Said Rageah – Exclusive

Said Rageah
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam as a comprehensive system and its beneficial impact on society is emphasized in a personal development story about a woman who experiences a sexual dysfunctional relationship and decides to end it. She wants to avoid sexual attraction and is important for men to understand that women are not just tools, but important indicators of their own worth. The story also touches on the importance of finding a good mother and father.
AI: Transcript ©
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Islam is a principle. Islam is a comprehensive system, Islamic law.

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very beneficial. We're here with one of the organizers, handed exercises I like

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to cut just really fast your views on the conference? How's it gone so far? And what do you hope for the future for this conference? Before I answer the question, first of all, I'd like to thank

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our last panel data we will you from driving all the way from Windsor to attend this conference. And I am very excited I really am because hamdulillah when you see brothers coming from a different city from different regions from

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Vancouver weathers from Calgary, from Ottawa, you know, Chicago, you know, you name it, they all here span we have us from UK we have, I just met a brother from another mother format. Saudi is just for the conference. That is so beautiful. And this was the Congress all over. But I thank you very much for coming man last night without worrying. Now, as you know, the purpose of this conference, the theme of the Congress a journey of faith, what it means when we when we, when we came up with

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the name, we wanted people to take journey from their point on it from what they are, and travel, I think this journey to a loss of Hanover. And we thought maybe the first thing that we should start with is the logo sort of like he was, because if you don't understand the logo sort of log, you don't understand this man, that you took him as a role model. And you can never really continue with your journey. Therefore, it was essential for us to start with the lovable saga. And when we establish that in our hearts between them, and everybody knows that this is what who he is and how we should love him, then Charlotte, and the steps would be very easy to eat nice.

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Really fast.

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A lot of people seem to misunderstand.

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Especially people in the West. I myself coming from a non Muslim background, many people like myself, they coming to Islam, and then they hear the non Muslim side of coming. And especially today I want to concentrate a bit about the issue of

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females, the ladies are sisters, a lot of Westerners they look at Islam, they look at background, they said he was biased against, you know, females, we want to shed some light on how Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, looked at women, how did he come to in order to reform and improve the situation of women? And what is the status of a woman hands? Yes, no. So so if you can give us just a little bit, what was the status? Let's start with what was the status of woman before Prophet Mohammed came? Now?

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I want to say something I can relate to your situation. See my wife, she's a new Muslim hamdulillah she Reversi. 100 have the she's a new Muslim. And her family were very much concerned. Like, oh, you marrying a Muslim. He's going to abuse you. You're going to be his main, you're going to wash his clothes, you're going to you know, that's what you're going to do. That's it. And then some Hana law, you know, bit by bit. They realized I really care about my wife as my wife. I don't use her. My I remember one of my, my mother in law. She said, sorry. You should wash your dishes. You know, you should do something at home as as like, I was like, he washes dishes all the time. He yells around

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the house. He's like, he's a Muslim.

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Yeah, Muslims don't wish they just abused the women. So I understand. But my family now, my in laws, I love them and respect them. They love me. We, we have that mutual respect. Because now they understood whatever they used to hear about Islam, we abused women, we do this, and it's not true. It is not true. But a lot of Muslims don't have that experience. He can say, Oh, my son in law is a Muslim, or my daughter in law is a Muslim, or sometimes they need that Muslims. And because that person is not behaving as a Muslim. They don't differentiate between Islam and Muslim and say, well, that person is a Muslim is a bad Muslim, but Islam is still the Pure religion of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. Now before Islam to answer your question,

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as a law student in the Koran if a man announced or they tell him what they give him the news that he had a baby girl

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Hear only one of two choices. Either you will keep up with displacement.

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I mean, this is a shame, and he will not even mention her name in the presence of other men, or he will take her and bury her a life. A life, you know, so this was the mentality before. This is what they used to do. But when Islam came, if you read the history of Islam, the history of Rasulullah sallallahu, the life of the prophets on the long run, he was known when he received Yeah, you had Muslim in the surah in the Quran, and he was trembling was shaking and was running. Who did he wrote to? Me? Did he say worse? You know, my,

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you know, worse my hobby? No, he did not. But he run to his wife. And what did he do? He went, and he put his hand on her thigh, just to like a little baby. And he says, a middle, recover, recover, recover me, because she was the comfort zone for helmets on the law. It was a, she was the security she was everything for himself. He didn't ask for anyone to come and help. He didn't ask for the price. He's trying to come on help.

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And this is his wife. Now Islam, the first person who accept Islam,

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and the first person who would die for the sake of this Deen was hardage, or I'm sorry, was sumaiya female, you know? So in Islam, when it comes to women, you know, and this is, again, when you want to know about women in Islam, don't go and ask cnn to tell you about how we treat women. Don't go to the White House. Don't go to anyone, go and ask a Muslim Sister, sister, ask the sisters, not even not even the men don't even come to me. I gave a session, eight weeks long session, one of the Catholic Church in Calgary. And one of the session was women in Islam. And I refuse to speak in that session. I said, You are no women in Islam. I'm not going to talk on behalf of our sisters, our

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bring them. And I brought a sister who was new.

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And I brought a sister who's a new Muslim, and abroad sister who wears hijab, but in a new Muslim, all of them were there. So I said to them, ask them, Do we abuse you? And ask the question, most of the 70% of new Muslims are women. Now, if this is the case, if we abused women, why would women run into abuse? Oh, yeah, please come and beat me out. You know, I was so society not beating me enough. I needed to, you know, doesn't make any sense. It doesn't. So, if you want to ask women, if you want to know how Islam treats women as Muslim, as those who loves Christianity, who lead all other religion, and find found comfort and peace in Islam, you know what a lie. And I'm not adding a one

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word of a lie. Ladies in my in Maryland, I'm in the midst of trying to leave the mystery. And to white, European women, mid 40s, or, you know, mid, late early 40s. They, they walked to the masjid. And they said, they asked me this question. They looked around, and there they looking as though the there's something missing? And I said, Can I help you? And if they one of them said, Yeah, please. We're all the men. I said, I'm sorry. They just left.

