Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #23 – Mistakes of the Salat

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of protecting one's spot during prayer, especially during the time of the Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit Sh lit
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah. Bard.

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The youth? Were you guys here on Friday?

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You were here on Friday? What was one mistake that I talked about on Friday? inshallah

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you were here for the whole holiday. All right.

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Okay, jog, jog the memory. Come back to you in a moment. Yep.

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What's that?

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praying alone in one area. So playing the same spot consistently. What's the problem? Why what's the problem with praying in one spot all the time?

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Good. Okay. So it resembles the behavior of a camel or animals in general. Do you know another reason? Why.

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Ah ha.

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Very good. Very good. One more. And what's another mistake guys that I talked about? Yep.

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So if I have a Reebok symbol

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if I have a Nike symbol, that's okay. I can pray with that. What if I have Kobe Bryant's face in my watch? His eyes are there though. And his nose and mouth everything.

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I have to take off my watch.

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Go ahead.

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So it's not distracting in and of itself, right?

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What if you have a tiny, tiny picture of Kobe Bryant or you know, Little Mermaid or a fish or something? It's a tiny little picture here. But you could see the eyes and so on. Can you pray with that?

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It's hard to pray with it. If there's eyes on it.

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You guys made up a whole laugh amongst yourself. You know, Mashallah.

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It's good effort, though. It's a good effort. We said that. You can pray a solemn Sala with pictures on you. That doesn't know it doesn't break the prayer. Nobody can come and say you have to redo your Salah because you have a picture on your shirt. But what it does is the problem with it is the distraction issue, right? And the lack of focus and attention. And even if there's people around you, the attention is also there. And this is something for everybody that even if it's not a picture, but it's like a phrase or a statement or a poem that's written behind somebody's shirt, like I can't tell you how many times like it's happened to me, it's happened to I'm sure many of

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you, you'll be praying behind someone in a Jemma, but in the back of his shirt has like a poem or has like a statement or a phrase or something or like a Malcolm X who you know, quote or something. So you're praying, but if you happen to look up briefly, then all of a sudden you your eyes, get caught on that, and then you'll start reading it and then you will try to go through it and then you'll, you know, all of those things again, you try to avoid wearing things like that insula. What if somebody does wear it, you can say that, you know, they've broken their Sala or they need to repeat it again. The whole issue is the distraction issue itself. But you can resign. smilla hora

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Rahman Al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam wideout or sola he sallallahu arley were the early he was Herbie he he marine buried as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So we continue our discussion with the thought animal saline or the mistakes of those who pray. We've discussed the series of them thus far. Today in sha Allah hotelera Allah we will conclude with one final mistake in terms of preparing yourself for the solder. So of the mistakes that people do

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just before beginning the solder or before praying

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in sha Allah, and this is the final one which is the sutra, the sutra. Now the sutra

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literally this What this means is a barrier or something that protects you from something else. That's why it curtain is

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Arabic one of the names for it is si touton because it acts as a wall or a barrier from you to what's behind that curtain. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned that there is a curtain and one of the words that you use to describe this curtain between the servant and Allah azza wa jal is a huge jab. Jab is another word for it, but it acts for a different purpose, and different hikma and wisdom behind it. Now, the sutra, again is and what's the purpose of it? The first thing that you want to know the purpose of a sutra is to protect your prayer place, your spot that you pray, it's to protect that whole area. That's yours, it belongs to you for that

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moment, when you're praying. And this is something that you know, the Shetty gives us. And it's actually something that's very, it's very comfortable for prayer. It's very comfortable to know that when you're praying salah and you have this moment with you and Allah subhanho wa Taala, that you also in addition to that, that the Shetty gives you your own spot, and this belongs to you. So what that's supposed to do. Now this is interesting about the sutra, the sutra can actually increase your whole shore and your devotion with Allah azza wa jal in the prayer how, because whenever you utilize something and you know, or you feel a connection to it, in the sense that it's private, it belongs

