Sajid Ahmed Umar – Purification Of The Soul Series 06B – Never Be Amazed With Self

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The eighth principle of Islam, which teaches never to be amazed with oneself, is discussed, including the importance of being more humble and not being amazed. The success of Islam is emphasized, including the use of shaming and disrespecting people, the importance of showing respect and admiration for Islam's teachings, and the need to continue striving for good and helping people. The speaker provides a list of principles that can be addressed, including avoiding excess, socializing, and fixing friend circles. The importance of being good to others and avoiding excess, socializing, and fixing friend circles is emphasized, and a garden from the gardens of Jenna is suggested.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while AlLahi wa sahbihi wa Manuela Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome back, everybody, I hope you use this break,

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to ponder over the discussion that we had just before the break. And that's the discussion surrounding the eighth principle of test gear. And that is the principle which teaches us never to be amazed.

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You know, with ourselves, never be amazed with ourselves understand, my dear brothers and sisters, that the right of Islam is to learn and the right of learning is to act. And the right of acting is to become more humble. It was never a case that we acted, we engage the purification process, and then we became pompous, because of it. The right of acting is to be more humble. And this was a statement by our pious predecessors and I pondered over the statement, and I looked in the Quran and the Sunnah. And to be honest, I found that which substantiated it because I looked at the iron Surah Al Baqarah. Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and his son is married, and he

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salam to build the Kaaba now Subhanallah pay attention, my dear brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers. When we look at this particular event, we see Allah subhanho wa Taala, commanding a specific command to a specific group of people or to specific people to do a specific act in a specific place. Let's be honest, the Kaaba can only exist in Makkah. And Mecca is a specific place, and nobody else can build the cat but it was built by Ibrahim alayhis salam and his marine Allah He Salah meaning erected again by these two prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so a specific command to specific people to do a specific act in a specific place. There's no competition here.

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Absolutely no competition. It's not like Salah, where we have the oma engaged in salah and there's a competition we raised towards Allah subhanho wa Taala, right, and Zakah and so on and so forth. This is a very specific act of worship, if anybody should have the right to become pomp about something which they have done is Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, and he said is married and he says, but what happens My dear brothers and sisters after they build the cap,

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they say Rob Burnett, accompanying them

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in the contest.

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Subhan Allah, they say, Oh our Lord, accept from us. Indeed you are a semir You are the old hearing you hear our daughter and leave the old knowing, you know what we have done. This is what they say. They never became arrogant and pop. They never said we have achieved and we have done and we have reached Rather, they became more humble, they acted and they manifested the heart can write of acting, which is to become more humble. Allahu Akbar. When we look in the sun of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We see the head innovation, probably Allah who, in the month of Ramadan, in the month of Ramadan, after fasting the whole month, standing the Knights in prayer, and she was

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very charity charitable, our mother rhodiola and her. So she was excellent in charity. She was reading the Quran, she was she respected her husband, she had the happiness of her husband, all these amazing acts of worship a whole month of being the best. And then she says to her husband, oh prophet of Allah. If I witnessed the night of power, what should I ask?

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What should I ask for? Now after doing all this, which one would say I should be proud of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teachers to say Allahumma inika. forward to him. Bulava. Firefly.

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That Oh Allah. You love to efface since he faced my sins, remove my sins, forgive my sins, allow Aqua, Yanni after engaging in Roberta for so long, no sins but regard. And I'm asking about if I wouldn't miss the night of power. What should I say? I should ask Allah to forgive me. It's as if, you know, she's saying this and the answer is yes. ask Allah to forgive you.

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If this doesn't manifest how humbleness should be the way of a believer after practice? Then I don't know what will my dear brothers and sisters, we Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us. It is wrong for us to ever feel better than the next person. Yes, a person doesn't come to the masjid. Maybe they're weak, what their Salah. Our job is to invite them to invite them to the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Our job is not to judge and say I am better than him because because you know what my dear brothers and sister. We don't know if unless accepted our a bad we don't know if Allah is happy with us and this is fine.

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The wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala not giving us the knowledge of his happiness after we worship Him and engage him subhanho wa Taala and it is said that this was a statement of early robiola one that he would say in Allah facilitated with net, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has hidden two things into the Allahu Akbar.

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What are these two hidden matters? And what are these two things?

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Allah has hidden our knowledge of his happiness after we worship him. He's kept that hidden and is hidden the knowledge of his Olia from amongst us, he's kept that hidden as well. Subhan Allah, I pointed over the statement Allah Allahu Akbar, an amazing statement, Yama gathers what the Sahaba engender me an amazing statement. He's saying Allah has kept the knowledge of his happiness after we worship with hidden.

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Why my dear brothers and sisters so we continue looking after the rights of Allah. We continue striving, looking after the rights of Allah. We never treat our relationship with Allah like a bank balance where there's credit as a debit deposit, and withdraw. Right that today we did good so tomorrow we feel we can relax a little bit. We continue being diligent with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala is always he wants good for us and He created us and he knows us better than we know ourselves. So he's kept this hidden. And the wisdom behind it is so that we continue striving not so that we become self amazed and start feeling we've achieved and start claiming sainthood and so on and so forth.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala has kept knowledge of is only hidden from amidst us and amongst us Why? So that we continue striving with the hoko can we continue looking after the rights of the worshipers of Allah, we don't pick and choose who we want to be good to. We don't pick and choose who we want to help. We strive looking after the rights of the believers and thus we assist ourselves in building a great agenda with the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala insha Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allah has kept the knowledge of his Olia hidden, so that my dear brothers and sisters, we don't pick and choose who we good to. And we be good with everybody. And perhaps one day, we might

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be of service to someone who's from the Olay of Allah who Allah has cited as a wedding. And this person makes $1 for us, and that dog becomes the opening of our dunya and Allah Akbar.

