Said Rageah – Haiya Of Nib Dawood P 4 02

Said Rageah
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various prophets and their weight on people's minds, including Abraham Salatu and his son. They also touch on topics such as anger over loss, bribery, and the origin of the word "will" (or "will."). The transcript describes various incidentals involving various people and events, including accusations of l lies and false accusations, accusations of bribery, and bribery. The transcript also describes a brief and disjointed conversation between multiple speakers, including a man named Monaco and a woman named Moosa. The importance of hiring people for various positions is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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I would speak to him for myself not for anyone else. Your whole Nazi Nazi Nazi

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but as a matter he said, um did not leave us on he will not leave us because we get to be part of that

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he will not leave us like this and his salon.

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But he was saying is having it.

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Go find someone else. Now look at the humbleness of Adam.

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He's saying I'm not up to that status, that I can go and talk to Allah because I'm a sinner.

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I commit a sin. I disobeyed him at sunbather subhana wa Tada. But go and find someone who's more righteous than I

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go to know.

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And keep in mind we will all move towards in Ronnie his Salah

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all of us

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kiahuna ya know,

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in our urusan

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ya know,

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you're on the first of the messengers of Allah will lie. No PhD.

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I'm a Doctor of this. I'm a Doctor of that. This is my family status. This who I am. No, today, they will not say I knew you had PhD in this and that, but they say and

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the highest you can ask you to achieve is you are the first messenger to all mankind.

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First messenger gone. And one day we'll say welcome to some Nakamoto who was the beginning of sorority sorority strong in our corner of the shakoora he said I you alone named you a grateful slave.

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A grateful slave you receive that

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Allah gave you that title

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on a shot Nana you know,

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go on into see

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ask the last panel with that. Now what are they asking for? To forgive them? Now Allah

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at that particular time, what they asking for is for Allah just to judge amongst them

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to the people another nervous to the point that certain people will say we don't care what we should when we go we even inshallah in Ghana just let us move we'll be removed from this area because they don't know the heat of Japan. So they would think that the heat of the sun is worse than anywhere else they can be

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so they said we don't care. So go and ask a law to judge amongst

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on this set a call they will say Allah tala man no fee errata Rama Bella Juana he said errata Rama no fee don't just see what was happening to us fair call and no was say in Arabi as a virgin My Lord as a virgin all the way up. Today he's angry to a point that he will never be angry. He was never to this point and he would never be angry at this point ever again. And he was say to them

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what no cut can leave

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and he had one down because every profit

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alone would give him $1 that is the reject

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that the answer but this is special package. And I said this is for you utilize it

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in any way that you will see it fits this year. If you want to save your own if you want to destroy your own if you want to make dragon certain people you just use that car

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your home

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No honey is Salatu was Salam and now how can it lead that hour? The hour to half an hour Tony knifes enough see and I use my I guess my

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myself, myself, myself enough. Go find someone else.

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I'm not the man that you're looking for. I cannot help you. Go and find someone else

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is the Hubble inner Mr. hain. Go to MRI

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is also one of the messengers of Allah, and the people were all all of us. We will move together and we will be shifted. And we will be stationed in front of Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam.

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Now you see this man and his fellow

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who is not too tall,

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who is not too sure,

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who was thick, dear

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light skin, thick eyebrows, white shoulders and is Salam. Very, very pleasing or good looking.

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And this is Abraham Salatu was Salam.

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All of us will stand in front of this man alayhis salam, and we will say, yeah, Ibrahim antenna D your law. You are the Prophet of Allah. Will honey room in a huddle up?

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And Honey, you know, there's a saw have a companion.

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There's a Saudi friend friendship.

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There's a head the one that he alone and there is honey, one that is so close to your heart.

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Ever he

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was the honey man.

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was the man that Allah chosen from the people of Earth. So they said we'll enter honey room in an ashram and then

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now you go go into sea for us. And I thought Ah man, no fee. Don't you see our condition? And it will our him will also say about Allah what all other two prophets are three to three paths or two prophets said about Allah in terms of anger. And he said and he said,

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and I lied, he said, I like three times.

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He liked it. He said I'm able to him

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three times

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Carmen fana had a be early hatena in Domino bollini.

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Paulo Sanjana for 10 years Kumu hula, hula, hula Ibrahim.

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All over to the union nurse Isla Antonia shadow

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Hall, Juan De Anza de le hatena. Abraham, corner, Ban Fado Caballero, first income young

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teacher who did this to our gods.

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They said we heard about young man was mentioning them. They said, Bring him and let the people witness what he did.

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Every time did you do this? Oh God, he had our gods. He say well, the biggest of all did it. Why don't you ask them they can speak

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that Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. Even though he was trying to show them a lesson

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that these idols this gods that he claimed that they can benefit or harm? They don't benefit they can even speak

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to show them that they are nothing but what are your own hand made? He said ask him he did it.

