Omar Suleiman – What Is Your Legacy
![Omar Suleiman](
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The importance of finding a partner who is a Muslim man and a prophet is emphasized in the legacy of Islam, along with finding a partner who is a woman. The success of Sub's mother, a part of a culture of "immovability," is highlighted as a journey for those interested in achieving a positive life. The importance of actively engaging in thoughts and feelings to achieve a positive experience is emphasized, along with a story about a young man who was beaten to death and killed by the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam. Visitors are encouraged to maintain sincerity and not allow anyone to expose them for their Yoth.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
This Mama, Pamela sola. So everyone here knows who Michael Jordan is. Whether you play ball or not, you know that he's the greatest player in basketball history.
So which was most people agree.
So if you're practicing your jump shot on the playground, or you're watching him on the TV, you know that people just want to be like him. They want to be like, Mike. So for Michael Jordan's legacy, let's take it to the next level.
The profits left their legacies as well. We have it because the Prophet Ibrahim, we wouldn't have this Deen without prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So as people want to be like, Mike, we want to be like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So then the question becomes, what is our legacy? And to help us find our own answers to this question, we have Imam Omar Solomon. And a quick bio. Imam Solomon is a teacher at Alamo Grove Institute. He's also a teacher at Mischka University. And he teaches a weekly tafsir at if you guys want to write this [email protected] Lf or you just go on Facebook and search IV mom Suleyman and I left Houston so brothers and sisters here is
even when muslimah
said I want to live in a castle first and foremost it's www
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does that come along here? Awesome introduction though on the Michael Jordan the MJ thing I didn't know where he was going with that but that was pretty good martial law may Allah bless you and preserve you inshallah. I was will ask me not even to say phonology Mr Nava Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa one Illa Allah Vitamina Cuba to limit Sakina Lama Saudi was sent him about acaba de kado, silica Mohammed in Salalah, Juan he was salam, ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam to summon kathira. Before I go into this topic, to be very honest with you the topic of what is your legacy is it's one of those topics where sort of like I said, last night, you could do a million talks based
on that one talk, you could talk about many different aspects of that topic. But before we go into what is your legacy, I want to ask a question, and this is what I want to start off the talk with, because I feel like this is the most neglected aspect of this topic. Who do you want your legacy to be with? Who do you want your legacy to be with, because sometimes when you say legacy, especially when you hear very motivational speeches, people automatically think that means I need to go out and you know, if I'm a guy start wearing skinny jeans or something like that, so I could be the guy that started off the trend of wearing skinny jeans, or if you're a sister than I need to wear some kind
of cool a job or I need to, I need to open up an institute or I need to, you know, we think very large we think, great, I need to do this, I need to do that. But sometimes in the back of our minds, what we're really thinking of is how to leave a legacy with people. Not how to leave a legacy with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And leaving a legacy with people is even divided into categories. When you think about who's which people you want to pay attention to your legacy. Are you trying to leave a legacy with some kind of magazine? Are you trying to leave a legacy so that you would be recorded as you know, in some group of influential people in some book? Are you trying to leave a legacy with
your friends? Are you trying to leave a legacy with your parents?
And then outside of people? Are you trying to leave a legacy with a loss of Hannah who it's out of the only legacy that truly matters on the day of judgment? Now to be very clear with one thing if you have a legacy with a loss of Hannah, who it's either you will have a legacy with the people because a lot of loss on a lot how to sell themselves and authentic narration which is how these goods see that Allah subhana wa tada speaks about the people that are seeking His pleasure. Now it also la Sai Salaam said in Allah either I have the abdon when Allah loves somebody, now that jabril he calls upon jabril at his salon, and he says yeah, jabril in the bufala and I love this person, so
you should love him too. So Jabra has Sam loves him. And then jabril alehissalaam calls out to the inhabitants of the heavens. And he says in Allah, how you have befallen Allah subhanaw taala loves this person, so you should love him too. So you have to understand that so that so the inhabitants of the heavens love that person.
And as for the people on the on the earth or so lustleigh salaam says for y'all that Allah Allah Kabbalah, he is granted acceptance on the face of the earth. So Allah subhanho wa Taala grants the love of that person in the people's hearts. Now this is something sometimes very hard to fathom. First and foremost, the true legacy comes from pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala and understanding that my legacy is in following the legacy of someone greater than me being the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if I cling on to his legacy, and if I try to be a part of it in some way, shape or form, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will honor me with him and Allah subhanaw taala will honor me
with the people. To put things in perspective. I want to look at the family of Ibrahim alayhis salaam for a moment. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us something very interesting about Ibrahim it is Salah. Allah says that when Ebrahim alayhis salam was kicked out of his own land by his people, when his father instigated to have him murdered, executed. When they brought him out. He said I'm faced rejection despite all of the arguments that he made against his people. And the only one that believed in him was it was his wife and Luke alayhis salam, as he was leaving his people. He made it to Allah subhana wa Tada. He said the rub be heavily mean a sleight of hand Oh Allah grabbed me from
the righteous. So Allah subhana wa tada says in Surah Maria while we're having Allah who is halfway aku we granted him his half an yaku and we granted them a special mercy what Jana Allah whom the sign of seduction Alia and we granted them status and high honor legacy. In essence, legacy Lisa Alia, you know, when someone is is is performing well or when someone is, is good, and when someone is admired, everybody wants to claim that person. Right? It's like if you have a celebrity, everybody wants to claim that they're Daisey, or wants to claim that they are but wants to claim that they're Muslim somehow whenever they get famous. So you've got a guy that has a somewhat Muslim
name. Right Shaq when he wasn't Muslim, Shaq when he wasn't Muslim, he is a Muslim today. And having done a lot of blaming, wasn't when he wasn't Muslim. Everybody was like, oh, Shaq is Muslim. Shaq is Muslim, Shaq is Muslim. It doesn't matter how he's Muslim, just somehow he's Muslim. Right? And then if you have someone famous, you know, they're Palestinian. They're related to me somehow. They're my sixth cousin. Right? I mean, somehow you try to find some sort of relationship with that person. Everybody wants to claim that person. But when that person belongs to the other side, everybody tries to distance themselves from them. So when that person is bad, everyone tries to say, Well,
that's because he's from Pakistan. That's because he's from that country. All those people are like that, you know, he's got some Jewish blood in him somehow. Try to try to push him off to somebody else. We don't want him. We don't want her. with Abraham. It is to them, you've got a superstar. You've got someone who has a legacy not only with the Muslims, but with the Christians and the Jews. And even with the machine of the auto. Even with the polytheists of the Arabs and soulless, iclm saw that they had in the carrabba a picture a portrait of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, casting lots and
taking part in the in the traditions that they used to determine basically their horoscopes, their version of horoscopes, they saw different pictures of the Bohemian Salaam, doing his own practices, even they wanted to claim Ibrahim Ali solo. So he is a superstar with everybody. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala clarifies in the ad ma Cata Ibrahim Yahoo de la la la serrania Brahim wasn't a Jew and he wasn't a Christian, but he was Hanif not Hanafi. He was Hanif he was a monotheist Muslim and a Muslim and he was not from those who disbelieve he was not from those who associate partners with a loss of hundreds out. So everybody my Islam had a true legacy. Even though he was rejected
for all of those years, Allah would elevate him. But Abraham it said I wanted companionship he was human. And when he made that drive to a loss of having to be heavily manansala him, Allah Subhana Allah says, We granted him his half and iacob What's wrong with this picture? Which son is missing here?
