Nadim Bashir – A Muslim must Verify Information – O You who Believe Surah 4-95

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of verifying information and avoiding confusion in the context of Islam. They stress the need for a "right to go around" approach to labeling individuals and avoiding confusion. They also emphasize the importance of investigating and verifying information before sharing it with others. The speakers stress the need for a "right to go around" approach to labeling individuals and avoiding confusion.
AI: Transcript ©
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A woman

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saw the house

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Mr. Lo Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Zoomarine about a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh to all audiences from anywhere where you may be asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us reach the month of Ramadan May Allah subhana wa Tada accept from us in the month of Ramadan. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to keep us safe along with our families and Mirabella al Amin today as you know every Monday we cover an idea from the series Oh you who believe where we take an idea of the Quran that begins with Yeah, are you Hala Dean Minow, even Massoud Rhodiola that is a very well known Sahabi of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one said that when Allah subhanho wa Taala conveys a message to you and he begins the message by saying yeah, a U haul Levy. And I know, he says that you should listen attentively, because Allah is giving very important instructions about to do something or to stay away from something. So this is this should not be taken lightly, that this is just any other random idea of the Quran. This is Allah talking to the believers talking to us. Now, the idea that I've chosen today is an ayah from Surah Nisa. And so, an ISA Of course, there are so many things are mentioned previous practices that are mentioned and so forth. And how there are some practices that

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Allah subhanho wa taala, He abolished, here, this is ayah number 94, of Surah Nisa. Now before this ayah Allah subhana wa Taala talks in so much detail about intentional killing, and accidental killing, for example, manslaughter and so forth, that what is the penalty of committing a sin of that type? Or what should you do and what is what should be given in compensation? When things are this type that does happen? What should you do? Now, this idea comes right between those kinds of if because after this i and I'm number 94. Allah talks about those people who go and they fight for the cause of Allah subhanho wa taala. And once again, this is relevant and related to the time of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but before I get into what exactly this idea is from surah Nisa, I want to give you the background of this idea. So it is mentioned and this is mentioned by Abdullah ibn Al Abbas or the Allah Tala on Houma in Timothy and also this is found in most of the armored that there was a man from the tribe of Banu sulayem And he was taking care of his animals. Across him came a group of companions Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now this man, what he did was he said a Salam aleykum to them. And they when they heard this, they said, they thought that perhaps this man is saying a Salam or Aleikum to us, because he wants to hide hide his

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identity. And he wants to hide behind the fact that probably because he's saying La ilaha illa Allah, He does not want us to do anything to him. Now pause here for a second, we're talking about the context of war that is taking place. And so they're we're living at a time this is such a time, that your life is always under threat. So the Sahaba are thinking that this man has said a Salam aleykum to us to tell us that he is a Muslim. We're in reality, he may not be a Muslim. So very now they did something wrong. The Sahaba what they did was that they killed this man. And when they kill this man, they took his goats and they took his animals and they came back all the way to Medina and

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they informed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of such type of events that have taken place. At this moment, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent down this idea. Now there is another narration I would like to also share with you. This is one that is also reported by Abdullah banaba the Allah Tada in Houma, but this one is not found in most of the Ahmed oriented movie. This one is found in Alba hottie and what is this the rewire? It is about a person as a hobby by the name of Annika dad even a word. And so what happened was that he was sent by Ursula salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was made in charge. And so when they came along with the army, and along with the muscles when they came

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to the place, everyone dispersed, there was a man there who had a lot of wealth, and he did not leave he stayed there. Now when he saw

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metadata he saw a metadata with the Ultron. At that time, he said what? La ilaha it Allah, He came into the fold of Islam. Now Myka dad is thinking to himself, that perhaps this man has taken his shahada because he does not want us to do anything to him. Still, despite the fact that the man said La ilaha illa Mecca dad went and he took his life as a hobby. The Prophet saw some said that How dare have you done something like this? This is absolutely wrong. When the man said later in Allah, you still do not take his life. And Myka said that he said this because he does not want us to take his life. He's trying to protect his life. And he's always saying you what the true conviction of

