Said Rageah – Blessings Of Allah The World Of Muslim Youth Part 13

Said Rageah
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the history and implementation of Islam in public settings, including street relay events and the use of the Islam in public settings. The importance of hate and the need for actions to stop it is emphasized. The segment also touches on the use of Islam in public settings, including a woman who was killed by a man and was not advised of her actions. The importance of avoiding violence and being aware of one's actions to avoid future harm is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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paradise must be

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must be

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each day

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through darkness Sam

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in Alhambra de la

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Stein when you're

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when are we there? He me surely and fusina women say Dr. Medina, Miyagi Lang for the woman you fell into je de la jolla murshida watershed Wanda ilaha illa law wahoo la sharika a shadow under Mohammed Abu who What are pseudo brothers and sisters?

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Welcome to the show once again. Today inshallah I will share with you something personally benefited me. And I hope you will also benefit you.

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And the lesson that I would like to share with you to start with is to never, ever give up.

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It's not taught me

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no matter how hard the situation may seem,

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no matter how many people are against what I believe,

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no matter how many people are discouraging me.

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I learned from the snom Never give up.

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Never say this is it.

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hope for better. And as some of the automa said,

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no matter how long the night is, the sun was shining sooner or later. No matter how difficult the situation that you're in, maybe you will see.

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At the end, you will see the result of your patience. And Subhana Allah

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the Messenger of Allah said,

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is staring below what

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he said

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and asked a loss assistant, and don't ever give up.

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Don't ever give up. And then he says Allahu alayhi wa sallam

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don't say, had I done it this way.

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Or if I didn't do it that way. He says that will only open the gates of shavon

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don't ever give up. You missing your son Allahu alayhi wa sallam is telling you don't give up. And so Han Allah. I can vividly remember

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when I was reading for the first time.

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The suit of Navy some of the law while he was selling them in the bottle of her name.

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And in this bottle, the Sahaba of Navy some of the long run he was selling them were over 10,000 workmen.

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As a matter of fact, they were 12,000.

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And because of the number they fell today, nobody can defeat us.

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And the law

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mentions that in the Koran.

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And he said well you name

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and the day of her name is Jehovah Catherine

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you were impressed with your lodge number. But that did not help you.

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Because what happened on the day of Yama, Hernan

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the Sahaba they looked at the number of the Sahaba and they said today then no.

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They say today,

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we will not be defeated because of number we are 12,000 men.

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And they forgot

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that a loss aid has nothing to do with number

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because a lot aid them when they only 300 Sahabi men have been over 300

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it is not the number that matters in Islam is the quality, not the quantity. And then Subhana Allah, the Messenger of Allah as one of the Sahaba to be on God. And he said tonight

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you will got us and everybody slept

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on but what they didn't realize is that people have five

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they already took that position.

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in place,

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and by the dawn, they started throwing rocks on the Sahaba and the Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. from above to the pond, some of the Sahaba said one lie, it's looked and seen that heaven is raining rocks and stones

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on the Sahaba are going to be some of the lorawan he was sending them.

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The 12,000

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majority of them, they ran away, because it was shocked. They were ambushed. They run

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an Abba sofiane. He looked at the condition of the Sahaba.

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And he said lace Allahumma neoma.

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lace Allahumma neoma inland Baja, nothing will stop them except the C

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means that people will keep running until they hit red see, one of the other new Muslims who just accepted Islam set a new Muslim who doesn't know much about Islam, said Ali Omar obatala say hello Mohammed, the magic of Mohammed snowbell today but the messenger over law

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remain on point. never gave up. Never said this is it? My soldiers to run away I also should run with them and save myself now Allah

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I will soufiane hacking in his M.

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poly, these three words trying to hold back the messenger over law for marching towards the enemy.

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And the messenger over law.

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went towards the enemy and he said and then maybe you were Kevin and a colleague. And and maybe you are a Kevin. And then maybe I am the problem. overlord is no lie about it. I am the son of him. Abdullah Ali. Abbas said, I was hauling the mean of the messenger over law with full force.

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And then also law he looked at our abasement.

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Very loud voice.

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And he said, call the people

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and then a bus. He called and he said, Yes, habit baccara. All the people of suits in Bukhara, all the people over the tree, who gave covenant to the Messenger of Allah under the tree.

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And nobody came. Nobody came back. Everybody was in this state of shocked. They all were running. And then the Messenger of Allah said, call the unsought for me.