His smile. Why is this my younger than his Huck?
know, he's 13 years older than his house. And he was set up. It's my age is 13 years older than his half is half greater than his smile is a smile greater than his hock.
His smile is greater than is half the profit slice and I'm sad so on Bahati that Allah has chosen from the children of Ibrahim alayhis salaam is married smart Italia Salaam is Allah soul and he's gonna be he's a mother.
messenger of God and he's a prophet is how is a prophet of God is a prophet of Allah. So that's odd enough that is half as being mentioned but this man is not being mentioned then Yaqoob is being mentioned Yaqoob is not even a son and he said he's not even a son of Ibrahim it Islam. He's the son of his hammock. So he's the grandson but he Abraham is not live long enough to see Yaqoob and iacobelli salaam honored his grandfather Ibrahim it is set up but the whole time you see missing here it's married. And Allah says we granted them the Santa seduction Alia we granted them high honor and high reputation. Now let's look at the one who was not mentioned. Allah subhana wa tada
wanted to give him a separate category. What score Phil kitabi is smart.
And mentioned in the book is smart ale. In who cat I saw the word he was truthful to his promise what cannot assume an obeah and he was a messenger of Allah and he was a prophet of Allah. It's my ADA, I think his Salaam was truthful to his promise the scholars saved from this whenever he told his father, you know, whenever he told his father, if Allah Subhana, Allah commanded you to do this, you will find me from those who are patient. Now if your dad walked up to you and said, I'm going to slaughter you, and please don't believe your father, if he says this to you. No one receives why anymore, just making sure you guys understand that. If your dad tells you a lot commanded me to take
you to the shed and cut your head off. He's not telling the truth. Okay. He saw he's delusional. But anyway, Brahim is lamb is receiving Why?
And he tells his son is right on a slum even after you have to be abandoned even after you have to live alone in the desert and you have to make it on your own. Allah subhana wa tada now has even commanded me to kill you to slaughter you. smite on Islam said if Allah commanded you to do it, you will find me from those who are patient. Now when Ibrahima Islam took out the knife
it's married did it go whoa that I was just kidding I thought this is supposed to be a test
Are you really gonna do this smile on a Salaam was quiet. He accepted the decree of Allah. If Allah wants this for me, I understand this is what's best for me. For law has chosen me to be in this position. Not to be like the other brothers. This is what I'm satisfied with. And we know Allah subhanaw taala Of course saved this married his Salaam from that and rewarded Ibrahim and is married. Now after that after a smile passed the test. This made it Salaam good to come back and enjoy the popularity that is half and Benny is slightly ill are now enjoying because now Ibrahim al Islam is enjoying honor amongst his people. Now is how he is enjoying honor amongst amongst this
people. Now jacoba Islam is the father of the 12 tribes of Bani Israel. jacoba Islam is honored amongst his people. They're living amongst civilized people. They're living in respect. They're living as they should be living amongst the people. But it's my eat it Sam has to live in the desert with his mother. And the people that he's going to deliver the message to is a small tribe of Arabs by the name of Jerome.
But it's night Ali Salaam accepts that task. He doesn't say to his father, why is it that I have to come over there? No, Allah says Wakata yet moto Allah who thought it was a car he used to enjoy in his family, his people, that small group of people around him, he used to enjoy them with prayer and Zakah, meaning he did his part with his family. It's Monday night Islam accepted. This is my dharma. This is my group. This is how Allah subhanaw taala wants me to serve. This is how I'm going to serve.
And he taught his people as sold out was the car. Which brings us to the next question of legacy. If your legacy is outside of your home, but it is not inside of your home, your legacy is absolutely worthless. Because that wound up in my roof. Those who are closest to you are the ones that are most deserving of your good behavior. What is the point of having a legacy with everybody in this room? If you don't have a legacy with your parents? What is the point of having a legacy with everybody in this room if your own spouse thinks you're rotten? What is the point of having a legacy with everybody in this room and everybody in the world if your own child thinks you're a hypocrite,
a crumble and an old up in my roof, your legacy should first be with your family. Your family should love you. Your family should benefit from you. Your family should should be able to testify to Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment, Oh Allah, he's even better on the inside of the house that he was on the outside of the house.
Those are the people who will testify for you, your parents. You can please anyone in the world but it has to go through your parents, your spouse, your children, dealing with them with justice, dealing with them.
sincerity fulfilling their rights at Mount Tabor Rahim Allah. He says that there was an Imam This was he didn't mention his name. He says there was an Imam. For Sierra Lisa extremely eloquent, used to cause the people to cry used to bring the people to the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When he died his wife was making against him.
His wife was saying, Oh Allah, allow him to burn in hellfire.