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to you. Nobody can step into that barrier. Nobody can interfere with it. It's yours and yours alone. That kind of makes that whole moment of sada more intimate between you and Allah azza wa jal, that's why some of the earlier men and they put a cut off or a dislike for somebody to be praying in places where there's a lot of tissue, a lot of distraction, a lot of noise and a lot of things like that. You try to avoid praying in these places. But what do you do? It's even in our fifth row, that we always look for a quiet place to pray, we always do that. It's part of our natural inclination or the way that Allah has sojo created us. As soon as you think of sola, you're gonna think of I need

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to get somewhere quiet. I need to be alone. That's why the orlimar they say the apostle or the origin of worship is that it's done alone. That's the foundation of how worship is built is that it's done alone and by yourself. So you have the sutra. Now the sutra the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one said, don't pray in la isla sutra la sala Illa Illa sutra. So don't pray unless you have a sutra there. And there are many narrations. There's even another narration by Abby, Saudi, the holder of the Ola one, I'll be sorry, the Audrey. Just the interesting little point that I remember looking at his name. Every Saturday they'll hold on to the Aloha on once. He went on for an

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entire month and he didn't eat any food for one month. And he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and for that entire month, he was only living off of Zamzam water. So he came to the province. I said them and he said Yato sutala I didn't eat no food for one month and all I did was live off of Zamzam water and he says I can see around my stomach I'm getting fat. I'm getting bigger. I'm getting more chubby, and this is one of the miracles you know of the Zamzam water and what it does and even Yvan Tamia, Rahim Allah says that I used to drink Zamzam water and I used to recite Fatiha over it. And I found much benefit I found great benefit and fat EDA, for myself and

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for my health when I did this. So those MSM water it is a cure itself. And it's a cure for many things that a lot of people don't know. And insha Allah hotaru them. after Ramadan, we will have like sessions preparing anybody who will be going for Hajj and things like that. We will have a whole series of only Zamzam only isms and I actually have a book written by under Egyptian chef, I don't remember his name at the moment, but he wrote a book just on the phobia of Zamzam. And in it. He did like a lot of traveling all over the world and met doctors and scientists who ran tests with Zamzam. And he put all of this together in a nice compiled book. It's in Arabic only. And he brought

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all of his results and with all of the results, he added stories of the sahabas the Aloma put Hadeeth and things like that all together. It's really a fantastic book and inshallah I will be presenting that for you after Ramadan. Bismillah heater Allah, so you have the sutra. Now another wisdom of the sutra itself is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says they're one of the reasons why you want to protect your spot because of people passing by. And we talked about this in a previous discussion.

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Where if somebody attempts to walk in front of you? It's okay. It depends where they want to walk in front of you is the problem. Now what is your what is considered to be your spot, if you prayed and you didn't have a sutra, your spot is where you stand and where your head will touch when you go into surgery, that's your barrier. That's what you have to protect. A person can walk literally, if my head were to touch the edge of this table in sujood.

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That person can literally walk right in front, back and forth. An animal can walk there if you want, and it has no effect. For me when I'm praying my solar, this is my area, and that's what I have to protect. Now, if somebody tries to walk between me where my feet are and where my head touches in sujood, then we have a problem. You all know the Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to stop a person like this by extending your arm and giving the shadow or giving the indication that you do not come into this area, it's restricted for you. And if the person tries to insist on doing that, then what do you do? You, you you insist on them stopping until it comes to a

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point where you're literally physically pushing the person or somewhat wrestling with them, at the same time protecting that area. Why? Because the prophets I send him says if it comes down to that point, where you're literally wrestling with that individual, then verily he is the shaitan. What this means here is the person itself you can when you're done sola be like, Look, you shaitan you know, what are you doing? You can do that, right? What it means the Hadith is that this individual has the behavior of the shell team, he's behaving like a shaman. And we know this when we've discussed this in our previous discussions as well, that Allah subhanho wa Taala categorizes two

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categories of people, you have sorry, two categories of the creation, you have the creation of the shell teen and the creation of human beings, but human beings, even though in and of themselves, they won't be shaytaan. But they will have the attributes, characteristics or behaviors of the shell team. So that's important to understand that this person here has that behavior. And even the prophets, I send them said in another narration, you would prefer to wait 40 days, months or years, the narrator said he forgot how much the process is seldom mentioned, which you would prefer to wait all of those days, months or years before walking in front of somebody who prays. Now, there's a lot

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of problematic issues with this.

