Nouman Ali Khan – Our Claim to Ibrahim (AS)
![Nouman Ali Khan](
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The transcript discusses the concept of ":15" and how it relates to the idea of deserved and deserved individuals. They stress the importance of acknowledging one's successes and not just highlighting one's accomplishments. The speakers also discuss the history of the claim onieldingieldingieldingieldingieldingieldingieldingieldingieldingieldingieldingielding, and the importance of showing one's identity and weaknesses to avoid confusion.
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Mostly just subliminal alarm from October to finish boo
boo and then when suddenly
the shuffle Shami will noodle some will get up in mocha. mocha Malinda Bina will help them see the winner the other lady Bashara Bihari Sabina medium Medallia 30 Abraham alehissalaam Hina Khan al Farooq Abdullah debate la moharram for Salalah alayhi wa sallam. He hated oma Latina barakallahu be him catheter nurse Raja
Illa Allah de la mia Mia cola who shall confer monkey when a miracle
worker Barracuda Kabira well hamdulillah Hey lady Angela Allah,
Allah Masha Allah,
Al Hamdulillah Latina who want to stop Pharaoh when he went to Taco La, la him and surely and fusina amin sejahtera Molina de la la la la la la vilella. Fellow Allah, Allah ilaha illallah wa de la sharika when a shadow Mohammed Abdullah he was sudo Allahu Allah Buddha Allah Buddha within the O'Hara D vocabulary shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira in kathira I'm about for in North Dakota DC de la vida Alhaji Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in Nashville Marie Martha to her in Oklahoma City with Bala McCullough Valentina, called Allah azza wa jal kitabi Karim Allah and akula arrow to be let him initiate on the regime. When are the
attina Ibrahim motorhoming are gonna be I mean, this bothered me he had hit the material that he went on the hockey phone from Russia he suddenly we are silly MD, Dr. Tommy lasagna, Coco de la most of the time, the multiball Allah Allah Allah, Allah maganda Muna, Latina, I'm going to study hard, but also be happy, whatever. So this summer, I mean, no, but I mean,
many scholars hold the view that the Quraysh of Makkah, though they worshipped idols, they were also aware that the Kaaba was built by their father, Ibraheem alehissalaam. And it is, in fact, because they knew that, that they continue to carry on the ritual of sacrificing the animal, and many of the traditions that Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam himself has established, though they introduced sherkin, idols and pagan rituals and mixed it all in with what the original teachings were, at the core of it somewhere back there, they knew all of this goes back to Ibrahim alayhis, salaam, and some remnants of his story, and the miracle and the inauguration of that city and the founding of the water. All
of that is something they were vaguely aware of. And it's interesting that it's argued that they were also aware of the fact that Ibrahim alayhis salaam broke the idols, the false gods that were there, they knew this already, which is pretty ironic, because on the one hand, they claimed to be the proud descendants of Abraham and his smile. And on the other hand, they were worshipping idols themselves. And before I share with you the chart that I want to talk about, maybe not just today, but over the course of the next few geomorphic buzz that belong to certain ambia, they are going to be about Ibraheem alehissalaam. But from a very particular point of view, and in order to help you
understand that, it's important to understand the concept in I mean, we call it Bulava and Arabic studies, but it's really communication psychology, in many ways. So it says pretty basic thing to understand. So I'm going to give you a scenario to help you understand it that doesn't have to do with Abraham it so. So imagine, for instance, that you have a son, somebody's son, who is dropping out of school, who's not, you know, you know, not taking life seriously wakes up whenever he wants to spend his entire time playing video games or whatever. No sense of responsibility, no sense of urgency, no sense of, you know, anything that you know how a man should become upright, when he
comes of age and start taking charge and responsibility and become independent. None of those qualities are in this person. And their father happened to be a great leader, their father happened to be a great role model your father happened to be the, the exemplary kind of man that other men should look up to and say, I want to be like that. Right? So now the son is a major disappointment. And the father was amazing, right? And so when this somebody comes to the son who's such a disappointment, and instead of telling them you know, you're such a, he's really proud of his father to my dad is one of the greatest leaders this village ever had. You know what my dad, did you know
what my dad accomplished? So he's super proud of his father. He refers to him all the time, he takes the same last name. So it's a matter of kind of a status thing for him. Like one of the things he can wear as a badge with pride. Because you know, what, what makes you worth something in society, or in the eyes of people, it could either be your accomplishments, or it could be some other things right. So in his case, it could be the name that he's carrying.