And he said, we saw his manbo became filthy, the same day of His janazah His members started to stink. He was put on blast by his wife, he was exposed. He had a legacy with everyone else. He was the chef that used to make us all cry. But his own wife was not seeing that goodness. So it meant absolutely nothing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the first people that I should have legacy with are my family. If I leave this world while my parents are still alive, I need to make sure that my parents say that that is the son, that is the daughter who used to kiss my hand. That is the son that is the daughter that always treated me with kindness and axon. That's the child that loved me
the most out of all of my kids, you know, some kind of law. My father in law should probably have read a lot. I learned a lot from him in this regard. He was the he was the only one from his brothers that lived in the in America. And Subhanallah every time he sees his parents, even if he just finished giving an ultimate he automatically starts to bow down and kiss their hands, treats them with love and respect. And his mother missed him so much when he was in America all of these years. He lives in Georgia now, but all of these years 27 years, she missed him so much. She used to take his his his cologne his perfume and she used to put it on the beards of his brothers. So this
reminds me of my son her son. This reminds me of him a living legend right in that regard with his parents, with his parents Subhanallah Accra buena Ola maruf legacy if I leave this world, how will the people in my inner circle testify for me or against me? Because a loss of loss isin um says and Tim shahadat life and you are the witnesses of a law on this earth. You are the witnesses of a law on this earth. What we say about each we will testify for people we will testify against people loss loss Isilon was one sitting with the Sahaba I'm gonna get back to this Madani Santa Ana janaza passed by and the Sahaba started to say bad things about that person, and also loss icmm said words
about what Shabbat was about it became mandatory three times. And then another janazah passed by in the Sahaba said good things about him. The prophets I send them said was about three times it has become mandatory. And the Sahaba said jasola What are you talking about? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You said what about for the one that we spoke in love and you said was about for the one we spoke good of and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said asked for the one you spoke evil of when you testified when you said those words was about LaHood now, Hellfire became mandatory for him.
And as for the one you spoke good of when you said those things, what about the whole Jannah paradise became mandatory for him? So yes, we will testify. And we will have testimony for or against this from other people. That matters to Allah subhana wa Tada. But for people let's start off with the people that are closest to us. The people that see us all the times, all the time the people that see our flaws all the time. Now back to a smile on a set up. Can I know who the Salah was the car, he taught his family he taught his people he enjoined them with salah and with Zika. Then Allah subhanaw taala gives us the key to this entire equation. As far as how can yaku john,
Allah himself and Alia, we granted them high honor and status. It's Marina his Salaam, they don't even give him credit for being the son that was going to be slaughtered. You talk about not being appreciated in the masjid. Because you put in an hour of service and people didn't appreciate you. Because people recognize someone else at the buzzard community awards. And you gave this much money. Why is he getting that much you did this much service? Why are they getting recognized? It's my era, his salon, put his life on the line
gave his neck to his father to cuts. He doesn't even get credit for that.
Because they say that that was actually his hack. So you're talking about a person, that from a standpoint of reputation and honor throughout history, it's all to his heart and your code. And if you look at the chart of prophets, you will see from his Hakan Yaqoob, Prophet after prophet after prophet after prophet then you look at Islam and it set up and you've got this straight line going on.
All the way down
until it reaches Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which out does all of the others. You know why sprayvalet salaam accepted to be part of the legacy that Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to be a part of, but he accepted it on the terms of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And at the end of the day can and Rob be He, Murali
he was to his Lord pleasing.
Imagine what do you think is right that Islam would rather have the silence of the Quran Alia high honor or model D. All around pleasing to Allah subhanho to Allah, Allah loves him. And so Allah elevated him. And so today dear brothers and sisters, we are all part of the legacy of ismar La Silla did he knows that when he was dealing with this backward tribe of Arabs of Jerome in the middle of the desert, while his brothers were getting all of the attention that he knows that he didn't know that, but he wanted to be part of this legacy and somehow and we are part of that legacy of Islam a lot a set up when hotjar alayhis salaam was running between a slough our model why you
think she knew that there would be millions of people, billions of people that would follow in her footsteps?
No. But Allah subhana wa tada granted her that, in fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told the Muslims, he said, You are going to conquer an area of must of Egypt.
And when you get there, know that that is the land of our mother hands on. So treat the people with extra kindness. So all of you, Egyptians, you Oh, ha, john, you owe her a favor also. Because the prophets lie Selim said that's part of her legacy to you treat them with extra kindness. May Allah Subhana Allah bless the people of Egypt in their trial that they're going through now everyone say, I mean, and the people all over the world in Syria, everyone say I mean,
so dear brothers and sisters, this teaches us a very profound and powerful lesson. It's the lesson that Ahmed Abu Qatada the Allahu anhu, said, No Coleman as an Allah huben Islamic inept Elena is utterly Lady otherland Allah, we are a people that Allah gave honor to through Islam, if we seek it through anything else Allah will humiliate us. How many times do we have wasted potential here? How many times do we have Muslims that are put through a test put through a tragedy and will live through that test to that tragedy? A lot is preparing you for greatness.
If only we could understand if only we could process it. If only we were patient with Allah subhana wa tada when Maria alayhis salam was giving birth to a Sally who set up and she said yeah, a tiny mid to cabela we're calling tunisienne min sia I wish I would have died before this and bid completely forgotten.
What was the answer of jabril alayhis salam, Allah has any. Not just accept this. Don't to dare feel sorry for yourself or be sad. Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to make you the greatest woman that's ever walked the face of the earth. Don't you dare say to yourself, that my life is over and that I have no worth no Allahu Allah subhanaw taala is elevating you through this, you are going to be the purest woman that has ever walked the face of the earth. You are going to be an example for the female believers and the male believers for the rest of history. Those who came before you and those who came after to speak patience, a lot is elevating you a lot is lifting you to greater heights as
long as you are trying to be a part of it. And if you seek it in any other way Allah is gonna humiliate you. You know, sapan a lot.
One of the one of the great scholars, I forgot which one it was one of the one of the self. He mentioned something beautiful. He said the footsteps of Ibrahim alayhis salaam maqam Ibrahim. the footsteps of Ibrahim alayhis salaam are preserved but the palaces of quadroon have disappeared.