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Number one is that, let's say somebody's praying right by the exit there. You know, like we finished our model, a borrower, I just saw that, and msgid was packed. But the late comers, they're trying to make up their last little rock era or two, but they're blocking the entrance. What do you do? The right thing to do is to wait, wait till he's done. And then he goes, and then you can go, Well, what happens is, what if he extends his Sala and he starts reciting? You know, I mean, the the Calcutta answers by surah, Baqarah, or something, he wants to make a really, really long Soller, then where's the problem going to arise? Is it going to happen for the people who are waiting to leave or from

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that person himself? It's going to happen from that person. As a matter of fact, some are them as they say that if a person does do that, they pray a Salah or they pray a natural prayer, and it brings hardship to the people around them, then that never feels solid or that sooner prayer is not accepted. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for our tutorial hochkar forgive all of the paths that people use give it it's right. And then the sahabas they asked what is the help for the 30? what's what's its right, what kind of right this a path have over us. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had ethers in Bahati and prophesy send them response to him and

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tell them that the right that it has over us is that it's used for the movement of people, whether they walk they run, or they use their carriages or whatever the point is, it's used for that position. And nobody should be praying there in the first place. So it's just a side point to just keep in mind, coming back to the sutra, what kind of sort of should you have? A sutra should be at least one hand span in height. Similar lemma mentioned that it should also be at least 200 spends in heighten, but the point is, it should be an object that's apparent and clear that if somebody were to walk by, they would see that that object is there and it acts as a suitor for you. Now, the good

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thing about this method, hold that up for me, we got those. So from this point forward in sha Allah, we always always try our best brothers and sisters, to use those sutra markers that we have around the massage and that's why they're there for they're there because if you can get behind them

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pillar, or the walls are basically taken. And you don't want to pray out there, just grab one of those, get your own spot, make that moment intimate between you. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. And just focus and pray. And you don't have to worry about somebody's going to walk in front of you, you know what some people have, they end up doing the end up monitoring their spot when they don't have a sutra. So they ended up doing things like this. And they'll see a guy walking, and now they forgot what they're praying to forgot, which will rock out because why there, they have their focus on this guy, he's coming, he's coming. And they look at him. And he's like, Okay, he's coming, he's coming,

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he's coming. And they're waiting for him to get there to the front, right. And then they'll see another guy coming in. And this is the whole Sala they become busy with these issues. eliminate all of that. Keep your subtotal or use those markers in sha Allah and protect that spot for you.

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The question here before we go on to the next error is what is the hokum or the ruling for somebody who does not pray with a sutra? Believe it or not, brothers and sisters, there's a difference of opinion regarding this. Why? Because it all goes back to this one Hadith that we mentioned to you earlier. Some are the man mentioned that the prohibitionist in this hadith is not a pro he bishan in and of itself. In other words, when the prophets I send them is saying, don't pray like this. In other words, don't pray without the suitor. In other words, what he's saying is that, don't pray without the sutra because you'll never really taste the sweetness of prayer. That's one

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understanding of the Hadees select for example. The prophets I send them says in another Hadith don't do a RT calf unless you do it in three messages. The prophets I sent him his mosque, Masjid al Haram in Makkah, and Masjid Al Aqsa. Now, if you look at this Headey from an apparent understanding, that's a problem for people who do Arabic If anywhere else other than those three places, because now the prophets I send them a saying don't do air tickets, except in those three mustard. So what are you going to tell people who do Arctic cafe in other parts of the world, but that's not what the Hadeeth is talking about? The Parliament, they explain it saying, You're never going to taste the