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This is what Islam is about. It's about doing good. And when you do good, you do more good about helping people and when you help them, you help more people, or you help that person more. You don't say enough is enough. You don't say I've done you don't say you know, you don't see yourself as the better person.

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And you don't see your hand as the upper hand.

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So remember this principle, my dear brothers and sisters, never be self amazed rather, after you do good. ask Allah to accept from you learn from the son of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and he said is my daddy Salah. Rather when you do good? ask Allah to forgive you. Learn from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and learn from his teaching to his beloved wife, Aisha, love the Allah who may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding me mean you are blind. I mean, with this, my dear brothers and sisters, we come to the end of the principles, we discussed what the * happened. eight principles with regards to test gear, I'm going to give you a quick run through them

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just to refresh your memories. And for those who missed it, then we'll hamdulillah at least at least, you have a cursory information pertaining to the principles that I discussed during this particular program. The first principle we discussed is that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the purifier. And the second principle we discussed is that for teskey to come into our life we need to start with Do we need to start by supplicating and asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to purify us. The third principle we discussed is that the book of test gear is the Quran, the Book of Allah subhanho wa Taala at the fourth principle we discussed is that the leader in testier is Mohammed sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, and we should only be engaging the purification process through following him sallallahu alayhi wasallam the fifth principle we discussed is that a test Kia constitutes two things The first thing is adelia and the other is adelia which is self rectification as well as development. So first we purify the surface we purify our self and then we polish it and develop it further. The sixth principle that we discussed is called a HELOC. elmyra is or closing the avenues that cause retrogression to enter our life. The seventh principle

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We discussed in terms of Ischia is remembering death, and I was standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And last but not least, the eighth principle is to stay away from self amazement or this concept of opentag job, to be amazed by one's actions amazed by oneself, amazed by, by once processes and so on and so forth. Rather, when we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala we become more humble and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept from us and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala has made easy for me to share the discussion on test gear, as I said from the outset, is vast, it's an ocean with no cost really.

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But I've shared with you insha Allah, that which gives us an understanding of what Ischia is and what it isn't and how we can inshallah bring teskey into our lives before I end, my dear brothers and sisters, I just want to share with you three points

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that are probably pressing points that we can concentrate on that will help us become purified sooner rather than later. And these points have been cited by our scholars throughout several centuries and these three points are number one, number one to avoid excess in anything that you do.

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Don't oversleep and do not over eat and do not socialize

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or overly socialize, do not exercise too much, do not work too much. Right everything should be in the balance our time with our families must be balanced our time exercising should be balanced our time worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala should be balanced, our time resting should be balanced our time etc should be balanced. This is important. And I was called the site a principal and they say either as a cache and had the E in color and after that if something crosses its boundary, something good crosses its boundary, it becomes negative steeping is good. But if you oversleep, it has retrogressive results to the self socializing is good. If you over socialize, it has retrogressive

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results to the self eating is good if you overeat, it has retrogressive results to the self laughing is good. If you over laugh, it has retrogressive results to the self. So be aware of this My dear brothers and sisters. The second point is restrict your glances. restrict your glances Now when I say restrict your glances I mean look at that which is highlight and avoid looking at that which is haram but I also mean and this is what I really mean when I say this point is restrict your glances, meaning make sure you tie whatever you see to Allah subhanho wa Taala or make sure you witness Allah subhanho wa Taala and everything that you see this helps the purification process never see

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something beautiful and say wow, that's beautiful, but rather say Subhana levy Oh Jeddah has the shale Jimmy, for example, meaning Glory be to Allah who created this beautiful thing. This is the way of a believer they witness align everything that they see.

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So take heed about this particular point as well. And last but not least, fix your friend circles My dear brothers and sisters Allah Oh Allah Dini, Holly Lee as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that we are upon the way of our friends. Let's ensure we have a friend circle that remembers Allah much members that are here are much not our friend circle that lives for the dunya with the waking of everyday and the sleeping of every night Now I'm not saying start feeling you better than your friends know. Right? We discussed this earlier. But what I'm saying is do that which is necessary to help you progress. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding, brothers and

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sisters, this brings us to the end of our short series. I love you all for the sake of Allah, I thank you for allowing me to be a guest in your home. I pray I wasn't worth the one. I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept from us. ask Allah to purify us, ask Allah to gather us both physically and virtually many a time in this dunya so we can learn together from the inheritance left behind by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I also asked Allah subhanho wa Taala together as underneath his hours on the day of the AMA, because I hope that you love me as well for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala as I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that there is a place under the ashram for Allah subhanho wa Taala for those who love each other for Allah sake Mila except from us, may Allah causes us to die only when he's pleased with us and he's forgiven us. May Allah grant us a grave which is a garden from the gardens of Jenna, may Allah grant us our book of deeds in our right hands, and May Allah make us neighbors to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Sahaba around the Allahu anhu he reigned indeed we have good hope in Allah. And indeed Allah is upon all Eva. My dear brothers and sisters Subhana Allah He will become the he Subhana Allah who will be having deca Masha Allah, Allah

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and Mr. hirokawa tabula.

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wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi morain salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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