Saad Tasleem – Ramadan360 Day 11 – Royal Confessions

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics such as upcoming events, challenges, and social media presence. They stress the importance of being aware of one's social media presence and avoiding allowing others into one's own world. The speakers also touch on the use of "naught" in English and the difficulty of life, emphasizing the importance of rewarding believers and patient deeds in Islam culture. They end with a discussion of forgiveness and patient credit scores.
AI: Transcript ©
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for day number 11 of Ramadan 360 with another institute, we're very excited to take you into the second third of the blessed month. And of course as usual we have a jam packed schedule for the rest of the month as well. I hope that many of you got a chance to join us just a few hours ago with Eman was I'm sure if we had an amazing session with him to start off the 10 Day Challenge. And if you have not yet registered if you want to take your three then your your relationship to the to the next level please make sure you head over to our ad It was actually really invigorating I didn't feel exhausted or just like too much after that session on humbly legs but at

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all we can have two sessions in a day maybe it'll be harder, but no 100 Allah that was like a almost like a glass of water on a day when you're fasting a hello glass of water at that time. While you can listen to everyone coming in. Again, those were coming in a little bit later on Zoom. Please don't forget to add your locations like Liga or LA has dead from Los Angeles, Angeles, Los Angeles, Los Angeles and welcome everybody else who's joining us on in the chat on Facebook and YouTube. So for those who are not yet familiar with not taking anything with champagne with Chanel, we he's mashallah graduate graduate of English literature at Brooklyn College in New York City. He studied

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at the College of heavy at the Islamic University of Medina and is a graduate and instructor of Islamic Studies at Michigan University where many of you may also know him from he's translated major works for the International Islamic publishing house the Islam assembly of Muslim jurists of America that's where she will lead is also involved in and Michigan University as well. So we're very excited to have him on he's very engaging mashallah his reflections and his his thought process is amazing to hear an instructor and that's the really awesome thing about Ramadan 360 that I enjoy is that you get to hear from such a variety of people and we're doing the same thing we're

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reflecting on a few verses and and and a story from the Quran every single day there at least 30 days of stories of the unrevealed names in the Quran And subhanAllah every instructor style is so different every instructor style is so engaging and it hits something different in you a different note and you spiritually so I'd have no we're gonna have Jeff on with on for us for the first time today and I'm very excited to benefit from him as well. A reminder to those who are joining us consistently please always make it kind of a routine and make a point in Charlotte to support the amazing print friends who keep this program going and make this experience possible. In the UK we

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have forgotten women in Canada we have Islamic Relief and in the US we have H H rd they all have very unique efforts that they're doing to take care of the most vulnerable in the OMA so please make sure that while we're kind of the the biggest struggle we have is staying up for live sessions and staying awake and and battling a little bit of hunger but this is a temporary experience for us for them. A lot of this is a full time experience a day in day out followed with a lot of other sources of oppression and atrocities so please make sure that you're consistently supporting them once I'm off and I'm not talking I will drop it in the chat as well for you guys to easily access the support

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links here on zoom but on Facebook and YouTube it's always going to be in your description box for your easy for your ease and your comfort and shot a lot Yes, sir. We do need to find one for Australia as well. But all of the all of our charities and hamdulillah they have you know the ability to donate from any corner of the world and show us I hope that you guys do support and Yes Anna does psychotherapy dropping the link once again for the Quran revolution challenge in the chat there. Zack a lot here for being I love it that when when when people help each other out. That's the whole point of the community. So when people are asking when they need support, but I see some

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more people on screen as well. Does that go a fair for joining us for those ICU again Zanya mashallah, it's been a few minutes, Michelle even on screen brother Mustafa. And there's a few others I can't keep it on gallery view. I have to keep it on speaker view. So I miss some of the faces but it's lovely to have you all with us. And I also see that she can have the Shinobi is with us as well. As salam Wa alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu che How are you doing today?

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Oh, I don't have you on just yet.

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There we are. Take two

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let's try now. That works. Yes, and Hamdulillah we can see you and we can hear you as sound like one blushing How you doing? I was able to get to very well very well Alhamdulillah that's lovely to hear. I was just telling everyone it's not the the first time we've had had you on the other platforms but I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've had you on for Ramadan. 360 That's that's a big one. And I think I don't know that is Is this the first time we've had you on any of our like webinar consistent series or live platforms? Is that the case? I think we did 360 ones like in the middle of the night at some point would have remembered shit I do. 360 day in day out 360s In my

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dreams and my nightmare. No no.

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Okay Subhanallah but it's lovely to have you with us after coming back. If otherwise we should make a big deal of this being the first time you being with us in this program. It's amazing to have you I know today you are speaking on a topic that I'm excited to hear about royal confessions inshallah and of course we're gonna be followed by Chef sad to see him with his reflection session as well. So

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I'm gonna pass it off to you let's jump right into day number 11 ever without fixing this muda percolo

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah ah Marian very pleased and honored of course to be amongst you all the admirable within the OMA.

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I ask Allah azza wa jal to to to write these Quranic moments in our scales and the scales that everyone who attends and wanted to attend and all those who have facilitated this venue and this, this medium for reflecting on his wonders where it's supposed to hold.

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So I'm not super familiar with the theme this Ramadan except that I think it's about personalities that are spoken of in the forehead, but their names are not. Hopefully, that is what it's about. And so, case I speak a little bit

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that's right, losing right. Now we can hear you now.

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this is

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I know up, right, the way

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we can hear you clearly we just keep we lost your video a couple of times

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kondalilla. So the wife of Allah Z's is our insha Allah appointment and these two minutes so to speak a little bit about the discussions regarding her as direction I wanted to take this and sort of do so. So the wife of Al Aziz is known as the wife of Rosie is frantically speaking, some, you know, historians gathered some, you know, remnants of old history from, you know, the Judeo Christian scriptures of old that otherwise. And they mentioned that her name is zulay, or whatnot. But I'll try to circle back to this in the end about the importance of

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dwelling on in the positive sense the Quranic narrative, and not getting caught up in names that aren't mentioned and going to seek out those names. Because that could be the very reason why the Quran leaves them out so that you don't get caught up in the name. So see, the Quran doesn't read in its stories like a story book, the Quran reads, its stories, its storytelling style, is more like preaching, you know, eyesight, a part of a story, for the sake of reference, not necessarily tell you about the personality and their lineage and the location and the historical context per se. You know, there's no fat and Allah determines what's the fat, it's trimmed, to being purely posted

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purely useful, what is told, and not just what is told how it's sold. And that's actually their sort of use of as well when Allah says, in the very beginning of the Surah, National Post SWALEC asset classes, we relate to you the best class us so many scholars point out that this doesn't mean that sort of use of is the best of all stories, probably not, it's probably not what it means.

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And it probably doesn't even mean that Allah tells you which stories are best. We tell you the best stories, meaning all the stories we tell you in the Quran are the best stories, that's probably not the full meaning either, because then it would be accidental case for us the best cases, the best stories, whereas accidental causes means we relate to you the best storytelling the way Allah told it to begin with. And so that was all just sort of a preface, a rule of thumb throughout you know, to us when you're reading for ad

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that we learn from the Quran, through what it tells us and through what it wisely chooses not to tell us right then the Prophet alayhi salatu salam also say, you know, our orbicular Eggman lanpher I seek refuge with you from knowledge does not benefit.

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And so her name if it was important to load, it told us that's all we really need to know right now. She is a multitude of disease. She was the woman that was married to an ISIS and it is important because he is in use of all asylums inroad to what he's going to do be of monumental benefit to Egypt and beyond when the feminists and also allow this is important because he's the one that purchased us a valet setup and treated him so well and so on and so forth. Cool. So,

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the wife of Al Aziz is mentioned twice in this story at the beginning when she's trying to seduce him. And at the end when she makes her royal confession, she makes her confession as royalty.

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So let's see what we can learn from each of those. As much as time will permit. She first shows up Allah subhanho wa Taala says Who are our that who Leti who are fi Beatty have

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an FC was ALLAH, ALLAH guava violet? Hey Taylor. And he was basically

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We pursue advances. We call them nowadays sexual advances, right? He was advanced on by the one in whose home he resided, he existed

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to surrender himself to her. And she said, Come here now. So there's a whole bunch of lessons even the way the wording is framed like a lot of times when you translate

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the Quran into English, no matter what order of the words you put it, like syntax wise, it'll tell you, they'll tell you it's grammatically incorrect. It's not the way you're supposed to say it. But Allah chose to say it in a very specific way, that if you are to try to translate it, you lose so much. So, in this idea, he doesn't say like, she tried to seduce him, he says, the one in whose home he was,

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tried to seduce him, why it seems slung wind and of course, it's not long winded Allah is the best of speakers Subhanallah thought

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the most eloquent people you enjoy listening to Allah created their tongues, he created their minds. subhanho wa taala. So what is, as some have said, Allah is calling our attention to the fact that she thought she owned him simply because he lived under her lived in her residence, because she paid his rent or she, you know, fed his, his food or otherwise. And this is a profound lesson. There are so many people in the world that think that just because, you know, they admit you into their homes, or they do some sort of favor for you that your ultimate and absolute loyalty belongs to that person no matter what. Even if that's at the expense of

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so it drops.

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I don't know how this keeps happening.

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Sorry, I don't keep coming back.

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I'm getting calls even though my phone is off. The only thing on is the Wi Fi but I guess it's coming through as a Wi Fi call and that's why you're losing my my, my video feed sometimes. Sorry.

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In any case, what were we talking about divorce in Islam, okay, divorce.

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About the wife realizes. So she made because he's in her home, she's making this advance on it. It's as if the wording of the is calling our attention to that fact. The one who simply because he's in our home, she felt emboldened enough to think he's going to do whatever and except to do whatever, whatever. And there are always going to be people like that in life that that because they do your favors, they expect you know, unlimited returns, and they expect your unconditional loyalty. And if people in your life are that silly, or that's ridiculous, or that's foolish,

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then you at least don't succumb to it. You shouldn't be that foolish. You know, your, your loyalty is owed to Allah. And even if favors or the equation Allah has favored you more than whatever favor this person has, you know, granted you afforded you and even what you afforded you, he was but a medium or a channel. Allah azza wa jal is the ultimate source of every favor.

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So that's really interesting

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that people think that you owe them simply because they've done you a favor, even if that means defying Allah azza wa jal. Well, that's your problem, not mine.