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sweetness of Arctic half the beauty of the Arctic half, unless it's done in these three places. It's just like somebody who's saying to you, we've used this logic before, you've never ever really tasted Toronto, unless you go and you visit the CN Tower. You've never really gone to Toronto before. It's just an expression. They're not saying you literally never went to Toronto, but you've never really enjoyed it unless you've gone there. So the same idea with the sutra. That's one opinion. Majority of scholars when we say this, we're talking about the format that haven including many scholars of Hadith say that the sutra is actually a condition for a valid solder. In other

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words, you need to have a sutra in order for yours Salah to be completely valid in and of itself. Now scholars of filk scholars have or soon and scholars of al Qaeda these three main categories said no, the heavy theory is not talking about this. Why? for one simple reason this is really interesting. This is why you got to love fifth, when you're when you look at it is that some companions didn't have access to a sutra and some of the tab your own did not pray with a sutra. And we have actual narrations like this. have many many of the tab your own, even during the time of Abdullah Abdullah Mubarak and

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other scholars as well, who have seen during their times that people did not have and it was like a valid practice if you'd like. So the way to consult the way to put these two opinions together is that Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best that the sutra is a highly, highly recommended act, a highly highly recommended aspect and part of the sada one should try their very, very best to always pray with a sutra no matter what make it a habit for yourself every single time wherever you are in the world. whatever circumstance you pray with a sutra. Now you can use a person in front of you as soon as the province has said them indicated for us or you can use a garment so you can take off a jacket

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and you know just make it somewhat in a position where you can pray towards it and it acts like a sutra. What's not permissible is drawing a line or putting a pen flat on the ground or something like that. Because it doesn't fulfill it isn't complete what a sutra should represent in and of itself. And Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best. Having said that brothers and sisters, and the author here continues with a lot of lot of aquatic animals.

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statements amongst the Redeemer showing the importance of having a sutra in and of itself. The actually just one more error before we go into the errors happening in Sala itself. And that is an inherent authorial pillar. So a person who slightly deviates or turns away from the pillar, this is the next error. So a person who turns away from the pillar. Now, this one here, again, some of the people, they get very sneaky with this particular point. And you know, at the same time, a lot of a lot of our brothers and sisters also become very careless. They think that they can trick Allah subhanho wa Taala, when it comes to this point here, so you find some people that when they want to

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get to the front line, and they get to the front line, and they squeeze their way through, now, it becomes very difficult for them to fold their hands and pray. So what do they do, they try to do the the easy way out, and they're praying like this.

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And, and, and you have parts of your body that's turned away from the fibula itself. The author here is very strict about this very, very strict, and says clearly that if somebody does do this last saw that is invalid, because facing the paper is broken, it's a pillar of the solar, which we've talked about already. Without it, the whole saga falls apart. However, majority of orlimar didn't look at it at that, from that angle, what they did mention was that if the majority of your body is turned away from the fibula, then this will invalidate the solder. But if you happen to do this, or this, then it doesn't invalidate the solid and you turn your head, you turn a part of the body, or if you

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happen to turn, and you're scratching your back, or let's just say like this happened to a brother, who told me that he was in MSDN. And he later heard a loud noise, like somebody dropped something in a kitchen nearby. And it was so loud that for that split moment, he turned back like this. In lasala, itself, it caught him off guard. So he wanted to know if this was an issue and if it affected the solder. So when it comes to things like that, then in sha Allah with either the solder is still valid, but there's still one issue, which is that it You lost reward in that solder, it loses perfection in the prayer itself. It's just like when you're sitting in and we will talk about

