Navaid Aziz – Al Shamaail Al Muhammadiyyah #03

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallama's hadith provides important legal guidelines for shaping hair and dresses, including the importance of acceptance of women in society and the use of shaping products. The speaker also discusses the importance of learning from the Hadith and acceptance of women in society, as it is not something that is exclusive to Islam. The rules of shaping hair and wearing clothing are also discussed, including the use of hairstyles for women and men, and the use of shaping products to avoid "beard" and "head." The speaker invites questions and attendees to ask specific questions during the session.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam about a calendar bnm Mohammed no Allah early he was so happy he married my dad, my dear brothers and sisters a Solomonic rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome to class number three of a Shema, il l mohammedia. We're in today's class, we'll be discussing the blessing here of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, today is a very unique day. And they want to start off by two eyes, people are coming in in sha Allah, number one by talking about the George Floyd case that happened in the United States Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Latham and hamdulillah. The individual that killed him was

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convicted on the murder charges. And insha Allah, this is a turning point, hopefully within the heater either for social justice in the United States, and in North America, in general, for our African American brothers,

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in being treated equally and fairly, right. That's what they wanted for the for the whole time. Now, that is a happy moment and a moment to celebrate. It is also a sad moment in terms of Canadian history, where again, Bill 20, c 21, in Quebec,

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was shut down. And it unfortunately still continues to discriminate against our sisters that cannot wear hijabs in school, and in hospitals as employees. So if they wanted to be employed to there, they have to choose either between their faith or between their employment. And it's a very unfortunate reality that again, you know, here we are in 2021. And there's still such openly bigoted religious discrimination, particularly in Canada. May Allah subhanaw taala rectify our affairs and grant is to those people in Quebec, that are struggling so hard for equality, Allah subhanaw taala granted to them, now hamdulillah people have started trickling in. So that's great. We're going to

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jump into the Hadith and we have quite a bit to cover in terms of fic wise, so there's quite a little bit of focus that we will be covering today within that heater either. So let us begin with that. So again, we're on chapter number three, what has been narrated concerning the implicit hair of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. For those of you that are following along in the book, it's Hadith number 24. Or if you don't have the book, just a reminder, you can go to and look up Shema mohammedia. And look up chapter number three, and you can take and take it from there. So Hadees number one, the blessing here of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam reach the middle of his ears. It is number two, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I would wait from a single container. His blessing here was above his shoulders, yet really yet reached past his ear lobes. So starting off with these two first Hadith, we find in this hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had two different lengths of here. Number one was to his ear lobes, and number two was below his ear lobes. And less number three was still his shoulders, and this shows us the permissibility for men to have different lengths of hair, in terms of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shaving his head. To the best of my knowledge, he was

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only documented the three times that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shaved his head, and that is when he would go for a llama, or for Hajj. That is what has been documented. It is also documented that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made Amara four times in his life. So that's just a point of benefit for all of you that are there. So other than that, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would grow his hair and would let his hair grow. So the principle that we want to establish in this chapter is that it is permissible to have any style of hair and any length of here, unless there is a specific text that prohibits it, or a general principle that prohibits it.

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So a specific text would be something like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Bade akaza which is the shaving of part of your head and growing part of the hair. This is a specific text in terms of prohibition. A general principle would be something like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, that a man should not imitate a woman and a woman should not imitate a man or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying to be different from the disbelievers. So these are general principles and guidelines that one can extract. So the general ruling is you are allowed any length of hair and any style of hair as long as there is no specific text or a general principle,

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prohibiting it. So that is what we learn from the different lengths of hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from Hades number two, we learned that I shall the Allahu anhu she would pave the way for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there's two points that can be extracted over here. Number one is the permissibility of a husband and wife bathing together. And then number two is the impact of will do upon water that obviously there's not free flowing water during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they would use to use a bucket or a canister of water. And often it was presumed that if he

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woman made widow then there after a man will not be allowed to make widow from that water. It Here we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continuing to bathe with Isola della Juana and showing that even the remnants of Voodoo of the woman does not in purify it, it is not in purify it contrary to common belief. So this shows us those two things from that Hadith. Hadith number three, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was of medium stature, his blessing shoulders were broad. Most of his blessing here would reach his ear lobes Hadith number four, I asked Anna Silla de la juancho How was the blessing here of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he replied, It was neither extremely kirlian or straight, his blessing here would reach his ear lobes. Hadeeth, number five, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once entered Makkah while wearing four braids. And this incident in particular, this is pertaining to the fifth harmonica. And this is something that we discussed in previous classes, that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered into Makkah, he had four braids, or three braids in some narrations. And Allah knows best, the majority seems that it was for braids. And this shows us the permissibility of men and not only having long hair, but also having breeds also having breeds. Now,