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I don't think this way. Right. That is one thing. The other thing is notice in this is the I O. And she makes an advance on him how briefly, it's mentioned. She just says, come here. That's it. Come here. That's it. And we're not told the details. It's not turned into some romanticized scene. There's not we don't we're not told about like lights being dim or curtains being pulled out. Yes, the doors locked, but there's no candles around. We're not told that she beautified herself. You know, by the way, if you go into these, it's slightly yet. You know, these, once again, these additional details that other nations sort of passed over to us they have this long description of

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how she you know, she made it extra tantalizing, but the way the Quran the purity of the Quran is I had mentioned this in passing. And there's so much beauty in that. You know, first of all, when you tell stories by the way, you need to always remember that higher you know, modesty and you know, modest shame is the hallmark of Islam. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said in eloquently Dean in Fukuoka or falafel, Islamic higher, that every dean has a whole look like a hallmark character trait. And the character trait that hallmarks Islam or is the hallmark of Islam is higher is shame and modesty or modest shame.

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And so you need to be heavy in your storytelling. And don't mention details that could provoke someone's lust. Right.

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And you know, sometimes even people in their tilbyr, they speak up in a little bit too much detail about their past. And they don't realize what that could spark in like a young person's mind who just wants to step out of their parents shadows and be a little adventurous and so on and so forth. And we have to be really careful, we could actually be normalizing wrongdoing, even as we're speaking about how ugly my life was in the age of wrongdoing. That's one benefit of speaking, you know, carefully and with hire. The other reason is to protect the honor of your human beings because people repentant, right, and so if you're speaking about them in the past, it's very possible to

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live that as he's repented. And so, yes, someone just wrote, You have no idea who your audience could be. Exactly.

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So those are just two quick lessons from that first opening line. She said, My Allah, He said, You know, I see the refuge of ALLAH is what I see.

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And then the IRS goes on to say, we'll step up, I'll bet and the two of them race for the door. Once again, the eloquence of the fool. And we're not exactly sure why both of them are racing for the door. Keep that in mind. Like they did the husband knock, it's possible that use valet Sam just make a run for the door.

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And so she realized that, oh, he's going to so I have to go and like, hurl my allegations first. And so what went on in his head and what went on in her head? And all of that is just figured out. It's not important, right? And it's also concise, beautifully concise, so tight. The stories of the Quran sometimes you find from a later event, like I didn't I tell you moment, or this is what happened moment. What didn't need to be restated or stated earlier in a previous context. It's a big subject. I'm sorry for taking me down a rabbit hole.

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It's something I've been thinking about recently. I'm writing a paper for your teen Institute, hopefully Allah permits for it to complete about the story of storytelling style of the Quran. Somebody a lot of you think is just weird, right? And so the Divine Wisdom minute, inshallah. Hopefully, we publish it soon, in any case.

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So they just make a run for the door. Both of them make a run for the door. Why? Because she was not giving up at least, or she wanted to cover herself or, and that is, that also is a lesson about the abdomens of the people, the people that have like, deviant appetites.

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Like when he said mad Allah and the earlier verse, I seek refuge, it's awful. Ah, you know, I'll never do this, that would be treacherous of me. Right? She didn't say, Oh, I'm really sorry. You know, it's not like they'd be at the Vatican of visitation Islam, where you knock three times. And if people don't respond, you just take a hike and know, the people of evil are not just going to walk away, right? And so the same way, they may be adamant about looping you into their, their ugly world, or an ugly act. You also have to be adamant about saying no, you're not just gonna say no, once politely No, sometimes you have to run for the door. And,

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you know, if you just think about it in the modern context, the sexualization of our world is is engineered to be at every turn, right?

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so you also can't be casual and thinking you're going to escape

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and like everywhere I turn it is like there are people out there this is not like some crazy conspiracy theory it's chronicle you're either Latina time you're gonna show it and to me do male and female and those who worship their desires

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want you to sway in a great a great, great deal. And so the amount of like non negotiable filters you need to have you need to run for the door or even you know, someone you know many people that may complain about like getting stuck in watching you know, these wrong movies are

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you well you can put yourself in the device with the device, you gotta run for the door. The fear of Allah is going to entail in you that you do everything in your power to not allow that moment to keep repeating because you do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. It's a little bit insane, right? So you need to use your intelligence to find the doors, the doors out of this, and don't just say I'm not going to do it or no thank you or otherwise. Anyway, that's of the lessons we get from her chasing him to the door. Then they get to the door. What time is it? 521 Okay, they get to the door.

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Where what do they find that the door? Else

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As they eat the Khaled Al Bab, they find her husband at the door. You see this is usually lost in translation. It is not actually the Quran doesn't say her husband. The Quran says say get their hair, say yet you know say like we call the Prophet SAW Allah mother. So have a say yet.

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And Sayed means leader, that means, you know, master in some contexts and otherwise, right? And so Allah says

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they, the two of them find her master. This is profound, for many reasons. Like one of them, is that Allah didn't say they found their master because, you know, like the husband has that authority in the household and use of is under the authorities. That's the slave owner, right? So but Allah azza wa jal,

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he switches it and says they find her master, because he is a legitimate authority in his household. But he is not a legitimate authority authority over use of Ali's Salem, because he's a disbeliever you know, and also transactionally speaking user, they said I was not even a legitimate slave is what he said I was abducted into slavery. And so he just shows you like how nuanced and careful the Quran is who can speak with this precision.

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Anyway, so they find her men, what is your master do her the husband do long story short, a few verses later? Because we only have eight minutes left? He says, Use of out of unhide that what's that fitting a fanfic, oh, Yousuf

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ignore this, like, don't talk about this, don't talk about this anyone.

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And you say stuff for Allah, like seek forgiveness for your sin.

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This is this is a huge lesson. Part of the reason why she was the way she was, is because her husband was the way he was. Just say stuff that Allah used to just don't talk about this, like, your sole concern, you're protective of your reputation. Right? Don't let people find out. That's like the the concern of people that spent too much time in the public. It's not just the concern of the aristocrats. It's the concern of people that are just addicted to the validation of others in the world of, you know, social media and otherwise, right. Or if that's all you care about, you're not going to have any bandwidth left to be protective over what we should be, you should be protective

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of. And so and that, by the way, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said that, you know, there are certain people that will never enter Jannah of them is the youth leather, your federal Hubot Fei Li, the de youth is the permissive man, that is just totally fine with indecency existing among his women folk. And so it is part of a man's responsibility

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to protect his family morally, and to protect his girls in particular. And of course, his wife, their mom as well, and his wife, to protect them from being put in places where they can be,

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have moral collapses. That is a huge lesson of why the wife realizes he carries in the blame with that, you know, one of the things that, you know, it's just absolutely disgusting also in our world, is the issue of like, testing my spouse, if they're gonna cheat on me or not, like putting them in a situation where they're tempted, and people do all these arrows and Bilello crazy experiments on it online and elsewhere. And, well, you're insane. You're, you're out of your mind, right, like to put people in front of people, you know, you actually push them that way, and then tell them you're not loyal. Well, you betrayed them first, to be honest, if you're the one crafting this, the setup,

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right, this experiment.

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And so Allah calls our attention to that, that the husband said, say stuff for Allah. That's it. And you still let him be behind closed doors with her because later on, she invites her friends over and they see us around a salon. I'm not trying to go over the story because you all know it. I'm just trying to like take a little bit of a deep dive on how every segment of the story in her story, even without knowing her name is so so beneficial for us.

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Okay, last last reflection. Let's fast forward now to use rally Sam, he goes into prison comes out of prison. He is cleared of his allegations and she confesses, she confesses and says

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that he Kellyanne Allama and Neela mellophone who believes like this is so that he will know that I did not betray him in his absence.

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It's I think, straightforward then us sort of

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I mean, the scholars this

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discuss, like, What did she mean by that? When she says, Well, was it even her who said it? That's a, I believe it's her who said it, I just leaned to that opinion as a favor and otherwise, but

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she say, let's just gotta get somewhere. Because he may have said, I only, you know, embarrassed these women or called them, you know forward so that Al Aziz will know, I didn't betray, I never betrayed him. The other opinion is that she's the one speaking now, right? And so she's saying, yes, and Hassan Hassan have the truth has, you know, been arrived at finally, and I'm admitting the truth, so that he, my husband will know that I never whenever the ACT never happened, right? I desired he called me and that's it. I was, you know, that's all. And so.

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So he will know, I did not betray him. So what does that mean? Let's just assume it's her saying I did this so that my husband will know I never cheated on him. That means she is coming clean right now, for the wrong reasons.

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coming clean right now for the wrong reasons. You see of the signs of the requirements of a sincere tell versus zero repentance is that you repented for Allah, you will regret it. tarnishing your relationship with him. subhanho wa Taala not because you missed out on some aspect of this world.

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You know, like, I stopped hitting on girls, because this still blew up in my face and left scars. Well, no, that's because like, you don't have your assets anymore. I stopped stealing because my I lost my hand and in a freak accident. Right? Well, that's not that's like a counterfeit elbow, right?

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That doesn't mean you can't renew your tail, Toba. You can't fix your Toba and otherwise, but we have to be careful. You know, is it just because I you know, I'm just sick and tired of like being chastised for for my alcoholism? Or is it actually because it was for Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, I want to make amends with him, want to make amends with him subhanaw taala.

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So that is one lesson, the fact that she said I did it so that he will know I didn't betray him.

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And since I do have two minutes left,

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you know, reflect on the fact that she was humiliated over and over again, she was humiliated. People were talking about her in the town early on, it came back to haunt her when you survive. They said I was needed by the king. And so the king personally supervise the investigation. Now.

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She was humiliated and be, you know, sins are playing with fire, but also they involve disgrace and humiliation in this world.

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It is seen in the darkness of their faces, sometimes it is seen in the foiling of their plots or other times it is seen in like the misery of their lives, their inability to be happy or satisfied or fulfilled or whatnot. But sin a sinful life is a constricted, suffocating life.

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But however, however, sometimes Allah may humiliate you

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be because he knows it'll bring you back? Why do I say that? Because there is a Hadith that tells you that when the believer is brought close on the Day of Judgment, Allah will say to him, in private, like he conceals him from being exposed on the day of judgment, He will show him his sins and He will say, so tell to her I Lika for dunya Pharaoh Holika, yo, I can see all your sins from the people in this world, the world, the life, the first life. And now today on the Day of Judgment, I'm forgiving it all right. May Allah grant us concealment in both worlds. But this hadith does not mean that if Allah humiliated you, or exposed you, in this world, in this world, like the wife

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realizes that it cannot be a reason for you to turn back to him and realize come to your senses that he sees and hears and remembers also kind of what Allah and there's no escaping his grip. That could be a reason for many people to make tau but the fact that they they were, they were outed by Allah azza wa jal in this world.