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heart. So when this matter was when he came back, and this matter was conveyed to us law sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophet has some got really angry, he got really upset. And he says, Where is that? And then metadata throw the author and he came, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that is this true what he's what I've been told that you took this man's life, despite him saying lie in Allah, and that gave his explanation. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that oh Mecca Dad, what would you say on the Day of Judgment, when the Kalima will stand against you as a plaintiff like when the customer will stand against you on the Day of Judgment and will say

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that why do you take my life What answer will you give? Now at this time, according to the rewire Buhari, this is when this is a certain a Nisa was revealed. Now, before I go any further, I do want to also share that there was also another incident by Osama even his eighth. Now, if you know your history, and I'm very sure you do know your history, who was Osama ibland say it was Sama, even Azael was a companion of the Prophet SAW Selim, very beloved, very beloved to the Prophet SAW Salem. He was the son of the adopted son of Rasul Allah. So Allah has some say, the bin Khalifa, and, you know, is mentioned actually in the books of history, that when the children wanted something to get

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approved by the prophet, you know, who they were sent with some immunizations, because the prophets awesome, loved him so much. But in the life of Osama immunization, a similar incident took place. And the Prophet saw him when he found out that this took place, he got really upset. And he asked for some immunization. Why did you do this? And he gave a similar explanation, like a Look Dad gave. And the Prophet saw some you know what he said to him? He says, Has Shakta Kalba like did you tear open his heart and see whether he said it with conviction or not? Like when a person says La Ilaha illa Allah, you believe in in the fact that he is a Muslim. It is not the place for you and I to sit

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there and create a judgement about him. Now let's go through this idea over here of Allah subhanho wa taala. Once again, this is Surah An Nisa Allah subhanho wa Taala I am 94 He says, Yeah, you entered ina MnO Eva Roberto fee Sabine. Hola, Fatima, ya know, Allah subhanho wa Taala saying the translation is Oh you who believe when you go to fight in the Cause of Allah. Ver verify the truth. Fatah obey ya know Allah saying, investigate verify the truth. While at aku Lehmann Allah aleikum wa sallam at less than minimum and do not say to anyone who says a Salam aleykum to you. And they say this because they're stating to you that they have embraced Islam. You cannot tell them that you're

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not a believer. Tabitha Hoonah are about hieratic. Dunya that you're seeking the perishable goods of this dunya that Allah says for in the law, he Milani mu cathedra. When you do this because you are in perishable goods of this worldly life, Allah is telling us that there are much more prophets and rewards with Allah subhanho wa taala. Then Allah says, can there Lika con two men Kabul for men Allahu La comfortable from an Allahu Alikum Fatima you know, Allah says, Even as he is now so were you yourselves till Allah subhanho wa Taala conferred upon you His favor, meaning that Allah is telling the Sahaba who took the life of this man, he's telling them Allah is that you are like them

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and one day to you are exactly the same way as you are thinking they are. But Allah subhanho wa Taala for mana Allahu alaykum but Allah had mercy upon you. So when you look at them, understand that you were in their place at one time to then Allah says I get again foot to obey your noon. Investigate, verify your information. It is so important and so essential. And then Allah subhana wa Tada says, In Allaha can I be matamanoa hubiera the Allah is well aware of what you do now.

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Generally it has been my practice that whenever I share an idea of this type, that I always share some ideas before this and some IRB after this, to understand exactly what is the context, but because going before going to sum it up before this will be going to so much explanation, and going into the IR that come after 94, there's so much explanation. This is why today in sha Allah, I want to share with you via some slides, and as you can see on your screen, some of the important lessons that we can learn from this, if because there are some really key valuable things that we have learned here, the very first thing that we learned from this ayah is that we must accept people as

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they are, and do not go around digging deep into their reality, you know, subhanAllah today, one of the things that we do as muslims is that instead of reflecting upon ourself, we feel that we have the authority to go around and digging into people's lives. How religious are they? You know, what is the level of their religiosity? Do they do this? Do they not do that? And we start investigating, where do they eat from? Do they go to the masjid? Does their wife do a job? I mean, sometimes it becomes really, really, I mean, I'm sorry to say ridiculous that how much we start going into people's lives. And we're digging into their reality. And I have to say this, because this is the

