Sajid Ahmed Umar – Provisions for the Hereafter Series Part 9

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning and practicing Islam is emphasized, along with avoiding the "weird atmosphere of punishment and knowing the future." The segment emphasizes the misbrandings of "take off your shoes," the "has been forgotten" periods, and the importance of not forgetting past misunderstandings. The segment also touches on the misunderstandings of Islam and the importance of avoiding the "weird" atmosphere of punishment. The importance of learning and practicing to improve one's life is emphasized, and parents are encouraged to not panic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah he was. He was a limiter Sleeman kathira li Ahmed in Marburg.

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Allah malaria Milena lm lm tena in the cantle animal Hakeem la Malema Mayan Pharaoh now when FEMA lantana Was it an admin watermelon? Kareem kobish roughly Saudi Arabia Sidley Emery, la casa Melissa de f coho Cody.

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All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We praise Him we seek his assistance and we seek His forgiveness. And we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds will serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon the man can misguide him, and will serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees misguidance upon them can guide him and peace and salutations be upon our beloved leader and messenger and teacher Hamad Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there's no one with you of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger.

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Idea brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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made the Peace and blessings and mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah be upon you all I welcome you all to the restart of

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the summarised provisions for the hereafter classes.

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A class that has been put into place especially for our brothers and sisters working in the tower, but not exclusively,

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everyone is encouraged and

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allowed to participate and the reason for this just to remind those who were with us during our last series, and to inform those who are joining us now in Mashallah, we have

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a few people, a good few people, Mashallah

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that have drained us with the little hand.

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The reason for this class is to ensure that, you know, especially for those who are working in the data, irrespective of capacity, then you have a means of filling yourself up. The reason why I say filling yourself up by the brothers and sisters is because, you know, when you work in the data center, and you get so busy, it's impossible for you or very difficult for you to continue with other classes, especially since you know, you are you you have other obligations, you have your job, you have your family.

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And everybody's circumstances are different. And then what happens is, you work in the data, and you end up becoming a person that gives it gives it gives you give everything that you have,

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without filling yourself up. And this leads to

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difficulties demotivation people become demotivated because, you know, Siobhan is always he's surrounding you, you know, it's not even correct to say he's, he's on your back. Now, the reality is, Siobhan is,

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he's surrounding you, he doesn't want you to be a means of strengthening Islam. And that's what everyone does when they walk in the door, irrespective of position, you're a means of protecting Islam. So

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you have to, you know, create those mechanisms that strengthen you against shear bond. And it is, it is not praiseworthy for you to leave those mechanisms that cause you to become weakened over time. And as a result, you drop out of a unique situation that Allah subhanho wa Taala puts you in, and you make sure if unhappy as a result is, you know, for those who are workers in the dour, I'm sure you have felt weakness at times, I'm sure you've come across people who have left at times. You know, and I'm sure you've seen the reasons why a lot of pettiness comes in things which are then issues become issues. And this is all due to us not filling ourselves up. You know, we empty the

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tank, we don't fill up the tank. It's knowledge really, that empowers us. And we know that was colossal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he spread this data through teaching.

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Please spread this data

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through teaching.

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So he taught sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he taught and he taught and he taught and, and the people who, you know, chained

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and shackled with polytheism and shake, they became the best people who walked the face of

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this earth heaven to the left. So, you know, this is a lesson for everyone here. That for you to really accelerate down. You have to study you have to learn and that's why

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I have booked this class, it's an online class, you know, we do it on a, on a Saturday, try to take into consideration the different time zones that have the level of people from Australia in class, we have people from America in class, we have people from the UK in class, we have people from Southern Africa, in class of people from all over the place. So in sha Allah, Allah has blessed us with regards to the timing. One of the things, all of the other reasons, brothers and sisters, why

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I am saying that we need to study especially when we work in the data is because you are a representative of Islam. Right? People look up to you people take guidance from you, you know, and generally people take that from all Muslims. But when you take a position in the dour, then people see you as a guide, as one of those guiding stars. And many a time I've seen people look at the Dow but the characters not that are like if I can say that the speech is not dour, like,

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if I can say that,

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you know,

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it's just it's it becomes a sad state of affairs that they they, you know, there's a big conference happening or there's a feeding program happening. And then you have elements that, you know, have positions of authority, but we're not seeing the guidance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the guidance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is not being witnessed.

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So, you know, this is another reason why we need to have this class and saddlebag provisions will be here after the summarize class was a good run through for many reasons that I shared at the beginning of our last series. Now for those who are new, you can access the notes on my website, www dot Sajid traverses the decade, I can put up links as well for you all or send those links via email. And also you can access the audio.

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By visiting my SoundCloud page, all the audios are up there, and you can also access the audio by downloading my app.

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The Sajid Roemer app that's available on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. Okay, so it's highly advisable that at least for now, you go through the first lesson, which highlights why is that invalid is an important study and our methodology.

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as we as we travel through this particular book, now, we did have a quite long discussion surrounding the introduction to the book because it was pivotal,

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given that this book, or the content of this book, is related to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but as we discussed in our last series, in terms of the fifth pots, then we won't be diving into too much detail detail with regards to them, the aim of the class is not to be a fifth class. And, you know, the author has predominantly built the discussion in this book upon the discussion of him in his book provisions for the hereafter it will pay him was heavily scholar, yes, he did have his own, he had that meaning his own rulings that might have gone against the mainstream haven't really melted, because of other evidences that he considered more stronger, but in general, his

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pillars of building or deducing his work was in a large way heavily. And thus, a lot of what you read in terms of the fifth part of this particular book is heavily based. So it's not for you to become confused, you still follow that with your teachers have taught you, this is for you to become enlightened. And that's why I won't be diving into too many discussions that difference of opinion and so on and so forth. Rather, we just want to take the guidance and develop ourselves from the discussion

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insha Allah.

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Today, we will be beginning the chapter detailing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam guidance with regards to Voodoo and I would like our dear student and brother, he shall refer if his microphone is working to read for us the entire text of this particular chapter and then inshallah we will dive into a discussion on each and every one of you have done let us send the link to the notes. So I presume the notes open in front of you so I've asked a sham to sort of quicken the reading so we can get through it inshallah. Because each and every one of you is supposed to be following on the left hand via the text in front of you. I'm going to switch off my microphone for a

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little bit, and then I'll leave a sham to read. In Sharma.