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And then I bust up didn't know Tony, he called and saw

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an ad of the unsolved they came back

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and the messenger over law, he faced the enemy and he said when he saw at Sahabi on his side, he said an urn hamilo is a Now let us see what they can do.

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And now I'm going to get to work. Now let us get to work. Now let us see what they can do.

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Now the mystery of a law never gave up until he was victorious.

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And also an ally is the best role model to follow.

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And he said don't give up

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and look a new alayhi salatu was

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profit over the law, the Messenger of Allah who was calling his people for 915 years

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950 years, it's not how long he lived. No.

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is the number of years as he was inviting people to Allah gonna be in need. Only they didn't wanna any down to LA or LA I call people day and night, day and night.

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And then he said on law

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I call them in public. I call them in private. And every time they see me, this is what they do. And I will tell you this as soon as we come back saramonic

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Good to have you back. inshallah, we will continue with the story of new alayhis salam

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profit over the law the Messenger of Allah who was calling his people for 950 years

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950 years, it's not how long he lived. No

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is the number of years as he was inviting people to Allah gonna be in need? Only they didn't wanna any down to LA or LA I call people day and night, day and night.

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And then he said on law

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I call them in public. I call them in private. And every time they see me, this is what they do.

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Call out.

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JOHN will also be comfy. Danny was still on the show Thiago was a sort of rule was stuck Bostick Barra so mainly the era so mania Alan to the to the whom is Aurora. And what did he say to

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you in no can have a forum, your city seminar on a committee Laura William did combi I'm wearing one Bunny, where Jana Kuhn Jonathan and hora Manor Khun Natarajan and India he walked

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he said yo Allah

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every time I call them

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john will also be our home he learned him

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they shove their fingers in the ears

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was still show Thea home on the cover their heads with the Thea with the government's was stuck borrow stick about and they were arrogant. And I call them in private in public one on one. I call them in every possible way Allah and I didn't only call them your Allah.

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I told them to ask Allah for forgiveness to ask you for forgiveness. And as soon as you ask Allah to forgive you, and you believe in Him, you will receive his seminar and he commit the law. It will rain hate on you. It will rain blessings, and Allah will give you gardens and Allah will give you higher

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but that never worked with them. But did he give up? No. for 950 years, the Buddha said

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maximum number who accept Islam and follow moon was 85 people. Some of them said no, they were only 12 individuals.

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No, never gave up to the last moment when the water was coming from the ground, springing from the earth and it was raining was pouring rain

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because of loss of control. What's

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your code in the Koran? That he opened the gates of heaven and important water

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and even the earth explode with water.

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And in that situation?

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New Hanna his Salatu was Salam on his ship. He saw his son from distance that he gave him and he said I've been calling these people for 950 now call a buena Yakama Anna, or son get on board with us. And their son responded. So are we either Jabba Alinea Simoni Mennella, don't worry done. Don't worry off my father. I will go

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and see shelter behind one of these mountains. Allah Hoon, where he attends de Mogi in Canada candybar

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Subhan Allah

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This is new, never gave up on Tao.

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So why would you want I gave up. We should never give up your equity filler. And Allah said, woman yakata Mira Mira be in Nepal noon. Another ayah Allah said, What are the SME rohilla? In Nola, SME Rohini in Oman. kaffee rune

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in hula SME rohilla. in Oman Cafiero. So what does this show equity feel?

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It shows as a reliever as a movement.

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Never, ever

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I had enough, I was through enough. This is as far as I can go on turn away.

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Because we're lie fit filler. This is not the manners and the behavior of a movement.

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no matter what happens, we will continue to be eating a soprano once either until we meet our Lord,

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until we meet our law,

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also from the lessons that we learn, or that I learned from an Islamic Islam taught me is that we should not it's not worth to hate anyone. Because when you hate someone,

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then you have ill feeling in your heart.

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And a movement should never have any feeling towards anyone. Even those who did you wrong, those who abused your rights, those who were harsh on you, those who are not kind at the time of weakness,

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still, you should not hate them. It's not worth it. The messenger on the law

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once was sitting in the midst, and he said,

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Now a man from the people of gin will enter through that door. And of course, the Sahaba were sitting with him.

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They looked towards the door. And while they were looking unknown from the unsolved from the helpers from the people of Medina,

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walk through that door,

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carrying his shoes under his armpit. left armpit,

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his beard, this is dripping with water from Whoo hoo.

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He performed Soraka.

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And when he finished his salaat, he walked away and he left.