From his borrowing the name in the legacy from the Father. And he's thinking that that's enough for him. So he doesn't have to do much work. Right? He's already got that behind his back. He's got the noble lineage, or he's got that heritage, that legacy. Oh, that's your dad. Wow. It's kind of like that, right? So but someone who sees through that, and sees that he's failing miserably in life, comes to him and says, you know, the fact of the matter is, your dad was an amazing man. He truly was. That's all they say. They put their hand on this guy show this young man shoulder and say, the fact of the matter is, your father was truly an amazing man.
You realize that, right? They didn't say anything more. But you know what they said a lot by saying that. Because what they said without saying it is that it seems that you don't realize that your father was a great man, even though he does. He talks about it all the time. But this person who's saying it to them saying, Yeah, you say you realize it, but if you actually realize it, this wouldn't be you. So your tongue realizes it, you boast that you realize it. But in your heart, you haven't actually internalized that. That's the legacy you're supposed to carry forward. So you haven't really realized it. So you don't when you you talk to him. Nobody knows about his father's
accomplishments better than the son himself. And here you are telling the son with so much emphasis, you know what the fact of the matter is, your dad truly was a great man. Fact of the matter. Truly, I added those words into the sentence. To emphasize this point more, if someone already knows something, you don't have to emphasize it. Because excuse me, there's my dad already know. Right? But why is why is it being emphasized? Because you know, but at one level, you don't know at all, your heart hasn't realized it at all. So sometimes, a statement is emphasized or stressed to someone who already knows the fact of it, because they haven't realized the fact of knowing something. And
realizing something, letting it impact you are two different things. They're two very different things. You know, so you know, another example of knowing something and not realizing it is like, you know, you're, you're you've got an exam, you're in college, your parents paid your college tuition or whatever. And you've got an exam coming up in like two days, and you're not studying at all. And somebody comes and says, Your friend has in mind your parents pay your tuition, you know that right? Your parents pay your tuition, they didn't say go study, they said what your parents paid. Now, he already knows that. But you know, do you realize your peers? Yes, of course, I
realize, Oh, okay. You're not just informing me that my parents pay my tuition. They're in a sense, putting me to shame that I am deaf, they're putting, they're sweating, you know, breaking their backs, trying to cover you know, the cost of my education. And here I am goofing off watching TV, or goofing off playing games on my phone. Right so that it's wrong of you to take advantage of your parents like that. It's an injustice that you're doing to them. But none of that had to be said, it was said just by the emphasis on something that is known. So when we study Quran, sometimes if we're aware of the audience, and the audience in this case is called a certain Piazza Maki surah. And if
you accept the argument that they were actually pretty familiar with the legacy of Ibrahim Ali Salaam. And when you read this ayah
Rahim Allah who, when we had given Ibraheem alehissalaam, his uprightness, we had granted it to him from a long time ago, we had granted him his ability to give counsel and to receive counsel A long time ago. And it's stressed when our code is two degrees of emphasis alarm is actually considered Lamb of God, some too, as if Allah is saying, We swear by the fact that we absolutely gave Abraham Abraham at least his uprightness his guidance. And he's saying, Allah is saying this to the Quran, surely know that.
As if the same way, like I told you about that disappointing son, you can take his name, but you don't take on any of the weight that comes with taking his name. You take his name, and you celebrate the house that you built, but you've abandoned everything that that stood for, look at what you're doing and look at what he did. Where are you and where was he? And then Allah says, and you know, when someone tells you about your own history, what do you say, I know, okay, I know, I know that better than you. That's my family. And we know that better than anybody and the Muslim today, let's not talk about the college because this is not about the hunter is about me and you. So
somebody is telling us about him, right? So maybe a Christian comes and tells you what to do. Excuse me. We know.
We all got nothing on us when it comes to Abraham. Right? Let me tell you about Abraham. Right. But that's in terms of knowledge. That's in terms of what Allah has taught us. But imagine yet at another level, if this conversation is being echoed, and it's timeless, it's only audiences in Polish and allies now stressing those words on me and stressing those words on you. And then he says that the
Instead of us saying, Yeah, we know already thanks. What does Allah say? Well couldn't be he really mean? And when it comes to him, we were we are in fact the ones that know.
