Musleh Khan – Religious Priorities in Isolation

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the isolation and isolation of people in Toronto, Canada, including those who are isolated and struggling with COVID-19. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one's behavior and working towards the right thing to avoid negative consequences. The segment also touches on the negative consequences of not prioritizing one's behavior and working towards her/ his/ their success. The segment also touches on the history of Islam and how it has been misregarded, and the importance of changing one's behavior and behavior to align with Islam's values. The segment emphasizes the need for a change in behavior and a focus on one's health and fear.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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in that hamdulillah Nash Mehta who want to start you know when?

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When are the Billahi min surely unforeseen. Our women see it at Merlino. miyetti level Furthermore, de Lillah wa mejor Lilly fellow her dealer, Why should one learn EULA? Illallah? Hawaii w Lucia de calor watershed? Oh no Mohammed Abdul water solo Sala la hora de who either early here what else hobby woman survival energy woman standard be sweaty Hilo Yami Didi buried. Yeah you will as you know m n double la hello to a party hawala temotu net Illa and to Muslim on yeah yohannes it up hora de como la Xia holla. Hakuna knifes in wahida wahala kameena. Xhosa. Well, that's me. humeri Jalan casiotone when he's with double la Herlihy, Tessa Luna de Waal or Herman in Allaha Cana la

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Cooperativa. Yeah, you will as you know, M and M and on top of lower por la colon city there are American wellfield localizado berco mama utara, la hora Sula, who sacrifice 1000 are Lima, something that another outfit in knots local, how do you think eater will learn while you're already had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or Sheldon Imodium? The third to have wakulla the 13 bedarra wakulla vidyarthi and balada wakulla ball editing finales buried. And so brothers and sisters on this blessed day of this blessing hour of Yomi Jumeirah we first and foremost we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept from us our righteous deeds and our efforts. We further ask Allah subhana wa

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Taala to protect us from our sins that our mistakes and forgive us of our shortcomings a lot. I mean, in these days of trial and test and difficulty as we are all in isolation away from one another away from our communities, relatives, and many of us away from families and friends. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make this whole process easy for all of us, and especially those who particularly struggle with the stress and anxiety of being alone and being isolated from the people who, who they love the most the people that are closest to them, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for them. Give them strength, give them patience. Give them the resilience to get

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through this in sha Allah, Allah Allahu, I mean, today, I want to share with you a subject that would hopefully help us move forward now, instead of just constantly talking about life in isolation, and COVID-19, I think we get a lot of that every single day all day. As a matter of fact, if you just scroll down your newsfeed, you will probably see like 90% of the reminders that you see online all have to do with just COVID and just life in COVID, and isolation and all of these different things. And so I think for now it's been about at least for me, for us here in Toronto, Canada. It's been now exactly four weeks, this is the fourth Jumeirah where we are having an

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isolation. And I think it's a good time now for us to start looking at and focusing on some of the things that that we're discovering, being isolated with family or friends. So when you're in your home, you're probably starting to discover a lot of things that you either ignored, you didn't take as serious took it for granted, or it just wasn't priority for you, because you were busy with work school and other things. So one good example of that is some relationship with your spouse, you're starting to probably see that there might be certain habits, certain things you would like and who don't like it, certain things that probably shock you when you're at work during those day hours

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during those day hours, not realizing that because now you have so much time, there's just so many different things going on, maybe you're watching TV more than you should be maybe you're arguing more than you should be. Maybe some of the most miniscule issues, you know, moles now become mountains, as we say. So all the little issues now become big problems and you just become like it's kind of like a constant catfight of just the little things, and it's driving everybody nuts. And if it's not with your spouse, it's probably with your children. If it's not with your children, it's just with anybody who is in the house. The worst of it is it's when you're alone. It's those single

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parents out there, or just any of you who is living alone, you know, you're a bachelor or you're single or you're you know, you're single parent, whatever the case may be. for them. It's particularly difficult because now for their whole life, they've been relying on just who they connect with day after day after day, and all of that's been taken away. You know, I just got off the phone a little while ago with somebody who was a single parent