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truth, that even at times when we go to restaurants, I mean, we're going around to restaurants, and we're saying that, for example, how many times I'm sure we've been to restaurants, Islam, or you know, Muslim owned restaurants. And we're sitting over there, and we're debating with the store owner, we're debating with the people at the counter, is everything halal? So I understand, you can ask if it's halal, or you know, if you have a preference of the behind, on and so forth, you have a right to ask. But then what happens is that we start to dig into their life, we start digging into them, if you don't want to eat, you can simply walk out, no one's putting you No one's forcing you

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to eat from there, but then getting into someone's life, and trying to investigate their life and digging more into their life, just because you want to know more about them. The Quran is saying do not do that. Do not do that. I mean, subhanAllah even we have this that in some places around the world. There are some I'm sorry to say but there are some Moon sighting committees also, Moon sighting organizations. And when someone calls in for a shahada, and someone calls in that, you know, I probably I've seen the moon and so forth, I'm probably the I've seen the moon, I've cited the moon whether to start Ramadan or to for eat, I mean, at times, there are you know, questions are

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being asked, like, do you pray five times a day the salad and as you know, how much religious Are you and so forth? I mean, these are questions that are really just they have no place, if a Muslim calls in or if a Muslim gives you His Word. Now, what is it a Muslim gives you His word and He has deceived you, then later on, you may think twice, but if a person has you have never, you know, deceived, been deceived by a person, neither is any record about a certain person, then you can do your bear investigation or bare minimum amount, but digging more and more into the life of that person, it is not our place that is not our place. So this is the very first thing that that we

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understood that we learned from this, from this ayah of the Quran. The second thing that we learn is that we always must investigate and verify information, how many times people come to us with information. This happened, this person said this about you this person has done that. And a lot of times without even thinking twice. We take that person's word and we go through with it. Okay, we go through with it. We've passed judgments and that is not what our deen is about. Look in the Quran in this iron. Allah subhana wa Taala did not say for 2 billion once he said it twice, one would have been sufficient twice is for emphasis. Even in certain 100 Allah subhanho wa Taala said what? Yeah,

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you will Adina Amano, injure a confessor convener but in Fatima, you know, same words, when people bring you information, then inquire about it. Now, let me give you an example. You know, a lot of times what happens is that some people may come to you or may come to us, and they may share some, you know, concerns that they may have

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you know, this is going on in my family and this is going on in my family or this is what's going on at work and they may share some concern that with you they have something going on in their life. Now, as a human being we usually we pass a verdict right away. Yeah, I think that person is wrong. I think you're right and that person is wrong. Whereas our Dean has always taught us that we have to verify information. Now, there is something beautiful to be learned from the seed of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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Once there was a man who came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he was complaining about his family members, that my family mistreats me tremendously. You know what the Prophet saw some Did you know what he said? He said something amazing, he said that, if it is exactly as you are saying, then this is my verdict. Now, when a person does that, then you absolve yourself from any kind of damages down the road. Because a person can accuse or appear a person can say that you don't even hear both sides of the story. And you're passing a verdict, which we should not be doing. But at the same time, the problem has taught us that even if you have to give your verdict, make sure you say make

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sure you say that brother or sister, if the story is, as you are telling me that this is my suggestion, and this is what I feel like about this matter. So not only have you were you able to give your suggestion, but the same time you have saved yourself from any kind of future troubles now Subhanallah, even the Sahaba of the author and home, even when they came and they took the life of this man, Allah subhanaw taala saying, Did you inquire and what we find in the books of history is that this man, this man, who said a Salam aleikum, he said a salam Wa alaykum to them because for such a long time, he had to keep his Iman as a secret. Now this man kept his Iman as a secret he

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never will say As Salam Alikum to anyone. That means that no one knows that he's a Muslim. But this person in reality, he is a Muslim. That means that when he is saying to you As salam o aleikum, he knows that you are Muslim, and you are going to honor the fact that he's a Muslim, then, you know, and so this is why he said assalamualaikum but the Sahaba they took it the other way around. They perhaps he sang a Salam Alikum because he wants to save his life. Allah said Fattah be your new investigate, look into this man. I mean, look into every single situation, do not simply just jump to conclusion, conclusions and make up your decision. The next thing that we learn from this is