The palaces of Caron Caron had to have multiple people carry his key for his palace. But Allah subhanaw taala honor the footsteps of Ibrahim on Islam more than our own. Who do you think has a greater legacy? Well lies of everything that participated in bringing about this great Dean to where it is today has more honor than anyone who lived his life toiling for dunya No matter how much money and no matter how much status they achieved,
because at the end of the day, a loss of patents Allah has given us one path to greatness and that's through following the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I asked each and every single one of you when you leave this world, what Sunnah Did you revive that was missing?
What sooner Did you revive that was missing? What did you see in your community that was lacking from the Sunnah of the Prophet sly Salaam. And trust me it's not just walking into Iraq with a job.
What Sunnah? Did you revive that you saw missing from the actions of the people? What legacy did you leave with your parents? What will the people who are burying you say? What will happen after you pass away will people start to notice that all of a sudden the masjid bathrooms are not being cleaned. All of a sudden, the food is not being served to us the way that it used to be served. All of a sudden the secret charity may be an orphan that you are sponsoring online. All of a sudden that orphan stops receiving his money and he understands that the one who was sponsoring him although he never met him or her he makes a lot for that person. Oh Allah that person used to sponsor me. That
person used to give me money. I don't know who they are. I've never met them. But Allah Allah protect them. That orphan makes their art for you. Subhana Allah, what have you left behind? How much will the earth miss you? How much will people miss you? Because Allah subhanaw taala says in the old ad about the people of fit our own cantata Coleman, Jonathan, what are you on? was a woman Carmen Kareem? Whenever Martin can we have hockey in Canada Rico Ross, Coleman affarin family back at it. He was about one out of one count on one buddy and a loss of hundreds ISIS, how many palaces? How many gardens, how many rivers? How much wealth did they leave behind? And Allah subhana wa tada
just like that cadaveric our rathna how Coleman offering people inherited it from them.
And the heavens nor the earth set a tear for them. And they were not amongst those who would be granted respect on the Day of Judgment. How much did they leave behind, but there was actually no tangible legacy. They failed to revive a son. They failed to be part of this legacy. They failed to be part of this data. They sat back and they said America is gonna is gonna kick all Muslims are America is gonna put Muslims in internment camps. So we're not going to do anything. We'll wait until America or we'll wait until we go back home so we can hear the other than in the streets. We'll wait until you know a perfect situation comes up all the world's over anyway, the dad is
coming tomorrow anyway. So let's just keep smoking our who can kick back until the job comes. Then we can say Oh man, I knew the day of judgment was coming. Don't you see this Hadeeth was fulfilled. This Hadith was fulfilled. This Hadith was fulfilled, how many of us are actually involved? actually part of this demo, actually seeking to please Allah subhanaw taala actually thinking when I leave what have I left behind? And it doesn't have to be massive. It doesn't have to be massive. It could be as simple as a test happening to you and you expressing patience and gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Well, I gave a lecture about my mother Rahim Allah. Last week at the UCLA convention. The
inspiration she served to me was not her Helen was not her knowledge. It was not that she memorized much more. And it was not that she memorized much Hadith, it's not that she could engage in an amazing conversation about a smart will seek out the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It was the fact that she bore cancer and stroke after stroke after stroke after stroke, only praising Allah subhanaw taala. And being grateful to him. That was the greatest inspiration of my life. Allah gives you a test by which he wants to purify you, and elevate you, so that you can wake up and understand where you are and what you need to be doing. And a person turns their back.
And I want to end on one note. And this is something that I would say out of everything that's happening Subhanallah there's a great saying, you know, that the that people are three types.
There are those who are movable. There are those who are immovable. And there are those who do the moving. Think about this, there are people that can be moved, there are people that cannot be moved, and there are people that move other people. And somehow to love this is this is the truth of the matter. When you think about legacy. There are people who are out there and who are doing the work and who are inspiring other people. They're not sitting around waiting to be inspired. They're going out there and they're inspiring other people, they're going out there and they're serving something and they're, you know, they're serving in a capacity in their community where they see something is
lacking. They're involved, they're engaged, they're not waiting and it must be allowed to align who when I think of the saying, he said that the hypocrites the disbeliever and the believer are like three people, three men that approached a valley, three men that approached the valley
and they were afraid to cross it.
The believer crossed over the valley and he reached safety on the other side.
The hypocrite went halfway. And the disbelievers stood at the other side and he called to the hypocrite and he told them, where are you going, you're not going to make it. And the believer told him Come on, or else you're gonna die. And he kept on looking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until a flood came, it killed the disbeliever. It killed the hypocrite because he was hesitant. He kept looking backwards, he was swaying back and forth. And the believer was the only one who survived the flood.
There are people who move, there are people who act. Don't just wait for convention after convention, conference after conference, class after class, work in some capacity. And if you truly want to work, if you truly want to be part of this legacy, all you have to do is make the sincere intention. ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide you to that path because as the mama because Allah Rahim Allah said either moto Canada who fakarava equally shangela wherever, when a person is actively engaged in thoughts, Allah Subhana Allah, everything lends itself to that thought. If you're thinking of a law, that light means something to you, that basketball goal means bringing
youth to the Muslim to play, how can I get youth here to play this microphone? Some of you if you're if you're all into, you know, into technology, you might be looking at this microphone while I'm talking and you're analyzing it. You're thinking to yourself, how much frequencies whatever all that kind of stuff, if you're into fashion, you're looking at my phone, and you're saying I know where my mom got that.
That job is kind of wack, you know, it's not. It's, it's it's actually a domain job. It's not tailored, you know, since the job that he bought off the market, because you're someone who's frequently engaged in thoughts of fashion and dress.
If you're someone who is engaged in thinking of a loss of how not to Allah, Allah opens your eyes to things. You see something and you think to yourself, I can use that to please Allah. I can use that to please Allah. What can I do with that? What meaning does this really have? You see a tree outside and another person sees a tree outside? One person sees and he says it's just a tree. The other person says subpoena law. Look at that tree.
