Omar Suleiman – Sahih Al-Bukhari 3-1-2016

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The concept of good deeds being nullification is discussed, including the importance of faith in actions to avoid nullification and the need for a positive attitude towards one's behavior to avoid reward. The speakers also touch on topics related to Islam, including hedging and hedging hedges, and the use of hedging and hedging words to describe actions and deeds. The importance of identifying flaws in oneself and others is emphasized, and the potential consequences of denying someone's obligation to pray on them are discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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smell economic indicators rely on Blandino salatu salam ala Rasulillah carrying more than only heat will suck the heat as Marine. So inshallah Tada we're gonna go ahead and continue now in our study and today we actually come across comment the commentary remember Hadith Rahim Allah to Allah and it's very very powerful as we said Buhari. Sometimes when he when he, when he puts a chapter he puts his own comments or he quotes some of the tambourine or some of the sahaba. Some of the companions sometimes he puts verses of Quran, and the entire purpose of that is to is to really put you in the mood of the Hadith that he's going to quote. And tonight actually, when we go to the chapter, the

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commentary on the chapter is so powerful that we won't have time to actually go to the Hadith.

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So the next chapter, we're still in Quito Eman. We're still in the book of faith is bad how Phil macmini mean and yeah, about our family who were who Allah Yashiro which is the chapter of the fear of the believer, the fear of the believer that his good deeds may be nullified without him even feeling it that he may lose all of his good deeds without him even fought without him even thinking about it. And this is really interesting because as Buhari Rahim Allah Tada chooses to put this chapter in a very, very peculiar place. And even 100 Rahim Allah the way that he explains it is really powerful. For those of you that remember those of you that are paying attention, the last

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Hadith that we covered was what is I don't remember

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the janazah

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What about the Janaza?

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The reward of following the Janaza right? And what is the reward of following the Janaza?

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One Pirot one one mountain the size of a herd of good deeds and then if you go to the graveyard until the burial then it's two pyramids right two mountains. So Buhari Rahim Allah I mean, that's a pretty awesome Hadith, he read that hadith, and you have an assured good deed the Prophet slicin mentions a good deed unqualified. Well, in terms of the reward, so you go and do this, you get this huge reward, you get this mountain of rewards. So I'm Buhari chooses to put a hadith that sort of tempers that hadith. And even 100 Rahim, Allah Tada says, Because Allah subhanaw taala says, On the Day of Judgment, that mountains of good deeds will be reduced to dust. Why, because of a lack of

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sincerity. So somehow I love the way that he places the Hadith, he places a hadith about rewards of mountains of good deeds. And then he places ahead, he places a chapter to remind you that even if you have mountains of good deeds, but you don't have sincerity in those actions, Allah subhanaw taala could make those mountains of good deeds about unmanned, thorough into flying atoms, flying particles that will not benefit you in any way, so as to sort of bring you back to the importance of having sincerity and faith in the actions that you do. Now, the chapter is once again, hopeful movement, it's the fear of the believer that may be my good deeds will be nullified without me even

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knowing it without me even realizing it. So the scary thing about this is that it's not even something that you're aware of, you think that you can take your good deeds to the bank, you can put them at you know, bank on them and say that this is going to be accepted and this will you know, this will get me into gender on the Day of Judgment. But then you come to realize that you are not very sincere in them, you start to question yourself and wonder if those good deeds really counted. What does it mean for good deeds to be nullified by bad deeds? So we're actually going to talk about this concept first and foremost of it Paul in Armada slaughter the idea of good deeds being

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nullified. Now we know that Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran and we've covered this in the book that in Al Hassan atta you've given us say at their good deeds nullify since okay good deeds nullify since if you commit a sin, and you seek forgiveness for that sin, Allah subhanaw taala would replace that sin with the good deed of as default. And the way to really get rid of a sin once and for all is to replace that sin with a good deed to start doing a good deed instead of that sin. And many times because you regret a sinful past you spend your entire life in repentance Subhanallah you increase yourself in good deeds, because you feel like you have to make up for those many years and

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those many times that you disobeyed Allah subhanaw taala, and so it ends up being in your favor. And not either him Allah as we've already established in the book of faith, saying that you not love entering into Islam taking shahada nullifies all of your sins and converts them into Hassan out so we've already established that good deeds nullify sins, but can sins nullify good deeds? Okay, and this is what the discussion is. Now this is the other side of the coin of what we've covered thus far. So how are good deeds nullified and there are three different ways. Number one, some good deeds are nullified, there's a foul there is no