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Islam is a deen, a religion of peace and security. No injustice should be allowed to be perpetrated, such as labeling others on the grounds of mere allegations and suspicions. Now what this actually means is that we as Muslims, first of all, is that as I said earlier, Islam has not allowed to take the life of anyone. This is something we find our deen. In fact, in all those cases and circumstances when people they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the problem got upset. There was also a story in the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that were a Sahabi were people they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and they they told the prophets of Allah why you're sending the police send some Sahaba and the Sahaba were sent to go and teach Quran but there was a plan behind by made by the conference so forth and they eventually killed us a habit of the autonome there were a few who came and those in that story The Sierra is mentioned that that was a hobby he took the life of two three others when he came back from Medina the province some did not say you know what is fine. They took the lives of so many of our Sahaba you to the life a few of them is absolutely fine is justified. No the problem Someone got upset because of volume does not exist in our deen go back to the Hadith CoCr a birdie

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in the horombo Volmer Allah and FC wa jal to Hubei in a compartment for Allah Tala mu all my slaves I make volum haram upon myself, and I've made haram upon YouTube, this is Allah saying, Allah says in the Quran, wa rabuka Viva La Molina abhi Allah does not do loan against his slaves. Now, knowing this knowing this very well now, it is not allowed for anyone, first of all, to label others, like how many times do we go around labeling others or this person is not fit but this person is a cafe this person is a facet. I mean, we have labels for everyone and we walk around in cities in our in our own communities with like stamps, okay, like this person is this person and this person is that

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person. Everyone is wrong. Somehow Ravi made equal. Okay? Everyone is wrong. I'm the only one who's Correct. I'm the only one who's gonna go in Jannah and everyone's gonna go and Johanna was I mean, this is today where we are as a Muslim Ummah. This is exactly where we are today as a Muslim Ummah. I mean, beautifully. A scholar said that today the Muslim ummah is so busy in labeling others, and sending everyone to jahannam the who's gonna go into the gender of Allah subhanho wa taala. So this is why it's very important that when it comes to labeling, we don't do any kind of labels on anyone. We do not have the right. We do not have a right to do against anyone, no matter even if there's a

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sin that they are committing, even if it's

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Send that they are committing. Steal volume cannot take place against someone else. Today we live in a Muslim world where honorable killings people feel that they have the authority to take the life of someone in their family and there are many cases. There are many cases that this has happened. People have taken their family, the lives of their brother, their sister, their parents, their children. Why? Because this they disobeyed Allah subhanho wa taala. This is nowhere found in our deen honorable killings does not exist in our deen that this person is a disgrace to our family and to our name, because at the end of the day to judge someone, which we're going to talk about next,

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judging someone is only the right of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, in regards to the same thing, I also do want to mention that the orlimar have also talked about that what do you do when it comes to situations or when it comes to other people who are who may be Muslim, but because of their actions, and because of their belief? They may be out the fold of Islam? What do you do with those kinds of people? Our Deen has taught us that when it comes to Huck Huck there's Huck and battle is battle. Right is right and wrong is wrong, you cannot mix in dilute the both. So if we know and as we know that there are without taking names and so forth, there are different groups that call themselves

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Muslims. But there are pida and based on their theology, they're out of the fold of Islam, okay, there are other forms of Islam, such as there are some groups that do not, they, they, they reject and deny the finality of Rasulullah saw some as being a prophet, they reject this message. Now, it is not our right I want to make something very clear here, there is our right in place to go around and label everyone that this person is this and this person is this and so forth. That's not our job. Okay? That's never been our job.