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Um, the live and asked was one of the Sahaba who was sitting down. And then the next day,

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messenger over law said, Now a man from Paradise would enter through that door.

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And once again, everybody looked towards the door, it was the same man with the same description, doing exactly the same thing. And when he finished his Salah, he walked away

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from the live nomina live in the US is watching this. And then the third day, the messenger over last said, Now a man from Elgin from the people of Paradise, will walk through that door and have to live and I'm going to set it on the same man walk through that door.

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Now after the live webinars, he became very curious. He wanted to know, what does he do that made the messenger overlord repeat three times? Three different days? The same is statement amount from an agenda. We'll walk through that what made him do this.

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So I will live in the US. He said to that man, after the third day,

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I need a place to stay.

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Where do you take me as your guest? Or my beloved brother?

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And the answer is, of course, you are my brother. I'll take you in. And then I will go live in the honorable house. His intention was to see what this man does. That made him so important that asuna law, mentioned him three days in a row and gave him the glad tidings agenda.

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And then I'm the live and I'm leaving us he said the man was not doing anything that is unusual. Not at all. As a matter of fact, he was asleep most of the night.

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And I'm alive and I'm going to be asked this man was the man who used to pray all night long, fast every single day. read the Koran finish the Quran once every night. This is a young man who was in love with the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala and now he's looking at a man who doesn't even get off Akiyama Lee.

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He said the only thing that he does, when he's turning, he remembers Allah subhanho wa Tada. So after the third day,

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I became frustrated with him

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Jani imagine so I said.

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Let me tell you the reason I want you to host me for three days. I didn't need please

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To say, I have my house, my parents house is available. But the messenger overlord mentioned you three days in a row.

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And he said, Every day you are from the people of gender.

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I wanted to know, what do you do what is so special? And the man he looked

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as though he was puzzled. And he said, I don't do other than what you saw.

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I really don't do anything other than that. I don't.

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And I'm alive. And I'm not gonna ask. He said, If this is the case, then I don't know. And he got up. And he was about to leave.

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Before he loved the color of the law or serving over law. I remember one thing that I do, he said, What is it?

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He said, every night before I go to bed, I clear my heart, from any enmity towards any Muslim.

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I don't keep anything in my heart towards any Muslim. I keep it very clean. And then I'm to live in harmony said, that is why that's why Allah forgive your sins. And that's why the Messenger of Allah mentioned you. And that's why it's difficult to do. What are you doing? So if What if you learn

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if you when you see someone, you feel hurt, and you get upset, and you get worried, then it shows that you heart is not healthy, and you weak. Because really, when you're looking at that person, and you have all this feeling going through your mind and your heart and you're feeling it, and it shows that you

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is under his control.

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And you're weaker than he is. So free yourself and your net hate anyone. And Allahu Allah and the truth sporanox penetrability on my cell phone was Salam Alaikum serene, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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messenger over law as one of the Sahaba to be on God. And he said tonight

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you will got us and everybody slept.

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On But what they don't realize is that people have five

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they already took their positions in place.

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And by the dawn, they started throwing rocks on the Sahaba and the Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. from above to the pond, some of the Sahaba said one light, it's looked and seen that heaven is raining rocks and stones.

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On the Sahaba of nimbyism, the lohani he was sending them

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the 12,000

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majority of them they ran away because it was shocked they were ambushed. They run

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another sofian he looked at the condition of the Sahaba

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and he said lace Allahumma yolmer en la la

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la sala hemangioma inland baja nothing will stop them except the sea

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means that people will keep running until they hit Red Sea. One of the other new Muslims who just accepted Islam set a new Muslim who doesn't know much about Islam, said Ali Omar obatala serum Mohammed the magic of Mohammed snowbelt today

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but the Messenger of Allah

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remain on point never give up never said this is it my soldiers run away I also should run with them and save myself now Allah

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Abu sufian hacking in his m I'm

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calling this serie we're trying to hold back the messenger of the law for marching towards the enemy

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and the messenger over law

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went towards the enemy and he said and then maybe you were a Kevin and a colleague and and maybe you are a Kevin and and maybe I am the problem overlord is no lie about it. I am the son of an Abdullah Ali Abbas said, I was hauling the mean of the messenger over law with full force.

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And then also law he looked at abasement. Nagas are very loud voice.

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And he said, call the people

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and then Ibis he called and he said, Yes haven't Bakara all the people of suits in Bukhara, all the people over the tree who gave covenant to the Messenger of Allah under the tree.

