Omer El-Hamdoon – D25 Compilation Refuge of Hurdles

Omer El-Hamdoon
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The segment discusses the negative impact of anxiety and loss on one's life, including the belief that fear is a factor in achieving success. The segment also touches on the importance of finding ways to overcome obstacles and overcome limiting beliefs.

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			Rahman Al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam. O Allah says Allah, Allah Allah
He was Swami.
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			Ramadan is the month of July and it's very recommended highly recommended that a person engage into
and ask Allah subhanaw taala as much as possible, because Allah wants you to come closer to him with
two others a formulation for the whole hope the love that is between a person and his Lord subhanho
wa Taala today's law is the law which again taught by the prophet sallallahu wasallam and this is
the law which says Allah how many are also becoming an HMI while hasn't. We're also becoming lrG
world class and while becoming an geovany Well, why are you becoming an elevated Dane or
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			aloha mania becoming an HMI what hasn't? This is all about seeking refuge or loss pantalla from
those things that may well be barriers or hurdles in trying to achieve lots of things in life. So
the first one is him well hasn't him his worry, anxiety and hasn't his grief
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			and sorrow, both anxiety and sorrow or feeling grief can hold a person back. If you think about it,
if you're always feeling anxious, you're always feeling upset, you're always feeling
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			grief, about losing things, whether there are things that you are losing in the dunya whether there
are things you are losing in the Euro, in in many ways, you know, if you're always anxious about
things is going to hold you back. So a person has to feel more optimistic about their life and
seeking refuge or loss panatela from those helps, so how, and has answered they're not always
concerned, when we come in lrG while castle to also seek refuge or loss rantala from incapacity and
from laziness. incapacity is that you do not have the necessary means whether it's the energy and
the strength, the material means to do things and QSL is when you do have the material if you like
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			the outward things, but you don't have the inter you feel lazy, you feel that you're not really up
to what you can't do it. So well QSL will also hold you back because they're both things that aren't
found in the function is the function, this dysfunction a dysfunction is functioning, and not allow
you to do the work by either feeling internally that you can't be bothered to do it. Or externally,
you feel you don't have the strength or the energy, the power
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			while it will be criminal geovany well bahal again, two qualities which can hold a person back a
Lubin cowardice to feel that you can't read I can't do this or not, you know, and to maybe be scared
of things where they're scared of other people or they're scared of that you might fail whether it's
the scared scared of being looking bad, whatever, skipping scared and cows will hold the person back
and obviously it's a good quality to have to be brave and to show that strength Oh yes. I'm going to
go forward I'm going to try and try to overcome these these barriers
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			and boy, miserliness meanness and that is also because you always don't want to give you don't want
to spend you don't want to function these are all things that progression in life if you don't have
them, you will not progress these are not just qualities about progressing in your a bad. Well,
these are quality about progressing in your life. You know, if you're always anxious, worried, you
want you know, you want to take risks, you might feel stuck in a certain
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			sense certain situations, certain mindsets, and so on so forth. And lastly, or elevated Dane waka
Herrera jell o bola de Vaca Hara rigid that is when the debt becomes overwhelming. And the
oppression or
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			the the wrongness from from others. Here mentions men specifically because men unlike women, they
are the ones who tend to oppress others more than women do. So it's probably more about a
generalization. So again, debt, having being overwhelmed with debt again, is something which
definitely is a hurdle to achievement. Because you're always thinking about how do I pay off my
debt? How do I where do I get the money from where do I do this? So holiday is a big is a big factor
in putting people down and lastly, Aurora Jad is like the subduing of other people and people
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			You, they oppress you, that obviously also holds against you because you know, your freedoms are
taken when you don't have the freedom How can you express yourself? How can you do those things? So
all those things gathered in this one drop is about seeking help of a lost parent out, remove the
barriers to break those hurdles so that you can move forward in Charlottetown. And that's like I
mentioned before, do it isn't just a one way.
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			Purpose and it's not just oh, I'm just asking a law. And, you know, a law is gonna just do this all
for me, do I is almost, it's almost a focusing, you know, is directing somebody,
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			as they as our as our medics would say, health professionals say, you know, half of the cure is is
is knowing the illness, you know, if you have anxiety, you have depression, you have grief, you have
cowardice, you if you do not acknowledge this, you're not going to find a solution, you're not going
to move on. So here this hadith in the door is acknowledging this. So it's about you saying okay, I
do have worries I am anxious, what am I anxious about how to show you make that out? But also
subconsciously you're saying Well, how do I get out of this? How do I overcome my miserliness? How
do I overcome my my my
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			cowardice and etc, etc. So, all this thinking about that is also directs you so that you wish or you
can find solutions for the situation that you are in