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I swear by Allah. They said, we're looking for Muslim husband.

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Not even Muslim.

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They're not even Muslim. So I said, Excuse me. What do I say I'm sorry. We know that Muslim husbands, the decent, the loyal, they kind, they don't abused you. And they are European women or live in a Western society. And they're not even Muslim. We had a school you can go to school.

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This school called on who the school in Beltsville, Maryland.

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And then the another Muslim family who take their children, their little girls to Muslim school. And they said we feel more safe and secure for our daughters to come to school, to then go into other schools. You know, so in Islam, women are respected honor. Why? Because in Islam, we believe if we want decent, healthy, awesome society, women have to be in charge. They have to take charge of every all the offers out also relies a lot on the Sahaba you know, what are they used to teach?

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Just say when you go home, when you go home, behave humble. I'm going to build a hotline. So between the hands of your wife, your child, yeah. And if your wife tells you go get this, you should go get it, you know, is that when you come out behave like a man, you know, you know, we're inside the house, a single person outside the Alliance, the men, and that's where one of one of the, one of his, you know, one of the Muslims, he came, because he had a problem. He's having problem with his wife. So he came to complain to Allah, you know, this story. And he knocked the door. And the wave of oma keep in mind

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at this moment, he is firmly we call the First Men, the nation, he is the president. He's in charge, no one can talk to him. No one has authority over him and his wife, she just last, go open the door. What are you waiting for? I normally run and open the door. But the man who came to seek his help, when he realized the situation of the ameerul, momineen, the President is at Whoa, you know, most said, What do you want to say?

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Is I know what do you want? You came to my house? There must be a purpose. He said no.

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When he almost said, if you don't talk to me, I'll hurt you. Yeah. Now we men, you know, we're showing you dealing with men to how to change. He said, I mean, many know that, you know, the need of the commanders, or the commander of the movement, the believers, I came to seek your help. But it seems that you need help. you need you need help with your wife, you know, to almost say, wait a second, you misunderstood the whole picture. Here they are.

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In the house. They are the one who's doing the work. They raising children, they cooking for us, you know, when you need her? She has that for you? You know, if she's losing her temper once a while? Shouldn't we be patient with the patient with me? He said yes. So in Islam, Alhamdulillah even women doesn't have to work. And if she's a billionaire billionaire, she doesn't have to spend a penny to support herself, or her fund. It is a responsibility of our from the honoring women, is when you're marrying a woman, what do you do as a Muslim men, we have to give her a gift of her choice, or we'll call a mother or dowry. So if I'm proposing to this young lady, and she says, My dowry, my gift from

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you should be nice Lexus, you know, airplane he can afford.

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Or she can say, I and this is happening. She can say, I want you to take me to pilgrimage.

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That's it. That's all I want from you, other sister, she said, I want you to take me to dinner, others

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or something on tecmyer. You know, whatever she This is her request. And we as men, we have to entertain without this. No marriage.

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No marriage unless we entertain her request. Now, if we abused women, that would have dropped by the Arizona talking. But we don't do this. Because in Islam, that is not how it should be treated.

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very controversial issue. And I think it's something that's changing our society here in the West.

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is the issue of people and human rights movements, calling to equality between men and women. Are women and men equally, understanding what is equality in Islam, it's relative to society's right. There's are there certain terms that is being abused? One of them is the word that you just mentioned equality or freedom. Freedom of speech, yes, I do have freedom of speech, I've slaw, the condition. I'm not hurting someone else. You know, if I insult you, if I call you named, I should not call that freedom of speech. If I say something about your religion, if I say something about who you are, this is the freedom of speech. You know, freedom of speech is our say something our

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speed our mind, our tell you what I feel with respect. Here equality, okay, men, women, both equal. In the sight of the law, and the time of prayer, or the time of pilgrimage, or the time of fasting. She can read on I go with on, she can give a charity I can read, I can give a charity, she can do whatever I can do the same thing. Everything is the same. The only difference between men and women in Islam is the responsibility.

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Same with that I cannot have a child. I can

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I never say I'm pregnant with the baby, I'm a male I cannot have that women can also not claim certain things, their responsibility has been defined and upon and the sooner and the responsibility of men, I have been defined and explained in the organization. And each one of them, they are like wing of the society. So if one wing is not doing its job, then the bird cannot fly, you know, but as long as we have them together, each one knows what to do. If the bird wants this, when it goes this way, the other one will go that way, we're going to corrupt the society. So there are roles that people should do should follow male and female. And as long as this was handled, established, there

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will be no problem. There will be no problem. equality in attainder forms are very bad. A woman, my wife, and a lot of ways, I think she's more righteous than

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she is. So I think she's closer to God than you. And I cannot say, Oh, no, no, no, no, you're womens to come back. I'm the man let me be closer to God. No, this is how I feel. But when it comes to responsibility, she can do better job with my son.

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She can pick him up, he's crying, you know, but um, he was like, boy, get up stop being stop being soft. Get up, you know,

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Allah Subhana, WA, tada plays that gentleness, in the heart, women, not in men, yes, I love, I can see when my child is sick. But at the same time, you know, I won't be like her, she will cry, I can cry, because I took the kid to, you know, to the clinic, you know, my wife, she would not take my daughter to get a shot, because she will cry with the child. But I'll do it. I'll do it for you. Because I was built differently. I was just built differently than her. So yes, we are different than we created, we created different. But when it comes to the rights we have, a lot of things are the good that Muslims don't know. And they always talk about is the issue of inherited, or how could

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a man get twice, but it is not true. Sometimes, one women can get 10 times and what often all men get it, and she can get more is only certain situation, not all the situation is a situation that she could be equal a situation, she gets more the same situation, she gets less. So it's all about the family situation, or the circumstance that exists that tie time. This is what is the situation issues. But it's not something that is always happens. It is now so we don't treat them different. And they don't treat us differently. We're all on the same level in the sight of a lot. A lot of students on the low on he was seldom said, when you stand in the salon, a law does not look at your

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color does not look at your shave your gender is none of that. It just looks into your heart and your action. And this is what a person would be judged nothing here in this conference, this kind of journey of faith who is running, mostly assistance.