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this when we come to the chapter of jumar. It's just like when you're sitting in jumar. And the prophets I send them told, told us never to speak in Jumeirah. But then the issue here is, when a person does speak during the whole tuba, is their entire Joomla invalid, or is it just that moment, that's invalid. And so there's some discussion about this. I mean, just the site point, I mean, just to clear that Miss Ella is the three mazahub, excluding Imam Abu hanifa. Say that the jomar is still valid, but you lose reward for that moment. So the same idea here is you lose reward for this moment. point is that we always try to face the Qibla every single part of our body as best as

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possible. Last point, before we go on to the next, standing, and how your feet should be when you're standing in prayer, Your feet should face the Qibla. They shouldn't face the sidewalls. They shouldn't face inwardly each other. This should be straightforward. Now why do I say this? Because many of us, our natural stance is not our feet straightforward. We don't naturally stand that way. Very few of us maybe do that. Many of us will stand where our feet will slightly turn to one angle, whether it's outwardly or inwardly. You have to throw that out the window when it comes to SATA, that's the point I want to make. So it doesn't matter what your naturally can or cannot do and it's

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in the SATA, you're facing the Qibla as much as possible, then we'll come to some other problems when it comes to the sujood in the feet and where it should be when we get to that portion insha Allah third mistake for today. The third mistake now we begin with starting the prayer and the third mistaken ism

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saying the Nia or the intention out loud, so actually reciting or saying the Nia of Salah out loud. We've discussed this in an entire session that I've done, which was titled The prophets prayer, describe the intention. And we've gone through all the different levels of the intention and how intention works and how it affects the solar you can refer to that I think it's on YouTube or something. So you can discuss all of those things about the neom. Just for our discussion, what we will say is to verbally express or say the Nia out loud before the

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Sala is not only invalid, but number two it is classified as an innovation in the Shetty era, when something is an innovation in the Shetty era, it has to have one very important characteristic to it. And that is it doesn't have any foundation in the Shetty are for it. So for example, if somebody says, When Ramadan comes, every night after total we I'm going to recite some Quran. And when to read some Quran, can somebody come and tell you that this is bedarra.

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They can't do that. It's an invalid statement. And let me tell you why. You have to consider one of two things here. If this person feels that reciting for an afterthought, all we hear is from the Sunnah, or it's legislated By Allah, then it becomes an innovation. Or the second point to consider is that if this person misses a day, where they didn't recite any poor, an afterthought, or we, and they feel as though they've done something wrong, or they feel as though they've sinned in front of Allah, then it becomes an innovation. But if the person simply makes it a natural habit, now listen to this very carefully, it's a natural habit where you're training yourself, to discipline yourself

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in recent reading the poor, so you've chosen a time of the day that's convenient for you. And it just happens to be afterthought, all you and you make it your schedule every single day that you're going to do this. And you're going to do this consistently, does it become an innovation at this point? No. However, a second example, suppose a person says, I want to say Allah 75 times a 2pm, every day, this now is a problem. Because now you can't attach this to any foundational or soul or principle in the shittier anymore. You can't put this and connected with anything anymore. That's why this becomes a clear innovation and you throw it out the window, you're not going to consider

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Well, you know, you know, if Allah is it's his name. So, you know, it comes from our heart and all the worships that we do initiate from, you can't do that anymore. Because now this is something a completely different practice. And you're taking an aspect of the shittier and toying with it. So this becomes a complete innovation itself. So bedarra has its own fit in and of itself, which is another discussion. But the point here is and we conclude this one point Before we continue, is that raising the voice in the NEA generally only happens in one time, and that is for making the Nia when you perform hedge or when you perform the aroma, and that's about it. Other than that, some of the

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orlimar they say a nega two min RMS little coal lube, the Neon is from the actions of the heart fell, Jehovah will be happy to tune and raising your voice to express that Nia and that intention is a clear innovation, Mara Murphy that he came in at two shouichi Island nurse. And in addition to that, you also have the distraction of people around you, you're going to disturb them. So imagine you're praying Muslim and the guy beside you is like, I intend to pray celestial Mahadev on Sunday, right now or something right and then they pray. They pray. A lot of cultures they do this a lot of messages, they do this. I visited some actually one country where I went to the masjid it was in

