Omar Suleiman – Maintaining a Balance Within Our Duas

Omar Suleiman
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker describes a scenario where the Prophet compels the person they were speaking to to do something for the future, but they refuse to do so. The Prophet explains that if they refuse to do so, they will be punished in the future and the person is punished by the end of the life they were in. The speaker uses historical examples to illustrate their point.

AI: Summary ©

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			Anas radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu, he says that
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			the Prophet ﷺ visited one of the suhamah.
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			And he said, this man was dying.
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			I mean he was so sick.
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			Literally he described him, he was like a
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			bird that was dying.
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			I mean he was crumbled in his bed
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			about to die.
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			And the Prophet ﷺ went to visit him.
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			And he said, هل كنت تدعو بشيء؟
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			Were you making du'a for anything?
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			Were you asking Allah ﷻ for anything?
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			I mean, as you were in this situation.
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			He said, I used to say, اللهم ما
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			كنت معاقبني به في الآخرة فعجله لي في
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			He said, O Allah!
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			Whatever you were going to punish me with
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			in the hereafter, hasten it for me in
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			this dunya.
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			Punish me in this dunya, let me get
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			it over with.
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			Let me go through the pain and the
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			suffering in this world.
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			And don't punish me in the hereafter.
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			The Prophet ﷺ said, that's what you used
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			to make du'a for?
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			هل كنت تدعو بشيء?
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			That was your du'a all this time?
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			O Allah!
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			Torture me in this life so that I
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			don't suffer in the next life.
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			The Prophet ﷺ said, سبحان الله لا تطيقه.
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			He said, you're not going to be able
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			to handle that.
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			This isn't what you're supposed to be doing.
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			No, you don't ask Allah.
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			It could be coming from a noble place.
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			This is coming from a sincere place.
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			رضي الله عنه, may Allah be pleased with
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			But you don't ask Allah punish me now
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			so that you don't punish me then.
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			That's not the type of Lord that you're
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			So the Prophet ﷺ says, say instead, رَبَّنَا
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			آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسْنَةً وَقِنَا
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			عَذَابَ النَّارِ O our Lord, grant us the
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			best of this life and the best of
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			the hereafter.
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			And protect us from the punishment of the
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			Again, proportionality.
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			When you make du'a to Allah, exert
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			yourself the most when you ask for the
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			things of the hereafter.
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			And ask Allah for the highest of this
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			life and the next.
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			Ask Allah for الفردوس الأعلى, for the highest
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			level of الفردوس.
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			Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for these
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			And there is no such thing as a
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			du'a that's made in vain so long
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			as your pursuit is right.
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			And that's why the believer does not become
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			bitter and dejected with their du'a.
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			Because they know that they have an understanding
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			with their Lord that if my du'a
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			was not answered in the way I wanted
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			it to for this dunya, then Allah stored
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			it for the greater goal that was also
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			present in my du'a, which was salvation
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			and the hereafter.