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And there are three, two times the depth of the brothers sisters, everywhere you go, you will see a sister running the person that I take my orders from his assistant, she tells me go do this interview. And she says don't do it. I walk away from you agree with all respect. This is how the situation is so responsibility. Humble of the person is capable of doing a running thing.

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Man or female gender does not matter. And I'm having good enough. We learn and we sewed under anyone who's watching this, who already any educated enough to see or have the courage to go and explore. He was seen as he was

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another very controversial issue and people from the west some of the new Muslims trying to understand is the issue of a man being allowed to marry for women, a woman not being allowed to marry for men. How do we answer that? What's the wisdom or number one?

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Islam limited number of wives we should have? You know, in Christianity in David Allah, he said, How many words over 900 women that I'm sorry in Selma over 900 over foreign adversaries reminiscing on their two wives, you know, so this existed all along. So boy, it was it was part of all other religions. Nowadays, we will have Oh my god, you know, how could you do this? But if you Christian, this is your religious religion, you know, if you want to change the words of God or the laws of God, that is you're wrong. But as we will follow this, at the same time, there are very strict

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rules concerning this. Just because you saw someone on you like that person doesn't mean you can go say, okay, you know, I want you to be my wife.

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My second wife, no, but there are responsibilities. That and other. There's other if you can be just between the two, and you have to do it, you can do it and do not do it.

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And there's a lot of situation that, you know, I was watching the debate between Jimmy swagger and Medina.

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Now what do you do? Keep in mind, half of my family anonymous, and other half was, so I know how non Muslims live. And I know how Muslims live. All the guys on the other side, don't mind going to a club and you know, hook up with this young lady and have one nightstand or you don't know, there are so many different inserts on from the other side of the Muslim side that, you know, this one is having an affair with that person, or this one is cheating her his wife, or this one, you know, have three four girlfriends, you know, always. But when we say that is follow guidance of a law, it becomes a crime. When you want to commit when you commit, but one night stand, it's okay. It's okay.

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No responsibilities is okay. You change them as you change your shoes or that's okay. But commitment take being mad, serious, be serious, No, wrong, wrong. That is very, very strange. And the Prophet said there would be a time some a long while he was in the middle of that which is good, would be seen as evil. And that which is evil would be seen as good. Now, if I go and say, Well, you know, this girl here I have that girl there I have this you know, people's

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man, you the man. But if I say you know I'm doing this, because this was a wow.

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What's wrong with you? So see things are backwards in the foot. And this is the problem. Now as you see, we have you know, two thirds in the audience here, a girl and one third men. So if we say one every man may want one. What are you going to do with the law? One, you know, one one the third? So as the sheriff.

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When you call on Monday that said, What do you have two options. He said one, tell those sisters, that you have no right at all. You cannot be loved by a husband. You can never be a mother, you can never been married or been taken by anyone. So you have no right you here by mistake, he should not exist, you know you have no right to live. That's one way.

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The other way. He said, Let her be public property. Any menu, any manual comes, do what you have to do only do what you have to do only enjoy yourself and leave her behind as one other option. And the third option, let her live with decency,

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learned as a loved wife, or mother gave her the right to be a mother, which was which is a dream of every single woman. Everyone wants to be a mother almost unless you're sick or something like this, you know, I'm going to be a normal human being.

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She's a member of society. But for us to use them and drop them that is this is not this is not Islam. And now, when they did this studies

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all around the world, for every child, for every male, every baby boy, there are 16 girls on at the same time. So you have 15 extra, what are you going to do with them?

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What are you going to do with them? You know, make them public property, public washrooms as they said, you know, just drop on leave. You can't ask No, right? It's not worth it. Snap.

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our sisters are part of the society they're under, even on the forefront and then times.

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I mean, correct me if I'm wrong from what we see today, and in our society, we can feel compared to what happened before pious pressors we find that a lot of the sisters are not stepping up. They're happy by not seeking knowledge they just by being wives. What was the status of some of the women who came as scholars? Who were these women? What did they do for Islam and for society? And where should they be where should our sisters should should they study the Quran actually says Oh, should we just wash dishes and be as the mother and that's it. I have to say sisters of this time of sisters nowadays of hamdulillah. They are 10 steps ahead of the brothers. They doing martial law

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every halaqa in Mike's mystery what I teach. Our always said sorry we cannot have any more sisters, and this is still in lineup, but I can always say welcome

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We still have, you know, brothers, you know, available, you know, so the sisters always, always, always the better than the brothers. Mashallah, at this time, now it is, as you can see, most of the people who are running this show are sisters and hamdulillah. We have 380 volunteers. Most of them are sisters, you may find at brothers volunteer that you have given assistance, the doing wonderful, wonderful, wonderful job. But what I think is, all this sisters, most of them are either they just got married, or not married.