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He said a lot of it was seldom used to perform ablution for every prayer most of the times. Although

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Sometimes he might pray with one ablution. Sometimes he would perform ablution with a mood of water, sometimes with two thirds of a mood and sometimes more. And he was the most frugal of the people in pouring water for a solution. And he warned his people against wasting it. It has been authentically reported from him, that he that he performed ablution washing each limb once, twice, and three times. Sometimes he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would wash his limbs twice and others three times and he would rinse his mouth with my mother and sniff water into his nose, which is called Justin shark, sometimes with one hand full of water, sometimes with two and sometimes with three and he

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used to combine the rinsing of the mouth and the sniffing of water into his nose. He used to do both with the same hand full of water and he used to sniff the water with his right hand and expel it, which is called Estyn third, using his left hand. Sometimes he would wipe over the whole of his head and sometimes he would pass his hands back and forth. But it has not been authentically reported from him that he ever wiped over only a part of his head. But if you wiped over his forelock, he would complete the wiping over his headdress.

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He never performed ablution without rinsing his mouth and sniffing water into his nose. And it has not been recorded from him that he even once abandoned them. Likewise, he has he never once abandoned the sequence of actions and continuously in ablution and he would wash his feet if they were not in leather sharp socks, or ordinary socks and he would wipe over his ears both outside and in along with his head. And every Hadith reported concerning the color of ablution is a lie except saying Bismillah at the beginning of it and the words as had to unlearn Allah illallah wa the hula sharika wash How do you know Mohammed Abu Rasul Allah Medina and even though we're being

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overcharged, luminal, Matata hidden, I testify none is worthy of worship except Allah alone and I testify that Mohammed is his slave and messenger, or Allah make me of those who turn to you in repentance, and make me among those who purify themselves. There is another Hadith insulin unnecessary subhanak Allahumma behenic eyeshadow anila illa Allah and still Furukawa to be like, Glory be to You, Oh Allah, and praise and thanks, I testify that none is worthy of worship except you. I seek forgiveness from you and I turned to you in repentance. He never said at the beginning of it, I make the intention, nor did any of the companions or their loved one whom ever did so. And

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he never repeated the washing of his limbs more than three times. Likewise, it has not been authentically reported from him that he washed above the elbows or the ankles. Nor was it his habitual practice to dry his limbs. He used to run his fingers through his beard sometimes, but it was not his regular practice to do so. He also used to wash between his fingers and toes, but he did not always do do so. As we're moving the ring a week Hadeeth has been reported in this regard. It has been authentically reported from him that when at home and when traveling he would wipe over his socks, the time for the resident being a day and a night and for the traveler three days and three

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nights. He used to wipe over the tops of his leather socks and white and he wiped over his ordinary socks. And you wiped over his head dress and his forelock contenting himself with that, it is possible that this was only in special circumstances dictated by need. And it is also possible that it is general and this is more likely he did not act at variance with the circumstances of his feet. Rather, if they were encased in leather socks, he would wipe over them and if they were uncovered, he would wash them. He would perform them by striking the ground which he intended to pray once for his hand and his face regardless of whether it was dust, soil or sand. And it has been authentically

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reported from what from him that he said hi tema de la casa de la jolla and min Amati Asada to find the whole fangda who messaged me to who auto auto. Whenever any man from amongst my people happen to be when the time of prayer overtook him. He has his mosque and his means of purifying himself when he travelled with the companions of the lowland who during the taboo campaign, the cross those sands and their water became scarce. And it was not reported from him that he carried dust with him, nor did he order it and nor did any of his companions or their loved one whom do so. And if anyone thinks upon this, he must affirm that he performed the moon with sand. It has not been authentically

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reported from him, that he performed them for every prayer, ie that he renewed it know that he ordered it. Indeed he declared it to be general and affirm that it took the place of evolution

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physical affair and he shared

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a link for that reading. So this is what our author rahimullah has summarized from

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I am writing related to the guidance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with regards to do not he opened the original writing of him, it's it's a much longer discussion. It's full of it's filled with fifth, it's filled with differences of opinion and so on and so forth the author he has summarized and

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it and this is true to the name of the book a summarized version of the provisions for the hereafter.

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Now, if you notice the style of writing or the style of summary, you will see that in each sentence and

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paragraph, there's one of two things happening either the most important points are being cited, or a response to

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views that the summarizer does not agree with.

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takes place, so he's responding to them, right. And a lot of this you can see at the end of the chapter, for example, he says that it hasn't been reported that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, ordered the companions to carry the sand with them, this is a response because some scholars say that the emblem has to be performed

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using sand and dust is not enough. So this is a response.

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For example, He says that tiamo,

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or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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you know, performed to them, and then observed worship, and there's nothing authentically reported that he performed to mom for every prayer, right? So this is a response because there are some scholars who believe that their mom is done per bed,

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per act of worship. So if you're going to

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perform the mo man observes Allah then you cannot, you need to observe another son or another act of worship that requires will do that another time of his death. Right. So this is a response. This shows you the the view of time and here the summarized view of the author,

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as well as the as well as the author of the summarized version, right, that they say that the correct view here is if you perform a moment that is like Voodoo, you can practice every act of worship, until that will do breaks until you ritual purity breaks, rather, it's as if you made will do with water, when you make when you observe will do with water, it lasts.