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Vacation, because the conditions of the good deed are not met. All right, so let me give you an example. The mobile play lat in Salah, the Nullifiers in prayer, all right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw a man walk into the masjid. And he was praying so fast, that he wasn't even, you know, settling in each position. So, you know, he's coming up, he's going down. He's pecking in his sujood. Like the prophets, like some said, He's pecking in his prostration like a chicken, he doesn't relax, he does not rest in any position of the Salah. And one of the requirements of Salah one of the obligations of prayer is that there is a level of settle settling of the bones and of the

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posture in each position. So this person just jumps up and down and does their Salah too quickly. What did the prophets like some tell that man, pray for you have not prayed? It's as if you did not do a lot at all. Ye because it's not like you had you know sinful thoughts in salon or corrupted your salon in a spiritual sense. It's like you it's like you have not prayed at all. It's like someone goes into Salah without doing a lot without doing the the work, they can't expect any reward from Allah subhanaw taala for that, because they have not met the basic conditions of that good deed to be accepted in the first place. Likewise, a Nullifier of fasting is eating right, it's a very

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clear Nullifier of sleep. So there is there are Nullifiers in the physical sense when it comes to a condition that's not being met. And for those of you that are taking notes, the most important thing to note here is that in this situation, are you sinful? Are you sinful?

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Yes or no? It depends on what

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whether or not that good deed was an obligation. Okay? So if the good deed was an obligation, and you nullified that obligation, that obligatory good deed with one of the Nullifiers, then you're sinful, you're not sinful for the Nullifier, you are sinful because you did not fulfill the obligation. Okay, and until you fulfill that obligation, you are innocent. But if it's not an obligatory act, if it's not an obligatory act, let's say that it's a voluntary prayer, or you sinful for not having fulfilled the conditions of the voluntary prayer, no, the only thing is that the good deed did not count. So, you will not be you will not be rewarded for on the day of judgment, nor

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would you be punished by default on the Day of Judgment, all right, unless it was an obligation that you missed. So again, in this situation, the mobile clock the Nullifier means that you would not be rewarded for it on the day of judgment and you should not expect that reward from Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment. The second type of Nullifier is a spiritual Nullifier Okay, a spiritual Nullifier of a good deed. Like when Allah subhanaw taala says that toggle to do so the particle Bill money while other Do not ruin or nullify your charity, by boasting about it or by constantly you know, or by hurting the person that you're giving the charity to. Okay, don't notify

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your charity, in the spiritual sense by your boastfulness or by harming the person that you're giving the charity to. This is like what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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when he says what in the soil hold up the UFC, the Rommel camera UFC don't help. Alas, that very bad character spoils your good deeds, the way that honey would be spoiled by vinegar. Okay, so spoiling your good deeds, buy something by some form of spiritual corruption. And there's there are many Hadith in the sense. You know, that sort of conveyed this message?

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Where the prophets like Selim, so this is actually a very beautiful Hadith. It's narrated in Muslim Ahmed it's not authentic hadith, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam says, When are the enough so Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bFV in math lol movement, the prophesy some says and I swear by him in whose hands is the soul of Muhammad that Verily the example of the believer cannot tell in a hella Akela Paul yerba. Well, whenever a poor yoga workout fell, I'm TXR one to sit. It's a beautiful Hadith the prophets lie. Some said the believer is like the beat. He's like a honeybee. he consumes good and what comes out of him is good. So you consume it and it's good and it comes out

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as good and you don't break nor you don't corrupt you know the environment as it comes out of you. So the believer should both take in good and produce good consume and produce good the way that our B would consume and produce good the believer does not consume something good and then produce something harmful, nor does the believer have a corrupt intention, consume something harmful and then try to produce something beneficial out of it. Okay, the believer only consumes good

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It produces good so the believer is not to be someone that's going to their good deeds in that sense and we find this in every single good deed that Allah's parents I mentioned is in the Quran Allah mentions it in Salah way even little more fondly Alladhina Houma Ancelotti himself on a livina Yura own way on their own in their own Allah subhanaw taala threatens people who pray. Why because they pray with the intention of showing off, they are actively trying to show off with their prayer and to gain some worldly benefit by their prayer as to the sight of Allah subhanaw taala and the benefit of the hereafter. Allah subhana wa says about hedge fund Arafa What are for so what are the elephant