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And as soon as they get married, a lot of them don't continue doing the same thing. So when I went to analyze this, I think the problem is not them. The problem is us, we're marrying them. So their brothers who are marrying them said, Oh, no, no, no, I wanted to stay home, don't volunteer, you know, I want you to split. So the the woman who was really handling the sisters, to continue to Excel, and that is the problem. So I think we need to change the mentality of the young people brothers talking about and let them understand 100 she was active, she was eager to learn, let her continue with that. Don't put her on too many responsibility on her and let her do the job that she

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was doing. However, the sisters they need. And this nowadays, you have more brothers, who would Excel more in higher education in some studies than the sisters, there's only a small number of sisters will do, or who can come to you and said I have Islamic degree for such a such University. But you will find large number of other

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speakers. Because we don't have that. And I think this is because brothers are not doing their job. And the sisters may not feel well. When I do my PhD in Islam, what am I going to do in my area? You know, and that that has to change? Because there are a lot of questions that I feel shy to answer them. And it's been asked by sisters. And the only reason that this sister came forward and asked me is because there's no one else. If there was a alima the sister Michelle in the city of

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Nashville, yeah, and she is doing a great job. And who the institute meant a last panel with Allah help her increase her and give her a more tough one. Because she's doing a wonderful job no one else is doing in the citizen manager. So we need scissors to continue if that after you get married her husband.

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He's supporting her and he's running everything. But we need someone like him who's supposed to be like it was okay. My wife handed up you and I and school together. When I got married. The condition was, Hey, don't, don't stop, we are going full force I want to continue. If you can catch up with me stay right now where you are, I don't want you to be because as this is a problem. Sisters are not going all the way they're not being like the time of having like a shadow over your lover who became was the greatest scores when all the others however, have problem cannot solve issue who used to go to Asia. In a lot of issues. It was a Ayesha, if she says something is done. It is not available,

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have some if helps almost sentiment, you know, they were an image. And then the time here, I'm a bit of drama. You have hafsa you have so many tabs here or there excuse me to learn. I'm sorry to teach people and they were teaching men to they didn't say only women, but they were teaching men and the history of Islam. All the people, all the men or the women are the female scholars, they will always perfect 100% scholars, scholars, so this is how Muslim behavior Muslim women and Muslim scholars and I would encourage my younger sisters inshallah, to continue learning this deal. Because we need them to be scars. We need them to be like this a young lady also in an Yemen, in my abdomen. mattala She

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was the daughter of shamrock military Rahim Allah, she authored books, such as they travel from here and they go in Yemen and they study in the match, and she doesn't do anything. She has family by the way. She has a husband and two children. But everyday she's at the mercy as she's teaching students and she is great strong. So we need more of that sisters than other than sisters which will stay here for conference to just sitting a little halaqa you know memorize a few Jews

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that is a very long list, very long list. If I tell you banana theory if I tell you even attain me if I tell you, if I tell you a body if I tell you if nikka theory if I I cannot give you the list of this calls, some of them had 50 female 23 minutes scholars 19 feminist scholars. They learn from them.

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They will go and sit and learn from the female scholar. And they themselves became famous scholars of the oma read the biography of entertainment. And see his teachers were female. You read and he is, from the time of Sahaba tell today, there was no one in the history of Islam like

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it is not. And these teachers, one women,

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and some women, they have a way of teaching you, men with 1234. But women would make you love this. And I'm not talking about sisters, you know, come with the main cabin all teach me know why those are demand. This should be like those people that should so and then the names are very familiar. As I mentioned on him nicotine, as we know, if you read their biography, they will tell you, the hat female, we have some of them, you know, here is one of the speakers. And he took after that man's name. Remember, then we wanted to start again is going to Tamia, his teachers were female, some of them were female. So there are female scholars who did great, wonderful job for the oma, we don't

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know them. We really don't know that Why? Because maybe we never took the time to go say what I want to see, while this other man and no one would ever say again, or we had a bad female scholar. But because say there was a weak, male female males call it

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and that female are all

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women have a very big contribution to society at large. I think it was Malcolm X who said if you educate one man, you just educate a single man or a woman, you educate a nation. Absolutely.

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One very important aspect of our Deen and getting our understanding is is the process and many how they came through chains. And we know that can you explain that many women were part of these chains and many of the, the the, the knowledge that came came through many Hadees came from from these women.

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See number one again since this The conference is about love of the province on the long run it was so you have to understand who's this man. So the law it was him. He knew what the society needs. He said this certain days, certain time that I am not seeing any men I'm going to teach women women, only women, exclusively women, you know, and he taught them and then he married number of women because he was busy with running on this day that issue on the first of these things. He was busy with fighting the nuns. The Orisha was attacking, he was busy with you know and calling people. So he realized I cannot teach all these women every day. But if I teach my wives every night I go to

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them I will teach them then the wife will also teach other women on this house, not what is for and this is what he did. He will be teaching them and this Javier will come on we'll learn from the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu on his you know if you see the wise Otto sola sola was not a man who was you know, crazy about women, all of them, all of them. were either single mothers are older than him like so them, way older than him. And he married her right after the death of Hobbesian, you know, because she will teach she can say we will also support on so many reasons. So this is important. So maybe somebody was taught them and made the oma bounce, and all that. It is specially

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a Heidi that is related to

00:33:35 --> 00:34:19

how the household, the marital relations, nursing relationship, you know, what is permissive for men to do? How a man should treat his wife. We know how, like when he comes to the mistress of a bar that he will send them he's dealing with the first of the room. But when he goes home, what is he doing? We can go to his house 24 seven, and even if you go is to his house, he will be treating us like guests is our host. So what would you do? We will go to the wives of Rasulullah. What will do as soon as he walks into the house, when I just said or he used to do miswak you know, because Islam isn't like Oh, no Romans, no Romans, no, you know, a man he wants to smell good. So he will send

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them because when he is with close to his wife, here's the one the wife does it all. Mashallah, you know, he's ready. He's ready for his wife. And then even the time when someone whose wives got jealous of one another.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:50

And then they said, you know, so and so she gives us a little more honey and he loves to hunt. We can give him that, because we can we don't have. So what should we do? We should say every time we eat honey smell, you know? So he comes home and she she was Ayesha, for example, she would say,

