Ramadan Pro Tips EP19 Pray in Congregation

Quran Weekly
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A representative from Muslim Central gives a five-figure tip on praying together in a congregation, emphasizing the importance of praying with your family and co workers. The tip encourages individuals to pray together as a family and try to pray together in a congregation, as it is considered a goal and objective to pray together. The representative also mentions a donation campaign and encourages viewers to donate to the organization.
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This audio is brought to you by Muslim Central. please consider donating to help cover our running costs and future projects by visiting www dot Muslim central.com forward slash donate.

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu are on weekly this Abdul Nasir Jenga with another Ramadan pro tip. Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran tells us in the salata, Canada Allah Mina kita makuta prayer is something that has fixed mandatory times prayers and obligation with fixed times. So of course during the month of Ramadan, we try to become more punctual and regular about our five times daily prayer. But the Ramadan pro tip I have for you is that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us a lot to Gemma it of the lumen salette and for the Omen selected for the B Serbian were issuing the de Rajasthan, the profits a lot, he said, tells us that a prayer that is

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prayed in a group in a congregation is superior to a prayer that is prayed by yourself individually by 27 times, meaning there is 27 times a reward 27 times a virtue 27 times of blessing when you pray in a group or in a congregation versus when you pray by yourself. So this Ramadan, try to make it a goal and objective that whenever you pray, try to pray together in a congregation or group. The easiest way to do that specifically for like the fudger prayer or at some of the evening prayers, is that pray with your family pray together as a family during the daytime pray with some co workers and try to go to the masjid as much as possible. And that is the next Ramadan pro tip that I have

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for you. Is that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Monica de la machete Oh raha de la hula who New Zealand from genetica llamada o raha the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that a hadith of Bukhari and Muslim whosoever goes to the machine in the morning or in the evening, Allah subhanaw taala prepares a gift for that person. Every single time they go to the masjid whether it be morning or evening, every single time you go Allah prepares a gift for you. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran in nama Yamato Masada de la man I'm gonna be like you William in acid, that those people attend the mustards who truly believe in God and the last day of judgment. So this

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Ramadan, not only try to pray five times a day of course, but pray those five prayers a day in congregation as much as possible. And then especially try to make it to the machine for as many prayers as possible during the day in Sharla as many of the five prayers a day as possible. That's Ramadan pro tip for today. Subscribe to proton weekly for more Ramadan pro tips. I'll see you all next time was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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This audio is brought to you by Muslim Central. please consider donating to help cover our running costs and future projects by visiting www dot Muslim central.com forward slash donate

Pray as many of the five daily prayers in congregation, especially in the Masjid if you are able.

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