Saad Tasleem – Catching Up with Me

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics including the upcoming Facebook ad, a new edition of the show, and a promotion for a new series. They emphasize the importance of making one's own clothing and creating a fashion line that suits everyone. They also discuss the challenges of parenting children and the benefits of being a father, including preserving culture and learning from one's parents' opinions. The speakers suggest that "rocky mother" methods may be a better option for parents, but it is not a universal solution. They also discuss the use of various methods for learning and understanding the rules of the Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
AI: Transcript ©
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a tagalong discussion. I'm your host Ben outside and today we have special guest sounds asleep. Do you want to talk out loud as loud as you know, you could be super loud, man. I'm super loud. I'm just kidding me. So this Tagalog discussion is gonna be in two parts. Part one is going to be on Assad's channel. So if you haven't already subscribed to him on YouTube, subscribe now slash shop yet to stream slash start to flame. Part two is going to be on the local channel. Yep. So we're going to be Part one is going to be about like kind of like is what we've got going on. And Part two is going to be about kind of like level of life,

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and how sad bleeds purple.

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But the funny thing is, I'm the one that's wearing purple. Yeah, not sure if I shout out to Chicago for for this shirt. So that's a nice shirt though. I like it. I've washed it three times. And the color is still good. So props to you guys. not so subtle advertising right here.

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So as you can see that this is super, super informal. And, and the equipment has to be very touchy. So

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So this way I can slap the table and point at the Nestle soul advertising. I don't know what

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your Hold on, hold on.

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Stop this thing collection.

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I don't know what it is that cell phone. That's what it is. Okay, guys, be

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Be sure to go ahead and Google that. It's gonna sound I mean, that's what I hear. Okay, yeah, you can go there. And there's some information on there. Yeah, cuz it's got your name on it. Right? Yeah, just yeah.

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So yeah, man, it's been a while. And by the way, guys, we just finished up recording hashtag season three. So finally, finally, finally, a year later, I actually didn't know if it's coming back because this guy decided to just get up and move to a different city. So and I already hooked this guy up with everything that he needed to continue producing content. But

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high production value, man, it's got I just got spoiled with the high production value. So

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how high production is this?

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Actually, it's pretty high production. It will be amazing to you. It looks like kind of ghetto and stuff. But to me, there's like a lot of stuff here. A lot of cameras, you got the lights. There's a lot going on. Yeah, but here's the thing. I'm gonna put it out there right now, guys. I told Saad that he should go ahead and revisit every one of your 30 plus hash tag videos, and do an expanded edition Extended Cut extended, Ultimate Edition, kind of like, you know, go 1015 minutes into each video, the videos of themselves, like, what, 123 minutes each is short. So and the cool thing about the hashtag stuff was like, You know what, let's not do lectures, everybody who lectures Yeah, but

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even now, a lot of people do snippets of lectures, but because there's already kind of an audience. Yeah, around the kind of kind of the ability to put out, it would be cool for you to give more added value to Yeah, well, I think it's a great idea. Because they're like, a couple minutes. And then we can just expand. I mean, there's a lot you can say a lot more you can say no doubt for the people who want it, you know, they can get the Extended Cut version. And when you do here's the other thing that's a this is all about disseminating content and stuff. If you do those recordings, you have a decent mic, right? You can put it out there. And then if you do 30 recordings like that, then that

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could be repurposed as a podcast.

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It's good idea. You know what? I'm I'll record it and send it out to you. You can edit it up for me.

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Look, it's on tape. He's officially agreed. Yes. Yes. I'm just saying all you gotta do is just do your thing. Do it national. Get it out. We'll get it out. We'll get it out. And the other thing is one thing about me is I'm always promising content to people. Oh, it's coming. It's coming in. And like it's super slow. And in the meantime, I promise it's coming soon. Yeah, no, without a deadline, right. This is the artist dilemma, right? This is like you can't put a deadline on these guys. No, but in the meantime, you can just fly down to Houston and just walk in right here. Sure. And I'm always down. Oh, down to come to Houston. Our high production value

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held together by gaffers tape brought to you by something like that. I don't know what that is.