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Don't ever lose hope. That's the idea. Even if you became humiliated by your sinful lifestyle, don't repent for the wrong reason. But at the same time

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don't overlook the possibility that this could be a chance to make things right between you and Allah Jalla Jalla That's it 530 On the dime.

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Oh, yeah. Does that come along here? So hon Allah that was, I've never heard the story with with a, I guess a message of hope even for the wife of Allah z's, you know, subhanAllah it's

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always, you know, like almost like What's the word for it I guess an admonishment of her actions and then you know, like what the the sin and the negativity and whatever Subhanallah This has been so beneficial to to get this perspective and I appreciate mashallah nuances. Equally Sorry. It's always good to blame the husband that's why you

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know, it's done for a lot, but it's Subhanallah just take a look at those specific observations and the translation in the text. Mashallah, those are amazing. I did see quite a few questions that were coming in and people were looking for clarification in the chat. So I would love if we can take the next few minutes Inshallah, for those of you who did have questions, please repost them, they get lost very, very quickly in the chat. You guys are really crazy, mashallah, in terms of your, your your communication, so please drop them in the chat again. And we will take a couple of minutes to take questions and then we will wrap up before we jump into Quranic reflections, Inshallah, and

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hopefully Shahzad will be happy because we're giving him extra time today. All right, I just want to make sure you guys can hear me and see me clearly as well. I think I saw my screen freeze for a second there. No, you're good. Okay. Awesomesauce, very big, desikachar and email. So yes, those who did post your questions, please repost. Once again, Inshallah, we'll take as many as we can. And you guys can raise your hands as well. I think I see a raised hand if you want to ask a question verbally. You're welcome to do so I see you for help. Feel free to ask your question. Go right ahead. isn't

00:31:22 --> 00:31:23

gonna go?

00:31:24 --> 00:31:24

I think

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right now for Yeah, you can speak up, I kind of lost my voice. So

00:31:35 --> 00:31:37

I'm trying to get it back.

00:31:39 --> 00:32:23

Very interesting story. So at the beginning, you told us that he knew his wife that she was the one that did this whole thing. But at the end, he blamed the use of her like, sent him to jail. So why did he not still like believe her? I mean, why would he believe her like at the end and send users to jail? Because at the beginning, you said, Ask for forgiveness. He asked his wife, like, you know, ask for forgiveness, and said use of like ads like this never happened before? Yeah, it is unclear. Like we cannot say conclusively. And that's what I wanted to thank you. I sort of wanted to circle back to actually regarding some of the details that the Israeli ads offer, that we really should

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have a non committal position on.

00:32:26 --> 00:32:33

You know, whatever is in our friend sunnah. You know, we accept blindly after knowing with open eyes, that it's from Allah.

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But everything else, we just take it with a grain of salt, it may have been the reason may not have been a reason, because there are things there that are just don't add up. And there are things there that are very likely possibility so he could have died. That's one possibility.

00:32:49 --> 00:32:50

You could have passed away.

00:32:52 --> 00:32:54

Another possibility is that

00:32:56 --> 00:33:01

he was simply just trapping him from being a source of trouble for right.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:18

And to save face, because it could have been his only way now. Because if the accounts are mounting, basically, his wife said, use of delay. And the women now are saying,

00:33:19 --> 00:33:20

No know.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:52

The women also want access to these rallies. So that was another part of the story that I didn't want to open up because I won't be able to close. And so it was just becoming so dramatic, that it was becoming a free for all. And so just nipping the problem in the bud by saying what he doesn't believe that usually SLM is guilty, was probably could have been the easiest way in his eyes to save his own reputation. Because his wife and other women are like in a dirty Chase right now for who's gonna have him.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:09

And Allah knows best. And Allah amazing. I see a couple more hands as well. But I'll take one of the questions in the chat because we answered some of the others live by from the UK is asking, I heard that the Prophet Yusuf Islam also also went on to marry the wife of Al Aziz, and that he learned that she was a virgin. Is this true?

00:34:10 --> 00:34:11

On founded

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awesomesauce. she repented is unfounded. And that's why you carry it in both directions. I mean, there are some beautiful narrations about you know, her having a change of heart and otherwise, but none of this is established at the heart of this and then we really shouldn't have like, a staggered, like or a stratified, you know, so we don't have misplaced concreteness basically, if it was avoided, would have been the plan. So now, it's not important, so it's not and therefore we also should not assert it with confidence. Sounds good. The next question is coming in from lemma from Cochrane, Alberta lemma. Feel free to unmute yourself Inshallah, unless your question.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:54

So, Michael, could you clarify the difference between causes and also tear for me?

00:34:57 --> 00:35:00

Yeah, so you might

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

It means this loss and our software. Because past loss I will pass is to basically

00:35:06 --> 00:35:17

tell of an account tell a story plus is storytelling, or a character telling this loss are stories, the stories themselves what is being told, right

00:35:19 --> 00:35:51

now, poster, we are telling you pass us, you know, in this way, that's the way I'm trying to explain it to you guys. Well, I am telling you, Allah say we are telling you, in this way the stories because it is the best way. Whereas if you would say, this was the best test for us, it would be the best stories. Now. I'm going to assume human status stories. Compare them now with SLP SL theatre comes from the word self, self, there is a line. And so it's basically things that have been passed out, usually in writing.

00:35:52 --> 00:35:54

Fairy tales, is

00:35:56 --> 00:36:23

because they're just not traceable. Right. And so they're the word legend is usually used for the word SLP. Because but it comes from south. And it's interesting that sort of, and History is written by the Victor and legend and so on and so forth. They have a common etymological origin. Beautiful, great question, llama. The next question we have is from Ziva from Chester, she's asking, Is it okay to say that use of Assam was safer in prison?

00:36:27 --> 00:36:29

Yes, it is safer to say that.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:39

It is. Musa alayhis. Salam was safer in the basket, and use of hobbies. And I will say for in prison, and in the world.

00:36:40 --> 00:37:08

As difficult as those were, in the moment, in hindsight, look at in the grander scheme of things, he was just safer. It was so many things, right? Like, how else was I gonna meet the guys who worked for the king had I not gone to prison. So he's his status was upgraded in so many ways by going to prison. He was not just kept safe. He was promoted through prison, through his patients through the networking, he developed in prison, the favors he did for the former employees of the king, and so on and so forth.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:17

Perfect. The next question, let's hear from all that from, oh, you didn't put your location today? I forget already from somewhere in New York.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:20

New York.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:41

Sorry. I just wanted to ask a question. So he told her seek forgiveness for your sin. Right. So and then you had said it's not confirmed if she did? And seems like it did. She didn't because it's, I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm, I'm analyzing this wrong, but you can help.

00:37:42 --> 00:38:01

And then when she invited all the women, and she's and then she said something about? Well, if he doesn't do what I ordered him to do, he'll certainly be in prison. So it's like she's insisting like, again. I mean, it wasn't like, Okay, I'm sorry, you know, and I send she asked for forgiveness, but it didn't seem like she even bothered.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:15

And that is, I mean, again, I were gonna throw half of it on him, because he left her with him. But also Yeah, she was she was relentless. It wasn't just chasing him to the door. It was a lot more than that.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:23

Because she said to the women, even after women got their heads, she said, Ed, if he doesn't do what I command,

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right, what I'm saying, yeah, do this. I'm there. So she has a list ready? Like she's, yeah, she totally was * bent on it.

00:38:36 --> 00:39:10

Like great question and observation from you as well. A lot and I think we'll end it off there. I think we could keep digging deeper into the story. But Hamdulillah that was very very beneficial to have you on shift now we I confirmed by the way I was like there's no way I was wrong about this. We haven't yet had you on Ramadan. 360. So this was your debut in sha Allah this will be one of many sessions in the future as well over the course of the next few years and just that Kamala care for contributing to this community it's such a pleasure to have you on in other words you immensely if I can the rest of your time and your efforts to Ramadan Amin. Any final words before we close off and

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we transition over? I'm good keeping your friends everybody be allowed to talk fast and yours and there's like a lot later. Does that go one way? When shall I say everyone does that go a fair for being here from the very beginning of today's session. I hope that you guys benefited. And this is what I was talking about some how to love having very different personalities in terms of our instructors kind of analyzing and taking us in different pots when it comes to these beautiful stories of the Koran I hope that you guys benefited from that immensely. And that was Ramadan Chanel, we are with us at hamdulillah and we are now going to transition and for the first time, not

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for the first time but for today for sure we are early to transition into our Quranic reflection circles. Just a reminder for those who are coming in just for those who missed maybe the beginning part of this session as well. Please do make sure that if you are you know joining us live for the next few days.

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Next for the remainder of Ramadan you also register for the 10 Day Challenge with Imam was um Sharif and take your RE citation of the Quran as well to the next level we've been enjoying the reflections we've kind of built some skills we've really connected as a community here in Hamburg and that but make sure that you also prioritize that throughout the rest of the month and that of course is that Quran and mashallah, you guys are really like kicking up taking it up a notch mashallah, with your reflections I'm benefiting so much from the chat as well here on Zoom. So if you guys are watching on socials and have not yet registered for Ramadan 360 And you want to join

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on Zoom and get all the additional benefits or resources and be part of the community, make sure you go to Ramadan three to register in sha Allah MIMO speaking to the people on Zoom saying jump on to zoom people. I love the way you big Nemo, I know that Schiff said is with us. So I want to jump right into today's Quranic reflection. Is that I want to I want to have the last shift. How are you doing today? I said I'm live on a couch. I'm well I'm delighted to be here. And hang out. I'm just milking I'm just milking I have to return two hours of time apparently. There's five minutes we got your

00:41:08 --> 00:41:53

holiday handler and which person are we sorry? Yes. So 100 I pasted pasted in the chat the link you click on it Java data so we'll take you straight there in sha Allah awesome sauce. And I didn't see any reciters that I recognize so far yet today. So chef we can either pick a reciter or we can jump right in. Do we have people have their hands up we got somebody we just got a bunch of hands my shot. Okay, let's pick on so let me just introduce it first insha Allah and then I'll have you picks up money in sha Allah okay mister let's be loud handle allows salatu salam ala Rasulillah what Allah Allah he will still be here when my wife said I'm live but it got too good to be here. hamdulillah