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hedge? You know, there is no argumentation there is no intimacy, there is nothing that you would do in hedge that should nullify your hedge. Otherwise, if you nullify that hedge, it could actually be sinful. Like you imagine a loss Pantai gives you the opportunity to go to hedge and you use that hedge to show off and to be arrogant and you harm the people while you're at hedge. Right? You yell at the people hedge doesn't purify you, it only makes you uglier. It only takes your spiritual diseases and it exasperates them. So hedge can be you know, a bad thing for you in that sense. The prophets lie some says about a psalm fasting, whoever does not give up idle speech and you know,

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full speech and backbiting and lying and things of that sort. Felisa delay handwritten fee and the other parama who are short all the prophets why some says it's not of any goodness to Allah subhanaw taala that you give up your food and your drinking, if you're still going to backbite and you're still going to lie, and you're still going to harm people and you're still going your character is not going to change through that fasting. You know, you fast from food and drink that which is halal, but you don't fast from that which is how long Allah Subhana Allah Allah will have no need of your leaving the food and drink. And finally, ALLAH SubhanA wa says and Saba cotton charity what we

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already mentioned, that total total Salah partiko Bill money will other that do not corrupt your charity, by boasting are harming the person that you're giving charity to. Now in this situation, this is the second type of Nullifier Okay, are you sinful for this type of Nullifier? Are you not sinful? So we said in the first type of Nullifier, the first type of plot, you are not sinful unless it was an obligatory action. In this situation, are you sinful or are you not sinful?

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Everything depends on the intention.

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Well, this is by nature, a bad intention, right? So in this situation, you would actually be sinful. Your good deed can actually be against you on the Day of Judgment, whether you are the biller, all right, the good deed can actually come against you on the Day of Judgment and you can actually can, you can actually convert a good deed into a sin on the Day of Judgment. So this is a very dangerous type of plot a very dangerous type of Nullifier. It doesn't absolve you of doing the obligatory deeds, but it requires you to make a greater effort to make sure that just as you fulfill the physical conditions of your good deeds and your obligations, in particular, you need to fulfill the

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spiritual prerequisites and conditions of those good deeds as well. Okay, so you can't say for example, I'm having a hard time backbiting I'm not going to fast anymore. Or you know, I don't have any horseshoe on my salon, I think I'm showing off. So I'm not going to pray until I can get some sincerity and my salah, you still have to pray, you still have to fast you still have to do Hajj, you still have to give the mandatory charity, but you really need to work hard on your intentions. And you know, whether it's an obligation or a voluntary deed, or else it could be something that comes against you on the Day of Judgment, the third type of epod, the third type of Nullifier, okay,

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is that some actions, some good deeds are nullified not because of anything that was wrong with that good deed.

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But because there were sins that paralleled it, that dwarfs that good deed, or that set of good deeds. So these are the ones and this is very important. These are the ones that don't necessarily go away. But at the same time, your reward for them will be delayed because you have to be punished by your parallel amount of sins. And this is what's what even hudgell Rahim Allah Tada makes a point to say that this is not upon happy. This is not a complete nullification in the true sense of the word. But instead, it's you know, it's a spiritual nullification or at some, you know, it's nullification. You know, in the I don't want to say the exaggerated sense but as a form of analogy,

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so it's not an actual nullification of your good deeds, but it is by analogy. You have an amount of good deeds and you feel like these good deeds absolve you from being held accountable for the sins that are parallel to it. So you commit it

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You commit a group of sins, thinking that your good deeds will will prevent you from those sins. What car do Lanta Masana now Illa Yama and Mark do that? Okay, so people that said in Bani Israel that you know, look, at least we pray at least we do these things at least we're we're still making it we're okay good Muslims but you know, but we're not we're not perfect and you know, it's okay, we'll go to * for a few days, you know, but at the end of the day, we'll make it to gender so you start to belittle your sins in the presence of those good deeds. You actually become deluded by your good deeds into thinking that that gives you license and that gives you a warrant to commit sin. And