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He's spent five minutes trying to get that thing to to stay up. I

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don't know what that I don't know.

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Yeah, let's talk about this in question. What do you got going on here? Well, this is something that I want to do actually for a long time. Okay. Is come out with Okay, let me be honest. Yeah, not so much a calling line. What I've wanted to do for a long time is make my own clothes. Okay. One of the things that like your own fashion through science Yeah, like I'd rather make my own stuff is started in Medina because you can go there and get like a thorough made. Yeah. to your specifications. Yeah, tell him and his chief common

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Like, it's very common, okay? Because it's so cheap like compared to like a ready made off the shelf though. It's like a 10 $15 difference. So I'm not like yeah dollars realize I did the I did the math for the exchange rate whatever, gotcha but approximately So I've when I was in Medina, I was just got my own stuff made. And then coming back to the states and shopping and buying stuff. One of the problems that always had is that if I'm wearing a shirt, say I go to like h&m or wherever, yeah, I buy that shirt. I know why someone

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someone in the audience is probably wearing the same shirt. Yeah, right. Someone's got that same shirt or whatever for you to have like that unique factors like Yeah, exactly. And then look, I understand like, it's a lot of has to do with how you put it together. And that's cool as well. Yeah. But to make my own stuff, the way I want it to be something that I always want to do. So it was like, the clothing line is kind of an extension of that, like, I'm doing it for myself. Why not share it with a certain amount of people? That's why

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is that why you come out with a limited? Yeah, so it's it's a collection rights collection? It's very limited. Yeah. This coming collection is coming soon, inshallah it's on the way.

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It's four to five pieces for four or five designs, we settled on the last one yet. And 100 pieces of each of each. Gotcha. And that's like four or 500 pieces. Yeah. And it that's it. And that's it. Once it's done, that salt is gone is done, it's gone. And you will never see that same piece being done by us ever again. Like next season, we're gonna do new designs. We're moving on, like, I'm sure people will copy like our designs and stuff, right. But we don't care cuz we're done. That's like it's done. We've made it. But that's kind of, I mean, that's kind of how the fashion industry is. Yeah. Right. Like, they always come out with a season of clothes, brand or whatever. Yeah. And then,

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but it's just like, let me ask you this. What is it that makes some of the stuff that you're making? What's unique about it? Well, first of all comes from my sense of style.

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Fashion is a word that I don't reject. It is very subjective. I don't like the word fashion was what's stylish is what you feel the best in like, if you feel good, and like you can put on the most fashionable clothes. Yeah. But if you don't feel good in it, you know, it's funny to talk about feeling good. So local high school here. So one of the guys who's rolling running around in slippers. Like, what are you doing that? is like, what are you running slippers for is like, Ah, you know, I was late for school, whatever, blah, blah, I'm like, and it's like, oh, it's raining and whatever. I'm like, Look, get yourself a nice decent pay. Like, you know, there's a couple of

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different brands of shoes in which like, if got wet, or whatever, in Houston, it rains a lot, right? So if you're going to be going in between buildings and whatnot, your feet are going to get wet. If you got like, you know, kind of a water resistant type of sneakers and shoes still have all the functionality. You'd be cool. They say dominancy they're not brand name. And I'm like, What are you talking about? This is like, Who cares? It was brand name or not? It hits it fits your functionality. It does what you want to do. And they look good. So who cares if they're like not Nike, or Reebok or Adidas or what have you? Yeah, I agree. I'm also gonna say this icky. You can go

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too far in the other direction, too. Like I shouldn't things. At least me personally. You're free to do whatever you want to do, right? Like, who cares what people think. But me personally, certain lines should never be crossed.

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or even worse, even worse, socks and then putting crocs on or socks and sandals, socks and crocs together just defeats the purpose. Right, but that doesn't remove the fact that they're terribly ugly, atrocious, atrocious.