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So Pamela, you know, they were telling me that how it's particularly difficult for them, because they're alone in the house, that this isolation is like 10 folds over. Like they don't even have somebody in the house that they could just turn to and have a conversation or have some tea with or have lunch with. And I thought to myself, man, these are some of the simple things that we just probably take for granted, or we don't really think about. And this is why you start to see a lot of cities, a lot of governments across the country are now starting to pump in more and more funding. While they lay in hand, you know, this is a blessing from Allah to because they've realized that

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people who are struggling this way really need some kind of support. And it's pretty, it's pretty good. And at the same time, it's unfortunate, it's going to be restricted to something maybe virtual, or just a simple phone call. And that's your social interaction for that day. And so we want to pray for these people. We want to pray that Allah makes it easy for them that they get through this difficult time in sha Allah. Hi, Tara, I just want to know that if you are one of those individuals out there, we are thinking about you, we are praying for you. And for whatever it's worth, if you can comment here. And so we can talk to you and engage with you tell us some of the

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issues and struggles you're going through. You can talk to me privately, send me a message, do whatever you want. But let's try to connect and see how we can support you in sha Allah hotel. So with that being said, let's look at what we want to focus on. today. As our short reminder, I titled this jomar hold Tibet as you know, priorities in isolation. And the priority that I want to single out today is trying to clean up some of the bad habits with respect to how we practice Islam. Let me say that, again, some of the things that you know, for sure, culturally or religiously, it's just not the nice, it's not the right thing to do. So you could have certain etiquettes with people. And

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you know that those etiquettes are not good etiquettes you know, that Islam tells you don't act that way, or don't speak to people that we don't treat people that way. But for some reason, it's just a habit. And as we say, bad habits die hard. And what I want to do is bring your attention to a particular chapter of the core n suta. To short on. Now this particular chapter, I've got my poor n right in front of me here, guys. So I'm going to just refer to that. This is Chapter number 26, of the poor end, sort of chill out off, shore out all literally means the poet's this particular sutra, if you fast forward to verse number,

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verse number 69. This is where the story actually starts. And we're going to talk a little bit about the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, one of the most magnificent traits of this story is that Ibrahim alayhis salam was about 13 to 15 years old, when he went up to his whole village, and he went to leaders of that community. And he started saying to them, you know, what is it? What are you guys doing? What are you guys worshiping and ensued with a shout out on a lesson a lot. So Joel says, it's called at the abbey he will call me he meant taboo and he went up to his father. Now remember, Ibrahim alayhis, salaam, his father was the one who pretty much started the whole idol worship

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industry. He used to design these idols and sell them to the community and to other leaders. So he goes up to his own father, and he says to his father, as well as all the people in that community, what are you guys worshipping? What did they say? They say Apollo lunar Budo snam and funnel vol Lula hierarchy theme, we are worshipping these idols and we also take shelter and shade like we spend a lot of time with them. I Kiffin, from Eric Tikka from Akka, which means to remain with something for an extended period, even though it might be temporary. The point is, is that you spend a lot of time there. That's why at Caf, when we spend our decaf in the last 10 nights of Ramadan,

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you're spending a lot of time in the masjid, you're there for an extended period normally than what you would be in other days, or months of the year. So that's what they respond. So basically, our version of this is, somebody in the house realizes and it looks at their kids or something and be like, why are you guys fighting all the time? Why do you always have to be mean with each other? Or spouses might be arguing? Why are you talking to me that way? Why do you call me those names? Why do you make fun of me this way? Why are you laughing? If I'm serious, like these kinds of conflicts? One side like one one side, whether it be the husband or the wife could say, well, I don't think

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it's serious, or I don't think I'm being rude, or I don't think I've insulted you. So some of you when you listen to this, you're probably like yeah, that's what he or she tells me every

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I confront them about it. They say, Well, I don't think it's a big deal. I don't think it's been an insult. I don't think it's a problem. That's what Ibrahim alayhis salaam is being told by the people who respond to him. They say, Well, we've just been worshipping them. We've been spending a lot of time with them. And then Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam asks them hyla helenius menggunakan? If dedrone do they hear you when you call out to them? meaning those idols? Oh, InfoWindow como yo do wrong? Do they help you? Do they make your life miserable? Did they hurt you in any way? So what he's asking is, do you see that habit? hasn't done anything for you? Has it made you a better person has it made