We are the ones that know. And this stress on could not be here. I mean, as if what there is to know about Ibrahim alayhis salam is not something you can own. It's coming from me as if to put you in your place and say you don't know anything. You don't know anything. You You You're very quick to make the claim they got they got it wrong about Ibrahim Hassan, the Jews got it wrong about it, Rahim manisa. The Christians got it wrong, a lot of breaking stuff. We got to write and it's as if the IRS also speaks to us and says Did you did you I mean, you have the information, but hasn't hit you. What that means that you are from the legacy of Ibrahim Ali Salaam. You know, like the example
I told you about that son? Okay, yeah, you know that your dad, but has that hit you yet? Have you ever realized what that means? And so, when we study the legacy of Ibraheem alehissalaam, we have to keep this emphatic introduction in mind that Allah is actually waking us up. We This is your father, this is who you this is your legacy. This is what he left behind for you. I'm not just telling you this history. So you can boast claim on Ibrahim Ali Salaam. The title of my video today is misleading the claim type of humor. They said if somebody could read that title and say, Oh, yeah, because they claim Ibrahim or they set up and Alyssa is about the claim. In Ola Naseby Rahim, the
people that have the first claim on the brand name is Lin Latina. terbaru, who are the ones who followed him? It's interesting, right? He didn't say the first claimants to Ibraheem alehissalaam are the believers in the Quran? He didn't say that. He said, The Latina terbaru. He said those who followed him, because that statement becomes so much broader because those who followed him, we're in the time of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and we're in the time of the prophets that came after them. And they were among the sincere in the early followers of Christianity. They were also the followers of Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, it was about how you lived is not about what sticker you were a rich
profits time you were born in. That's not what makes you a follower, Ibrahim Elisa. And then he has what have you. And then he says in this prophet, and those who claim to believe that that is remarkable about our claim on Ibrahima Lisa. So with that in mind, I just wanted to share with you just the first, you know, part, the first part of this game, how does Allah want us to think about ourselves in reflection to the the the impression of our father Ibrahima this, I want you to visualize it like this, because I know a lot of young people because of school and COVID and all that stuff. A lot more of your, you know, younger kids are listening to the whole bus, I want you to
visualize it like this. Imagine every time you see in the mirror, look at the mirror, right? You can see kind of a faint reflection of something else. Also, you know how sometimes glass has a glare. And you can see two reflections at the same time. You can see a faint reflection of to the is that there's a faint reflection of Ibrahima, as I'm always there superimposed on you. You're not you're you're not you're carrying your own personality, your own religion, your own life, your own future, your own past, your past your present your future, whatever you have, is actually an especially as a believer, it is it is supposed to be connected to the impressions left by your father and my father,
Ibrahim Ali. So it's really powerful, that we no longer see ourselves outside of the family and the legacy of Ibrahim Ali Sam meloetta are becoming Rahim, who are somehow Muslim? You know, there's so many layers in that ayah, who has some not all muslimeen? Because he didn't just say, for example, there are other alternatives. Forget about the alternatives. Some of them he named you. He's the one in fact that named you. When who names someone? The father names the children. Right? And in other words, the Father, the parent makes the most, you know, powerful impression on the identity of a child. And even if somebody who said no, but my mom named me.
Yeah, with the last name, literally the father named you, your family heritage, your father, you didn't take your mom's last name. You took your dad's last name. So in a sense, it's, it's always the father that names and so the spiritual name and why because that name carries for generations, right? So when you become a father, one day, you'll carry that name down. And then when your child becomes a father, one day they'll carry that name down. That's how names are carried out. And in the spiritual fatherhood, Ibrahim Alayhi. Salaam is attributed one interpretation of the ayah he's the one who named you Muslims. So it's interesting fatherhood was mentioned in the naming was mentioned.
Right? Because they're connected ideas to each other. And that's passed down, that surrender to allies passed down. So now, with that in mind, we turn to young Ibrahim alayhis salam. This is I mean, we were talking about Abraham and his seminar claimed to him. We learned about him as an old man in the Quran. We learned about him as a father in the Quran. Will
about him as a traveler in the Quran, we learn about him as someone who is being challenged by an authority in the Quran. But now in this passage in sort of ambia, we're going to learn about a young Ibrahim. Okay, and that young Ibrahim alayhis salaam is caudalie Abbey, he will call me he, when he said his father and his nation, Mojave thomasine. What are these? These representations? This is the word in the you using the Quran for idols. Right. It's interesting that he undercut the argument. I'll get to that in a second. Because usually you say mahila Flom? What are these idols? The Arabic word for idols is enough now, but he didn't say he used the plural of tanfield and conceal is a
representation because if you say, what is this idol, the idol worshiper will say no, this it's not the stone or the wood it represents this goddess also presents that God. Right? The the Norse mythological believers will say, Oh, this statue is representative. This is not Odin, but it's a representative of Odin. That's not Thor. It's a representative of Thor. That's not Jesus. It just reminds me of Jesus. It's a representation of you that's not married, but it's a representation of married. So they use the concept of representation to justify that it's not idol worship.