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We're gonna get a bunch of hate comments right now. buddy who wears crocs actually, who actually wears crocs? There's a lot of people are really happy. What crocs Yeah, why? First of all, there's like a lot of professionals that were like certain professions, I think, like nurses and stuff. Really? People were on their feet a lot, I think. Okay. I don't know. Um, but yeah, they're pretty cool. They're very common. crocs are not comfortable. I don't know. I don't know if people say they're comfortable. So what are comfortable on bare feet? So

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different story? different story, right? Are you gonna worry about when I started about a month ago, I know party's about Mongo. Yeah. But um, when I started with

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one of the instructors not gonna say who I won't put anybody on blast, but one instructors like, you know, you're gonna be teaching now you're gonna be standing for hours, right? We start at 10am. And it's seven, I think. Yeah. So they're like, you know, there's the shoes. You gotta buy these shoes. They're like, really comfortable. And he's like, you know, bunch of instructors have them. Look at me, I'll check them out. And then I saw the shoes. They're like, Oh, and I was like, dude, I'm not wearing those. Like, I will be uncomfortable for 12 hours, but I'm not putting those on. Yeah. So I don't know for me, like I said certain lines. I don't cross. But like I said, teach their own you

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know, if you feel good, you do you. Right. So, but no judgement here know, a little bit of judgment. But I'm curious. I remember the the first edition of your Southwest themed collection. Was it the one from Malaysia? Yeah. So people thought

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So that is what happened was that what happened was for I want to do like a soft launch, right? Just to get the idea out there that I'm coming out with a clothing line just to get people used to the idea because I get it, you know, like public speaker or shit, whatever. And then like a fashion line, it's like, it's just weird, right? Don't really I mean, I don't know how many people know this. But I mean, I know you mentioned it, but like, you've got a design background. Yeah, I do. I do. I have a design an art background. So yeah, it's for me, it's completely natural. And that's what really no jive. Well, this is a Yeah, I mean,

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honestly, there's very few instructors that I can explain a concept design was advertising wise, communication wise, and you get it right. And we can just get right into the crux of the content of what to display where other people's just like no one like this one. Like that was like What are you talking about? That doesn't even make any sense. I call it client talk. Yeah, like make it pop? Make it? You know? Yeah, exactly. What's the objective you're trying to accomplish? Like, you just wanted to pop? Like, but, but like having? And I would assume that a big portion of that design background lends itself into the fashion. Definitely, definitely, definitely, like I said, for me is completely

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natural. It's a natural thing to do. But I get that for people who don't know me. Don't understand my design background. Like it's, it seems weird. So just to get that idea out there. I did like a soft launch, which was, we'd printed some shirts, and just had like a little design on a T shirt. Just you know, we sold like a certain amount. There are limited amounts on so people thought we're a T shirt company. And I'm like, No, no, no, no, we're not. We're not a T shirt company. There's a lot of T shirt companies out there. Yeah, the T shirt market is actually super saturated. Yeah, like everyone's doing t shirts. We're not doing so easy to make a T shirt design. Obviously, you get

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whatever t shirts unless your T shirt is like one thing that I haven't seen from t shirt companies, if people actually use that dry fit material, the polyester blend. So there's like a very small percent population that's interesting that people like you, and then that

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fits so well. It looks good. You can go through hundreds of washes, and it still doesn't fade. And it's like, yeah, and the thing is, as long as it looks normal not. It doesn't look like yes, if it's active wear right. Like it's something that you could wear to your normal everyday stuff. But it's still like fashionable. Yeah, look, I mean, look, I'm not saying I'm never gonna do a T shirt. Actually, who knows? Maybe in like a summer collection, we might add a T shirt, but it is. It's what you said. It's about how you do it. Right. It's about the fabric. It's about the feel. It's also about the cut. It's about what you put on there. So yeah, you're right. It does. You can do cool

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stuff with it. But I just want to be like, we're not a T shirt line. Guys. This is that way. reproduced another thing Yeah, we're not we're not doing those t shirts anymore. Like I said, if we do a T shirt, it's gonna be over the show. Yeah. I'm always rocking it. He had. Yeah, he looks good in it. Yeah.