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Till that, we'll do brakes, right. So he's responding to the view of those callers who say that the home is different to do it, that the mo has to be done for each and every act of worship, irrespective of whether you define your ritual purity or not. So these are just examples just to make you understand the methodology of the summarization taking place. So he's going to mention the most important points. And some of the points, you might be scratching your head and thinking, Okay, why is this mentioned in the summary? But this is mentioned, based on responding to views that the author does not agree with or does not consider to be strong. Now, when we say that those that

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doesn't agree with the view doesn't mean that those views

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you know, absolutely false, and are built upon no evidence? No, they also have the evidences. However, the author is citing what he sees as the strong view, Rahim Allah. So I just want to make this clear. So it doesn't mean that if you following Him and have different to what the author is saying that you should become confused right now. Now, this is not your place. Your place, my dear brothers and sisters is to follow your teachers, those who are responsible for your Islamic matters. They are your evidence, because the evidence for the layperson is his or her scholar, a scholar, right. So don't become confused. Now, somebody might say, Okay, why has he chosen to offer these

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responses? There are other issues? How come we don't see responses to those issues? Here, in the notes have the author? Well, firstly, because, you know, it's a summarized book. Secondly, it's a summarized book of another author's work, which is able to give him a whole lot. And thirdly, because whenever you summarize something, you're going to focus on the issues that exist, you know, during your time, right. So it doesn't mean that the author has responded to perhaps other issues related to Moodle. That may be weak issues or weak views that other people have and his his his omitted responding to them. This doesn't mean that he does not consider them weak issues. Right. So

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there's no correlation here. The fact that response to something hasn't been cited, or any something important hasn't been cited doesn't necessarily translate into the author having a view or not having a view and this is very important. You know, in philosophy they they speak about you know, the the CoQ crows every day at dawn, but that doesn't mean that don't happens because the cockroach, right? Right. So

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this is a similar circumstance, right?

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By the system. So I'm just trying to make clear the methodology here

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of the author, that it is a summarized version. So it's not going to cover every response and it's not going to cover every issue, rather, the author is going to focus on the most pressing issues at his time. And this is the case with every scholar that has written throughout the centuries of Islam, whether they have written a book related to theology, or acted and belief, or whether they an email, or whether they've written a book related to a book, or any other matter, you know, some scholars authored

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books related to the Koran, or specific matters of the Quran. And they never intended the book to be comprehensive, right. Rather, they authored it because of a certain situation that crept up at a certain time. And, you know, we learn from this an important point, my dear brothers and sisters, and that is when, when beliefs that we find weak start to spread, right?

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The way of the scholars is to teach is to teach is to write books is to carry out lessons. The way of the scholar is not to

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debate, unless in exceptional circumstances, right. So it's not to debate. And in today's day and age, we have social media,

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and then to go out on social media and start offering,

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you know, public

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testimony to the views of a person, a specific diary or scholar, his personal views of views that he doesn't hold, and so on and so forth. This wasn't the way of the scholars I'm saying in general, I'm not saying it's haram to go on social media and put out a view if there is a specific resolve and benefit for that to happen in terms of Serbia point then, this is the winner of this contest. And whenever somebody comes across or comes out with a view that goes against the norm, or

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is really considered weak by many, then the we have the scholar at that time to help continue guidance for the masses is to write a book or to teach but to engage in debate and confuse the the laity confuse the lay man and the general public even further. Right. And to be honest, this is one of the advices shared with me by our chef Jafar Idris, heavy the hola of Allah subhanho wa Taala showered upon him cure.

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And this advice I sought via his such use of Idris, heavy the whole life, especially in today's day and age where, you know, the hour becomes filled with, you know, certain people who become a spoke, spokesperson or a mouthpiece for matters related to Islam, not because of the knowledge but because of other circumstances. And then they come about and say something. What should the response be? because as we've seen today, sometimes somebody say something, then responses happened on Facebook, then the lay people, the lay people start believing they are scholars and they can respond to the scholar so they get on the bandwagon and start insulting a certain scholar, and this is lack of the

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lack of character. And then it just becomes a big mess. And he did the Sharia doesn't like, you know, these messes. So I sought advice from the chef habitable love is essential use of eateries. And his advice was to increase the teaching of good that that is what his advice was, increase the teaching of goodness, and those teachings that are correct. And those teachings which are praiseworthy, don't be reactive, and respond. Rather be active and proactive, meaning Don't be passive, where you just don't do anything. But be proactive in that you are active and you active in the right way. You're active.

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Taking into consideration the correct circumstances, you're active with wisdom. Right? So really, this advice is sound. May Allah preserve our chef inventing the cure, and mean. And this advice is based on his reading of the works of scholars over the centuries of Islam and hamdulillah. Now today, the discussion is about Voodoo. Now Voodoo is an Arabic term. And we also have well who will do with a factor on the Wow, which is also an Arabic term. So what's the difference between Whoo, What a bummer and we'll go with a third hat. Well, what boo has been explained by some of the scholars of the Arabic language

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as the name of that which you use, which you use to observe the we do what we do is the action of purity. Okay, so what the first half refers to the water

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That is used. And we find this in some narrations that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam requested the wobbu. Right, which means he requested water to observe the evolution. And some scholars have said wobbu and booboo both refer to the same thing, they just two types of languages. But nonetheless, this is the discussion referring to the two in terms of boo boo and the action, then all the scholars of the mess have to have attempted to

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define the term will do and will do

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is something that we all know is that action that we observe, before Asana, or those set actions that we observe to

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ascertain ritual, ritual purity. So this is

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the discussion related to, we'll do now, although my dear brothers and sisters, is an important act of worship. And this is something we must understand from the outset. You know, a lot of the time people say, what's the wisdom behind? whoodle? Right? What are the what's the wisdom?

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And they forget the point that it is an act of worship. Right? So some people, may Allah protect us all and grant us steadfastness, leadership and whispers to them and they start doubting, they say, you know, what is the wisdom? Because if we pass it on to you all or use the lavatory May Allah honor your and our hands and face it, everything else is clean, how come we wash every part?

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And not just make the washing of the private parts, something specific, right now? Some people say if I pass it, how come I don't wash the area where wind was passed from? May Allah Allah you all and I have to wash my face and all these things? Right? Some people say, you know, sad, this is his death. In it said, in fact, you know, today people call Sam dead. And how is it that I attained ritual purity by using sad?

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You know, when, when what is not available, so using sand as a means of purification, when water isn't available, right? These are questions that people with weak man, or people that shade upon is sort of, you know,

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getting hold of begin to ask. And the reality is, it's an act of worship. That's the reality. And, you know, remember shelf TV or haimo line others remember sharp TV in his book and morph apart and it is booklet in some very amazing books that he's written. He discusses the importance of

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appreciating something being an act of worship, as a wisdom. Right, remember shall baby he shall remember shall be.

