fanar, Qatar – UAE.

This lecture highlights the honor and rank and status that is afforded to this great Messenger of Allah Almighty.
Sheikh Sajid extracts lessons from the Life of Ibrahim (as), and grows our love for this amazing Prophet of Allah – ‘The Father of Prophethood’  that we can implement in our lives and grow our love for this amazing messenger of Allah Almighty.

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