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

Did you eat honey? He would say, Yeah, why? She said what do you spell it a bit funny, you know? And he will okay? And he goes to hausa

00:35:01 --> 00:35:04

Did you eat honey? Why? Honey? Then you say

00:35:06 --> 00:35:08

no more honey. And Allah says,

00:35:10 --> 00:35:28

limit Holla Holla Holla Holla Holla made it however when you do that as well, do you want to please your wife? Yeah, he loved honey. But because he felt that his two or these two boys felt a little bit uncomfortable. He's like, it's hard for me to hold on.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:32

For to please his wife just to please his wife.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:48

So when that happens, then we know what he used to do. He used to play when he comes home. What does he do? I just said he would be cutting the meat with me. He will be sweeping the floor. Some of

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you will be cooking he will be fixing his post he will be washing his gold. Yeah. Now we know him as a husband. Now you want to get married? Are you married already? You know, you will know what to do at home. Because Allah said NACA can and local funeral studio.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:24

Indeed do excellent exam, Minnesota law. Now, you know, how to behave when you're at home. That means you have to help around the house. You have to clean you have changed children. You have you know, yeah, you gotta change the diaper, change the diapers, you know that? And then you don't cut that? Don't No, no.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:33

No. So you will do everything. Everything solid. Why? Because Allah said number 10. And I'm confused.

00:36:34 --> 00:36:40

You have perfect, excellent example. And also, so if you're a father, and he was a father,

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if your husband was a husband, if you're a brother, he was a brother, if he ascended, he was a son, you know, so he played every role if you're in charge of the community when he was in charge of the community, so you always just go that chapter? What did he how he used to do? How does he use it to be so you know, everything about himself. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala he said, we're in Nicaragua and our

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perfect manners, you know, everything about him was perfect. Some of

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you can leave us a Sharla with

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one is

00:37:17 --> 00:38:06

about men and women, something that that's pertaining to that there is an iron in sort of, in the muslimeen know, one Muslim, one meaning and one minute, one quantity and one coin, and a lot goes all the way and he mentioned the Muslim women and men and believing women and men. And and he mentioned all the characteristics of all the, you know, a movement should have melanin, they're all equal. And then at the end, Allah subhanho wa Taala and the who Allah has prepared for them as a great, wonderful reward for both He did not say or would give me more. No, he said for both of them, both genders, they will receive equal and so can Allah. As we all know, women, when they feel

00:38:06 --> 00:38:44

something in their heart, they carry that they carry on they don't just leave man they may a little bit procrastinate a little bit lazy, a women do go full force. And I remember optimizing for exam you know one of the in when I was in the university and one of these students were women are a lot of emotional emotions a lot and he said we need that we need that he said imagine your wife is as dry as you you're Oh what happened there's no life and there's no spices. So we need them to meet to be emotional. We need to be emotion we need to be you know that how they are

00:38:45 --> 00:39:00

yeah and our would not change a bit about them. You know, women as you are and hamdulillah Korea like this lady as you are and if there's any imperfection is because you and I all humans and a lot did not make us perfect

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shala all our listeners and watchers please you know look into this issue. Try as I said non Muslims especially if you have any questions vomit don't want us in non Muslims don't go and ask the people who don't understand going as a sister Muslim sister if you see them on the street is it okay for someone to approach on the street in public someone a

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they did a lot they do

00:39:28 --> 00:39:52

so and you know ask them ask them if they're being mistreated estimator be impressed and really proper system as a proper Muslim husband a proper we're making here since I said the distinction between Muslim and Islam right. A proper Muslim husband should reply always that she's not industry. She's not been oppressed. Actually. She is a princess. She's and she's been nice honor. Honor.

00:39:54 --> 00:39:57

Is that glare watching a slam dunk dilemma. Good

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spend a penny to support herself, or her fun, it is a responsibility of

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honoring women, is when you marry a woman, what do you do as a Muslim men, we have to give her a gift of her choice, or we'll call a mother or dowry. So if I'm proposing to this young lady, and she says, My dowry, my gift from you should be nice Lexus, you know, airplane he can afford.

00:40:39 --> 00:40:46

Or he or she can say, I and this is happening, she can say, I want you to take me to pilgrimage.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:54

That's it. That's all I want from your other sister. She said, I want you to take me to dinner, others

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something on tecmyer. You know, whatever she This is her request. And we as men, we have to entertain without this. No marriage.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:20

No marriage unless we entertain her request. Now, if we have used women, I would have grabbed him by the Arizona talking here. But we don't do this. Because in Islam, that is not how it should be

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very controversial issue, and I think it's something that's changing our society here in the West.

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is the issue of people and human rights movements, calling to equality between men and women. Are women and men equally, understanding what is equality in Islam, it's relative to I guess society's right, there's are there certain terms that is being abused? And one of them is the words that you just mentioned, equality? Or freedom? Freedom of speech? Yes, I do have freedom of speech are small, the condition, I'm not hurting someone else, right. You know, if I insult you, if I call you names, I should not call that freedom of speech. If I say something about your religion, if I say something about who you are, this is the freedom of speech, you know, freedom of speech is our say something

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our spirit my mind, I will tell you what I feel with respect. Here equality, okay, men, women, both equal. In the sign of the law, and the time of prayer, at the time of pilgrimage, at the time of fasting, she can read on I go with Hold on, she can give it charity, I can read, I can give a charity, she can do whatever, I can do the same thing. Everything is the same. The only difference between men and women in Islam is the responsibility.