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Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran and talk about Morocco and Terminator Scharoun. So in certain Hydrox Allah's Pentagon mentions people that speak in a certain way that act in a certain way in the presence of the Prophet slice Allah and Allah Subhana Allah says, lest your good deeds as a whole become nullified while you're unaware. All right now on Buhari Rahim Allah, Allah, as we mentioned, as we're going through this book, especially Kitab and Imani, he's responding to a lot of the groups of his time. So in this situation, who is he responding to? He's responding to the people that would argue that a sin completely nullifies your faith, because there are groups at the time,

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that are you and groups today that would argue that far in your career are the one who commits a major sin exits out of Islam, it nullifies his email. So the point that's being made here is that this is not full nullification, but it's nullification in the spiritual sense. It's nullification by a form of analogy. And the proof of that, that even 100 Rahim Allah to Allah mentions is that those good deeds Don't, don't go away. They don't go away. But your sins cause you to enter Hellfire before you see the reward of those good deeds. So for example, used to pray pee on the lid, used to do some good things, and you did those good deeds sincerely. Alright. But you also had this large

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group of sense, before you will see the reward of those good deeds, you will go to hellfire and you will suffer for those sins, and then you enter into Jannah. And then you see the reward of those good deeds. So the good deeds have not been permanently nullified, but rather there is a temporary nullification a temporary, it will plot a temporary bought, which means nullification

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in the presence of those since you guys understand this concept or not. So in those in these three different categories, the first category, which is the physical conditions, are not nuts for inaction, then you're not sinful, unless it's an obligation, but you're not going to see the good deed at any point. Secondly, there are spiritual Nullifiers that are present spiritual corruption present in the good deeds. So you are sinful for those good deeds because they were done with the wrong intention and the corruption out did anything that you would take from that good deed. Thirdly, which is that in the presence of sincere good deeds, you belittled your sins, those sins

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got the best of those good deeds and so temporarily, your good deeds were nullified until you would see the reward of them after the punishment. And this is what you know, our record probably allowed Todd who mentioned to a young man very powerful, you know, a very powerful statement.

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He says we're in the shadow your corner fetus at two o'clock and Hassan was opensea he said that a person might have nine good qualities, but one bad quality you might have nine good qualities but one bad quality failure see the holacracy of law class. And as a result of that, that one bad quality nullifies the nine good qualities, like what the prophets like someone mentioned, about the woman that used to pray to me live, and she used to fast and she used to give extra charity, but to the Gianna, but she harms her neighbors with her tongue. Okay, she would be in hellfire and she would be punished for that. And there and you know, that is a representation of an ugly character.

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So that lastly tongue nullifies, nullifies the rest of her good deeds. Okay. The point that's being made here and by the way, when the prophets lie some says about that woman laugh at her here for now she's in hellfire, just the Prophet slice and a mean that she's permanently in hellfire.

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No, but by the you know, but she will be there for a very, very, very long time, because we've already established in this book, The Hadith that anyone who has an albums worth of Eema will eventually come out of hellfire. So eventually she'll get out. Right? But she has but the nasty Tang the way that she used to treat people, she has to pay for that right. And by the time she finishes paying for that, it's a very, very long time. And so there's Bob, nullification in the sense of the goodness that came from her good deeds and of course on the Day of Judgment, where the profit slice and I mentioned that a person will have to you know, will have

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Give their good deeds away as a result of the people that they harmed. And then once they've given away all their good deeds, what happens? They start to accumulate the sins of other people. If there are still people that they've harmed, and their good deeds out, they've run out of the currency of Hassan. Now they have to actually give they have to actually accumulate and take upon themselves the sins of other people. So Buhari Rahim Allah Tada names this chapter, the fear of the believer that his deeds would be nullified while he's not paying the tension. Now what nullifies your good deeds here, in essence, all of these are forms of hypocrisy. Everything that we've mentioned, is a form of

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hypocrisy, hypocrisy in the sense that,

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you know, hypocrisy in the sense, I'm sorry, hypocrisy in the sense that, you know, you had a double standard in your life. So you acted one way when you were with people, but then you acted another way. When you were with another group of people hypocrisy in the sense that you only acted in goodness when other people are watching you. Not when Allah subhanaw taala was watching you. So there are various forms of hypocrisy that are being addressed here. So I'm Buhari continues and he says, we'll call it Ibrahim Rotimi while the Allahu Tada and Rahim Allah ma out to a coli Allah Imani Illa Hushai to an akuna more Canada. He says Rahim Allah to Allah Ibrahim A teamie is one of

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the great Thai very, he's one of the great people from the second generation. He said that I have never compared my words to my actions, except that I feared that Allah would make me out to be a liar.