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He consider that a lie.

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low bar

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and look at the lies that we give day and night colorful, or is this white line? You know, this is great. This is really serious lie. You know, colorful lies.

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Anyway, me saying no, that was a lie.

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And then next other incident

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when the mood insanitary, why?

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When the mood took his wife, Sarah, she was the most beautiful women of her time.

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And Abraham said, Listen, these people are coming to take you.

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And they were asked you Are you married? Or who is this man?

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Tell them He is my brother. Because if you tell them I'm your husband.

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They were killed me.

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Was that a life? What if you love Yeah.

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Because my wife is my sister in law.

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My sister in humanity.

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So Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. He considered that

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was the 30th who can remember the third Yes.

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Now, as the brother is saying when the people asked him to join their festival,

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and he said in nice Athene

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for one night in Florida in Pokhara Taku

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hora in the submarine, I'm sick, I'm ill,

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and is truly was truly sick because it wasn't a physical illness, but he was sick of what they doing. They worship other than Allah and they saying this is true God are sick of what you're doing. They said this, he said, I lied three times.

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He said, go to someone else. On Nevsky Neff see is hackable in a most

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go to most and then people will come to Moosa and they will save a apolonia Moosa. Now look at the list of what they would mention about Musashi he said I'm Paul we are Moosa Antara su La, la the messenger overlong without Nala comme la hillbilly sir, that's what we can me as a nurse and a lot chose UT Kerry's mission to talk to the people and then either as a law or intercede on our behalf for your whole musante Salatu was Salam after he mentioned that anger over loss of Hannah wattana your own way in me and I

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contend to knifes and lamb might be a catalyst

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I kill the soul innocent soul that I was not giving the order to kill it.

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First the heart Oh let me see it. Another fan for workers. Mustafa cavani

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Musa when the two men and men were fighting

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with 100 Medina Hina. Let's see him in an era Gianni aka Sudan had a mission it was Amina first author, hula demon.

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When they came under the man, the two men One of them was from Danny Seraphin and one form.

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And the man from the people of mosaic came to seek help on the shelter have an assistant of Moosa what moves or do instead of solving the problem corner for worker who moves I punched him for tamari and the man died

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didn't intend to kill them. So AlLahi Salatu was Salam was very strong young man at that time.

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And he said, I killed knifes, that I was not able to kill Nazi Nazi.

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And they have we are highly go find someone else. And then he said and then all of us is they will either Isa go to Isa and all of us will be shifting will be moving to Isa and it is I will say exactly the same thing about Allah except there is an E Salatu was Salam will not mention anything that he committed, but he will say, I am not that man. Move on to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they will come to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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the machete king who used to make fun of Rasulullah

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that confer who made movies about the profit over law those who lied about it or pseudo lines on the long run he was in them. Those who call him named saw him magician can him fortune teller, you know, a power shot Shah all of them

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will come to Mohammed Salah Maharani He will send them via Hulu

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and hottie moon MDM now. But and Mr. Walker and Sophia rocks. Now, it now that he is the seals of the seal of the prophets in the long run. He was selling them he married and Hartman amateur Law School of Law. Well Hartman and the weapons of foreign law holder can match them in them

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for your boardroom hematol allow it yourself.

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After they said

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errata manushi Yahoo hold on tonic and he will go under the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala for Apollo sajida.

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And then we'll

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Go and I will prostrate for my last panel

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for you after hawala you mean Muhammad he was nothing he and he shinomiya hadn't probably he said Allah will teach me of his praises of that he was in that was never taught to anyone else and before me and then a loss of Hannah what the Anna was saying. So my eukarya Mohammed en la will say to Mohammed Salah la he was an unfastened Raise your head Dr. Mohammed, some Tanaka asked and you will be given West fat to shepherd into Sydney intercession would be accepted for Razia then I will raise my hand. Mohammed Salah Laura Lee was certain for our photo era Mati Mati Subhana, Allah

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Almighty Almighty

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for your hardware Mohammed

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at Salomon ematic Amanda sobre, la mina, amen, min

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Mohammed, take those of you

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who was no recording no hisar and let them into paradise from the right gate karwan surecut naza team I see whether he came in

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and they also are shareholders or partners with the people like everyone else they will enter from the rest of the doors some con when not enough cvad and Benin Serrano Maasai hain Masada energen karma Bay in America, Wareham er accom avena McComas,

00:16:40 --> 00:16:42

and they say well, la he the distance between

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the ends of the gates of gentlemen is like the distance between maca and honey in here, or Basra.