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I'll put up a picture or something. Yeah. Yeah. But no more people wanted those. And I was considering doing another run. And I was like, Nah, not gonna do because I don't like that principles. I look, we're done. We're done. Yeah. And that's the idea. Right? So I like I'm okay with sharing my clothes with about 100 people, right? Yeah. Beyond that, sorry. That's why every piece and I'm gonna be I'm very, I'm personally gonna be wearing this stuff, right? You're gonna see me wearing it at my classes, conferences or whatever, you know, formal events or whatever. And so I'm going to be wearing this and you know, I'm okay with having about 100 people in the world having

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the same day. It would just be awkward. Like, more than that. I'm like, I like the idea that okay, it's done is done. Yeah. And

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it also keeps it interesting for me. And, you know, I mean, Ivan designer works me as well. He's actually a fashion designer. But it keeps things interesting for us as well, because we don't want to just do the same stuff over again, we have to challenge ourselves every six months or every year to come out with new fresh designs. Yeah. So what has been the challenge as far with the second with the next one, like you're talking about? It's gonna be soon, but I would assume that there's been whatever delays, there have been delays. I mean, there's this Obviously, we've been talking about this for a long time. Our Instagram pages have Yeah, we have a Facebook page checked out by the way,

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we're on Instagram satsang collection.

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But yeah, we've been talking about for a while. So one of the one of the big challenges was

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having my designs, having our designs

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come out exactly the way we wanted it. So for me, like I said, this is personal for me, like I'm gonna be wearing these clothes. So before even like, the people are gonna be buying this coat, I have to be 100% happy with them. So those little details like making sure everything is the way I wanted, things have to look a certain way. Okay, and not to feel a certain way.

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I don't want to give away too much. But so one of reasons we have a pattern or a print on

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on the garment. Okay. So the way that that that print is done, like you can do it in different ways. You can do a digital transfer, you can do screen printing, etc. Yeah, exactly. So and all of that makes it into sublimation.

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Present the material that you write. Exactly, exactly. So. So when you screen print something on to a fabric, it's gonna feel different. It's gonna look different in certain lights, as opposed to made like digital printing. Okay, so just that little detail, make sure that looks right. Look, make sure it looks the way I wanted it to look. Okay. And so we've been, we've have our to do that it is it? Definitely. I mean, this is even like me, in my mind and my designer as well. moraine. for both of us. He's very passionate about it as well. We're super passionate about making sure it's it is it is honestly, like, I know this sounds cliched, but yeah, it's a business as well. Don't get me wrong,

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but for me, it's it's the process of creating it. Like that's the fun part. For me. Everything else is like I sound like I need somebody else to handle like the business side of it. Because first of all, I don't have time for that. Yeah. Second of all, it's completely boring to me. I'm not interested in that, like I'm interested in just like the creation process. Yeah, creating the this all of those detail details. It's about the details. Yeah. And that's, that's the other thing, right? Because we're doing a limited amount. And I'll just be honest with you, it's gonna be a little pricey. And I understand. Yeah. So and I understand that most people are not going to really,

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I don't know, maybe they will appreciate those little details, but some people will. Yeah, that like the stitching, and it's not like the small subtle things that we did. It's for the people who will appreciate that. Yeah. So that's why, you know, that's what it's for. It's for a limited market time. Yeah. And so is okay, you have a particular cut and things like that. So, and it's something that you're looking at yourself. So is it fair to say somebody with your body type would be the appropriate fit for it? So we're trying to be as versatile as possible. Okay, right. I can't guarantee this gonna fit everybody perfectly.

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Because my challenge like yeah, just to be frank, right. Yeah. Like, I can do t shirts and activewear. Easy. And I think that's how active was designed. Yeah. But if I go and get myself like a decent color shirt, yeah. Do I have to spend literally hour and a half at the shopping store trying every other different kind of shirt? And finally, when one fits, yeah, I, it's hard for me to find another one just like it. Even when it doesn't matter, I still have to tailor it. Look, I've the same problem. So we did keep that in mind. And we're trying to be to design the clothes in a way that it will look good on a variety of different body shapes.

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So we're trying our best to cater to as many people as possible. Like I said, it's about how you feel in it. Right. Like you don't feel good in clothing.