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Same with that I cannot have a child, I can never say I'm pregnant with the baby. I'm a male, I cannot have that. Women can also not claim certain things, their responsibilities when defining upon in the center. And the responsibility of men have been defined and explained in the organization. And each one of them, they are like wings of the society. So if one wing is not doing its job, then the bird cannot fly, you know, but it slowly have them together, each one knows what to do. If the bird wants this one, it goes this way, the other one will go that way. We're gonna corrupt a society. So there are roles that people should do follow male and female. And as long as these roles

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handle establish, there will be no problem. There will be no problem. equality in attainder forms a bit about a woman, my wife and a lot of ways I think she's more righteous than she is. So I think she's closer to God than mine. Yeah. I cannot say oh, no, no, no, you're women's to come back. I'm the man let me be closer to God. No, this is how I feel. But when it comes to responsibility, she can do a better job with my son.

00:44:01 --> 00:44:07

She can pick him up he's crying, you know, but he was like, boy, get up start being *. Start being soft. Get up, you know,

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Allah subhana wa tada plays that gentleness in the heart, women, not in men. Yes, I love I can see when my child is sick. But at the same time, you know, I won't be like her, she will cry, I can cry because I took the kid to, you know, to the clinic. You know, my wife, she would not take my daughter to get a shot, because you will cry with a child. But I'll do it. I'll do it for you. Because I was built differently. I was just built deflator. So yes, we are different that we created we created different but when it comes to the rights we have, a lot of things are the non Muslims don't know and they always talk about is the issue of inherit. Or how could a man get twice but it

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is not true.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:45

Sometimes one woman can get 10 times and what often all men get it, and she can get more is only certain situation, not all the situation is a situation that she can be equal the situation, she gets more the same situation, she gets less. So it's all about the family situation, right? Or the circumstance that exists that tie, tie. This is what is the situation and issues. But it's not something that is always happens. It is now. So we don't treat them different. And they don't treat us differently. We're all on the same level in the sight of a lot. That's what a lot of students on the low on them said, when you stand in the salon, a law does not look at your color does not look

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at your shave your gender is none of that. It just looks into your heart and your action. And this is what a person would be judged nothing here in this conference, this kind of journey of faith who is running, mostly assistance.

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And there are three, two times the depth of the brothers sisters, everywhere you go, you will see us running. The person that I take my orders from is a sister, she tells me go do this interview, I'll do it. She says don't do it, I walk away from you agree with all respect, this is how the situation is so responsibility handle if the person is capable of doing a running thing,

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male or female, gender does not matter. And hamdulillah we learn and we saw the under anyone who was watching this, who already any educated enough to see or have the courage to go and explore. He was serious. He was

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another very controversial issue and people from the west, some of the new Muslims China understand is the issue of a man be allowed to marry for women, a woman not being allowed to marry for men. How do we answer that to be what's the wisdom or number one?

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Islam limited number of wives we should have? You know, in Christianity in David alehissalaam how many were over 900 women that I'm sorry, in Selma

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over 900 over foreign alimony reminiscing on that two wives, you know, so this existed all along. So boy, it was it was part of all other religions. Nowadays, we will have Oh my god, you know, how could you do this, but if you Christian, this is your religious religion, you know, if you want to change the words of God, or the laws of God, that is you're wrong. But as we will follow this, at the same time, there are very strict

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rules concerning this. Just because you saw someone and you like that person doesn't mean you can go say, okay, and I want you to be my wife, my second wife, no, but there are responsibilities. That and other. There's other if you can be just between the two. And you have to do it, you can do it and do not do it. You know, and there's a lot of situation that you know, I was watching the debate between Jimmy swagger and Medina

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what do you do? Keep in mind, half of my family anonymous, another habit most so I know how non Muslims live. And I know how Muslims live. All the guys on the other side, they don't mind going to a club and you know, hook up with this young lady and have one nightstand or they don't know there are so many different insists on from the other side from the Muslim side that you know, all this one is having an affair with that person, or this one is cheating on his wife, or this one, you know, have three four girlfriends, you know, all this. But when we say let us follow the guidance of a law, it becomes a crime. When you want to commit Well, when you commit but one nightstand, it's

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okay. It's okay. No responsibilities is okay. You change them as you change your shoes or your that's okay. But commitment take being masters Be serious, no. Wrong, that is very, very strange. And the Prophet said there would be a time so long while he was a model that which is good, would be seen as evil. And that which is evil would be seen as good. Now if I go on to say, Well, you know, man, I have this girl here I have that girl there and I have this you know, people say,

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Man, you the man. But if I say you know I'm doing this, because this was

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What's wrong with you. So, see things are backwards, you know, in the foot. And this is the path now as you see. We have you know two thirds in the audience here, a girl

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and one third men. So if we say

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

One commandment one line, what are you going to do with the law? One, you know, one, one the third. So as a chef,

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what do you call it that said, well, you have two options. He said, One, tell those nurses that you have no right at all. You cannot be loved by a husband. You can never be a mother. You can never been married or be taken by anyone. So you have no right you here by mistake, he should not exist, you know, you have no right to live. That's one way. The other way. He said, Let her be public property, any manual, any manual comes, do what you have to do only do what you have to do only enjoy yourself and leave her behind as one other option. And the third option, let her live with decency. let her live as a loved wife.

00:50:57 --> 00:51:09

Mother gave her the right to be a mother would you want, which is a dream of every single woman. Everyone wants to be a mother home was unless you sick or something like this, you know, I'm going to be a normal human being.

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She's a member of the society. But for us to use them and drop them that is this is not right. This is not Islam. And now, when they did this studies,

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all around the world, for every child, for every male, every baby boy, there are 16 girls on at the same time. So you have 15 extra, what are you going to do with them?

00:51:37 --> 00:51:40

What are you going to do with them, you know, make them public,

00:51:41 --> 00:51:47

public washrooms. As they said, they'll just drop a link, you can ask them right?

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00:51:52 --> 00:51:57

our sisters are part of the society they're under, even on the forefront many times.