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Meaning what I noticed Subhanallah this takes a lot of bravery, right? I'm not waiting for someone else to tell me that there's a discrepancy between my words and my deeds. I notice in myself that my deeds are not matching up to my words. And he's afraid because Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you Alladhina amanu Lima taco Luna Nyla tough I don't Campbell or nocturna and Allah and tokoto manage if I don't owe you believe? Why do you say that which you don't do? The most disgusting thing in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala is that a person says other than what they do. Okay, so it's more dangerous when you are someone may Allah subhanaw taala protect us all. When you are someone that

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tells other people to do good, and your actions don't match up to that. And he mentioned Ibrahima teamie Rahim Allah to Allah who is a teacher of some of the greatest of you know, the four Imams and so on so forth, that even this man said about himself. I'm afraid that my deeds are not matching my words. Then he mentioned we'll call it Hypno Abbey Malika. I'd like to tell I think animals have been the beasts of Allah Allah He was wa sallam. He says that even Abby Malika was also a tabby was also from the second generation those who met the companions. He said that he said, I met 30 companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says Kulu, whom your half would NIFA

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Allah and fct, man in whom I had to near call, in who Allah Imani Gibreel ah wa mi Ke. He said that even Eddie Malaika sir I met 30 companions and each and every single one of them feared hypocrisy for themselves. And not a single one of them thought that they had the faith of God or Mita you.

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This same when you know who had been adding Malika is gives you a little bit more context. Even having one acre is of the narrator's of Hadith and he says he met three companions right? We actually know who those companions were the Companions he narrates, from he narrates from it shall hold the line. The wife of the Prophet slice on it. He narrates from home seller model the hola Juan he narrates from a smartphone to be record. He notes from Ali if you want to be a pilot, who's one of the 10 promised paradise. He narrates from sides of an annual costs also from the 10 promised paradise he narrates from Abu Huraira Okay, well the Allah Tada angle he narrates from an idea about

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the four Abdullah Abdullah and Ibis I'm loving Omar Abdullah loving this is a very beloved Mohammed menos he notes from this group of companions that are the most elite of the companions. And he says that each and every single one of them thought that they might be a hypocrite Subhan Allah so when you think even it shall not be alone an ally and sign them it will pass and these people that have been guaranteed Gemma, when you remind yourself that even they accused themselves of hypocrisy, then who are you to not think that you're a hypocrite? All right. And the thing here, which is very powerful, is that if you notice the first thing, Ibrahim attain me. He says that, you know, I

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compared my words to my deeds, and I was afraid that my deeds are not matching my words. So you might say that you'd say all the preachers are hypocrites. But then even anyone Aika when he tells you guess who thought they were hypocrites, it tells you that hey, each and every single one of you should recuse themselves and

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should think to themselves that I could possibly be amongst those who are of the hypocrites. And the mount had been but Paul Rahim Allah to Allah says in his chakra Buhari, he says in his explanation, he says that the Companions feared hypocrisy because they lived after the prophets lie Selim after having lived with the Prophet slice up, they lived after the prophets lie seller. And they saw the changes in society and they saw the changes in themselves. Meaning what that, you know, obviously, their email and their faith went down after the death of the Prophet SAW Selim. Because having him in their presence allowed their Iman allowed their faith to reach, you know, extremely high levels.

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And when he says none of them claim to have the emaan of Djibouti or mica, none of them claim to have the faith of the angels. What does he mean by that? Okay, this this part of the same kind of sounds awkward when you read it as a whole. But what he means by that is that all of them knew that even if they reached good, even if they reached an ultimate good, they reached a position where they were like the angels and the sons that the prophets like Selim says, If you were to remember Allah subhanaw taala, and be like, I be like you are in my presence, even when you're not in my presence, meaning if you were always like you are when you're around the Prophet, slice Allah, and always in

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that state of thicket, the angels would shake your hands in the streets, it's impossible for you to be at that level. So they understood that even if they reached a very high level of iman, they were not Gibreel and mica II, they were not angels to where they could not fall.