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Yeah, other than the fact they have to cover yourself.

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You can do that with

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anything, if it's just about covering. I mean, yeah, you can, yeah, just pure functions. Like what were the harm. I mean, that's, you know, that's very close to what the person would wear sometimes, you know, just two pieces of cloth. You know, just the one on the bottom, one of the top, you know, being a cook. There you go. But that fulfills the requirement. Yeah. So cool. So, you know, you are dead. Right? Yeah. A bit of debt for what, almost two years now? A year and a half year and a half? Yeah. How's that? Like, how is that different transitioning man, it's, it's changed my life. Like I know, once again, I know that sounds very cliched. And if I actually, you know, listening to myself,

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like if I heard if I heard someone saying, like, yeah, I'm a dad now and it changed my life. I'd be like, Okay, I get it. But I still can't help myself from saying that because that's the truth. That's the reality of it. I've experienced things that I never thought I experienced. I've been through how if you were to articulate those feelings, like what would you say? Okay, so one of the best ways I would say is a quote that I found, I don't remember whose quote it is, and I'm not I can't quote it exactly. Because I remember the exact paraphrasing.

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The quote says something like having a child is like, having your heart be outside of your body walking around. Interesting, right? Okay. So and that's, that's, that's how it feels. That like, this is a piece of me, like my heart. Like, it's this thing that's walking around like that. It's that dear to me. Like, love. Like a lot of people still even love it. You just protective of it. It's Yeah, it's it's a lot of comes from that love. Right? Like, I think a lot of people who, unless you have children, and this is where I've come to right now. I don't think you've experienced the full extent of love, like look, growing up. I love my parents, right? My mom, I love my mom a lot.

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And I was like, okay, that's that's love. Like, that's what? Wife, right? Like, okay, love, passion, all that kind of stuff. Like, okay, that's the intensity of love. And then I had my child. And then I'm like, I've never experienced love to this capacity, okay? And I have no qualms with saying that, like my mom, or my wife or whatever. But I don't love them. Like with the intent I love them, but not as much. Not to that, like not to the degree in which I love my son. Okay, and which is, it's scary, man. It's scary to love something that much. Right? And even like, you know, islamically we're not supposed to love anything above a line is messenger. And that's in that point, it becomes

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a challenge and you realize the challenge that

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We have in that very aspect of Islam. Okay, that's that's a challenge. That's that's a struggle. When you have kids, you begin to see that, you know, last pensado talks about children as as well then something to that people boast about and I never really understood that. I'm like, why would you like children? There's an annoying there, you know their work, you gotta do it like I would never but but when you have a child like then you realize it's a fitna it becomes a test and a trial. Okay, so I wasn't ready for that. And I had a lot. I've been critical of parents. Yeah. Because I really became a big until I became a parent. And then, you know, I do what a lot of

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parents I do a lot of parents dealing with teenagers. Okay, right. My son doesn't listen to me. And he does this. And then I caught him, whatever, smoking pot or whatever. And I'm always like, Tom tell parents, you need to chill out, right? The more protective you get.

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The more you're gonna push them away, right? And I'm like, I'm always like, now, that's still my advice. I never thought I'd be this overprotective Father, I have to hold myself back. Because I can see myself doing what a lot of other parents do. Okay. Actually, my wife calls me out on it. She's like, you know, in your talk, you're mentioning how parents, you know, you're, you're becoming similar and I really had to just like consciously like, hold myself back. And you know, a lot of that goes also to putting putting your trust in the last fantana trusting Adobe or trusting Adobe, right, trusting that, you know, sometimes you want to, like we can't force guidance upon anyone,

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right? No One No, we can't force guys on anyone. You know, I'm just wondering now like, does being a father now? And then looking upon the verses of the Quran from the perspective of being a father? Is it a whole new light? A whole new light? Yeah, a whole new like, the pain of Yeah, full body system. Right.