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What our job is, we will be Allah subhanaw taala let Allah take care of it. However, if someone does come to you, and they say that are they in like, for example, if someone is doing something wrong, is this Are they in the fold of Islam or not, you can seek it, you can make it clear and make it very respectful, that this this arc, either of theirs may put them out of the fold of Islam, or this person or this person, or this group or these people, they do a certain thing, that may be considered better. But I also want to make I want to make this very clear here too. It is not the place of anyone to say what is the Buddha or not a Buddha till we have not studied theology and RP

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that to declare what is better or not. Today, SubhanAllah. I mean, it is really sad, how many people they go around, they're like, oh, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba, I mean, labeling things, when you don't even have the backing based on knowledge, who knows that what you are calling a bidder may be a valid opinion, it has a Senate, it has a chain behind it is considered as a valid opinion to some, you know, mainstream mainstream, you know, Islamic scholars. So if I don't know I need to stay quiet. So this constant of labeling that we do, in many cases, cannot go on anymore. And we should not be doing this. And not only that, but when it comes to volume, volume against anyone, even if

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it's been, you know, a, you know, not agreed, but it has been proven that they do commit sins. Still, that does not give me the right to go and hurt anyone or harm anyone. This is part of our deen. And this is something that Allah subhanaw taala. He also mentioned

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in this idea, the fourth thing that we learn is judging others based on religiosity. Today, we think, because I have a long beard, because I go to the masjid, because I help out with such and such organizations. I'm always out there and charitable causes. I'm doing this, I'm doing that today, we are really just stacking up our resumes, okay, I do this, I do this, I do this, I do this. And then I look at someone and I started judging that person. I'm better than that person. Oh, I'm much better than that person. So Shavon comes to us and says, Well, you know what, that person does so much bad. You're much better than him. So even if you do one, two haram things, it's fine. My

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question is, are we comparing ourselves to that person? Or do we have to compare ourselves to what the standard has been set and that is Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So this is why it is so important that we cannot judge anyone in any capacity. That's not our place. Judging, you know, telling someone and declaring what is their position or what is the verdict regarding them and so forth. That is judging them. That's not our place, you know, subhanAllah

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or even in the time of the Prophet saw some we find this that in fact there's a hadith Bootsy that we find where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says Ma Li Walia for them to Bill herb, anyone who declares war against one of my wellies, okay, or anyone who shows eminent he sorry, whoever shows me 92 What am I wellies? Then I declare war against that person. Now today we judge people based on the way they look. Okay, based on the way they dress, and Subhanallah I mean, this is a reality. Today we judge a person just because he doesn't have a beard. Today we judge a person just because you know, versus a person who's wearing a thong or salwaar kameez versus a person who's not wearing to a

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thorough show Archimedes right away we become judgmental. Think about this. Any person who might be close to Allah subhanaw taala they may be a Willie is written on their forehead that they are Willie. No, we don't know who a person who a Willie is. Now just imagine if, if I am hurting someone I am judgmental against a person. And let's just say that that person happens to be a bully of Allah. Like we have no idea who's waking up at night in crying before Allah subhana wa Tada. We have absolutely no idea who is close to Allah subhanho wa taala. So this is why judging people based on religiosity, it is a big concern and a very big issue within the Muslim ummah today, brothers and

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sisters, that's not our place. We are doing Allah's job. If I'm sitting here judging others think about how does Allah feel if everyone's going to interfere into his job? I mean, we have a job, we have a responsibility. Allah has a responsibility to let us do our responsibility. Let Allah take care of his matters. But that's not our place to become to be judgmental. And this is why once again, go back to the IRA, What did Allah say? Gallica containment Acaba, you were the same way, Allah is telling the Sahaba you are judging this man, you are no different than Him from before but Allah had mercy upon you. So you should be thankful to Allah subhanho wa taala. So this is what

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Allah says, in this, what we learned from this ayah

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finally, the last thing that we learned from this ayah is how do you initiate because Allah is talking about salaam, this person makes Salaam and they thought that he was not a Muslim. So they killed him. So when we talk about Salam, is it allowed for us? First of all, we all know that what is the status of Salaam and how we should be making salaam to one another, and how the Prophet saw some he will go it makes them to others. But today we're talking about people from other faiths. First of all is can I initiate the greeting or not? Majority the orlimar have said no you cannot.