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you'll find various scholars comment on this by saying that if it is the customs of the people it is permissible to do. However, if it's not from the customs of the people, then it shouldn't to be done. And this is a respectable position, where if this will make a person and an individual stick out in his society, then this is not something that should be embraced. However, if it is not something that will make them stick out and be singled out, then it is something permissible to do and it's something that is not to discourage. Again, I want to highlight the point particularly on how we treat people when they enter into the masjid. You know, we've seen from experience several

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times, brothers coming to the masjid with long hair with dreadlocks with anything of that nature. And just due to the fact that it'd be nature, being different, of course in the masjid have turned them away and push them away. And this is why it's so important to increase in knowledge so that we increase in mercy in the way that we interact with one another. So if an individual comes to the masjid, and they are dressed differently, and perhaps they do have a different hairstyle, as long as it's not Haram, you shouldn't really be advising them, you shouldn't really be advising them. And then number two, even if it is something, how long are you really the best person to advise them in

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the sense that perhaps it's someone from the Board of Trustees or directors or the amount of the money that should be speaking to them, and they can do it in a more approachable way in a more gentle and kind way, and hopefully not push them away from the machine. Because the greater goal is to keep people in the masjid and closer to Allah subhana wa tada rather than pushing them away. So this is why gaining knowledge of these sorts of things is so important. We will learn from this Hadith, that having of braids, having braids is not something which is exclusive to women, nor is it considered feminine in Islam. Yes, styles change over time, but it is not something that was

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originally considered feminine. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did so when he entered into market when he entered in to Makkah, and this again further establishes the point that different styles are allowed, as long as it is not prohibited, either by specific text or a general principle. The next idea the bursted hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would reach the middle of his ears, the Hadith after that, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would let his blessing to hear fall freely. The idol worshippers used to park their hair and the people of the book, want to let their hair fall. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam preferred to

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accord with the practices of the People of the Scripture, so long as he was not given a specific command regarding this matter. Thereafter, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began to depart his bless it here. So we established previously that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to oil his hair, so much so that you could see it glistening and you could see it shining, and that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would part his hair in the middle, he would part his hair in the middle, and this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was seen doing most of the time in the Medina. However, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam first

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arrived into Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam embraced the hairstyles of the annual keytab of the People of the Book, and that is why he didn't depart his hair in the middle, but rather you still let it flow freely used to let it flow freely, and he would not put it in the middle. Thereafter he started to put it in the middle. But this hadith teaches us some very important principles, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be different from the idol worshipers and want to be more like the Makita Why is that so? That as we know in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala has given a more elevated status to the people of the book.

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From the Jews and the Christians, just due to the fact that they are people of the book, so much so that their meat is halal, so much so that their concessions with regarding to marriage, and things of that nature. So these are special concessions that have been made for the people of the book and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did his utmost best to build relationships with them, in hopes of the very least of inviting them to Islam. And if that didn't work, you know, building allies for the Muslim community building allies for the Muslim community. So initially, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to let his hair for flow freely in Medina, because that is what the

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People of the Book used to do in the Medina, whereas the idol worshipers from the Quran, they used to park their hair in the middle of yet, as time went on, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw that it was not an effective Dawa technique to bring them closer to Islam, or to build ally ship with them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went back to what was natural for him, which was parting is here in the middle, which is what the people of Makkah, and the Quraysh use to do. So this shows us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is allowing us to be like the people of the lands that we're in, as long as there's no specific

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prohibition, in that. So in terms of the way that we dress, in terms of the way that we act, in terms of the way that we you know, style our hair, all of it is permissible, up and until there's a proven text until there's a proven text. And this is what the Hadith mentions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to prefer to accord with the practices of the People of the Scripture, as long as he was not given a specific command regarding the matter. So some of the scholars have said that this was General throughout the time, that you are allowed to be like the people of the book or the people of the lens that you're in, until something specific is mentioned.

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Or some of the scholars have said that Allah subhanaw taala had not yet revealed the importance of differentiating oneself from the non Muslim community and basically creating a Muslim identity for your self. So let's read the last Hadeeth and then we can discuss some more points with regarding to hair and style. The last of these is I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi Salaam with four plates.

