Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S01 E04 Part A – Birth of Mohammed ﷺ

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The interview segment discusses the confusion surrounding the Prophet's son's birth and the lack of definitive evidence regarding their birth. The segment also touches on the importance of learning to be a mother and not just be born to one parent. The speakers emphasize the need for parents to be aware of the culture of Islam and practice it, as it is a responsibility that cannot be overruled. They also encourage parents to visit institutions for children and use the church's values to encourage others to adopt.
AI: Transcript ©
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The incident from the life of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I wanted to discuss with you today was as I said yesterday the issue or the incident where his chest was open some Allahu Allah he was saying, but this lesson needs to have a we need to discuss a few things before it. And in my preparation of the lesson today, I saw that it wouldn't be possible for us to discuss the opening of the chest of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we'll postpone that to another session with Elijah Allah. What I want to discuss with you today because it's necessary before we get to that incident, is the incident related to the birth of our beloved Prophet salallahu alayhi

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and the practice of the Arabs related to fostering and then in sha Allah. If Allah gives us life and brings us together we'll we will discuss the opening of his chest file Allahu alayhi wa sallam and what you and I can learn from it in sha Allah with regards to the birth of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Abdullah Ibn

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Al muttalib ibn Abdullah MK polyp, one of the sons of Abdul muttalib,

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who was the father of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he married Amina, he married Amina been to a hub. This was the mother of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, obviously, this is a summary so we can go into the lessons right after he married her. He went on a journey, he joined one of the caravans that would travel for trade to a place called the hodza. In this region known or the famous region known as Sham, which covers a few countries today.

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And he went for the purposes of trade as well. Now on the way back from this journey, he became ill and when he became ill, he decided to go to his

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maternal uncles in Medina and rest over there, so that he could recover and then make his journey back to to Makkah. So he went to his maternal uncle zone has been in the jar, and Allah decreed that he passed away. So that's where he passed away, and that is where he was buried in Medina.

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Now, at this point, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was still in the womb of his mother.

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He wasn't born yet.

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Which means that when he eventually was born, he was born as an orphan, as an orphan, and this is what was referred to by Allah subhanho wa Taala. When he said in Surah,

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Surah Taha lm medica, your team and for our Allah says they will not find you an orphan. Right? So Allah, when Allah subhanho wa Taala

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mentions this is referring to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam being born as an orphan

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because his father passed away before he was born, and there's a lesson we will take from this angle share with insha Allah.

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Now, the father of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to have passed away at the age of 25.

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Now at the birth of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, or the the timing of the birth, the actual date of the birth is no dispute that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born on a Monday, no scholar disputes this fact. Because he sallallahu alayhi wasallam said this, he said in the Hadith reported in Sahih, Muslim by a Muslim, that he was born on a Monday and that revelation came to him on a Monday as well. And that is why he also used to fast or he would faster Monday, and he would say that this was the day that I was born. So there's no dispute amongst the scholars that the day he was born was a Monday. Now

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with regards to the place of him being born, then according to the correct opinion,

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and this is the opinion of the majority Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born in Mecca, Mecca.

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In terms of Mecca, some of the scholars said he was born in an establishment belonging to Banu Hashim. And some said he was born in an establishment close to mount Safa. So there's two views of the historians and the scholars regarding the place of birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the actual place where he was born. Now when he was being delivered.

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A mother of a famous companion he later became a famous companion. His mother was the middle

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wife and she facilitated the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this was the mother of Abdurrahman, a bunch of rhodiola. Whoa. And with regards to the month of his birth, even Kathy, the famous scholar and the famous professor, explain of the Quran and the famous Hadith, he was a scholar of Hadith as well. And he was a famous historian as well. He's got an amazing book called I'll be there on the highway. He discusses everything from the beginning, till the end, the beginning and the end. I'll be there when the hire even can hear Rahim Allah. He mentions in his book, I'll be die on the higher that with regards to the month of birth of Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam than some of the scholars said he was born in the month of Ramadan. Some said he was born in the month of Ramadan, whilst the vast majority said he was born in the month of Robbie.