Right. So representation is used as a kind of rationale. But it's okay. It's not really idol worship. And it knows young enough to know that when I say idols, they'll respond by saying they're just what representations? So he says, What are these representations?
He doesn't even go to the surface question. He goes to the answer that we're gonna give and thought about that ahead of time, and put that in his question. And he said, What are these representations, and let the Antonella Hauraki for the ones that you said, in such devotion in front of that it is a you give so much time dedication and devotion to these idols, these representations that you that you stand before? So it's interesting that he didn't, he's been raised in that society. So he knows what each idol represents? What what myth is behind them, what stories behind them, right, what demons, they conquered, what worlds they conquered, who they killed, and how they came to the
throne, all that stuff, all that mythology, he's aware of it, he was raised there. So he says, He doesn't say, what are these idols? Like? He doesn't know. He already knows. Yeah. But I want to know more more about these myths that you are. You're so dedicated to what are they? What what's their origin? What's their basis? I mean, really, what are they? And he asked this question. It's interesting. He didn't just ask this question when he went to the temple. And he saw a bunch of people praying like that. And he said to all of them, what are these idols? Or what are these representations? Allah says, If godly a be he will call me, he said to his father, and his nation is
really interesting that both were mentioned, obviously, what if Allah said he said to his nation, the father would have been included? Right. And if he said, the father in the nation would not necessarily have been included, it would have been a conversation between father and son. But this is this is important, because Allah is describing that as a young man, he saw problem, and he sought to discuss the problem with his own family.
And by the way, having challenging somebody outside is way easier.
Like today, being very brave online behind the screen name is very easy. You can use all caps, you can yell and scream, you can, you know, put a fist emoji and post it.
But it's not as easy to stand in front of somebody's face, face to face, and then challenge them and say you're wrong. People are very different. People are even different forget, on behind the screen name, people are different with a text in a text message than they are in person.
People can be very much, much less brave in person than they are in a phone call. Just being like a few 100 miles or 1000 miles away makes them more brave. But when you're in front of someone
different story, Ibrahima goes to his father, who from what we know is, you know, the Carver of the idols. And whether he's the uncle or the father is not relevant right now. But he goes to him. And Lee, he also kind of illustrates that he had respect for his father. And he didn't say all of this is wrong. What you're doing is wrong. It has no basis. He asked a question. He asked a question. And it's interesting, he must have had the answer to this question given to him through whatever variation of religious indoctrination, whether they had their Sunday school or their you know, their ship, weekend program, whatever they had, he must have gone through it. So he's been given those
answers 100 times. It's not like he doesn't have those answers. But by asking that question, he's simply suggesting something. All of the answers that you've come up with all up until now. They kind of don't really
give you any real answer.
I want to know what the basis of all this is. That's all I want to know. I'm not being disrespectful, I'm not trying to put you down. I'm not trying to argue with you, I just want to know, you have dedicated so much to these idols. And you've created such a story of these representations. But in the end, what are the other than stories? Like what are they?
And their answer could be, you could they could go literally with the answer. These are wood, some stone, little bit of marble, there's glue on the side, they could go that route. They could say, this is a story. You know, this is how the universe and here's the evidence, we know, this is how the universe was formed. And these are the gods that made it and all they could, you know, many of you guys you're watching, like DC and Marvel and whatever anime or whatever, there's an entire mythology, this God came and that demon came then that this game was entire, you know, immersive, imaginary world of multiple gods and resurrections, and universes, etc, etc. And it can be so
elaborate, and you can be so immersed in it, you can be so knowledgeable about all this fiction. Well, in avant la, you may not have DJ at the end of the day, all that fiction, which is made up from the product of a creative mind doesn't change reality in any way.