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So he discusses the importance of us appreciating something being an act of worship,

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as a wisdom, that it's enough that it's an act of worship, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has prescribed it and we will be rewarded as a result of looking after it. This is enough for us. Right? And this is the reality of Voodoo, my dear brothers and sisters that irrespective of which way our mind flows, it's an act of worship, like Salah is an act of worship, right? Doesn't have to make sense. The reality is, this is the prescription, this is the prescription. And this is the reality of you and I

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in this world today, right? We are here to earn our paradise right to add the mercy of Allah that inshallah will be a means of us getting to, to paradise, right, this is the reality. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala as part of the test asks us to do certain things, right, which might make manifest the level of belief that we have

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that Islam to submit to the will of Allah when it makes sense, when it doesn't make sense whether you understand the wisdoms whether you don't understand the wisdoms, and indeed in everything that Allah subhanho wa Taala prescribes these wisdom, but our mind, you know, our minds differ in terms of our abilities to appreciate these wisdoms, and if we don't know now, we will definitely know on the day of them. Right. So this is very important, my dear brothers and sisters,

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and, you know, perhaps something for us to speak about, at lunchtime or dinner time, especially with our teens, especially with those in university because, you know, when you go to university, you get exposed to a plethora of thought and this thought is not governed by any borders you free to think. And what happens is some people become a victim, right? They become a victim instead of a product, they become a victim of some thought, right? Instead of being the person that develops total fixes for them, they become a product in and of themselves of correcting wrong vote, they become a victim of it, and then

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This starts a domino effect, until a point comes where they start leaving acts of worship leaving their son our area to be loving Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. I'm highlighting this, just like the author has highlighted his things. I'm highlighting this because this is an issue in our time, my dear brothers and sisters, these are questions that come to me, these are confusions that our youth have, right. And you especially being a person who works in the dark, it's important that you are aware of this and appreciate this. So the greatest wisdom of Voodoo, it's a bad and when we say the bad that we mean that if you do it, Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards you and if it was you, it

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means your paradise grows as a result of it. Right? So there is wisdom in it that Allah subhanho wa Taala the wisdom of Buddha is to help you build the great agenda, the wisdom of Buddha is to help you become forgiven. Right. So there are metaphysical benefits, right, that go beyond the scope of our minds ability to comprehend. So and we know from countless narrations that we are forgiven, when we observe the world when we come across those narrations beat the lay dead. Now, if we look at the famous statement of it, it'll be a loved one. And he discussed this issue of using our alcohol or our mind in front of in front of Revelation. And he said that if religion was based on you know,

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what suits your mind and what doesn't suit your mind, then in terms of wiping over the socks, you would be wiping underneath your feet, not on top of your your feet. Now we know if somebody is wearing

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you know socks, and they they choose to wipe over their socks during will do. Then they wipe over the top because this is what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam did. And somebody might say, you know what, why don't I wipe at the bottom, because I work on the bottom the bottom is what touches the debt. So rather than wipe on the bottom, right, but know Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wiped at the top and the author here also mentioned this whole discussion about

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over heat, or related to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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washing his feet if they will not let the socks and he would wipe over and which means we understand from this that he would wipe over his socks if he was wearing them. I'm just stating this now, because we we asked the discussion, we had the discussion, so please forgive

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the randomness. But since we are discussing this statement earlier, viola Wang, so the author does mention this. And the reason why he mentioned this is this is because the sheer the sheer, they denied this ruling about wiping over the socks, right? So they deny it. So the author has put this here as a response to them. And for those who carry similar beliefs that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did wipe on his socks. And that's why some of the scholars of belief or theology, they would include the discussion about wiping ovulate the socks as part of their notes, when they talk to aqeedah. Right. Why? because of the sheer and the denial of this being part and parcel of

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the religion and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best. But the point is, my dear brothers and sisters is the wisdoms behind Voodoo and the greatest wisdom is a chance for us to have our sins forgiven and a chance for us to build our he after me Allah subhanho wa Taala grant agenda. I mean, you're a brand I mean, in terms of the many narrations My dear brothers and sisters regarding boo. Then we have the hadith of Abu hurayrah from the Allah one, this hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. He says that I heard the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that on the day of rising, my community will be called those with white blazes on there, or white shades of light on

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the forehead and lives. Right. And this is so because of the effects of Voodoo.

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Right, so this is the heavy This is the heavy Volterra robiola Why? He added according to the preferred opinion from the scholars, he added a statement here meaning this statement that I'm about to say to you is not from the opinion or not from the statement of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They say this is from the statement of the narrator of the Hadith, which is Abu huraira. And he says, So whoever Have you can increase the extent of the whiteness should do so. So, in this hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that on the day of tava, there will be people from the oma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that will have shining hands and

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lips, right or the foreheads

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and lips of Wu will shine.

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And in terms of the narration of the Hadith it goes on to say so wherever you can increase the extent of the whiteness should do so. Now the scholars have said this last part is not from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right, because somebody might start washing his hands

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Up to the shoulders, or washing his feet up to his knees, for example, because that's by default, that's what you'd want, you'd want more light right on your lips.

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So you'll end up

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you know, you, you would end up by default increasing the the the area that should be washed. And this is not what is intended My dear brothers and sisters. And as the scholars have said, the state police over Herrera broke the law. And that's why the author in his notes in his notes when he shall read.

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You heard the discussion that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam used to wash up these ankles and it's not established that these wash above it, right?

00:35:43 --> 00:35:45

Let me see if I can find it.

00:35:54 --> 00:35:55

This Mila,

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okay, but it's in the notes. And please refer to it I can see it here have had very quickly and just to avoid killing the momentum of the class, and allow you to go back to it. But nonetheless, as we said that, you know,

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the author here places his discussions, sometimes in response to certain views. So what we need to understand is that from this Hadith, that a person who is frequent with his or her will do that on the day of PM, they will be raised with in line in hand with shining limbs. And as for the last part, so we have you can increase them. This is from the statement of Abu huraira Fabiola who is not from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And also, we must remember my dear brothers and sisters, that the Sharia in general does not support waste, and does not love waste. So what's better for us is to follow the is to wash what needs to be washed properly, without increasing