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Robbie, lol

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and he himself when he quotes this view of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being born in Ramadan. He doesn't support the view. He says, this is a questionable view. The scholars who say he was born in Ramadan, they say, well we know he became a prophet at the age of 40. And

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he became a prophet in the month of Ramadan, which means that he must have been born in Ramadan, but this this is this is not. I mean, anyone knows that a year compiles off I mean, when you 40 years old, you not 40 years old only in one month, you 40 years old for the course of the year. Right. So for them saying he was 40 when he became a prophet, and he became a prophet in the month of Ramadan means he was born in Ramadan. There is no correlation. There's no correlation here. Because you could have been born in another month of the year. And the majority of the scholars say that he was born in Nairobi alone. As for the actual day date, the actual date of birth, the scholars differed

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with many views. Some say he was born on the second of February, some say the eighth of February, some say the ninth of robiola one. Some say the 10th of your oven, some say the 12th of robiola, some say the 17th of February, and some even say the 22nd of reviewing our and they all have their evidences that they have used to substantiate their views. No doubt. The common view, as we see today, amongst people, is the 12 of reviewers. Oh, well, but the point to note is, there's no conclusive evidence.

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And you can see a plethora of use of the scholars that I've cited for you. So with regards to the date of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, his birth we don't know, the day we know, the month we know the year we know the year we discussed yesterday, the year of the elephants, the month and

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the day, Monday the date, we don't know and perhaps this was wisdom from Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep this hidden, because also we learn from this brothers and sisters and this is supposed to be taken in the benefits section but we can say this now. The fact that there's no conclusive evidence regarding the actual date means there's no significant worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala associated with the birth date of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Aloma a command to Lokhande Naka, watchmen to MIT Ravi to Islam, Medina, Allah revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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during the farewell, Hajj, polyoma acumen to la cadena come the DNA is complete. If there was any act of worship related to the birth of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, there would be no difference of opinion regarding the date of birth of Rasulullah sallallahu salallahu alayhi wasallam, it would have been manifestly clear, with evidence as clear as the sun.

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Now, when he was born, Amina sent him to his grandfather, Abdul McBurney and took him into the cabin. And

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then on the seventh day, slaughtered and he did a slaughter and he invited the courage to partake of the meal. Nowadays we say,

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all right, so understand that Islam came to perfect the most noble of characters, right? Right things which

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things which are acceptable we see Islam, either not speaking about it, meaning it's permissible or actually

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revealing evidence that cite it as a means of worship like that is a means of worship. The artist is a means of worship. On the seventh day, he is noted and in fact, the Quraysh when this meal happened, they asked him they said, What have you named him? So he said, I've named him Muhammad. Now, obviously, this name was strange. This name was strange to

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and they said Why have you named him Muhammad? He said with the hope that he will be praiseworthy in the heavens and on earth Subhan Allah because Allah inspires, Allah inspires when he was when he was subhanho wa Taala. Right.

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This name Muhammad was not famous at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu in this peninsula and at that time except with a few people, and he said that those few people who are named Mohammed by their parents were named Mohammed because people heard that there's a prophet coming whose name will be Mohammed.

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And Subhana Allah Luca, Allah protected the prophethood of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because we have no mentioned that any of those Mohammed's actually to claim to profit it nobody to claim to profited. And interviewers who would then when they when they we would see the persecution, the Quraysh was was afflicting on those who said La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah and accepted the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his prophecy. Even Kathy says in his writings, that Allah subhanho wa Taala protected the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam by preventing any of the other Muhammad's from announcing any claims to prophecy. Right

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There's many points that we can learn just from our discussion surrounding the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is the essence of our time together, because we talking about a Syrah understanding this year. We want to understand it in this century.

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Seeking Allah subhanho wa Taala assistance, I say, firstly, we learn what we just said, the date of birth is disputed.

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So they can know so no one can confidently say there's any act of worship attributed to the best day of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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That's the first thing and then the evidence for this is the many dates cited by the scholars and had they actually had they actually been an act of worship Allah would have released to us the actual date of his birth sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Secondly, brothers and sisters, we learn that

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a person is called an orphan if their father passes away, even if their mother is alive. This is what we learned in the Sharia. This is the definition of an orphan because Allah said lm yejide, kaya tieman, Allah called him a yachtie called him an orphan even though his mother was alive, but his father had passed away. Understand this, right? If you want to assist orphans, and you're trying to understand who is an orphan, an orphan is also one who has lost his or her father, before this person was born or after this person was born before this person reaches the age of puberty, an orphan is no more considered an orphan, when they reach the age of puberty, even in the in the

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Islamic rulings, many rulings of the orphans

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are set till the age the orphan reaches the age of puberty when they reach the age of puberty and they have abilities with well for example, the world should be given back to them and so on and so forth.