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And nobody came. Nobody came back. Everybody was in this state of shocked. They all were running. And then the messenger Allah said, call the unsought for me.

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And then abasement Abdullah Natalia, he called on saw

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an ad of the unsolved they came back

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and the messenger of the law, he faced the enemy and he said when he saw at sahami, on his side, he said, an HMI is a Now let us see what they can do.

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And now let's get to work. Now, let us get to work. Now let us see what they can do.

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Now, the mission of a law never gave up until he was victorious.

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And also loi is the best role model to follow.

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And he said, don't give up

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and look at new alayhi salatu salam? No.

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The Prophet of Allah, the Messenger of Allah, who was calling his people for 915 years

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950 years, it's not how long he lived. No.

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is the number of years as he was inviting people to Allah. Kannada beanie, oni Nathan Juana, any doubt to Amina wanna or LA Iko people day and night, day and night.

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And then he said on La

00:27:08 --> 00:27:21

I call them in public. I call them in private. And every time they see me, this is what they do. And I will tell you this as soon as we come back saramonic

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salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Good to have you back. inshallah, we will continue with the story of new Anna his Salah, no,

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the prophet of Allah the Messenger of Allah who was calling his people for 915 years

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950 years it's not how long he lived. No.

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is the number of years as he was inviting people to Allah. Allah be in need. Only Nathan wanna ended out to omit

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all law I call people day and night, day and night.

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And then he said on law

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I call them in public. I call them in private. And every time they see me this is what they do.

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kilometer out.

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JOHN wasabia Humphrey. Danny was starting to show theorbo what a solid rule was stuck borrow stick borrow. So my name is Tony hora. So mania

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to the home is Aurora. And what did he say?

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In no kind of a forum your city seminar on a committee Aurora where you did combat I'm wearing what bunny wear janicoo

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john Locke and hora Manor Kuhn Natarajan in India he was

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he said you're a law

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every time I call them

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john will also be our home he Danny him

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they shove their fingers in the ears

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was stolen show Thea go home on the cover their heads with the Thea with the garments was stuck borrow stick about and they were arrogant. And I call them in private in public one on one. I call them in every possible way Allah and I didn't only call them your Allah.

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I told them to ask Allah for forgiveness to ask you for forgiveness. And as soon as you ask Allah to forgive you, and you believe in Him, you receive this summer and

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it will rain hate on you. It will rain blessing

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And Allah will give you gardens and Allah will give you height

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that never worked with them. But did he give up? No. for 950 years, the owner ma said,

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maximum number who accept Islam, unfollow noon was at 5pm. Some of them said no, they were only 12 individuals

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No, never gave up to the last moment when the water was coming from the ground, springing from Earth, and it was raining, was pouring rain

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because of loss of control, what's

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the according the Koran that he opened the gates of heavens and important water

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and the earth explode with water?

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And in that situation?

00:31:04 --> 00:31:35

New Hani Salatu was Salam on his ship. He saw his son from distance did he give him any say I've been calling these people for 950 now call a buena Yakama Anna, or son get on board with us. And their son responded to our we eat a javelin. Yah Simoni minalima Don't worry done. Don't worry off my father. I will go

00:31:36 --> 00:31:46

and see shelter behind one of these mountains. Allah Hoon where he attends re v mo Jean candybar

00:31:47 --> 00:31:48

Subhana Allah

00:31:50 --> 00:31:54

This is new never gave up on dow

00:31:56 --> 00:32:17

so why would you on I gave up. We should never give up your equity law. And the law said woman you're gonna be noon. Another ayah Allah said what are the SME rohilla in Nola, SME Rohini in Oman. kaffee rune

00:32:19 --> 00:32:27

in hula SME rohilla. in Oman Cafiero. So what does this show equity feel?

00:32:28 --> 00:32:31

It shows as a reliever as a movement.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:34

Never, ever

00:32:35 --> 00:32:36


00:32:37 --> 00:32:48

I had enough. I was through enough. This is as far as I can go. On turn away. Because will lie if What if

00:32:50 --> 00:32:54

this is not the manners and the behavior of me.

00:32:55 --> 00:32:56


00:32:57 --> 00:33:04

model what happens, we will continue to be in a sub panel with either until we meet our Lord

00:33:06 --> 00:33:08

until we meet our law.

00:33:09 --> 00:33:26

Also from the lessons that we learn, or that I learned from an Islamic Islam taught me is that we should not it's not worth to hate anyone. Because when you hate someone,

00:33:27 --> 00:33:30

then you have ill feeling in your heart.