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because if we increase, then it can become a form of waste. So this is from the blessings of goodwill another habit of Abu huraira robiola one which is in Sahih Muslim, he says that I heard my friend Ravi Allahu, I'd say the adornment of the believer reaches the places his will do reaches, right. So the adornments of the believers reach the places that they will do reaches Right, so the your rewards are proportionate to the quality of your widow. So basically, this hadith is affirming that we are rewarded when we observe Voodoo, and the quality of our Zoo dictates the quality of rewards that we receive. And this is the case with every act of worship in another Hadith of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, shall I direct you to something by which Allah will wipe out areas and raise you in degrees? So the companion said yes, please Oh messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, doing thorough will do in adverse circumstances, meaning you continue to observe the zoo, even though

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it's called for example, it's very cold, right? But you wake up and you observe the whoo so you can observe the prayer This is more difficult. So your rewards will be greater. And if you can do it during the difficult times, then you're a person who will observe will do during the times of ease. So he says doing thorough will do in adverse circumstances, taking a lot of steps to the masjid which means when you go to the masjid you try and and choose the longest way to get to the masjid, if easy, right? So you leave for the masjid in good time, which allows you to get to the front row and observed the tech at the beginning of the sun or the tech deal with the man and you leave you

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know, with good time to spare so you can take the longest route to the masjid because every step that you take or every second that you spend on your way to the masjid, Allah subhanho wa Taala is rewarding you and removing yourself. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, doing thorough will do in adverse circumstances, taking a lot of steps to the masjid and waiting for one prayer after another prayer. Right? And then we're sort of last Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, that is what you should hold to. That is what you should hold to. And this is a Muslim and other books of Hadith

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as well. So what we see here my dear brothers and sisters is

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraging us to a few things and then one of the things is, you know, missing salah and loving Salah when I say missing Salah I don't mean you should miss it. I mean, you should miss it by leaving it out. I mean, you should miss it in that your heart should be so attached to it that when one Salah is finished, you can't wait for the next one.

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And, you know, especially those who are working in the Dawa, we have to get to the stage My dear brothers and sisters whereby, you know, we start the Salah with the email.

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Right? And this is a message to myself. First and foremost, we start the Salah with

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The email started when the Salah is finished, the people turn around and they see those who work in the tower standing up to complete the prayer.

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Okay, so try and make it that habit that when you

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hear the word make you do and go to the masjid, right, because your love with the machine would be pretty sweet to see. And you're not losing out by sitting in the machine. And this is if you can, of course, if you can

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you hear the other you make your will do you get to the machine, right, and you make the gap between us and then a comma, that Allah blesses your doorway increases your knowledge except from you. This is a beautiful time. And this angel is making the app for you as well during this time, and then you observe the sauna. And once the site is finished, you observe your cup if you can, if you need to go then you observe your car once you go in, but once you leave, you can't wait for the next one. That means your heart is attached to the masjid and attached to Salah. You can't go to the masjid dinner this is attached to solid, right you can't wait for the time of solid to kick in so you can worship

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Allah subhanho wa Taala again, and no doubt there's no greater Salah than the compounds to the Salawat Okay, so this hadith is very hard touching, and very thorough via based and very inspirational. Right. And this is from the advice of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in another.

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Deposit Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the Muslim or believing slave does will do and washes his face, every wrong thing at which his eyes have looked leaves with water, or with the last drop of water. And when he washes his hands every wrong thing which his hands have touched leaves with the water, or with the last drop of water, when he washes his feet every wrong thing to which his feet have walked leaves with the water or with the last drop of water until he emerges cleansed from sins and this hadith in Sahih, Muslim and other books of Hadith.

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So brothers and sisters, this is another wonderful Hadith and this hadith related to do is indeed great guidance for us. Why? Because it helps us you know, sort out the mistakes that we have during our day and night. Right? No doubt we look at things we shouldn't be looking at. Right?

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No doubt.

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We, we say things we shouldn't have said. We speak words that we shouldn't speak no doubt sometimes we observe poor character character that is not worthy of a Muslim. You know, sometimes we

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the concentration of our Salah is weak, right? So we always go through these these ups and these downs. And here we're doing has this is a great wisdom. Remember we said we'll come we'll understand the wisdom when we go through the habit of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaching us about Butoh right here Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us that look, you do a mistake. komik you know when you make boo for your next Salah. Right? Then Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive you. And that is why make a beautiful will do don't make it a rush to do earlier we discussed that the reward is proportional to the quality of the widow and appreciate that as you're

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washing your face, the sins of the face are moving the sins of the eyes, the sins of the mouth as you wash your mouth as you wash your hands as you wash your feet. Right. And that is what happens when a person

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fell prey

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to a female and he engaged in some of the beginning actions. Or what we know as foreplay. He didn't fall into Xena. Allah protected him from it. He didn't fall into Xena, Allah subhanho wa Taala protected him from it. But

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some of the foreplay matters he fell prey to and he came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he says that look, you know,

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please cleanse me.

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This is what happened and so on and so forth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said did you pray with us? Did you pray the last hour? Right Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was teaching this person here that your good deeds wipe out your bad deeds.

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Right now this doesn't mean that we should say no, I'm going to pretty solid just now. So let me do a sit now. No, because that's being disrespectful to Allah subhanho wa Taala and it's the mercy of Allah, that Allah has decreed that our good deeds will wipe out our bad deeds. But if we disrespect Allah and Allah is the ultimate decider,

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right? So we should we shouldn't make it a habit of disrespecting Allah, we should never forget that there is no guarantee that we will live up to the sin to observe a Salah or a coup or do a good act of worship or give some charity or do that by which Allah subhanho wa Taala would forgive our sins. So let it not become a circumstance where we start guaranteeing ourselves salvation like the Christians do the Christians. It's a totally wrong belief. They believe that going to church on Sunday covers the mistakes of the week. It's totally wrong belief. Firstly, doesn't

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They believe confession to the priest removes the sense. It doesn't. Firstly, secondly, who said you're going to see Sunday? Even if we said that if you go to the church on Sunday, your sins will be forgiven? Who says you're going to get to go to the church?

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Who says you'll be alive? Who says you'll, you know, you'll have ability even if you are alive? Who says that? Right? So Muslims need to be careful that we don't fall into the traps of

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the traps that previous nations fell into shape and deceive them. And today we see it with some Muslims. And they say no, you know, I'll do a hedge. I'll go for hedge when I'm after 40 I'll go for it when I'm 50. You know, because I have a lot of sins to do now.