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today we are in juice number 12 The 12th section or portion of the Quran, which is made up of solitude verse six until the end and sort of use it from the beginning to verse number 52. So the verse that I selected for versus that I selected for today are from sort of

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the art from soda tooth that I paste the

00:42:18 --> 00:42:21

Midna Yes, yes. Okay, so attitude.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:35

Nine until 11 Nine until so 910 11 Those are the verses that we have for today. And let's recite them and then we'll break them down and we'll begin to reflect in sha Allah so go ahead stefflon

00:42:38 --> 00:42:47

Already Bismillah let's get someone new so I think brass to Nadine from Dallas, we'd love to hear from you inshallah. So please unmute yourself and get ready to recite

00:42:48 --> 00:42:48

I'm sorry to come

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set off law

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um, so do I start? Yeah, you can start inshallah

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Wallah in either

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00:43:05 --> 00:43:07

in Santa Mina, not

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near Santa Lynn Hall, in a whole

00:43:13 --> 00:43:27

layer also for very good. Next verse. Well in now on Nana, that bad.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:56

Miss to Mr. toho, lair call Nana, the hubba say yes, to me. No, no further, no further. One, a whole whole room. Very good. Just a slight slight correction layer kuleana layer kuleana have a say to me. The rest is good Huntelaar. Next verse.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:05

Lavina. suburb one, you know sunny Hardy. Hola, Iike. Home,

00:44:06 --> 00:44:56

Feroz. So we're at Euro Kabir. Very good. Good eye color. Mahara tone what Julian Caribbean accent Zach Aloka thank you so much for reciting for us. Very good. So let's break these down in sha Allah to Allah so verse number nine Allah who's panel IDI. Allah says, What is that and then in Santa Mina, Rama, someone as I know her, I mean, who in layer Olsen can afford that if we give people a taste of mercy from Us from lenez that know her, then we take it away, or we take it away from them, they also come forward they certainly become utterly desperate and ungrateful. So this is the first verse and I actually want to just tie them together, read them together, so you have the full

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meaning. And then we will break down

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Each verse like verse by verse, so next verse, Allah has been with the Allah says, well, now who knows that vida de la Messiah to that, and if we give them a taste of not like prosperity, blessings, goodness BARDELLA Messiah to after they have been touched with some adversity or hardship. They appeal Leonarda say to me, they say that basically my ills, bad things bad times, they're gone, right? I'm good. In the whole affair, they hunt the hole, then they become. And this is a word that we went over yesterday as well. We talked about fun, right, which is, yesterday, we translate as

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joy, right, being joyful. And that was in a positive context. And here we have it in a negative context. So here it means kind of prideful, and then who is being boastful and then Allah says the next verse in the Latina Savile Row, except those who are patient, or I mean a slightly hat, and do good deeds, Hula, hula, humbug, Farah John or John Kabir, they are the ones who will have forgiveness and a great or mighty reward. Okay, so what we have here are two cases that Allah who's patologia Allah is mentioning, number one in surah. In sorry, in verse number nine, we have what happens when people are faced with difficulty after they have been in a state of ease or asked after

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they've been in a state of comfort. In verse number 10. We have those who face ease after difficulty. And so right to right when we start this verse, Allah subhana, Allah says in the Quran insane when we give people a taste of Lima, this is we're talking about ease here. mercy from Allah has a ton of data. First of all, Allah says, an insane human beings are mankind. And what this tells us is that this is the general state of mankind. This is how people generally are right. And then we'll see the exception to it mentioned in the in verse number 11, which is the third verse for us. But this is how people, Allah is telling us of the general state of human beings. That's insane. I

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mean, the Ramadan, some manners, I know who I mean, who in know, like, they also care for, if we give people a taste of this.

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And this Allahumma here is in what it's speaking about our blessing from Allah who has Panama data. So we can say this, this this can be things like livelihood, sustenance, wealth, health, well being ease in life, this is what Allah who's panel Italia is referring to hear, when Allah says Rama, that when we give them a taste of Mercy this Rama from us from them, then we take it away from them. And there's, you know, in the in the verb Nuzhat Na, it's almost as if it was taken away quickly, right? Or all of a sudden, and that is what this verb kind of indicates to us that if it's taken away all of a sudden, then what happens, then they certainly in the home, this person certainly becomes

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loose, right? They basically just lose all hope.

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And they become ungrateful. And so this is someone who basically, you know, their, their life's going well, everything's going okay, things are looking up or things are just neutral. And then something bad happens or a calamity strikes them. And they become basically, in a state of desperation, loss of hope, and then they become also along with that is ungrateful. So, something bad happens and then someone says, You know what, it's just, it's never gonna work out, like it's never gonna get better. This is just the way my life is right now. Or someone may begin to become ungrateful, right? Nothing good ever happens to me, like my life is just terrible. You know, it's

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just one thing after another and so on and so forth. And so this is what Allah has pointed out as talking about that this is what what they do.

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They basically are in a state as Allah says, they are ungrateful, in this case, this is the opposite of what they are what we should do. So principle that we have mentioned before is personalizing the message. Allah is speaking in the third person here speaking about they right these people. And Allah is giving us an example of people generally are. So we mentioned I've been talking about this. Now from the beginning that anytime Allah is reprimanding someone, or even less praising someone, we want to put ourselves in that position and saying, Do I fall into this category? Meaning could I possibly be this person that Allah is recommending or that Allah is criticizing here? And if it's

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the other case, where Allah is praising someone, we can ask ourselves, Am I the person, the type of person that was praising so that I may gain that praise of Allah and gain and gain that reward? Right? And that's coming up in in sha Allah but right now, these are people who are being reprimanded. Allah is telling us that this is this is generally how people

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tend to be right. This is how this is the nature of people. This is how people people generally are that, you know, their life is going good, they're fine. But as soon as something bad happens to them, they forget, it's almost as if you know, loss of control or they, they're, they're ungrateful. It's the same route as Kufa. Right, which is to be ungrateful, to kind of, um, there's, there's a, there's a notion of rejection here as well, kind of forgetting all the good that happened in one's life. You know, it's like, as if none of that, none of that, that none of that happened. This happens on a smaller scale at scale, as well as Pamela would Allah this happens on a large scale.

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But this sometimes even happens in our relationships. Sometimes Subhanallah one spouse can say to another spouse, you know, they're unhappy with their spouse, and they're like, You never do anything for me, right? You never care about my feelings, or whatever. It's like all the good that was done. Subhanallah is all negated because of the situation that they're in right now. But this is, this is what Allah has pointed out as speaking about here.

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So what are they not do? Well, what they what they're not doing is what a believer is supposed to do. And that is a couple of things. Number one, is that a believer would in this case, when they go through this hardship, they would, but they would seek the reward of Allah has kind of data through their trial, and we're going to talk about how, you know, obviously, trials are a chance for us to get rewarded by luck, but they're not looking at that they're not thinking about, you know, how is this calamity, a way for me to raise my rank for me to get rewarded, but love, they are not thinking about, or they don't possibly have full faith, full faith in the notion that Allah will return to

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this person, whatever they lost, or Allah will replace them with that which is better, right, this part of our IP that is part of our faith, that when we lose something, when Allah takes something away from us, that Allah will replace it, Allah will give me equal to it, or Allah will give me that which is better, and this comes from the outparcel him, which he taught the Companions Allahumma Adjani we'll see but the will fluffly Hieron minhang That when calamity comes upon us, we say Oh, Allah reward me for my mercy, but for my cut for my calamity, meaning give me the reward for being patient. And going through this trial.

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A gentleman will say what's lovely, hate a minute and give me better than it? So if Allah has taken something away, then give give me something better than this? How will I remember this? This Allah,

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I always remember this, that I because of the first time that I learned this, I was actually making hij I think was my first year at the University of Medina. And I was making 100 Shouldn't how many Sinead who knows how much and Eve one of my mentors, one of the people that that I look up to, and they learned, and I can actually say that every hedge that I've made in my life I've made with ship membership, I made hydrogen before I went to Medina, and I was just a civilian, just a regular guy. You know, not I wasn't studying Islam or anything. My mom wanted to make hydrogen. My dad wasn't able to take her. My dad was like, you gotta take your mom. I'm like, yes, let's do it. Free

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hydrogen. Awesome. So Shahbaz Sharif was in my community. At that time, he was taken Hydra group, just joined us hedge group and 100. I learned a lot from him during that hedge. And then, you know, the next hedge I made was when I was a student in Medina, how much should he hit me up? And he said, You know, I want some of the students to accompany the hedge group, you know, the answer questions, so basically helped me out, you know, so people have questions in this and, and gotten, you know, and, you know, learning also, it's a good chance to interact with people and so on and so forth. It's part of his mentorship of me. So I was like, Yeah, I'm down. So I made hedge with him. And I

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remember when I was my very first hedge, as a student in Medina, in Mina in the tents, I had put my phone on charge, and Subhanallah it was it was like dangling from one of the poles and you know, the tents there. They're kind of open like from one one tent to another tent, you can put your hand in and you know, you can do whatever. And I've had to like put my phone on charge and I took a nap and I woke up my phone was gone. And I was like, man, like I was really upset because I'm like, you know who's gonna steal your phone making a hedge? Right? Like I'm still naive at this point. And so I'm like some how can somebody be making hygiene they'd steal your phone right? Could not believe it.

00:54:12 --> 00:54:50

And shouldn't Hamish should if he taught me this, right that you ask Allah who's kind of like the island that oh Allah reward me for my calamity. And give me something which is better than it right and you know Subhanallah obviously phones get better right as time goes on so obviously the I was answered I think it was like a still members. It was Sony Ericsson. It was like this pre iPhone era. And I'm kind of like exposing my age here but just pre iPhone era. Like a Sony Ericsson I really wanted because I had a really nice camera and I you know, love taking photos and stuff like that. But obviously yes. And I had learned that Allah did replace me and hamdulillah with many more phones

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that were way better than that phone. But I always remember that the the Prophet satellites and them and that concept as a whole right, that concept as a whole that we make to do

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that when it calamity comes upon us that we understand that Allah will replace what we lost or Allah will give us that which is better. And then also so number three we mentioned number one, that a believer they seek reward for their trial they seek closest to Allah has Panama to Allah, they someone said iPhone 12 I don't know how you know, I have iPhone 12. But I do have iPhone 12

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panel, I don't have that 13 I do have the 12

00:55:25 --> 00:56:02

Angela. So number one reward for the trial, the calamity that we're going through. Number two, we believe that as you said, Allah will replace us or give us that which is better. Or number three, that. And now this is the third point here is that we believe that that everything happens by the will and the permission of Allah who is penalized to Allah, and the end of it is good, right? That the goodness in it, there's always goodness in it, even if we don't see it. So even if immediately what we see, on a surface level, what we see is, you know, it's bad, it's hard to whatever, we know that eventually, we Allah knows that which we don't know, Allah sees that which we do not see. So

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there's eventual goodness in it. So this is the path of a believer, right? So this is the path of believing so Allah describing the opposite of this, that there are those who don't do this, that when something is taken away from them, that they become, they lose hope. Right? And, and they become ungrateful. And normally they they go they go together, right? Someone who just loses hope, and says, you know, nothing good ever happened, you know, nothing good ever happens to me and this and that. And you know, that's it like my life is ruined, and so on and so forth. So this what Allah has described it as a point of reflection here, I want to ask you for this verse, and it applies to

00:56:39 --> 00:56:46

the next verse as well but we'll think we'll look about look at it in context of this verse. Allah use the verb.