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Okay? Because a bliss fell, and many great people felt, the angels are the only ones who have no fear of falling once they reach a high point. And usually, you know, when a person is usually afflicted with hypocrisy, it's when they do to a level of good and they start to be content with that level of good and they stop being vigilant against themselves and against the shayateen. That's when you tend to be afflicted with hypocrisy. When you start to say, You know what, at Hamdulillah I reached this point I reached this point, and you start to notice your good deeds to a point that you become content and you become complacent. And then he mentioned hence the statement of the Muhammad

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Hassan bossley Rahim Allah to Allah so Allah Buhari continues he says, we use we use Cairo and Al Hassan, now half of who in movement. Well, Amina who Illa Munna effect, he says, and it's mentioned that Al Hassan Al Basri, or himolla to Allah says, that no one feels no one fears hypocrisy except for a believer, and no one feel safe from it except for a hypocrites. No one fears hypocrisy, except for a believer and no one feels safe from it, except from a hypocrite. Now, just a technical point here. If you notice, he says, Well, you've caught on in hustle. It's mentioned that it hasn't said. And the reason why he says well, you've Caroline and Hassan, it's mentioned that Hudson says as

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opposed to Ibrahima teamie said, and they've been Abby Malika said is what does anyone know?

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Why would he say that? Why would he say and it's mentioned that it hasn't said?

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Anybody know?

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Because he himself did not have a chain of narrators to that statement. Okay, so the statement of an Hassan was written down and documented and was frequent on the tongues of the people Buhari did not have the personal chain of narrators to an essence saying this meaning that this person heard this person say that it hasn't said this. So Buhari chose to say well you've cut off Anil Hassan and it said that it hasn't said this email, Rahim Allah to Allah one of the teachers of a body has the narration he actually has the Senate the chain of the saying of an essence. He says her death in a row head nor about rather her death and he shall submerge will hasten your code Wallahi my mobile

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movement while I adopt here in La Jolla half on NIFA one Amina who ill. So the actual statement of Al Hassan bossley in its exact words, when Allah He Ma Ma Ma movement, he said I swear by Allah that no believer has passed. And all the believers for him are the companions and those that came before them. What are not here and not a believer is left on the face of the earth in La Jolla half an effect except that that person fears hypocrisy for themselves. Why not? Amina who Illa went off, and no one feel safe from hypocrisy, except for someone who is a hypocrite themselves. Why is that? You become complacent with your situation. You start to think that hamdulillah I'm doing this, I'm doing

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that. And because of that you become diluted. So you start to neglect your sins. You start to forgive yourself, right for your sins and you let your sins grow and accumulate. You start to look down upon others. And you know when you hear Hadith about hypocrisy, you go Yeah, I know who's a hypocrite sounds exactly like that person. Instead of yourself. You stop accusing yourself. You start deflecting and you start accusing others

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You become unaware of yourself. And when you become unaware of yourself, you become aware of the faults of others. When you become aware of your own faults, you become unaware of the faults of others. Right? So no believer does not fear the possibility of falling and the possibility of not having sincerity in their good deeds. No believer does not question themselves after they do a good deed whether that good deed was sincerely for Allah or not. No believer is sure that they will enter paradise if they die right now, or that Allah has accepted their good deeds. And that uncertainty does not lead them to a state of despair where they don't do anything, that uncertainty only makes

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them do more good, hoping that if there was some a lack of goodness in this previous good deed, then maybe this good deed will have full sincerity to Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanaw taala says, well, Iman, half my Alma rhombi, heat janitor, the one who fears standing in front of his Lord will have to gardens will have gentlemen. And it's really interesting because in the area, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the reward of Jana, not for the good deeds that she did out of fear but for the fear itself.