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I get I find I understood it, but not the way I understand it right now. Okay. Right. It's more intimate. It's so much more intimate. Okay. Just even like you hear people say,

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probably one of the one of the most difficult things you can face in your life, most severe things you can face is losing a child. Right? And I've heard that and I'm like, Okay, I'm sure that's true. But now Mila protected her children. But now I'm like, I totally see that. I mean, the point where like, even seeing your child in pain is like hurts. I can't imagine. I can't even imagine how long how big of a test that is. Yeah, remember is the name that you chose for your son, Liz? Yeah. Now your nickname in Medina was I was, I believe, okay, that came from I moved to Medina. You know, I had two roommates. I was living in the dorms that first year. Yeah. And my roommates were like,

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what's your Kenya? I'm like, I don't have a Kenya like, What do you mean? Like your Abu What? I'm like nothing. I'm like, I'm not married. They're like, you're not being married? I'm like, I don't have kids. Yeah.

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Like, you'd have to have kids to have a couldn't you? I'm like, Well, I don't have a queen yet. They're like, Can we give you a Kenya? And I'm like, Sure, go at it. Like, let's see what you come up with. And literally, I think it was like, the next day. They come up to me and they're like your upper lace. Okay. And I'm like, Okay, this is my, I've just gone to Medina haven't studied a lot of Islam yet.

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And I'm like, Okay, I guess like Why? And they're like, well, there's a famous Imam. He's name was a layth inside, underneath the son of side. And they're like, he's like famous familia, famous Hadith scholar, and Heidi. And so your son will be negative and sad. I was like, Alright, cool. Whatever. So then, you know, I started using it people coming up later, but I never thought much of it until I started studying, we start setting filk. Okay, and law and jurisprudence. And then I remember clearly sitting in class, we would take the opinions of the 40 memes. And very often, we would also take the opinion of email and layth. Right, we would say I'm learning if I said this, my mother said

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this, this was there. And then email me late said this. What did we literally what was his talker? He was early on, he was early on to the point where if like, what if? If today I believe is he was I believe? I believe he's contemporary? If I'm not mistaken, I believe he is around the time of Imam Malik. I'm not mistaken.

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I want to say Egypt area. Okay, for some reason that's ringing a bell. But a lot of I don't recall exactly.

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The thing is, why isn't Why is it?

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Less as popular? Okay, so that was my question. Yeah. Right. I'm like, Wait, what? Like, first of all, why are we taking his opinion, okay, in these matters, like, Who is he? And second of all, like, why isn't there you know, if we're mentioning him alongside my magic money,

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why isn't there a lithium atom? So, you know, I found out later that if his works were preserved

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till today, then we would actually it's very possible that we could have a fifth method, which is the lazy mother. Okay. But it's simply like, there's different reasons why must have the proliferation. Yeah, either the adoption of it can be a dog government exactly adopted by the state. This

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Students preserve it and so on there's many different reasons so for whatever reason, right It seems that it not enough of his opinions were preserved to codify it into a mess. Okay, but there's there's quite a bit of his of his opinions that are that are available now how like, because from what I've understood, I only learned about the lazy when, after talking to you, all right, and then, but in my mind, if there was a fifth method would be the loyalty method. Right. So the question that comes up is, what's the difference between the two of them not in terms of because nobody's ever literalist. So some people would consider the loudmouth have another? Okay. considered him with him.

00:25:33 --> 00:25:34

Okay. Right.

00:25:35 --> 00:26:14

And it was only revived because of open hasm, which was much later, but I guess so. So just say, Medina, we would take the opinion of the four Imams, yeah, we will take an hour late sometimes. Yeah. And sometimes we would even take the body opinion. Okay. So when you study comparative filk, depending on where you say, but you take the audit opinion as well. Okay. Yeah. So it just depends on who's doing the teaching. Exactly. Exactly. And you know, compared to Philip, not to get not to get technical, whatever. But comparative film is something that is considered is supposed to be an advanced subject, okay. Like the way we need to know the flip to compare exactly, you need to

00:26:14 --> 00:26:46

understand the fifth to compare. Yeah, and the problem is, sometimes people jump to compare to know what the rules are. Exactly. before they even understand the issues. Yeah. So that's why classically, the way was done was you would study a method. Yeah, you would start with the basics of the method, you would actually start with just the opinion, the main opinion, you wouldn't even take evidences and all that kind of stuff. And then to codify. Yeah. So this is how this is how you do this. And this way, just the rules and whatever. It's all Yeah, yeah. And then the next step would be something like, okay, here's one evidence, okay. Right. And then you add more evidences to it.