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And this is when your hair is plated, very similar to it being braided. So this shows us again, the permissibility. So now let's talk about what is permissible and what is not permissible. So firstly, let's talk about dyeing one's hair, is dying, one's hair permissible? And the answer to that is yes, the general ruling is dying one's here is permissible with two things that needs to be kept in mind. Number one is that the intention behind it shouldn't be to deceive people. So for example, if you naturally have black hair, and you're looking to get married, or you're looking for a job, and you dye your hair black, to make yourself look long, younger, to deceive people, then this is something

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that is definitely not allowed. This is something that is definitely not allowed. However, if the intention is not deception, then you are allowed to have pretty much any color that you desire. For women, the scholars have allowed even black for men to the scholar said that having black is something micro is disliked. And thus it is better to stay away from even if the intention is not to deceive. Now, how about different colors like pink and purple, and blue? You know, for those of you that watch MasterChef Canada they have that, Chef, I can't remember his name right now is Pamela, but he always has blue hair. And for me, you know, it seems like a cool concept when I do it myself.

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No, I wouldn't. But it seems like a cool concept. So where does Islam stand on that? So again, the general ruling is things are permissible until proven to be otherwise. So can we find a specific text that would prohibit the usage of the color blue? No, you can't. But what can you find that would perhaps, make it disliked at the very least, which is to say that one would stick out. So for example, you out in the public with that colored hair, if it draws attention of people to you, then that is not something that is encouraged in Islam. We don't encourage that sort of attention seeking or attention grabbing in Islam. And therefore, depending on what society are in, and depending where

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you are in the world, it could be considered or disliked it could be considered disliked to have those colors. Now, let's talk about hairstyles. So what is prohibited in Islam is number one aloka is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said is the shaving of part of one's hair and letting the other parts grow. The closest example that they can give is if you've seen the hairstyles of like the Shaolin monks, or if you've seen like jetley movies, where they shave part of their head and they lead part of their hair grow. So generally they'll shave their whole entire hair and then they'll have like

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A braid that grows from the back. This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was prohibiting against. Now, the reasoning behind that prohibition, there have been many scholars that have commented on this. It could be, because the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam wants us to be different from the disbelievers. And the discipline has had that specific hairstyle. It could be you know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted us to be different from even people that were considered sinful and hermetic at that time. So they looked at various reasons of that. So that is something that one should not do, where one has completely shaved on one part of the head, and

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then grows on the other part of that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the young man that either grow all of your hair, or shave all of your hair, but do not combine between the two. So that is, the first thing that is prohibited is akaza. Number two is masculine hair styles for women, and feminine hairstyles for men. And this is something that's going to differ from society to society and from place to place. But if there is a particular hairstyle that usually men get, then women should not be getting that hairstyle. And if there's a particular hairstyle that women get, than men should not be getting that hairstyle mentioned not to be getting that hairstyle. That is number two.

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Number three, is in terms of the disbelievers. And that is if the disbelievers have a particular hairstyle in your country, in your area in your land, then it is best to stay away from that budget from now, from what I've seen for the most part of the world, there is into that particular hairstyle that is specific to a particular religion to the best of my knowledge, and that no longer really seems to exist that no longer really seems to exist. So any other hairstyle besides that is allowed. Now people often ask, you know, what is this thumb ruling on getting a fade and fade for those of you that don't know, it's gradual, or different levels of length of the hair. And that is

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something that is not mentioned in the prohibition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it should not be conflated or mixed or confused with Oh kazaa which is the shaving of one part, and growing on the other part, having a fade and Allah subhanaw taala knows best is something that is fine, that it's gradually different lengths of hair, that is not a problem at all, but you shouldn't have it at absolute zero, and then having you know hair on different parts.

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Having hair longer here on different parts of is a gradual progression, then that is something that is fine. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. So we will discuss the dyeing one's hair. We've discussed the different styles of ones here. Now let's discuss the covering of the hair, the covering of the hair. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was seen for the massive majority of his life covering his hair, either with a turban, or a Takia. Takia is very similar to a hat that I'm wearing it it is just a hat. Now, is there a religious significance behind this? The answer is no, in the sense that there is no extra reward if a person covers their head, or if a man covers his

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head with a turban, or a hat. However, if a person chooses to be more likely brought,