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We also learn from how Allah subhanho wa Taala caused him sallallahu alayhi wasallam to be born after his father passed away, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was not just any orphan, but an orphan in the most complete form of the term orphan. So this is the wisdom from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah decreed this, right? The most complete often is the one who's born before after his father passes away.

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Yeah, Allah subhanho wa Taala preserved our parents in his obedience. I mean, and for those who have passed away, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant in graves, that our gardens from the gardens of Jana And may Allah unite us with them underneath his outer from the day of tm. And may Allah gather us with them in the highest jungle for those Allah Allah, I mean, you are behind me.

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I was called to LA him say

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that when we look at the actual birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We see how Allah nurtured him to be a prophet from the first breath he took in this life.

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Because him being born this way,

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allowed him to live a life different

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to others, being born as a perfect often, right, he was born in very unique circumstances. Right. And

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those who lasala while he was in him growing up without a father allowed him to develop a form of sensitivity, a form of sensitivity in his data. We see how sensitive he was sallallahu alayhi wasallam to the people how he made excuses

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For the people he had an under, he had life experience from the first breath that he took, because will lie. Nobody knows how it is to grow up without a father except the person who's grown up without a father.

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Nobody knows. So Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the first breath was experiencing life without a father. So this nurtured him in a specific way.

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Right, and gave him specific qualities. Allah was preparing him to be a prophet, before he was born. And I was calling say, we learn from this, how Allah protected His Prophet hood as well.

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From the first breath he took, why, because no one could

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slander him and accuse him of coming up with a message which he took from his father.

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And nobody did this. Nobody could do this. Nobody could say your message is from your, it's from your father, your father brought you up, he taught you you just come with, with what something is relayed to you. There's no significance to this, right. But they couldn't, they couldn't stand him with anything. He was attributing it to Allah and he didn't have a father and he was born without a father. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, protected him as a prophet nurtured him to be a prophet. Right? We know from from the first breath to 14, he was being nurtured, he he was also attending to the he was a shepherd as well, this nurtures you a shepherd of sheep. So Pamela, a shepherd of sheep is

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different than the one who has camels and the one who has other animals. Right? And, and if you've you know, Mashallah, I have some friends who, who come from the farmlands in Saudi Arabia and they have camels and so on and so forth. And they tell you amazing things of the differences. You know, the qualities you need to be to herd sheep, I haven't done it, Allahu Allah, Masha, Allah, Australia, a lot of farmlands, maybe we have some farmers here, you know, better anybody, a farmer here? No, we're in the middle of the city. The farmers are far away.

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They say, they say when you herd sheep and goats and so on and so forth to different different experience than cameras, you know, a camera gets lost. It doesn't affect you, because it can protect itself a sheep gets lost you worried, you go running after it, you concerned about it, this flock doesn't belong to you, you be answerable to the owner, and you know, any delay, every second delayed have made the chance of the sheep being killed by a wolf or something even greater.

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Right, every second counts, it changes your whole perspective. And even the, the the nature that it gives it gives you a soft nature because the way they the sounds that they make and so on and so forth and the way that they behave, right, it changes you as a person Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was nurtured for prophecy. Allah subhanho wa Taala says la caja Kumara tsunami unphysical Indeed, there has come to you a messenger from you. He eats like you he drinks like you he marries like you he sleeps like you he gets tired, he gets ill from you a messenger as easily Hema and he, he is affected by that which affects you. So Allah Allah

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Subhana Allah, you have a problem, he is having a sleepless night.

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Subhan Allah as he is in any

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he has extreme care for you extreme concern for you.

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The meaning or overriding what the belief is his or her oath and Rahim is soft and kind hearted and kind natured from the law he was in.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala protected his prophethood.

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And Allah nurtured him as well from the first breath that he took by decreeing that he be born without a father.

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From the lessons we also learn my dear brothers and sisters and my dear mothers and fathers, motherhood is from the greatest gifts that a child can have.

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Because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah decreed that he be with his mother for the earliest years of his life.

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And think about this, my dear brothers and sisters, because I'm introducing this lesson here. This is not strange. This is not strange, right? This is not strange. Look at is married Allah, his Allah.