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you worse? There's no benefit behind it. So the first way to dealing with these bad habits in isolation that you're starting to rediscover or rehash. The first thing is, number one, confront them. That's why Brahim Elisa Lam did. He didn't like idol worship. So what does he do? He confronts it, and he asks them, he's like, what do you guys do? Like, why are you guys acting this way? Why are you guys worshipping these things? And then number two, he gets down to the nitty gritty and he says, okay, so they respond to him and said, This is why we worship Him. This is what we've learned. This is what we've always done. Actually, the verse continues, and he says, Paul Lubell, legit in an

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academic AFR alone, he says, actually, this is what we learned from our forefathers. In other words, the people of Abraham are responding to him saying, culturally, this is what we've always known to do. So culturally, I talk to you this way, because this is the way that my parents used to talk to each other. This is how I grew up, this is the culture that I come from. So especially those of you who live in marriages or relationships, or you have families where there are different cultures, what might be, you know, bad etiquettes, for one might not be the same for others. You know, there are certain eating habits, if you ever noticed that. If If one side of the family group grew up,

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where you never put your elbows on the table, or you always eat with a fork and spoon or or what have you and or knife and fork, and you have to cut the meat a certain way. You have to eat and chew with your mouth close, like all of these little things for somebody else. They would look at and be like, what's wrong with you? Why do you have to eat like you're a robot or something? to them? It's foreign. to them. It's a problem. What Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam is saying is to resolve that kind of conflict. Look at how that particular habit or situation, what is it really done for the relationship? What is it really done for you as a human being? Has it made you a better person in

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any way? Okay, if somebody doesn't, if somebody does chew on their mouth is open. Yeah, if there's chewing in such a way that it's crazy, and it's up, noxious, and it's disturbing others, that's not chewing anymore. That's literally somebody behaving like an animal, you could say, right? That's just not normal. But if your mouth is slightly open, and the reason why I'm hitting this point is because it's kind of, it's kind of amazing, to an extent of how many times I get asked these itty bitty questions above meticulous things that are just annoyances. And you know how we say it's the little things that when they multiply, they become mountains, they become big issues, because why

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they prolong for so for an extended period. So we haven't been in isolation like this for a while. So now that we are in isolation, we're starting to discover certain habits that have been left, and they've been pro long, and then they've continued for such a long period. I didn't know you eat that way. I didn't know you act that way. I didn't know you would behave this way. When I'm at work or school is that what you're doing is that's how you always are, oh, my goodness, because when we come home, all we have is dinner, we go to bed. And that's the end of that. So this is why when you choose and you look and you analyze the story in this incident of Ibrahim Ali's and how he's

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confronting the people that are doing things that are either wrong or they're just unacceptable. He confronted by the question, have you become a better person this way? is it helping our relationship? And the answer is no. The only thing they could say was Well, hello Belvoir, Jelena. You know, we've just this is what everybody else was doing. So we just decided to do it as well. Listen to what Abraham Ali Salaam says. He says pilot a four or a two man quantum terrible Dune and to akumal up the moon in the home I do will lay a lot of dilemmas. So in a nutshell, he says, Well, let me tell you something. What you all have seen have been doing what I see you all that you've

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been doing. You have always been doing something that was wrong. So he's basically saying to them, he's like, okay, fine, if that's what you've been taught, well, let me I have news for you. It's not the right way to do things. And then he says fair in the home I do will lay up the law.

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Let me he says all of these idols are enemies to me except our Creator, Rob will I mean, the guardian of all of mankind, the protector of all of mankind. Here's the thing, guys, here's the thing. And this is where I'm going to pause in sha Allah tala, for the first part of this short reminder and conclude in sha Allah is that it's one thing when you attack the actual habits and problems that people are engaged with, when you attack the issue, that's one thing. But normally, what ends up happening is if you attack the habit, and not the source of the habit, you'll put it's kind of becomes like a band aid solution. So you can solve that one habit. But the reason why those