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So, this is why interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and I am the son of Adam, I am the son of Adam sort of sort of line some of the lohani he was sending them would give the shefa to all mankind and there are eight different levels of inertia, and we only will talk will not talk about them inshallah, as you know, some of the Shiva or some of the Shiva for is almost on the long run, he was some other chef for one person, one caffeine, and that is about quality. And this is for Allah to remove him from the worst places of agenda to the lightest place engine, I'm sorry to hand them to the lightest lightest place in jahannam. And also differentiate in such a fan of increasing or

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elevating the level of safety and more mean to higher level. So many differentiate under a pseudo law in some of the law it he was selling them well use or utilize on the day of Yeoman piano.

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So this is what I would have to say insha Allah for

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the power of Athena, and then you shall know we'll give you a five minutes question answer. And then we will go for one more session and we'll continue from there be nice panel with Donna nanea.

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Know how to hire

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a coach or hire to check command.

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Remember narration a whole extra dose

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to fill those usually all the rivers are originated from a Philadelphia Anna and then they go to the rest of the Jin Jin is for those then it will be there but it would be only a certain part of the river not a will not be they will not be thrown into the river itself. They would be on the other banks of the river the edge of the river.

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Yeah, hold on me so long running. He was sent him

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on the day of Yeoman pm and not only in this part on the dev Yeoman team who will be first to be judged and working on the deal with their facade. And of course, as you know, the first category of people will enter Paradise will have more hygiene. So the point that they will shock the gatekeepers of gentlemen say you already done and you saw was that quick? Right on 101 100. The sooner the people have well meaning aside when they will come 500 years

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follows me for 10 years Kuru Newhall, Allahu Ibrahim.

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All over to the union Ursula Antonia shadow.

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Han Juan De Anza. Vianney hatena Ibrahim on ban Fado Caballero first.

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They say who did this to our gods?

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They said we heard about young men was mentioning them. They said, Bring him and let the people witness what he did.

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Ibrahim, did you do this? We had our gods. He say, well, the biggest of all did it. Why don't you ask them they can speak

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that Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, even though he was trying to show them a lesson

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that these idols, this gods that you claim that they can benefit or harm, they don't benefit they can even speak,

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to show them that they are nothing but what your own hand made. He said asked him he did it.

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He consider that a lie.

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and look at the lies that we give day in colorful, or is this white line? You know, this is great. This is really serious lie. You know, colorful lies.

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And every time you say no, that was a lie.

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And the next other incident

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when the mood insanitary, why?

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When the mood took his wife, Sarah, she was the most beautiful women of her time.

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And Abraham said, Listen, these people are coming to take you.

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And they were asked you, are you married? Or who is this man?

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Tell them He is my brother. Because if you tell them I'm your husband, they will kill me.

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Was that a lie? What did you learn? Yeah.

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Because my wife is my sister in law.

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My sister in humanity.

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So Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. He considered that as a minor.

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What was the 38? Who can remember the third? Yes.

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The brothers saying when the people asked him to join there first of all,

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and he said in the subpoena

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for the one and only been for our area team for Cora Taku.

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Or in the submarine, I'm sick, I'm ill

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and is truly was truly sick because it wasn't a physical illness. But he was sick of what they doing. They weren't doing other than Allah and they saying this is true God kinda in nice optimistic of what you're doing. They said this, he said, I lied three times.

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He said, go to someone else on an F c f c is horrible. It

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is horrible. Go to most and the people will come to Moosa and they will save a apolonia Moosa. Now look at the list of what they would mention about Musashi he said,

00:23:45 --> 00:24:17

Paul, we are Moosa Antara su La La the messenger over la without Nala come Maha Marisa that's what we can ammianus and unlocked shows up Kerry's mission to talk to the people issue and then a big ask a lot or intercede on our behalf for your whole musante Salatu was Salam after he mentioned that anger over loss of Hannah wattana you your own what in me and I

00:24:18 --> 00:24:21

cotton to knifes and marble cotton

00:24:23 --> 00:24:27

I kill the soul innocent soul that I was not giving the order to kill it.

00:24:29 --> 00:24:34

First the heart Oh let me see it. Another fun for workers Mustafa cavani

00:24:35 --> 00:24:38

Moosa when the two men and men were fighting

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with 100, Medina Hina let him in and if he

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had any sciatica demeanor, first of all, let me

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mention it.

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When they came in the the man, the two men One of them was for many in and one from foreign and

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A man from the people of mosaic came to seek help on the shelter have been a citizen of Moosa. What moves I do instead of solving the problem on our cousin who moves I punched him for tamari and the man died.

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didn't intend to kill them that masahisa to salatu salam was very strong young man at that time.

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And he said, I killed knifes that I was in order to kill Nazi Nazi.