00:33:32 --> 00:33:48

And a movement should never have any feeling towards anyone. Even those who did you wrong. Those who abused your rights, those who were harsh on you, those who are not kind at the time of weakness,

00:33:49 --> 00:33:56

still, you should not hate them. It's not worth it. The Messenger of Allah

00:33:57 --> 00:34:00

once was sitting in the midst, and he said,

00:34:02 --> 00:34:10

Now a man from the people of jinn will enter through that door. And of course the Sahaba were sitting with him.

00:34:11 --> 00:34:19

They looked towards the door. And while they were looking and then from the answers from the helpers from the people of Medina

00:34:20 --> 00:34:27

walk through that door carrying his shoes under his armpit. left armpit.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:31

His beard is dripping with water from Whoo hoo.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:35

He performed to Raka

00:34:36 --> 00:34:40

and when he finished his salaat he walked away and he left.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:47

Um, the live and asked was one of the Sahaba who was sitting down and then the next day,

00:34:49 --> 00:34:55

messenger over law said, Now a man from Paradise would enter through that door

00:34:56 --> 00:35:00

and once again, everybody looked towards the door. It was the

00:35:00 --> 00:35:09

Same man with the same scription doing exactly the same thing. And when he finishes Salah he walked away

00:35:10 --> 00:35:28

of the line nomina within us is watching this. And then the third day, the messenger over last said now amount from a hidden agenda from the people of paradise. We'll walk through that door. And I'm the live and I'm going to set it on the same man walk through that door.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:52

Now after the live webinars, he became very curious. He wanted to know, what does he do that made the mission your overlord repeat three times? Three different days, the same misstatement amount from an agenda, we'll walk through that and what made him do this?

00:35:53 --> 00:35:58

So I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask, he said to that man, after the third day,

00:36:00 --> 00:36:01

I need a place to stay.

00:36:02 --> 00:36:06

What do you take me as your guest? On my beloved brother?

00:36:07 --> 00:36:29

And the answer is, of course, you are my brother. I'll take you in. And then I'll go live. And I'm leaving the house. His intention was to see what this man does. That made him so important that asuna law, mentioned him three days in a row and gave him the glad tidings of Jenna.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:44

And then I'm alive and I'm leaving us He said, The man was not doing anything that is unusual. Not at all. As a matter of fact, he was asleep most of the night

00:36:45 --> 00:37:08

of the live and I'm robbing us this man was the man who used to pray all night long, fast every single day. read the Koran finish the Koran once every night. This is a young man who was in love with the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And now he's looking at a man who doesn't even get off Akiyama lane.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:18

He said the only thing that he does, when he's turning, he remembers Allah subhanho wa Tada. So after the third day,

00:37:20 --> 00:37:22

I became frustrated with him

00:37:23 --> 00:37:25

Jani imagine. So I said,

00:37:27 --> 00:37:39

let me tell you the reason I want you to host me for three days, I didn't need place to say I have my house. My parents house is available. But the messenger overlord mentioned you three days in a row.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:44

And he said, Every day you are from the people of God.

00:37:45 --> 00:37:51

I wanted to know, what do you do what is so special? And the moon he looked

00:37:52 --> 00:37:57

as though he was puzzled. And he said, I don't do other than what you saw.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:02

I really don't do anything other than that. I don't.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:13

And I'm alive. And I'm not gonna ask. He said, If this is the case, then I don't know. And he got up. And he was about to leave.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:22

Before he loved the color of the law or service over law. I remember one thing that I do is what is it?

00:38:23 --> 00:38:33

He said every night before I go to bed. I clear my heart from any enmity towards any Muslim.

00:38:34 --> 00:38:56

I don't keep anything in my heart towards any Muslim. I keep it very clean. And then I'm to live in Omri said. That is why that's why Allah forgive your sins. And that's why the Messenger of Allah mentioned you. And that's why it's difficult to do. What are you doing? So if What if you learn

00:38:57 --> 00:39:20

if you when you see someone, you feel hurt, and you get upset, and you get worried, then it shows that your heart is not healthy, and you're weak. Because really, when you're looking at that person, and you have all this feeling going through your mind and your heart and you're feeling it and it shows that you

00:39:21 --> 00:39:24

is under his control.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:39

And you're weaker than he is. So free yourself and your net hate anyone. And Allahu Allah and the truth sporanox penetrability on my cell phone, was Salam Alaikum Celine al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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