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bad habits have been happening, it hasn't been resolved. So guess what, couple days later, a couple weeks later, the same problem is recycled all over again. So what does Ibrahim Alayhi Salam do? He says, in the home? I do believe so he's basically saying all of these choices and the bad habits, they are all enemies. To me. It's his way of saying that I don't like it. It's wrong. Just don't do it. But except, here's the thing. You guys all know who Allah is, you're worshipping these idols, but you all know who Allah is. And he is the one that is horrible. I mean, he is the one that you should focus on concentrate on. So in other words, in other words, guys, to conclude this, this

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portion of the the reminder, when you confront these kinds of habits, go to the source. Say, listen, if you learnt it this way, if this is the way you were taught, if this is the way that you were brought up, look at how much problems it's causing in our relationship in our home. Don't you think we should probably develop our own culture, our own habits, and let's base it on this book. Let's go back to this let's let's make this our culture. Let's make this our manual. Let's make this our guide. So why not just Okay, I get it. I get it that that's where it's come from. But we can change it now. Because we have a book of guidance. And Ibrahim alayhis salaam, he starts explaining it to

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them, just listen to it. It's just incredible. This whole incident, how it happens and how all of us can relate to it in every possible way. I just want to pause here and pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to teach us his beautiful book. We pray that Allah subhana wa Taala continues to allow these reminders wherever you get them to be uplifting to be something that inspires us to be better people better families better neighbors and friends alone. I mean I'll put them at a smile more stuff that will lowly welcome when he said to me and I think really them for stuff that all in normal will afford or Rahim when a pause here for a few seconds and then we'll conclude inshallah.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was happy he woman whether a male buried. So when all is said and done, it's not enough to just say, Hey, listen, man, let's just let's just have a new manual. Let's just do things differently, let's act differently, let's behave differently, etc. It might not be enough. Usually it isn't enough. You have to explain yourself. So Ibrahim alayhis salam, when he tells these people, look what you're worshiping is wrong. Go back to the origin. You all know who Allah is, you know, the original that a true creator. Let's go back to that and start there. He starts explaining things that are relative to these people

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that they think about the most that they could relate to. This is wisdom when you're teaching people Islam when you're teaching people about God, and he says to them, Listen, unless he Halekulani for who a dean that's one will levy who will alter emoni YSP. That's to what you then married to for Hawaii machine. That's three. What led him up to an Ethernet machine. That's for what the automatic al filoli hottie at young Medina, that's five. So he tells them look, look at these. Look how he explains it. It's so beautiful. First thing he says, oh, by the way, though, Rob, that I'm calling you to the creator that I'm calling to calling you to he is the one Olathe hydrocone. For who a

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dean. He's the one that actually created me and he's the one that actually gives us guidance. So in other words, it's like telling your family Listen, guys, once we continue to do the same thing, we have the same focus, which is all of these habits that we're trying to change in our house to become better Muslims and better people. Guess what? We're not doing it for me. We're not doing it for each other. We're actually doing it for Allah. Do you see how that eliminates all the other arguments now? Nobody can come down and say to you Well, Dad, Mom, you know, you go to your husband and wife would just be like, you just want me to act that way. Because that's what you want. You just Dad,

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you're just saying that

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Because you're trying to be controlling, no, no, no, no son, I want you to wake up for fetcher every day because that's what Allah said to do. I don't want to wake you up every morning and disturb your sleep in the middle of winter and tell you to go wet your limbs, go blow your nose, go do all of this stuff at five o'clock in the morning, because I want to hurt you and I want to make your life miserable. I actually it's because Allah said so you see how it sets the tone out, everything changes. Now you don't have to worry about explaining Well, actually, if you pray in the morning, this is what's going to happen to your health, your eye, your focus, and maybe your memory is going

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to be Mashallah, you don't even have to get into any of that. Go back to the origin, the hustle. Then Ibrahim Ali sang continues and he says, well let he who is a Mooney has been so back then. And even in many parts of the world today, what's the one thing that people are most concerned about? Especially even us now in isolation? Well, let he who will tell you many it is he the one who feeds me when I'm hungry, way a spin and he nourishes and quenches my thirst when I'm thirsty. That's what we're all concerned about. in isolation, when we go to the grocery store, that the shelves aren't empty, this is like the priority. This is one of the most important things for people in the history