It doesn't. But you can you can get so immersed in it that that becomes a reality in and of itself. Right? So when he when he challenges his father like that, and his nation, it seems the father had no different answer from the nation. So the response of the father and the nation has been merged together in the ayah. Or Alou with Jelena and The Hobbit when
they felt cornered by that question, and they gave an answer, which is B, let's be politically incorrect, the answer is the best version of Shut up. That's what the answer is. The answer is, we found our fathers worshipping these
Lucha RBD.
Our fathers now why is father important, because the most important part of your identity in ancient society was your father. That's who you are as a person who's your father, I am so and so so and so and so. King, so and so son of so and so. We don't have nowadays president this one son of that one. We don't do that. But the kings and the village leaders and young men when they introduce themselves, when families introduce themselves, or you are this one son of that one, right, that's, that's a fundamental part of your identity, you identify with those people. And so when they did something, then this is what we're gonna do, because tribe comes first.
That's, you know, today, you can take nationalism, you can take, you know, some form of patriotism, you can take these other isms. But all of them combined weren't even close to the kind of strength that came from tribalism.
tribalism is much powerful, much more powerful for us, because it's the power of the collective the society, and it's got the power of blood behind it to the bloodline, which is physically your your makeup. Right? blood comes first. And so they said, in their answer, they were not just answering the first of all, they didn't answer the question, because they said nothing about it. They didn't they did not address the question at all. What is that? What does that mean? That means whatever we had to say about it is all there is to say, we don't know any more either. And if you make us answer and make us actually say, we don't know, that is going to make us look weak. And when a person is
put in a position where the true answer is going to expose their weakness, then the best thing they can do is go on the attack and divert the conversation.
Because answering the question for what it was, would expose their weakness, would expose that they have no basis would expose that this is really is made up. So what's the strongest argument they can come up with? The strongest argument you can come up with is, this is how you show loyalty to your tribe.
You better watch it.
You know, even in ancient times, when kings did not believe in the religion of the society, they would they would never question it publicly. You know that right? political suicide. You can't publicly don't bring this up. privately. I don't know what this is. But don't tell anybody I had this question. privately. They can do it publicly. They can look at Abraham or Lisa. He had a private conversation right, which is safe
to bring this up. I don't know either. He can have those conversations. But he didn't just stop there. He said he had a conversation. We're also publicly and when you have it publicly, now it puts the data in a bad position. the maker of our idols, his son is questioning all this.
You're making me look bad sign
Everybody's looking at us, like, we don't really belong, where are their loyalties? How define how, what a terrible job he did raising his son. So he's creating a socially awkward situation for himself and his father by asking questions by asking questions, what are we learning just from this much time is over. So just from what we did this kind of dialogue that we've shared thus far, what are we learning about Ibrahim alayhis. Salaam, his legacy that we forgotten? The the strength, the courage to question something that doesn't make sense.
And we get scared, because if we question it, there are people maybe it's family, maybe it's society, maybe it's your social circle. It's some of these if it's not tribalism, it's some other ism. Some other larger force, some larger collective of people, whose comments whose criticism you're afraid of, so you won't say anything. And if you do say something, it'll be in private, you'll never openly say this makes no sense.
You're too scared to say it makes no sense. The first lesson of the legacy of Ibraheem alehissalaam is you are unafraid to speak the truth, unafraid to question when something doesn't make sense.
unafraid to challenge. Respectfully, he still didn't say anything disrespectful. And by the way, when he posed that question, it's also important, we don't just post questions, we first understand thoroughly what it is that we're questioning. Did he understand the religion that was in place? Yes. Did he understand that those idols are even representations of other gods? Yes, he understood it. So before you question something, you should know what you're questioning to begin with. Right? So Abraham, it sounds legacy is also about thoroughly understanding the problem before you present and are brave enough to, you know, to mount your challenge, or to ask a question and not be intimidated
by who you're asking the question from Madhavi lithium from the hierarchy from
whatever inshallah we'll conclude today's call, and we'll carry on this conversation about the passage from certain ambia for those of you that are interested and would like to read up on this on your own. This is iron number 51. of Sultan MBA, MBA surah. Number 21. barakallahu li walakum Quranic Hakim on a funny way, it was
handled Allahu Akbar salatu salam O Allah.
Allah, Allah, Mohammed bin, Mohammed Al Ameen. He was happy as you can follow
him in Oklahoma.
He was led to sliema Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad masala tada Brahim.
In the Gambia, Majid Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Omar Abdullah Ibrahim Ibrahim al al amin in the middle Majeed about Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.
Allah, Allah, Allah,
Allah insalata Canada, Kenneth