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please excuse me. If a choosing if a person chooses to be more like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then this is something that is encouraged. Also, they consider the design of modesty to cover one's head for men, as well, so much so that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was intimate, there are narrations that would say that he would even have his head covered at that time, due to his modesty and shyness. And that was considered a sign of modesty and shyness, add to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the time of the process, which may not necessarily exist in our day and age. Now, people go to extremes in this, where they see that if a person doesn't cover

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their head in Salah, then they're saliva deficient, and there's not as much reward those are Hadith are fabricated, and are not true. However, we do have a scholarly tradition that scholars of Islam as students of knowledge, are encouraged to cover their hair as a part of this tradition of scholarship, not necessarily out of being rewarded with love itself, but out of the tradition of scholarship, and the modesty and shyness that DEP sallallahu wasallam used to have. So that is the ruling for men. For women as we know a hijab is something that is mandatory when they are in the presence of non Muharram men. If women are in the presence of non Hara men, then the wearing of

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hijab and the covering of one's body is something mandatory, and there's no disagreement amongst the scholars to the best of my knowledge on that issue. So now we're going to move on to the next section of ahaadeeth which is chapter number four. What has been narrated concerning the calming of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Shall Angela who narrates I would call the Blissett here and of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even while in the state of menstruation. So from this, we learn the permissibility of combing another individual's hair. So a parent can do it for their child or husband, for their wife, wife or their husband and their issues. There is no issue with that. In fact, it is considered a sign of love and a sign of affection for the other individual when you do this for them. Number two, we learn about how in other faiths are menstruating woman cannot touch a man. But in Islam, a menstruating woman is allowed to touch her husband and in fact, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa

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sallam would be intimate with eyeshadow della Wanda, as long as it was not in the menstruating area, and this shows us that it is not a woman's body that becomes impure. But it is only the blood that is impure, it is only the blood that is impure and touching one another during when a woman is in a state of menstruation is something that is allowed is something that is allowed. Number two, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would frequently apply oil to his blessing head and comb his blessing beard, he would often use a cane or a cloth, which would eventually look like the cloth of an oil harvester. So we have a couple of points that we grabbed from this hadith. Number

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one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would allow others to comb his hair, but he would only comb and brush his hair beard himself. He wouldn't allow anyone to touch his beard, and he would allow others to touches here. And that was perfectly normal what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do as we see in the previous video device, Allah de la vida. So here he used to allow others to brush and comb the beard, he would always do himself. Number two, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would use oil on his hair and his beard. And this is something that we used to see from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam so much so that if he was not having his head

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covered, his hair would shine. And this shows us the encouragement of looking after one's hair. And this is due to the fact that that using certain types of oil can be healthy for the hair. So in our day and age, things like argan oil, olive oil, coconut oil, these sorts of things will promote a more healthier hair, that will be more luscious and inshallah will will grow by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So those are oils that are permitted and in fact, are encouraged, that one should use to look after their hair and their beard. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to work in our cloth, why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where this cannot cloth. So you

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can imagine if you have oil here, that oil sometimes may leave a stain on clothing. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to put a cloth on his hair, to put it between his head and the turban or his hat that he was wearing, so that the oil stains would not get on the hair. Sorry, would not get on the turban, or the hat of the Prophet sallallahu and he was set up and he said that so much oil used to be applied that to that cloth that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had as an extra layer would look like the cloth of an oil harvester would look like the cloth of an oil harvester. So that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had that cloth. The next day, the

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to like to start from the right side in purification, when purifying in combing, when combing and in his wearing his sandals when he was putting them on. And this is the general ruling that you in all good things pure and good, you should always start with the right side, you should always start with the right side. So you notice when you shake hands with someone, you shake your hands with the right side with the right hand. When you make a widow, you start with the washing of the right hand one mil versa, you start washing with the right side. The exception to this rule is when you're cleansing yourself from urine or from

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defecation, then at that time it is the left hand that should be used at that time it is the left hand that should be used for urine and fortification for cleansing, it should be the left hand should be used. But in all other matters. It is the right hand that should be used. So you drink with the right hand you eat with the right hand. You begin combing your hair with the right side. And this was the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this general ruling you should apply in all matters.