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of mankind, its food and its safety. And then the apartment home enjoy our home and health is the one that feeds you when you're hungry protects you when you're scared. These are the two priorities of all human beings. And so for example, here I have a son who's actually he's digging he's pointing right at the heart of the problem. He's like, oh, by the way, if you guys are scared wearing Where are you going to find food? Where are you going to find water? Guess what Allah is the one that feeds us allies, the one that nourishes our thirst or quenches our thirst continues and he says what you then added to February ashame? He is the one that cures me when he is the one. When I am sick,

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he cures me. Listen to the wording when I am sick, he cures me. Ibrahim does not say when Allah makes me sick, then he cures me. This is etiquettes of Dora like you will never find anywhere else is what prophets and messengers they do. They almost never associate the pain and struggle they're going to going through and they never say Oh Allah, you put this on me. They always say I got sick. Yeah, I'm going through a difficulty. Yeah, I got the virus. Yeah, I got you know, paralyzed, I got injured. But Oh Allah, you're the one that cures me. Because why it's etiquettes with Allah like you don't want to and this is the peak of Dora. I'm not saying that you shouldn't. I'm not saying that.

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If you do say Oh Allah, you brought this affliction upon me, you can cure it. I'm not saying that that is invalid. What I'm saying to you is that the peak of etiquettes with how we speak to Allah, is when it comes to all of like the negative stuff, stuff. We just don't even verbalize it even though Allah knows we just kind of keep it to ourselves or Allah whenever I get sick. You're the one that cures you keep this positive relationship. It's such a minute but beautiful detail of how we speak to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so Ibrahim is doing that. We saw this as well with a you barley his Salaam, when he talks to Allah, he lost everything. He was sick, he was paralyzed, he

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lost his family, his community. What does he do? He says, What until our hamoed rahimian You are the Most Merciful of all, you are the peak of Merciful of mercy unto him of rahimian of all of those that are merciful. You are the peak of that mercy? Why does he he doesn't even ask a lot. qormi Well, look, can you bring me back? Can you bring me back my community, you took my community away? Could you bring them back to me, he doesn't even say it. He just knows that in his heart, Allah already, you know, so I don't even need to mention it. It's just absolutely remarkable. So to conclude, brothers and sisters, there's so much more here I'm going to be releasing short videos on

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each of these sentences that Ibrahim alayhis salaam mentions to these people when he's trying to give them guidance when he's trying to encourage them whether you need to any thumbnail, you're here he is also the one that causes me to die, and will resurrect us on the Day of Judgment, so on and so forth. It continues it is absolutely profound. Guys, at the end of the day, I just hope that this short reminder could uplift some of the difficulties and struggles that you might be going through in isolation. Being around the same faces every single day all day and not being able to break that cycle, even for just a few minutes is really difficult. It's not normal actually. It's not the way

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that human beings were designed to live. We are social creatures, we need to interact with one another. And so in short love with Tyler, I hope that you know that that time will come and return sooner rather than later. But at least for now. It is verses like this that help us get through some of those struggles when we're at home.

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And especially for those of you that are going through isolation, but you're going through it in your own personal way that's really difficult and stressful. Hopefully verses like this could uplift some of your spirits and to be able to feel confident that inshallah hotaru that things will come back to normal soon be isn't a lady Tara. With that being said, we pray always in forever that may Allah azza wa jal cure the world from this pandemic, or at least if Allah wills allow that we gain regain control of this pandemic. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless all of us with its cure with control with resilience, patience and strength. May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow our lives to come

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back in a in a manner that is pleasing to Him and we pray that Allah subhana wa Taala alleviate the struggle pain that any of us are going through hmm can wherever we may be a little tired alone I mean, so with that being said, Rebecca tnfa Jr. Has center Philadelphia it has in Okinawa now, some hanabi kettlebell or is it on the phone or send them when Ireland mursaleen Well, hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen all of you that are watching here I guess it's probably time now for you to pray your for rakaats of water. I hope this reminder was beneficial and inspiring to you. If that is the case, then just thank Allah subhanho wa Taala more so than anyone else. Okay guys. So take care and hope

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to see you all soon in sha Allah Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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