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Bangladesh. I went to a Masjid where the Imam took the microphone and say and said to everybody, let's make our Nia and he said we are going to pray Salatu Muhammad and you know this is an he said the date and then he started Can you imagine if he messed it up and he said we're going to pray sellout Alessia still and then next week, you know, we're praying again, it becomes another problem, right? Because you can make those mistakes very, very easily till you move on to the next error. The next error that the author brings here is the ignorance if you'd like or ignoring the opening dwara before the solid began or after the solid begins before the recitation of the 30 ham. So the door

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that is recited after you say Allahu Akbar, and that Doris Niccolo Hmong will be handed What about a custom Katara jukola illa highrock. And then there are other doors called in masala tea, one Suki Rama here and so until the end, now ignoring the story in and of itself and just starting, Allahu Akbar Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen and continuing with the saga, again, this is an error in and of itself.

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Because number one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always Cana, he has Stef de sala tubitak beer. So this is a hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim, where the prophecy Selim always used to start with Sala with the tech beer. And then narration continues that he would also start it with some type of Dora, or some type of car. And then, you know, we should all know what this code or what the doors are that are recited during that time. Now, the question here is, before we go on to the next Aram, what if you don't recite the Dora? Is the solace still valid? The answer is yes. But again, you lose a tremendous amount of reward. Because of this. According to one narration, that reward for

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saying that Dora after the tech before the fact is Jenna, and you can enter in any Bab or any door that you wish of the agenda itself. So that's important to note as well. And we try to cater for that as best as we can. Next error is not raising the hand for the tech to be able to run. So if a person just comes to salon, and you just say, Allahu Akbar, and hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil aalameen not raising their hands. Now raising the hands Insider, no one knows what the wisdom is behind it. Some of the arguments said it's like taking your sins and throwing it behind you. But I mean, again, there's no evidence for it, it's just the wisdom that scholars just kind of threw out there. Nobody

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knows what to the wisdom behind why we raise our hands like this, and we start the prayer, or even before we go to the record, and come out of the record and things like that. Now, the point here is raising the hands. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always raised his hand for the tech, beautiful Iran, especially more so than any other part of the Sodom. How do you raise your hand and saw that very simple. The prophets, I send them indicated to us that when you raise your hands, try not to keep your fingers spread apart, but try to keep them together and do it with a little bit of stickiness, a little bit of tranquility and ease and comfort. Don't do what some people they do,

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they, they put a lot of extremism into these things. And they really, really keep their fingers tight. And it looks like as though if you get near to them, they'll chop you or something you know. So you don't want to do that be very calm, be very relaxed, Salah is a very gentle, peaceful experience. So you want to make sure that that's the first thing your fingers are together. Second way of how to raise the hands is you want to keep it at least within the shoulder vicinity around that area. If it's a little bit above, it's not an issue. If it's a little bit of below, it's not an issue. But this is the area that you want to be in. Third thing is that you don't want your your

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hands to be close to the chest area, you want it to be spread apart. And this is the same even for the women as well, that the women you would also do the same where you will just

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keep them shoulder apart.

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Now the final thing when it comes to raising the hands isn't how do you do this? I mean, do you have to do what some people you might notice do? They'll put like a lot of strength in in starting the salon, or how do you do it, then you'll find that some people they will just do it halfway. Some people I remember one person actually a few people where you see them it just barely reaches their stomach area and they start is this all considered to be authentic? No, there's only one authentic way to do this. But again, it always goes back to a lot of our brothers and sisters. They've just become lazy with la sala de Palma de la sala de Palma kusa Allah, Allah azza wa jal talks about the