00:26:47 --> 00:27:22

And then you you know, for example, the embodiment of how you take a laugh, difference opinion inside the method, because sometimes the differences inside them, and then you go through all that process, and now you've become like a, you know, a master or you're good at your method, you understand your method, you understand the issues. Yeah. Once you've done that, then you move on to comparative film. Okay, right. So is that is that process that should the person technically should go through? That's more like a master's degree plus, right, exactly. Well, at what point did you like really decide like, yeah, you know what, I'm actually going to name my son late. Ah, you know,

00:27:22 --> 00:27:31

I, when I started to kind of learn more about Mmm, Nathan. And when, like, his name would come up quite often.

00:27:32 --> 00:27:38

It was around that time that I was like, yeah, you know, it's cool. I like it. And then you know, linguistic like, what it means that it's like a lion or like a, like a.

00:27:42 --> 00:27:55

Versions or different words they have for a lion. The language in Arabic. Yeah. Interesting. But is this specifically a lion cub board? Is it just a cub? Cat family? No, no, it's it's a lion cub. Okay. It's not a cat. And it's not

00:27:56 --> 00:27:57

like it's a Persian kitten.

00:27:58 --> 00:27:59


00:28:00 --> 00:28:09

But yeah, my wife now is like, maybe we shouldn't have named him that because he's like, you know, he's getting closer to you know, terrible twos or whatever. Yeah. All over the place. She's like, is that his name coming to light? Yeah.

00:28:10 --> 00:28:45

I wonder how often do children really embody the characteristic of the name that they're given? Arabs back in the day would really believe that okay, right. They would really believe that if I named my sons they will. You know, my daughter, they will really embody that name, for example, is the name but I wish I heard when I was setting in Medina, I thought was so weird. Yeah, the name is metab. Whatever comes from that, which is like, tired to be tired. What type is the one who makes others makes other people tired? Right? So if you're like, annoyed with someone, or even that's your child, right? You're like, intimate. They're like, you're just you're tiring me. Like, you tire me

00:28:45 --> 00:29:21

out. so exhausting, so exhausting, right? And I'm like, why would you name your son? Okay. Yeah. But in the context of like, tribalism and warrant Exactly. So they would say, Who am I doing? He's he's tired. He will tire out our enemies. Okay, right you know, tribal warfare and all that kind of stuff. So they would or, or slab slab means like difficult okay, right. Like why would you name your son difficult right but it's like a difficult for the people who will go against and that's the other thing you know, the crazy thing about the name layth. And I think a lot of people gonna name their child late after they hear all this but I love the name Angela. Thing weird by the name leaf

00:29:21 --> 00:29:43

is daisies. Yeah, right. have a hard time with with the name because there's a sound in it. Right? Yeah. So there's no thought in order to do this. And there's a there's a thought but it's pronounced set. Okay, yeah. Right. Like loose? Well, no, no, like, Alright, man is my smile. Yeah, I see what you're saying. So people are confused. They're like, they're like a laser.

00:29:44 --> 00:29:59

Like laser laser laser. So it's strange to me. But, um, in the American culture, Americans are like the big speak English fine. It's perfect. His first doctor's appointment. The nurse comes out and she's like, late.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:41

To sleep and like what, like perfect pronunciation? Yeah, I don't even realize that until like after a nameless enunciation of very prevalent. Yeah. Maybe that's what people need to keep in mind is if your name your kid, in an American context, may want to keep in mind that how that's gonna sound. Yeah, I mean, look me personally, I mean, I'm in two minds about this issue. On one hand, I think we need to preserve our culture. Yeah, we need to preserve the Arab Arab names, Arabic names, or Persian names or whatever. There's so many cool, like, for example, like there's a one I think a great name for a daughter is Lana Kia. Okay, it means boundless heaven in Hawaiian. Okay. And in