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Some people might be smiling and laughing at this, but it's it's something to cry about. I love it. Mr. C will go for hydron later on which teenager today he wants to go for Hajj, which person in his 20s wants to go for Hajj people want their grandchildren to be almost getting married when they when they decide they want to go for Hajj nowadays, because they think you know, I'm going to live a bad life and Hajj cancels my my deeds by bad deeds. And you know, I'll be almost I'll be close to the grave. So that's a good time to go fight. This is absolutely false, my dear brothers and sisters, Heidi's compulsory, as soon as it becomes compulsory, and we should go. And also to have this

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viewpoint it's a flawed viewpoint because you don't know if you live to that age, and then you'll be you know, sort of fully you'll be even more sinful for leaving hygiene, delaying hygiene, you could have performed that. Right. So we must be careful and ask Allah for steadfastness that we don't fall into the trap that previous nations fell into because they were deceived by a part where we think you know what, tomorrow I'll ask for forgiveness or after the sinner become better than Allah protect. Yes, I know, there are sins that overpower us. I'm not doubting this, my dear brothers and sisters, the assets that overpower us, we weak in front of them. But as long as you regret the sin,

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you know, then that's a good sign and a sign of Eman and keep making dua to Allah to assist you and keep making his default. And try and remove the triggers that allow you to fall into that set. You know, if it's a sin based on site, try and mitigate what you see if it isn't based on hearing try and mitigate what you hear. Right? By putting the processes in place to you know, make you hear less or make you see less

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of those things that that trigger you into.

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I'm not trying to make you lose hope here, my dear brothers and sisters, and that's why I'm adding this particular point. Right now mine is the most forgiving, but in the same breath, we need to keep the discussion balanced, that don't take this part of the discussion and let sharepad cook it in such a way if I can use the term that makes you believe in salvation with once forgetting the reality of punishment. Because for good for a believer a believer is upon the middle way they feel Allah subhanho wa Taala in the same breath, don't lose hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala and

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we were thinking of taking a break but the class seems to be flowing fluidly shallon as you've noticed, we've reduced the class from two hours to one hour 15 minutes.

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So inshallah we will continue for today's lesson in depth. But the discussion is open to you all if you prefer for the lesson to be 30 minutes, and then a five minute break. And then another 30 minutes and then q&a. It's entirely up to you my dear brothers and sisters, I will leave

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that discussion open to you all between the heated Okay, the next generation radio brothers and sisters is the heartbeat another hadith of a boreal Allah one and we can see Mashallah, how many narrations we have from Abu huraira robiola one right especially in the chapter voudoo. He reports that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the graveyard and said, Peace be upon you abode of a believing people, Allah willing we will join you. I wish that we could see our brothers. So they said

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Are we not your brother's or messenger of Allah? Right?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said You are my companions, not my brothers, my brothers are those who have not yet come. So they said how can you know someone of your community who has not yet come?

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And the messenger of some of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do you not think that if a man had horses with white blazes, which were among dark black horses, that he would recognize his horses? They said yes indeed, or messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. He said, they will come with like blazers from Oulu and I will precede them to the basic meaning to the How to the well. So this is this hesitancy is in such a Muslim at this number 249

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in some publications, and it's another beautiful, heady mush on line, all the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam are beautiful in this particular narration Rasulullah sallallahu it was

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selam is teaching us that we will be recognized on the day of piano from amongst the billions and billions and trillions and masses of people based on the shining light, that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses the oma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because of Voodoo. And there is a discussion between the scholars that is Hulu from the specific matches of this oma or is will do something that all the nations had before. And the majority of our scholars refer to him they believe that we're doing something that the other nations before us had, because they also had the type of solder

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and we have some variations, like from the life of Ibrahim alayhis salam, we will do was performed. So majority of the scholars say that will do was part and parcel of previous nations previous nations.

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However, the style of Uzu could be different. But what's definite is that this you know, these places of light, these places of light that Allah has made as a reward for those who observe who is specific to the oma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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right. And this understanding is derived by looking at all the narrations and from those durations is this particular duration?

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Right, so Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will recognize his brothers meaning you and I my dear brothers and sisters, so hon Allah Subhan Allah Allah call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says he misses us, saying, I missed my brothers. The companions are with him.

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They say, What do you mean we are brothers we are with you. He says, No, you're not my brothers. My brothers I haven't seen yet. That's you and me my dear brother and sister. And he says son, Allahu Allah, He will say lamb here, he says,

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or the companion See, but how can you miss someone you haven't seen? You don't know have you haven't met? And he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I will I will know that the white from amidst the rest of

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Allah How beautiful is this? My dear brothers and sisters, you know, you know so. So the last one, Allahu Allah He was telling us before we were even born to miss him.

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Allah He missed us before we were even born.

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He he's he's missing the Muslims who are yet to be bought. And then some Muslims are born and they don't miss Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam until very late in their life. So he missed them before they began to miss him. Subhana Allah. And that is why my dear brothers and sisters look up to the sun. If you miss him, look after the sun, sign of us missing Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is looking after the sun is it getting that miswak out? You know, when I use them, it's like, it's me missing Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam I miss him. He taught me so much good. There's so much hair in this miswak when you dress like the missing Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam when

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you when you have that beard of missing Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam when when you wear the hijab, I listened Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you might not be convinced about the hijab, as one sister from America, quote unquote, called me a few days ago to say that, you know, I've been wearing the hijab and I've taken it off. Because I've reached I've become 17 and I feel I only wear it because

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my parents told me and I'm still trying to convince myself that it's it's not something cultural, etc, etc. May Allah grant us steadfastness. May Allah grant the steadfastness love of Mr. stuff, my dear brothers and sisters will lie. It's tough. You know, living in some countries is tough. Right? You know, human nature is human nature. We fight racism, racism, but it occurs in the different strategies in different arenas or different areas. Right? Where you wear a headscarf, you don't even have to cover your face, you wear a headscarf, and even if it's colorful, even if it's, you know, it's hijab, not ideal, but it's the hijab. People look at you, people judge you, right? You get a

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job, or you don't get a job. The apartheid exists, my dear brothers and sisters.