00:25:32 --> 00:26:03

And how will you really go find someone else? And then he said, and then all of us is they will either Isa go to Isa and all of us will be shifting, we'll be moving to Isa and Lisa will say exactly the same thing about Allah, except there is an E Salatu was Salam will not mention anything that he committed. But he was saying, I am not that man. Move on to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they will come to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:26:05 --> 00:26:09

emotionally, Cain, who used to make fun of Rasulullah,

00:26:11 --> 00:26:30

the kuffaar, who made movies about the Prophet of the law, those who lied about a sort of lions on the low end he was in them. Those who call him named saw him, magician, can him fortune teller, you know, a poet, Shah and all of them

00:26:32 --> 00:26:38

will come to Mohammed, Salah Maharani He will send them via Hulu

00:26:41 --> 00:26:46

and hearty moon MDM now. But and Mr. Walker and

00:26:48 --> 00:27:07

now, it now that he is the seals on the seal of the prophets on the long run he was send them an email he and Hartman materasso law were Hartman and the weapons of foreign law hudak and metta condemning them be kawamata Ha, ha.

00:27:11 --> 00:27:11


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for your boredom hematol allow it you are seldom

00:27:17 --> 00:27:18

after they said

00:27:20 --> 00:27:30

errata manushi Yahoo rufen Talia and he will go under the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala for aka sajida

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and I will go and I will press three for my last panel with azzawajal for after hawala, Yemen, Mohammed he was mithuna Eonni Shan Lamia had in Kobani he said Allah will teach me all of his praises that he was in that was never taught to anyone else and before me, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna was saying to me your color yum Hamadan, la will say to Mohammed Salah lo and he was an unfastened Raise your head Yeah, Mohammed. Some Tanaka asked and you will be given what stood out to Chevron into Sydney intercession would be accepted for Roger then I will raise my head you're calling Mohammed Salah Laura Lee was certain for our food we are Amati mateesah Panama

00:28:20 --> 00:28:22

Amati Oman

00:28:24 --> 00:28:25

for your hardware Mohammed.

00:28:27 --> 00:28:32

Atta cinnamon Amati camunda sobre la min Babin, amen. Min.

00:28:34 --> 00:28:39

Mohammed, take those of you

00:28:40 --> 00:28:50

who has no recording, no hisar and London into paradise from the right gate karwan Shoraka naza tmrc whether you come in

00:28:51 --> 00:29:11

and they also are shareholders or partners with the people like everyone else they will enter from the rest of the doors. Some con when not enough cvad and been an enormous pain in Masada and agenda come up in America. We're handling your accommodation in Macau.

00:29:13 --> 00:29:15

And they say well la heat the distance between

00:29:16 --> 00:29:24

the ends of the gates of gentlemen is like the distance between Makkah and honey near or Basra.

00:29:25 --> 00:29:59

So this is why interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and I am I the son of Adam, I am the son of Adam sort of sort of lines on the long run he was sending them would give the chef to all mankind and there are eight different levels of inertia and we only will talk we'll not talk about them but inshallah as you know, some of the chef is a fan of some of the chef offers almost on the long run, he was selling other chefs for one person, one caffeine and that is about quality. And this

00:30:00 --> 00:30:24

For Allah to remove him from the worst places of gender to the lightest place engine I'm sorry would you hand them to the lightest lightest place in jahannam also differentiate finances your fan of increasing or elevating the level of safety and more mean to higher level so many differentiate for other pseudo lives in the law it He will send them well use or utilize on the day of Yeoman piano.

00:30:26 --> 00:30:29

So this is what I would have to say insha Allah for

00:30:31 --> 00:30:42

the power of Athena and then Shannon will give you five minutes question answer and then we'll go for one more session and we'll continue from there be nice panelist on now.

00:30:58 --> 00:30:59

Now how to hire

00:31:00 --> 00:31:03

your own or hire to check Manik

00:31:05 --> 00:31:07

remember narration hold those

00:31:11 --> 00:31:30

two and fill those usually all the rivers are originated from West Philadelphia, and then they go to the rest of the genome. If it's for those then it will be there but it would be only a certain part of that river not it will not be they will not be thrown into the river itself. They would be at the other banks of the river at the edge of the river.

00:31:40 --> 00:31:40


00:31:43 --> 00:31:43

regardless of

00:31:48 --> 00:31:49

what they say,

00:31:56 --> 00:31:58

yeah, hold on me so long running he was sent him

00:32:01 --> 00:32:32

on the day of Yeoman PM, not only in this, but on the dev Yeoman team who will be first to be judged on rocket Oh, and the other heads up. And of course, as you know, the first category of people will enter paradise for hygiene to the point that they will shock the gatekeepers of gentleness say, you already done and you saw was that quick read on and what are the sort of the people of well, meaning aside when they will come? 500 years

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