00:56:47 --> 00:56:57

Allah said, I recommend insan when we basically give people a taste of what unless became a mercy here, Why did Allah use the word?

00:56:59 --> 00:57:41

Taste? Right? Why taste? Why not? Allah could have said when we give people or we bless people or whatever, but Allah use the word taste when you give people a taste of the Rama, the Rama from us the mercy from Us. What is that? How do we what can we learn from that? What reflection can we have on that word, taste regarding the Russia of Allah's plan to Allah in this verse, so go ahead and raise your hand Miss Medina. And I'm already seeing some good gems in the in the chat here, but I'm gonna try not to look at it because I want to hear from people in sha Allah. So jobs so you hear? Yes. Are the hands I'm just gonna give one that was the first person that will raise their hand in

00:57:41 --> 00:57:59

sha Allah will be automatically taken and I see for here mashallah racing to the front. For Yeah, let's hear from you. Go ahead. Bismillah it might take me a while you cannot hear me getting my voice back. But I think when it comes to like, taste in general, we think of like, you know, when

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we all were working to give money, we're working out this. So it's like, oh, I got a little taste of excitement regard a little taste of money. I got, hey, I was almost rich, but not rich enough. Right. So I think he's trying to make that compare, like, hey, we give them a little taste of bless you. We haven't given them mercy that they asked before, but we gave them a little bit. Taste of it, so they can ask for more. So if you give an individual mercy, like, hey, here you go forgive an individual, like, a homeless individual.

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Like a million dollar, then it's like, who knows what they're gonna do. Right? So little by little, giving them little by little is what I say. And I gave them a little taste, so that they can come and ask for more. Right, very good. So the whole idea of it's the whole idea of it's just part of Allah's mercy, right, and it's just a taste of Allah's mercy. So the good times in this life, the ease in this life that we feel that is just a, a small taste of Allah's mercy, obviously that we are capable of in this life and obviously, obviously the afterlife as well right. The amount of pleasure that is there in the in the afterlife. Very good. What else who else do we have?

00:59:14 --> 00:59:18

Already, so we have Aisha from the UK I saw your hand second, so I shall let's hear from me Bismillah

00:59:20 --> 00:59:21

Salam aleikum.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:28

wa salam so my taking from it is that concept that we all hear that

00:59:30 --> 00:59:50

correct me if I'm wrong, I can't remember exactly. But it's something like Allah's mercy in this world is like, one compared to 99 of in the hereafter. It's abortion as a portion of Allah's mercy. Yes. And yeah. So like that taste is like that small portion that we get on this earth. Right? As compared to great

00:59:52 --> 00:59:58

right, very good. Very good. Very good. What else? What else do we have? We have another eyeshadow. I don't know where it from, but let's hear from you.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:21

sounds like I'm from Canada. Mashallah. MashAllah Mr. Houses country? Yes. Yeah all of Canada I own all of Canada all. For Americans. That's how it works in Canada. We're just like one thing like you don't know Toronto, and when you get whatever, whatever, there are couple of cities that are famous to advertise this.

01:00:23 --> 01:01:02

Alright? Sorry, sister go ahead, right. So my take was that tasteful obviously reminds me of food. And food is something that we need. And so from that same aspect, I'm not sure if this angle is correct, but I would assume that mercy is something that we need and we need to be able to taste it to want more. Yes, yes, yes, exactly how many people are fasting right now to him hit me up in the chat let me know if you put a put a I don't know if for fasting, right. If you're fasting, I'm fasting too. So this verse has a special meaning right now because right now we will take even a taste, right? A Taste of water, a taste of a date, this a small bite, like it will feel amazing. So

01:01:02 --> 01:01:23

the whole idea is that we are so desperately in need of the Mercy of Allah who has power to add, right? Like we will take even the smell, we're so much in need and that's how we act when you're fasting. We feel that right that just a little bit like I just need a little bit and so that's kind of the idea here as well. Very good. Let's take one or two more inshallah. Awesome. So I see oh, I again, oh, let's hear from you, inshallah.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:28

Santa Monica.

01:01:29 --> 01:01:34

Hello. Oh, my observation is that also that

01:01:35 --> 01:01:38

as soon as we get this namah

01:01:41 --> 01:02:09

we get it says, Hey, no, people kind of forget what the where they were. And then they kind of get all pride and boastful instead of immediately feeling such gratitude. And always being in a state of gratitude. So that that was the one that kind of hit me is that we should always as soon as like, like, as soon as the break the fast and, you know, get that taste of water and the date. Don't forget to say Joker on the handle Hamdulillah you know, so.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:40

Very good, very good. The whole idea of, you know, it being temporary. Right. And we just we forget to penalise as our sister mentioned, when you taste something, it's a temporary taste right? And then it's gone. We can we can think about it, we can remember it, but it's just it's it's a fleeting thing, right? And so likewise we can look at you know, the things is two ways of looking at it. Number one, the pleasures of this life are fleeting. And number two, we can look at it in the sense of

01:02:42 --> 01:02:47

we may perceive that the right amount of Allah is fleeting when it's not right. So

01:02:49 --> 01:03:17

we may as this is says that the person when a calamity comes upon them after Allah has given them a taste of their mercy they completely forget. Right as it never happened, like we don't even recall that we don't even think about basically we don't bring to our memory that we tasted this mercy of Allah has power to Allah. Very good, very good at anything that we haven't mentioned. I'll take one more one more person just below okay, I saw a couple of new hands. Let's hear from Adam in sha Allah please do share unmute yourself go right ahead.

01:03:21 --> 01:03:26

So my vehicle I do sit on a lot. Thanks very much for

01:03:27 --> 01:03:28


01:03:31 --> 01:03:38

conversations we have with you at this time again, my take on this I think it's mainly about being grateful

01:03:39 --> 01:03:39


01:03:40 --> 01:04:05

we are in the good times, we seems to forget that when times are hard, it's sometimes it tests for us to remember the good times where and to try to be patient by being grateful to Allah Subhan Allah Tada and always remember that he's always here with us in the good times and in the bad times.

01:04:07 --> 01:04:41

And being really low during those hard times I think help us go through it better and single rewards you know, you can even see it in sometimes in financial issues where sometimes you know, we talked about food earlier but sometimes even the the financial issue sometimes I've been dealing with an issue with the bank has lost some of my money. And my husband has been like how patients are you with them? I'm like, What do you want me to do? I trust God and you just have to stay patient and be thankful for the other good

01:04:43 --> 01:04:44

things we have in our lives and

01:04:46 --> 01:04:53

hamdulillah Hamlet Dakka Dakka a beautiful reflection. I saw someone in the chat they said we crave for it. Right so that's the other

01:04:54 --> 01:05:00

Yeah, definitely when it comes to the dunya when it comes to you know, we it's not a

01:05:00 --> 01:05:28

Like what's something that we're almost fighting for? Right that we want this certain satisfaction, certain comfort in this life? Very good, very good. Humbled enough. So next let's let's move on to the next verse. So as we said, that verse the case, so is a case number one is difficulty after ease or calamity or test after ease and comfort. Case number two is in this ayah Allah who's panda data says wanna know who I'm up and if we give them a taste of

01:05:29 --> 01:06:10

basically nama comes from an arm, right? And our scholars say that not is when the net amount or the effects of the net can be visibly seen. Just like that a lot, right is when the the abroad can be seen on the person just like when the calamity, the effects of the calamity can be seen on the person. So this is why Allah was having to add I use word NAMA, right? It is when the the prosperity can be seen on the person. So sometimes you can look at someone you don't know what their life is, like, but or you can look at someone and say, you know, living a good life. So ALLAH SubhanA, Allah says, but if we give them a taste of

01:06:11 --> 01:06:15

this prosperity, but I delve a lot right after

01:06:17 --> 01:07:05

the Messiah to after calamity has touched them, right? Or adversity has touched them. nakulan they say? They have a say to me, they say, all my bad times are gone. Right? That's it. Life's amazing. Good, right? And then Allah says in the whole referee, for who that certainly they are prideful, and they're both will not. So now, case number two, Allah says we give them a taste of this prosperity after they have been touched with adversity. So what is Allah describing here, Allah is describing that when life is good, people begin to think that nothing bad can ever happen to them. Right, that everything is great. And that's it, and they're just set, right? And I think my reflection on this

01:07:05 --> 01:07:42

Subhanallah, you know, talking about personalizing the message, right, which is what we should be doing and all of these verses, how do I fit one of the examples that I came up with, was how we feel when we're sick. And when we get cured, right, so let's say somebody has like a cold or even like the flu. It can be it can feel pretty severe. And when you're in it, you're like, oh, man, like, this is terrible. Like, I can't make it, you know, the first verse that we talked about, you know, oh, this is just the worst. And you know, and I can't function, I can't do anything or whatever. We're just That's it. It's over. But as the cure comes, and we get better, it's like we forget what

01:07:42 --> 01:08:18

we went through. Right? And not only that, we feel like nothing can harm us ever again. Right? And someone said, COVID in the chat. And that's a very good example. Because when we were going through COVID, right, remember Pamela when when COVID first hit, everyone's taking precautions, everyone's wearing masks, and this and that hand sanitizer, we're like sanitizing our groceries. We're taking the Clarkesville while we're wiping out our fruits and vegetables, everything, we're wiping down the door, have an Amazon box cover, wiping down the Amazon buckwheat and wiping everything like cut off. Let's just make sure everything's okay. Right? And then Subhan Allah, we got, we went through a