One person is making to effect code one person is contemplating the other person is heedless is out of it. And that's what he mom's so he was talking about earlier, you've constructed your mindset in a certain way that you're in the flow, you're heedless, you're not paying attention. And you need to wake up and think when I die, what will become of me? What am I left behind? What is a tangible legacy, and you never know when that test will come that will wake you up, you just have to wait for it. And you have to be engaged in trying to please Allah subhanaw taala and when it comes, you accept it. You accept the capacity that Allah allows you to serve. Not everyone's going to serve in
the same way but you think of your own talents you think of what Allah has given you and you serve in that way, only seeking the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala because if it's for anything else and also loss I'm sudden Sahih Muslim Allah will say to you on the Day of Judgment is heavily de la Vina quantum Torah owner for dunya found little health as you do enter into Hamza, go ahead and run to those people used to show off to in dunya. And ask Do you have anything to give me today?
Do you have anything to give me because they weren't doing it for Allah subhanho wa Taala and you see sincerity bears are sincerity truly gives birth to enthusiasm it gives birth to work, you know, it's upon a lot of the people that sit behind their computer screens all day on Facebook. And right refutations. refutation, after refutation, after refutation, give their long fatawa on their Facebook statuses every single day on every single issue and think that they're doing service to Dean. Nobody's going to remember your Facebook status. 200 years from now. Nobody's gonna care about your Facebook status. No one's gonna care about your opinion. No one's gonna care about your
reputation. People will care about your work, what you've left behind, that benefits people.
And we need to wake up from that. And I want to end with something that truly touched me. You know, somehow a lot. What's happening in Syria right now is just unreal.
It's truly unreal. It's beyond. It's beyond animalistic. It's unreal. that people can slaughter children in the way that they're slaughtering children. It's unreal that a person can be buried alive while he's saying La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah and the soldiers who claim to be Muslim, have the heart to be or lack the heart that would stop them and prevent them from carrying out such act. It's unreal. It's unreal that a person thinks so highly of himself that he expects his people to make so due to his picture. It's unreal. These people exist. But you know what? Through that a loss
panatela inspires greatness. And there was one story that touched me more than any other story that came out of a sham in the tragedies and the crisis that we see today. There was a young man who like many other young men, and this is on video was being beaten to death and was being commanded to make suju to Bashar Al Assad's picture. May Allah subhanaw taala take him in Kherson amin was being commanded to make seduta his picture.
And he said no will law he I'd rather die.
And it's probably not what you think.
It's not because he doesn't want to make some jokes about Bashar his picture because he's been praying to Allah subhana wa Tada.
He says, as he's being killed, he says, I have never made sudo to Allah in my life.
And I'm not going to allow my first semester to be to be shot.
A lot inspires this in people's panela sometimes in the strangest situations, I've never prayed to Allah, I never once bowed down to him. And I'm not going to allow my first two beats have a shot. At that moment, a lot inspires greatness. That man left a legacy. He left a legacy. And we asked the last contact to accept his tober and we, we hope, we hope that that was out of sincerity. Because in truth Subhana Allah when the wake up call comes sometimes, all you have to do is think to yourself right now at this moment, what does Allah want me to be doing right now? Where does Allah wants me to be? Who does Allah want me to be pleasing to? If you think like that in every moment, what should
I be engaged in right now?
What should I be thinking of right now? What should be my legacy? When I leave the face of this earth? How will I leave this world in my time of death? Then it might just be that a loss of monetizable inspires something in you that you didn't even know you had in you.
But maintain sincerity and we asked Allah subhanaw taala to grant us Sophia and to grant us guidance Allah Daya we asked Allah Subhana Allah to grant us sincerity We ask Allah subhanaw taala. To grant us inspiration We ask Allah to grant us intuition We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us a life which is pleasing to Him and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make our actions purely for his sake and we ask Allah subhanaw taala not to allow our parents to be angry with us not to allow the people in our homes to expose us for our hypocrisy. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make the people who know us beneficiaries and people who testify on our behalf on the Day of Judgment. And we ask Allah
subhanaw taala to allow us to somehow be part of the great legacy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the greatest human being to ever walk the face of the earth. And we ask Allah subhanho its Allah to forgive us for our shortcomings. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to send his peace and blessings upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, well afrodite Juana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
So he's the grandson, but he Abraham is not live long enough to see Yaqoob and iacobelli salaam honored his grandfather Ibrahim, it is set up. But the whole time you see missing here is married. And Allah says we granted them the sign of seduction earlier we granted them high honor and high reputation. Now let's look at the one who was not mentioned. Allah subhana wa tada wanted to give him a separate category was colorfilled kitabi ismar eel and mentioned in the book is Marielle. In who Cata saw the word, he was truthful to his promise, what cannot asuna nebia and he was a messenger of Allah, and he was a prophet of Allah. It's my ADA, I think his Salaam was truthful to
his promise. The scholars say from this whenever he told his father, you know, whenever he told his father, if Allah Subhana, Allah commanded you to do this, you will find me from those who are patient. Now if your dad walked up to you and said, I'm gonna slaughter you, and please don't believe your father, if he says this to you, no one receives ye anymore. Just making sure you guys understand that. If your dad tells you a lot commanded me to take you to the shut and cut your head off. He's not telling the truth. Okay. He saw he's delusional. But anyway, but my name is and I was receiving why.
And he tells us on his right on Islam, even after you have to be abandoned even after you have to live alone in the desert.
And you have to make it on your own. Allah subhanaw taala now has even commanded me to kill you to slaughter you tonight on Islam said if Allah commanded you to do it you will find me from those who are patient now whenever a Hema Islam took out the knife
it's made that and go whoa that I was just kidding I thought is supposed to be a test
Are you really gonna do this it's mine on a Salaam was quiet. He accepted the decree of Allah. If Allah wants this for me I understand this is what's best for me. For law has chosen me to be in this position not to be like the other brothers. This is what I'm satisfied with. And we know Allah subhanaw taala Of course saved this married his Salaam from
and rewarded Ibrahim and is married. Now after that after a smile passed the test. This my daddy Salaam gets to come back and enjoy the popularity that is half and Bani Israel are now enjoying because now Ibrahim Ali Salaam is enjoying honor amongst his people now is how he is enjoying honor amongst amongst this people. Now jacoba salam is the father of the 12 tribes of Israel jacoba Islam is honored amongst his people. They're living amongst civilized people. They're living in respect. They're living as they should be living amongst the people but it's my eat it Salaam has to live in the desert with his mother. And the people that he's going to deliver the message to is a small
tribe of Arabs by the name of Jerome.
