Sajid Ahmed Umar – Meaning of Taqwa #02

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the definition of Taqwa, a belief in helping others achieve success. It uses various examples and terminology, including "well," and "well," to describe the concept. The speakers emphasize the importance of being mindful of one's actions and avoiding mistakes. They also stress the need for individuals to practice fasting during the Olympics to avoid negative consequences and ensure their health and well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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bearing in mind these different,

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intended usages in the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. It's natural that we have different statements from the pious before us, defining Taqwa from a legal perspective. So from the definitions we have the taqwa is an integer Allah, Bane aka obeying either Billahi with iron to place between yourself and the punishment of Allah subhanahu Attallah a barrier.

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How do you place this barrier?

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By remaining upon the do's and staying away from the don'ts by remaining upon the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala and staying away from the prohibitions? This is how you erect a barrier between you and the punishment of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And this definition was defined by the famous Sheffield scholar and have it been hedger Alice Kalani Rahmatullahi LA, in his book known as fat Albury, which is an explanation of the famous Hadith book sahih al Bukhari, an amazing book, an elegant book and eloquent book, a book in which the scholar said, la Hirata Battleford.

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We know that when when maca came under the rule of the Muslims Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there's no Hijra from today, the best land has been acquired. Thus the scholars through analogy say that if you have this book and read the explanations of the scholar, then there's no need for any other book. It's enough It suffices, Rahim Allah may Allah gathers with him and Jana, Amin, amin, and if we go to the time before this famous scholar to the time of the Sahaba Ravi Allahu Anhu Majima in we see earlier of the Allah one, one of the leaders of the Muslims define Taqwa as a hopeful middle jellied will Emmylou bitten zeal. Well, Connor to Bill Colleen will stay

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there do Leo Rahim? Allah hu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. He says about the Allah Who and that Taqwa is fearing the majestic, meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala and Taqwa is acting upon revelation, following the Quran and the Sunnah. And Taqwa is being satisfied with a little being a person of contentment. This is from Taqwa.

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And Taqwa is preparing yourself for the day when you return back to Allah subhanho wa taala. What an amazing definition of Taqwa. In fact, in another explanation of Taqwa honorable Hapa brothers, the Allah Who and the leader of the Muslims, he tends to obey Him and curb Ravi Allah Who and and he asks him. Oh obey. What is taqwa? What is your understanding of Taqwa? Subhana line because the Sahaba were interested in understanding taqwa in making sure that they were doing that which made them from the people of Taqwa. Even though he's the head of the Muslims, he wasn't shy. He asked someone who was below him in rank, right in terms of structure. He turned him because he had

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knowledge that he didn't have. So obey even kept, answered and said,

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Oh, Commander of the Faithful.

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Have you ever walked a thorny path?

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So I said, Yes, I have. So obey said what did you do when you walked that path? So Omar said I rolled up my garments up to my shins, so I could see the ground and see my feet.

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And I will put one foot forward and another back out of fear of being pricked by a THON, Allahu Akbar.

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Right this is Omar is taking precautions and taking the means. So obey said, oh Commander of the Faithful that is step four. He said that is taqwa. Because Taqwa is rolling up one's garments, to work in obedience to Allah subhanahu Allah to Allah, to watch out for halal and haram and to be cautious not to commit errors out of fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala amazing. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us an understanding, and it's perhaps from this story that the famous poet YBNL Morteza said Halle Luba, so he or her worker bee Raha the Touka was snack immersion folk out of the shoki Yahoo Roma Yara letter, they are under severe rotten in LG Bella Minahasa. The famous poets

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had Sion all sins, be the small or large for that is taqwa and be like the one walking on a thorny path, weary of what he sees, and to not make light of small sins

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because mountains are made out of many pebbles with valuable advice, may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive our sins and grant us Jana Amin, in another definition of servants of Allah YBNL Kohimarama to Allah He Allah him says and April time has an important book dealing with purification of the soul. And he has an entire chapter in this particular book pertaining to a Taqwa. And in fact, his entire book is an explanation of one area in Surah Fatiha in a Serato. Mr. Oh yeah, can I put where he kind of Stein, he is explaining this idea in an entire volume in some publications, two volumes and he has an entire chapter dedicated towards a Taqwa. And he says Rahmatullah here LA. That Taqwa

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is to act in the obedience of Allah, out of faith and desire for reward