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It's tough. And if you don't have steadfastness, that's what's gonna happen. The pressure of society is going to confuse you and make you question your beliefs. Right. Now, belief is something established. That's why it's called belief. But when you start questioning that belief that when something established, became,

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you know,

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became something not established, debated. It became weakened. It became something it was belief and it's almost something established. Right. So we have many, many you know,

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Many areas in our lives, Angela, that she now has as a tool as a tool before she upon could attack us using a limited amount of resources, the resources that have become available to shed upon now are SubhanAllah.

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Unbelievable. Unbelievable. So the point i'm saying is okay, so you're still trying to convince yourself whether, you know, hijab, or keeping my beard

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is cultural or not. But one thing we all agree to is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did it. Do you miss him? Yes. So do it. Right. Sometimes you got to, we've got to get back to the basics. Right, do brothers and sisters, you know, we have to come out of the polemics and, and, you know, today with the internet, no doubt the last 15 years has created a people, you know, last, you know, 20 years has created a people that

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are different to the people have before people are more educated, they're more exposed to different views. They're more exposed to evidences, they use evidences they don't understand. They don't understand. They use it. lay people. Challenge lead people. That's the age we live in. Right. So let's come up with all this deep discussion. Let's just go back to the basics. You love Rasulullah? sallallahu, Alayhi? wasallam? Yes. You miss him? Yes. Did

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did he not condone the hijab with the with the females at his time? Yes. Did he not use the miswak? Yes. Did he not keep a beard? Yes. Did not dress appropriately? Yes. In this way? Yes. So just do it. Do it because you miss him? sallallahu alayhi wasallam? Isn't that a reason to do something? Indeed it is. And as I've said to you, my dear brothers and sisters, you know, we

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you know, the Giants before us, they became giants, because they did things because it was a sudden, you know, was was that like, this is why this is so No, there was why GPS, but even that was something that never left their lives.

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Never today, if it's a certain that we live to be treated as unimportant Allah homestead. It leaves our life. Say, brother, sister, this is something that we say it in a way like you don't have to do it. No, it is certainly Yes, in terms of ruling. But do it because the best person to have walked the face of this earth did it? And he only did it and never left it because Allah subhanho wa Taala loved him. Right? Right. And this is important. And there were elements throughout the centuries of Islam that would be little things if it was a student, and I shared with you once a person who came to him and Miss Rudra Viola one, and he asked that is the Witter

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even miss ruder of the oma why he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never left he goes but is it shouldn't. He said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never left it. He goes but I'm asking is it shouldn't

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in another duration? He was asking is it compulsory? And he was rude said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam never left it. He said is compulsory. He said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never left it. So one of the companions of Ibn Massoud Allah one. He said to him, that why didn't he Why did he Why didn't you just tell him that? It's it's not compulsory? It's it's certainly. So even miss Rudra Viola one said I looked at him and I felt that if I told him it wasn't compulsory, or if I told him it was sooner, then he will just leave it all together.

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He saw the Sahaba were giving tarbiyah this is Toby This is more or actelion was left as the scholars have been discussing, say, is looking at the condition of the questioner before giving the the question and answer. Right. So he looked at the situation. And you see how the Sahaba were were more obese and developers even in the fact that they gave right he says I looked at the situation if I just gave him the ruling and said it shouldn't he looked like a type of person. We'll just leave it all together. And that's not good for him. So I told him the Prophet never left it sallallahu alayhi wasallam What do you need me to repeat

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that the ratio duration the state the story related to urban Missouri, robiola one it is a lengthy one, so if we can access the recording that will be great inshallah.

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jackal O'Hara.

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So brothers and sisters the point to to take note of is

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possible loss of a loved one alayhi wa sallam missed us and he missed us greatly. Right? Let's Miss Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that's how that's why we discussing

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provisions for the hereafter. It's a book related to the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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We must ensure especially as workers in the data that we are closest to the sun. Our speech is close to the sun. Our actions are close to the sun. Everything about us is close to the sun. There has to be like that my dear brothers and sisters. It's

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The most important that we do so that we are revivals of the sudden, and perhaps somebody will become inspired by looking at what we do, they'll start using the miswak. And then life will become a sidecar to Jerry or for us that they saw us using the SWAT. So they started using the miswak. They saw us making during the last hour on a Friday, so they started making the app. They saw it as fasting a Monday or a Thursday, or at least the three white days in the month. And they started fasting and hamdulillah. Right. And the whole life becomes the subject area for us. Right so my dear brothers and sisters in our you know, you have a great role to play. It's not about the share, who

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will come and teach the course or will come and speak at the conference and you you busy selling tickets? No, you are selling tickets, right? You are a day at registration. You are a propagator. You are doing the work, you are as important as the shear who's coming to speak, you are as important as the sheer who's coming to teach. Yes, you are as important because your work has created the platform for the teacher to teach and the students to learn. And your work has put you in the limelight where people take guidance from you. So you are the actual day. Right? If not even more important than the actual doctor to come.

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Right? So it's important that you take lessons you learn from your art and you revise yourself don't just be working in the hour because it's a pastime. It's nice the Brotherhood's good and and you forget about yourself. Don't forget about yourselves My dear brothers and sisters as Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says Allah Taku Luca Latina de la fensa home and fusa home. Don't be like those people who forgot about Allah subhanho wa Taala and you can forget about allowing you forget about the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? Don't be like those who forget about Allah, they leave the sinner fencer home and fusa home so Allah made them forget about themselves. You know our

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lessons coming to an end today but I want you to focus on this idea throughout the week till our next lesson. Once you drive in, once you cooking whilst you taking a break from study, ask yourself that have I forgotten about Allah? And has Allah made me forget about myself? You know, some people say, Chef, my Salah that my consciousness is becoming weaker and weaker and weaker. And I tell them that how often do you remember how after the look after the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam? How often do you learn about Allah and His names and his attributes? Have you forgotten about Allah, Let it not be a case in which

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you, Allah has caused you to forget about yourself because you chose to forget about Allah subhanho wa Taala advise my dear brothers and sisters, as I said, shavon has a lot of tools available to him, he makes us forget, you know, our work becomes a big part of our thoughts. Our families become a big part of our thoughts. Sometimes somebody helping the family becomes a big part of our thought, you know, the pressure to pay the bills and the taxes and to renovate your house or book that holiday or you know, these things, everything is a pressure today.