But it's my rally Salaam accepts that task. He doesn't say to his father, why is it that I have to come over there? No, Allah says Wakata Yamato Allah who the sought out he was a car he used to enjoy in his family, his people, that small group of people around him, he used to enjoy them with prayer nzqa, meaning he did his part with his family. It's made it Islam accepted. This is my dharma. This is my group. This is how Allah subhanaw taala wants me to serve. This is how I'm going to serve.
And he taught his people as Salah was the car. Which brings us to the next question of legacy. If your legacy is outside of your home, but it is not inside of your home, your legacy is absolutely worthless. Because an upgrade wound up in my roof, those who are closest to you are the ones that are most deserving of your good behavior. What is the point of having a legacy with everybody in this room? If you don't have a legacy with your parents, what is the point of having a legacy with everybody in this room? If your own spouse thinks you're rotten? What is the point of having a legacy with everybody in this room and everybody in the world if your own child thinks you're a
Accra buena Ola maroof your legacy should first be with your family. Your family should love you, your family should benefit from you. Your family should should be able to testify to Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment, Oh Allah, he's even better on the inside of the house that he was on the outside of the house.
Those are the people who are who will testify for you, your parents. You can please anyone in the world but it has to go through your parents, your spouse, your children, dealing with them with justice, dealing with them with sincerity, fulfilling their rights at the mount. Tabor Rahim Allah, He says that there was an Imam This was he didn't mention his name. He says there was an Imam for syphilis and extremely eloquence used to cause the people to cry used to bring the people to the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When he died, his wife was making against him.
His wife was saying, Oh Allah, allow him to burn in hellfire.
And he said we saw his manbo became filthy, the same day of His janazah His members started to stink. He was put on blast by his wife. He was exposed. He had a legacy with everyone else. He was the chef that used to make us all cry. But his own wife was not seeing that goodness. So it meant absolutely nothing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the first people that I should have legacy with are my family. If I leave this world while my parents are still alive, I need to make sure that my parents say that that is the son that is the daughter who used to kiss my hand. That is the son that is the daughter that always treated me with kindness and
that's the child that loved me the most out of all of my kids. You know, subpanel law. My father in law should have been a lot. I learned a lot from him in this regard. He was the he was the only one from his brothers that lived in the in America. And Subhanallah every time he sees his parents, even if he just finished giving a hug, he automatically starts to bow down and kiss their hands, treats them with love and respect. And his mother missed him so much when he was in America all of these years. He lives in Georgia now. But all of these years 27 years. She missed him so much. She used to take his his his car
Alone his perfume and she used to put it on the beards of his brothers. So this reminds me of my son her son. This reminds me of him a living legend right in that regard with his parents, with his parents Subhan Allah, Allah Subhana Allah will maroof legacy if I leave this world, how will the people in my inner circle testify for me or against me? Because a loss also lost licenses and Tim shahadat life and Otto, you are the witnesses of a law on this earth. You are the witnesses of a law on this earth. What we say about each we will testify for people we will testify against people will sue loss, Isla was one sitting with the Sahaba I'm gonna get back to this Madani set up an agenda
passed by and the Sahaba started to say bad things about that person. And also loss isonem said words about words about whatever but it became mandatory three times. And then another janaza passed by and the Sahaba said good things about him the prophets I send them said watch about three times it has become mandatory. And the Sahaba said jasola What are you talking about? Salatu was Salam. You said what about for the one that we spoke in love and you said Watch out for the one we spoke good when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as for the one you spoke evil of when you testified when you said those words was about LaHood now, Hellfire became mandatory for him.
And as for the one you spoke good have when you said those things, what about the whole agenda? paradise became mandatory for him. So yes, we will testify. And we will have testimony for or against this from other people. That matters to Allah subhanho wa Taala. But for people let's start off with the people that are closest to us. The people that see us all the times, all the time the people that see our flaws all the time. Now back to smite it set up Canada Yamato Anna, who the Salah was the car, he taught his family he taught his people he enjoined them with salah and with Zika. Then Allah subhanaw taala gives us the key to this entire equation. As far as how can yaku
john, Allah Himself Alia, we granted them high honor and status. It's Marina his Salaam, they don't even give him credit for being the son that was going to be slaughtered. You talk about not being appreciated in the masjid, because you put in an hour of service and people didn't appreciate you, because people recognize someone else at the Muslim community awards. And you gave this much money. Why is he getting that much you did this much service? Why are they getting recognized is smart enough to lay his salon put his life on the line
gave his neck to his father two cuts. He doesn't even get credit for that.
Because they say that that was actually his hack. So you're talking about a person, that from a standpoint of reputation and honor, throughout history, it's all to his heart and your code. And if you look at the chart of profits, you will see from his Hakan Yaqoob, Prophet after prophet after prophet after prophet then you look at his married it set up and you've got this straight line going all the way down
until it reaches Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which out does all of the others. You know why sprayvalet salam accepted to be part of the legacy that Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to be a part of, but he accepted it on the terms of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And at the end of the day Cana and Rob de Muro de,
he was to his Lord pleasing.
Imagine what do you think is right that Islam would rather have the sino silicon Alia high honor, or model D. All around pleasing to Allah subhanho to Allah, Allah loved him. And so Allah elevated him. And so today dear brothers and sisters, we are all part of the legacy of ismar Aidan a Salah did he knows that when he was dealing with this backward tribe of Arabs of Jerusalem in the middle of the desert, while his brothers were getting all of the attention that he knows that he didn't know that, but he wanted to be part of this legacy and somehow, and we are part of that legacy of Islam it sent out when hotjar alayhis salaam was running between a soft our model Why do you think she knew that
there would be millions of people, billions of people that would follow in her footsteps?
No. But Allah subhanho wa Taala granted her that, in fact, the prophets of Allah, it was Selim, he told the Muslims he said you are going to conquer an area of must of Egypt.