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Allah commanded that he be left in the barren land with who was his mother.

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Look at Musa alayhis salam.

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Allah decreed that he be returned to

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his mother. Look at Lisa and he said

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he was born and he didn't have a father. So had Allah motherhood, the greatest gift

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We see Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, the greatest gift a child can have. Right? And what will make us understand motherhood and what will make us understand the Mac magnanimous nature

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of being a homemaker,

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the greatest that walked this earth My dear mothers and sisters, the greatest that walk this earth, have had mothers who brought them up to be great. They weren't great just like that. They had mothers who brought them up to be great. Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam be with his mother, in the earliest years of his life. salallahu alayhi wasallam Now, don't get me wrong by the

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attendees. I'm not belittling the role of being a father in any way or form. Either fathers are smiling here at hamdulillah. We better plan or plan our trips and our holidays. Now we don't have to be around. The prophets were raised by mothers. Now you have the impact of a father is great. Don't Don't mistake me here and even when we look at the prophets like Musa alayhis salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that Musa alayhis salam was brought up under the care of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so he said he Salaam and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he's married and he salam, and so on and so forth. A father figure is important in the life of a child. And yes, my father's you need

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to man up, you need to change diapers, you need to also feed your to your children, because this way, I you know, I know we say it's the role of the mother and yes, the mother it is her role, but it's also your role in some way. Why? So that you break any barrier between your child and you. You see children are more closer to the mother. Why? Because the father is, is there to do the intimate things. So once we're not saying do it every day, what we say is some days, break the barrier to the bridge one day, feed your child one day, change his nappy, nappy, and you'll see how much fun they will have. And tomorrow when they have an issue. And the mother is not around. They won't choose to

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remain isolated from you as a father, you get what I'm saying. It's important, but the focus of our discussion is mothers. Today, my dear brothers and sisters and fathers and brothers, we live in an age where Subhanallah the eloquence and elegance and excellence of motherhood has been sucked out of the world. Today who wants to be called the mother or homemaker? Even when your child gets born, you get a birth certificate. Some countries they ask you occupation.

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What's the occupation of the of the father? Father's thinking of? How can I butter my qualification? So you know, when my son looks at his certificate, he's gonna say wow, this is my dad. Dave, what about the mother? homemaker housewife? Mother? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Put the teacher maybe

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domestic engineer, domestic engineer? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Why don't you put Minister of Interior? This is powerful. This is powerful. Whatever the case, whatever the case now when we say Mullah, Masha Hatter, Phyllis Diller had names and titles mean nothing. It's the reality that counts is the reality that counts, right? Being a mother, my dear brothers and sisters,

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is the greatest qualification you can have by Allah it is.

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And I like to call our mothers trim tabs. trim tabs, you know what a trim tab is? A trim tab is the small rudder on the Titanic that needs to turn. So the big rudder of the Titanic can turn which needs to turn. So this mighty ship can turn to Pamela. She's a trim tab.

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Right? If she doesn't do what she does, she cannot nurture the big rudder that can do what he needs to do or he needs to do to cause a fundamental shift in the world to impact this world in a great way. Look at him America him a hula, he my mother had a mother. She was a trim tuber. She was she brought him up. Rahim Allah. And he took him to the teacher of Imam Malik. And she said to him, teach him manners before you teach him. Knowledge. Subhana Allah today which mother does that? By the way? He's the chef. You know, the chef knows no, no, no, no. You the chef, but I'm the chef. Right? Are you the chef who run the bigger chef? I'm telling you what to do. This is my son is my

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responsibility. Teaching manners before you teach him knowledge, who was in my magic? Did Mr. Malik not instigate a fundamental shift in this life? Of course he did. his contribution to fic does never can never go unnoticed.

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But he calls the ship to 10 being a rudder

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But him as a rather tend, when the trim tab, the small, rather tanned, and that was his mother doing what she needed to do. Think of this, my dear mothers who are listening very attentively, and my dear sisters who inshallah one day will become mothers. And again, I'm not saying you should be locked up in a glass box. As a mother, I'm not saying you shouldn't excel in education. I'm not saying you shouldn't excel in your fields of of speciality ease, and concentration. No, I am saying prioritize.

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When you list your greatest achievements, make sure motherhood is at the top before you being a chartered accountant or being a flamboyant lawyer, or being an amazing engineer, list motherhood as your greatest achievement, because Islam has given it great weight. And we know this, my dear mothers, we know that Islam has taught us that the greatest right

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upon a child is to respect his mother or her mother, before the Father.