01:08:18 --> 01:08:56

couple phases. And now and now, I don't know, depending on where you live, but in the US here in America as madula We're kind of like in okay, it's overcast, right. And people become way Cavalier with it. Now, you know, it's like, I've talked to people, they're like, Man, I never got it. I don't think I'm gonna get it. I'm good, right? Or I talked to people who said, I got it, I made it a nothing to worry about. Right, like cut off, like, it's no big deal. And I'm like, subhanAllah how quickly people forget what they went through. Right? And how quickly do they feel secure in themselves? How quickly do they feel self sufficient? During COVID We were making the argument to

01:08:56 --> 01:09:32

Allah Oh Allah protect us, protect us from COVID This and that we you know, in our in our sense that we say oh Allah protect me protect my family and so on and so forth. Now that we've gone through it right hopefully, you know, we're going where it's gone hopefully right? But we're no longer making that da we're not even there longest thing Allah protect me, protect me getting me held and protect my family and so on and so forth. Because we feel confident now, right. And so this is Allah is describing this is the nature of men, right? That we become when times are good, we become confident we we forget that we need Allah who has penalty to Allah. Right? We forget that it is Allah who

01:09:32 --> 01:09:52

brought us out of it, and we will need a lot to protect us from going back into it or if it happens again, we need Allah to protect us. And the whole idea is that we feel like we are in control. When in actuality, right? We're not in control, it is Allah who is Panama to Allah in control. So this is what Allah is describing here, right that a person they are

01:09:55 --> 01:09:55


01:09:56 --> 01:09:58

this is how the person

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59

they are

01:10:00 --> 01:10:14

They're in that state of ease. And then when Allah gives them this sorry, they're in a state of difficulty. Allah gives them this ease and then they say all my they have a say to me Oh, my bad times are gone. Right?

01:10:15 --> 01:10:25

And so the bat so this is this is how they're so what does Allah describing here? What is their? What are they doing? They they are Allah says they are flooded right there.

01:10:26 --> 01:11:03

If the whole Wednesday we talked about joy yesterday and joy is not a bad thing. I think it was yesterday, joy is not a bad thing. But But there's good types of joy and bad types of joy. The bad type of joy is what has been described here, right? So they are they become happy. And that's, you know, a believer and and someone who is, you know who's going down the wrong path, they can both be happy. But it's what happens due to that happiness that makes a difference. So the bad is, they become happy. And that leads them to become arrogant, that leads them into believing yourself sufficient is the type of arrogance really, they begin to feel depending on what type of blessing

01:11:03 --> 01:11:41

they have, or what goodness they're in, let's say Allah blesses someone with a, you know, we're talking about one of the sisters mentioned, finances, someone's going through a difficult time, they're struggling, that Allah blesses them with a good job and they make lots of money or whatever. And now they become happy and that can lead some people to now feel like they are better than others, that can lead them to look down upon others, right? And subhanAllah, one of the one of the worst crimes we can commit is to use what Allah has given us to oppress other people. Right? Subhan Allah, Allah gives us a blessing. And we use that to harm other people or bless other people. And

01:11:41 --> 01:12:08

without a doubt, that is a type of, of arrogance, right? That Subhan Allah is very, very problematic because everything we have is from Allah who has permanent data. So when we oppress others or looked down upon people or you know, mock other people because we have something that they don't, this is what Allah has pointed out to describe it here. The good of it, is when when Allah blesses someone with something or someone comes out of a calamity, and

01:12:10 --> 01:12:53

and Allah gives them some good, they become happy but that happy that happiness leads them to the following. They make sugar, right they think Allah who is penalized to Allah number two, they attribute those blessings to Allah. That they say Alhamdulillah they say Masha Allah they say this is by the will of Allah and that is why by the way, when we have something nice and something nice is or we attain something nice, we are supposed to say Masha Allah and we learned this in Surah tell KEF with the Sahaba agenda the people to people with the garden that the one who became arrogant he was told by the other person Lola is the health agenda tech occulta Masha Allah Nakota in Lebanon if

01:12:53 --> 01:13:31

you were to enter your garden, they lose amazing garden you have if you were to enter it and if you were to just say, masha Allah, it is by the will of Allah nelco What the 11th there's no power there's no mind other than Allah meaning it's not because of me. It's not like you know, I deserve this or I deserve and some people that's how they feel right? I got this because I deserve it. I got this because I'm better than you. Once again, we spoke about bliss yesterday, same problem, right? Bliss had the same problem. He he thought that he deserved that. Right? When No, it's from Allah who was penalized to Allah right? And so people they they they begin to feel that they deserve to remind

01:13:31 --> 01:13:36

us we say Masha Allah, right common misconception that people think that to fight

01:13:38 --> 01:13:56

evil eye or jealousy. We say Masha Allah, and that is actually not the case. And the prophets of Allah sent them told us an authentic hadith that if you see something in your brother that you like that you say, Now I want to test my deception students here. Does anyone remember what you're supposed to say?

01:13:58 --> 01:14:12

A lot and my Baddeck very good at handling that alarm about it. I don't these are my deception students are they already knew you make the art for them? We ask Allah to bless them right? May Allah bless you Allah you see someone has a nice car you said May Allah bless your car. May Allah give you better right now like

01:14:13 --> 01:14:46

give you even more even better right? And this is what you did so Allah spent the process Adam said that you make the offer ask Allah to bless what they have. Right? You can still say Masha Allah and sometimes people think that I'm telling them don't say Masha Allah it's wrong because they Masha Allah is not wrong because you can still say Masha Allah and some people are it's become so people are so used to it now that if you pray someone and you don't say mashallah, like they get really like, you know, they get really scared you know, people often is on time like you're like hey man, nice whatever, I don't know nice shirt, say Masha Allah say mashallah, right? Or like hey nice car,

01:14:46 --> 01:15:00

say Masha Allah like Yo man, calm down, like you know, it's not that big of a deal. And I don't think by the way, and we talked about this, those of you taking the step and I don't think it's appropriate to do that. I don't think it's appropriate to tell someone to say Masha Allah because what you're what we're really doing

01:15:00 --> 01:15:23

And here is where a key number one we're accusing the person of being jealous towards us in a way that's not okay. Right that's not okay to accuse someone to say hey man, I like I know in your heart like you really want it or whatever, you better say Masha Allah. Sometimes, and I haven't given these examples, Pamela, you know, I try to make it my habit. And I encourage people to do this as well. You know, part of the Sunnah of the press send them is to

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do things to make people feel good, right to bring bring positive feelings to people. And one of my practices I use all the time Subhanallah I see someone wearing something that I know they put effort into, right, because I care about the way I dress, I care about the way I look, I put effort into the way I dress and so on so forth. So when I recognize that in somebody else, I try to let them know, right? So I see someone's wearing, I don't know, some a nice shirt or whatever. I'm like, Hey, man, nice shirt. And subhanAllah if you wouldn't, if you've never done this, try it. You'll be surprised, especially guys, sisters. I think sisters are pretty good with this. Sisters complement

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one another all the time. Right. And I think it's almost like a it's like a secret contract. They have like an unwritten rule that if a sister wears something, someone someone's sisters got a compliment, or like a sister posts something on Instagram. Like there's like a I don't know. I don't know what the secret is. But I think maybe it's about five the contract says about five of your friends have to say, oh my god, so pretty. So nice, Masha, Allah, whatever. Like, he looks so good. Like, you know, or whatever, whatever comments. It's like, it's like an unwritten rule. Like at least five of your homies gotta like, gotta say something, right? Guys, guys will start mocking us

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for HANA law. Right? They will make fun of you. And people say like, that's their way of showing love. Nah, man. That's some toxic stuff. Right there. Okay, guys have feelings as well. So I think guys should be complementing one another. Right. So

01:16:49 --> 01:17:13

thank you for blessing my feet. Yeah. I'm so. So yeah. And so Pamela, there are some guys Subhanallah who are who've never been complimented in their life. Right. And I can and I know this because I sometimes you compliment compliment someone and people are like, so happy that you compliment them. Right? I remember I was somewhere at some public place and I saw some guy

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wearing some jays, right, some Jordans. And walking by, you know, he we made eye contact was like this awkward thing where you make eye contact somebody you don't know, like when you say, I'm like, Hey, nice, nice jays, man. And we walked by and he goes, what? He thought I said something like, and he's like, he turns around. He goes, what would you say? I said, I said, I said nice. JC you? Oh, oh, thanks, man. Wow, that that means a lot. Thank you so much. You know, like he was so happy. Like he was not expecting it. I know, nobody that would come in and just do before because he was just shocked. Right? Especially, possibly another guy is not complimented. He was shocked, right that

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somebody complimented him. And I'm like, subhanAllah how deprived are the brothers of compliments of how to look, you know? And so for the wives who are listening to this, compliment your husband and obviously husbands as well compliment your wives. And then even your children, you know, all relationships and how to love complement one another. The whole point of this, by the way, is that sometimes I'll compliment someone and someone will say to me, say mashallah, and I'm thinking in my head, I'm like, you know, I don't even really like that shirt. Right? Like, I would not wear that. I said, I said, Nice shirt, because I know you like it. I know you put effort into it. And you know

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what, for you? It's good. Like, it looks good on you. I would never wear it. I definitely don't want it like it's just not my style. It's not my thing, right? And I'm like, That's not cool that you just assume that I'm like, Hey, man, like I want your shirt. So you know that's why I complimented right so that so as I said, I don't think it's appropriate to say to someone Hey, say Masha Allah, that's number one. Number two, obviously the sun isn't saying Masha Allah the sun is saying Allahumma barik Mosh Oh, because it demotic Allah and I think someone posted in the chat Can you say Masha Allah devata koala? Yeah, you could add mashallah, there's nothing wrong with there's nothing

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wrong with saying Mashallah. And sometimes you can say mashallah to remind the person that it is from Allah, it's not from you, right? Saying Masha Allah the main purpose of saying Masha Allah is to remind ourselves that this is from Allah. So you look in the mirror like oh my gosh, like I'm looking good. today. I look nice. You say, masha Allah, right? It's not because of me. It is because of Allah who has hunted to Allah, whatever goodness and whatever good looks, I think I have it is from Allah. It's not because of me. So as we said, number one, they people were happy. But that happiness should lead them to make sure to attribute their blessing to Allah subhanaw taala. And

01:19:35 --> 01:19:58

three witches can be considered part of one, but it is to use your blessing for goodness. So if Allah has blessed you with something Allah has given you, whether whatever type of goodness, whether it's health, wealth, whatever it may be, to use that for goodness to either help people who are in need to use it to to in the pleasure of Allah Subhana Allah, that is the difference between the happiness or the joy

01:20:00 --> 01:20:41

which is the good type of joy and the joy that leads us to bad. So what Allah who's kind of like to Allah is describing here is the bad type of joy, that a person just came out of a calamity. And, and they now become so Subhanallah they become they become arrogant. And the word here was very interesting. We talked about that for now who that they gave a taste once again, this this amount, it's just a taste of it, right? It's just a taste. But what's interesting also the other word, which should have clicked for you, and hopefully you guys are used to this by now that Allah says vida, de missa to that after a, after some adversity or calamity has touched them, Why did Allah use the word

01:20:41 --> 01:20:44

touch? This Mina, who knows?