00:51:58 --> 00:52:43

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong from what we see today. And in our society, we feel compared to what happened before our pious grocers, we find that a lot of the sisters are not stepping up. They're happy by not seeking knowledge just by being wives. What was the status of some of the women who came as scholars? Were these women? What did they do for Islam and for society? And where should they be? Or should our sisters should? Should they study the Quran? Or should we just wash dishes and be just the mother and that's it. I have to say sisters of this time of the sisters nowadays of hamdulillah. They are 10 steps ahead of the brothers. They doing Mashallah, in every halaqa in my

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semester when I teach our always said, Sir, we cannot have any more sisters, and this is still in lineup. But I can always say well, we still have few brothers, you know, available, you know, so the sisters always, always, always the better than the brothers, Mashallah, at this time. Now it is, as you can see, most of the people who are running this show are sisters and hamdulillah. We have 380 volunteers. Most of them are sisters, you may find at brothers volunteers that you have 300 sisters, the doing wonderful, wonderful, wonderful job. But what I think is, all this sisters, most of them are either they just got married, or not married.

00:53:25 --> 00:53:53

And as soon as they get married, a lot of them don't continue doing the same thing. So when I went to analyze this, I think the problem is not them. The problem is us, we're marrying them. So the brothers who are marrying them on I wanted to stay home, don't volunteer, you know, I want you to spend some day, the one who is really handling the sisters, to continue to excel. And that is the problem. So I think we need to change the mentality of the young people, brothers,

00:53:54 --> 00:54:26

and let them understand 100 she was active, she was eager to learn, let her continue with that. Don't put her on too many responsibility on her and allow her to do the job that she was doing. However, the sisters they need. And this nowadays you have more brothers who would Excel more in in, in, in in the higher education in some studies than the sisters. There's only a small number of sisters will do or who can come unto you and said I have Islamic degree for such as University, but you will find a large number of brothers doing against the

00:54:28 --> 00:54:59

rice sisters because we don't have that. And I think this is because brothers are doing their job. And the sisters may not feel well. When I do my PhD in Islam, what am I going to do in my area, you know, and that that has to change? Because there are a lot of questions that I feel shy to answer them and it's been asked by sisters and the only reason that this sister came forward and asked me is because there's no one else if there was an argument it's just a Mashallah in the city college

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00:55:01 --> 00:55:20

Jani, she is doing a great job. And who the institute May Allah subhana wa Taala help her increase her and give her a more tough one. Because she's doing a wonderful job no one else is doing in the citizen manager. So we need sisters to continue if they're after you get married her husband,

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he's supporting her and he's running everything. But we need someone like him, how's most of you like it was okay? My wife and hamdulillah You and I, and school together when I got married, the condition was, Hey, don't, don't stop, we all want going full force I want to continue. If you can catch up with me, stay right now where you are, I don't want you to be because as this is a problem, sisters are not going all the way. They're not being like the time of having like a shadow of a lover who became was the greatest cause when all the others have have problem cannot solve issue who used to go to Ayesha. In a lot of issues. There was a Ayesha if he says something is done. His eyes

00:56:05 --> 00:56:11

is not available, have some if have almost certain, you know, they were animate. And then the time

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you have have some you have so many tabs here or there excuse me to learn. I'm sorry to teach people. And they were teaching men to they didn't say only women, but they were teaching men and the history of Islam. All the people, all the men, all the women are the female scholars, they will always perfect 100% scholars, scholars, so this is how Muslim behave how Muslim women and Muslim scholars and I would encourage my younger sisters inshallah, to continue learning this deep, because we need them to be scars. We need them to be like this a young lady also in Yemen, in my abdomen mattala. She was the daughter of

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Rahim Allah, she authored books, sisters, they travel from here, and they go in Yemen, and they study in the mat, and she doesn't do anything. She has family, by the way, she has children. But everyday she's in the ministry, as she's teaching students, and she is straight, strong. So we need more of that sisters, than other than sisters, which will stay here for a conference or two, just sitting a little halaqaat you know, memorize a few just

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women off, that is a very long list. Very long lists. If I tell you banana theory, if I tell you even a Tamia if I tell you, if I change a body, if I tell you if nikka theory, but I cannot give you the list of this calls, some of them had 50 female 20 female scholars 19 females, it's called, they learn from them, they will go and sit and learn from the female scholar. And they themselves became biggest scholars of the read the biography of entertainment, and see his teachers were female. You read and he is from the time of Sahaba till today, there was no one in the history of Islam like

00:58:14 --> 00:58:16

it is now and his teachers, one women

00:58:17 --> 00:58:38

and some women, they have a way of teaching you men with 1234 but women would make you love this. And I'm not talking about sisters you know come with the main cabin all teach me know why those are Dima these should be like those people there should be so and then the names are very familiar. As I mentioned.

00:58:39 --> 00:59:22

in Nicosia, as we know, if you read their biography, they will tell you the hat female. We are who some of you know, here is one of the speakers. And he took after that man's name. You remember them was one of the student again his his teachers were female. Some of them were female. So there are female scholars who did great, wonderful job for the oma. We don't know them. We really don't know that. Why? Because maybe we never took the time to go and say what I want to see while this other man and no one would ever say again, or we had a bad females call. But because say there was a weak male female males call it in the industry and that female are all

00:59:23 --> 00:59:35

women have a very big contribution to society at large. I think it was Malcolm X who said if you educate one man who just educate a single man or a woman, each kid nation, absolutely.

00:59:37 --> 00:59:58

One very important aspect of our Deen and getting our understanding is is the process and many how they came through chains. And we know that can you explain that many women were part of these chains and many of the, the the the knowledge that came came through many Hadith came from from these women.