00:30:41 --> 00:31:19

fact, this name that they gave to the our galaxy supercluster, when they measured all the stars, but it's an amazing name. Okay, so, yeah, for a name like that. I would just be like, just need to make sure there's no like religious connotation. Okay. Right, because we can't use names that have religious meanings. You know, not it's not understood. But in general, yeah, you can name as long as the name is, it has a doesn't have a negative meaning. It does not relate to like, someone else's a different religion, then yeah, you can like you can name your son john or Peter. Whatever. Yeah, no, my point is like, it doesn't matter. But, but like I said, on like, Mondays, we'll go. Yeah. But

00:31:19 --> 00:31:29

that's the thing, right? Like, people gonna have people yada, right? You're gonna have a hard time with that. Well, john. So my problem is people who are actually called yahia, who would call themselves Yeah.

00:31:30 --> 00:31:40

I mean, sometimes look, a kid goes this, like, they grew up with a name. Yeah. And like, they hear that name in elementary and then middle and then everybody's everybody's always calm. Yes, he's like, a cameo or whatever, it's fine.

00:31:41 --> 00:32:15

But like, I'm in two minds about this one, one. So part of me is like, No, you know, we should keep naming those names. People will learn like we've we've learned the name Jose. Right? We get it? Yeah. Right. What else could have been? My point they could have whatever they could have been in a name that is more common to like, white people or Joe, right, whatever. Okay. So we know that name now. So if we hold on to that part of our culture, maybe, you know, the next generation, they're like, yo, de la. Yeah, de la is a common name. Okay. You know,

00:32:16 --> 00:32:25

I've done you know, people learn how to say it, just how they learn to say, Jose instead of Joe, Joe's, what are how would you? How would you pronounce

00:32:26 --> 00:32:38

it? Yeah, cuz your your, your, your, you've you've heard that name and pronounced by the pronounce correctly, right? Yeah. So like, my, when I was in Spanish class in school, everybody

00:32:40 --> 00:32:46

knows you've been exposed to that culture. Yeah. Like in Spanish class in school. Everybody's getting the Spanish name. My Spanish name was Jose.

00:32:50 --> 00:32:52

Like, why are we changing my name?

00:32:54 --> 00:33:03

Maybe, maybe one day culture, you know, in a class somewhere in America, people gonna be given like Arab names and someone's like, creeping Sharia.

00:33:04 --> 00:33:05


00:33:06 --> 00:33:17

cool. Yeah. So yeah, so that's, that's one side of the argument. Other side of argument is listen to you. We want to put your kid through that. Or people butchering his name, or her name. The other thing else is like, is the name seemingly sounding like something that's weird.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:22

islamically or just slow? It could be it could be like, isn't as hot.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:38

Right? Yeah. But that's like an obvious like, I'm gonna get probably a good idea. Yeah, so yeah. Which is it's a good name, but it's just not a good in this context. Yeah. But

00:33:43 --> 00:33:50

you're taking it too far. That's a good example. I mean, you're right. Like, what do you do? What do you do with that name? We're gonna wrap this episode up.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:59

Late. Sorry, guys. super high tech. Yeah, right. high production value. Value kinda shot ourselves in the foot. We started off with saying, high production.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:31

production. It looks good to me. So. Yeah, I mean, so thanks for joining us for this episode. Again, this was like catching up Assad in terms of everything he's got going on. Se in production. If you can't hear Hello, let me unstick that. See, there you go. So at the same collection it did they go to se calm or Yeah, okay. You can or is it just hot? steam? Calm slash, or no? No. Okay. Go to sleep. calm. And Instagram. Check us out on Instagram. Yeah.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:35

Got it.

00:34:36 --> 00:34:42

So yeah, guys. See you guys soon. Check out part two over at the automotive channel.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:57

Show them some love man show. Some love. Yeah. So subscribers or whatever. I got my own kind of like show. They're called tagalong. Oh, yeah. That is called the artist. Not that great. It depends on who's on the show. You know, it's always cool on the show that maybe some people might want Okay, okay.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

Alright guys, thanks for joining us.

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