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If Allah sees that you truly feared him, Allah will make you feel safe on the Day of Judgment. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying that the one who's afraid the one who's doesn't fear a lot in the sense that he's he's trying to run away from Allah subhanaw taala but rather that person is afraid that they haven't prepared enough for their standing before Allah subhanaw taala so what will Allah do Allah subhanaw taala will give you Jana and return. So Allah attributed Jana to fear to fear of not doing enough Why would you fear them a common front of Allah? Why would you fear standing in front of Allah because you think you're not good enough you think that you haven't done enough? So

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Allah attributed gender to that fear, on the other hand was Pantai says fell out yet mental McCullough il como hacia. No one feels safe from the plan of Allah except for a except for a group of losers. Except for a loser and the eternal sense. Only a loser feels completely safe from the plant of Allah subhanaw taala and is diluted by his good deeds and is diluted by his position and starts to use things that have been given to him or to her as an excuse that I'm not a hypocrite.

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And that's very dangerous, and it leads a person to their absolute disk destruction. Someone told shitless Salman Tamia Rahim Allah to Allah. He mentioned to him, the Cabal, the acceptance of a group of some students towards him and he said mashallah, you know, look, you have these great people that are listening to you and so on so forth. And he responded, he said, How do I know that Allah is not just plotting against me, Allah that my success even could be a plot of Allah subhanaw taala against me, that Allah subhanaw taala could just like a las Panatela raises a violin, he allows an oppressor to grow only to humiliate him. Also, Allah subhanaw taala might raise the

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reputation of a person only to humiliate them. Okay, so you don't be deluded by that reputation or by that goodness that you have that you've attained as a result of some goodness that people have seen in you. And to thinking that you don't have to do that goodness in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala lastly, the last thing of this chapter, when you're not Amina, is Lori Allen the faculty well ehsani mean radiobutton Nikolay lanita Allah, what am your soul Ruana my fellow or homie ala mode. He says that a person should not insist upon their hypocrisy or insist upon their sins once they become aware of it, just as Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, I'm your Saru Allah and Allah Allahu

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Allah, mon, they do not insist upon their sins knowingly. So if you notice that the Hadith took us from a place of a person being unaware of their hypocrisy, and then you go through this heavy daily introspection,

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to identify flaws within yourself, and to find room for improvement in your good deeds. And you surround yourself with people that will tell you where you're going wrong. You surround yourself with people that will hold you accountable. And that will point out your flaws too, so that you can better yourself, then once you become aware of those flaws, once you become aware of those shortcomings. At that point, it is sinful if you don't do anything about it.

00:34:22 --> 00:35:00

Does that make sense to you? Well, once you're aware of it now, because you might not have been aware you might have not been seeing something but then you were made aware either from someone else or through your deep reflection of a flaw or something that you're doing wrong. At that point to insist upon it is insisting upon a sin. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, in a hadith that scenario by Abdullah Mohammed will be a low tide and who that was that Imam Muhammad. Documents wailed on Lin was serene Alladhina Yasser, Runa Allah Allah, Allah Muhammad Allah, mon woe to those who insist those that insist upon their sins knowingly, knowingly. So the summary

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This, you have to actively try to identify your insecurities, to identify your flaws, to identify your hypocrisy, the moment you abandon that reflection, and that and that identification process, you fall into hypocrisy by default. So the identification process is essential. You're constantly trying to identify those flaws within yourself. Identify that hypocrisy within yourself, identify those shortcomings. Once you identify it, you become accountable to ridding yourself of it, to actively trying to rid yourself of it. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to protect us from hypocrisy. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us sincerity and all that we do. And we ask Allah

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subhanaw taala to make us amongst those that are granted His grace on the day of judgment, and that are entered into Jonathan for those without being held accountable, and without being punished in any way whatsoever. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala that if there are flaws that we are unaware of that Allah Subhana Allah forgives, forgives us, for them. And Allah subhanaw taala puts us on the path of rectification and that if there are flaws that we are unaware of that Allah subhanaw taala does not hold us accountable for them on the Day of Judgment. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala that on the day of judgment, He judges us by His mercy, as opposed to His justice long mean, questions.

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00:36:28 --> 00:36:28

I've heard

00:36:36 --> 00:37:20

Yeah, so the Prophet SAW Salem, when we talked about the janazah. It's narrated that the prophets lie some did not prey upon certain people. So a suicide victim or someone that used to deal with the Rebbe interest or someone that used to, essentially someone that was publicly noted for their fascia for their wickedness. The prophets, like some himself would not prey on them, but he would order his companions to prey on them. And that was a sign of distancing himself from the action. Okay. And it was more to caution other people, you know, like, how imagine, you know, what, you know, what a form of what a form of deprivation if you live in the time of the Prophet slice, um, and he doesn't

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preach and Aslan, you panela like, what a form of deprivation, like if I'm a person living in that society, and I'm guilty of that sin that caused the profit slice, I'm not to preach and Aslan a person, then I'm going to be like, there is no way I'm going to forego the prayer of forgiveness from this man, it has led to some of the most beloved of Allah's creation to him

00:37:40 --> 00:37:44

in this situation, so, yes, it was a means of distancing themselves twice, and then from that action.