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And we forget about a lot. But the successful one is the one who doesn't. So Allah doesn't need him to be an ally. It's always with him. And that's why I'm part of the drought Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would ask Allah to never, ever leave him for an instant even if it's for the blink of an eye and never to make him rely on his own abilities even for the blink of an eye. When attacking Ilana super fast I do not let me become reliant upon myself for the blink of for the period that happens when it when you blink. No, Allah Don't leave me even for that split second. Because there was a level

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there was a level

01:03:44 --> 01:04:25

there is no power romantics from Allah subhanho wa Taala so take care of this ayah My dear brothers and sisters in another Allah says this law of SEO that they forgot about Allah. So Allah let them write a lot of them to be a lot left them to be we don't translate it as Allah forgot them because Allah doesn't forget anything. But even if some translation save they forgot about Allah so Allah forgot them then this is similar to how we say in English Forget about him. It doesn't mean you're going to delete him from your mind, but it means just don't bother about him. So this law they forgot about a lot they weren't bothered about a lot His laws and his commands. So Allah subhanho wa

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Taala left them to be left them to be left them to be a product of their own choices and and and and decisions inspiration stopped reaching me Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. So my dear brothers and sisters, we've started this chapter Lu and Sharma next week, we will continue as well I have many other innovations to share with you regarding

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will do and inshallah we will

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cover some other

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sound bites pertaining to when we do

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Get together and then be delighted to Allah. We will move forward to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his guidance during the prayer, be the lay to Allah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best.

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Mohammed, Al Hashem say Shia, how would you advise a Muslim or thinking of removing hijab as given in your example? My mom's friend's daughter is in the situation? Yeah, this is how I advise my dear brothers and sisters that

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look, firstly, you know,

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when somebody

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starts to have thoughts, which take them further away from Allah subhanho wa Taala, we, we should not behave in a panicked fashion in front of them, yes, we should panic, but they shouldn't see the panic.

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A lot of the times, especially with teens, what happens is,

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they go against the norm, they say, we're going to remove the hijab, for example, or somebody is going to shave his beard, for example. And then what happens is, we end up panicking in such a way that we end up grounding the child we end up scolding the child, we end up ignoring the child on the dinner table, we end up ignoring the child, you know, and what happens is Shabbat uses that as a tool

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and causes that child to rebel. So it might be that the child might have been, you know, having thoughts about it. But now that child is definitely going to do it. Or the child might have had thoughts of stop stopping, you know, or getting back to doing something or putting the hijab back on or let me start growing my beard again, for example, but because of this whole environment that's been created, causing this person to rebel, this person says, No, I'm not gonna do it. Because the ego shaper then uses the ego as a tool. So the ego now steps in intelligence pesut, if you don't wear the hijab, you're gonna be weak. They beat you, your community beat you, your family beat you,

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if you grow the beard, the beaten you, this is what happens. Right? So it's important for a daddy not to panic. Right? And for for parents not to panic.

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Very important. What you got to do is deal with the situation. Look at the trigger, what's the trigger here? Perhaps it's school, perhaps it's a change of environment, you might have gone to another city or vicinity. Previously in your other city, there was no issues now we have issues, look for the triggers, and then as a parent, work towards

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dealing with that circumstance. And that is what parenting is about. That's what's called parenting. It's a verb, right? It requires a process it requires action, it requires you to give certain things takes it and things right. You got to fix it sometimes you in the kitchen you're cooking, right? You cooking you making a sauce? Are you making something it's tasting two salaries tasting too sweet. It's not balanced, you got to fix it, right? The rotten amber cook. My dear brothers and sisters, my wife cooks very well Mashallah. So, you know, I just do the tasting.

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I wish I could cook.

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We cook up other things when you live. But the point is, sometimes, you know, you got to balance you got to balance it. Right? You have to fix the source. Sometimes you whisking something and it's not thickening, it's supposed to thicken, it's not it's not thickening, right? It's splitting for example, what do you have to fix it maybe you got to add an egg here or some milk here, you got to do something, you got to fix it, that's part of the process. When you have a visit the same thing happens right? Sometimes you promote somebody something it doesn't work out now you got to fix it, you either got to you know fix it in a way that doesn't make the situation worse. Sometimes you got

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to remove the person sometimes you got to send the person on training, it's part of life. So you don't want to panic if you panic, the situation is not going to change is going to be the same in fact it could get worse so why panic it is what it is. Let's work towards fixing it.

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And you know perhaps share this advice that I've shared with your your friends, your friends, mom's daughter

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and say, Look, you know, just attach your heart to online persona lasala while he was sending them and ask her What's her position with them? Right? Do you love them? Yes. Then imitate them imitate what follow Allah commands when I say imitate I mean follow these commands, imitate the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam you love him? Right.

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And that is enough for us to continue with the hijab to continue growing with the beard until a point where we are convinced and inshallah we will become convinced because it is the heck that we should have a beard what we should observe the hijab. So this is what I'm saying that sometimes you get, you know, the youth they come to me they say no, I'm not convinced. Even though the evidence is as clearer than the sun, they don't convince. That's fine. That's the situation. Everybody's hard to differentiate funds at work. But I'm not going to be afraid of hairpin. I'm going to dismantle shamans work how through a calculated process filled with wisdom, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows

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best by their brothers and sisters. I love you for the sake of Allah. It's important

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We keep these lessons to the tee, so that you come back to the lessons you know, you don't feel that the lessons don't start on time or they overrunning and then you lose motivation. Some people Mashallah they look after time and looking after time is from the sun as well. So let's follow that rule we will end today's class here if you need to write to me, the brothers and sisters

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of this particular class will share with you details to write in the forums for you to use when you like to discuss things please use them. I will also answer questions on them but the lighterlife those questions are there. Let's learn together and more importantly, let's put things into practice. I love you all for the sake of Allah everything corrected is from Allah subhanho wa Taala he's perfect. At any mistakes I found myself and SharePoint and I see colossal Anahata Allah forgiveness will not preserve us in his obedience Until next week, my dear brothers and sisters Subhana Allah will be having the use of Haleakala morbihan deaconess Chateau La Ilaha Illa. Mr.

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Furukawa to be like Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh salam wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad

Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah’s famous book – Provisions for the hereafter

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