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When the person went to Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam and said, who has a greater right of my cat and my concern, and my respect is your mother, then who your mother, then who your mother, it didn't come for free, my dear brothers and sisters, it came because of the elegance that Islam has placed in motherhood and you being a mother, and Islam recognizing your contribution. Nova subhanho wa Taala bring about bring about a great understanding.

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and we are given a red card and I say this every day, but people fail to realize we started this lesson late.

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Just a couple of minutes and we'll end a couple minutes which we ask Allah to put Baraka in. So it becomes five inshallah.

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You know, we have elective roles. And we have mandatory roles. Anybody who studies management knows this. We have elective roles, and mandatory roles. Mandatory roles are those roles which you cannot give up their God given roles to you. elective roles are those roles which you choose to assume your degree, your qualification, your job title, your mandatary role is you being a mother.

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How sad is it today that we've switched priorities? And we've given excellence and attention to elective rolls over mandatory rolls? Isn't that? Isn't that a contradiction? Isn't this something strange? Doesn't this go against common sense? Right? So this is the lesson that we learned, my dear

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mothers and my dear sisters from the birth of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala left him in the care of his mother.

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From a young age.

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We also learn and this is the last lesson the importance.

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We learn my dear brothers and sisters, that being an orphan is not weakness

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is what we learn from the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Being an orphan is not a problem. Being an orphan is not weakness. Well, llahi it's not for the greatest man to have walked the face of this earth was an orphan Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you and I need to change our perspective of orphans and not and stop seeing them as a problem that needs a solution. Rather we should see them as the solution, we should see them as part of as probably greater elements of society given our respect for sort of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and for those here in the audience who Mashallah have access to orphans, please take this message to them.

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That by Allah you are not weak. By Allah you are strong. weakness is not in being born to one parent or being born to no parents and strength is not in being born to two parents or being born to one parent strength is in belief in one Allah subhanho wa Taala and following the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam do me this favor for those who Masha Allah have access to orphans visit

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institutions that look after orphans and take this message from me to them from the bottom of my heart. We should also learn from this My dear brothers and sisters, how elegant it is to look after an orphan. You know, our love for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam should at least create within us a feeling that we would like to adopt an orphan like to look after an orphan, especially in Muslim minorities. We're orphans are being brought up by non Muslims. We're not saying they're not doing a great job they are and we thank them for it because the Muslims are not stepping up. So we have to offer gratitude to the non Muslims who take Muslim children into their homes and raise

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them right we at least should make an effort to go to them and visit them and teach them you know that this is Ramadan fasting happens at least this person this Katie

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Because this carrier was a non Muslim, let's try and help the orphan. If we can't look after the orphan, let's try and assist the process. Go visit the carrier and explain to them that you know what this is Ramadan. these are these are some of the practices in Ramadan. If you wake up the child at this time, if you allow them to break fast at this time, this is the day of read, take some new clothes give it to the carer so they can present. So also they can feel that they were brought up upon the values of Islam, our learning of the Syrah our knowledge of the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam should instigate within us

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sensitivity towards orphans. If we don't have the if we're not engineered, let me not say that. But what I'm saying is, you know, engineered in terms of society, society makes things taboo to us look at today, marrying a widow. This is something difficult for the oma right? This is something difficult, this is something that needs our attention as well. But if society has brought us up upon a parent whereby we don't feel we have this chance to adopt an orphan and bring up an orphan don't close the door totally. man are you gonna kulula lay you through that which cannot be done in its entirety should not be left out in its entirety. Honor your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do

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it for your foot for this love that you have for him and the fact that he was an orphan and the fact that he taught us the greatest rewards that Allah has for the one who takes care of an orphan and donate help institutions that look after them. Or you yourself find the carrier who's looking after one and offer you advice. Offer your support, offer your gift, offer a voice.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala grant is the understanding Much has been said just from the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Yeah, Allah what follows.

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You have to tune in tomorrow. And in the nights to come everything corrected is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is perfect, and any mistakes are for myself and she upon and I see colossal Hannah who tell us forgiveness Subhana Allah who will be Hamdi Subhana Allah whom will be having the connection to Allah, Allah, Allah and Mr. Furukawa to Lake wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah he warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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