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Mona people and their prayer. Whenever they stand up for prayer, they stand up lazy, Euro, una Nasrallah, Quran, Allah Illa Pauline, and they stand up lazy, and as a result, they only do it for people that are watching them. And as a result, it leads them that in lasala itself, they have no focus, no, whoa, sure. And they just lost it throughout the whole prayer. Can you imagine all of that could have could start even with just the person and how they raised their hands in the saw that very, very simple, trivial little things that you want to make sure you keep your focus on. The last one in sha Allah that I want to conclude with for this evening. In the next five minutes, is

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not to, not to. Okay, we've discussed that one about the about the as code

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is not shaking the tongue when reciting Surah Al Fatiha or any of the other car in Salah. Listen to this again.

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not moving the tongue or the lips in sorta tell Fatiha or any of the poor end and as cowed or remembrance during the sada so what are we talking about? Imagine you're praying for 100, and you do this

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thing this is this is fat to how you're doing, but you're not moving your lips. According to the majority, when I say majority, this is including all the four metha him that this person who does this, their solid becomes invalid. Their solid becomes bolted and invalid for doing that. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that this is one of the ways that indicates

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a person involved in some kind of code and remembrance and recitation of the Quran itself. So this is one of your strongest indications is that you should do this. And now even when you go into the real core, same idea, Suppan a little bit earlier, and you don't have to say it out loud, of course, but you want to at least make sure that your lips are moving. Third point when it comes to this. Suppose that you're praying Muslim or a shell or fecha, the solids that are recited out loud, and suppose you recite them quietly to yourself, what is the smallest amount of CUDA or volume in your recitation that's permitted for it to be valid. Now here scholars have a difference of opinion. You

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know, a Mount Abu hanifa has something I'm I'm a chef, he is something else. Imam Abu hanifa says that it is permissible for you to pray. And just to simply move your lips even if you can't hear yourself, as long as you're just moving your lips and some action is happening with your lips. It's fine. In a chef your name, and if I remember correctly, Imam Malik as well. They said that just simply moving your lips is not enough. What you need to do is you also need to be able to hear yourself. So if you're praying fajita, and let's say you know, somebody sleeping there or children are asleep, so you don't want to disturb them. So you decide to pray quietly to yourself, the least

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you should do is you should be able to recite quietly enough that you can hear yourself and that is the minimum according to the gym, who are the majority of Orellana and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. The next mistake that we get into and this is in sha Allah what we will start with today.

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And that is the mistake with the the Fatiha itself. As a matter of fact, we won't discuss this one because I have done an entire session on sawtell Fatiha and the mistakes and errors in the Fatiha itself and how it should be recited the volume of your voice how quickly how slowly it should be recited and even the break or the pause that you have in the entire sorbitol fatty ham and also we talked about reciting Surah Al Fatiha all in one breath in the solid if that's permissible or not, and we talked about all of those issues as well. That video is also posted online for your convenience inshallah, so you can refer to that it shall Allahu taala. This Friday, we will still

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continue. For those who speak Arabic Of course, this book is available here in the bookstore by Hasson and mushroom Have you the whole lot. And it is titled The thermal saline. This is actually the complete version. There's also a summarized version that is half this thickness if you'd like for the English speaking students, that book is translated. And I don't know where and how to find it.

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This is something you're going to have to do on your own. I've never seen it before. But I've been told by a couple of the students that it is translated, I've never seen it so I don't know anything about it. If you do find that book, you're more than welcome to have it here with you. Because I am following the book verbatim. Wherever we need to discuss or elaborate or add more opinions to it. I will do that now. And that will be your extra notes. You can write those in the book itself. Otherwise, whatever else you're doing, I see some of you Michelle are just making your own personal notes that's more than welcome as well. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to continue to perfect our

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Salawat We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our efforts in this world and give us his Rama and his forgiveness in the hereafter with the result of the highest level of Jenna Allah human being. And so these are the words inshallah we conclude with what after we derawan annual hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Insha Allah on Friday, we start after mclubbe

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