And when you get there, no that that is the land of our mother hands on. So treat the people with extra kindness. So all of you Egyptians, you owe hearts on you. Oh, hi.
Have a favor also. Because the prophets lie Selim said that's part of her legacy to you treat them with extra kindness. May Allah Subhana Allah bless the people of Egypt in their trial that they're going through now we won't say I mean, and the people all over the world in Syria, everyone say I mean,
so do your brothers and sisters, this teaches us a very profound and powerful lesson. It's the lesson that Ahmed Abu Qatada the Allahu anhu, said, no common as an Allah huben Islam or inept. Alain Allah is utterly late he otherland Allah, we are a people that Allah gave honor to through Islam, if we seek it through anything else Allah will humiliate us. How many times do we have wasted potential here? How many times do we have Muslims that are put through a test, put through a tragedy and will live through that test to that tragedy? Allah is preparing you for greatness.
If only we could understand if only we could process it. If only we were patient with Allah subhana wa Tada. When Maria alayhis salam was giving birth to esala his set up and she said yeah, la Tony mitu cabela has come to an ASEAN man sia, I wish I would have died before this and been completely forgotten.
What was the answer of gibreel alayhis salam, Allah has any. Not just accept this? Don't you dare feel sorry for yourself or be sad. Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to make you the greatest woman that's ever walked the face of the earth. Don't you dare say to yourself, that my life is over and that I have no worth no Allahu Allah subhanaw taala is elevating you through this, you are going to be the purest woman that has ever walked the face of the earth. You are going to be an example for the female believers and the male believers for the rest of history. Those who came before you and those who came after to see patients a lot is elevating you, a lot is lifting you to greater heights
as long as you are trying to be a part of it. And if you seek it in any other way Allah is going to humiliate you. You know some a lot.
One of one of the great scholars, I forgot which one it was some panel of one of the self. He mentioned something beautiful. He said the footsteps of Ibrahim alayhis salaam maqam Ibrahim. the footsteps of Ibrahim alayhis salaam are preserved but the palaces of God own have disappeared.
The palaces of God on our own had to have multiple people carry his key for his palace. But Allah subhanaw taala honor the footsteps of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam more than padrone, who do you think has a greater legacy? Well lies of everything that participated in bringing about this great Dean to where it is today has more honor than anyone who lived his life toiling for dunya No matter how much money and no matter how much status they achieved,
because at the end of the day, a loss of patents Ida has given us one path to greatness and that's through following the student of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I asked each and every single one of you when you leave this world what Sunnah Did you revive that was missing? What Sunnah? Did you revive that was missing? What did you see in your community that was lacking from the Sunnah of the Prophet slice Allah And trust me, it's not just walking into IOP with a job.
What Sunnah? Did you revive that you saw missing from the actions of the people? What legacy did you leave with your parents? What were the people who are bearing you say, what will happen after you pass away? Will people start to notice that all of a sudden the masjid bathrooms are not being cleaned. All of a sudden, the food is not being served to us the way that it used to be served, all of a sudden the secret charity, maybe an orphan that you were sponsoring online. All of a sudden that orphan stops receiving his money and he understands that the one who is sponsoring him, although he never met him or her, he makes a lot for that person. Oh Allah, that person used to
sponsor me. That person used to give me money. I don't know who they are. I've never met them but Allah Allah protect them. That orphan makes their art for you. Subhana Allah, what have you left behind? How much will the earth miss you How much will people miss you because Allah subhanaw taala says in the ad about the people of Freetown, cantata Kuhlman, Jonathan water, Yun was a ruler and woman Carmen Karim, whenever When can we have hockey in Canada Rico, Ross, Coleman are hurrying, firmer back at it. He was sent out one out of one count on one body and a loss of hundreds. I says how many palaces, how many gardens, how many rivers? How much wealth did they leave behind? And
Allah subhanaw taala just like that cadaveric our othmar Coleman offering up people inherited it from them
and the heavens nor the earth, set a tear for them and
They were not amongst those who would be granted respect on the Day of Judgment. How much did they leave behind, but there was actually no tangible legacy. They failed to revive a son. They failed to be part of this legacy. They failed to be part of this data. They sat back and they said, America is gonna is going to kick all Muslims are Americans going to put Muslims in internment camps, so we're not going to do anything. We'll wait until America or we'll wait until we go back home. So we can hear that in the streets. We'll wait until you know a perfect situation comes up all the world's over anyway, the dad is coming tomorrow anyway. So let's just keep smoking our who can kick back
until the job comes. Then we can say Oh man, I knew the day of judgment was coming. Don't you see this happy, fulfilled, this happy fulfilled, this hadith was fulfilled, how many of us are actually involved, actually part of this demo, actually seeking to please Allah subhanaw taala actually thinking when I leave what have I left behind, and it doesn't have to be massive. It doesn't have to be massive. It could be as simple as a test happening to you and you expressing patience and gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Well, I gave a lecture about my mother rocky mohalla. Last week at the UCLA convention, the inspiration she served to me was not her Ellen was that not her
knowledge. It was not that she memorized much more. And it was not that she memorized much Hadith, it's not that she could engage in an amazing conversation about a smart will seek out the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. It was the fact that she bore cancer and stroke after stroke after stroke after stroke, only praising Allah subhanaw taala. And being grateful to him. That was the greatest inspiration of my life. Allah gives you a test by which he wants to purify you, and elevate you so that you can wake up and understand where you are and what you need to be doing. And a person turns their back.
And I want to end on one note. And this is something that I would say out of everything that's happening Subhan Allah, there's a great saying, you know, that the that people are three types.
There are those who are movable. There are those who are immovable. And there are those who do the moving. Think about this, there are people that can be moved, there are people that cannot be moved, and there are people that move other people. And somehow to law, this is this is the truth of the matter. When you think about legacy. There are people who are out there and who are doing the work and who are inspiring other people. They're not sitting around waiting to be inspired. They're going out there and they're inspiring other people, they're going out there and they're serving something and they're, you know, they're serving in a capacity in their community where they see something is
lacking. They're involved, they're engaged, they're not waiting and they've been must be allowed to Orlando, when I think of the saying, he said that the hypocrites the disbeliever. And the believer are like three people, three men that approached a valley, three men that approached the valley.