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And until one is not able to do so in Mount boca de la Hola. He when he quotes the Hadith he says that as long as one is able to then they should to do so. So for example, if your right hand is busy or preoccupied with something or is not clean, then perhaps at that time an exception can be made, or for one, if one is disabled, then an exception can be made clearly and obviously, but in all other instances, we should try to use our right hand for all good things that are good and pure, like eating drinking coffee once Harewood

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etc. So that is the general rule. And there is also a prohibition from eating and drinking with the left hand because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says that that is what shaitan does, that is what she thought does. Now we move on to Heidi number 35, which is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Bade Coleman here, except every other day, forbade coming here except for other every other day. And this prohibition is particularly to styling ones here, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that one should not spend excessive time styling their hair. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited some scholars said the men only

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that men should not be styling their hair every single day. Whereas a woman is allowed to do so when a woman is allowed to do so. Other said that no, this prohibition is across the board where men and women are prohibited from styling their hair every other day, and at most should be done every second day. Now let's look at the ruling and wisdom behind this. As you know styling your hair can take a lot of time. So the Prophet salallahu idea was set up is prohibiting the wastage of time in these matters reveling the wastage of time in these matters. This is not to say that you should look disheveled. This is not to say that you shouldn't look good, but in terms of styling your hair where

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takes prolonged periods of time, then this is not something that should be done excessively. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam promoted moderation. As we see from the very next Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would comb his blessitt hair occasionally, meaning that yes, the prophets of Allah ano Silla would style his hair and take care of his hair and look after it, but not to the degree where time is wasted, not to the degree where time is wasted. And this also ties into the culture where a person should not obsess over their looks. Yes, you're able to look good, yes, you're able to look presentable, but you shouldn't obsess over your looks. So much so that you

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waste hours upon hours of time, just making yourself look more presentable. Whereas if you had just spent a few minutes, you could have reached an acceptable level, but to take it above and beyond. This is something that should be refrained from, particularly if it's on a daily basis, particularly if it's on a daily basis. So let's summarize this section. This section is about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to look after his here. And what we learned from this and other Hadith is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says that whoever has been blessed with here, let them look after it, let them look after it. So even looking after a year here is a

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responsibility. Number two that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam used oil to promote healthy hair. And this is not something that is exclusive, but you are allowed using other products that will promote the health of your hair. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself used to use olive oil from what we know. In this day and age. Now they're saying that argan oil is probably just as good, if not better, so you're allowed using oil and other hair products to promote healthy here. Number three, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would allow others to brush his hair and to comb his hair, and he will do it himself with when it came to his beard, then this is

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something that he will take care of himself, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we do not have any narrations that would allow others to comb or brush his beard. And then we also learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam looked after his turban and his Takia by not letting oil stains getting all get on them by wearing a separate cloth that would cover his hair so that it wouldn't affect his turban or his head. We also covered in the section, the ruling on covering of the of the head for men, where we said yes, it is a scholarly tradition. Yes, it is a sign of modesty and shyness that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to embrace, but there is no extra reward

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with love itself. Nor is one Salah better if they have their head covered or not when it comes to men. So those are some of the issues that we have covered. Now if any of you have any questions, particularly in relation to hair, or any narrations that we've taken, or any of the principles that we discussed, I can answer your questions and you can ask your questions

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in the area below inshallah.

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So if anyone has any questions, you can ask your questions in Sharla. And hopefully the questions show up this time. I'm hoping the questions show up this time.

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We'll kick

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huh? It seems that I can see people entering but I cannot see people's questions as of right now. And I don't know why this keeps changing panela you know, some sessions it's it seems that

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The questions and the salaams show up. But now in this session, it seems that they didn't allow on mustad.

00:30:08 --> 00:30:10

Let's see if there's something that I can do.

00:30:11 --> 00:30:14

Now that's going into filters. We don't want to put on any filters.

00:30:19 --> 00:30:20

Anything else that we can do?

00:30:23 --> 00:31:01

Not near Unfortunately, it seems that I can see your comments or questions. Please forgive me for that. Perhaps it's a setting that I need to turn on before I put the session to start the session. But if anyone did pose any questions, then inshallah I will log in again. to answer those questions specifically, again, we will have our class tomorrow night, then a later night 7pm Mountain Standard Time, where we will continue with what has been narrated concerning the blesseth white hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then we get into what has been narrated concerning the day the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to use and what has been mentioned in terms

00:31:01 --> 00:31:23

of kohan that the prophet SAW Allah Hi, Lisa, nice to you. So those are all things that we will be covering. Tomorrow night bit of a later Allah at 7pm Mountain Mountain Standard Time, or 9pm. Eastern Time, Montreal, Toronto, New York in Sharla. Zack Monahan for attending tonight's political lahoma we have Nick shadow on de la land as sulfuric over to Lake Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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