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in respect to both commands and prohibitions, so when you do something, you do it because you believe in Allah, and you do it, expecting Allah to reward you. And when you leave something, you leave it because Allah warned you against it, and you live it expecting rewards from Allah subhanho wa taala. This is Taqwa. And that is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men comma Ramadan, Eman and the seven of your Allahu Mata domine Dombey woman sama Ramadan, amen. Watch the seven who fear Allah Who Mata Dramamine Thembi he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the one who stands the night of Ramadan and fast the day of Ramadan, because he knows Allah has commanded him to

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do it. And he believes in Allah and he does it whilst expecting Allah to reward him Subhan Allah

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with the condition that he is, he believes that Allah will reward him Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, who fear Allah who met them in them be that his previous sins will be forgiven? Let me qualify my statement brothers and sisters. Our scholars refer to Allah Allah him say that when this hadith talks about previous sins being forgiven, it's referring to the mind essence. As for the major sins, the condition of those sins being forgiven is a process known as October and October, are seeking repentance comes with its pillars and conditions. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us all. Amin, amin, and perhaps this definition of YBNL KM is derived from the statement of Tolkien

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Habib, for he said that when tribulation falls or befalls you and perhaps write this with golden ink, anyone with a gold pen here?

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I'm just exaggerating, right pay attention. Even Habib says that when tribulation befalls you, extinguish it with taka, Allahu Akbar. Powerful these words are. So they asked him what is Taqwa? And he said, A taqwa and Tamela Vita Atilla Allah Newari min Allah, Tara Judah Allah will entitle camassia to Allah. Allah Nuri min Allah to have as Allah. He said that Taqwa is to act in obedience to Allah, on a light from Allah, hoping for Allah's reward and to leave disobedience of Allah on a light from Allah fearing the punishment of Allah subhanho wa taala. So my dear brothers and sisters, if we analyze these different

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definitions, and different usages of the word taqwa in the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. We can say that Taqwa refers to a few things, number one,

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to heat and everything that leads towards strengthening toe heat. And it refers to leaving shark and all those processes that protect you from falling into Shark. This is Taqwa.

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And we can say that Taqwa also refers to leaving all that which will cause you to be punished in the hellfire, even for a short moment of time. Everything you do to protect yourself from falling into the Hellfire May Allah protect us oil is a means of acquiring taqwa, when you seek repentance. This is from acquiring Taqwa.

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When you practice good deeds, this is from acquiring Taqwa. When you cherish

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This is from acquiring Taqwa. When you revive the Sunnah, this is from acquiring Taqwa. And when you leave bidder. This is from acquiring Taqwa all these processes that you will do consciously understand. It has a correlation a link a relationship with the acquisition of Taqwa May Allah make us from the cocoon, I mean, the third meaning of taqwa, and this is a subtle meaning that we can derive from everything we've said is that Taqwa also refers towards shunning those matters, those matters, which may be halal and permissible, but if we engage in them, it will slow us down from acquiring a greater peace of the Hereafter.

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This is from Taqwa as well. Right? This is from Taqwa.

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And sometimes we know we engage in something permissible.

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And then we become desensitized and as we become desensitized we start practicing that which is disliked, until we become further desensitized and then when we become further desensitized and the Eman goes lower, what happens? We end up doing haram May Allah protect us all. So Taqwa refers to living halaal. If you fear it will slow you down with regards to your progress to the hereafter. Right? For example, you might like a certain food, it's permissible for you to eat, but eating that food will prevent you from waking up for tahajjud for example, so you leave it for the sake of standing up for tahajjud and we know some people that eat rice for example, what happens?

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sugar spikes, everybody's feeling tired. And we have the most beautiful of sleeps, right? We don't wake up for the hedgehog. We might even miss fetcher Allah, Allah Stan, right. So if you leave it with the noble intention of not retro dressing in your progress of getting to the hereafter, this is from Taco. And on a side note, I've received many questions about the World Cup.

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Can we watch the World Cup final or semi final?

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What's the problem? What is going to be in Ramadan?

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I think we've answered that question. Right. I think we've answered that question. Right? You achieving Taqwa the objective of Ramadan is to achieve a taco and this is amazing or servants of Allah, Allah He. If we look at our Sharia, it's absolutely amazing. Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us towards Taqwa. And he doesn't leave us at that. He commands us towards doing that which helps us achieve the core. Amazing. Allah looks after us from result as well as process and this is manifest in the Sharia. If you look at salah, Allah commands us towards staying away from fascia and muncom right towards staying away from that which is disliked by Allah subhanho wa Taala and that which is

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immoral, Allah commands us towards staying away from this and He commands us towards Salah as well, because he said in a Salah tenha and we'll share

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that Salah puts an end towards you falling into fascia and mooncup

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we Allah protect us all but somebody might say, well, you know what?