01:20:46 --> 01:21:06

The word touch that a calamity has touched after a calamity has touched them. Why didn't Allah say, for example, Lakota, after a calamity has come upon them, or after they have experienced a calamity. It's been done. already. I see a couple hands. I just cleared the hands just in case anyone was contributing to the previous questions. No, you reverse. So let's hear from you Inshallah, go right ahead.

01:21:10 --> 01:21:13

Um, I actually think that's because

01:21:14 --> 01:21:28

touch you can actually feel it. So if you're touched by a calamity, you can actually feel it in your body or anywhere else in your body or in your mind. Or if it's a physical calamity, you can actually feel it.

01:21:29 --> 01:22:07

I'm using the same words, but that's what I think it means. Awesome, awesome. Hamdulillah. And I'm not going to ask you to like, Tell me your life story or whatever. But I would imagine that that could be something which is personal to you, right? So sometimes when we go through a calamity, like I'm this way, right? Like, it becomes personal for me, like I often ask myself, like, what is happening? And I feel when I go through difficulty that I'm being touched by that calamity. Like it's very personal, it's affected me directly, right? So very good. That personal reflection is, is I'm assuming Allahu Allah right? But we all want a calamity comes upon as we our reaction to it or

01:22:07 --> 01:22:12

the way we perceive it can be different. So some people that were,

01:22:13 --> 01:22:26

you know, mess being touched by calamity, immediately, they can recall how it feels to be in a calamities Allah is bringing this to life here for us, giving us a very visceral, that's the word I was looking for a visceral

01:22:27 --> 01:22:44

example here, right? Very good. What else? What else? Amazing. Next, let's take um, you've had too many ages now. Okay, let's take Aisha is from London garden at a time, you can never have too many I can never had ever had too many will have magic never have too many ideas have been.

01:22:48 --> 01:22:49

So I think that

01:22:50 --> 01:23:24

when someone has been touched by a calamity, in this sense, I think it's something that has happened for a short amount of time. But something that's touched them. And it's not something that has endured for a long time. Like it's not, it's in the dunya. So it's only for a short amount of time. And it's not in here afterwards for a long time or the rest of you know, however long allow us to punish them. But it's not. It's not a short. It's only for a short amount of time, because it's in the turn. Yeah. Very good. Very good. So look, that's another you know, that's somebody else who's now reflecting upon this. And they have a very different different, but yeah, it is a different take

01:23:24 --> 01:24:01

on that. But this is what to double it does, right allows us to really personalize and think about, okay, when I hear this, you know, personalizing the message, what does this mean to me? Right? When Allah says, After a calamity has touched them to this sister, she may think you know what, it means that it was temporary. Right? And that's a very good point. That's correct. The point that any calamity that we face in this life is nothing compared to the calamity of the of the of the afterlife, may Allah protect us and save us from the calamity of the AFA even even spamela compared to just the punishment of the grave, may Allah protect all of us and save us in our families, from

01:24:01 --> 01:24:33

the punishment of the grave, even just before we get to the afterlife, before we get to, you know, the love protectors to hellfire and so on and so forth. Just this that just the grave, you know, it's nothing, it's nothing. So this is what Allah is trying to add is, is is, you know, kind of bringing that about here that, you know, it's just we touched them with a calamity. Just the idea and when I think of touch also, I think of just touching like it's a very light right it's just very light it doesn't have it doesn't hurt that much. You touch someone I remember as as kids, we me and my sister would would fight were close in age for about two and a half years apart. So obviously

01:24:33 --> 01:24:47

close somebody would fight whatever. It was always like, you know, we'd be fighting and then she'd like Mom, Dad, like sad hit me ball. I'm like, No, I barely touched her. I barely touched her and be like, no, like, I'm like, She's exaggerating. That's not true.

01:24:48 --> 01:25:00

But that's what that's what I was what I thought 100 up. What else? Let's take a couple. Maybe one more hand inshallah. Okay, let's see, let's see a new hand. I have a bad memory. So it could be someone who's smoking before. This is where

01:25:00 --> 01:25:03

extend your favorite but Lena from reorg, let's hear from you in Sharla.

01:25:05 --> 01:25:07

Okay, hi, Renee come.

01:25:08 --> 01:25:53

Surprisingly, I had never noticed that word there until you point pointed it out. But the first thing I thought of, and I think it's surprisingly in sync is the Hadith from amateur Selim about how life like about how he makes like a line through a box, and to show calamity, he shows little lines touching the line that represents our life. And so I think it's interesting that touch was also used here because it's completely instinct with how the Prophet explained calamities, to the Sahabas about how it's little things that are meant to touch you, but the protection of Allah causes otherwise, because that's like fate. It's already written that you would, but with prayers, etc.

01:25:53 --> 01:26:11

That's something that could be avoided. But yeah, that's all very good, very good. Abdullah Zakka lucky, second lucky. Okay, let's move on to the next verse. And we're running out of time. So no matter how much time we have, we're gonna run out of time. So since you have so you're always gonna look like the bad guy, you know, because we're always running out of time. It's

01:26:12 --> 01:26:14

always your phone, just you gotta use your phone.

01:26:16 --> 01:27:02

So as we said, case, number one, someone who difficulty after ease and basically their reaction to it case number two, ease after difficulty and their reaction to it. And then law says in Now, so this is this is a lesson in the canal insert, right? We give people a taste, right people. And then the next verse, Allah says, that now who? That same person, right, meaning this is how people generally are. And the exception to that is the following. So now in verse number 11, which is our third verse For today, Allah gives the exception in the Latina Savile Row, except those who are patient. Well, I mean, a Saudi had, and they do good deeds and righteous or righteous deeds. So

01:27:02 --> 01:27:17

those are the exception. Right? So now that's the exception. How do we make sure that we don't fall into those categories of the previous two cases? Right. We don't want to be a case study from there were two things Allah mentioned in the medina in the medina Subbarao where I made a slightly hot

01:27:18 --> 01:27:35

those who are patient and those who do righteous deeds and then Allah mentions their reward hula a kind of Houma Farah, for them there is forgiveness what can be there is forgiveness and a mighty or a great reward question for you.

01:27:36 --> 01:27:49

Normally, in many verses, we see Allah who's Panwa to Allah mentioned Aladdin, Manu or Emilio Sala hat, those who believe or have faith and they do righteous deeds. We hear that a lot.

01:27:51 --> 01:27:52

Even in sort of Lhasa

01:27:54 --> 01:28:02

in the medina Iman who I mean a solid heart and so on and so forth. In this verse, it's different. Allah says in an inland Medina Savile Row why?

01:28:03 --> 01:28:09

Why is this verse mentioned Saba instead of Eman? That's question number one. This is

01:28:11 --> 01:28:17

why Sabah what is the significance of Sabah over here so patience instead of some as I said normally

01:28:19 --> 01:28:43

lending and I'm gonna slowly hide those who have faith and as you do righteous deeds in this verse and Medina inland Edina Sabado while I'm in the Saudi heart now Masha Allah we got automatically already so let's let's okay guys please forgive me for any kind of unfairness here. I'm trying to just kind of split it up so that we get some new names as well. But I see his wrestle Donna from Riyadh. Let's hear from you in sha Allah.

01:28:45 --> 01:28:47

Okay, Salam Alikum.

01:28:48 --> 01:29:36

Allah, okay. So my reflection is that usually, the suburb here means that when a calamity strikes us, we accept that immediately as other and we accept as a part of our father. And we have patients through it. So that is like saying that you accept what has been decreed for you by Allah. So here, this is how I'm reflecting it. So that means that subber that I'm having that time and then I proceed on to do good deeds, and I stay firm in my feet. This is kind of how I'm trying to

01:29:37 --> 01:29:59

reflect on it are trying to understand when Allah says in this is about suburb, very so let's say I have lost some which is very dear to me. At that time, I'm not losing it. I'm saying no, this is good for me. And Allah there is something good for me in this so I accept this decree of Allah for me. So I am having some

01:30:00 --> 01:30:00


01:30:01 --> 01:30:13

very good. Very good. That's it. That's very good. That's the West does a big point of relevance here. Look, some of our scholars have said that from the application of patience, like one of the ways we we are patient,

01:30:14 --> 01:30:55

one of the ways patients is manifest is by waiting, right? So we're waiting, a believer will wait for relief or for victory. As we said, as Allah has power with Allah said that there are those who in the whole Laos and before right in a previous that last month, Allah said that there are those who become utterly desperate and ungrateful. Nothing nothing good is ever going to happen. My situation is never going to change it's just it's just the way it is. But a believer is supposed to be someone in the lineage of slavery those are patient they say you know what, it's not good right now. I know that victory is coming or I know that help is coming I know relief is coming. So that is

01:30:55 --> 01:31:05

that that pay the patience is the key here in both of the previous cases that we have mentioned very good. What else what else do we have? Let's hear from Lydia from Indonesia the app if we unmute inshallah

01:31:10 --> 01:31:25

Okay have you seen that or him? For me that this is connected with the before that always been what Allah has mentioned with Rama and Laura Amin about this too, it's come from Allah and how to read we

01:31:27 --> 01:31:35

how do we act from this to is just by Sauber that are all like if Rama in the right messages because of this

01:31:40 --> 01:31:55

Yeah, very good, very good. So this is this is this is exactly this is the answer to the previous verses right wishes this is what is required was Saba is what is required that is what is relevant here. Question for you. Eman is not mentioned. Right.

01:31:57 --> 01:31:58

Why would Allah leave out Iman.

01:32:00 --> 01:32:18

So instead of Eman, there's I'm going to slowly hat. Well, what is? Why is that the case? So if we're you know, we're talking about Iman, normally Allah would say, let the elite and what I mean the salah had the Eman is not is not here, or is it? What do you think this mean that

01:32:19 --> 01:32:22

any thoughts on what you man is not mentioned here?