00:37:47 --> 00:38:24

Yes, absolutely. And if a person committed suicide, that doesn't mean they're disbelievers. Right, you still pray that you still watch that person and pray on them but that you know, some of the elements said that for example, the Imam or someone you know a person of importance of authority should distance himself maybe not up here like so if someone you know sold alcohol or Hamid or Delton Riba, interest and things of that sort and or was public about their fascia public about their wickedness, that maybe an imam or someone have noted authority would shun the janazah but still make sure that the obligation was fulfilled as a means of warning the other people, right,

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that that, you know, this is a grievous sin.

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And we ask Allah to protect us from it.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:33

Any other questions?

00:38:34 --> 00:38:40

You guys just want to go home and watch the primary? Sorry? I guarantee you, it's not going to be a pretty result probably. Yeah.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:58

No, so there were some Jeunesses where the prophets lie. Selim says, Pray on your companion, but he would not pray on them. He wouldn't leave her and he wouldn't pray on them to indicate that they still shouldn't be preyed on but he himself was distancing himself

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that would put their companions in a difficult position. No, no, because he's telling them that you should still prey on him and you still get the reward of it and he's still your brother, she's still your sister. But the profit slice on himself as the leader of the community wants to distance himself from that action. So see how the prophets slice have not prayed and not given them instructions to pray. Then the sin there would have been not to prey on these people at all. But because the prophets Isom ordered them to still prey on these people. That was a sign that the prophets lie Selim was expressing a form of Kanawha as opposed to to him that there's dislike and a

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person of stature and authority preying on this person.

00:39:40 --> 00:39:45

Right now, a leader of the nation or whatever, he would not

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lead the

00:39:49 --> 00:39:59

right, some of the schools have they said that the imam in that situation, you know, in analogy to what the prophets like some did should not leave the prayer on a person like

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and some of them said that that was caused to the profit slice and that was specific to the profits by some because the prophets lie some note knows of these people we don't know. You know, the profit slice I'm knows, you know, of course Allah's prints I gave the profit slice and the names of the hypocrites. So he knows of these people what we don't know. So I think that unless it's an extreme situation, like for example, a murderer

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All right, a murderer in that situation, it might be good for the obligation to be fulfilled for that person. One extreme one extreme is to say, that person should not have janazah should not have very well done and so on so forth. The other extreme is to is to say the entire community has to go and pray on that person, no, a group of people can go fulfill the obligation, wash the person shroud the person pray janazah to give them that right. But still they can be shunned by the community as a means of distancing themselves from the action that's permissible and there's precedent in the Sunnah for that?

00:40:55 --> 00:40:56

Any sisters?

00:40:59 --> 00:41:02

All right, I'll take two more questions inshallah. Yes.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:13

Is there an example in qualified Washington for this practice? Yes. Yes. Of distancing themselves from certain janazah Yes.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:17

Last question, shower. Yes.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:33

Okay, so we said there are three ways of nullification of a good deed. One is that physically, you're not meeting the conditions. So we'll do you know, doing a lot with that we'll do

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two is

00:41:37 --> 00:41:51

spiritually corrupting your good deeds. So for example, if I prayed a salon just to show off, or if I gave charity just to show off, that good deed actually becomes a sin on the Day of Judgment.

00:41:53 --> 00:42:14

Okay, now, let's say that I'm fulfilling an obligatory prayer. And I fear that there's corruption in my intentions, then I need to work on rectifying those intentions and Allah subhanaw taala will overlook it so long as I'm working against it. But when a person intentionally does a good deed for an insincere reason, the nullification of that good deed actually makes the good deed a bad deed.

00:42:16 --> 00:42:23

Alright, does that call now Hayden shoutout I'll see you all next week's Pentagon Hamlet Shadowlands stuff required to break with Solomonic ranks limit accounts.

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