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How come we find people fasting the month of Ramadan, and on each day, they driving around like maniacs with the with the radios on full volume music's pumping out the windows and flags sticking out the window and driving up and down our streets. How can

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you say fasting brings Taqwa they fasted where's the taekwondo? They have AIDS.

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And that's a good question, by the way.

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And in answer to that, brothers and sisters, the problem is not in fasting the month of Ramadan. The problem is not in the instruction of Allah subhanho wa taala. The problem is in the one who fasted for that person who fasted fasted with their bodies, and they didn't fast with their heart, they didn't fast with their soul. They didn't fast with their mind, they didn't fast with their neffs their bodies fasted. And that is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the one who doesn't leave forge speech and practicing it and ignorance that Allah is not in need of you leaving your food and drink and so on and so forth, during the period of fasting, which means fasting is not

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just the fasting of the bodies when you fast this Ramadan have an acute attention to the fasting of your entire self that when your body starts fasting, your heart starts fasting as well. And when your body starts fasting, your soul starts fasting as well.

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And when your body starts fasting, your mind starts fasting as well. Thus we fast holistically with our complete self and inshallah life we do this for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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We will find Taqwa coming into our lives. Some people ask, How do I know if I am from the people of Taqwa after Ramadan? And that's a very good question as well. And in answer to that question, in answer to that question, we say that if you find that after Ramadan, there were certain sins that I couldn't leave our beloved to me before Ramadan and now I am against the sense that is from the signs of Taqwa being present in you. But if you find yourself still inclined towards those sins in the same way, then we ask Allah subhana wa Taala forgiveness, brothers and sisters, I've just been given a red card.

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They told me my time is up, I thought, I'll get a yellow before the red, but it didn't happen.

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Before I end, brothers and sisters, what I'm going to say is

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we in World Cup fever at the moment, and there's the Olympics that finished but what's a great lesson from the sporting events that we can derive to make ourselves better is how well the athletes trained.

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Before they start the event, they train the Olympian is running for four years before he runs that one marathon the footballers are training in fact when the football season is over. They are you there from a European country what are they doing going to more humid climates. Why? Because the World Cup is in Brazil, we need our bodies to climatized we're not used towards running in these temperatures in these conditions and these environments our bodies will tire and brother Evans said many of us were watching the World Cup last night so I'm sure you saw all the cramps that now let's not say anything there but what we saying is the bodies need to climate eyes money is spent sending

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players abroad so that the bodies climate eyes right let's learn from this brothers and sisters. Prepare for Ramadan from now prepare for Ramadan from now, if you want to be a diligent faster in the month of Ramadan, start fasting now if you want to be diligent with tahajjud in Ramadan start tahajjud now if you want to be diligent with Salah to do her start Salah to do her now train for Ramadan Don't be deceived by Shiva and before he's locked up that don't worry you have time when Ramadan starts you. You will climatized you will but after 10 days and after a third of Ramadan is gone don't lose Ramadan Oh servants of Allah respected It's a gift from Allah and respected by

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preparing for it. When you value a guest that visits you you prepare for that guest you make sure the room is proper and you make sure the transport is arranged and you do everything to make this steak comfortable. We will receive in a few days time the greatest guests that we can receive and that is the guest of Ramadan that has trained from now let us prepare from now and let us be diligent are servants of Allah and our children of Adam. Ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to grant us life to witness another Ramadan Amin ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us diligent before Ramadan, and during Ramadan Amin and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us from the curse of Jabril

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alayhi salam, in which Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mean to when he said curse be upon the person who witnesses Ramadan and Ramadan leaves them without them being forgiven. I asked Allah to protect us from the dua of Jabril Alehissalaam mean, everything correct said My dear brothers and sisters is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's perfect. Any mistakes are from myself and shaytaan and I seek Allah subhanho wa Taala as forgiveness. I love you all for the sake of Allah, I thank you for your attentiveness and giving me the opportunity and I remind you before walking off towards sincerity, by Allah, make sure that you are here for the sake of Allah, you are here for the sake of

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Allah. Make sure that you're not here because your friends are here and make sure that you're not here because the specific speaker is here. By Allah you are here for the sake of Allah to worship Allah don't even say that you're here to learn. Say that I am here to worship Allah. Through the process of learning. Live your life for Allah. Do something for Allah leave something for Allah for Allah He nothing matters besides Allah subhanahu wata Anna. Just Qumulo Heron Had Allah Allah Allah SallAllahu wasallam Oh baraka and Amina Muhammad Ali are such big money

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