01:32:23 --> 01:32:32

If anyone has a head for the previous question, if you can lower it just to make sure that I don't accidentally pick on you. But let's hear from for those from Dublin for this question.

01:32:38 --> 01:33:12

I'm thinking. So what I'm getting from this image is not mentioned because the only the people who have basically it's mentioned indirectly with the sovereign, because the people who have sovereign automatically believe in Allah and believe in their word that they get from Allah. So when they are afflicted by something, they turn back towards Allah with their belief and ask Allah for help to guide them through the calamity that has stricken them. You're almost there. You're almost in what you said is not incorrect. Right. The people of Eman should have saba. But

01:33:13 --> 01:33:50

it's the next one. I mean, a solid heart. Can a person do righteous deeds without Eman? Know, right, at least what Allah has found that yeah, we can do good. We can do good deeds in this life, right? To be nice to people and so on and so on and so forth, but deeds that will benefit us in the earth era. Right. It has to be preceded our deeds have to be preceded by Eman. That's why you know, pillars of you know, are the five pillars of Islam. First is the shahada, the Kadima not uniting Allah, and then we have the actions that come after that, right. And that's why it is and so I saw in the chat, some people said it's assumed, yes, it's assumed. And it's and it's understood here,

01:33:50 --> 01:34:03

right that this is this way. I mean, there's no I'm going to slow the heck, that they do good deeds without being preceded by a man but to show the importance of Saba, Allah has PandaDoc put Saba first here. Is that clear?

01:34:05 --> 01:34:46

Okay, next question. Allah subhanaw taala. We're out of time, we've had a lot. Oh, we'll do this quick. So Allah said, except those who have patience, right, and those who do righteous deeds, and just to quickly mention here, patience is not just a feeling patience is also action, right? Or sometimes it's a lack of action, right? And so So generally, patients when things are out of our control, and so on, so forth, it's a lack of complaining that has no benefit, right, or complaining to Allah, meaning seeking Allah's assistance, rather than complaining and getting upset, and so on and so forth. So there's action that goes with patience, right? So patience is not just the feeling

01:34:46 --> 01:34:59

of a patient has the patience has to be manifest on our limbs, on our tongue, on our behavior, and so on and so forth. Somebody cuts you off on the highway. It takes patience to not I don't know yell at the person, or, I don't know flick them off or something.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:14

Oh, please don't do that. But for some people that may need patience, and you know what, I'm not going to show any make a gesture or whatever. That's patience. So once again, there's that tie in there as well. And then Allah mentioned as we said their reward who like Allah? Farah?

01:35:15 --> 01:35:22

Why did Allah say that they will have forgiveness? If they're already doing what's what's right. So what is the forgiveness for here?

01:35:24 --> 01:35:37

Just meaning that you get the question to stop. So you got the question? No, I did not get the question. No. Okay. I figured I did it. Did I look lost? No, I just figured I'll ask you, you generally you're a good representation of the body of students. So I would say

01:35:39 --> 01:36:02

maybe quite a lot of people who probably didn't get it. So the question is, Allah said that except those who have patients and do good deeds, they will have forgiveness. So generally, you would see forgiveness being mentioned in context of doing something bad, or, you know, or Toba and Mr. Fogg and so on and so forth. But no sin has been committed here. They're doing what is right. What is the significance of mentioning monk Veera here?

01:36:04 --> 01:36:06

Got it. Got it this time.

01:36:08 --> 01:36:18

I saw another name I think a newer name sr asiyah. From London, let's hear from you in Sharla already had so many in this context.

01:36:19 --> 01:36:22

When when it been referring to

01:36:24 --> 01:36:25


01:36:27 --> 01:36:29

I kind of lost my train of thoughts now.

01:36:30 --> 01:36:56

Can you repeat the question? Yeah, yeah. So the question is, what is the significance? Forgiveness has been mentioned as a reward here, for those who are patient and those who do righteous deeds, as opposed to forgiveness being mentioned in the context of Toba like repentance and seeking forgiveness and so on and so forth. So what why would forgiveness be mentioned? Why would forgiveness you mentioned here in this context is forgiveness sorry, yeah, isn't acting as mercy

01:36:59 --> 01:37:03

Okay, in what sense? And so

01:37:06 --> 01:37:27

in the process name will be some ease and therefore no v mass in fact, that name will come out of meat stronger, because summer is a process. Absolutely. I agree with that. 100% But once again, most Vietnamese forgiveness like so Allah will forgive them. What are they being forget what's what's what are what are they being forgiven for here?

01:37:31 --> 01:37:49

No worries. Well, well, we'll we'll get to someone else. Insha Allah. All right. I mean, I don't mean to put people on the spot. But you know, I like to talk through these things. How do I get your get you thinking? shuttleq? Yeah. Awesomesauce. Let's go with Masuda from South Africa. Thank you for being patient, Mr. Beck. Go right ahead.

01:37:51 --> 01:38:10

It's downright eco. Allah radical said our global Academy, I'm going to assume that the reward here is for the summer, right. So the for all the server that they've had, that'll be the greatest reward, and the forgiveness would be for any previous sins that they might have committed. So if they might have

01:38:11 --> 01:38:50

done good deeds and marsali had now when they're in that position of having to go through this hardship in Allah subhanho wa Taala assisting them. So they have forbearance they have somebody in that moment, and then obviously, for them to be successful then and to receive that that forgiveness would be for previous anything previously that they might have committed essence. That's that's my thought process right here. No, you're right. And actually there is basically emphasizes a principle that we already have in the deen from other sources. So for example, we have the famous Hadith of the prostitutes and them. I mentioned this I hate and same applies for Muslim. Male usually when

01:38:50 --> 01:39:31

Muslim nurses have been well, I've also been well, I have been hesitant, while other Walla means that there is no fatigue, nor disease, or sorrow or sadness, nor heart nor distress that befalls a Muslim had the Shoka you Shakira, even the pricking of a thorn, that would thorn that would prick them in Mecca for Allah who behalf haha Hapa except that ALLAH removes through it, their sins, right? So the whole idea is, you know, we're talking about calamities, and so on and so forth, that when we are patient, that's a way for our sins to be forgiven. Right? So this is a milkflow that Allah is mentioning, also, another famous hadith of our Sydenham, where Misha is a Muslim, where the

01:39:31 --> 01:39:59

President said that the affair of the believer is strange, all of their matters all of their affairs are good and that is only for the believer, right? And what is that? That if they have an occasion in a Salah to Salah, check out an account of saying Allah if they're, if they are basically they are faced with? Sorry if they if they something good happens to them, right? They're happy, something that makes them that brings happiness to them. That

01:40:00 --> 01:40:39

At the chakra, they show gratitude they show thanks for kind of highroller it is better for them, Allah obviously rewards them for their gratitude. And also Allah gives them more because of their gratitude, what Inessa to Dawn law, and if a calamity or hardship comes upon them Sagara bacana Highlander and if they are patient, sorry, if a calamity comes upon them, they're patient, and that is better for them. Right? So this Moke Farah is that, you know, I want to show patients that we get that reward of our as you know, our sister mentioned our other sins being forgiven, right? So that is that that honor that Allah who's I don't like to Allah is giving to this person. And then

01:40:39 --> 01:40:55

obviously, we have ALLAH SubhanA. Allah said, Kabir and a great reward. So not only our sins forgiven, were given a great reward in the US. And we ask Allah whose panel data to make us of those, that we are patient and we do righteous deeds.

01:40:57 --> 01:41:35

The Great is the great reward Janna Absolutely, absolutely. That it's a reward of the afterlife, that award of genuine so we ask Allah to find out and make us amongst those mentioned in this verse, that we are past present patient and we follow that up with righteous deeds, and we attain Allah's forgiveness and we attained gender and for those a lot mean will Allahu Allah Allah Subhana Allah Humala behenic, a shadow Allah, stockbroker were to Lake Xochimilco, she said that was that was worth the extra little bit of time I'll take the blame day and night I think there's the editor with that blame insha Allah as well say Masha Allah, say Masha Allah. Allah robotic my shots about

01:41:35 --> 01:41:38

Aquila. There you go. There you go.

01:41:40 --> 01:41:58

All right, just like a look at our shift in sha Allah. That is our first session of Quranic reflections for this week, day. 11 Shahzad, we're back with you for three days this week and then we have our guest teachers like your second second second second session of Quranic reflections. Oh yes, it was yesterday I didn't count though because it was late so it's fine No, no, I count it count

01:42:00 --> 01:42:01

good stuff yesterday Hamdulillah

01:42:02 --> 01:42:33

we had some good stuff coming Yeah, exactly. And mashallah, we're getting more and more hands these days. So it's lovely to see some new names contributing mashallah thank you to everyone who's been consistently doing so. But it's so nice to see that you've inspired others to also jump ahead and to be part of the experience of reflecting in sha Allah, we are going to be rejoined. Tomorrow with you guys. Tomorrow is going to be day number 12 of Ramadan. 360. Just a couple of reminders before you go one actually shifts I did mention that's a good point. Do make sure that you're you guys are catching up on the recordings if you miss any of the sessions. And handling especially for grounding

01:42:33 --> 01:43:02

reflections is kind of short, you guys already know it's after the first 45 minutes or so of class. So you guys can just pop over and cover anything that you've missed that you guys are staying on track with us. If you guys have not yet already, please make sure that you register for the challenge at Green and make sure that you are part of that that's also a great experience where you guys can also be part of the story. We be the heroes of the experience. Learn how to recite and be part of a community that's actively looking to improve on the same thing in sha Allah Allah that has already started today but the recording is already up and Insha Allah we

01:43:02 --> 01:43:32

can see you tomorrow for day number two live at 2pm PST 7pm UK time does that look good to everyone who's so consistently joining attending from the beginning to the end of the sessions keeping their cameras on we see you we appreciate you Masha Allah, and I know it's harder and it's especially being part of the smaller crowd who's doing it but shout out to all of you who are turning our cameras on throughout the session as soon as you were there most of us have been asked and rain and Ibrahim for those sisters Donea and there were several others mashallah who were on throughout the session designed to look out for being with us. And one final shout out to our amazing friends at

01:43:33 --> 01:43:44

forgotten women in the UK Islamic Relief in Canada and h h rd in the US make sure you're supporting them generously throughout Ramadan. It just like the look at our once again a cinema alaykum warahmatullahi

with Sh Mohammad Elshinawy

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