And they were afraid to cross it.
The believer crossed over the valley and he reached safety on the other side.
The hypocrite went halfway. And the disbelievers stood at the other side and he called to the hypocrite and he told them, where are you going, you're not going to make it and the believer told him Come on, or else you're gonna die. And he kept on looking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until a flood came. It killed the disbeliever it killed the hypocrite because he was hesitant. He kept looking backwards. He was swaying back and forth. And the believer was the only one who survived the flood.
There are people who move there are people who act. Don't just wait for convention after convention, conference after conference class after class, work in some capacity. And if you truly want to work if you truly want to be part of this legacy, all you have to do is make this sincere intention ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide you to that path because as the mama Zadie Rahim, Allah said either model Canada who fit koloff equally say in law, wherever, when a person is actively engaged in thoughts, a loss of power, everything lends itself to that thought. If you're thinking of a law, that light means something to you. That basketball goal means bringing us to the Missouri to play
How can I get youth here to play this microphone? Some of you if you're if you're all into, you know, into technology, you might be looking at this microphone while I'm talking and you're analyzing it. You're thinking to yourself, how much frequencies whatever all that kind of stuff. If you're into fashion, you're looking at my thumb and you're saying I know where my mom got that.
That job is kind of wack. You know, it's not. It's It's It's actually a high domain job. It's not tailored, you know, just the job that he bought off the market because you're someone who's frequently engaged in thoughts of fashion and dress.
If you're someone who is engaged and thinking of Allah Subhana, Allah, Allah opens your eyes to things.
You see something and you think to yourself, I can use that to please Allah. I can use that to please Allah. What can I do with that? What meaning does this really have? You see a tree outside and another person sees a tree outside. One person sees it and he says it's just the tree. The other person says to panela look at that tree.
One person is making the effect code one person is contemplating the other person is heedless is out of it. And that's what he moms, so he was talking about earlier, you've constructed your mindset in a certain way that you're in the hustler, you're heedless, you're not paying attention. And you need to wake up and think when I die, what will become of me? What am I left behind? What is a tangible legacy, and you never know when that test will come that will wake you up, you just have to wait for it. And you have to be engaged in trying to please Allah subhanaw taala and when it comes, you accept it. You accept the capacity that Allah allows you to serve. Not everyone's going to serve in
the same way but you think of your own talents you think of what Allah has given you and you serve in that way, only seeking the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada because if it's for anything else and also loss I'm sudden Sahih Muslim Allah will say to you on the Day of Judgment is Hubble EDA Lavina quantum to our own after dunya found little health that you do not enter Hamza, go ahead and run to those people used to show off to Indonesia and ask Do you have anything to give me today?
Do you have anything to give me because they weren't doing it for a loss of how to what to add. And you see sincerity bears are sincerity really truly gives birth to enthusiasm it gives birth to work you know it's upon a lot of the people that sit behind their computer screens all day on Facebook and write refutations refutation, after refutation, after refutation, give their long fatawa on their Facebook statuses every single day on every single issue and think that they're doing service to do. Nobody's going to remember your Facebook status. 200 years from now. Nobody's gonna care about your Facebook status. No one's gonna care about your opinion. No one's gonna care about your
reputation. People will care about your work, what you've left behind, that benefits people.
And we need to wake up from that. And I want to end with something that truly touched me. You know, somehow a lot. What's happening in Syria right now is just unreal.
It's truly unreal. It's beyond. It's beyond animalistic. It's unreal. that people can slaughter children in the way that they're slaughtering children. It's unreal that a person can be buried alive while he's saying La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah and the soldiers who claim to be Muslim, have the heart to be or lack the heart, that would stop them and prevent them from carrying out such act. It's unreal. It's unreal that a person thinks so highly of himself that he expects his people to make so due to his picture. It's unreal. These people exist. But you know what? Through that Allah subhanaw taala inspires greatness. And there was one story that touched me more than any
other story that came out of Assam, in the tragedies and the crisis that we see today. There was a young man who like many other young men, and this is on video, was being beaten to death and was being commanded to make sudo to Bashar Al Assad's picture. May Allah subhanaw taala take him in Kherson amin was being commanded to make a Jew to his picture.
And he said, No, we're lucky I'd rather die.
And it's probably not what you think.
It's not because he doesn't want to make some notes about Bashar his picture because he's been praying to Allah subhanaw taala.
He says, as he's being killed, he says, I have never made sudo to Allah in my life.
And I'm not going to allow my first sajida to be to Bashar.
Allah inspires this in people's panela sometimes in the strangest situations. I've never prayed to Allah. I never once bowed down to him. And I'm not going to allow my first two beats of a shot. At that moment, a lot inspires greatness. That men left a legacy. He left a legacy. And we asked Allah to accept his Toba and we, we hope, we hope that that was out of sincerity. Because in truth Subhana Allah when the wake up call comes sometimes, all you have to do is think to yourself right now at this moment, what does Allah want me to be doing right now? Where does Allah one
To me to be who does Allah want me to be pleasing to? If you think like that in every moment? What should I be engaged in right now?
What should I be thinking of right now? What should be my legacy? When I leave the face of this earth? How will I leave this world in my time of death? Then it might just be that a loss of hundreds audible inspires something in you that you didn't even know you had in you.
But maintain sincerity and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us to feel and to grant us guidance Allah do We ask Allah, Allah to grant us sincerity? We ask Allah subhanaw taala. To grant us inspiration We ask Allah to grant us intuition We ask Allah subhanho to Allah, to grant us a life which is pleasing to Him and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make our actions purely for his sake. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala not to allow our parents to be angry with us not to allow the people in our homes to expose us for our hypocrisy. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make the people who know us, beneficiaries and people who testify on our behalf on the Day of Judgment, and we ask
Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to somehow be part of the great legacy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the greatest human being to ever walk the face of the earth and we ask Allah subhanho its Allah to forgive us for our shortcomings. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to send his peace and blessings upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam well after that awana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.