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And so you cannot initiate the greeting some of the orlimar they say that there are many a hadith such as of Shu Salah motto a motto was single or harm was a little bit late when NASA Oneonta the whole agenda to be salaam a very famous hadith of Rasulullah saw Salam when he entered into Medina because now Islam is a is the Islamic State in one way. And this is the province of some telling everyone spread the salam. Some people think that this is a very, very basic generic Hadith where you can make sound to anyone. So there is an afterlife in this that can you make Salam but majority Allamah they say you should never be initiate the greeting to someone else, especially if someone to

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another faith and say Salam Alikum to them. But then the question is that a lot of times as Muslims we don't go around saying salam to every single person. But then the question is that what happens when someone says a Salam Alikum to you, someone from another Faith says a Salam Alikum to you. Now going back there are many a hadith and I don't want to get into this big discussion right now and prolong this session anymore. But there are a few things to keep in mind. The Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim were in he says that do not respond and just say Wally calm. That is in reference to an hour or two that is reference to a situation where the Jewish people they came to the Prophet SAW

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Salem, and they said instead of a salam Wa alaykum. They said Assam walaikum salam o alaikum means made Allah's peace be upon you, Assam or Aliko means may death be upon you, they will come and they will say this to the Sahaba to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet saw some said Do not say a Salam Alikum and some Sahaba they actually thought that the Jews are saying a Salam aleykum and the problem corrected that no, they're not saying A salaam alaikum they're saying Assam or Aleikum, they're making a bad dua they're invoking like a bad dua upon you. So this is when the Prophet Allah has some said tell them back Wa alaykum and upon YouTube okay? So this is what

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this is what we find the Hadith not because of this, a lot of people feel that

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When a person of another Faith says to you As salam o alaikum, this is how you're supposed to respond. However, there are other a hadith. And not only that, but based on the Hadith that we have and we have found in the books of Hadith, the Oliver such as you know, you have many automount of the past such as even Hanifa Imam Shafi and others, and not only them, you have even all of you know, not long ago, you have * NorthBay mean you have a bla I'll do as he's been best. And then you have scholars have even before that, such as even a Pygame, and so forth. They all have said that it is absolutely permissible. If a person of another Faith says to you, I said I'm on a

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ps3, there are so many people who are not in the fold of Islam, who are not considered as Muslims. They come around and they will say a Salam aleikum, they're learning about Islam, they hear on the TV, you know, they hear from somewhere else, they learn it from someone else, and they come to you and they say A salaam aleykum. And how many times I've seen Muslims just saying absolutely quiet, because they think they're thinking and they're under the impression that they will say a Samadhi come and you will respond by saying a Samadhi come to but when a lot of times because of our ignorance, we don't say anything, then they are just shocked also that is truly a greeting in Islam

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or not. So that's why Allah ma have stated that it is absolutely fine. It is absolutely permissible. If a person of another Faith says As salam o aleikum to you, then you can say a Salam Alikum again to them because the Quran is very clear what either who ye Don't be there yet and for how you be acid I mean, how old will do when someone gives you Salam report respond to the salam in a much better way. So this is what we learn from the Quran. This is what Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned to this mentioned to us, and there is no specification Muslim, non Muslim, someone from another faith, there's no, there's no specification of that it is very general. That's why we will keep it

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very general. So these are some of the important things that we learned from this ayat. Once again, the story is not important. I mean, it is important to know. But it is more important to learn the lessons from these ayat of the Quran and how do we apply them in our life? I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us ability to inculcate and to adopt and bring into our life all these lessons that I've shared with you today I've shared

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once again five lessons with all of you one is that do not dig deep into people's lives. Number two is verify and investigate information that comes to you. Number three is it is not allowed to do harm against anyone or spread rumors or label anyone whether it is right or even wrong. Number four is we cannot judge others and number five is how do you make salaam to a person especially from another faith who has made Salam to you? I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give all of us ability to act what's been sent or hurt As salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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in Al Mussolini now almost Lima D one meaning Mina team will quantity now look on it the more slowly been I was born in Poland he was slaughtered ina was sabe Utah Do you want to follow Sherry You know

00:33:25 --> 00:33:40

what unfortunately no one was watching I think one dose one BP now one downside the party was on me now was all in

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one heavy Lina photo gentlemen one half a lot. The ones that get enough love it guess

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what's going on? I don't know hula hoop v1

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