00:59:59 --> 01:00:00

See mo

01:00:00 --> 01:00:43

Once again, since this, the conference is about love of the province of a lot more it was. So you have to understand who is this man. So the law, it wasn't him. He knew what the society needs. He said this certain days, certain time, that I am not seeing any men, I'm going to teach women women, only women's women, you know, and he taught them. And then he married number of women because he was busy with running on this day, that issue of the first of this thing, he was busy with fighting the nun, the orange was attacking, right, he was busy with you know, in calling people. So he realized I cannot teach all these women every day. But if I teach my wives every night, I go to them, I will

01:00:43 --> 01:01:24

teach them, then the wife will also teach other women on this house, not what is for and this is what he did, he will be teaching them and this how the ad will come I will learn from the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu on his you know, if you see the wife sort of sola sola was not a man who was, you know, crazy about women, all of them, all of them, were either single mothers are older than him like Sodom, way older than him. And he married right after the death of hydrogen, you know, because she will teach, she can say we will also support on so many reasons. So this is important. So maybe some have already wasallam taught them and made the oma bounce. And all the other hand is specially

01:01:24 --> 01:01:26

a Heidi that is related to

01:01:28 --> 01:02:11

how the household, the marital relationship or the relationship, you know, what is permissive for men to do? How a man should treat his wife. You know how, like, when he comes to the mastery seminar when he was in them, he's dealing with the first of the room. But when he goes home, what is he doing? We can go to his house 24 seven, and even if we go to his house, he will be treating us like guests is our host. So what would he do? We will go to the wives of Rasulullah. What will I do as soon as he walks into the house, when I just said, Oh, he used to do miss whack? You know, because Islam isn't like Oh, no romance, no romance. No, you know, a man he wants to smell good. Some of

01:02:12 --> 01:02:24

them because when he is with close to his wife, here's the one the wife does it all. Mashallah, you know, he's ready. He's ready for his wife. And then even the time when some of his wives got jealous of one another.

01:02:25 --> 01:02:51

And then they said, you know, so and so she gives us a little more honey and he loves to hunt. We can give him that, because we can we don't have. So what should we do? We should sit every time we eat honey smell, you know? So he comes home and she she was Ayesha, for example. She will say what you need to eat honey. He will say Yeah, why? She said what do you smell it a bit funny, you know? And he will okay. And he goes to how

01:02:53 --> 01:02:54

did you eat honey? Why,

01:02:56 --> 01:02:57

honey? Then he said that's it.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:21

No more honey. And I lost them. Yeah, you never you, Lima Holla Holla Holla Holla Yan Allah made it however, when you do that as well. Do you want to please your wife, Jani. He He loved honey. But because he felt that his two or these two boys felt a little bit uncomfortable. He's like, it's hard for me to hold on.

01:03:22 --> 01:03:25

For two pleases just to please his wife.

01:03:27 --> 01:03:40

So when that happens, then we know what he used to do. He used to play when he comes home. What does he do? I just said he will be cutting the meat with me. He will be sweeping the floor. Some of

01:03:41 --> 01:03:55

you will be cooking he will be fixing this post will be washing his go. Yeah. Now we know him as a husband. And now you want to get married? Are you married already? You know, you will know what to do at home. Because Allah said look at current and local funeral student.

01:03:57 --> 01:04:17

Indeed, you have an excellent exam, Minnesota law. Now you know, how to behave when you're home. That means you have to help around the house. You have to clean you have changed children. You have you know, yeah, you gotta change the diaper, change the diapers, you know that? And then you don't cut that? Don't No, no.

01:04:18 --> 01:04:23

No. So you would do everything. Everything solid. Why? Because unless

01:04:26 --> 01:04:32

you have perfect, excellent example. And so if your father and he was a father,

01:04:33 --> 01:04:59

if you are a husband was a husband. If you're a brother, he was a brother. If he ascended, he was a son, you know, so he played every role if you're in charge of the community when he was in charge of the community, so you always just go that chapter. What did he how he used to do, how does he used to be? So you know, everything about him something low. And that's why the last panel Tyler, he said, we're in Nicaragua and they're all open now. Perfect manners. You know?

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

Everything about him was perfect some of audio

01:05:04 --> 01:05:06

you can leave us a shala with

01:05:07 --> 01:05:07


01:05:09 --> 01:05:59

about men and women something that that's pertaining to that there is an ayah in sort of observed in the Muslim ina one muslima one meaning and one minute one quantity and we're calling and a lot goes all the way. And he mentioned the Muslim women and and men and believing women and men and and he mentioned all that characteristic of all the, you know, a movement should have men and they're all equal. And then at the end Allah Subhana what Allah and Allah has prepared for them as our great, wonderful reward for both He did not say or would give me more no visit for both of them. both genders, they will receive equal and Subhan Allah as we all know, women when they feel something in

01:05:59 --> 01:06:36

their heart they carry that they carry on they don't just leave man they may a little bit procrastinate a little bit lazy a women do go full force and I remember she hasn't frozen you know one of this in when I was in the university and one of these students were women are a lot of emotional emotions a lot and he said we need that we need that he said imagine your wife is as dry as you you're or what happened there's no life and there's no spices. So we need them to be to be emotion we need to be emotion we need to be you know that how they are

01:06:38 --> 01:06:52

yeah and I would not change a bit about them you know women as you are and hamdulillah Korea like this lady as you are and if there's any imperfection is because you and I all humans and a lot did not make us perfect

01:06:54 --> 01:07:16

because I want to say that shala all our listeners and watchers please you know look into this issue try as I said non Muslim especially if you have any questions don't want us in non Muslims don't donor and as the people who don't understand God as a sister Muslim sister, you see them on the street is it okay for someone to approach on the street in public so

01:07:18 --> 01:07:19

they did a lot they do.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:45

So and you know, ask them as they return the Ministry of estimate to be impressed and really proper sister as a proper Muslim husband a proper but we're making here since I said the distinction between Muslim and an Islam. A proper Muslim husband should reply always that she's not industry. She's not being oppressed. Actually. She's a princess. She's and she's been honored. Honor.

01:07:46 --> 01:07:48

Is that glory watching his son. I like

01:07:51 --> 01:07:51


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